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Rabbit soft toy keychain pattern. Patterns for sewing a soft toy - a rabbit (or bunny)

DIY toys: simple master classes, best patterns, interesting ideas.

As the great Coco Chanel said, “Handmade things are luxury. It is not necessary for everyone to have them. Anyone who wants to have them makes them himself or pays a master for his work.”

Soft toy - the first plush association children's bear. But the concept of a soft toy includes much more. This is an interior toy Tilda, and funny toys in the car, and much more. This article contains various types of soft toys, as well as techniques for making them and step-by-step master classes.

Types of soft toys with your own hands

Such toys can be divided into several subtypes: for children and adults, interior, with practical application(for example, pincushions).

Also, toys can be divided according to the type of material used: fur, cotton or linen fabrics, felt, fancy fabrics.

Today they have regained particular popularity folk toys, as well as soft toys made using national handicraft techniques.

DIY soft fur toy

A fur toy created with your own hands is especially warm and beautiful. To sew it, you can use both natural and artificial fur. It is, of course, much easier to work with artificial, but if you decide to sew a toy with natural fur you will receive a unique designer toy! First you need to decide on the pattern of the toy, the more ready product, the easier it will be to work. Small details are especially difficult for beginners.

Trace the details and cut out with a margin of 0.5 cm for the seam. Unlike fabric, it is best not to use scissors when working with fur. If you don't have a special tailor's knife, use a sharp utility knife. Cut with sharp short movements, do not move the knife deep so as not to cut off the fur.

To sew the fur, it is necessary to apply the two front sides to each other and straighten the fur outward. After sewing the toy, you need to leave a small hole through which the toy is turned inside out and stuffed with filler. Previously, toys were stuffed with cotton wool and pieces of leftover fabric.

But such stuffing takes a very long time to dry when washed, and often after cleaning the toy was thrown away only because the stuffing was not dry and mold appeared inside. Modern fillers are made of synthetic materials (sintepon and others), which dry quickly and well, do not bunch up and retain their shape. Having stuffed, all that remains is to sew it with a hidden seam.

The final touch is the eyes, nose and mouth. You can embroider it yourself, or you can buy ready-made accessories in the store.


Video: Warm cats toy, master class soft toy

DIY felt soft toy

Today, felt toys are the most popular in children's master classes and handicraft circles. But they appeared not so long ago, and there are even exact date their appearance.

Margarete Steiff and her first dolls

An enterprising German woman, Margarete Steiff, submitted an idea in a magazine for housewives to sew a soft toy with her own hands from felt. Margaret published a pattern in the magazine absolutely free of charge and detailed master Class. But in the note she said where exactly you can buy felt for such toys.

This move in 1879 made it possible to establish a toy empire in just a few years. The nuance was that the toys were both sewn at the factory and they sold blanks for toys that you could sew yourself. She left an empire to her children and grandchildren, and gave the world the fashion for soft toys.

Master class felt dog

For work you will need: brown, white and black felt, scissors, a needle and thread, beads or eyes for toys and a hot glue gun.

We print out the pattern, cut out and sew each detail step by step.

Depending on the type of seam, you can create completely different textures of the toy.

If the parts are connected with glue, the toy can only be cleaned dry. When wet, the parts will separate.

DIY soft toys made of fabric

Fabric toys appeared much earlier than felt ones. But with the advent of fur and plush toys they were unjustly forgotten for some time. With the advent of plastic, even children's toys made of fabric went out of use. But today, with a new wave of popularity on handmade again revived the popularity of fabric toys. The most popular interior toy today is Tilda.

When looking at the Tilda doll, you get the feeling that the roots of this toy go far back to the Middle Ages. Not at all. The appearance of Tilda was in the 90s of the last century by the young designer Toni Finnanger. The girl was full of ideas and Tilda turned out to be one of the many ideas. Today it is impossible to imagine a delicate, homely interior without it. And craftswomen all over the world are simply in love with Tony’s idea and create prototypes to suit their tastes.

Tilda Angels

Video: Tilda's master class

DIY soft animal toys: chicken, fox, horse, penguin, pig and others

With the arrival of the baby, I want to change the world for the better and create a special atmosphere at home. And the child is perfection itself, and you really want him to play unique toys filled with mother's love.

DIY toys - simple. We have collected master classes on a variety of animal toys from the most various materials. Note that children under 2 years old put everything in their mouth. Therefore, the material must be natural, preferably lint-free. Wonderful fur toys are best given in the third year of life.

Chicken pattern, you can sew it like for a baby and put in toys-eggs. Or you can create a miracle basket for Easter.

Video: Learning to sew a designer soft textile toy Baby Elephant

Video: How to Sew a Penguin Finger Toy

Aleftinka pig pattern.

Pattern of a giraffe and his company.

Pattern Cheerful Giraffe Flower Elephant Pattern

Since the release of Despicable Me, the world of toys has changed forever. Yes, everyone still loves bears, but when they see the cute minions, children and adults are delighted. Minion toys are the first to sell out at exhibitions. Do you want to sew it yourself for your child? As easy as pie! All you have to do is choose your baby’s favorite character.

Video: Master class on sewing a minion

DIY simple soft toys

For beginners, a lot of details may seem too complicated and the desire to create will gradually disappear. For beginners we have selected simple patterns, which even children can handle connecting. These patterns are especially relevant for creativity lessons in schools.

DIY bouquets of soft toys photo

Bouquets of soft toys Teddy bears

Conservationists fought for a long time against the sale of fresh flowers, until someone introduced bouquets of sweets or toys into fashion. Now this global trend is so popular that in some countries the sale of fresh flowers has halved.

Bouquets of soft Kitty toys

Are you going to celebrate? Make a bouquet of soft toys yourself! This is a unique gift that will take pride of place in the birthday girl’s bedroom for a long time.

Video: Bouquet of toys. Master class for beginners

DIY soft toys pillows

Garfield pillow toy

Well, having touched on the world of toys, it is impossible not to remember about the pillow toys that fill the sofas of all needlewomen. These are favorite things for both family and guests. Please note that sitting down on the sofa, few people can resist reaching out and touching the half-toy. And children happily travel with their favorite soft toys, falling asleep to the sound of the roads.

Video: Toy pillow owl

Video: Patchwork “Toy-Pillow”

Flat toys are the easiest to make and are most often made with felt. But there are different variations. Such toys attract attention with their simple and laconic design, interesting textures and the ability to take them with you everywhere.

Video: DIY soft toys. Master class, sewing cats

DIY soft toys patterns for beginners

Beginning needlewomen do not have to spend a lot of money on scraps and tools. Sometimes simple tights or socks are enough to create beauty.

We have also collected simple patterns for beginners.

The simplest toy patterns for beginners Kitten

Monkey Pattern Smeshariki

Video: Soft toy “Sock Bunny”

For children for the holiday (birthday, New Year). We made a beautiful plush bunny from a yellow viscose napkin.
To work with the toy, I needed seven days of time, as well as materials and tools: paper for making a template, thread, needle, filler (cotton wool), leather fabric of black and beige colour, translucent multi-colored ribbon, glue and brown bead.

To sew such a rabbit, you first need to find a pattern for it. A sample can be selected on the Internet and divided into separate components - details:

Now I take both head pieces and cut them apart.
I divide the details of the head and ears into three component parts, add the forehead and the back of the head to them, and, pinning these samples to the fabric, cut out the details taking into account the allowance:

I decided to make the detail of the beige muzzle, which should be under the nose of the future rabbit, wider in order to make the toy’s head larger.
Now I take the ear parts (the leftmost part is the back one, and the middle and rightmost part are the front ones):

I need to sew these parts, and first I start sewing the front parts of the ears:

I sew the resulting parts of the front sides of the ears with the parts of the back sides and fill them with cotton wool. From two side parts of the head, a long rectangular part of the forehead and nose (I will complement it with a second rectangular part that will pass through the back of the head), and from a part of the muzzle I sew a head for a future toy. And then I cut out eyes from black leather fabric and glue them to it:

I fill the resulting head with cotton wool and cut out a nose detail from beige leather fabric, which I then glue to the craft:

This is how the resulting toy head looks from the side:

Next I start sewing the body and neck. First I sew the neck piece:

I sew the resulting neck part to the body, and then sew the upper part of the body parts:

Moving on to sewing the parts of the rabbit’s paws, I attach two more (halved) paw parts to them from the inside and sew them together (so that in the end we get not two paws, but four):

Having sewn the paws, I turn the craft right side out and fill it with cotton wool:

Now you can sew the head part to the body part:

From yellow fabric I cut out two parts to make up the ponytail:

I sew a short tail from these parts and fill it with cotton wool:

I sew the resulting tail to the toy, and then decorate its neck. multi-colored ribbon(I tie a bow at the back):

Every mother wants her child to have only high-quality toys, but you cannot be sure that the toy is made from hypoallergenic materials. Or you can sew a soft bunny toy with your own hands and decide for yourself what materials it will be made of. Many toys are quite easy to sew, even a beginner can easily handle it. For example, you can sew a bunny for your child.
First, draw a hare pattern on paper and cut it out. Then take any light fabric, you can even take an old T-shirt.
Trace the pattern onto the folded fabric, right sides facing in. Cut, leaving allowances along the edges.

Then pin the fabric with needles and sew along the line. In order to turn it inside out, make a cut on the front side, in the place where the eyes will be.

Turn all seams inside out and straighten.
It is better to stuff the toy with padding polyester. It is not necessary to stuff it tightly so that the toy is soft and pleasant to the touch for the child. Start stuffing the paws first, and then the torso and head.
Now you need to stitch up the incision. Eyes can be made from white felt or any soft fabric.

First, cut out two circles and embroider the eyes with thread. Then we sew the eyes to the toy in a circle. To make the eyes more voluminous, you can put a little synthetic padding inside.
Finally, we embroider the nose, circles on the paws and a cross on the stomach with black thread. It is convenient to embroider with a backward stitch.
This is how funny the bunny turned out. Delight your kids more often with new toys at no cost.

For many people, the hare symbol is identified with something sweet, innocent, soft, beautiful, kind, bright and pure. You can see the hare pattern in our article - we have collected a photo and video selection that will be useful to you!

Nowadays, toys in the form of a hare from soft to hard are very common.

Every person will be pleased to receive a handmade bunny as a gift. It is this toy that can serve as a symbol of beauty and a friendly attitude towards a person, which is why the appearance of bunnies is very popular in our time.

They can even be knitted, or they can be hard, molded from clay.

In this article, you can find a description of the patterns of hares absolutely different sizes and styles. We hope that you will like all the options for hare patterns.

Toy bunnies delight the eye with their variety: with long ears, large and small, fluffy and lint-free.

The bunny and his image will be very relevant in anticipation of the Easter season. It is believed that the hare is a lunar beast.

Even such a beautiful animal as a bunny has its own ambiguous reputation. On the one hand, it is a fast, dexterous, very vigilant and prolific animal, but, on the other hand, it must be cunning, cowardly and deceitful.

Let's stick to the good stuff and make beautiful, kind bunnies using the patterns from this article.

So let's get started.

On this moment, Teddy technique toy patterns are gaining popularity. Therefore, let’s not be old-fashioned and pay attention to this fashionable trend among needlewomen.

The next master class on making a bunny will be using Teddy's technique. You will learn how to sew a hare with your own hands using patterns.

Features of Teddy toys are a thoughtful and sad look.

We study available patterns for creating a hare using the Teddy technique

In order to learn how to sew a hare with your own hands using patterns, you will need:
  • paper
  • pencil
  • textile
  • threads
  • padding polyester
  • two buttons

Draw hare patterns on paper with a pencil.

First, you will need to decide on the size of your future animal. Therefore, think carefully before you start making a pattern.

  1. Two parts for the body are made. It is enough to cut out one detail on paper, which will later be transferred to the fabric. Next, draw the paws of your future bunny, which will be the legs, draw the handle, heel, and palm. Long ears of your future bunny.
  2. Transfer patterns to fabric.
  3. Cut out the resulting silhouettes of the future Teddy bunny.
  4. Sew each piece together, placing them right sides up. Leave a small hole in the body in order to fill it with padding polyester. Also, leave it in the legs, head, arms.
  5. Turn your future bunny right side out.
  6. Stuff future products with padding polyester.
  7. Sew the resulting parts together.
  8. Sew on the eyes - buttons, and use threads to make the nose and mouth of the future bunny.
  9. Finish the product by decorating with the necessary accessories.

Your Teddy bunny is ready. You can give such a nice toy even to a child, he will be very happy.

Such a bunny can be a decoration for your home and will serve as decor in any interior. It will be a wonderful gift for any adult and child. You can make your own craft, both large and small.

In the video tutorial you can find all the necessary information.

Video on the topic of the article