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A beautiful and easy-to-make phone case made of soft felt. How to sew an original phone case DIY felt phone holder

Is your phone still without “clothes” - or have you stopped liking the old case? Be that as it may, you can always take a minute to craft to make a cute and easy-to-make felt phone case for yourself or as a gift.

Working with felt is a real pleasure. It is soft and pleasant to the touch, holds its shape well and perfectly protects the phone from abrasions, scratches and light impacts. A little free time, a minimum of materials and a maximum of imagination - and you have in your hands a beautiful, neat product that you will be happy to use.

To make your own felt phone case, you will need:

felt in two colors, in our case pink and white;

hot glue;

glue “Moment Crystal”;

stationery knife;

floss threads Pink colour or any others;

half beads “look like pearls”;


Felt phone case: job description

We measure our phone and calculate the size of the felt strips, which will serve as the basis for making a felt case. To do this, add 2-3 centimeters to the width of the phone for free use, and multiply its length by 2 and add the same 3 centimeters. For example, your phone measures 6x10 cm. This means that the dimensions of the inner white stripe will be as follows:

6 plus 2-3 cm = 8-9 cm (band width)

10x2+3=23 cm (length of strip).

The width of the pink stripe is half a centimeter greater than that of the white stripe; the length of the pink one is 1 cm longer than that of the white one. Those. For our hypothetical calculation, you need to cut 2 stripes: white with dimensions 8x23 cm and pink with dimensions 8.5x24 cm.

The pink felt is the outer part and the white felt is the inner.

We decide where the front side will be on the pink felt. Make an indent of 3 cm from the edge and make slits with a stationery knife. There will be a total of 6 slits at intervals of 1 cm. They should be of such a size that the felt thread can pass through them freely.

Cutting off the strip white felt up to 20 cm long and 3 mm wide.

We begin to very carefully thread the felt thread through the holes from the reverse side. The ends should be hidden on the wrong side, and the thread itself should be fixed in the middle.

On the reverse side, we secure the ends with Moment glue.

First we tie a simple knot at the front.

Now let's glue the inside and outside of the cover. We apply “Moment” glue dotwise to the wrong side of the pink felt, and first place the white felt exactly along one edge only to the middle. Since the width of the white felt is smaller than the pink one, we place it so that the indents on both sides are the same.

The top edges of both stripes need to be aligned.

We make rounded corners at the top of the phone case.

Decorative stitches look very nice on felt. We fasten the edges of the cover with a buttonhole stitch. We start from one end at the fold, moving towards the other. We hide the knot inside between the layers. If you sew with floss threads, it is better to connect four at once and cut off enough thread to cover the entire perimeter of the cover.

By sewing with a buttonhole stitch, we hide the white layer of felt inside.

When we reach the place where the rounding of the corner begins, we sew, without interruption, only the first layer of two colors.

Having reached the place where the second rounded corner ends, we begin to stitch all the layers again.

We sew the remaining unstitched part separately. We also hide the knot inside.

This is the felt phone case we made.

You can decorate it with a heart. Let's make heart templates from paper and cut them out of felt.

Glue two hearts of different sizes onto each other using hot glue. Additionally we decorate with half beads.

As you can see, sewing a felt phone case with your own hands is absolutely simple! Enjoy using it and come see us for new master classes.

Antonina Mazur specifically for the site

I bring to your attention a short description of how to sew a felt phone case with a retractable ribbon.
Everything is fast and simple:

1. Cut out 4 identical parts from felt according to the size of the phone(for Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 this is 8x12.8 cm - this is with allowances). Don’t forget to measure not only the length, width, but also the thickness of the phone, and also leave room for an allowance - about 3 mm each.
The first and fourth parts are the outer sides of the case (front and back). The second and third parts are, let's say, the lining.
Why do you need a lining? Firstly, one layer of felt is not enough - the cover does not hold its shape well, it is too thin (my felt is about 1 mm thick), and secondly, a ribbon will be hidden between the lining and the outer sides.

2. If necessary, we apply the applique on the first piece. When stitching, the parts will be arranged like this:

3. Take parts 2 and 3 and cut rectangular holes in them. In part No. 2 we cut one hole at a distance of 8 cm from the top edge of the part. In part No. 3 we cut two holes: one at a distance of 8 cm from the top edge of the part (the same as in part No. 2), the second at a distance of 4 cm from the top edge. Hole length = width of your ribbon + a little more so that the ribbon moves freely. The hole width is a couple of millimeters.
Along the perimeter of each hole in part No. 3, stepping back a couple of millimeters, we lay a line.
If the holes turn out to be sloppy (like mine), don’t be upset, they are absolutely invisible (it’s dark and scary inside the case).

It turns out like this:

4. Cut the ribbon- 18 centimeters long. Ribbon length = length of your cover + distance from the bottom hole on parts No. 2 or No. 3 to the bottom of the part + 1 cm for the hem. Fold the edge of the ribbon and hem it.
Sew the ribbon to part No. 2. We sew it directly above the hole to the side of part No. 2 that will be adjacent to part No. 1 (that is, to the side that will not be visible if you look into the cover), and at the same time sew a stitch around the perimeter of the hole. We thread the ribbon through the hole. Like this:

To visualize how the ribbon will move, we thread it into part No. 3:

5. Sew the top sides of parts No. 1 and No. 2 with an applique stitch. We repeat the same with parts No. 3 and No. 4. In parts No. 3 and No. 4 sewn together, at a distance of 2.5 cm from the edge, we make a rectangular hole, exactly the same as was already done in parts No. 2 and No. 3. We lay a stitch around the perimeter (that is, parts No. 3 and No. 4 are sewn together at the hole). You need to try and make this hole neat :) it can be seen clearly, this is the outer back side.

In order to diversify everyday life and add more bright colors to them, it is not at all necessary to radically change something in life, to go to another city or a foreign country. Just fill your life with new pleasant and bright little things and life will sparkle with colors again and the world will smile at you. One of these new products could be a beautiful and practical case for your mobile phone. The author of this idea will share his recommendations and tips, following which you can make an original thing for yourself or for someone as a gift.

To create such a thing you will need the following materials:
1. Two pieces of felt different colors. The author used pink and blue felt, you choose color scheme according to your own understanding.
2. Beads of two colors, harmonizing in color with the felt and the picture.
3. Pictures for fabric that are transferred using an iron.

Prepare the following tools in advance:
1. Ruler.
2. A simple pencil.
3. Scissors.
4. Sewing needle.
5. Durable threads that match the color of the fabric.
6. Iron.

1 step.
First, let's decide which felt we will use to make the cover, and which we will use to make a decorative patch. In this case, the author decided to make the cover blue and the patch pink. The previously selected decal will be placed on the pink felt. Take the picture, apply the front side to the pink felt and iron it with a heated iron. We apply a decal with an image of a branded tag onto the blue felt and also transfer the image onto the fabric using a hot iron.

Then we wait a little and after the paper on the transfer has completely cooled, carefully remove the paper from the surface of the fabric. This is roughly what you'll get:

Step 2.
Now we take beads, a thin needle and threads and embroider the picture we just transferred to the fabric with beads.

The location of the beads depends on which picture you choose. The author ended up with this beauty:

Step 3.
Now we measure the width and height of the phone with a ruler. Cut out two pieces from blue felt. The parts should be 1.5 cm wider; these will be seam allowances. The edges of the blanks are beautifully rounded. From pink felt we cut out the peacock previously embroidered with beads; it will serve as a decorative patch on the case. The size of the decorative patch is not important, but it should be smaller in size than the blue blanks.

Step 4
Now let’s sew a decorative patch to the part where there is no translated picture tag.

Step 5
Then we sew together the two blue pieces, inserting a thin strip of pink felt, folded in half, between them. Fold the blue parts so that the outer side of one part is decorated with a patch, and the other with a picture tag. And on the sewn-in loop you can hang a beautiful pendant or keychain for mobile phone. The soft and practical case is ready. Now it will delight you with its beauty and originality every day. Thanks to the author for the recommendations and advice.

Suitable for MK:

Czech glass beads, diameter 2 mm

Today it is difficult to imagine life without a mobile phone; we take it with us almost everywhere and actively use it day after day. In order not to damage the device that a person needs so much, a case is used to protect it. Naturally, covers can be bought in a store, but they are expensive and this item will not always be exclusive. Incredible beautiful cases you can sew it yourself. There are a huge number of patterns for sewing cases; they are sewn from felt, leather, fabric, from any materials, the choice of which depends on your imagination. Let's try to sew a phone case with our own hands. It's not difficult at all!

First of all, you need to choose the material from which to create a pencil case for your phone with your own hands, for example, felt, jeans, wood. You also need to choose the style of the future cover: with a strap, with a Velcro fastener, with a zipper.

The main stages of the process of sewing a cover:
2. Cutting
3. Sewing
Let's take a closer look at the algorithm step by step.


The first stage is making a pattern for a phone case. The process is responsible. The mobile device is placed on a sheet of thick cardboard and outlined with a pencil. Based on the thickness of the phone, seam allowances are made. Cut out the pattern. You can quickly learn to sew yourself, then, if you wish, you can make non-standard and individual things with your own hands.

Cutting and sewing

The second stage is cutting and sewing the phone case. The pattern is applied to the selected material, parts of the future case are outlined and cut out.

The easiest way to connect the parts of the cover is with a stitch seam on sewing machine strong threads. Sewing a phone case from old things is very popular, for example, jeans, sweaters and even socks are used.


The third stage is assembling the product. If the parts of the cover are connected to sewing machine, then the contour of the seam is outlined with a pencil along the front part of the part. The details of the case are left with large allowances. Place both pieces of the phone case together and sew them together. After this, the allowances are cut off, leaving approximately 0.3 cm to the seam.

Master classes on the topic

We present several simple master classes on sewing cases and stands for your phone with your own hands.

DIY phone case made of denim

What we will need:

  • denim;
  • golden threads;
  • decorative tape;
  • sewing machine;
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

We cut out two parts, long and short.

The long part should taper at one end - this will be the smell of the cover covering the opening. We measure our mobile device, and taking into account the seam allowance, we make a pattern.

We process the top of the short part with an overlock stitch. We place a decorative ribbon.

We put two parts together and sew them.

Phone stand

You can make many phone stands with your own hands from scrap materials, for example, paper, cardboard, plastic cards, parts from construction sets, and office clips.
Let's focus on the version of the cardboard stand.

What we will need:

  • sheet of cardboard.

We cut out a strip measuring 10 x 20 cm from a cardboard sheet. Fold it in half along the short sections. Let's draw a figure.

The fold line remains intact. The result is a comfortable and stable phone stand.

Phone charging case

To prevent your mobile phone charger from getting tangled or injured, you can sew a case for it with your own hands.

What we will need:

  • Main fabric (two pieces 27x15 cm)
  • Pocket fabric (two trapezoidal pieces, 18 cm and 15 cm at base, 13 cm high)
  • Non-woven fabric (two parts, 27 x 15 cm and 18 x 13 cm)
  • Tape 25 cm
  • Fringe with pompoms 76 cm
  • Plastic eyelet for curtains

We glue the parts with non-woven material: the main part, the pocket part.

Sew the parts together. Fold inside out and iron.

Sew on: ribbon, bow.

Place the pocket on top of the main part, glued with non-woven fabric. Sew along the edges. The pom-poms are directed towards the center, the ends of the fringe overlap. Sew around the perimeter.
Fold and stitch the parts, leaving an opening for turning inside out. Turn it inside out, iron it, and then sew up the hole by hand. Install the grommet.

Leather Case

The leather case is practical, it is durable and does not wear out. Leather is expensive, so you can use old leather items, such as a bag, which will significantly reduce costs.

What we will need:

We measure the dimensions of the phone and cut out 4 leather patterns using the pattern rectangular shape
and one strip. We cut the Velcro in the shape of a square or rectangle.

Sew rectangles on the wrong side.
Turn the product right side out and insert a smaller bag inside.

We bend the strip and connect it. We sew one side of the Velcro to the edge of the front side of the cover, and the other to the fastener.

Sew the clasp to the case in the center of the reverse side, folding the edges inward.

Leather sewing master class

Felt cover

Felt is a popular material for making covers.

What we will need:

  • felt;
  • floss threads;
  • beads;
  • satin ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • glue "Moment";
  • sewing needle.

To make a pattern, transfer the outline of the phone onto paper. Add seam allowances.
We place the finished pattern on felt.
We cut out two identical parts along the contour.
We make decorations. Glue the finished applique onto one of the parts of the pencil case.

After that, we fold both parts and sew them together.

The master classes presented are popular and simple, get creative and ready product will please.

Video of sewing from felt

The simplest phone case

The easiest way to make a phone case is to make one out of a tie.

What we will need:

  • tie;
  • pins;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • Velcro;
  • sewing machine.

Cut a wide piece from the tie. Calculate the length of the phone bag.
Steam the tie, then sew it together so that it is the same size along its entire length.
We fold the edges of the tie and sew them together. We do not throw away the excess part of the tie.

We lift the left edge of the tie up, sew along the edges, not forgetting to sew in the handle. We sew the case.

Felt phone case pattern

Felt is a useful material for creativity. Dense, it does not crumble during work; a wide variety of products are sewn and glued from it. Huge color palette material. Felt's properties are second only to felt. It is valued for its durability, and when using phone cases this property is important.

Felt phone case pattern

Fabric cover

What we will need:

  • sock;
  • sewing needle;
  • threads;
  • felt;
  • scissors.

We draw a pattern based on the size of the phone. We cut off the elastic band of the sock and cut off the excess according to the pattern. Next, we cut the sock vertically.
We fold the two halves where the cuts are into triangles. We sew on these “ears”; the lining can be made from felt.

Phone case with retractable strip

What we will need:

  • main fabric piece 10 x 30 cm;
  • inner fabric part 10 x 30 cm;
  • ribbon 22cm long;
  • metal half ring;
  • metal decoration;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • pins.

Stepping back 8 cm from the top edge of the inner part, make a loop in the center slightly wider than the width of the ribbon. You can use a special stitch and foot in your machine or sew such a buttonhole by hand.

Insert the tape with one end into the resulting loop up 1.5 cm, to the short edge of the part. Sew along the outer edges of the loops.

Place the outer and inner pieces of the phone case right sides together, with the tape in between. Topstitch 0.5cm from the edges, leaving approximately 5cm of open seam. Cut the seam allowances at the corners at an angle.

Turn, iron and sew up the open area.

Topstitch the short sides to the edge, or double decorative stitching on each side. At a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge, make a second loop of the same width as the first. The second loop is located closer to the opposite edge of the cover from the first. Pin the fabric around the loop.

Sew on a decorative element.

Fold the piece in half, right side out, and stitch along the sides at a distance of 0.5cm from the edge, starting the stitching 0.5-0.7cm from the top edge.

Pull the ribbon into the top loop, insert a half ring, fold 1 cm of ribbon and pin it with a pin. Stitch.

The pencil case is ready. You can add a magnet to the strap of your phone pouch.

Even if in sewing you are a beginner: create, dare, don’t be afraid to create beauty around you.

Video master class on sewing a cover from foamiran

Photos of cases for inspiration

Felt is a dense textile material, widely used in creativity and handicrafts. The main advantage of its characteristics is that it does not have a back or front side. The structure of the fabric is dense, not fleecy. Thanks to this, the cut edges of the material do not crumble and do not require additional processing. Lovers of handicrafts often use this material in their creativity.

Quite original and at the same time simple things are made from it, suitable for use in Everyday life. Such a thing could be a unique case for a mobile device or headphones, which always get lost and confused.

With the help of such textiles you can decorate finished work in such a way that such a thing will be in a single copy and will bring pleasure to its owner.

A felt case for a phone or tablet will serve beautiful accessory and will perform an additional protective function - dense fabric will prevent the gadget from scratches and soften the impact of a fall.

Where to start and what you need

If you are just a beginner craftsman, it is better to try with simple crafts. Try sewing a cover in the form of a pocket. To do this, simply connect two identical parts by stitching, leaving the top intact. In this place you can make a closure with Velcro, a button or a button.

Ready-made ideas and templates for production are available on the corresponding websites. It won’t be difficult to find patterns for the model you’re interested in, watch video tutorials and master classes.

It is worth thinking about what color the future product will be - plain or combined with two or three colors. Then you can go to the store for materials and tools.

Here is a sample list of what you will need for work:

  • felt fabric of the selected color in sufficient quantities;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • needle;
  • floss threads;
  • zippers, buttons, Velcro, buttons, etc.

Step 1. Paper sketch

The dimensions of the phone (length and width) are transferred to paper. Measure the side width, divide it in half and add this value on the pattern on each side. Plus another 0.5 cm for the seams.

Step 2. Details

After you have selected a photo with a pattern for a felt case, you need to draw the necessary elements, taking into account the size of the gadget. Cut them out. Using pins, pin the paper cutouts to the matching colored felt fabric and cut out.

Step 3. Assembly

The two main parts of the cover are sewn in two ways. First: sew the edges without touching the top, then turn the resulting pocket inside out. Second: sew the edges together using a blanket stitch, either by hand or using a sewing machine. The product does not turn inside out.

The front side of the case is decorated with buttons, snaps, and beads. Or they make an applique by cutting out flowers, hearts, or some animals.

Experienced craftsmen advise watching several master classes on felt covers for novice craftsmen before deciding to create.

For headphones

The eternal problem with this accessory is known to everyone. They get tangled in a bag or pocket, or even get lost on the bed, in a chair, on the floor. This can be solved using a device such as a headphone case, which you can easily make from felt with your own hands.

You need to cut out a suitable figure. If this is an animal, then it is advisable to make its body rectangular in shape so that it is convenient to wrap wires around it. It is cut out in two copies and stitched together for greater stability. Additional details are sewn on: handles, ears, paws, eyes, etc.

The wires with the headphones are wound around the body of the figure and secured with Velcro, which is made in the form of one of the parts of the product. For example, for a bird it could be a wing, for an animal it could be part of an apron or pocket.

An original idea could be a case - a 2-in-1 pocket. It is made in the shape of a bear or a bunny, and the animal’s paws are sewn to the front part with Velcro - they act as a holder.

Or sew an additional compartment for a credit card, business card, or small items to the back or front of the case.

For tablet

The product for this gadget is made in the same way as for a telephone. The pattern is drawn on paper, transferred to fabric and cut out. Then all the parts are sewn together, an applique is made and the lock is secured.

Detailed instructions on how to properly sew a cover can be found on Internet sites dedicated to needlework. When you or your child master simple crafts, then you can move on to more complex exquisite works. The main thing is imagination and perseverance.

Photos of felt covers