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The best birthday greetings in verse. Beautiful happy birthday greetings Preparing a game program

Author's script for a woman's 60th anniversary“My Clear Star” was written to order, includes many new beautiful touching moments and congratulations, and is designed for the company of relatives, friends and colleagues. Musical arrangement can be downloaded in the script.

Before the feast, guests organize a living corridor and arrange a gala meeting called “Star Path”

Meeting the hero of the day "Star Trek".

(You can watch a similar gala meeting in this one. Guests line up in a row of three or four people, parting at the words of the presenter. The hero of the day enters the hall and stops in front of the “star path” - stars cut out on the floor.)

Presenter: Make way, friends, make way,
At this moment, smile from your heart.
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one who has a birthday.
(The hero of the day comes out.)

Dear Galina!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star to them.
So may your rays continue to grace us with affection,
And life seems to us like a big fairy tale.

So that we can extend this fairy tale,
At least for a little bit
Take your time, manage to walk
Star track.

Every star is just a mystery
You only need one guess.
Feel free to take the star path
And guess something!

First star

Each of us dreams about this,
I think that includes you,
Get it from a man's hands
Beautiful now ... (flowers)
(They give a bouquet of flowers and step on the next star.)

Second star

To remember later your biography,
We'll do this now ... (photo)
(They take a photo and step on the next star.)

Third star

From now on, pamper your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his ... (kiss)
(The husband kisses the birthday girl - she steps on the next star.)

For all the heroes of the occasion
In moments like these,
We are ready to give endlessly... (applause)
(Applause from the guests; steps on the next star.)

Fifth star

We can’t avoid miracles today,
Let it fall from the sky now ... (confetti)

(Showered with confetti - steps on the next star)

Sixth star
To always be with friends,
We all need to fulfill ... (song)

(Guests sing the song “Happy birthday” or “Let them run clumsily” - one verse. The hero of the day steps on the next star)

Seventh star

And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear us here the anniversary... (firework)
(Guests, piercing balloons, imitate fireworks).

Presenter: Galina Ivanovna, you walked the star path in a fun and beautiful way, now we are waiting for everyone to be invited to the table.

(The hero of the day invites guests to the table)

Sounds 1. Hello guests.

(to download - click file)

The first part of the anniversary script “My clear little star.”

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests and dear birthday girl!

My name is (Name), and our DJ (Name) and today

We came with you to congratulate Galina Ivanovna on !

It is not for nothing that they say that a woman is the keeper of the family hearth, a source of inspiration, and for those closest to her, a guiding star that helps them confidently walk along the roads of life. We will spend our evening today under the sign of a star named Galina - a word to the husband of the hero of the day (Name)

Guests fill their glasses.

Toast from my husband

The song “My Clear Little Star” is played, sung by my husband.

(can be replaced with a song played by a DJ - sounds 2. Mikhailov. Everything for you.

small break

Presenter: The name Galina translated from Greek means serene and clear. Next to such a woman you always feel calm and confident, so it is not surprising that she has so many loyal girlfriends and friends, a word of congratulations to long-time family friends...

Toast from friends

The guests are drinking.

Sounds 3. Allegrova. Happy birthday.

small break

Presenter: Dear guests, on our holiday the artists won’t come, and we don’t need them. As far as I know, you are talented and cheerful people yourself. Today we will have many different quizzes, competitions, reasons to sing, dance and, one way or another, express ourselves and our warm feelings for the hero of the day. Galina Ivanovna prepared a small gift for everyone, which will be presented at the end of the evening, and along with it, at the end of the evening, everyone will be awarded a nomination: the most informed, the most cheerful, etc. So today no one will leave without a gift. In the meantime, let's rehearse - everyone will try on the role of a star.

Table game for getting to know guests "Star Compliments""

Presenter: Each of us, at least once, dreamed of becoming a star, well, maybe not on a world level, but at least for our loved ones. Sometimes, in order to feel like a star, we simply do not have enough self-confidence or a person nearby who would believe in us and know for sure that we will succeed. Let everyone today, looking into the eyes of their nearest neighbor, say some kind of compliment, note a wonderful quality in his character, and emphasize any of his skills or talents. Each of us can find something good or interesting, and everyone is pleased to hear praise addressed to them.

(The presenter holds two headbands with beautiful stars (like Verka Serduchka’s): she puts one of them on her head, as if becoming a “star”, the second she holds in her hands. And turns to the guest who is next to her: “ I think that you will definitely become (or “are” - for older people it’s better to say in the present tense) a star, because you have smart and very expressive eyes." Then the presenter puts a second headband on this guest’s head, and gives her own headband into his hands )

Presenter: Like that. A guest who receives a compliment from a “star” also becomes a “star”. He turns to another neighbor and shares his “stardom” with him, paying a compliment. So, along the chain, our “stars” will talk to each other. This is just another reason to tell each other good words and feel pleasure from the words heard addressed to you.

(table game in progress)

Presenter:(Toast) For the stellar composition of the assembled company! (drink) This is truly: “There are no uninteresting people in the world, their fates are like the history of the planets...” How well do you know the fate of our hero of the day? Let's check it now.

Anniversary quiz for a woman 60 years old.

Presenter: I will ask questions and give 3 possible answers, who knows - answers, okay?

In what city was our birthday girl born?

What technical school (university) did she graduate from? (3 options, one correct)

When she first saw her future husband, what was he doing? (3 options, one correct)

Who did little Galina dream of becoming as a child? (3 options, one correct)

Which city is Galina Ivanovna ready to go to at the first opportunity and why? (3 options, one correct)

(You can come up with other questions - about a specific hero of the day, on average, 10 questions are enough)

Song 4 is playing. Basque. Happy birthday.

small break

Presenter: It is immediately obvious that close people have gathered here who not only know Galina Ivanovna well. But they never tire of congratulating her. Word to friends!

(congratulations are heard and gifts are presented)

5. Kikabidze sounds in the background. Wishes.

Presenter: Next - a word to the son (name), who has prepared a surprise for his mother.

Slide show " Star Trek" and a toast from my son.

Sounds 6. Freestyle. Happy birthday, mom. - son invites mother to dance.

(They return to the table - everyone applauds)

Presenter: Dear Galina Ivanovna! We would like your star to shine in our sky for as long as possible and never fall. Let other stars fall, they say it’s fortunate.

Original congratulations on the anniversary

dance break

The second part of the woman's anniversary script

Presenter: Dear guests and dear Galina Ivanovna,

I suggest you refill your glasses and drink to

so that for all participants in this starfall, stars would fall more often and always to happiness!

Interactive at the table "What is happiness?"

The presenter goes around the guests and asks some of them what happiness is for them, how much is needed for happiness? Then he asks the hero of the day about her idea of ​​happiness.

A toast to happiness


Song 7 plays. Slutsky. What is happiness?

Presenter: Yes, for happiness a person needs both a lot and a little, sometimes it is enough for just a loved one to be nearby, today it is happiness for all of us that Galina Ivanovna is nearby, let’s tell her about this together, in unison. I read the first 3 lines, and you shout in unison the phrase: “It’s happiness to be with you!”

Table chant at the anniversary

small break

Musical entertainment at the table.

Presenter: I know that among you there are many fans of singing, now let’s first check how well you know old songs and films. And then we'll sing.

1. Guess the melody of their movies.

Z learns an excerpt of songs from famous films - guess the authors, performers or film.

2. Guess the name and finish the song.

Number " Bag in a circle."

(in a bag or box there are cool headbands, hats, wigs or costume elements)

Presenter: Let's assume that this was a rehearsal, and now there's another surprise. This box (bag) contains costume elements. But who will get what is unknown. While the music is playing, you pass the box around - whoever the music stops on takes out the first thing that comes into his hands and puts it on himself. And so on until the box is empty.

Sounds with stops 8. Instrumental. Cucaracha.

Presenter: Now all the happy owners of costumes come to me (distribute microphone, instruments, add costumes if desired).

(getting ready for the act)

Comic congratulations hero of the day

"Russian Song Ensemble".

Presenter: (announces number) Attention! From a foreign tour, especially to congratulate our hero of the day, a three-star and honored Russian song ensemble flew in! The song "Galina" is performed for Galina!

To create a greater effect, you can dress up in Russian folk costumes, such a performance will definitely impress the guests and the hero of the day

The song plays.9. White Day. Galina.

- (participants pretend to sing, dance and play instruments.)

Original congratulation "I will give you a star".

Presenter: Once again, a word to Galina Ivanovna’s beloved husband and faithful companion - (name). Remember: at the beginning of the evening he sang the song “My Clear Little Star” to her; once upon a time their love story which they carried throughout their entire lives. And today he will give his wife a unique gift - from now on a star in the sky is named in her honor.

(Word to the husband, who presents a certificate from the Star Almanac)

A toast to the new star.

An old legend says: when a person is born,
A star in the sky will light up to shine for him all his life.
So let your star shine and never go out,
And may her love and kindness always warm everyone!

(The host invites guests to celebrate this event with a “star” dance. Sparklers are distributed to everyone, the lights are turned off, spouses and guests dance a slow dance to the “Moon Melody” or

10. Kortnev. If I did not have you -

dance break

THIRD Feast.

Presenter: Such an event as the appearance of a new registered star in our sky could not go unnoticed by the Astrologer, and he personally decided to attend our holiday.

Costume act "Stargazer"(one of the guests)

The mysterious world of space, shuttles, Jedi, lightsabers - the Star Wars theme is attractive to children, because what kid doesn’t love everything mysterious and inexplicable. You can arrange a trip that children can remember for a long time by organizing a birthday party, which is based on a story about space adventures in a fantastic Universe.

Decorating the room

A Star Wars-themed birthday party can be held in any suitable place, for example, in your own apartment, or on the lawn in front of the house, as long as the children have somewhere to roam. Decoration elements:

  • posters with images of the starry sky;
  • posters with spaceships;
  • silver stars;
  • shiny balls symbolizing planets;
  • various LED garlands;
  • blue and black tablecloths, chair covers;
  • balls black, blue and white;
  • slogans on posters, for example, “May the force be with you!”, or “Come to the dark side!”

Menu creation

The Star Wars-style scenario is designed for an approximate number of participants - 6-10 people, which means you need to prepare for that number of children. Menu:

  • several types of pizza;
  • potato chips;
  • chicken nuggets;
  • vegetable, cheese slices;
  • fruit skewers on skewers;
  • various sweets and fruits.

To give a “star” effect, fruits and sweets can be coated with silver food coloring. The birthday cake is decorated with stars and figures from Star Wars.

Preparing a game program

The approximate age for which the proposed competitions are designed is 6-12 years. You need to prepare in advance:

  • lightsabers made of thick foam rubber or cardboard and covered with bright paper in neon colors;
  • paper airplanes, a cardboard planet with a hole in it;
  • parts for R2-D2 robot appliqués, glue stick;
  • a poster of Master Yoda, several lightsabers printed on paper, blindfolds;
  • boiled eggs with stormtrooper helmets painted on them, tablespoons;
  • ropes from which a “laser network” is tangled;
  • plasticine, foil, matches and other supplies for creating aliens;
  • inflatable balloons with letters inside, the letters should make the word “fireworks”;
  • fireworks.

Birthday script in Star Wars style

The host needs to be dressed in a cloak, like those worn by Jedi knights; the same cloaks can be prepared for little guests.

Jedi: Greetings, oh brave warriors of the Universe. Today you have to unite together to resist the insidious Darth Vader and destroy the terrible bomb that he planted on our home planet Earth. You are ready? Let's sort out the swords and hit the road!

Children are given lightsabers.

Jedi: We're leaving! To do this, you need to take seats in the shuttle cabins and fly through a special portal of our mysterious planet. We're going on a journey and saving the Earth! May the force be with us!

"Through a Hole in Space"

The children are given paper airplanes; a cardboard planet with a hole cut out in it is suspended at a small height from the ground, through which they need to throw the shuttle. Each child is given several attempts.

Jedi: Here we are in outer space and I just received a cosmogram that the droid R2-D2 is broken. We urgently need to repair it, because without it further travel is impossible.

"Fix the robot"

Children are seated at tables and are given blanks for appliquéing the R2-D2 robot and glue. The guys must reproduce the image of a famous droid. To make the task easier, you can print out several pictures with the finished result for clarity.

Jedi: May the force be with us! We did it! And the next point in our search for the bomb is Master Yoda. But look, he lost his lightsaber. To get a hint about further actions from the great teacher, we need to try to return his weapon to its place.

"Yoda and the Lightsaber"

Each child in turn needs to be blindfolded and asked to blindly attach a lightsaber drawn on paper to a poster depicting Yoda.

Jedi: Excellent result. And it seems that I see some kind of note in the hand of the great master. Let's read it: “Save a squad of imperial stormtroopers. It will be credited to you." Wow, it's a challenge, but we can do it! Let us shout together: “May the force be with us!”

« Save the Stormtroopers"

Two teams of 3-5 people must carry eggs in spoons with stormtrooper helmets painted on them so that they do not fall. If the holiday is held outside, the eggs can be left raw in order to ultimately calculate which team was able to bring the most soldiers safely. While the children are rescuing the squad, the adults are pulling ropes or tapes, for example, in the corridor.

Jedi: Hooray! Everyone is saved! And that means we fly further. But what is it? Is it really a real laser network? How smart are we? Will we overcome it without touching a single ray?

"Laser Network"

Children must crawl through the stretched ropes without touching any of them.

Jedi: We found ourselves in some unusual place. Look, there is a letter on the table for us: “Revive the aliens and they will show the way!” Yeah, that means we have to interesting job for assembling alien creatures. Well, shall we begin?

"Create an Alien"

On the table there are various details for creating unusual creatures: balls of foil, matches, corks and other small things. You will also need plasticine. Children create aliens according to their own ideas and fantasies.

Jedi: Here they are ready - our alien creatures. And they tell us to look up! There are so many balls here, but there is something inside. Now we'll take the lightsabers and deal with these things.

"Balloons with a surprise"

Children use swords to knock down balls suspended from the ceiling. Inside they are small notes, each with only one letter. When all the pieces of paper are in the hands of the kids, they are asked to make up a word. It should read: “FIREWORKS.”

Jedi: Yeah! This is Darth Vader's secret! The bomb is hidden in the fireworks! Let's go out into the street together and disarm this terrible weapon.

Children and adults go outside to set off fireworks. Afterwards, everyone is invited to the table, where the children will be treated to a delicious treat and a birthday cake.

An example of a star wars style cake.

Best Happy Birthday Greetings

Unusual words original postcards, creativity and non-standard solutions - The best way make an impression. However, there is not always enough imagination to come up with everything yourself. For good gift additional ideas would be useful. On a birthday, you want to surprise the birthday person, make the holiday original and luxurious, without any particularly expensive frills. Since genius is simple, you just need to place the accents correctly.
The word is a powerful weapon that must be used skillfully. Best congratulations happy birthday and a postcard with sincere wishes will make any evening brighter and warmer, leaving pleasant memories in the memory of the birthday person... Well-chosen lines will be more effective than the most expensive but unnecessary surprise. You can design a themed card or create your own masterpiece, adding touching, funny or funny wishes to it.

It’s not in vain that we gathered here today,
We all want to get rid of you,
We almost fought for this right,
They almost threw nails at each other.

But we all came to the conclusion together
In unison, unanimously, in chorus,
What to congratulate on Happy birthday need to
So that there would be no room for disputes!!!

In our wishes we decided
Just mention the most important thing,
And, of course, we were in a hurry
Tell us about your glorious world!!!

Your world begins from home,
What is beautiful, let's say loudly,
We wish you languor
She didn’t twist hers back with authority.

You have a huge point - work,
There is no place for boredom and despondency in it,
Let all your worries be at work
It will only be pleasant from now on!!!

And, of course, hobbies... Hobbies...
You are a versatile person
We congratulate you on your birthday,
And we wish you happiness in the slope….

Happy Birthday greetings with a bouquet of flowers

They say that on your birthday
All dreams come true
You are like salvation for all of us,
Here, take the flowers.

And they are beautiful, bright
Long may they bloom for you,
So that life doesn’t become a pity
Nothing from the previous phrases.

We wish you our warmest
Selfless, kindness
Remain flawless
And career heights!!!

A star appeared on your birthday,
To shine fabulously brightly for you.
So that yours life path never faded
And life itself would be a gift!

You grow - and your star also grows,
Driving away melancholy and sadness.
You walk - and your star walks next to you,
So that you don't accidentally trip.

You're not sleeping, you really want to find it in heaven
This star, reach for it.
You hold her in your palms and let her go,
So that she could return to her sisters.

Happy Birthday. Without grief, without tears and without troubles
Let life paint in bright colors.
And there are many joyful years in your sky
The star hears all wishes.

On this day a child was born,
Looked around sadly
And he sighed with sadness: “I was born.
But I don’t know who is the enemy and who is the friend.”

So he grew up: he cried, he laughed,
I learned to speak and walk.
I tried to find out and understand everything,
Do things and love.

And today, on your birthday, you know
What is happiness - just living.
You accept gifts and congratulations,
You know how to value life.

At your place good job,
You have a happy family.
And on life’s slippery turns
True friends helped.

Happy birthday, stability and happiness!
And health - for many, many years.
So that by your perseverance, life's power
Every day yours was warmed by the sun.

With day congratulations on your birthday,
I wish you happiness and joy!
Good luck sea and warmth,
May life be long!
So that there is always comfort in the house,
The table is full, the stomach is not thin,
There is always love and advice in the family
And we never knew troubles.

On your birthday, we hasten to congratulate you,
And we want to please you with a small poem.
Everything about him just comes from the heart,
On this day he will entertain you!
We want to wish you health, goodness,
So that there is prosperity in the house and the children grow up,
Don’t get sick, don’t get sick, don’t go to the doctors,
Have fun, laugh, catch your luck!
Let all the bad things pass you by,
Sadness, sadness and rain will not reach you.
May your soul always be young,
And may the sun always shine through the window!
May you live happily for a thousand years,
So that there is only happiness.

May you have a wonderful birthday
Congratulations will never run out!
Good luck and inspiration to you
Fulfill your aspirations!
Happiness, strength and patience
Carry through generations
Fleeting decisions
And victories, beyond oblivion!

I want to wish you on your birthday
Happiness, health and bright aspirations!
May luck and success not leave you,
And victories only accompany you!
Let troubles, failures disappear,
Let life be bright in no other way!

Happy Birthday! The blessing of various!
And more cash for you!
Hello, great friends
And decent opportunities!
Public praises to you,
Limitless treasures!

Happy birthday, happy birthday!
We wish you success,
He’s not a hindrance in business!
Have fun, smile
And we ask you, do not change!

Happy birthday congratulations
I really want you
Glorify with congratulations
And hug you, love!
I wish you inspiration
And good luck and kindness,
And, of course, patience,
And there was enough warmth!

Happy Birthday,
And I wish you people
What's on life's road
They walk side by side in one leg,
May they take care of you
They value, love and do not lie.
They are waiting and greeting you with joy,
And, of course, they don’t quit
Alone at an unkind hour.
Let them support you.
Everything happens in this life:
And sunsets and sunrises.
Living is not a field to cross.
So let on the path of life
There will be people next to you,
That they will understand and not judge,
They won’t abandon you, they won’t leave,
They will offer their hand.
Relatives, friends, relatives
In days and nights, let any
In both weather and bad weather
They give you love and happiness.

Today we will celebrate the whole world,
Let's celebrate your birthday with joy,
The feast will turn into a grand feast,
And fireworks will lift your spirits.
We wish you joy, good luck and love.
Let life seem like raspberries,
Success always comes along the way,
To reach the heights of the unknown.

Happy birthday
May you be enchanted
Never leaves!
Your shine, smile, charm
They will always stay with you!
Let happiness, joy, radiance of the eyes,
Success - will last for years!
And may all your wishes
Fate will answer: “Yes”!

You have an open soul
And the character couldn't be better!
You are good in everything, dear:
Daughter is a caring, loving mother...
We wish you clear days,
Bright joy, brilliant success
And excellent health, which is more important,
What a solution to life's problems!
Happy birthday!

You are the queen today!
And you are a princess too!
Let them come true today
All desires and dreams,
If anything makes you sad
Forget all this,
Smile at birthday
And be cheerful and gentle!

Congratulations Happy Birthday!
And I want to wish you on this joyful day
So that the deer from the fairy tale brings you happiness.
So that joy can be given by two faithful wings.
May love always be with you.
So that there is more good in fate.
I am from pure heart I wish you!

Let the angel never look away
Will look after you
Let him protect you all your life,
Covering yourself from troubles
Let the star protect your sleep,
Shining in the silence of the night,
And the sun rises in the morning,
Warming with rays.
Let the wind blow away the clouds,
What will happen to you
And in the rain a rainbow will rise,
Connecting with the soul!

Your health, happiness and peace
May your guardian angel protect you.
Your destiny, family, love and home
Let him overshadow with his wing.
And like a guiding star,
He will always be by your side!
Happy birthday!

I wish for you that a star falls.
In your hands, from heaven and remained.
And I also want you to never
I never parted with this star.
If the frost is bitter,
winter covered with snow
And my heart freezes with cold
Remember the star and
you'll see for yourself
How she will lift your spirits.
Well, if spring is blazing in your soul
Summer is right on your hands
Your joy and happiness
she will multiply
Will dissolve gray clouds in the sky!
Happy birthday!