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How to remove makeup. What natural products can you wash off makeup

Makeup removal is an integral part daily care... Removers must deal with cosmetics and remove dust and dirt particles that have accumulated on the skin surface during the day.

The search for the perfect cleanser takes years with the wrong selection criteria. Many women do not take into account the type of skin and the peculiarities of their cosmetics, so the result is not happy.

Varieties of makeup removers

There is no universal remover. Each type of skin requires a special approach, so the choice of caring cosmetics should be treated no less responsibly than decorative ones.


It is not used as an independent makeup remover, since it removes only dirt, dust, makeup residues, excess sebum and other minor impurities. It is used to complete cleansing. It is selected according to the type of skin.

Main advantages:

  • tones up;
  • refreshes;
  • cleans;
  • can be reapplied throughout the day;

The only disadvantages are that it does not completely remove makeup.


It is used as an independent makeup remover. Removes makeup from both face and eyes. Can also be used in place of toner to refresh skin.

It is worth considering that it is suitable only for those prone to fat content and problem skin... The lotion is astringent and anti-inflammatory, and as a result, imperfections are reduced. Most lotions contain alcohol, so dry and normal skin such remedies are too aggressive.

Lotion benefits:

  • remove makeup from face and eyes;
  • remove CC, BB creams and light foundations;
  • cleanse;
  • remove excess sebum;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • dried.

There are also disadvantages:

  • not all lotions remove waterproof makeup;
  • can cause dryness and flaking;
  • if abused and misused, dehydration is possible;
  • probably irritation.

However, some manufacturers take into account the characteristics of dry and sensitive skin and release softer lotions. However, the cleaning power of such products may be lower.

Micellar water

A good solution for delicate and sensitive skin prone to irritation and redness. Suitable for both make-up removal and skin refreshing throughout the day. Micellar water is excellent in both directions.

Suitable for all skin types and has a hypoallergenic composition. Also does not require rinsing. After washing with micellar water, there is no tightness or other uncomfortable sensations.

Advantages of micellar water:

  • removes makeup from face and eyes;
  • removes CC, BB creams, light and medium coverage;
  • delicately cleanses;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • compatible with contact lenses;
  • does not dry or tighten the skin;
  • does not violate the hydro-lipid balance;
  • suitable for all skin types.

The lack of funds is due to a mild effect. Micellar water does not work well with waterproof makeup.

Two-phase liquid

The first phase is the oil, the second is the cleanser or tonic. Shake before use to mix the two bases.

A two-phase liquid is the best option for removing eye make-up. Easily dissolves mascara and long-lasting cosmetics. Also copes with foundation creams, foundations, CC and BB creams and similar products. Compatible with all skin types. But with excessive work of the sebaceous glands and the presence of acne and acne, it is better to refrain from using.

Advantages of two-phase fluids:

  • remove makeup, including waterproof;
  • remove foundation, CC and BB creams;
  • cleanse;
  • do not injure eyelashes;
  • moisturize and nourish the skin, eyebrows, eyelashes;
  • do not dry;
  • do not cause tightness.


  • not compatible with contact lenses;
  • the oil layer is not immediately absorbed into the skin;
  • probably greasy feeling.

Cosmetic milk

The makeup remover milk is delicate. Suitable for dry and irritated skin.

However, not all girls know how to use this tool correctly, so they cannot appreciate it. Although the scheme is simple:

  1. Spread evenly over the skin.
  2. Leave until completely absorbed. Usually for a couple of minutes.
  3. Remove residues of the product from the skin. If after removal bothers you with a feeling of oily or it seems that the skin is not cleansed, you need to wash your face with clean water or wipe it with a toner.

If you apply the milk according to these rules, it will do a great job with makeup. In addition to good cleaning ability, it has other advantages:

  • does not dry or tighten the skin;
  • moisturizes;
  • does not disturb the water balance;
  • makes the skin soft to the touch;
  • removes CC, BB creams, light and medium-dense foundations;
  • suitable for all skin types, especially dry, sensitive and mature.

The disadvantages include the fact that the feeling of cleanliness does not always remain after washing with milk. This often happens with owners oily skin... The pores seem to be clogged and the skin is not breathing. In this case, it is worth considering changing the cleaning agent.

Makeup remover cream

Cream is an alternative to milk. Has a denser consistency. Also often contains medicinal herbs and oils. The advantages and disadvantages are the same as that of milk.

Cosmetic wet wipes

Used as an express tool if you need to remove makeup urgently. Also suitable for flights and travel. Application on an ongoing basis is highly undesirable due to the alcohol content, and sometimes several types. For the same reason, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the product from the skin.

Suitable for all skin types, but use with caution on dry and sensitive skin. If overused or not rinsed off the skin, flaking or dehydration can occur. However, there will be no serious harm from one or two uses.

Advantages of cosmetic wet wipes:

  • remove any cosmetics, including waterproof;
  • adjust the make-up;
  • refresh;
  • the best option for travel and flights.

Main disadvantages:

  • it is recommended to wash off;
  • irritation is likely;
  • abuse or improper use is fraught with dryness, flaking, dehydration of the skin;
  • poorly cleanse the contents of the pores (sebum, etc.).

Foams and mousses

It is not used as an independent makeup remover. They are used at the second stage of cleansing, namely after the remover.

However, some manufacturers add substances that dissolve cosmetics. In this case, the description will indicate that the foam or mousse removes makeup.

Foams and mousses are selected individually for each type of skin. The funds differ in composition and action.

Benefits of foams and mousses:

  • wash off the remnants of cosmetics and remover;
  • cleanse the pores;
  • have different actions depending on the specific product (moisturizing, matting, nutrition, and others);
  • there are options for every skin type.

Main disadvantages:

  • do not wash off cosmetics well;
  • dry the skin around the eyes.

Cosmetic oil

Removing makeup with oil is considered one of the most natural yet effective options. Removes makeup from any areas. It is especially noteworthy that this method is indicated for those with enlarged pores. Cosmetic oils are the best at removing impurities from them. As a result, you can forget about clogged pores and, therefore, inflammation.

There are options for all skin types. You can also use vegetable oils:

  • olive - any type;
  • sunflower (budget option) - any type;
  • almond - any type;
  • castor (removes waterproof mascara) - any type except dry;
  • coconut with olive (1: 1 ratio) - oily and combined.
  • linseed - oily and combined;
  • jojoba - oily and combined;
  • cumin (black cumin) - oily, problematic, except for the area around the eyes;
  • avocado - dry;
  • cocoa - dry;
  • castor with any base (ratio 1: 1) - dry.
  • grape seeds - oily, dry;
  • apricot - mature and wilting;
  • argan - mature and withering;
  • sesame - sensitive.

Benefits of cosmetic oils:

  • even cope with waterproof make-up;
  • removes the contents of the pores;
  • do an excellent job even with dense tonal coatings;
  • suitable for all skin types;
  • provide care.

Main disadvantages:

  • not suitable for sensitive skin;
  • not compatible with contact lenses;
  • an allergic reaction is possible.

The author of the video shares his method of quick makeup remover, even if there is a lot of makeup on the face and it is bright.

The main principles of makeup removal for each zone

Each zone requires a different approach. The density and sensitivity of the skin is different, so often a single cleanser is not enough.

For eyes and lips, half a cotton pad is enough. You will have to take a whole one to your face. The more intense the makeup, the more material will be consumed.

Lip makeup remover

Make-up removal always starts with the lips. Of course, if the girl does not neglect the makeup of this area.

The lip area is quite delicate and sensitive. Therefore, means with a drying effect will have to be set aside. A two-phase liquid or micellar water is more suitable. They are distinguished by a mild effect, so there will be no dryness and flaking, which will develop into cracks.

Cleansing rules:

  1. Shake the product and apply to a cotton pad.
  2. Apply to lips and leave to act for a few seconds.
  3. Remove makeup from lips, moving from the corners to the middle.

How to wash off eye makeup?

The area around the eyes is the most sensitive. Allergy sufferers and girls who wear lenses choose products with extreme caution. In this case, you should opt for micellar water.

If there are no special eye problems, you can use a two-phase liquid, milk or any other alcohol-free product.

Cleansing rules:

  1. Apply the product to a cotton pad. Shake beforehand if necessary.
  2. Spread the remover and leave for 1-2 minutes. Better to keep together with cotton wool.
  3. Remove eyeliner and shadow residue with gentle strokes. Clean the upper eyelid, moving from the inner edge to the outer, and the lower - from the outer to the inner.
  4. Close your eyes and gently remove the mascara by moving the disc from the roots to the tips.

The facial skin is cleansed last. The choice of products is diverse, so you can choose any one for your skin type. The best options for everyone:

  • fatty type - micellar water, lotion;
  • combined type - micellar water, lotion, milk;
  • dry and normal type - micellar water, milk, cream, oil;
  • mature and withering - milk, cream;
  • sensitive - micellar water;
  • problematic - micellar water, lotion, milk;
  • dehydrated - micellar water, milk, cream, oil.

Facial cleansing is performed along massage lines, namely:

  • from the base to the tip of the nose;
  • from the wings of the nose to the temples;
  • from the chin to the earlobes;
  • from the brow space to the hairline.

Removing makeup along the massage lines does not injure the skin. Also delays the appearance of wrinkles.

Modern women are provided with all the necessary makeup removers. It remains only to master the principles of skin cleansing from cosmetics and choose the right care for each zone. After all, respect for the skin is a guarantee of beauty.

Decorative cosmetics must be removed from the face on time, and it is especially difficult in this regard to remove makeup for brown eyes, during the application of which the most resistant and darkest paints were used. After the allotted time has passed, the makeup will no longer look perfect as before, mascara and shadows will gradually begin to crumble and smear, creating an unpleasant picture. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the daytime make-up with the onset of the evening, and from the cosmetics imposed for the evening event - immediately upon returning home.

In no case no need to leave your face painted overnightbecause the skin needs to rest and repair during sleep. For the eyes, it is best to use special means, and not just ruthlessly wash off the whole thing with soapy water.

Removing eye makeup - not less important stage in caring for your appearance than applying cosmetics. With the right approach, this will take very little time, but the result will be, as they say, on the face. there are a lot, but there are many of them for removing makeup from the face. Cleansing the eyes is a whole art, and especially if the skin of the eyelids, and the eyes themselves, are so sensitive that there is a negative reaction to any cosmetic product. In this case, it is necessary not only to strictly observe hygiene and cleanse the skin in a timely manner, but also adhere to the following rules:

  • Mascara and shadows are removed with a soft cotton pad, to which a suitable product for the skin type is applied. Impregnated discs are applied to the eyes for a few seconds, so as not to damage the skin, and only after that we begin to remove the softened cosmetics;
  • Shadows need to be removed in the direction of the temple, and mascara - from the roots of the eyelashes to the tips;
  • It is necessary to choose the most suitable way to remove makeup, and if the product gets into the eyes, the mucous membrane is immediately washed with clean water;
  • After there is no trace of makeup left, you need to wash and treat your skin with cream. Various care products are used for the eyelids and face, and they do not have to be expensive at all, sometimes natural cosmetics, including those made by hand, are more beneficial.

We clean the eyes with the right means

When choosing cleansing cosmetics, preference should be given, first of all, to the mildest and most gentle products that do not cause allergies. How to remove eye makeup - you can best find out by reading various reviews and listening to the advice of friends and acquaintances, but the surest option is to consult a beautician. The cosmetic industry does not stand still more and more perfect care products are constantly emerging... The most common way to remove mascara and eyeshadow is with a water-based lotion. It is good if the lotion contains extracts such as chamomile, cucumber or other natural ingredients.

Despite all the advantages of funds for water based, it makes absolutely no sense to use them to remove water-resistant cosmetics. But how to wash off eye makeup if the makeup was done using more permanent colors? So to remove waterproof mascara, lotion with an oily base is useful. This two-phase product contains not only water, but also oil, the particles of which repel each other, so the product must be shaken well before each use. Due to its oily consistency, the lotions of this series are suitable exclusively for owners of dry skin types, as well as for those with fragile brittle eyelashes.

Removing eye make-up can be done using other quality products:

  • gels - allow you to relieve irritation and refresh the skin, but the more cosmetics are applied to the face, the more gel you will need. It is ideal for oily or combination skin;
  • mousse or foam - they are similar to a gel, but they have a foamy consistency, they perfectly help to remove makeup, but they must be washed off with water, since they have a soap base;
  • a light cleansing milk containing emollient components is an excellent tool for removing the most difficult makeup, since it will gently and easily remove not only dark shadows, but also free dry skin from contour eyeliners;
  • special cosmetic oil - its oily consistency is undesirable for porous oily skin;
  • disposable soaked cosmetic wipes for removing make-up are a lifesaver, since they can be used in any conditions: on a visit, outdoors, in emergency;
  • a special cream or an ordinary fat one, for children - will help out in case your favorite product is not at hand. This method will wonderfully cleanse thin and dry skin, moisturize the epidermis and will not cause irritation.

Handy tools: nature's pantry to help with eye care

If you already have an unsuccessful experience in removing cosmetics with the help of special means and you cannot find anything suitable, or all stocks have suddenly run out, then you can remove eye makeup using what nature gives us or just improvised means. For example, for depleted dehydrated skin, natural oil is the best suited, ideally a slightly warmed olive oil. You can also use a common vegetable or burr oilapplied to a clean, dry cotton pad. Someone prefers to prepare cleansers on their own, such as infusions of cornflowers, chamomile, calendula and the like.

Stubborn makeup can also be easily removed with traditional Vaseline or regular alcohol-free wet wipes. It is better if these are baby wipes that take care of the health of the skin as much as possible. Baby shampoo and baby oil are also suitable if the skin is especially sensitive, which is why some women exclusively use these products to get rid of unnecessary cosmetics from their faces. Such things guarantee the absence of irritation on the skin and an allergic reaction, even in the most difficult cases.

When removing cosmetics, you can easily damage the already fragile skin of the eyelids, clog pores when using a low-quality product, which will cause premature wrinkles and cause eye inflammation.

It doesn't matter what a woman uses - a newfangled cream or an improvised product, the main thing is that it is selected correctly and does not harm the skin. Dark girls with sensitive skin are at particular risk in this regard, since they use the most color-resistant makeup designed for brown eyes. When removing cosmetics, you can easily damage the already fragile skin of the eyelids, clog pores when using a low-quality product, which will cause premature wrinkles and cause eye inflammation. Therefore, care must be balanced, and cosmetics must be treated extremely scrupulously, checking the composition, shelf life and strictly observing the purpose of the funds.

When applying makeup, the pores through which the skin breathes are very much clogged, including on the eyelids. In addition, the process of skin regeneration slows down, as a result of which pimples, inflammation occur, the face inevitably grows old, wrinkles appear under the eyes. One of the biggest mistakes women and girls make is going to bed with makeup on their eyes. Because of this, the first signs of aging appear, and the circles under the eyes become darker. Eyelashes also suffer: and fall out under the weight of not washed off mascara. The skin of the eyelids deteriorates and becomes unpleasant. To preserve youth, it is necessary not only to wash off the makeup from the eyes in time, but also to do it according to all the rules.

Cosmetic makeup remover

There is a large arsenal of various cosmetic products that can be used to remove eye makeup. These include soap, makeup remover milk, makeup remover lotion, foam, and makeup remover mousse. Cosmetic companies are now producing separate eye makeup removers. On the one hand, this is good. Indeed, such products contain components designed to care and prevent aging of the eyelids. On the other hand, the acquisition of a lot of funds is an additional financial expense. It should be remembered that all used lotions and foams should be well combined with each other.

Beauticians recommend removing makeup with soap and water in the most extreme cases. After all, soap often dries out the skin. In addition, when it gets into the eyes, it burns a lot. Therefore, redness and inflammation may soon appear. A lotion or foam is much softer than soap, but at the same time it is not inferior in its cleansing properties. Universal products wash off not only makeup from the eyes, but also from the face, and also have a caring effect.

Proper cleansing

You need to cleanse your face consistently: first the lips, then the eyes, and only then the skin of the face and neck. Make-up removal movements should be directed along the massage lines. This will prevent sagging, wrinkling, sagging and stretching of the skin. Especially delicate skin around the eyes: this is where the first wrinkles appear. In this area, make-up removal should be done with gentle and gentle movements. You should move strictly from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and not vice versa. It is advisable not to press on the skin in the eyelid area so as not to injure it. Use cotton pads or wipes with the makeup remover. Cotton wool has long been out of use. Moisten a cotton pad with water before applying the cleansing cream. This way you will need much less make-up remover, which is a good savings. The mascara should be removed very carefully, because if its particles get into the eyes, it will cause irritation. Place a cotton pad with a cleanser under your lower eyelid. Then close your eyes. With another disc, run from the roots of the lashes to the ends. This will remove the mascara from not only the upper but also the lower lashes.

Unconventional makeup removers

Any oils - peach, castor, almond and even sunflower - dissolve mascara very well. This means they are suitable for removing eye makeup. If you suddenly run out of make-up remover, just use any oil at hand. Apply it to a cotton pad and run it over your lashes. At the end of the procedure, wash yourself with warm water.

The now popular Japanese oil wash will also help remove makeup from the eyes. The essence of washing is that a small amount of oil is first applied to the entire face. Massage in a circular motion all dirt is removed with a cotton pad. Then the face is washed with a large amount of foam or mousse, and after that a moisturizing lotion is applied. This removes absolutely all makeup.

Most girls take a cotton swab, moisten it in a regular makeup remover, and wash off their entire face at once. This is not worth doing, because the pores can get clogged with dirt, and it takes a lot of time to remove. The correct sequence saves a lot of time and completely cleans the face. You need to start removing makeup from the lips, then the eyes follow, this is a mandatory procedure, and then all the remaining areas of the face are washed off.

Wash off eyeliner and mascara from the eyes - the second most difficult after lipstick, the more resistant. You do not need to make sudden movements, as a result, nothing will be washed off completely, and the skin will be damaged. A cotton pad should be thoroughly soaked in a special liquid to remove cosmetics from the eyes, before that, divide the disk into two equal halves. The first part should be placed on the lower eyelid, the second on the entire upper eyelid, touching the eyelashes. Thus, the swab will absorb the mascara, preventing it from dissolving on the skin. In order for the liquid to completely remove the mascara, the disc should be applied to the eyelid for two to three minutes. Remove makeup from eyes with gentle movements.

The composition of the product must be suitable for the type of skin. The choice should be given to a non-aggressive lotion, the rough texture is traumatic sensitive skin... This lotion should be applied, moving from the middle to the rest of the face, and then on the neck.

At the end of the procedure, the face must be washed to wash off all the remaining particles of makeup. Water should be warm or at room temperature, very cold (like boiling water) harms the skin structure.

What happens if you don't wash off the makeup on your face

No need to rub your face with a towel, otherwise it will be damaged skin covering... You should gently blot your face with a towel. Then it is advised to apply the usual care product.

The sponge will help wash off waterproof or hard-to-remove make-up. Together with the product, it safely exfoliates the skin, improves blood flow. It is best to choose cellulose, in which germs and bacteria do not multiply. First, before use, the sponge should be moistened with water, after the procedure, it should be thoroughly rinsed and dried. They are convenient for removing masks.

To remove all makeup well and safely, all movements should be slow and smooth, it is strongly not recommended to rub the skin.
Makeup should be removed carefully and gradually. Then the face will always have a beautiful even shade, and the skin will not cause concern, because its pores will always be completely cleansed.

An important element of facial skin care is make-up removal or make-up removal.

Correct make-up removal at home is not just about washing off a bright layer of "plaster" from your face before going to bed. This is a daily necessary procedure that should be done every evening, even if you did not use cosmetics at all today.

Remember that during the day, dust accumulates on our face, traces of sweat, sebum is released. Therefore, we cannot do without this procedure.

Remove makeup correctly

It is very important to learn how to properly remove makeup at home. The simple “apply, grind and wash” option does not work here. It can damage the skin of the face, stretch it. Therefore, remember that all movements must be very smooth and gentle. They should be performed only along massage lines: from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the nose line to the temples, to the tragus and to the earlobes, from the middle of the chin to the earlobes.

Make-up removal sequence

The correct sequence for cleaning your face from makeup is as follows:

  1. remove lipstick
  2. wash off makeup from the skin around the eyes
  3. cleanse the eyelids
  4. remove mascara from eyelashes
  5. we wash
  6. apply night cream

Removing makeup from lips

Lipstick should be removed special means... We put it on a cotton pad. It is necessary to fix the skin of the corners of the mouth, slightly stretching them with a large and forefinger... Then, with the other hand, using the prepared disk, remove the lipstick moving from one corner of the mouth to the other. We repeat the procedure on the other side.

Removing eye makeup

To remove eye shadow and eyeliner, put cotton pads soaked in the selected makeup remover on them for 1-2 minutes. Swipe the disc over your upper eyelid with a light motion. You should move from the inner to the outer corner of the eye.
For the lower eyelid, move the cotton pad from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner.

Eyelash Makeup Remover

Using a fresh cotton pad with makeup remover, remove the mascara with gentle and gentle movements. Move from the lash line to their tips. The procedure is performed with your eyes closed.

Removing makeup remover

Take a little more time and remove any remaining cleanser. Any such cosmetic product contains surfactants (surfactants), which should not be left on your face for a long time. Surfactants can cause bacterial growth and dehydration of the facial skin. In some cases, a reaction with other cosmetic products may occur, which does not exclude allergic reactions.

Use cotton pads, or better folded disposable cloth towels, to rinse off any remaining cleaning agent. Therefore, it is recommended to moisten cotton pads or a soft towel with water and rub your face while moving along the massage lines.

Getting ready for bed

The final step will be to prepare your face for sleep. To do this, wipe your face with a night cream, tonic or apply a serum, depending on your preference.

How to remove makeup correctly

In the modern market, you can find a considerable selection of cosmetics, including for removing makeup from the face, eyes, and sometimes even the most universal means. Every time we see incomprehensible, unfamiliar products on store shelves, we become very puzzled, because what if the cosmetic product we are planning to buy does not behave as declared by the manufacturer or does not meet our expectations?

If you have doubts, then heed these tips.
In general, modern production provides us with a choice of gels for washing, foams for washing, micellar waters, lotions for removing makeup, etc. Now we will talk in more detail about each of these funds.

Makeup remover

Cleansing gel as a makeup remover

Buying gels for washing in stores, for some reason, girls often think that they can remove makeup, but they think not about removing makeup from their face, but from their eyes.

STOP! This is a huge mistake. With a gel for washing we cleanse our skin of impurities , from makeup, but only from the face, in other words, we absolutely do not touch the skin around the eyes.

Why? The answer is simple. Such drugs are quite active chemical composition, which gives us the maximum drying effect, which can sometimes cause peeling on the skin of the face of buyers of a particular product.

Now imagine what will happen if you apply such a gel to the skin around the eyes, which is many times thinner and softer than our entire facial skin. Often, removing make-up from the eye area with a gel for washing, you are not only guaranteed to dry out your skin and you will have to constantly use oily creams, but also get wrinkles from such a preparation.

If suddenly one day you have nothing to take off your makeup, use any vegetable oil , in extreme cases, occasionally, for example, once every 2-3 months, according to the situation, you can wash off the makeup with gel, but very carefully.

We advise you to take this seriously, because sometimes it is quite problematic to find sparing cosmetics among washing gels. Therefore, if you still need a product that can remove makeup from your eyes and face, we advise you to take a closer look at the next candidate.

Cleansing milk

This product is more likely designed for those with dry skin, because dry skin needs moisturizing, it needs to avoid too "vigorous" means. By itself, the milk has a creamy structure, practically does not lather.

This cosmetic product, despite its composition, can be used for make-up remover. most cosmetic products (we are talking about milk) on the modern market have a moisturizing structure and, after using such products, you will feel hydrated, even if you have not applied any care creams after cleansing your skin.

With milk, you can remove makeup from the eyes, from the face, from the lips, from the neck, in general, wherever you please. Our next candidate is more like the first one.

Foam for washing

This is a controversial issue, but still we We do NOT recommend using foams and similar products as makeup remover from eyes and lips ... This is because, like shower gels, foams dry out the skin rather than moisturize it.

In the opinion of my friends, in the opinion of people I know and from my own experience, I can say that the products are not sparing enough. Even if they say they are for dry skin, they will dry out.

We have tried everything - from inexpensive to luxury (very expensive) products and, unfortunately, most of the cleansing foams are very dry to the skin. Thus, after a certain period of time of their use, they begin to dry the skin of the face.

Micellar water for makeup remover

Here is the most interesting tool, because today, most women prefer this particular cosmetic product. Why? And the answer is quite simple - uniqueness and versatility.

Micellar water - this is the tool that you can take on the road and remove makeup from any part of your face, be it lips, eyes, face in general. I can note that, indeed, micellar waters are quite gentle. They will never cause dryness and flaking in you, but it is worth noting that in different sources they write that it is still not necessary to wash off the micellar water.

Let's think together. By and large, micellar water carries a chemical composition that, after removing makeup, remains a kind of film on our face. And this is not very good, because If you think better, we leave on the face chemistry that cleanses the skin, which means that prolonged exposure to such a product on the face will not lead to anything good.

After all, this is the same as taking a gel for washing and spreading it on your face, instead of a moisturizer. Therefore, even if you are too lazy to wash off the micellar water with milk, foam, gel, etc. products from the face, we recommend washing it off with at least clean water. After that, you can walk with a tonic, or immediately apply a moisturizer.

Regular soap

STOP. Enemy to skin number 1... Soap is alkaline and even in the case of the most oily skin it is not the best way for cleansing. As you know, soap can remove dust well enough, dry acne, and other inflammations, but the skin becomes drier and then, of course, peeling occurs.

To avoid this, you can of course remove makeup from your face with soap, of course, special for the face, as I sometimes do, but please do not do this more often than 3-4 times every 1-1.5 weeks.

Interested in your opinion on how and how to properly remove makeup at home? Share your secrets in the comments.