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Affectionate names and nicknames that girls in Rus' called their lovers. “Zaznobushka” and “ladushko”: what else were loved ones called in Rus' Appeal to a beloved woman in Rus'

Yoga is the ability to direct the mind exclusively to an object and maintain this direction without distraction.

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In Rus' they called the beloved man “The Light of My Eyes,” because a man is the Path, an arrow indicating the ascent to the upper worlds.
Loving woman admiringly looks at her beloved as a light that helps her not to forget herself.

And the woman’s name was “My Soul.”

Because it resembles that for which it only makes sense to move along this Path. Everything is just for the soul. There is no meaning in anything: neither in wars, nor achievements, nor in knowledge, nor in abilities - if the soul is forgotten.

A man looks at his woman and cannot be afraid, cannot betray, cannot give up, because his soul looks at him through her eyes. And he will not accept any false excuses. You can't lie to your soul.

And sometimes he becomes coarser in battles so that the battles themselves become the meaning of life. And if he looks into her eyes, hears her voice, the cold of his heart will melt. And he will stop shedding blood and cry. This will melt the ice that shackled the soul

Or vice versa: he will throw off the yoke and stand up to his full height, take up a weapon, and fight until he frees his soul and his people or until he dies in this battle. And in moments of fear for the body, her eyes will stand before him. And fear will recede before this look. And he will step into battle...

What is a man to a woman?

When a woman-caregiver gets confused, gets bogged down in vanity, saving everything and even forgetting why she is saving it, she will look into his eyes and remember.
He won’t even remember, but will directly see the Path.
And she will understand why she should take care, why she should preserve it, and why she should not give up even a tiny bit of beauty.
Why provide space?
Why not turn into a kitchen woman?
There is a great meaning in all this, because through the eyes of a loved one the light of the Other World is visible.
And this world is a real Home and Motherland. He is waiting. He is not a fiction. Because the man himself carries his spirit in everything he does...

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In the Old Church Slavonic language, a man was designated by the majestic word “husband” (mo˛zhь), which most fully revealed the essence of a male person and contrasted him with women - wives. “And Oleg came to Smolensk and planted his husband in it” (“The Tale of Bygone Years”).

The word "husband" itself is of Indo-European origin and is related to this word in other languages. For example, with the word man in English. Moreover, often in related languages ​​the same word or its derivative is used to designate a spouse - a man who is the husband of his wife.

In addition to “husband”, to denote a man’s age and indicate his legal capacity in Rus', there were such words as “little one”, “youth” and “elder” “... and the elder’s decision of the kozarsty: “Not a good tribute, prince!..” (there same).

A man could also be designated by his social status - slave, servant, prince, warrior.

How did it happen that the biblical “husband” became a man, and then even a man, that is, he began to be designated by a word that carries a share of derogatory words?

There were “great” and “small” men

Philologist Valery Anatolyevich Efremov, who studied the problem of naming a man, in his work “Nominations of a man in the Russian language” (magazine “World of the Russian Word”) points out that until the 13th century, a free citizen was called a husband in Rus'. And not a slave or a servant. Moreover, the husbands had their own hierarchy.

The chronicles often spoke of “noble”, “glorious”, “great” men and “lesser” or “junior” men. Obviously, in the latter case it was not always about the younger generation, but also about more ordinary people, who were also free citizens, but bore less responsibility to other people and the fatherland and did not have a noble origin.

A man is a community!

Around the 15th century, the word “man” began to appear in chronicles and charters in various variations - “man”, “man”. It is derived from the adjective “muzhsk” by adding the suffix -schin (a), which has the meaning of collection, generalization (by analogy with the Smolensk region, foreign land or boyar region).

Initially, the word “man” was used as a colloquial word, but over time it began to enter the colloquial speech of Russian people. Gradually it lost its original meaning of community and began to mean “male person,” by analogy with “woman,” “hillbilly,” or “fatherless.”

How a “husband” became a husband

The separation of the semantic meaning of the words “husband” and “man” occurred around the 18th century. The impersonal "man" replaced "husband" as a representative of the gender, and "husband" in a neutral context came to mean married man. And in the “high” style they began to call a worthy person who has merit before others. The phrases “this worthy husband", "pundits" and others.

In the 19th century, the word “man” came into active use, and the 20th century finally consolidated this word in the vocabulary of Soviet citizens, but this was done for the sake of... ideology! But everything is in order.

Where did the “men” come from?

As for the word “man,” as Efremov writes, it arose at about the same time as “man” - around the 15th century and is first found in “Walking across the Three Seas” by Afanasy Nikitin, who writes: “And men and the ladies are all naked and all black.”

According to philologists, the word “man” comes from the fact that in Rus' commoners were often designated as minors, incompetent in the full sense of the word, limited by some circumstances, for example, poverty.

Are the Bolsheviks to blame?

For the first three centuries, this word carried all three meanings - it meant, in fact, a man, as a bearer of the male sex, a married man, and the same name was given to peasants and residents of rural areas. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the word was completely neutral, as defined by the “Dictionary of the Russian Academy,” and only with the Bolsheviks coming to power there was a sharp division in the meaning of the words “man” and “muzhik.”

They began to call a rude, uncouth person a muzhik and began to contrast him with a “man,” who was supposed to be smart and educated, “real.” A man-man opposition was formed, in which the latter was assigned the role of an ideological outcast - a kulak, drugged by priests or a drunkard and slob.

"The Man" is back!

However, in Lately, as V. A. Efremov notes, a positive assessment is beginning to return to the word “man”: “A real man!”, “He is an honest hard worker, and most importantly - a man!”, while the word “man” is acquiring more and more negative connotations , which are associated with the inability of intellectuals to quickly solve everyday problems, with the “effeminacy” of city dwellers and, possibly, with homosexuality.

Scientists do not know what is causing this rethinking of old words: perhaps self-awareness is returning to the Russian people, or maybe in the urban cultural environment people are simply playing with words. In any case, scientists believe that soon the word “man” may finally supplant the word “man”.

In Rus' they called the beloved man the Light of my eyes, because a man is the Path, an arrow indicating the ascent to the upper worlds. A loving woman looks admiringly at her beloved as a light that helps her not to forget herself.

And the woman’s name was “My Soul.”

Because it resembles that for which it only makes sense to move along this Path. Everything is just for the soul. There is no meaning in anything: neither in wars, nor achievements, nor in knowledge, nor in abilities - if the soul is forgotten.

A man looks at his woman and cannot be afraid, cannot betray, cannot give up, because his soul looks at him through her eyes. And he will not accept any false excuses. You can't lie to your soul.

And sometimes he becomes coarser in battles so that the battles themselves become the meaning of life. And if he looks into her eyes, hears her voice, the cold of his heart will melt. And he will stop shedding blood and cry. This will melt the ice that fettered the soul.

Or vice versa: he will throw off the yoke and stand up to his full height, take up a weapon, and fight until he frees his soul and his people or until he dies in this battle. And in moments of fear for the body, her eyes will stand before him. And fear will recede before this look. And he will step into battle...

What is a man to a woman?

When a woman-caregiver gets confused, gets bogged down in vanity, saving everything and even forgetting why she is saving it, she will look into his eyes and remember. He won’t even remember, but will directly see the Path. And she will understand why she should take care, why she should preserve it, and why she should not give up even a tiny bit of beauty. Why provide space? Why not turn into a kitchen woman? There is a great meaning in all this, because through the eyes of a loved one the light of the Other World is visible. And this world is a real Home and Motherland. He is waiting. He is not a fiction. Because the man himself carries his spirit in everything he does...

Each of us has both masculine and feminine energies.

A man is a giver: care, finances, shelter. Masculinity manifests itself in the way of giving. If he does not feel the oncoming flow of female love, he stops giving. A man needs a woman to LOVE him: not to teach him, not to educate him, but to ACCEPT him.

Femininity is revealed in acceptance. She must learn to accept: his decisions, his reactions, his essence.

A woman's ability to accept her man without reasoning develops a man's ability to give his power to a woman; A woman’s love consists of accepting a man; the ability to embrace love with emotional energy puts a woman among the human virtues. Tenderness, humility, respect, tolerance - these four energies teach a man to live through generosity. A protective field is formed around him, the strength of which is life aspirations and success.

If a woman possesses these energies, the man becomes generous, and a protective energy shell is formed around him: career growth, life success, emotional balance.

Modern women carry too much masculine energy. They have forgotten how to love with their hearts and feelings. Love began to come from the mind. Girls strive to choose a husband not with their hearts, but with their minds: he earns good money, he has his own property, he will be a good father...

Women have changed the energies that are necessary for procreation: the woman also began to give herself, showing excessive care for her son, preventing his masculine qualities from manifesting; about her husband, becoming not his wife, but his mommy. This is - men's ways of creating with their minds. All this affects the exchange of energies between a man and a woman... This is where a large number of disagreements arise in a couple.

The main manifestation of Femininity is acceptance. The ability to accept a man in all his manifestations. This does not mean humiliating yourself in front of him. This means being able to envelop it with life force, unconditional love, from which he will draw his strength and give the woman even more of his creativity, his victories, his joyful accomplishments..

We show affection to our family, to our loved one, to our child. We often give special affectionate names to our loved ones. How did things stand with this in Rus'?

Caresses before marriage

About caresses and intimate life Very little is known about the ancient Slavs. A number of researchers believe that in the pre-Christian era, premarital sexual relations in Rus' were the norm, and sometimes our ancestors even organized orgies, usually associated with certain pagan holidays.

Whether this is true or not is a controversial question, to which there is no clear answer in historical sources. But with the advent of Christianity, intimate relationships began to be perceived differently. Although, of course, not every girl “vomited herself to the crown.” However, premarital sex began to be considered a sin.

And yet, this did not mean that Russian girls had no contact with guys at all before marriage, especially peasant women. Guys and girls met at work in the fields, at get-togethers, and on holidays. And often love relationships began between them.

What could an unmarried girl afford if she did not want to be considered a harlot? Of course, there were hugs and touching. A guy and a girl who liked each other could discreetly touch each other with their palms, interlace their fingers, and those who were bolder would walk holding hands. And, of course, they kissed.

There were affectionate addresses in use, many of which are no longer used in modern Russian. For example, a girl could call her beloved “zadobny” - “dear, amiable, desirable”; “ladushko” – “good, beloved”; "My month is clear." The guy, in turn, could call his beloved “belushka”, “sweetheart”, “drolechka”, “darling”, “darling”, “dearling”, “darling”, “cherishing”. Regardless of gender, lovers addressed each other with the words: “Dear love!” This is how the greeting usually sounded.

Between wives and husbands

Between husband and wife there was an address: “You are my warm sugrevushka!” Married woman could turn to her husband with the words: “The light of my eyes.” A man in Rus' was a light for a woman, which illuminated her path and allowed her to realize her creative beginning. There were other addresses: “my clear falcon”, “my love”, “good fellow”, “my betrothed”, “hero”, “the delight of my heart”, “dear friend”, “dear friend”, “dear friend”. The husband addressed his wife: “My soul,” since the beloved woman personified the spiritual meaning of his existence, inspired him to exploits and accomplishments. Often the wives were called lovingly: “beloved beauty”, “my dove”, “white swan”.

Women especially fawned over their husbands, if they were out of sorts or angry about something, they tried to calm them down: “You are my clear falcon, the light of my eyes, lie down, rest from the road!” If a husband was angry with his wife for something, she could throw herself at his feet, hug him, and say: “The delight of my heart, there is no guilt before you!” By the way, in Rus' there was a custom for a long time when a wife had to wash her husband’s feet.

How did they caress children in Rus'?

Children also had their own “affectionate” traditions, although in Rus' it was not customary to pamper them too much. A woman could hold a child close to her if he was scared or she tried to protect him; it was customary to stroke children on the head, ruffle their hair, and kiss their foreheads. Moreover, a woman often behaved this way with other people’s children, not only with her own.

Such modern addresses as “boy”, “girl”, “baby” were not in use. Minors were most often called the word “child.” Teenagers, depending on their gender, are called “adolescent” or “adolescent”. They called their children affectionate nicknames: “fish”, “bunny”, “grain”, “bird”, “sun”. A boy or young man could be called “milok”, “kasatik”, “falcon”. A girl or girl - “girl”. Later, addresses appeared that are still in use: “son”, “daughter”, “granddaughter”, “granddaughter”.

As you can see, times are changing. Nowadays, even at the first meeting, affection between a very young guy and a girl can be very frank. Some affectionate words have gone out of use, they have been replaced by others. But the essence has not changed, and people’s need for tenderness has not gone away.

How does a woman address her lover now? Most often, words such as “sun”, “bunny”, “bear cub” or even “pussy” are used. But the need for tenderness was inherent in people of all nations and at all times. It’s just that the affectionate addresses were different. In the old days, women did not feel equal to men. Therefore, they did not allow themselves a condescending and affectionate tone towards their spouse.

Men considered themselves protectors of their wives and breadwinners of the family. Therefore, in their affectionate address to their wives, there was a hint of patronage. I propose to remember how people showed tenderness to each other in times Kievan Rus. Perhaps from the rich arsenal of ancient endearments we can take a couple for modern use? It’s not yet time to call your beloved husbands “cats”!

Times of paganism

There is plenty of evidence that before the adoption of Christianity, people in Rus' felt more liberated. Relationships before marriage, including intimate ones, were not considered something shameful. At the same time, the girls were free, like the guys, to choose a mate for themselves, and not wait for people to pay attention to them. A woman could tell a man she liked that he was “lovable” - desired, beloved, sweet.

The Slavs revered the god of love Lelya. This character in the pagan pantheon was responsible for passion, for that spark that jumps between two people. Lel was the son of the goddess of beauty Lada, who was also responsible for harmony between spouses. An echo of these beliefs can be seen in the words “cherish” and “get along” (with each other).

The reverence for the god of love was so strong that girls often called their chosen one Lelem, and also Lubitsch. And the men, accordingly, called their sweethearts Ladami. But the women changed the name of the goddess and called their loved ones Lado or even more affectionately - Ladushko.

During pagan festivals, the Slavs organized orgies where they indulged in sin. All this was done for a better harvest and to appease the natural elements, and therefore no special affectionate nicknames were used for random partners.

Christian Rus'

After the baptism of the Slavs, morals became stricter, and sexual relations before marriage began to be considered a sin. But not every bride vomited herself for the crown. Moreover, the church was never able to completely eradicate old rituals and traditions from the masses. On Christmastide, in one rural hut, girls and boys gathered for “evening parties”.

For the sake of decency, a local respectable matron or an old man famous for his piety was also invited there. But young people could communicate freely and sometimes start relationships. Of course, sexual intimacy was an excess, but young people could hold hands, hug, and even kiss. Regardless of gender, such lovers said to each other: “My sweet love!”

Premarital relations

What should the girl do to let the guy know that she likes him enough to send matchmakers? Too passionate kisses, and especially intimacy, were severely condemned by society. We had to use verbal signals. But how to say what a girl’s shame does not allow? “My clear month”, “the delight of my heart” and “my dear friend” - these are those sweet words, with which a modest young woman could turn to her beloved.

In response, the guy could call her “sweetheart”, “sweetheart”, “darling”, “darling”, “darling”, “darling” and “cherishing”. And the girl could be sure that her lover would not leave her, but would come to woo her, if he said the words: “You are my betrothed!” Then she also had to say: “And you are my betrothed” (appointed by fate).

Affectionate addresses between spouses

In marriage, the wife often spoke to her husband words veiledly praising his strength as a partner: “hero,” “good fellow,” etc. But there were other endearments. For example, “my clear falcon”, “the light of my eyes”. These expressions were not considered pompous in that era. After all, the husband was a light for his wife, her guide through the world. And the wife was the soul of a man, the thing for which he lives and works.

Therefore, the beloved often said: “My soul!” Of course, most of the affectionate addresses to his wife in one way or another praised her beauty: “white swan”, “blue-winged dove”, “beloved beauty”. But there were tender words and with a sexual connotation: “My warm little warmer.”

Isn't it cute? I think that expressions of affection in the old days were more poetic than they are now. Back then, people weren’t so alienated by the stereotypical phrases “dear,” “dear,” “sweet.” It’s worth showing a little imagination to warm your loved one with the warmth of your soul.