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We feed babies correctly: “Similac” is a formula for newborns. Similac formula for newborns Similac baby food from 0 to 6

Boosts immunity and activity mental development kids. Psychologists talk about establishing a close emotional connection between mother and child during breastfeeding. However, not all mothers can breastfeed their baby. This happens by various reasons. Also, milk simply may not be filling enough. In this case, the pediatrician will definitely advise you to supplement or completely feed the baby with formula milk. The market today provides a huge selection of substitutes breast milk. In this article we will look at the mixture "Similac Premium-1" which is suitable for feeding babies from 0 to 6 months.

Composition and manufacturer

The main components of the Similac Premium-1 mixture are skim milk and lactose. The product also contains:

  • vegetable oils (sunflower, coconut, soybean);
  • whey protein;
  • galactooligosaccharides (prebiotics);
  • (K and Na citrates, Ca carbonate, Mg and Na chlorides, Fe sulfate, Zn, Mg and Cu sulfates, Na selenite, K iodide);
  • whey protein hydrolysate;
  • arachidonic acid;
  • (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B8, B12, C, D3, E, PP, K1);
  • food additive E476,
  • bifidobacteria;
  • amino acids (taurine, tryptophan);
  • nucleotides;
  • carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein).

Did you know? According to a study conducted by Phillips in seven countries, nine out of 10 women breastfeed their babies. 12% prefer artificial feeding. 61% of women stop breastfeeding before their baby is one year old. 40% stop doing this due to lack of milk, and 25% because the baby himself refuses to breastfeed.

The manufacturer notes: due to the fact that the mixture does not contain palm oil, babies experience problems much less frequently. About 70% of mothers noted that when switching to this product, this problem began to bother their babies much less often.

Also composition of the mixture "Similak Premium-1", which includes pre- and helps populate the baby’s intestines with healthy microflora and helps avoid common problems such as constipation and irregular bowel movements.

The presence of Omega-3 and Omega-6 components among the ingredients, as well as lutein, has a beneficial effect on the development of the brain and visual organs. And nucleotides - to increase the protective forces of the body's immune system.

The nutritional value of 100 g of dry mixture is 507 kcal, 100 ml of ready-to-use mixture is 64 kcal. 100 g of prepared product contains 3.3 g of fat, 1.33 g of protein and 7.35 carbohydrates.

The mixture is sold in cans of 400 and 900 g. The packaging may indicate the countries of origin of Similak Premium-1: Ireland (Abbott Island) and Denmark (Arla Foods amba Arinko).

A 400-gram package is enough to feed a four to six month old baby for four days.

Age category

"Similac Premium-1" is suitable for use by children

Important! Before you start feeding your child with Similak Premium-1 formula, you should consult with your pediatrician.

Pros and cons of the mixture

Infant formula "Similac Premium-1" has both advantages and negative qualities.

The advantages include:

  • the absence of palm oil, which negatively affects the body’s absorption of calcium and causes hardening of stool;
  • the maximum approximation of the ingredients to the composition of breast milk - the presence of the same amount of proteins, fats, lactose;
  • the presence of pre- and probiotics among the components, which help maintain normal microflora in the intestines;
  • enrichment with lutein (a substance necessary for the development of the brain and vision, which is not produced by the body itself, but can only be supplied to it with food) and beta-carotene (a substance that has an immunomodulatory effect);
  • the presence of essential amino acids - taurine and tryptophan;
  • rapid dissolution in water.

Among the disadvantages:

  • the possibility of reactions in the baby, since the proportional ratio of substances such as whey proteins and casein in this mixture is 50 to 50, while in breast milk in the first months of feeding it looks like 80 to 20, in a later period - 60 by 40. Therefore, this product may not be suitable for newborn babies;
  • high price.

How to prepare baby formula

Before preparing the Similak Premium-1 mixture, you must read the instructions for use located on the packaging box. It is important to understand that failure to follow the manufacturer's instructions can cause serious harm. Below we provide step by step instructions How to dilute the Similak Premium-1 mixture:

  1. Wash your hands with soap.
  2. Wash and boil the bottle, cap, pacifier and other feeding accessories for five minutes.
  3. Boil purified water. Keep it boiling for five minutes.
  4. Cool the water to a temperature of 36-37°C. When the powder is placed in water with a temperature above 40°C, some of the vitamins will be lost from it.
  5. Pour into a sterilized feeding bottle.
  6. Scoop dry powder with a measuring spoon. Use a knife to remove excess.
  7. One spoon of powder (4.2 g) should be dissolved in 30 ml of water (or a spoon with a capacity of 8.8 g should be dissolved in 60 ml of water). This means that if the baby needs to feed 120 ml of food, then you will need to dissolve four scoops of dry product of 4.2 g or two scoops of 8.8 g.
  8. Stir the bottle until a homogeneous liquid forms.
  9. Check the temperature of the product by dropping it on your wrist. Since the temperature of the liquid should be equal to the temperature of the human body, the touch of the drop should be comfortable for you and not be felt.

Did you know? Englishwomen have the lowest breastfeeding rates. According to a study carried out in January 2017, only 0.5% of babies in England are breastfed. If we compare these indicators in other countries, then in Germany it is 23%, in Brazil - 56%, in Senegal - 99%.

How to feed your baby

The number of feedings per day and the volume of formula fed should be prescribed by the pediatrician. Remember that a mother and child must visit the children's clinic once a month until they are one year old.

Here are approximate calculations of the volume and frequency of feedings for babies of different age categories:

  • From 0 to two weeks, the child will need two measuring spoons (4.2 g) of powder dissolved in 60 ml of warm boiled water at a time. The recommended number of feedings at this age is from eight to ten per day.
  • From two weeks to two months - four measuring spoons per 120 ml of water. The number of feedings per day is six to seven.
  • From two to six months - six measuring spoons per 180 ml of water. The number of feedings is five to six.
  • From six months - six measuring spoons per 180 ml of water. The number of feedings is four to five.

Is it possible to store the finished mixture?

The finished mixture should be stored for no more than an hour. After this period it will need to be disposed of. Feeding this product to an infant is strictly prohibited.

An opened can of baby formula can be stored for three weeks. The shelf life of unopened packaging is two years from the date of production.

Are there possible negative consequences?

Like any other mixture, “Similac Premium-1” may not be accepted by the baby’s body. In this case, the child may experience vomiting, belching, and allergic skin rashes.

Please note that negative consequences appear even if you feed your baby the same product, but from a different manufacturer.

When choosing and purchasing a mixture, you need to follow several rules:

  1. Before purchasing Similak Premium-1, consult your pediatrician. Only he, knowing your baby’s medical history, can tell whether this product can be given to him and how to do it correctly.
  2. You need to purchase only the formula that strictly corresponds to the age of your baby. When the child reaches the age when he needs to be given a product for another age group, the mixture will need to be introduced gradually, replacing one feeding with it first, and then replacing one more feeding every day. The scheme for introducing a new mixture must be prescribed by a doctor.
  3. When purchasing a product, pay attention to the expiration date, the integrity of the packaging, and the manufacturer. As we have already indicated, Similac Premium-1 is produced in two countries - Ireland and Denmark. It is advisable to give the baby a mixture of only one manufacturer at all times.
  4. After the product is given to a child for the first time, his behavior, condition and bowel movements should be closely monitored. All adverse reactions should be reported to your pediatrician.
  5. The following indicators indicate that the mixture is well suited for the child: good appetite; normal, not runny or hard stool; absence of allergic reactions, vomiting; weight gain within normal limits; sufficient hemoglobin level.

Infant milk formula "Similak Premium-1" contains many substances beneficial to the infant body. It is generally suitable for babies and is approved for breastfeeding. early age. As evidenced by numerous reviews from mothers whose children ate this product, it deserves high marks.

Infant milk formula "Similac Premium" is an excellent solution to the problem of artificial feeding or supplementary feeding for children from birth to the end of the first year of life.

Similak Premium is a good substitute for breast milk

Every mother wants more than anything in the world for her child to be healthy and smile more often. Babies under one year old need parental love to be completely happy, reliable protection and absence of unpleasant sensations. Most often, newborn babies suffer from tummy pain; this is a common cause of whims, tears and anxiety. The digestive system is not yet formed in the first year of life, so increased attention should be paid to the issue of nutrition.

The ideal food for a newborn is mother's milk. Breastfed children grow and develop quickly and rarely get sick.

If for some reason you are forced to transfer your child to artificial feeding, pay attention to Similak Premium. The mixtures in this series contain all the necessary nutrients and ensure good digestion.

"Similac" instead of mother's milk

Young mothers should understand that there is no absolutely adequate replacement for breast milk. For your own convenience, you should not switch your baby to artificial feeding, since some substances are only found in breast milk. An objective need to transfer the baby to an adapted diet may arise in the following cases:

  • After a difficult birth, it is difficult for a mother to recover.
  • Lack or insufficient amount of breast milk.
  • The woman is forced to take medications that are not compatible with breastfeeding.
  • Infectious disease in mother.
  • Mom is forced to be temporarily absent, and there is no way to store expressed milk.

Similac Premium formulas are premium baby food for babies from birth to 6 months. In terms of composition and consistency, this food is maximally adapted to breast milk.

Composition of Similac Premium dry mixes

The composition of the mixture is not identical to breast milk, but is as close as possible to it. Similac can be used as supplementary food or main nutrition from birth to one year. The substances included in the powder for newborns promote the development of immunity, support the digestion process and have a beneficial effect on the formation of the child’s visual organs and brain.

Similak Premium includes all the vitamins, nutrients and minerals that are present in breast milk.

  • Probiotics support immune defense and promote the development of beneficial microflora in the intestines (bifidobacterium B.lactis).
  • Prebiotics ensure proper digestion due to their own intestinal microflora.
  • A mixture of vegetable fats relieves constipation in children.
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and lutein are needed for the development of the brain and vision organs. The body does not produce lutein; this antioxidant can only be obtained from food.
  • Calcium is added to the diet for the formation of teeth and bones.

Important! The adapted milk formula does not contain palm oil, which interferes with the absorption of calcium. Until the debate about the benefits and harms of this refractory fat continues, it is advisable to abandon products with palm oil.

In addition to the listed substances necessary for the full development of newborns, the infant formula contains:

Substances Description
Lactose Without it, vitamins C and B are poorly absorbed. Promotes complete absorption of calcium and provides a breeding ground for beneficial bacteria. Lactose also has a positive effect on the development of the nervous system and prevents cardiovascular diseases.
Sunflower, soybean and coconut oil They contain polyunsaturated acids, without which normal brain development and nervous system function are impossible. Vegetable oils prevent inflammatory processes and supply the growing body with fat-soluble vitamins.
Skim milk powder Source of protein, essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins.
Whey protein A source of protein containing amino acids that can only be supplied to the body through food.
Minerals When breastfeeding, the baby receives all the necessary minerals through the mother's body. Artificial babies cannot do without calcium, potassium, iron, copper and other elements necessary for normal development.
Vitamins Since children under one year old do not yet receive vitamins from food, manufacturers have added a balanced set to the dry mixture.
Nucleotides Without these complex substances, many biological processes are impossible. With the participation of nucleotides, DNA and RNA are built, protein is synthesized, energy is generated, B vitamins are absorbed, blood cells are formed, etc.
L-carnitine A natural substance responsible for the absorption of fatty acids. For newborns, L-cornitine is important as an energy supplier.
Tocopherol mixture (preservative E306) Vitamin E is an antioxidant obtained from the germ of grain crops and vegetable oils. Prevents the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin A. An overdose of this vitamin is ineffective, but completely harmless. The presence of E306 in baby food prevents milk powder from oxidizing.

Preparing the mixture for use

The Similak Premium mixture is a powder. The instructions for use contain detailed instructions on how to dilute the mixture. Before starting feeding, mothers must learn the basic rules and strictly adhere to them.

Basic cooking rules:

  • The decision to transfer the child to artificial feeding or supplementary feeding can be made after consultation with a pediatrician. Only a doctor can qualifiedly advise a breast milk replacement that will be beneficial for your baby.
  • Utensils for preparing food and feeding must be immaculately clean.
  • Open jar dry baby food loses its sterility. Take storage recommendations seriously.

It is advisable to dilute the mixture with special water for baby food. If you do not have such water, boil tap water for at least 10 minutes with active bubbling.

Try to prepare a portion that the baby can eat at one feeding. Anything your baby hasn't eaten within an hour, pour it out of the bottle.

Do not prepare the mixture for future use! One serving - one feeding.

Step-by-step instruction

Nutrition "Similac Premium" is intended for newborns, immune and digestive system which are just developing. The mother must be aware of the level of responsibility for the health of the little man and very strictly follow the rules of hygiene and method of preparation.

  1. Wash the container in which you are going to dilute the mixture, the feeding bottle and the pacifier under running water. Use this detergents not advisable, if necessary, limit yourself baking soda.
  2. Place the dishes in a clean saucepan, add water and boil for at least 5 minutes.
  3. In another container, boil water and keep it on high heat for 5 minutes or more.
  4. Cool the water for diluting the powder to a temperature of 37°C.
  5. Pour a portion of water into a measuring bottle.
  6. Using the measuring spoon included in each food package, scoop up the dry mixture and place it in water at the rate of 1 spoon per 60 ml of water.
  7. Shake the bottle of food until it is completely dissolved. Again, make sure the food is not too hot. Pour some into your palm; the mixture should be warm but not hot.
  8. After finishing feeding, pour out the remaining mixture.

Approximate feeding schedule

Children who have reached the age of six months, in addition to the Similak mixture, should receive additional complementary foods.

How to sterilize feeding bottles

All utensils that you use when feeding your baby must be sterilized at least once a day. You should have a special brush for children's dishes and dishes for boiling. The bottle, nipple and container for diluting food should be boiled in clean water.

Pediatricians believe that long-term sterilization of dishes for children who are already one month old may not be very useful. The baby’s immunity must be formed by overcoming feasible difficulties, otherwise the child can be compared to a greenhouse plant that is sick in the natural environment.

Dishes and pacifiers for a baby from the second month of life can simply be thoroughly washed under running water and rinsed with boiling water.

The rationality of purchasing a special sterilizer for children's dishes is questionable. The device will be useful only in the first month after birth. The nipples and utensils can be boiled for 15 minutes in a large saucepan. After boiling, wait until the dishes have cooled down and place them on a clean towel to drain.

How to store dry mixture

Similak Premium baby food is imported into Russia from Denmark, Ireland and Spain. Each package contains 400 g or 900 g of the mixture; a measuring spoon (inside the jar) and instructions for use are included with the jar of powder.

Sealed packaging can be stored for 18 to 24 months at temperatures from 0 to +25°C (read on the packaging), provided that air humidity does not exceed 75%. The date of manufacture, from which the expiration date begins, is marked on the surface of the jar.

The opened jar must be tightly closed plastic cover and store in a cool, dry place (not the refrigerator) for no more than three weeks.

Useful information about Similak Premium baby food

Under the Similac Premium brand, several types of infant formula are produced for different ages.

  1. "Similak Premium-1" from birth to 6 months
  2. "Similac Premium-2" from 6 months to a year.

Parents rate both products positively. From most reviews we can conclude that when feeding this milk formula:

  • Children do not suffer from abdominal pain, they do not have constipation.
  • Manifestations of allergies are extremely rare.
  • Kids love the taste of the food.

For many parents, it matters how much baby food costs. The price of "Similak Premium" is quite affordable - for infants 700 rubles, for those who have reached six months of age 350 rubles. per package.

The only drawback of this food, which many respondents pointed out, is abundant foam when shaking the mixture. Before feeding the baby, you have to wait a few minutes until the food reaches a normal consistency.

Many years of experience in the production of this mixture allows us to conclude that it is of high quality. "Similac Premium" is in high demand in many countries. Children who are fed or supplemented with this food are not inferior in growth and development to babies receiving breast milk.

Taking care of a child is one of the main tasks of a woman, and to be a truly good mother, you need to have a lot of knowledge, and practical skills will come by themselves.

In our age high technology and an endless source of information, it is not so difficult to proudly live up to the status of a “model mother”.

Similak baby formula

In order to ensure normal development of the baby, it is necessary to take care of his nutrition, first of all. And even if breastfeeding is not possible, then you will be able to choose the optimal artificial baby food.

One of the excellent options is the Similak mixture, which has acquired a worthy reputation among all proposals and is distinguished by excellent production quality.

The most attractive distinctive feature is that the composition does not contain palm oil, GMOs and other harmful preservatives. The manufacturer made sure that any of the products in the line would help the baby normalize the gastrointestinal tract and relieve constipation.

It should be noted that back in 2010 – 2012 it was difficult to find any reviews about the Similak infant formula and even more difficult to find such a product on the shelves of domestic stores. Many parents who preferred this particular product made special orders, overpaying suppliers. But now the situation has changed and Similak can be bought in any supermarket or pharmacy.

The domestic market offers several power options from this manufacturer:

  1. "Similac-1" is suitable for children up to six months,
  2. "Similac-2" - for children under one year old,
  3. "Similac-3" - for children who are already over one year old. The main difference between these three options is the different fat content (than older child, the manufacturer offers lower fat content). The price for Similak is slightly higher than for Nutrilon or Nan.

One of the product categories is a line baby formula "Similac-Premium". It is considered adapted, as close as possible in composition to breast milk, and is assigned the “premium” class.

For best development and the intake of a balanced composition of fatty acids, vitamins and various minerals into the child’s body, it is worth choosing this particular category of product. For all its richness in useful elements, Similak-Premium is easily digestible and does not create discomfort for the baby.

There is also a gradation of three age categories and the price remains practically unchanged (about 350 rubles per package).


A successful analogue is Nutrilon baby formula

Another worthy representative in the baby food industry is the Nutricia company, which entered the market in 1997 and introduced its product “Nutrilon”. Interesting fact is that Nutricia joined the Danone group of companies in 2007.

The main production plant of the Nutricia company is located in the Netherlands and has numerous certificates international standards quality. The manufacturer claims that the composition of all products has been developed and improved over thirty years of research, and it reduces intestinal diseases by 56% and respiratory tract diseases by 37%.

The basic product in the line is infant formula "Nutrilon-1", which is intended for children from birth to six months. Many pediatricians strongly recommend buying it, as it helps strengthen the baby’s immune system in the first months of life.

The company also offers a relatively new infant formula “Nutrilon-Premium”, reviews of which have already found their place among mothers. This food belongs to the “adapted” class and is recommended for children who are prone to allergic reactions or have digestive problems.

The composition states the presence of prebiotics of the IMMUNOFORTIS class, and fatty acids, which are so necessary for the baby, are no exception. It is based on whey, which reduces the fat content and improves digestibility, there are vegetable oils (including palm oil, but its value is optimal for the development of the child), fish fat numerous vitamin complex.

The packaging is available in two options: 400 grams or 900 grams.

According to numerous reviews of the baby formula "Nutrilon-Premium" we can say that the baby’s constipation problems will be solved, the mixture itself is convenient and quick to dilute with water, it is not very sweet and the price is quite reasonable. They also note the convenience of packaging in 900 grams and the ability to attach a spoon. "Nutrilon-premium" eliminates the occurrence of allergies.

Infant formula Nestozhen - a smart choice

The Nestlé company actively suggests choosing children's mixtures "Nestozhen-1", which is designed for children up to six months. Three features are noted on the packaging: “full nutrition”, “comfortable digestion” and “regular stool”.

As a result of the research, it was revealed that the declared composition corresponds to reality, is quickly diluted in water (for modern mothers this criterion is also significant) and the mixture itself is quickly absorbed. But there are also disadvantages, which are expressed in uncomfortable soft packaging and the lack of probiotics.

Nestozhen “Happy Dreams” mixture

According to reviews, the Nestozhen infant formula is basic, so to speak standard, primarily in its composition. It is suitable for healthy children without known allergic reactions. Sometimes there are complaints about the reduced content of vitamin C in the composition, so it is often necessary to include it additionally. In terms of the composition of minerals beneficial for children, “Nestozhen” is at an average level in the rating, but within the normal range.

It should be borne in mind that the taste of this product is sweet and this is due to the fact that a large amount of molasses is found in the composition, and these are carbohydrates. In the future, the child may refuse fresh food; this is not the positive side. In this regard, problems with caries may arise, and excessive use of the Nestozhen product leads to addiction.

As for the packaging, it is presented in a volume of 350 grams in a cardboard version. Long-term storage is not provided; the manufacturer himself recommends using the product within three weeks and no more.

Your baby will need about 100 grams of formula milk per day. The portion can be measured using the spoon that comes in the set. The Nestlé company itself indicates that the presented measuring spoon is equal to 4.5 grams.

Despite all the pros and cons of the proposed product from Nestlé, it is the leader in sales in European countries and is given to children from the first days of life. “Nestozhen” is also a good bait, which is one of the most popular in the whole world.

But it should be clearly understood that the choice of baby food is a purely individual thing and each parent is based only on the characteristics of his child. Don't rely on public opinion and, if a certain option suits you, then do not be afraid to use it and do not change it because of any prejudices. The most important indicator is health and proper development baby!

Similak formulas are produced by the American company Abbot, which has been developing and producing baby food since 1903. The brand name “Similac” comes from the English “similar to lactation”, which literally means “similar to lactation”. breastfeeding" Abbot is a leader in the production of ready-made pasteurized human milk substitutes for maternity hospitals. For the first time, our compatriots were able to get acquainted with Abbot products back in 1980, when Detolakt infant formula, an analogue of Similak, entered the market of the then USSR. Nowadays, the company never ceases to improve the formulation of its products, taking care not only of healthy children, but also creating special nutrition for premature and low birth weight babies.

Composition of baby food "Similac Premium"

It is produced in metal cans of 400 and 900 g and, depending on the age of the child, has the following division:

  • adapted infant formula "Similak Premium 1" from 0 months;
  • subsequent adapted infant formula "Similak Premium 2" from 6 months;
  • dry milk drink "Similak Premium" 3 from twelve months;
  • baby milk "Similak Premium" 4 from eighteen months.

Produced in Ireland and Denmark. The country of origin can be found at the bottom of the product packaging in the “Manufactured and Packaged” section. Many mothers, judging by reviews on the Internet, believe that the quality of Similak’s formulas varies greatly depending on the country of origin, while others do not notice much of a difference. If, after purchasing another jar of baby food, your baby develops allergies or digestive problems, check where it was produced and packaged. You may have previously purchased a product manufactured in another country.


Adaptation of "Similak Premium" 1,2 in terms of the protein component occurs due to the skillful combination of skim milk, whey protein concentrate and its hydrolysate (split protein) in the required quantities, and in "Similak Premium" 3,4 products skim milk and whey protein concentrate. An important indicator of the degree of adaptability of the mixture is the ratio of whey proteins and casein. From this point of view, Similak Premium does not look particularly advantageous compared to its competitors. Minimum whey to casein ratio for adapted mixtures according to TR TS033/2013 “On the safety of milk and dairy products” it is 50/50, while in, for example, it is 80/20, and in mature 60/40. In “Similak Premium” 1.2 the ratio of whey proteins and casein is 50/50, and in “Similak Premium” 3.4 it is not even indicated on the packaging and one can only guess what it is.

In fairness, it must be said that Abbot tried to reduce the allergenicity of the initial adapted milk formula by introducing whey protein hydrolyzate. It is known that by breaking down protein molecules cow's milk small fragments can reduce the possibility of allergic reactions - the smaller the fragment, the lower the risk. The amino acid composition of cow's milk differs from breast milk and requires adjustment for some amino acids, therefore Similak Premium1,2 contains taurine and L tryptophan, which are essential amino acids. "Simlac Premium" 3.4 contains only taurine.

Fats The products of the Similak brand do not contain palm oil, which is advertised and emphasized in every possible way. Numerous studies indeed confirm the negative effect of palm oil on the absorption of calcium by the baby’s body and the formation of normal stool. Palm oil is rich in palmitic acid, which occupies position 1,3 in fat triglycerides. is able to further bind and remove calcium from the body, forming insoluble salts - palmitates, which make the child’s stool harder, causing constipation.

But is palm oil the only one “to blame” for these consequences and does its removal solve the problem? Partly. In all vegetable oils There is palmitic acid, and it is located in the same way as in palm oil, there is just less of it. Only breast milk fat and lard do not contain palmitic acid at the 1,3 position of triglycerides. Thus, vegetable oils in artificial baby food will never be completely equivalent to the fat in breast milk in their unchanged form. Only modification of vegetable oils can make their molecules similar to the fat molecules of human milk. , but they are not cheap and Similak is not one of them.

Palmitic acid is not an essential fatty acid, but breast milk contains quite a lot of it, and probably not by chance. Therefore, the question of its sufficient intake into the child’s body with a human milk substitute remains open. Perhaps this is why some vitamins are introduced into Similac in the form of palmitates - salts of palmitic acid (ascorbyl palmitate (at the same time serving as an antioxidant), vitamin A palmitate). Most manufacturers prefer not to expand on this topic, limiting themselves to simply indicating the name of the vitamin on the packaging, without the form of its location.

It is interesting to note that Similak Premium does not contain fish oil as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Instead, the manufacturer prefers to add oil from the unicellular fungi Mortierella alpina (a source of arachidonic acid) and microalgae oil Crypthecodinium cohnii (a source of docosahexaenoic acid). Arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids are essential for the normal development of a child's vision and brain. It is possible that this feature is simply due to the lack of need for other polyunsaturated fatty acids, since they are sufficient in the added vegetable oils. To say exactly how much fat will differ from fat mother's milk, only the manufacturer or a laboratory study of the fatty acid composition of Similak Premium fat can do so.


“Similak Premium” 1,2 contains exclusively lactose among digestible carbohydrates, and “Similak Premium” 3,4, in addition to lactose, also contains sucrose. Sucrose itself does not cause allergic reactions, but it can enhance the effect of food allergens and cause fermentation processes in the intestines. Therefore, if the microflora is disturbed, the child is prone to allergies and has weak immunity, its excess in the diet is undesirable.

Among the carbohydrates that are indigestible by the body, Similak Premium contains prebiotics - galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), which, entering the intestines unchanged, help normalize the microflora, nourishing it. In many other formulas, simultaneously with GOS, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), which are also found in breast milk, are also introduced, but Similak Premium contains only one prebiotic.

Other components

"Similac Premium" contains several types of nucleotides, each of which is separately named in the composition. It is difficult to judge how great the diversity of nucleotides is compared to other mixtures, since most manufacturers do not bother to list their composition on the packaging. This and many other nuances characterize Abbot as a manufacturer that is maximally open to consumers.

Nucleotides are structural units for the construction of RNA and DNA, and they are also part of the compounds involved in the energy processes of the cell. Since their synthesis is limited in the body, it is important that nucleotides come from outside, especially during the period of intensive growth of the body, which occurs in infancy.

Similak Premium mixtures are enriched with two types of carotenoids: lutein and beta-carotene, which are powerful antioxidants. Lutein, along with other components, is part of the IQ Intelli-Pro complex, which is necessary for brain and vision development and is not produced by the body. Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A in the body and has immunostimulating and adaptogenic properties.

Important! Among all the mixtures on the Russian market, only Similak Premium and Nutrilak contain the addition of lutein.

Probiotics Bifidobacterium lactis support healthy intestinal microflora, reduce the risk of acute diarrhea and the incidence of respiratory infections. The effectiveness of probiotics in formula is somewhat lower than in probiotic preparations, so for a noticeable effect it is better to additionally give them in their pure form.

Among the auxiliary ingredients are the antioxidant E 306 (tocopherols) and the emulsifier soy lecithin.

Photos of the mixture “Similak Premium”1 with information about the composition and method of preparation (clickable)

What is better “Similac Premium”1 or “Similac”1

  1. The first difference that immediately catches your eye is the different packaging. "Similac" is produced in cardboard boxes of 350 and 700 g.
  2. Noteworthy is the lower calorie content, which means less protein, fat, and carbohydrates, but this is not a reason to worry. Both are equally suitable for children and are approved for feeding young children.
  3. "Similac Premium" gives less metabolic load on the kidneys due to low osmolality.
  4. The Similak mixture does not indicate the ratio of whey proteins to casein, which is important for assessing the degree of adaptation. The only guide is the term “adapted” on the packaging.
  5. Similak Premium contains significantly more arachidonic acid and prebiotics.
  6. The composition of vitamins and minerals differs insignificantly.
  7. The Similak Premium mixture does not contain the addition of beta carotene, lutein and probiotics.

The identified differences affect the degree of adaptation, making Similak Premium more adapted to the body of a newborn child and it can be called a fairly good nutrition for babies. This, of course, is reflected in the price, a certain share of which is contributed by the metal jar, but it is rather intended to emphasize the premium quality.

Pros and cons of Similak mixtures

The quality of Similak baby food deserves high praise at a fairly attractive price - about 260 rubles for a cardboard package weighing 350 g. Of course, the big advantage of these mixtures is the absence of palm oil. But you shouldn’t think that if you buy Similac you will never encounter this problem, since there are other reasons for the appearance of digestive disorders. You should pay very close attention to the Similak formula1, in which the ratio of whey proteins and casein is 50/50, while in breast milk in the initial stages it is 80/20, which makes it not very adapted for a recently born baby. In addition, casein often causes allergic reactions and its high content may not in the best possible way affect the baby's health. "Similac" contains many useful and varied additives, some of which (lutein) are practically not found in other mixtures. The manufacturer tries to be as open as possible to the consumer, carefully deciphering all the components of the composition. For children predisposed to allergies, it is better to avoid Similak3,4 due to the presence of sucrose in the composition.

"Similak Hypoallergenic"1,2

Intended for children prone to allergic reactions, as well as for children (after consultation with a doctor) with an allergy to cow's milk protein at the stage of expanding the diet and secondary lactase deficiency.

Instead of regular whey protein, the composition uses partially hydrolyzed whey protein, which is well absorbed by the body and causes fewer allergic reactions. Contains very little lactose 2 g per 1 liter of the finished mixture and therefore belongs to the low-lactose formula prescribed for children artificial feeding with secondary, complicated allergy to cow's milk protein. The composition includes prebiotics – galactooligosaccharides.

"Similac Antireflux"

Low-lactose mixture from birth against regurgitation and comfortable digestion. Can only be used for secondary lactase deficiency.

Thanks to the combination of whey and milk protein concentrates, as well as calcium caseinate, it has a low lactose content (2 g per 1 liter of ready-made food), which allows the mixture to be used for secondary lactase deficiency, complicated. The anti-reflux effect is achieved due to the presence of rice starch, which, when it enters the stomach, creates a dense clot that prevents the reverse release of nutrition. Despite the dense consistency of the curd, food in this form is well digested and absorbed. Maltodextrin gives the product a sweet taste. Does not contain carotenoids - lutein and beta-carotene. "Similak Comfort" 1.2

Low-lactose mixture for children from birth who have functional digestive disorders, manifested in the form of constipation, excessive gas formation.

Partially hydrolyzed whey protein is quickly and easily digested, and the reduced lactose content (2 g per 1 liter of ready-made food) prevents the development of excess gas formation. At the same time, the food is quite sweet due to the addition of maltodextrin, so the baby will definitely like it. Probiotics Bifidobacterium lactis, reaching the large intestine, help normalize the microflora.

"Similac Low Lactose"

Low-lactose formula for children from birth who are bottle-fed with lactase deficiency and diarrhea. Not suitable for feeding infants with galactosemia.

A low lactose content (2 g per 1 liter of the finished mixture) will help neutralize the symptoms that appear due to a lack of the lactase enzyme. It is not recommended to completely eliminate lactose from the diet, as it is important for the development of the brain and vision, as well as the formation of proper intestinal microflora. The eliminated lactose is replaced with maltodextrin. The protein component consists of whey and milk protein concentrate, calcium caseinate, whey protein hydrolysate. Does not contain carotenoids - lutein and beta-carotene.

Similak formulas for low birth weight and premature babies

"Similac special care protein plus"

Ready-made formula for premature babies weighing up to 1800 g. Used only as prescribed by a doctor. When the weight reaches 1800 g or more, Similak NeoShur is used.

High-calorie nutrition that ensures intensive growth and development of the child due to the increased content of protein, easily digestible medium-chain triglycerides and corn syrup.

"Similac NeoShur"

Formula for premature and low birth weight babies weighing over 1800 g. It can be recommended for full-term babies with normal birth weight, but with insufficient monthly weight gain.

It has a qualitative composition similar to “Similak special care protein plus”, but differs in the quantitative content of components.

The company produces the mixture in small and large boxes. Small volumes are very convenient for beginners; you can try and choose the most suitable mixture. And then purchase large packages and save the family budget.

Thanks to its quality, many mothers receive positive reviews about the Similak 0 mixture. The nutrition is well absorbed, does not create discomfort in the tummy, the children are active and develop well.

Which mixture should you choose?

Feeding your baby with breast milk is the most correct decision, and if possible, breastfeeding should be continued for as long as possible. However, there are a number of reasons for refusing to breastfeed, which leads many parents to shelves with milk formula. Among the larger assortment of children's products, you can simply get confused. Therefore, you need to figure out what they are and at what age can your baby have them?

Before purchasing Similac mixture, you need to consult with a pediatrician, who will recommend a suitable mixture based on the individual characteristics of the baby’s body.

The company offers several lines of children's products:

  1. Similak 1 mixture is available in soft packaging, suitable for babies from the first days of life until six months. The composition is close to breast milk. Does not contain palm or coke oil. Contains the required percentage of fats, minerals, acids and vitamins. Forms regular soft stools. It has a positive effect on the growth and development of the baby. The price is 460 rubles for a soft package of 700 grams.
  2. Similak Premium - available in cans. The composition is as close as possible to the characteristics of breast milk. Thanks to the presence of prebiotics, probiotics and lutein, the natural microflora in the intestines is well formed. You can buy a package of 900 grams of Similac Premium for 790 – 810 rubles.
  3. Neoshur. The new series is designed for children born earlier due date and low body weight. Meets all the needs of low weight children. The composition includes more vitamins, valuable components and minerals than conventional mixtures. Has more calories. Contains bifidobacteria and long-chain fatty acids. Such nutrition will allow the baby’s muscle and bone tissue to develop faster. We develop brain activity well.
  4. Similac is hypoallergenic. Designed specifically for children who are intolerant to cow's milk. Suitable for children from the first days of life. Light, but very nutritious and high in calories. Thanks to the unique composition, gas formation is reduced and the number of regurgitations is reduced.
  5. Similac Alimentum mixture. Recommended for children with severe food allergies. The composition includes easily digestible fats, which are important for babies. Lactose and gluten free. Prevents colic, which occurs as a result of intolerance to the protein contained in cow's milk.

Composition of Similac and Similac Premium

From birth, a baby needs a complete, regular supply of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other microelements for development. According to reviews and recommendations from pediatricians, it is Similac mixtures that are close in composition to human milk and are perfectly absorbed by infants.

Many manufacturers use palm fats in the production of infant formula, which causes conflicting attitudes among some parents. Palm oil contains palmitic acids, which prevent the body from absorbing enough calcium. Which is important in the formation of bones and the growth of strong teeth. High oleic sunflower oil is used in the production of Similak baby food. It also contains arachidonic acid from mushroom oil.

Protein in a child’s body is involved in many processes and, in particular, is responsible for the process of energy production and immunity. With the help of protein, fats and carbohydrates are absorbed faster.

The Similak Premium mixture of 1st and 2nd degrees includes:

  1. Prepared milk.
  2. Digested protein.
  3. Whey proteins.

Carbohydrates are responsible for cell growth and division. The carbohydrate content in the mixture is lactose. And Similak grade 3 and 4 contains sucrose in addition to lactose. Such components are not recommended for children who are bothered by colic and bloating.

Other components

  • Lutein. Strengthens vision and shapes brain activity. This substance is not produced in the body, so it is important to get it from the outside.
  • Nucleotides. Affect metabolic processes in the body.
  • All Similac mixtures are enriched with bifidobacteria and probiotics. Which have a beneficial effect on intestinal function and help with colic.
  • Vitamin D3. Strengthens bone tissue. Prevents the development of rickets.
  • Vitamins of group A. Stimulates the immune system.

Basic rules for storing and preparing the mixture

In order for the baby to grow up healthy and active, the main thing is not only to choose the mixture wisely, but also to prepare it correctly.

During the first few months, the baby undergoes adaptation to the extrauterine environment. For full development, the baby should be surrounded by the safest and most useful things possible. Therefore, when preparing baby food, you must follow the rules of hygiene and storage conditions.

  1. Only boiled water is used. Before preparing the dry mixture, the water must be boiled for several minutes. It is important to know that bottled water should also be boiled; it is not sterile. The microwave oven is not suitable for heating water.
  2. Boiled water should be cooled to 70 C° and the required amount of the mixture should be diluted in it (according to age). To prepare, use the measuring spoon included with the package.
  3. If the baby has not eaten the mixture, it should be placed in the refrigerator. After starting feeding, the mixture should be kept at room temperature for no more than an hour. The diluted mixture promotes the rapid proliferation of microorganisms.


After opening, the mixture should be stored in a cool, dry place. After use, the jar should be sealed tightly to prevent moisture and germs from entering.

After opening the package, the mixture is not sterile. It must be stored following the storage conditions indicated on the packaging. Opened packaging can be stored for no more than three weeks.

When purchasing, be sure to check the shelf life and the integrity of the packaging.

Preparing the mixture

Hygiene is very important before preparing baby food. Hands must be washed. Dip the bottle and nipple into boiling water for a few minutes.

  • Boil the required amount of water in a saucepan, pour into a bottle and cool to a temperature of 70 C° (to measure the volume of water, you can take a measuring cup or use a baby bottle).
  • Pour the required amount of dry mixture into boiled water using a measuring spoon (according to the table indicated on the package).
  • Stir well and cool to a temperature of 36-37 C°.

The powder dissolves easily and quickly in water to a uniform consistency.

After each feeding, the bottle should be thoroughly washed and sterilized. The pacifier must be appropriate for the child's age. For newborns, a nipple with a small hole is suitable. The child can easily cope with a small stream and will not choke. For older children, the hole should be large so that the baby can eat comfortably.

Can I take the prepared mixture on a trip?

The preparation of the mixture is classic, but it should be cooled immediately and placed in the refrigerator. Before traveling, the mixture should be placed in a refrigerator in a portable bag. Upon arrival, the mixture is heated in hot water to the required temperature. If stored correctly, the mixture can be used within 24 hours.

How to switch to mixture correctly? What to do if it doesn't fit?

The time comes when the family decides to switch the child to formula. And parents face a difficult task in choosing quality and healthy nutrition for the baby.

The variety of assortments does not guarantee that the formula will suit the child the first time. First, you should consult with an allergist and pediatrician. If there are no contraindications to lactose, then you should try Similak fermented milk mixture.

Practical experience shows that most babies easily switch to Similac mixtures. Children like them and are easy to digest. In some cases, children with individual characteristics The body may experience the following reactions after the first feeding:

  • Discomfort in the abdomen. Bloating, flatulence;
  • Noticeable redness in the cheeks and abdomen;
  • Change in stool;
  • The child becomes restless.

All this indicates that the mixture was not suitable for the baby. You should not repeat attempts in the hope that the child’s body will adapt. It is worth trying a different formula that the baby will accept from the first feeding.