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Beautiful birthday greetings. Star Wars Birthday Party Star Trek Slideshow and Son's Toast

Beautiful congratulations on your birthday, Agree, wants to hear each of us. It is especially pleasant to hear or read beautiful congratulations happy birthday from loved ones. Such special congratulations can be written in verse and, of course, in prose.

Birthday is a bright holiday
Accept gifts soon!
And call your friends soon -
The holiday will be more fun!
Be happy and beautiful
Kind, sensitive, merciful,
Be grateful to fate
Bring joy to your family!

Julia Struk

Let the birthday be like in the movies -
Maldives, long aged wine,
Models and famous singers
Around - multi-storey palaces,
Beautiful music live tune,
The bodies of wonderful tanned girls ...
Your health will be strong -
You can earn everything on this!
Soldatova Maria

you today in Holy holiday
We want to wish you happiness
Good luck, joy, success,
To be healthy, not to know troubles,
Obstacles in life and obstacles
Easy and quick to remove
More laughter, less sadness
And never lose heart!

Let the magic music play in the heart
The sun gives its golden rays,
Birthday as a gift fulfills dreams,
Everyone wishes good luck and bright love!

And from sincere words, from pleasant moments,
From the fact that there is a lot of goodness around,
Let the mood get even better!
May life always be generous with gifts!

On a good holiday, there are many wishes:
Joy, good luck, long years!
Travel and new discoveries,
Bright achievements and victories!

Interesting things, reliable friendship,
Cheerfulness, health, strong strength!
So that everything that is needed in this life,
I brought it with me every day!

Today is a sad and happy holiday...
After all, it happens sometimes in life.
You are glad to meet with youth, but childhood ...
It is now gone forever.
So let the ringing laughter not stop today,
And let happiness flow like a river.
Today you are the happiest
After all, this holiday is yours and only yours!
Let your friends stay with you
Do not leave in difficult times.
And I ask you never forget
That in this life someone always needs you!

The old legend says:
When a person is born
A star in the sky will light up
To shine on him forever.
So let it shine on you
At least a hundred years
And happiness guards your house,
And joy will always be in him.
Let everything be fine in life
Without grief and adversity
Let everything be light and clear
For many, many years to come!

I wish you to be happy!
Blooming more magnificently than any roses!
The road of happiness hastily
Pass without grief and without tears!
I wish you happiness, songs, laughter!
More joy, more success.
I want to live a hundred years
Not knowing grief, tears and troubles!

Fate has led you along the way.

Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well

With all my heart, with great excitement,
In which, without finding words,
We congratulate you on your birthday,
Have a wonderful holiday!
We wish you a lot, a lot of happiness,
good and Great love,
Let bad weather bypass you
On a long journey.
Let your life flow like a river
Among the high shores
And let them always be a support
Hope, Faith and Love.

We wish life never ends
Trouble and sadness did not meet on the way,
Great happiness, great friends,
We wish you good health and happy days!
What is meant to be fulfilled
Let everything good be remembered
Let your eyes shine with happiness
Good people will meet in life
May health continue to old age
We wish you only joy!

So that always under a lucky star
Fate has led you along the way.
In the house so that a full-flowing river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully,
Let only friends visit your house,
Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well
Long life, health and happiness!

It's been said for a long time,
What if someone was born, then always,
At the beginning of the night, on his birthday,
A star lights up in the sky.
So don't let your star fade
And on this day it burns even brighter,
Your glorious path is brighter and brighter
And nothing will overshadow your life!

Aromas of velvet roses,
Every bright, wonderful moment,
The fulfillment of rainbow dreams
May your birthday please! Tender, sincere words of warmth
Let it warm with magical breath
So that there is always happiness in the soul
And every wish came true!

Happy birthday
Let you charm
Never leaves!
Your shine, smile, charm
Will always stay with you!
May happiness, joy, eyes shine,
Success - will last for years!
And may all your desires
Fate will say in response: "Yes"!

You have an open soul
And the character is better not to find!
You are good in everything, dear:
Caring daughter, loving mother...
We wish you bright days
Bright joy, brilliant luck
And excellent health, which is more important,
Than the solution of life's problems!
Happy birthday!

You are the queen today!
And you are a princess too!
May it come true today
All desires and dreams
If something makes you sad
Forget it all
smile at birthday
And be cheerful, be gentle!

Congratulations Happy Birthday!
And I want to wish on this joyful day
So that from a fairy tale a deer brings you happiness.
So that two faithful wings give joy.
So that love is always with you.
So that there is more good in fate.
I am from pure heart I wish you!

Let the angel look without looking away
Will look after you
May he keep you all his life
Covering yourself from troubles
Let the star protect your sleep
Shining in the silence of the night
And the sun rises in the morning
Warming rays.
Let the wind disperse the clouds
What will be over you
And the rainbow will rise in the rain
Connected with the soul!

Your health, happiness and peace
Let your guardian angel protect.
Your destiny, family, love and home
Let him overshadow with his wing.
And like a guiding star
He will always be by your side!
Happy birthday!

I wish you a falling star.
In your hands, from heaven and remained.
And I also want you to never
With this asterisk did not leave.
If the bitter frost
snow covered winter
And the heart freezes from the cold
Remember the star
you will see for yourself
How does she lift her spirits?
Well, if spring is blazing in the soul
Summer is begging right on the hands
Your joy and happiness
she will multiply
Will dissolve the gray clouds in the sky!
Happy birthday!

Author's script for the anniversary of a woman of 60 years“My Clear Star” was written to order, many new beautiful touching moments and congratulations are included, designed for a company of relatives, friends and colleagues. Musical arrangement can be downloaded in the script.

Before the feast, guests organize a living corridor and arrange a solemn meeting called "Star Walk"

Meeting of the hero of the day "Star Trek".

(You can also see a similar solemn meeting in this one. The guests line up in a row of three or four people, part at the words of the host. The hero of the day enters the hall and stops opposite the “star path” - carved stars on the floor.)

Presenter: Step aside, friends, step aside
Smile at this moment.
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one who has a birthday.
(The hero of the day comes out.)

Dear Galina!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star on them.
So let your rays continue to endow us with affection,
And it seems to us that life is a big fairy tale.

To extend this fairy tale to us,
At least for a little
You are not in a hurry, manage to pass
Star track.

Every star is just a mystery
You only need one clue.
Get up on the star track
And guess at least something!

first star

This is what each of us dreams of
I think that including you
Get out of the hands of a man
Now beautiful ... (flowers)
(They give a bouquet of flowers - steps on the next star.)

Second star

To remember later your biography,
We will do this now ... (photo)
(They take a picture - steps on the next star.)

third star

From now on, pamper your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his ... (kiss)
(The husband kisses the birthday girl - she steps on the next star.)

For all the heroes of the occasion
At such moments,
We are ready to give endlessly ... (applause)
(Guest applause - steps on the next star.)

fifth star

Miracles today we can not get around,
Let it fall from the sky now ... (confetti)

(Showering confetti - stepping on the next star)

sixth star
To be always with friends together,
We all need to fulfill ... (song)

(Guests sing the song “Happy birthday” or “Let them run awkwardly” - one verse. The hero of the day steps on the next star)

seventh star

And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear us here anniversary ... (salute)
(Guests, piercing balloons, imitate fireworks).

Presenter: Galina Ivanovna, you walked the starry path in a fun and beautiful way, now we are waiting for everyone to be invited to the table.

(The hero of the day invites guests to the table)

Sounds 1. Hello guests.

(to download - click the file)

The first part of the scenario of the anniversary "My clear star".

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests and dear birthday girl!

My name is (name) and our DJ (name) and today

we came to congratulate Galina Ivanovna with you!

No wonder they say that a woman is the keeper of the family hearth, a source of inspiration, and for the people closest to her, a guiding star that helps them confidently walk along the paths of life. We will spend our evening under the sign of a star named Galina - a word to the husband of the hero of the day (Name)

The guests fill their glasses.

Husband toast

The song “My clear asterisk” sounds - performed by her husband.

(can be replaced with a song put on by a DJ - sounds 2. Mikhailov. Everything for you.

small break

Presenter: The name Galina in Greek means serene and clear. Next to such a woman, you always feel calm and confident, therefore it is not surprising that she has so many true friends and friends, a word for congratulations to old friends of the family ...

Toast from girlfriends

The guests are drinking.

Sounds like 3. Allegrova. Happy birthday.

small break

Presenter: Dear guests, on our holiday artists will not come, but they are of no use to us. You, as far as I know, are talented and funny people themselves. Today we will have many different quizzes, competitions, reasons to sing, dance and, one way or another, express ourselves and our warm feelings for the hero of the day. Galina Ivanovna prepared a small gift for everyone, which will be presented at the end of the evening, and with it, at the end of the evening, everyone will be awarded a nomination: the most informed, the most cheerful, etc. So today no one will leave without a gift. In the meantime, we will rehearse - everyone will try on the role of a star.

Board game to meet guests "Star compliments""

Presenter: Each of us, at least once dreamed of becoming a star, well, if not world-class, but at least for loved ones. Sometimes, in order to feel like a star, we simply do not have enough self-confidence or a person nearby who would believe in us and know for sure that we will succeed in everything. Let everyone today, looking into the eyes of their nearest neighbor, say some kind of compliment, note a wonderful quality in his character, emphasize any of his skills or talents. Each of us can find something good or interesting, and everyone is pleased to hear praise addressed to him.

(The presenter holds two rims with beautiful stars (like Verka Serduchka has): she puts one of them on her head, as if becoming a “star”, holds the second in her hands. And addresses the guest who is next to her: “ I think that you will definitely become (or “are” - it’s better to say the elderly in the present tense) a star, because you have smart and very expressive eyes. "Then the presenter puts a second headband on this guest's head, and hands her own )

Presenter: More or less like this. A guest who receives a compliment from a "star" also becomes a "star". Turns to another neighbor and shares his "stardom" with him, saying a compliment. So along the chain we have “stars” and will talk to each other. It's just another reason to tell each other good words and feel the pleasure of the words heard addressed to you.

(table game in progress)

Presenter:(Toast) For the stellar composition of the assembled company! (drink) It's true: "There are no uninteresting people in the world, their fates are like the history of the planets .." Do you know the fate of our hero of the day well? Now let's check.

Anniversary quiz for a 60 year old woman.

Presenter: I will ask questions, and give 3 answers, who knows - answers, okay?

In what city was our birthday girl born?

What technical school (university) did she graduate from? (3 options, one correct)

When she first saw her future husband - what did he do? (3 options, one correct)

What did little Galina dream of becoming as a child? (3 options, one correct)

What city is Galina Ivanovna ready to go to at the first opportunity and why? (3 options, one correct)

(You can think of other questions - about a particular hero of the day, on average, 10 questions are enough)

Song 4 sounds. Basque. Happy birthday.

small break

Presenter: It is immediately clear that close people have gathered here, who not only know Galina Ivanovna well. But they do not get tired of congratulating her. Word to friends!

(congratulations sound and gifts are presented)

5. Kikabidze sounds in the background. Wishes.

Presenter: The next one is the word to the son (name), who prepared a surprise for his mother.

Star Trek slideshow and son's toast.

Sounds like 6. Freestyle. Happy birthday, mom. - the son invites his mother to dance.

(They return to the table - everyone applauds)

Presenter: Dear Galina Ivanovna! We would like your star to shine in our sky for as long as possible and never fall. Let other stars fall, they say it's fortunate.

Original congratulations on the anniversary

dance break

The second part of the scenario of the anniversary of the woman

Presenter: Dear guests and dear Galina Ivanovna,

I propose to refill the glasses and drink for what

so that for all participants in this starfall, the stars would fall more often and always fortunately!

Interactive at the table "What is happiness?"

The presenter goes around the guests and asks some of them what happiness is for them, how much is needed for happiness at all? Then he asks the hero of the day about her idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness.

A toast to happiness


Song 7 sounds. Slutsky. What is happiness.

Presenter: Yes, for happiness, a person needs both a lot and a little, sometimes it’s enough that just a loved one is nearby, today it’s happiness for all of us that Galina Ivanovna is nearby, let’s tell her about it together, in unison. I read the first 3 lines, and you shout the phrase in chorus: “Being with you is happiness!”

Table chant for the anniversary

small break

Musical entertainment at the table.

Presenter: I know that among you there are many lovers of singing, now let's first check how well you know the old songs and films. And then we'll sing.

1. Guess the melody of their movies.

W learns an excerpt of songs from famous movies - guess the authors, performers or movie.

2. Guess the name and finish the song.

Number " Bag in a circle.

(in a bag or box of cool headbands, hats, wigs or costume elements)

Presenter: We will assume that it was a chant, and now another surprise. In this box (bag) elements of costumes. But who will get what - is unknown. While the music is playing - pass the box in a circle - on whom the music stops, he takes out the first thing that fell into his hands and puts it on himself. And so on, until the box is empty.

Sounds with stops 8. Instrumental. Cucaracha.

Presenter: Now all the lucky costume owners come out to me (hand out a microphone, instruments, if desired, complement the costumes).

(getting ready for the number)

Comic congratulations anniversaries

Ensemble of Russian Song.

Presenter: (announces number) Attention! From foreign tours, specially to congratulate our hero of the day, a three-time star and well-deserved ensemble of Russian songs flew in! The song "Galina" is performed for Galina!

For more effect, you can dress up in Russian folk costumes, such a performance will surely impress the guests and the hero of the day

The song sounds.9. White Day. Galina.

- (participants pretend to sing, dance and play instruments.)

Original congratulations "I'll give you a star".

Presenter: Again, a word to my beloved husband and faithful companion of Galina Ivanovna - (name). Remember: at the beginning of the evening, he sang to her the song “My Clear Star”, once they started under her love story which they have carried throughout their lives. And today he will make his wife a unique gift - from now on, a star is named in her honor in the sky.

(A word to the husband who presents the certificate from the Star Almanac)

A toast to a new star.

The old legend says: when a man is born,
A star in the sky will light up to shine for him all his life.
So let your star shine and never go out,
And let her love and kindness always warm everyone!

(The presenter invites guests to celebrate this event with a “star” dance. Bengal lights are distributed to everyone, the lights are turned off, spouses and guests dance a slow dance to “Moon Melody” or

10. Kortnev. If I did not have you -

dance break

THIRD Feast.

Presenter: Such an event as the appearance of a new registered star in our sky could not pass unnoticed by the Astrologer, and he personally decided to visit our holiday.

Costume number "Stargazer"(one of the guests)

I had to start preparing for the holiday much in advance, about 3 months in advance, because. it turned out that there are no ideas for celebrating on the Russian Internet children's day there is no Star Wars birth at all. I had to look for everything on American and English sites. And order all paraphernalia in American stores (mainly and We also downloaded all the music from the movie and the cartoon, but really we only needed the Imperial March and Darth Vader's march during the appearance of the evil Sith. At, you can buy decorations for a holiday in your apartment on any theme. We bought there all the disposable tableware, posters, stars, balloons, etc. with Star Wars symbols.

Initial data: celebrating 6 years. Invited 9 children aged 3-8 years. All children: both girls and boys really liked it, and it doesn't matter if they watched the movie or not.

First we told the guys that today we are celebrating Antoshin's birthday! He is 6 years old! Anton wants to become a Jedi Knight himself and wants all of his friends to become Jedi Knights too. Therefore, today we are opening a Jedi school here and invite all the guys to join us.

We asked the guys if they knew who a Jedi Knight was. It was further told that the Jedi Knights had rules, or rather a code of honor:

Jediknights- peacekeepers.

The Jedi are the protectors of peace in the galaxy.

Jedi use their abilities to guard and protect - never to attack others.

The Jedi respect every life, in whatever form.

Jedi serve others, not dominate them, for the good of the galaxy.

Jedi strive for self-improvement through knowledge and training..

A Jedi Knight could only become a disciplined and experienced student who passed five tests:

1.Strength test

2. Test of courage

3.Test of skill

4. Test of knowledge

5. Test of the spirit

To begin with, all the children were pasted translators with signs from Star Wars.


Toolkit: inflatable lightsabers (11 $ each), silver or black balloons, inflated with normal air, not helium. Balls should not fly near the ceiling.

The main weapon of the Jedi Knights is the lightsaber.

Task: A meteor shower begins on Earth! You need to prevent the meteorite from falling to the ground. You need to use the sword to hold him and not let him fall to the ground.

Comments: The children enjoyed doing it. Of course, meteorites still fell on the planet, but it was a lot of fun, and they didn't want to finish.


Tools: pre-cut blanks to create a robot and spread out into file folders. The main blank is made of thick cardboard, and already the details are cut out of colored self-adhesive paper. But I must say that it is inconvenient for the child to peel it off himself, but gluing it with a glue stick is not a very good alternative. We have already made one robot in advance as an example

Task: Now you need to collect your faithful droid R2D2, which will help you in everything and will not leave you in trouble .


Toolkit: red or orange curtain with stones, sewn with two stitches. The stones were printed on a color printer on plain paper A4. Double-sided tape was glued to the curtain on the back side and, while the children were doing R2D2, spread the curtain and glued it to the floor. But keep in mind that later it was impossible to tear off this adhesive tape from the curtain, unfortunately. We also used soft balls for ball pools. You can also take some Stuffed Toys or something like that. For parents-"stormtroopers" they made paper masks of a stormtrooper and fixed it on a stick. Probably could have been done with an elastic band, but it did not work out.

Task: This is volcanic lava and you need to walk over the stones, not fall and reach the end. But the stormtroopers will really interfere with you. Shoot at you with guns, but you must not pay attention to it and reach the end!!

I will immediately note here that it was the most fun competition and we even had to cancel the next stage, as this one increased in duration.


Toolkit: Lego bricks in individual pouches for each.

Task: Each of you has cubes and you need to build your own spaceship from these cubes

As I wrote above, we skipped this stage, because the children could no longer be seated at the table after the creation of R2D2. They already wanted only fun)) But since we planned it, I leave it here.


Toolkit: mini-bowling bought on Amazon. Firstly, it is there at a great price, but also desired colors. "Faces" of stormtroopers and Darth Vader printed out and pasted on each pin. One pin was painted with black paint.

Mission: Now you need to shoot down with a special ball an entire army of stormtroopers led by Darth Vader!! Checking your accuracy


Toolkit: a mold for freezing ice in the form of a Death Star. Because I have only one form, I had to freeze in advance in order to have time to freeze 10 pieces. When I froze it, I added black paint to the water, but it really settled down and only the bottom of the death star turned out black. But still, everyone was very happy and the water in the bath turned black, it was also fun. At the same time, they told the children about the properties of water, how it freezes and what needs to be done to melt the ice. All this happened in the bathroom - balls with LEDs inside hung from the ceiling (although they burn weakly, I must say, I thought it would be better) and all the children had glow sticks.

Task: We go to the bath and everyone gets a frozen death star and melts it in the bath

While we were in the bath, the music of Darth Vader played in the room nearby, we went to see what was there and saw that Darth Vader himself had come.

The children took up their inflatable swords again and began to fight the evil Sith! And of course, we won it and were very happy!

Thus, evil was defeated - the Death Star was destroyed, Darth Vader was defeated!

At the end, the children were given a certificate stating that they had become real Jedi Knights.

And then there was cake and treats. Including edible lightsabers.

After the treats, everyone could take pictures in the so-called photo booth with prepared props.

We bought hoops in fixprice, the grandmother tied the pigtails that Princess Leia wore and put them on the hoop - it turned out Princess Leia's hairstyle. Yoda's ears were made from foam cardboard and glued to the hoop.

The official Starwars website has a lot of printable attributes. Including these masks. In a good way, they had to be made on an elastic band, of course, but it didn’t work out. Made on sticks, and it was comfortable to hold.

Well, they wrote quotes from the films too for fun photography! The hardest part was choosing the font.

What a fun birthday we had!

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