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Liev Schreiber spoke for the first time about his divorce from Naomi Watts. For the sake of the children: the media voiced the reasons for the separation of Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber Naomi Watts is divorcing her husband

The series of Hollywood divorces does not even think of coming to an end: after Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, one of the strongest couples in show business, Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber, announced their separation. The 47-year-old actress and the 48-year-old actor were together for 11 years, and during this time their 2 sons were born - Sasha and Sammy.

Over the past few months we have come to the conclusion that we need to live separately. This will be better for each of us and for our family. We appreciate your support and interest in our couple, but we ask the press to leave our children alone and respect our privacy.

The couple said in a statement. This news came as a real shock to fans due to the fact that Naomi and Liv had recently appeared together at film festivals in Venice and Toronto, and there were no signs of trouble.

Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber in Venice

Note that Watts and Schreiber started dating in 2005, but in the 11 years they lived together, they never reached the registry office. They planned wedding ceremony in 2007, but then the celebration was canceled at the very last moment due to disagreements between the couple. The lovers returned to this issue in 2014, but again came to the conclusion that the wedding after such a long term they don't need it together.

In my opinion, we are married, although legally we are just cohabitants. I'm happy to be with Naomi. We have a wonderful couple and a strong family. We don't need any paper to prove that we are husband and wife. We ourselves feel that we are attached to each other,

Liv confessed then. Unfortunately, now, apparently, we no longer need to wait for the couple to get married.

Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber with children

We had a romantic relationship for 9 years. During this time, the couple had two sons: 6-year-old Alexander Pitt and 5 year old Samuel Kayi. And so, having passed such a test of love and fidelity, the couple decided to tie the knot. The day before it became known that Naomi and Liv were seriously thinking about getting married. “This is a big step after so many years. life together. They are ready for this, we are sure"- friends of the actors comment on the news.

Note that in 2007, the lovers were already planning a wedding, but canceled the celebration at the very last moment. At the time, friends of Watts and Schreiber said the couple had intractable differences that they could not overcome.

According to friends, Liv and Naomi really became close after Watts received disapproving reviews from critics about the film "Diana: a love story." Schreiber was delighted with the performance of his common-law wife and sincerely did not understand why Naomi did not receive a single award. “Naomi was terribly depressed and heartbroken over such a failure. Liv came to Watts’ aid, who not only supported his lover, but also helped her restore her reputation and trust from directors and producers. Schreiber’s support was a tremendous success, because Naomi is now involved in the filming of four films.”- a family friend explains the situation.

In 2012, during the promotion of the film “The Impossible,” in an interview, Naomi shared her thoughts about her relationship with Liev Schreiber: “We are constantly together. We don't need any paper to prove that we are husband and wife. We ourselves feel that we are attached to each other. This is absolutely normal for us. Maybe one day we'll wake up in the morning and decide we want to get married. Or maybe not".

For his part, Schreiber says: “In my opinion, we are married, even though according to the law we are just cohabitants. I'm happy to be with Naomi. We have a wonderful couple and a strong family.”

Let us remember that Watts and Schreiber met in 2005 at a luxurious charity ball in New York. However, to win the affection of the man she liked, Naomi had to make a lot of effort. " With Liv I showed a lot more pressure than usual - the actress recalls . “Usually I preferred men to make the first move, and that’s what they did.” And then he came up and began to say goodbye. And I thought: “I wasn’t, if I’m embarrassed, then a few more years will pass alone.” I was wildly attracted to him, I was captivated by his work. I mustered up all the swagger I could muster and asked: “Well, why don’t we exchange mobile phones?” Could have been more subtle: “Would you like to write down my phone number?”

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The famous actor and producer commented for the first time on his separation from his common-law wife, actress Naomi Watts...


In September of this year, the news of the breakup of this couple came like a bolt from the blue. Let us remember that Naomi and Liv were together for 11 years, the couple is raising two sons.

Liv became a guest on a television show on CBS and in a conversation told how he felt after breaking up with Watts. The actor did not hide the fact that changes scare him, and also emphasized that despite the separation, he and Watts remain close people:

Naomi Watts spoke for the first time about her life after divorce

“We are parents, so no matter what we will be together for the rest of our lives, we are very close. I don’t think that will ever change,” he said.


Schreiber is a very rare guest on various shows. And not because his name is not called - he’s just silent and doesn’t like to talk about himself and his life.

When the hosts offered to help him with his personal life and find a partner, the artist laughed it off. And then, more seriously, he said that he was currently busy in the Broadway production of the drama “Dangerous Liaisons.”

The reasons for the divorce of Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber are named

Let us remind you that the former common-law wife Schreiber, 48-year-old Naomi said that right now, after the divorce, her attention is focused on her two sons. She spoke about this with reporters from News Corp.


“I feel that now in my life everything is in its place. The main thing for me is to know that my children are healthy and happy and that we are doing well,” she said.

When reporters asked her about the divorce, she only briefly said that for her and Liv, “this is the best path forward.”

At the same time, the woman said that star status does not play any role when a person gets divorced. And such periods are “terrible for everyone.”

We are parents, so no matter what we will be together for the rest of our lives, we are very close. I don't think that will ever change - Liv

Watts is also busy planning the upcoming Christmas holidays. She plans to return to her native Australia and spend the festive season with her mother and relatives.

But if her work requires her presence in New York, the star will have to return to the United States.

Let us remind you that Naomi recently tried her hand at design. She designed the collection casual wear for the Australian brand Sportscraft.

The new line includes 11 models - classic shirts, dresses and shorts.

A distinctive feature of the collection is the color scheme: all models are made strictly in white, made of linen and silk, natural fabrics for a summer wardrobe.

I feel that now in my life everything is in its place. The most important thing for me is knowing that my children are healthy and happy and that we are doing well - Watts

“I love white - it's usually a sign that summer has arrived. White is suitable for the beach and for parties,” commented Watts on the choice of color scheme.

Clothing from the star is designed for middle-class women; its cost ranges from $98-195. Despite the fact that the collection is summer, it will go on sale in winter.

Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber have split up!
Matthew McConaughey and Naomi Watts get lost in The Sea of ​​Trees

Yesterday, Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber decided to support the bad trend that has engulfed Hollywood couples and announced the end of their 11-year romance. To avoid gossip, the actors confirmed the fact of their separation in an official statement, but kept silent about the reasons for the discord in their family.

An ideal union without marriage

Naomi Watts, 47, and Liev Schreiber, 48, who started dating in 2005 despite missing a passport stamp, seemed like a loving couple who would live together for the rest of their lives. Union of two loving people sealed by the birth of two sons - Alexander and Samuel. Therefore, the news that Naomi and Liv no longer live under the same roof and are now only good friends, came as a surprise to everyone.

Plausible versions

In order not to be left guessing, representatives of the press, as usual, turned to insiders for clarification. Sources close to the couple said that Watts and Schreiber had had respect for each other for several years, but not love, and were unhappy in their personal lives.

At some point, they realized that they were pretending to be spouses only for the peace of mind of their children, but in reality they were making themselves and them unhappy. The boys saw their parents quarrel and not speak for weeks. Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber decided not to torture themselves or their children.

The situation was aggravated by the fact that Liv considered his wife more successful than him. He reproached her that family obligations tied him hand and foot, interfering with his acting career.

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It remains to be seen which of the above is true!