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Beautiful manicure at home for small nails. Beautiful manicure for short nails at home: step by step photos

Simple and universal designs are in demand not only for special occasions, but also for every day, in the office, school, and trips. It is not for nothing that the most popular coating in professional salons is a single-color coating with red gel polish.

Color plus minimal decor - the formula for a successful manicure modern woman and girls leading an active lifestyle. Let's look at popular simple designs, easy-to-learn textures, and step by step two of the most popular manicure techniques for preparing nails for coating.

Easy manicure to prepare nails for design: edged and acidic options

When you don’t have a single extra minute, and you want to make a simple and beautiful nail design, then half the battle is preparing to apply the coating. It can also be minimized and the procedure can be performed at home. The most simple options manicure – edged and acidic. Let's look at each of them step by step.

Trimmed or classic manicure:

Acid quick manicure

At home, I want to reduce manicure to a minimum and devote more time to creativity - drawing out the design. The acid version of the procedure will help with this. At home it will take 15 minutes.

Simple and quick option– gel polish or shellac with the effect “ cat eye" It is applied in two layers, each of which is processed with a magnetic stick to create a stripe or ribbon of shiny particles in the composition of the product (photo).

Cat eye manicure in black and white palette

If you need a simple and quick manicure with an original effect, the “cat’s eye” will come to the rescue. You can choose combinations of base and highlights in a variety of shades. The everyday option is black and white or black and gray. It will suit most office and school outfits and basic accessories. If you do not use a magnet to draw a highlight or stripe, you will get an even shimmering background.

Simple red manicure with a matte finish and a graphic design

A matte finish or matte shellac can tone down the red color a little for everyday looks, while still adding the right shade accent. The matte finish of the varnish is given by the finishing top with the effect of the same name. Black lines can be drawn on the nails with a brush or needle.

The manicure in the photo also illustrates a life hack - when durable coating grows, you can extend the line to the cuticle, and we get a new lunar design. It will last another week if the ends are in good condition.

Lightweight casual design with web gel

The new viscous texture was a real discovery for 2018-2019. A simple monochromatic manicure can be transformed with the help of a contrasting graphic design, even if it is abstract, chaotic lines. The consistency of the gel resembles melted chewing gum. To apply, place a drop at one point of the nail, and from it, using a brush or needle, lines are drawn along the perimeter of the plate.

In the drawing, before applying the web gel, shiny foil was additionally secured. It creates the effect of depth.

Simple French glitter

Continuing the theme of simplified lunar design, you can make a French jacket with the same approach. The base is made with a pink camouflage base, and transparent shellac or gel polish with glitter is applied to the tips of the nails and stretched with a brush from the edge to the middle of the nail. You will need a flat wide brush - a comb brush, for example.

Simple nail designs with stickers or stamping technique

Original, bright, even mischievous manicure ideas come from nail slider stickers. They are attached over a plain base and then sealed with a top coat. You can choose inscriptions, animals, flowers, patterns, abstraction and even a gradient.

Using a similar stamping technique, spectacular and original designs are obtained. Stamping requires a special kit and time to practice. The design is engraved into a template into which the polish is poured, a stamp is pressed onto it, and then the print is transferred to the nail. We fix the result with a top coat. This technique makes it easiest to draw patterns and abstractions.

Simple nail designs: ideas, photos, patterns, drawings for inspiration

A beautiful gentle manicure in a minimalist style can be done using polish, gel polish, paint and gel with the addition of sparkles, rhinestones, rubbing, powder, velvet sand and airbrushing. Let's consider ideas for simple and easy nail designs for every day, for the office, school and special occasions.

Gray monochromatic manicure with glitter

On short nails, plain neutral designs look even more expressive if you highlight the color with glitter. In the photo they are stretched using a gradient technique from base to edge. The plate is visually lengthened due to blurred lines and shine. It's easy to do a manicure using a brush and small glitter with a transparent base. .

Black and white simple nail art: abstract graphics

If it is difficult for you to draw beautiful compositions when applying a design, use small graphics. Broken lines, dots, blots - everything will look beautiful in contrasting black and white and other colors. Use a thin brush to make the graphics neat. This design is also suitable for small nails.

French in black and white

A win-win simple manicure for short nails – black and white French. In the photo, the design is supplemented with original vertical lines to visually lengthen the plate and draw attention to the style. If it is difficult to draw three nails using this technique, design only one of your choice.

Red manicure with a small simple pattern

It is easiest to draw fine lines, strokes and abstractions. Take advantage of graphics and draw transitions between shades in contrasting tones, as in the photo.

The second option is to complement the small pattern with rhinestones. In the photo this is one pebble that complements the heart. The composition is based on contrast, volumetric lines and brilliance of the decor.

Rhinestones in the decor of the picture

Even the simplest design, decorated with rhinestones, immediately gains volume and attracts attention. Draw such simple branches with leaves, and decorate each with small rhinestones or broth. It is recommended to attach the stones to a building gel or rubber base, securing them with a top coat at the final stage.

Rhinestones on a plain background

Even a beginner can master the design. We apply a background coating of any shade, in the photo it is white, and complement it with a composition of colored or plain gold and silver rhinestones. A simple combination of color and shine is suitable for evening looks. .

Blue manicure with a large flower on the ring finger

Painted flowers in designs are not easy to draw, but if you take the dandelion as an example, even a beginner will be able to do the task. Easy technique, black and white combination, simple pattern of base and dots around the perimeter. Look at the photo and you will succeed.

Colored stains with acrylic paints

When you want to get creative, but a specific drawing doesn’t come to mind, you can make simple abstract patterns on a contrasting background. Acrylic paint applies well and dries quickly. Before applying, mix a little pink, black and white on the palette, and then transfer a drop to the nail and make streaks. Secure everything well with topcoat. You will get a simple spring manicure, even without drawing flowers and butterflies.

Rhinestone ring on the nail

The much-loved rhinestone design is easy to make and suitable for beginners. After applying the background, place rhinestones in the shape of a ring on the nail of your ring finger. It is important to use extension gel as a base, and choose the size of the rhinestone to suit the size nail plate.

Blue manicure with rub and small pattern

A foot, a footprint, a heart, the first letter of a name and many other simple details will decorate your nails in an everyday manicure. This option is also suitable for school design, if you adjust the length. For painting, use gel paint, varnish or gel polish. Choose contrasting shades. I can't resist noticing :), .

Spring manicure on short nails

A simple drawing, a gentle background, a spring theme - this good combination even a beginner can master it. Use acrylic paints and a thin brush. If it’s difficult to draw, you can choose a spring theme in stickers or stamping bases. For short and small nails - only small designs. .

Choose a few ideas you like for every day or for a special occasion. Think about which materials would be interesting for you to master in simple designs. Start experimenting and creating!

Simple and easy manicure - ideas and techniques for pros and beginners

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This type of hand care is also called trimming, since the cuticle is cut with the help of special nippers and baths are carried out to nourish the skin of the hands and the periungual part. If you use the nippers correctly, burrs will not appear within 1-2 weeks .

Another advantage is that the varnish coating lasts quite a long time, allowing you to grow claws of the required length. The method of applying varnish itself is very simple. Any girl can paint her nails at home. You can use one varnish, or several. Which texture to use is up to you. Gel and acrylic will do. It looks like an ideal one-color varnish, matte, pearlescent, shiny.

Wet and dry manicure

Wet care looks like a classic one. Before applying attractive paint, your hands and fingers should be in order. Carry out the cuticle trimming procedure, make baths and masks. The skin will soften and the nail plate will be ready for painting. There is a disadvantage of carrying out a wet procedure - the layered nail will become soft, and when it dries, the varnish will fall off.

Dry care differs in that it is carried out without the use of forceps to remove the cuticle. You can purchase a special product that breaks down unnecessary cells that have grown back. You can remove them without any problems, as the skin will become soft.

This manicure has advantages:

  • You will not be able to injure the periungual part and the plate itself with pliers.
  • Varnish stays on for a long time, even on peeling nails.

What the nails will be like in structure and color is also up to you to decide. Almost all shades and textures look good on short nails.

This type of hand care takes place without metal cuticle cutting devices. It is perfect for those with thin nail plates, sensitive skin. The creation technology is very similar to dry.

To remove unnecessary cells, free the plate from them, cuticle removers should be used . They are gentle on dry skin. Then you should remove the cuticle with an orange stick or any other made from natural wood. Next, you need to carefully apply the nourishing agent - oil, lotion, cream.

After the procedures, it is better to leave protective layer for a couple of days without coverage. If you want to apply it right away, then you should cover the nail after the varnish with a special dryer .

The difficulty of carrying out for many depends on what is not at hand special means, although they can be purchased without problems at the pharmacy.

Advantages of European manicure:

  • The nails look neat and beautiful even without paint.
  • It can be coated with colored or colorless varnish.
  • Nail plates and skin are not injured.
  • The product helps to moisturize, restore, and rejuvenate the skin of hands and nails.

Wedding manicure short nails

The choice of colors for this look is huge. Usually brides with fair skin select tender ones, pastel shades that will match the color of the dress. Girls with dark skin They can also decide on a bright palette of colors.

The design and style of the nails depends on your desire. Can choose floral patterns, ornaments, sparkles, rhinestones, just don’t overdo it.

A heavy design will overload the nail and make it even smaller visually.

To create a beautiful wedding manicure, masters can use regular varnishes and those that are gel based.

Benefits of shellac – you don’t have to carry out the aftercare procedure immediately after the wedding. You can do this during your honeymoon.

Many ladies choose classic way of painting in light colors . It looks perfect on short nails and suits the image of a bride. Long ones cause bewilderment, look unnatural and aggressive. French is also popular for . The white shade and light stripes are perfect for the delicate look of the bride.

9 great manicure ideas for short nails at home

I offer you several truly ideal options that will make others pay attention to your well-groomed hands:

  • . You can do this work yourself. You can use contrasting colors of varnish and glitter. For example, the white shade goes well with mint, lemon, emerald and other not very bright colors.

  • Lunar manicure in fashion today . You can also do it yourself. Buy strips that you can use to separate areas to be painted. Varnishes in bright shades, such as red and burgundy, look great. They can be combined with golden or silver flowers.

  • Polka dots . Medium sized polka dots look great on short nails. You can apply a contrasting shade using a needle.

  • . To refresh your nails and give them shine, use rhinestones. In order not to overdo it, you can apply them only on ring fingers, or for each. Choose small rhinestones.

  • . Remember the French one, just replace the white stripes with foil. It looks great with gray shades and extends the size of the plate. You can use matte finishes, they will contrast with the reflections.

  • French manicure with individual design . Flowers and additional accessories will add elegance and neatness. This jacket is a great option for a wedding.

  • Line drawings . Stripes are also relevant today. You can create them using demarcation tapes. Remember, stripes lengthen the nail, so experiment and create your own unique style.
  • Matte . A win-win option is a matte finish. It is not reflective, does not shine and looks monochromatic. Light and dark shades look unusual.

Rules of execution that must be followed

Before applying the paint layer, you should get your fingers in order. You can make baths, apply nutritious cream, file claws, remove cuticles.

You should also adhere to the following rules:

  1. Don't cut it too short, otherwise they will start to grow in.
  2. The length of the plates must be the same, otherwise you will not see beauty.
  3. The short length fits perfectly on thin fingers.
  4. For short fingers, choose a shape with round edges.
  5. The square shape is suitable for thin fingers.
  6. Excess rhinestones and stucco will lead to visual reduction of nails.
  7. If you adjust the length and width, you should step back a few millimeters from the edges when painting.
  8. Vertical lines enlarge the plates.
  9. Floral design can be used, but with medium size flowers.
  10. The pattern should not be large or too small.

So, I looked at several types of manicure, outlined the pros and cons of each painting method, and gave many different examples of ideal short nails. I'll be honest, I prefer classic manicure . It's always quick and easy to do. When is there free time, then I carefully draw a French pattern. You can also get a beautiful manicure, most importantly, remember that beauty is well-groomed hands and nails . Don't run them, follow the above rules.

Most women have repeatedly done and continue to do manicures at home with their own hands. The technique of performing a manicure is quite simple. It just requires patience, diligence and time. Of course, you can spend a decent amount of money to visit a specialist in a salon, but it’s quite possible to do a manicure yourself.

I must say that now the trend is simplicity and elegance of manicure on medium and short nails, which means anyone can surprise others with beautiful hands. It is enough to carefully study the necessary recommendations, tips and look at photos of various options for simple manicure on the Internet.

Necessary arsenal

To perform a manicure at home, it is not at all necessary to have a whole set of expensive tools and devices. Is this when building up or gel coating required to purchase necessary tools, and for a regular manicure you just need to have on hand:

  • small water trays for immersing your hands;
  • a pair of files: one made of metal for filing, the other made of plastic for grinding;
  • wooden cuticle stick;
  • metal tweezers;
  • a cotton or paper towel;
  • sharpened manicure scissors;
  • medical alcohol or hydrogen peroxide;
  • cuticle oil with vitamins;
  • hand cream;
  • wooden toothpick or dots;
  • nail polish remover;
  • cotton swabs;
  • simple decorative nail polish.

Almost every woman has this entire arsenal at home, otherwise it will not be difficult to purchase all this in a specialized store. In addition, you may additionally need: tape, several rhinestones, strips for a French or moon manicure, nail polish in several colors. The gel polish manicure procedure is much more complicated and takes more time.

Hand care

Manicure implies both the beauty of nails and well-groomed hands. This means that you should also pay special attention to your hands, and therefore it is necessary to perform the following procedures:

  • Apply nail polish remover to a cotton pad and remove the previous coating of nail polish;
  • wash your hands, put them in baths with warm water and steam;
  • take your hands out and pat them dry with a towel;
  • Apply the scrub to your hands, massage them and rinse with water;
  • moisturize your hands with oil or cream.

Performing this procedure will provide your hands with softness and tenderness, and a well-steamed cuticle can be easily removed using tweezers.

If preparatory stage hands are completed, you can safely move on to the next stage of manicure: adjusting the shape of the nails and coating them with varnish.

Execution Procedure

The home manicure procedure is not particularly difficult:

  • Warm water is poured into the baths with the addition of liquid soap, sea salt, aromatic oils or lemon juice;
  • Hands are immersed in water for 5-10 minutes so that the skin steams and becomes soft;
  • Hands are pulled out and blotted with a towel;
  • Using a special stick made of wood or metal, the cuticle is moved back and raised;
  • The cuticle is cut with scissors or tweezers;
  • The rough skin of the cuticle and around the nails is cut off with tweezers;
  • The nail file gives the required shape to the nails. Nails are filed with a file in one direction so as not to damage the structure of the nail plate;
  • The skin around the nail is softened with oil, the nails are wiped with a cotton swab and acetone to remove oiliness;
  • Decorative varnish and fixative are applied.

The treatment of the skin layer around the nails is done very carefully to avoid cuts. If this occurs, the wound must be treated with hydrogen peroxide to prevent inflammation.

A variety of options for simple manicure

The surface of the nail is like a canvas for a painter on which to depict various ideas your imagination or spied on the Internet, but the simplest are considered:

With an image. Pioneers in the field of manicure can also easily realize their simple design ideas by applying a simple, cute design to the nail. For example, peas. In general, there are quite a lot of manicure ideas with a pattern, but the most stylish and popular are: mustachioed, colored chaos, classic with adhesive tapes, dotted, graphic and checkerboard.

Colored manicure. This simple and beautiful manicure can be used both on weekdays and on holidays. Shades color range varnishes can be combined according to the following principles:

  • monochrome: a combination of shades of the same tone (from dark to light). These include ombre or gradient;
  • complementarity: a combination of contrasting colors in one manicure;
  • achromatic: the use of black or white and their shades;
  • triadic: a combination of three tones in one manicure.

Colored manicure combines perfectly with French, moon, newspaper and other types.

French manicure. Timeless classics are as fashionable as ever. Reproducing this manicure option is quite realistic and easy.

To speed up the manicure process and avoid getting into trouble, you should know some tricks:

  • to remove nail polish of bright colors, such as red or burgundy, without leaving traces of staining on the skin, you need to generously lubricate your hands with nourishing cream before doing this;
  • In case of skin staining, ordinary tape will help remove stains. It is enough to apply it to the skin and remove the residue with the sticky side;
  • You can easily remove polish containing glitter or sequins by wrapping each nail with cotton wool and nail polish remover, and then wrapping them in foil for 10 minutes;
  • decorative varnish is applied to the degreased surface of the nail plate and covered with a fixative on top, so it will last longer than usual;
  • It is better to apply the varnish in several layers;
  • will help to obtain a matte surface of the coating regular steam, just hold your varnished nails over it;
  • It is easy to remove varnish from the skin near the nail with a makeup brush dipped in acetone;
  • special strips for French tape can be perfectly replaced with ordinary stationery tape.

These practical recommendations will greatly simplify the manicure procedure and make it more creative. You should not regret the time spent, because the well-groomed appearance of your hands and nails will certainly attract the attention of the stronger sex!

Photo of a simple manicure

Most women pay special attention to their nails. For creating beautiful nails need to get a manicure. Many people now prefer short nails because they cannot wear long ones. This may be explained for various reasons, for example, their health, the work they have to deal with.

Not worth growing long nails, if their condition is not ideal. If they constantly break off or flake, it is better to wear short ones. They should be given preference if you have to work in medical, educational institutions, at production facilities and other similar places. You can create a spectacular manicure with short nails. There are a lot interesting ideas for this, which are easy to implement at home.

The main advantages of short nails:

  1. They are usually healthier, which makes it possible to avoid using special varnish to strengthen the structure. Long nails can become damaged after walking in the cold, taking a shower, etc. They require additional nutrition to remain attractive, strong and healthy.
  2. No need for additional care. You just need to maintain the correct shape, and one file is enough for this.
  3. The opportunity to save money because you don’t have to go to the salon to cover your nails with a special layer for improvement, which will allow them to remain healthy. Short ones almost never break or get damaged. They can look appropriate and neat almost always.
  4. A manicure for short nails will look harmonious at almost any event, as well as at work. For example, aristocrats usually do not wear long nails. Nowadays, celebrities opt for modest manicures on short nails.
  5. Dark lacquer shades will look more harmonious on them. Their use allows you to create a positive image. Too long nails painted in bright colors, immediately catch the eye, not always making a positive impression.
  6. High level of practicality. With short nails it is much more convenient to type, cook something and do a huge number of other tasks around the house and more. There are no additional inconveniences and nothing breaks.

Constant care and a well-done manicure at home can turn short nails into a real source of pride for any woman.

  1. Important for everyone specific case choose the right shape. For example, the square one is quite popular now, but it looks better on long fingers. If they are short rather than long, it is better to choose an oval shape. Thanks to the right choice of shape, it is possible to visually lengthen short nails.
  2. It is important to remove the cuticle correctly so that there are no negative consequences. There are two main ways to do this, including European and classic. The first involves treatment with special softeners, after which an orange stick comes into play. The second is based on the use of a bath with sea ​​salt or with a soap solution. Then special scissors are used.
  3. It is imperative to leave the same length for each nail, because even the slightest difference in this case will immediately catch your eye. You need to monitor this as closely as possible during a manicure.

Design features for short nails

  1. In this case, it is better not to use a three-dimensional design, because it will look somewhat awkward. If you want to use exactly this design, you will have to grow long nails and resort to extensions.
  2. You can visually lengthen your nails with the help of a well-chosen color. With a wide nail plate, it is better not to paint the outer parts, which will make the nails visually narrower. Vertical drawings will be the best choice in such a situation.
  3. The choice of design when creating a decorative manicure at home should be as thoughtful as possible. Do not use too small or too large a pattern.
  4. It is better to limit yourself to three colors of varnish when creating an original manicure. Otherwise, everything can look quite ridiculous.

Types of manicure

Type of manicurePerformance
WetIn order to do it at home, you need to prepare a bath into which warm soapy water is collected. The fingers go down there for about twelve minutes. After this, the cuticle is trimmed using forceps, and the skin around it is treated with a scrub. After completing the procedure, hands are thoroughly dried and lubricated with a cream that will soften the skin. Only then can you apply nail polish
DryThere is no need to take any baths before starting. Special oil is used to treat leather. An orange stick is used to remove the cuticle, after which a file is taken, which gives the nails the desired shape. The base coat is applied to the nails. You can choose varnish of different colors for this
FrenchIt harmoniously combines delicate and pink shades. For short nails, you can choose a very good and attractive option. Before painting begins, the nails are put in order. They should have an oval shape. Then the base shade is applied. Then a matte white varnish is usually used. When the nails are completely dry, you should use a special fixer.
WeddingIt is distinguished by the round shape of the marigolds. The previous type is often taken as a basis, but supplemented with some elegant designs. It is important to do everything carefully so that short nails look attractive later.

Ideas for a beautiful manicure

You can create an ombre effect. It represents a neat transition between different shades, for example, to light from dark or something similar. Nails should be initially coated with a base color. Then it must dry, and then a second layer is applied.

Floral manicure is distinguished by applying it to the base coat. There is some kind of floral pattern depicted there. You can do it at home using a pre-prepared stencil. The design is secured using transparent varnish.

Graphic manicure is based on the use of straight lines. They can run parallel, intersect, etc. Typically, white or black varnish is used for this, and a bright shade is taken as the base, for example, pink, bright yellow, etc.

Quick manicure

To begin with, the nails are filed with a special file. In this case, it is advisable to direct movements in one direction. After this, the cuticle is processed and the manicure base is applied. Then the desired shade of varnish is selected, which is applied in one or a couple of layers. The final step is the application of a fixative. The procedure usually takes about twenty minutes.

You can quickly and efficiently perform a manicure on short nails at home. You just need to think through some details in advance, including the shape of the nails, the color of the varnish, etc.

For short nails, the best option is often the classic, that is, oval shape. A special oil is used to soften the cuticle. If there is already some kind of coating on the nails, it needs to be removed. For this, as a rule, a special liquid is used. Ideal option there will be a liquid without acetone in the composition.

The base coat is applied to the nail, and then the varnish. You can apply patterns with a brush or toothpick. This is how you can create a fashionable and modern manicure. It is important to remove cuticles and hangnails in time. For this, special scissors are used. You need to monitor not only the condition of your nails, but also the skin around you. There shouldn't be any defects.

It is better not to make any convex designs on short-length nails, because they have a very ridiculous appearance. Dark or bright types of polish can visually lengthen your nails. It is advisable to take proper care of them. You can give them a nice look using a special moisturizer. A timely manicure will allow every girl to make her nails attractive and healthy. You don't need to spend a lot of time or money to do this. There are a lot of unique designs and patterns for an excellent manicure.

Video - Lunar manicure for short nails at home

The fashion for the length of natural nails is changing as rapidly as for hairstyles. Many fashionistas first trim the nail plate almost to zero, and then put a lot of effort into growing it. Some professions, due to their characteristics, require only short-cut nails: musicians, cooks, surgeons and nurses, people who constantly work with a keyboard. You can get a manicure on a short nail plate either in a salon or at home.

Features of performing a manicure for short nails at home

Short does not mean unattractive. Short nails have a number of advantages:

  • long nails break and “cling” much less frequently;
  • recover much faster than long ones, especially in the winter season;
  • always have a neat appearance, appropriate for any formal and business event (wedding, business negotiations);
  • favorably emphasize the advantages of dark varnishes;
  • do not require painstaking care;
  • practical at work and at home.

From a financial point of view, short natural nails also benefit in comparison with long or extended ones. They do not require regular correction or application of a strengthening coating.

You should not grow your nails if their condition leaves much to be desired (split ends, unevenness, grooves, increased fragility, etc.). Let the nail plate be minimal in length, but healthy, neatly filed and polished.

How to do a manicure on short nails yourself

To perform a manicure on your own for short nails you will need:

  • manicure set;
  • remover (cuticle remover);
  • bath with warm water;
  • soft towel or disposable paper napkins;
  • essential oils (lavender, lemon, bergamot, ylang-ylang);
  • disinfectant (medicinal alcohol, hydrogen peroxide);
  • cotton pads or tampons;
  • moisturizing hand cream.

Lavender essential oil softens cuticles, promotes healing of minor damage, strengthens nails

Part manicure set should include:

  • two pairs of scissors (with straight and rounded tips);
  • wooden spatula;
  • tweezers or nippers - for trimming manicure;
  • several files with different grain sizes;
  • polishing block.

The layer of varnish should be thin but even over the entire surface of the nail.

Features of applying gel polish

Previously, manicures with gel polish could only be done in a salon. Now this procedure can be successfully carried out at home. To do this you need to prepare:

  • base coating, similar in principle to the base;
  • top coat (analogous to a fixative);
  • a primer that ensures the durability of the coating;
  • colored gel polish;
  • UV or LED lamp for polymerization (drying) of the gel;
  • a special liquid that removes the sticky layer.

The thinner each layer, the neater the manicure will look.

Hand preparation is the same as before regular manicure. The cuticle is removed and the shape and length of the nails are adjusted. When the nail plate is dry, carefully polish the thin top layer with a buff. After this, the nails are thoroughly wiped with a lint-free cloth, removing any remaining dust and sebum.

The sequence of application will be as follows:

  1. Primer in an even thin layer.
  2. The base, which is then dried under a lamp.
  3. The first layer of colored gel polish is applied to the nail plate, and the cut of the nail is “sealed” with it, then dried under a lamp.
  4. The second layer of gel polish followed by drying.
  5. Top coat with lamp drying.

When the top is completely dry, carefully remove the sticky residue with a napkin soaked in liquid.

The accuracy of the manicure depends on the thickness and uniformity of application of the layers of primer, base, gel polish and top coat. The thinner the layers, the more natural the nails look.

Video: step-by-step instructions for applying gel polish

Manicure design options for short nails

All monochrome shades look good on short nails: pastel, neutral, etc. This style of manicure is called nude, since it is as close as possible to the natural skin tone.

In contrast to nude, dark, rich tones look especially good: burgundy, lilac, brown, etc.

Concerning original design, there are many options for decorating short nails. The simplest of them is points various sizes, they are drawn using a regular needle or dots (a special stick for nail art with a ball at the end).

It is better to avoid large sparkles, as they visually reduce the size of the nails.

  • Ethnic style, the ornaments of which resemble the mysterious writings of our ancestors. This pattern looks good on both dark and light backgrounds.
  • Ageless red. Red tones have a unique feature - they are suitable for all women, regardless of the shape of the nail plate and age. For those who consider bright red too provocative, professionals recommend paying attention to cognac and burgundy. Such tones also look stylish, they will help hide small unevenness of the nail plate.
  • Colored drawings on a transparent basis. The transparent design with bright patterns looks great on short nails without visually shortening them. Nails are covered with a base, then with a colorless or translucent neutral varnish in 2 layers. After this you can draw flowers. Place 4 dots with a brush, then carefully shape them into petals with a needle and close them in the center. At the convergence point - the “middle” of the flower - carefully place a dot of black varnish and give it a rounded shape. After drying, coat with a fixative.
  • Sophistication and romance in pink shades. This color is quite whimsical, as is its feminine character. Cool shades, with a lilac-blue tint, will create a feeling of freshness. Warm tones are more relaxed and playful.
  • Ombre (gradient) – a smooth transition from one color to another. The application technique is complex and time-consuming, but the result is worth it. The manicure turns out to be very original. The skin around the nails is lubricated thick cream or cuticle softening oil. This will help you easily remove blemishes after finishing your manicure. Then, several shades of varnish are applied in stripes to a piece of foil or other smooth surface - from dark to light or vice versa. The border between shades is mixed using a toothpick or a needle. Immediately dip a foam rubber or nylon sponge into the resulting mixture and “reprint” it onto the nail plate. All nails are decorated in this way. After 5 minutes, until the varnish has completely dried, cover the nails with a fixative, trying to slightly “stretch” the gradient to the cut of each nail to make the transition smooth. Remains of varnish are removed from the nail ridges with a solvent.
  • Lace stamping - fancy thin patterns. They are applied using special stamps and rubber seals (or a silicone mat).
  • If it is difficult for you to apply a design on your nails yourself, then you can purchase special stickers. Applying them will take very little time, and in the end you will get a beautiful, bright and neat manicure.

    Manicurists warn: short nails are very demanding regarding the length and shape of the cut. All fingers should look the same, the slightest deviation of 1 mm becomes noticeable to the naked eye.

    Nails that are short in length require regular cuticle removal. The nail plate grows quickly, and along with it, a strip of thin skin, giving the hands an unkempt appearance. Without a cuticle, the nail looks larger and longer.

    Particular attention is paid to the selection of patterns. When choosing an ornament for short nails, several rules apply:

    • there should be free space on both sides of the pattern;
    • vertical drawing is better than horizontal;
    • they try to choose decorative elements that are small or medium in size: one large flower covering almost the entire nail will visually reduce it;
    • On naturally wide nails, a special technique of applying varnish is used: an unpainted space is left along the edges, using a brush to draw a wide strip from the hole to the cut of the nail plate.

    Sometimes the choice of design and color scheme for a manicure is dictated by the shape of the nails. The classic oval goes well with plant and floral motifs, as well as with all light shades varnish Laconic rectangular shape obliges to use rich, deep shades of varnish. But complex geometric patterns look great on such nails.

    The choice of colors for varnishes is now huge. However, stylish nail art on modest-length nails is limited to only 2-4 shades. If you use more, it will be too much.

    Video: nail design at home

    You can easily do a manicure for short nails at home. This will require very little time and a minimum of tools. Particular attention is paid to the removal of the cuticle, as well as the length of the nail plate and the shape of the cuts. Short nails are not at all a reason to refuse bold experiments (bright varnish, intricate patterns). Given that quality manicure small-length marigolds can become a real work of art, fully satisfying fashion trends. In addition, they are more convenient in work and everyday life than long overhead or extensions. Well-groomed hands with short nails always attract the attention of others.