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Beautiful paper airplanes. How to make a paper airplane

There are probably no people who have never made even the simplest paper airplane. Older generation remembers that it used to be difficult to get functional and interesting toys, so they showed their imagination and creativity to make them with their own hands.

Experts note that self-production various crafts allows you to develop your child’s fingers, improve concentration and teach you to use your imagination.

Another advantage is that a paper plane is absolutely safe. This toy can captivate children for a long time. Many parents cannot afford to give their child a modern toy, so the best solution is to make it yourself and involve your child in this activity.

It’s not difficult to make a simple airplane, but there are several options for making a craft that will fly over relatively long distances. Let's look at several manufacturing methods.

There are many options for an airplane that can fly longer than its conventional counterpart. Today we will make a super airplane, but to achieve results, you need to know a few secrets:

  • If you fold the tail section incorrectly, then there is no need to talk about any long flight.
  • Maintain symmetry.
  • Fold your wings correctly.

We will need to prepare a regular A4 sheet of paper. The whole process takes no more than 3 minutes.

  • Place a sheet of paper on a flat surface, bend it lengthwise, exactly in half, and then straighten it out. To maintain symmetry, we will be guided along the fold line. After this, on one side you need to carefully bend the corners along the line, as shown in the image below. This is how we will form the nose of the future aircraft.

  • At the next stage, you need to turn the sheet over and fold it in half. If it is not clear, then we are guided by the images.

  • Now the folded corners of the spout need to be straightened along the line.

  • Turn the workpiece over. Now you need to fold the future airplane along the lines. You should get the same result as in the picture.

  • Now you need to fold the workpiece in half. To shape a paper airplane, you need to bend it along the lines indicated in the image.

In order for the airplane to glide for as long as possible, it must be launched softly.

If you don't succeed the first time, try again. You can also watch a video on how to create a paper airplane.

How to make an airplane out of paper that flies far up to 100 meters?

Everyone wants to make an airplane that will fly at least 100 meters. But an ordinary craft cannot overcome this level. According to Guinness Records, such a plane was able to cover a distance of 69 meters. Of course, if you launch it from the 10th floor, it can fly 300 meters.

Creating crafts is a fun process, so it is recommended to involve your child in this activity.

Manufacturing process

To make this craft, you only need a piece of A4 paper.

First you need to form a corner; to do this, you need to bend the right side of the sheet to the left edge. It is very important to avoid distortions, otherwise nothing will work. Therefore, all actions must be done carefully.

Similarly, form the left corner. As a result, you will get bend lines along which we will continue to make the airplane.

The next stage is very important. You need to bend the right corner to the middle of the left line, as shown in the image. Make sure that your red lines match, only then finally bend the sheet.

The edges must match, so follow the lines as a guide. As a result of the last step, you should get the following:

In the same way you need to bend the corner on the left side. Fold both sides over so you have the same look as the image below.

Now you need to bend the top part. Pay attention to the drawing, all lines must match.

At the next stage, you need to bend both corners again to the very center.

We bend the workpiece crosswise, before smoothing the line, you need to make sure that the corners match exactly.

Now let's start forming the wings. You need to carefully bend them on each side; pay attention to the drawing of how the nose of the craft should look.

At the final stage, you should end up with a neat paper airplane like this.

The entire cooking process takes no more than five minutes. If you followed all the techniques correctly, then such a plane will fly up to 100 meters in length. Now you can test it in action in your nearest park.

How to make a paper airplane that flies 1000 meters? Airplane diagram

Of course, no paper airplane can fly a distance of 1 km. The duration and range of the flight depends on many factors: the model of the craft, the symmetry of the folds, weather, terrain, paper quality and others.

Let's consider a simple model that can fly high and far. This is a supersonic plane. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. A sheet of paper needs to be folded in half, only along, and not across, as in other cases.
  2. Then unfold it and bend both corners of the sheet to the line to make the nose sharp.
  3. Now the nose part needs to be bent towards the tail.
  4. You need to step back about 1.5 cm from the last fold and bend the nose, as indicated in the diagram.
  5. At the next stage, the workpiece needs to be bent in half lengthwise and wings formed.

To improve aerodynamic properties, it is recommended to bend the edges of the wings so that they point upward.

There is another version of the model, which was developed at the end of the last century by Can Blackburn. Thanks to his design, the aircraft's flight duration was 30 seconds.

  1. The edges of the A4 sheet should be folded towards the middle, but the corners should not touch each other. There should be about 3 cm between them.
  2. After this, fold 2 cm of the top edge.
  3. Carefully smooth out and repeat the process, only in this case, you need to increase the distance between the corners. Look carefully at the diagram.
  4. This procedure must be repeated approximately 10 times.
  5. Bend the workpiece in half.
  6. Leave 3 cm for the body and bend the wings.
  7. Bend the ends of the wings upward.

Of course, successful models are not always obtained, so practice and experiment.

How to make a paper airplane that flies 10000000000000 meters. Step-by-step diagram with a motor

If you want your paper airplane to fly long distances, then you need to install a motor on it. You can make it yourself if you have similar experience or buy a small motor in a store. They are usually sold with detailed instructions, but if it is not there, then we will consider how this can be done.

First you need to make a very ordinary paper airplane.

Now you need to determine the center of gravity where the board will be installed. To do this, we will use a needle and a simple pencil. The image shows that you need to hang the craft in three places and draw a continuation of the line from the thread.

Now you need to install the motor on the model. To do this, secure the board in the center of gravity, and also cut out a place for the propeller.

To make such a model, some experience is required, so it is better to buy a motor and install it on a paper airplane according to the instructions.

How to properly make (fold) a paper airplane so that it flies well?

In order for a paper airplane to glide well, you need to follow the manufacturing technique. Therefore, any model can fly smoothly. Let's consider another version of the model that is capable of long time glide in the air.

To do this, you need to prepare a blank A4 sheet and a ruler for straight folds.

Preparation method

You need to fold the sheet in half lengthwise and unfold it. Then bend it across. Iron everything well and bend one corner, as shown in the image below. We bend the second corner in the same way.

Then the corners need to be bent again, strictly along the line, and ironed well again. See picture.

Now you need to carefully open the sides and then bend them inward.

Fold the top of each side outward.

Now you need to bend it in the other direction.

After this, open the formed parts only strictly along the contour.

Do the same actions on the other side. As a result, you should have a blank as shown below.

At the next stage, we bend the future model in half.

Approximately 2.5 cm from the base of the model, you need to draw a line on each side

Then carefully fold each wing and iron it thoroughly.

Draw a line on the wings as shown in the image.

Now we bend the corners along the drawn line.

The end result should look like this:

If everything is done correctly, the plane will fly well and for a long time.

Video lesson. A simple paper airplane folding scheme

Even the simplest model will fly high and for a long time if it is made according to all the rules. Try following the instructions in the video below and you will see for yourself.

How long have you been making paper airplanes? I've been here for a long time and have already tried several options. To be honest, I had a fun time.

Everyone is folding paper airplanes. They just fly close and not for long. More often they nod off and this inglorious flight does not cause any delight among the children. How to make a paper airplane ( step-by-step instruction), which will actually fly?

Believe me, it's not difficult at all. The main thing is to know how and in what order to do it. Your paper airplane, one of three or all three, will fly beautifully and far, to everyone’s joy.

There are many things a father should teach a child. And one of them is how to make a paper airplane that will definitely fly. And everyone laughs together and jumps merrily for joy. Doing everything with dad is more interesting. Step-by-step instructions for an airplane that actually flies and does not poke its paper nose into the floor immediately after launch.

Far-flying crafts will bring pleasure to the child. If you don’t know how to make these airplanes yet, you have a great chance to learn this with your children. It's exciting and useful. Children will remember moments of joint creativity for the rest of their lives. In due time, they will be able to teach their children how to fold far-flying paper airplanes, and they will teach them how to fold them.

Airplane Bulldog

Apparently, he received this name because of the cut-off shape of his nose, which indeed resembles a bulldog’s muzzle. This is the simplest paper airplane. And you need to make paper airplanes from it, if you don’t already know how. If you do everything right, you will get real pleasure from its flight and an incentive to make the next two, more complex ones.

Step-by-step photos - initial level of difficulty

Description of work

  1. Fold the paper in half. This is the first fold.
  2. Classic way Like all paper airplanes, fold the corners towards each other.
  3. Turn the paper over and fold the corners again, as in the picture, towards the center of the fold.
  4. The view after you have folded both corners.
  5. Then bend the top corner as shown in Figure 5 so that all corners meet at one point.
  6. Fold everything in half so that from the side our airplane looks like its name: an airplane with a snub nose, like a bulldog’s.
  7. We bend the wings. Exactly, as if on a ruler.
  8. There you go. Our airplane is ready for its first flight.

This airplane is the simplest, so parents can teach little kids how to make a paper airplane called Bulldog.

You need to launch it not with sharp, strong movements, but with smooth and soft ones. He must catch the air currents under his paper wings and fly a fairly long distance. If a paper airplane like Bulldog turns out successful, you will definitely want to make another, more complicated one.

Airplane Eaglet

Step-by-step instructions for a paper airplane with a stabilizing triangle. Its design is more intricate, but not so much that it is too difficult. Do it exactly as described, make sure the folds are precise, that’s the whole secret.

Step-by-step photos of a paper airplane - medium difficulty level


  1. The first two operations are exactly the same as when folding the Bulldog airplane. As there, the first fold line is needed only in order to correctly do the next ones.
  2. Fold everything from top to bottom so that the sheet resembles an envelope. Make sure you leave about a centimeter or so at the bottom. The sharp corner of the envelope should not coincide with the edge of the sheet of paper.
  3. Fold the top corners so that they meet in the middle. There should be a small stabilizer triangle under the tail. paper airplane.
  4. Place a small triangle to hold all the other folds. And bend everything in half, so that the small triangle is facing out.
  5. Fold the wing down very evenly. Repeat on the other side. Ready. You can fly your paper airplane. If everything is done carefully, then it will stay in the air confidently and fly for a long time.

Paper airplane Swift

This paper airplane has many more fold lines and folds. Therefore, it is more sophisticated than the first two. Or rather, it's perfect option airplane of good flight qualities, medium degree difficulties. What doesn't stop you from doing it with your children?

Practice alone first. Children are interested in the result, only after it there is a desire to make the same airplane that flies well. All draft and unsuccessful options should remain behind the scenes. You will definitely succeed. This is more of a paper airplane model than a simple paper airplane.

Step-by-step photos of a flying paper airplane model

  1. The beginning is a little different than the previous two airplanes. Bend two corners towards each other. This will be the guide fold.
  2. Then crosswise make the other two folds. It looks like the letter X.
  3. Now fold the top right corner down so that its edge meets the fold that goes from the top left corner to the bottom right.
  4. Do the same with the left corner. The top left point should correspond exactly to the diagonal of the right edge of the aircraft.
  5. Fold the plane in half towards itself and then unfold it. You will use this middle crease as a guide.
  6. Once you have completed the previous step, fold from top to bottom so that its edge meets the bottom edge.
  7. Fold the top corners down so that their points meet in the middle crease.
  8. Open the sheet. As with many steps in creating this aircraft, these folds are a guide only.
  9. Now take what was the top edge that you previously folded down (3 pics) back and fold it back up at the point where its edge meets the crease from the previous step.
  10. Bring the corners together again so that their edge matches the edge of the top flap and the fold from two steps back.
  11. Both corners are folded, meeting the top flap and the pleats previously made. These are the wings.
  12. Fold the wings again, this time just folding along the crease that you have already done. After this step, your plane should have straight lines down from top to bottom.
  13. We fold both wings again; straight edges from top to bottom.
  14. Fold from top to bottom from where it meets the top of the flaps you created in the previous step.
  15. Fold it all in half. You must make all the wings on the outside of the airplane. The folding will be a little more difficult at this stage due to the thickness of the paper, so take extra care to get nice, clean folds.
  16. Fold the wings down so that their edge meets the bottom edge of the plane. It turns out to be a small upturned nose. It needs to be tough, so be precise and take your time.
  17. Ready. This paper airplane will fly easily and far, like a thought or a dream.

Take your precious time, practice, and you will be rewarded with joy in the eyes of a child or the delight of a group of children. Collaborative creativity brings closer. You can assume that the airplane is made of paper, according to our step by step photos and descriptions will be the first step to great friendship and mutual understanding.

Paper airplanes are easy to make, and most importantly, they actually fly. This process is so interesting that any adult will be happy to make light paper structures and, to the delight of children, send them flying. Well, older children will be able to take up aircraft design themselves.

You can master making paper airplanes by studying the video tutorials we offer. Each of them provides step-by-step instructions with a video, and it is impossible to make a mistake: you just need to carefully repeat the actions of the narrator so that in the end you have a real flying model in your hands.

In order to make a simple airplane that can fly far, up to 100 meters, you need:

  • take a sheet of ordinary writing paper and fold it in half along the long side, which will give us the marking of the axis of the structure;
  • Next, we unfold the sheet and apply its two corners to the center line;
  • then bend the corners twice to the side of the resulting triangle;
  • lay out the sheet and, using the resulting lines as markings, bend the corners towards the middle;
  • We fold the sheet along the bends and open it again.

This completes the marking of the bend lines. Using the markings, we bend the corners, following the video instructions.

Video lesson:

To make a model aircraft resembling the famous F15 fighter, a sheet of paper is folded several times to create marking fold lines, after which you can begin making the model. The video tutorial explains in detail how to make a paper airplane; all you have to do is carefully follow the actions of the person demonstrating the manufacturing process.

The instructions are quite complex and require increased attention, otherwise the model will turn out sloppy or will not work at all. With the right steps, you will get a neat model that can be placed on the table using a leg made from a paper clip.

Video lesson:

This airplane model, made from a sheet of paper, is capable of flying long and far. To begin with, several bends of a sheet of paper are made, which will serve as markings for further actions; all bends must be done very carefully and carefully so that the airplane turns out strictly symmetrical and can fly confidently.

Some bends result in pockets that are turned inside out and laid out in a different plane. The aircraft has a strong fuselage and wide swept wings with high lift. The ends of the wings are bent upward; these bent elements ensure straight flight.

Video lesson:

This is a model of the beautiful F15 Strike Eagle aircraft. To make it, you will need a sheet of writing paper, which is folded several times in accordance with the narrator's instructions. All bends, including the smallest ones, must be done very accurately and carefully to ensure that the model turns out beautiful. The finished airplane can simply be placed on the table as a decoration, or you can send it flying - the wings are quite capable of lifting it into the air.

This good paper airplane will appeal to everyone, both children and adults, because it is beautiful and can fly. These are its main advantages.

Video lesson:

A sheet of paper is folded transversely along the short side, then along the long side, the corners are bent to the center along the resulting fold lines, the ends are folded inward. Several more folds of the paper sheet are performed, which must be done with great care.

The airplane must be strictly symmetrical, then it can stay in the air well. All folds must be carefully ironed. The finished airplane has a swift appearance and good balance, allowing it to fly confidently.

Straightness of movement is ensured by bent rudders; there is a special protrusion at the bottom, which is convenient to hold the model before launching.

Video lesson:

This airplane model flies really well, and you can have competitions to see whose airplane can fly the farthest. The work begins with several folds of a paper sheet, as a result of which marking lines are formed. All further paper folds offer an easy way to create a paper airplane.

The airplane has two small triangular wings and a neat tail that ensures flight in a given direction. Getting the tail involves cutting off a certain part of the paper, and the finished model can be glued together so that its halves do not fall apart and the airplane stays confidently in flight.

Video lesson:

The master class talks about how to make airplanes from a sheet of paper that can fly long distances:

  • the sheet is folded in half lengthwise;
  • the tips of the sheet bend towards the middle;
  • This is followed by another bend, giving the structure an arrow-shaped shape;
  • Another longitudinal fold forms the wings, narrow but long.

The body of the airplane is pierced with a paper clip, which prevents the wings from falling apart. The resulting airplane is simpler than all other designs, but is capable of flying far and smoothly. The direction of flight can be adjusted by bending the tips of the wings slightly upward.

Video lesson:

Origami - favorite entertainment not only children, but also adults. The very first thing parents teach their children to do is an airplane. A simple but very interesting toy. Everyone is probably familiar with the classic scheme. But in fact, there are a great many options for paper airplanes. We offer you several original circuits how to make an airplane out of paper. With their help, you can easily diversify your children’s leisure time, and you can also have fun yourself.

A paper airplane is classic scheme origami. If you are new to this technique, then start with simple models. When you get used to the paper, “feel” it, and your planes acquire excellent smoothness and flightability, then move on to complex models. Before any craft, prepare yourself a few sheets of paper so that you can always start over if something goes wrong. Never use wrinkled sheets, otherwise the aircraft will not have the required characteristics. When making the diagram, make sure that all bends are symmetrical. Also, do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly before the procedure, because dirty stains easily remain on the paper. Make several models at home and go outside with your child to launch them. This will bring you a lot of positive emotions.

Simple paper airplane

We all know the classic design of a paper airplane since kindergarten. But, if you forgot or haven’t practiced for a long time, we will remind you of it. A simple airplane can be made in two ways.

Method number 1:

  • Take a rectangular sheet of paper, a landscape one will do just fine;
  • Fold it in half, then unfold it again, so you get a straight center line;
  • Fold the upper left corner to the center line, do the same with the right;
  • Bend the resulting upper corner down;
  • Then align the vertices again as shown in the diagram;
  • Bend the resulting corner upward, it will secure the upper corners;
  • Fold the resulting model in half;
  • Bend the wings in the opposite direction, they will straighten and the plane will be ready to fly.

Method number 2:

  • Fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half lengthwise;
  • Unfold and fold the top corners toward the center line;
  • Fold the resulting outer corners again to the center line;
  • Fold the shape in half and make the folds of the wings in the center. The second simple paper airplane is ready.

Fast paper plane

Many boys want to know how to make a fast airplane out of paper. This model should have a tail folded according to a special pattern. And the nose should be thin and sharp. Then the plane will fly faster.

  • Bend the sheet lengthwise, then unfold it;
  • Fold in half, fold both edges from the middle down, and then bend their halves back;
  • Unfold the sides located on the sides and bend each flap inward - this should be done with the inner flaps, then with the outer ones;
  • Bend a small part of the wings so that they look back, then bend the wings from the bottom a few centimeters;
  • Secure the fold line by drawing a rigid finger or ruler along it, straighten the wings;
  • The resulting bends must be bent parallel to the folds of the wings.

Cool Glider

A glider is a very cool airplane, which is very difficult to make from paper, but quite possible. A little patience and you will have an original paper airplane.

  • Fold the paper in half and unfold it again;
  • Place the sheet with the fold up, fold the corners inward - you will get a mark in the middle of the sheet;
  • Make a fold in the center of the sheet - you will get a sharp nose of the plane;
  • The nose must be folded so that it protrudes 2-3 mm beyond the edges of the corner bends;
  • Then the paper is folded in the center so that backside was inside;
  • The wings should be bent - experiment with their width, achieving the optimal result.

War Hawk

The Hawk is a famous military aircraft. Aviation enthusiasts will be happy to add it to their paper collection. If you don’t know how to make such an airplane out of paper, we offer our diagram:

  • Fold the rectangular sheet in half, then unfold it again;
  • Fold the side corners to the center line;
  • Fold the top corner with its end towards the bottom line of the sheet;
  • Return the corner, fold it back, but with a slight bend;
  • Fold the model in half;
  • Fold the wings down;
  • Unfold the wings and make additional folds at the edges.

Far flying fighter plane

The fighter plane model is one of the best. It flies well and is quite strong in its structure. It's a pleasure to play with such a plane. Step by step diagram for a long-flying fighter aircraft:

  • Take an A4 sheet, preferably a thinner one, this will allow it to fly a little further;
  • Fold it lengthwise, then unfold it back;
  • Turn the fold up and fold in half along the short side;
  • Fold the resulting upper corners overlapping so that the diagonal goes from the center of the top line to its corner in the bottom line;
  • Then the upper corners are folded in half again so that their outer edge runs along the diagonal line; be sure to carefully iron all the folds with a ruler;
  • Open each side like a bud and bend in half;
  • Then, the resulting angles are turned back;
  • After this, the upper parts on both sides are folded inward into the aircraft;
  • The craft should be turned over and the same procedure done on the other side;
  • Both parts need to be opened along the fold line;
  • On the other hand, it is necessary to similarly open the extreme parts, you should get an isosceles triangle;
  • The resulting figure should be folded in half;
  • You need to step back 2.5 cm from the bottom line and mark a line along which the wings will bend;
  • Carefully bend first one wing, then the other, do not forget to carefully iron all the lines;
  • The final touch is to bend the wings for stability. To do this, approximately in the middle of the resulting plane, you should mark a line parallel to the base;
  • Fold the corners up along this line;
  • If desired, you can additionally make flaps. The plane is ready.

Spy plane

If you have already gotten your hands on simple circuits, we can move on to the question of creating an airplane from paper of a more complex design. We offer you a beautiful and original reconnaissance aircraft:

  • Fold a rectangular sheet of paper as if you were going to make a square out of it;
  • Then roll the sheet in the same way on the other side;
  • You will get a triangle, bend its upper corner to the bottom line;
  • Then turn the corner back, but with a slight bend;
  • Fold the resulting figure in half;
  • Mark a diagonal line and unfold the wings along it, do not forget to thoroughly iron all the folds. The model is ready to fly.


Another diagram with which you can make an unusual airplane out of paper. The airliner has an original shape, as well as excellent flying properties. With such a model, all the boys in the yard will simply be jealous. So, the liner diagram:

  • As in the reconnaissance aircraft diagram, at the first stage the rectangular sheet should be folded as if you were going to make a square out of it;
  • Fold the resulting upper triangle in half;
  • Bend the upper corner so that it protrudes slightly beyond the bottom line of the triangle;
  • Fold the shape in half, leaving the fold of the triangle inside;
  • Next, make an indent from the central fold and bend the wings along it. There will be a small membrane inside the plane;
  • The triangle that was bent at first will need to be straightened;
  • The upper parts of the wings need to be slightly bent towards the outside of the aircraft;
  • Spread the wings and bend the corners as shown in the diagram;
  • Decorate the plane with messages and cutouts.

We have described for you 7 different diagrams that easily show you how to make a paper airplane. Each model has its own individual launch and landing characteristics. Make several airplanes you like, experiment with the width of the wings and flaps. This way you will find the most suitable model for your own purposes. Or you and your child can create an entire collection; this will be a great alternative to the time your child spends in front of the computer.

Children, regardless of their gender, love to make paper crafts, and especially airplanes. And parents should definitely help them in this matter. After all, paper crafts are practically safe, do not burden the budget and help the child develop thinking.

Airplanes made using the origami technique are very popular all over the world. There are over 100 designs of such airplanes. Every year there are competitions for the flight range of paper airplanes and the amount of time this craft spends in the air.

It is known that the first modern paper model was made in 1930. It was manufactured for performance testing in the Lockheed Corporation wind tunnel. After which paper airplanes began to be produced as independent models.

How to make a paper airplane that flies for a long time?

On this moment The maximum time a paper airplane can stay in the air is 27.6 seconds. This record was set by Ken Blackburn, an American paper airplane enthusiast, back in 1983. He built such a long-flying aircraft using this design:

1-2. We bend the edges of a standard A4 sheet as shown in the figure. Then bend a 1 cm strip at the bottom of the sheet

3-10. We continue to fold the strips moving towards the second third of the sheet

11-12. Now fold the sheet in the middle to form wings

13-14. You should get a paper airplane like this. Don't forget to unscrew the “flaps” at the ends of the wings. They are one of the “secrets” of the long flight of this paper airplane model.

Try making a paper airplane using this design and maybe you will be able to break Blackburn's record.

How to make a paper airplane that flies far?

If your goal is to make a paper airplane with a long flight range, then this diagram may be useful for you:

1. Take a standard A4 sheet of thick paper. We begin to fold the airplane by bending it along the central longitudinal line.

2. Now bend the edges diagonally. The fold line of the wings should be as marked in the diagram with a dotted line. It is due to this angle that this aircraft is able to fly further than other models.

3. We use the longitudinal line again and fold the airplane in half. The edges must be folded as indicated in the diagram.

4. You should get an airplane like this. Start testing it.

This model can be improved by changing the balance. To do this, roll up a small ball of plasticine and place it closer to the nose of the plane. When testing it, find the optimal location for such a balance.

There is another origami design that will allow you to build a long-flying airplane. You can try thin cardboard as its base.

1. We use the landscape layout of the sheet and fold it in half

2. Fold the wings like a classic paper airplane design

3-4. Bend the triangle of the nose along the dotted line as in the figure

5. Folding the two halves of the airplane

6-8. We bend the wings taking into account the angle indicated in the figure.

9-10. We form the flaps and prepare the aircraft for testing

How to make and fold a simple airplane from a sheet of paper: step-by-step instructions, diagram

The simple, classic design of the aircraft is also very popular today. Probably everyone can fold such an airplane with their own hands. But, if you can’t do it, here’s an excellent diagram for learning how to fold such airplanes.

1. Take a sheet of A4 and A3 paper and fold its left and right edges towards the middle

2. We turn the left and right corners to the center line and fold the two halves of the plane

3. Unscrew the wings as shown in the picture

The simplest plane is ready.

Origami paper airplane

Origami is Japanese technology folding paper figures. Do not use scissors or glue. Just a piece of paper and your hands. The history of origami goes back many centuries. The appearance of this technique is associated with Buddhist monks, who, in order to reflect on the meaning of life, locked themselves in their cells and folded paper figures. In principle, all of the above airplane folding schemes can be called origami. Below is a modern diagram of a paper fighter.

1. Take a standard A4 sheet and fold it in half
2. We bend the upper corners to the middle and straighten them as shown in the figure.
3. To make it easier to work with such an airplane, further fix the straightened corners
4. We bend the obtuse corners of the resulting rhombuses back
5. We also turn the side corners back. You should get a regular triangle
6. We turn off the wings of the workpiece. They need to be bent and inserted perpendicularly

The finished paper fighter plane flies very well and will bring a lot of fun to your children.

What paper and materials may be needed?

The popularity of paper airplanes lies in the fact that to make them you need absolutely nothing but paper. Notebook sheets, printer paper, newspapers, thin cardboard, etc. are suitable. As for paper stiffness, experiment and find one that suits your specific model.

And if you want your folded paper airplane model to look beautiful, color it with markers, pencils or paint. When giving an exclusive design to your aircraft, look at photographs of such equipment on the Internet. After all, if you make it as similar as possible to real airplanes, it will bring even more joy to you and your children.

Speaking of children, when making these paper crafts child improves fine motor skills hands, develops fingers, uses your imagination and learns to think logically.

What to pay attention to when modeling?

Almost all paper airplane designs can be divided into two groups: long-flying and long-flying. In order to make an airplane that will fly as far as possible, use a long and narrow paper structure. Such airplanes usually have a rigid structure and a center of gravity shifted closer to the nose.

For airplanes that stay in the air longer, the main design feature is a large wingspan. At the same time, long-flying airplanes should not have a rigid structure. What is more important is its overall balance.

Additionally, symmetry is important when making paper airplanes. If one wing of such a paper structure is larger than the other, then such an airplane will fall onto it and will not fly even a few meters. Remember that not only the wings, but also the tail of the aircraft must be symmetrical.

And one more important point- balance. The designs of real paper airplanes do not use additional elements. But, if you are making an airplane for yourself, and not for a competition in terms of flight duration or range, you can use plasticine or additional paper or cardboard inserts to create a more optimal design for the design.

Paper airplanes - DIY crafts: diagrams


The infamous but very beautiful supersonic airliner Concorde can be made according to this scheme:


Here is another pattern for making a paper airplane. Unlike the previous models described in this article, this aircraft flies along a rather original trajectory.


1-3. Fold the sheet of paper in half along the transverse line. Then unfold and fold along the transverse line. Fold the sheet along the dotted lines.

4-6. Unfold the sides. We bend each flap inward. We do this first for internal corners, and then external. Then we form the wings.

7-9. We turn the wings at some distance from the bottom. The fold line must be carefully ironed. Then you need to unscrew the wings.

The end result should be a plane like this.


1-2. Bend the sheet of paper in half and return it to its original position. We turn the upper right corner of the paper towards the middle of the bottom side. There is no need to iron the fold line.

3-4. We bend the sheet at the intersection of the fold lines. After which we immediately return the sheet to its original position. We bend the upper corners of the paper along the line of the resulting bend.

5-7. We bend the upper edge along the already marked bend. Bend the corners from the center to the bottom corners. Fold half of each folded corner.

8-10. Now we bend the corners along the line marked in the figure with pre-folded corners. We iron the fold lines and bend the tip to the point where the airplane wings join.

11-12. We fold the wings back and connect the fracture sites. They are indicated in the figure with red dots.


1-2. Fold the paper sheet in half along the longitudinal line. Unbend the sheet and connect the right sheet to the left edge along the dotted line.

3-4. We bend the sheet and repeat the above action with the opposite corner. Then we bend the small corners and the top of the sheet.

5-7. Along the line that we have already formed, we bend the right corner. Bend its corner along a vertical line (see picture). We bend the bottom corner.

8-10. We repeat the above steps for the opposite part of the sheet. We bend the nose and bend the airplane in half. When forming the wings, you need to carefully iron the fold line.


1-2. We form a longitudinal bend line as we did with the model described above. Fold the corners of the sheet along the dotted lines.

3-4. Now you need to turn over the sheet of paper and bend the top edges to the center line.

5-7. We fold the sheet of paper towards itself and bend the top as shown in the figure.

8-10. We begin to form the wings. We first bend one wing along the dotted line, and then the second. We iron the fold lines of the wings very carefully.

11-12. Squeeze out the paper tail between the wings. Give the paper airplane a finished look based on the drawing of the finished model.