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Wizard costume, mushroom, Snowman, Sunny and other ideas for costumes. Children's carnival costumes How to design a cloak and robe

The New Year's wizard costume is a universal outfit, suitable for both carnivals and theatrical performances and themed matinees. Image recognition and spectacular appearance The costume is provided with three simple attributes: a hat and a magic wand.

Wizard's Cloak

The most important element of the costume, which will take the most time to make, is the cape. To make the cloak look most colorful and expressive, it is recommended to use bright, shiny fabric: large scraps of satin, artificial silk, satin, tricotine or fabrics with lurex, shiny coating.

The fabric is folded in half, the lower edges are smoothly rounded, and a small cutout is made in the upper corner for the neck of the cloak. The edge is folded and stitched, after which it is trimmed with decorative shiny braid. The neck of the cloak is also treated with braid and long ties are sewn on, which will hold the cloak on the wizard's shoulders. You can sew multi-colored shiny stars across the entire surface of the cape or embroider it with sequin patterns.

Wizard hat

As a headdress, you can make either a wide-brimmed hat or a high cap. The hat is made from thick but flexible cardboard: a circle equal to the width of the hat is drawn, a circle is cut out in the center, the diameter of which corresponds to the circumference of the child’s head. A cardboard strip is glued to the base of the hat, the length of which is equal to the circumference of the head, the height is optional. The bottom is glued on top of the crown of the hat. After the glue has dried finished hat can be colored in desired color and decorate with a shiny buckle, sparkles, stars.

It’s even easier to make a wizard’s cap: draw a circle on a sheet of thick paper, the radius of which corresponds to the height of the future cap. If you plan to make a cap with a brim, then you will need another circle - draw it, 10-15 centimeters away from the first circle, after which both parts are cut out.

One side of the smaller circle is cut along a line drawn from the edge to its center and rolled into a cone, fixing the junction with glue or tape. Small cuts are made along the edges of the cap, the paper is folded up and the margins are glued. The finished cap is covered with fabric in the color of the cloak or painted, decorated with braid, beads or various pendants.

Magic wand

For the manufacture of magic wand Smooth tree branches, Chinese cooking chopsticks, etc. are suitable. An even, smooth stick is painted with gold paint or wrapped tightly shiny fabric, foil, gift wrapping paper and secure it with glue or transparent adhesive tape. The head of the wand is made in the shape of a star from cardboard or thin tin; glitter is glued along the entire length of the wand or painted with “magic” patterns.

It must be great to be dressed as a magician New Year's party? After all, not every New Year's character has such an original tuxedo and top hat. And if your child has the role of a magician, then don’t be lazy and sew him original costume this hero with your own hands. After all, in addition to a comfortable and high-quality outfit, the child will receive a bright and colorful memory of this particular holiday, when his mother made such a beautiful New Year’s outfit especially for him.

How to sew a magician costume for a boy

In order to make a “Magician” costume, you must first sew a tailcoat and trousers. For this you can use ready-made pattern or baby's clothes. Lay out the trousers on the fabric and trace them with chalk with seam allowances. We do the same with a shirt or jacket, not forgetting to finish the lapels at the back. We cut out the parts and sew them together. In order for the suit to fit correctly, it is advisable to make the lapels, collars and edges of the front double.

After the costume is ready, you should decorate it. To do this, draw stars with PVA glue and sprinkle them with glitter, but only very small ones. When the glue dries, remove the remaining shiny coating.

Cut out two rectangles from the fabric. The width is equal to the volume of the child's head, and the height is equal to the height of the hat. At the same time, do not forget to add a couple of centimeters for a loose fit. Next you need to cut out the rings. The circumference of the inner circle is equal to the circumference of the head. The width of the rings is 5-6 centimeters. In order for the hat to keep its shape, you can lay it between the fabrics. plain paper for drawing.

We put on a suit for white shirt or a turtleneck, adjust our hat and accompany our sorcerer to the holiday.

The magician's outfit is ready! If your baby is over 5 years old and is smart and agile, you can try to learn a few simple tricks with him. The child will be very happy to put on the image of a magician and demonstrate his tricks, diluting them with a wonderful child’s imagination.

The article contains patterns for raincoats and capes for children, as well as instructions for sewing them.

Learn how to sew a cape for your child - a raincoat and a raincoat for the carnival. The cutting and sewing of the product is quite simple, you can master it even if you have never done anything like this before.

How to sew a raincoat, cape, and raincoat with a hood for a girl: pattern, photo

A raincoat is an indispensable item in a child’s wardrobe, especially if he is still small. A waterproof raincoat will protect you from rain and wind, and you can wear it to run to the store, clinic, or just breathe some air outside. If holding an umbrella correctly is not so easy for a child, with a raincoat everything is easier - put it on and go.
There is also nothing difficult about sewing a raincoat for a girl with your own hands. Try this to experience significant savings. Children grow quickly, and there is a high chance that a store-bought cape will only last a couple of seasons.

IMPORTANT: What should a raincoat be like first? That's right, waterproof. It is important to choose the right fabric. Polyurethane-coated Oxford, membrane, Taslan or Bologna will suit you.

To sew such a beautiful and practical raincoat for a little girl, you don’t even need to create a pattern. Set aside literally an hour of time and prepare:

  • piece of waterproof fabric
  • chalk or soap
  • tape measure
  • ruler 1 m
  • scissors
  • needle and thread
  • braid
  • elastic band
  • backstage
  • buttons
Raincoat with hood: pattern.
  1. Lay the fabric out on the floor or table. You will need to draw on it and then cut out a square. To find out the size of its diagonal, use a centimeter to measure the distance from the 3rd phalanx of the middle finger of the girl’s left hand to the 3rd phalanx of her middle finger right hand(on the left forearm, left shoulder, back, right shoulder, right forearm).
  2. If you want to sew a long raincoat that covers the child’s hips, you will need to cut out a rhombus with a smaller diagonal equal to the distance indicated in the previous paragraph, and a larger one - the same value multiplied by 1.5.
  3. The diagonal of the square will also be needed to make a slot for the head clearly in its middle.
    Finish the seams along the edges: sew them or decorate them with braid.
  4. For the hood you will need to draw and cut out a rectangle. You will fold it in half and stitch on one side. On the other hand, fold and sew so that you can pull the ties or drawstring through the hood.
  5. Sew the hood to the base of the raincoat.
  6. To prevent the raincoat from scattering to the sides and to prevent the child from getting wet, sew buttons on the sides on one side and loops on the other to form a clasp.
  7. If you want, you can sew a waterproof skirt under the raincoat. For it you will need a rectangular piece of fabric. Make a hem at the top and thread an elastic band through it; sew or trim it with braid at the bottom.

DIY raincoat with a hood for a girl.

DIY raincoat with a hood for a girl: finishing the seams.

DIY raincoat with a hood for a girl: the hood will have a drawstring.

DIY raincoat with a hood for a girl: sew buttons on the sides.

If you want, complement the raincoat with a waterproof skirt.

Waterproof suit for girls.

IMPORTANT: The advantage of such a raincoat in the form of a cape is that it is seamless. You won't have to worry about how to seal the seams or how to glue them, for example.

You can also sew a raincoat a la poncho for a girl using this pattern.

How to sew a raincoat, cape, and raincoat with a hood for a boy: pattern, photo

To sew a raincoat, poncho or cape for a boy with your own hands, use this pattern.

You will also need:

  • waterproof fabric 1.5 m by 1 m
  • cord – 1 m
  • eyelets, stoppers and lace tips
  • scissors
  • threads
  • a needle
  • buttons or buttons – 4 pcs.
Raincoat a la poncho for a boy.
  1. Redraw the pattern in the size you need.
  2. Cut out the parts in the required quantity: 2 stripes, 2 capes, two hoods, 2 pockets, 1 flap.
  3. Transfer the pattern onto the fabric, add seam allowances of 1 cm and 1.5 cm, cut out the parts.
  4. Sweep away the details. Sew in the hood. On one side there will be a stitched fold through which you will thread the lace.
  5. Make all edge seams decorative.
  6. Sew pockets.
  7. Attach a clasp, snaps or buttons to the bar to prevent air from blowing into the boy’s neck.

How to sew a Little Red Riding Hood carnival cloak for a girl?

Little Red Riding Hood in the English version is not a Riding Hood at all, but a Little Red Riding Hood. Therefore, if your daughter has to play the role of this fairy tale heroine at a matinee, Christmas tree, or theatrical performance, as an alternative to a red satin cap, you can sew her a cape with a hood.

Little Red Riding Hood's cloak pattern.


  • red satin or crepe satin
  • red silk ribbon
  • red braid
  • elastic band
  • Velcro
  • scissors
  • threads
  • tailor's pins

Cape for Little Red Riding Hood's cloak.

Hood for Little Red Riding Hood's cloak.

This is what Little Red Riding Hood's cloak will look like.
  1. Fold a piece of red fabric in half. Use the pattern for a round cloak. If you don't have one, choose a round object that is close in diameter to the circumference of the girl's neck.
  2. To draw a large circle, measure the distance from the small circle to the edge of the fabric.
  3. Leave the same distance on both sides along the fold of the fabric. Don't forget to leave seam allowances.
  4. Sew the hem of the raincoat with a decorative seam or trim it with braid.
  5. Make a double hood. Cut 4 identical pieces for the hood from red fabric.
  6. First assemble the hood parts and process the cut. Then sew the hood into the neck of the cloak.
  7. Use red tape and Velcro to make a cape fastener and sew it on.

DIY Little Red Riding Hood's cloak: step 1.

DIY Little Red Riding Hood's cloak: step 2.

DIY Little Red Riding Hood's cloak: step 3.

DIY Little Red Riding Hood's cloak: step 4.

DIY Little Red Riding Hood's cloak: step 5.

DIY Little Red Riding Hood's cloak: step 6.

DIY Little Red Riding Hood's cloak: step 7.

DIY Little Red Riding Hood's cloak: step 8.

DIY Little Red Riding Hood's cloak: step 9.

DIY Little Red Riding Hood's cloak: step 10.

DIY Little Red Riding Hood's cloak.

VIDEO: How to sew a NEW YEAR'S COSTUME of Little Red Riding Hood with your own hands? Master class with patterns

How to sew a carnival cape over the shoulders for the New Year for a girl?

A cape or cape is a very good addition to New Year's suit girls. Whether it is the Snow Maiden, Christmas Tree, Snowflake, Squirrel or Chanterelle, the image will be complete. In addition, during the performance the girl will not freeze, even if it is very cold in the hall. winter holiday it will be cool.

To make a carnival cape, take the pattern in the picture below as a basis. Then fantasize:

  • embroider the cape with fur, tinsel, Christmas tree beads
  • use LED garland to make it glow
  • The cape can be worn over the head, tied with ribbons, laces, or fastened with a button or Velcro

Pattern of a cape for a girl on New Year.

Look at the photo to see what a raincoat might look like for a girl’s carnival costume for the New Year.

Cape for New Year's costume.

Christmas tree costume with cape.

Snow Maiden costume with cape.

How to sew a carnival cape and cape of Superman and Batman for a boy?

Boys adore superheroes and simply dream of being reincarnated as them at least for a while. You can become Batman at a carnival, simply in the game, by wearing a mask and a cape, attributes with which the man-bat acquires his unusual abilities.

Prepare a scarf, round knitted hat and a feather - we will make a turban from them. Use a bird's or paper feather. Cape, trousers made of lining fabric. Shoes made of lining fabric, lined with non-woven fabric on an adhesive basis (this way they will keep their shape better). A mask - made of paper, a veil from old stockings or a curtain, or maybe a piece of guipure.

1. Make a turban:

put on a hat, throw a scarf on top, positioning it so that the obtuse angle of the triangle is in the middle of the forehead. Tie a knot (Figure 1b). To give the turban its shape, place cotton wool or padding polyester, or parallon on the top and sides of the head (Fig. 1b). Tuck the ends of the scarf under the turban (Fig. 1c)

Fold the two paper parts of the feather (Fig. 1d), after stretching the wire between them and glue them together. Color the feather in bright colors. When dry, cut out the fringe along the edges and tuck the feather into the knot of the turban (Fig. 1)

2. Cloak.

Fold the fabric for the cloak in half to make it easier to cut out the bottom and neckline. Sew the braid along the neckline. The month and stars can be drawn or cut out of foil and glued.

3. Shoes

To keep the shape of the shoe fabric, duplicate it with non-woven fabric with an adhesive base. The voids in finished shoes are filled with cotton wool or synthetic padding.