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Mom's fairy tales in pictures: a sleepy tale about a fox. A fairy tale for an afternoon nap. lullabies Mom's fairy tales in pictures: a sleepy tale about a fox

Mom's fairy tales in pictures: sleepy fairy tale. Evening fairy tale for kids.

Mom's fairy tales in pictures: a sleepy tale about a fox

Dear friends! I continue to present to you the fairy tales of the winners of our 2016 “Mom’s Fairy Tale” competition. This competition was held as part of our traditional spring Internet Workshop of educational games “Through the game - to success!”

Sponsor of the fairy tale competition this year there was a portal of educational and developmental games for children from 2 to 9 years old, created by specialists - the Mersibo portal. Therefore, all three winners received a subscription to Mersibo games as a prize.

All fairy tales of the competition participants were illustrated in the Mersibo picture constructor. The Picture Constructor is a ready-made library of backgrounds, pictures on all topics and all sounds for creating pictures, illustrations for children's essays, and manuals in just a few mouse clicks.

I am pleased to present to you an evening sleepy tale that took second place in our “Mom’s Tale” competition. The author of the tale is Alisa Rokina

We read a sleepy fairy tale to the baby before bed:

Once upon a time there lived a fox in the forest. She lived, lived, and would have lived in that same forest, but she just became bored. And she went wherever she looked.

She walks, walks through the spruce forest. I found a lump. Yes, how she started playing with her: she rolls her with her paws, and tosses her with her nose, and twirls her tail! She played and played, but it was boring to play alone. She left the bump and moved on.

She goes, she goes into the very thicket. He walks past huge, old oak trees. It goes past a forest lake. It goes on and on... I found an acorn. Yes, how she started playing with him: she rolls her paws, and tosses her nose, and twirls her tail! She played and played, but it was boring to play alone. She left the acorn and moved on.

She moves on. I found an inedible berry. Yes, how she started playing with her: she rolls her with her paws, and tosses her with her nose, and twirls her tail! She played and played, but it was boring to play alone. She left the berry and moved on.

It takes a long time. The forest has already become lighter. Shrubs and thin hazelnuts began to appear. And the fox keeps going. She found a nut. Yes, how she started playing with him: she rolls him with her paws, and tosses him with her nose, and twirls her tail! She played and played, but it was boring to play alone. I left him and moved on.

A fox came out of the forest. I walked across the field and found a pea. The fox thought about playing with the pea, but changed his mind. Oh, and she ate it. She strengthened herself and moved on. Here she comes out from the field onto the road. Walking along the road. He walks along the crossing and stops at a traffic light. It goes and goes, it goes far.

Enters the city. Walking down the street. Here he turns into an alley. Here he comes to the house. He walks into the entrance and calls the elevator. Here it goes up: first floor, second... ninth. Here he comes through the door (the real floor is called and the child’s real place of residence is described)

I walked in the door, washed my paws and jumped into bed! The fox is lying there, lying down, whispering dreams to Vasilisonka.

You can compose your own fairy tale by analogy with the sleepy fairy tale about the fox, changing the plot. Not only a fox, but also other fairy-tale characters can go to visit a child and whisper a dream to him. They can take different roads and find different finds along the way! Thank you to Alice for sharing her “sleepy tale” with us at our fairytale competition!

There are also amazingly wise, funny, kind and interesting mother’s tales from readers of the “Native Path” website and participants in our Internet Workshop of educational games “Through play - to success!” You will find in the articles:

  • (learning to be friends)

A fairy tale for children who can't sleep

- Grandma, a fairy tale!

Two large cunning eyes look out from under the blanket. Grandmother sits down in a chair nearby and habitually picks up her knitting.

- Well, listen. Just an agreement: until I finish telling you, don’t sleep!

There is resentment in the eyes - who is going to sleep?

The thread winds along the knitting needles, loop after loop, word after word...

... A hedgehog is running along a forest path, and towards him is a Fairy Tale. The hedgehog got scared, curled up into a prickly ball and lies there, waiting for what will happen next.

The fairy tale also waited a little, and she became bored. They don't like fairy tales if there is no one to listen to them.

“Hedgehog, hedgehog,” says the Fairy Tale, “don’t be afraid, I’m not scary.” I’m talking about apples in general.

The hedgehog immediately heard about apples. He poked his nose out from under the thorns and one eye.

- Which apples are you talking about - green or red?

-Which ones do you like best?

- I am red, with a green side. Or not, green with red... Or..., - Then the hedgehog thought, he even lowered his spines and stood on all four paws. - No, I actually like all apples more. Especially sweet ones.

- Well, then I’m talking about all the sweet apples. How they grow on a tree and fall down on their own. To make it easier for hedgehogs to collect them. And also about how dad and mom hedgehogs carry apples into their burrows. And about how warm their hole is, under a pile of autumn leaves...

Here the Fairy Tale fell silent and looked at the hedgehog. And he almost doesn’t listen anymore. He closed his eyes and was dreaming. I even dropped a mushroom that I was dragging home.

And just then a hare gallops past, carrying a carrot that he dug up in a neighboring garden. Out of breath, he barely galloped away from the summer residents. Greedy! Carrots were spared for one hare! I almost ran into a hedgehog right away. He's dreaming in the middle of the path - he doesn't see anything.

“Well, okay,” says the hare, “What happened to the hedgehog?”

- He listens to me.

- And who are you?

- I am a fairy tale about carrots, how they grow on their own in the middle of a clearing, and hares can carry them as much as they want. And there are no summer residents there - only hares and carrots. And the carrots are sweet... And a lot of them, carry them around if you don't want to...

The hare sat down next to the hedgehog, closed his eyes, folded his paws, one ear up, the other down. He dropped the carrot on the grass. Dreams...

The fairy tale became boring again. He looks at the redhead running past. A fox, that is. He doesn’t even run, but seems to be strolling. But it doesn't come close.

And the Tale here seems to be itself:

- ...And there were no hunters at all in that forest, but there were a lot of hares and hedgehogs who were not at all afraid of foxes. Therefore, it was easy to catch them. And how delicious they were...

The fox came closer, sat on its fluffy tail, and licked its lips. And with his eyes he looks at a hare with a hedgehog - fairy tale or not - but they look very appetizing. She moved closer to them, then a little more. She stretched out her paw, and like a hare - snatch! But that was not the case. She grabbed something, and it was a carrot. Once again - DAC! And this is a dry mushroom. Fox on the Fairy Tale - jump. And there was no trace of her - just a cloud of fog and wet grass. And on the grass there are tracks of a hare and a hedgehog. But you won’t be able to catch up with where it is.

The fox snorted offendedly, lay down under a bush and fell asleep.

And the Fairy Tale is right there again, sitting on a branch, singing:

- Bye, bye, bye - bye, go to sleep Alisa, go to sleep...

... The knitting needles fell out of grandma’s hands and clinked. Grandma shuddered and opened her eyes.

The baby was snoring in the crib next to the chair. She's been sniffling for a long time, apparently. Nearby, on the pillow, a hedgehog and a hare were sleeping, and a red muzzle was peeking out from under the pillow. They all dreamed of something very good.

A fairy tale about "sleepy" men

One day in kindergarten a magical story happened to the boy Vanya.

In the afternoon, the children went for a walk as always. They ran, played, swung on swings and had fun. But when they returned to the group, they discovered that all their toys, books, sketchbooks and pencils were missing.

“Oh,” the teacher Anna Sergeevna was upset. - How will we play now, what will we draw with, what will we read? What happened here?

The children were quietly undressing and talking:

– Maybe it was aliens who arrived? - said the girl Masha, unbuttoning her jacket. – They came to us from a planet where there are no books and toys, so they took everything!

“No,” the boy Kolya answered her, unlacing his shoes. “This evil wolf came running from the forest while we were away and ate everything.”

“Ha,” the smartest girl, Galya, entered the argument. - This is not a wolf, he would choke on markers!

“Maybe there was a strong wind here, it hit our toys and blew them away!” - Misha suggested.

“Look, look,” Vanya shouted and pointed to the farthest corner of the room. A small round door appeared there that was not there before. It was decorated with a bizarre pattern that changed all the time, as if alive.

The children ran up to her and began to look at her. At that moment the door opened slightly, and a small purple man appeared. He was wearing a purple caftan, a purple hat, purple pointed-toe slippers, and purple velvet pants. Even the hair visible from under the hat was purple. He looked at the children with small, angry violet eyes, snatched the bucket from Masha’s hands and disappeared behind the door.

“Oh,” Masha was upset, “that was my favorite bucket!”

Then another man appeared from the door. It was emerald green. With green hair, in a green caftan, green shoes, with small evil green eyes. He looked at the children and grabbed the entire bag of toys that the teacher took with her outside. Once! And the little thief disappeared behind the mysterious door.

“Wow,” the children gasped in unison.

“So they’ll move everything around us,” Vanya said thoughtfully. -Where did they come from? We need to figure it out.

And he bravely opened the door. It was dark there, only multi-colored flashlights flashed in the distance.

– Don’t go there, in case they eat you! - Masha whined.

“But we have to return our things,” Vanya answered and stepped into the darkness.

As soon as the door closed behind him, a bright light flashed. sunlight, and the boy found himself on a wide orange road that led to a huge blue city hidden behind a high wall of shiny blue stones. Fancy blue towers soared into the sky, above which blue flags fluttered.

Bright red mushrooms grew along the road. They were alive and silently blinked their eyes, looking at Vanya.

“Wow, how interesting it is here,” Vanya said and went to the blue city.

As he approached the gate, it creaked and released the little yellow man. The little man ran past Vanya and disappeared from sight.

“Oh,” Vanya was scared. - How can I get home? There’s no door.

And indeed, the orange road seemed endless and went beyond the horizon. But, since the little men got into kindergarten, that means he too can return, Vanya decided and boldly opened the city gate.

A huge square was noisy right in front of the entrance. Multi-colored people were fussing, muttering, shouting and swearing. Nobody paid attention to Vanya.

– Where can I look for our toys? – he asked himself.

“Hello,” came a voice over his ear. - What's your problem?

Vanya turned his head and saw that a tiny motley bird was sitting on his shoulder. The bird smiled and winked at him first with one eye and then with the other.

“Yes, it’s a problem,” Vanya confirmed. “The little people took all our toys, paints, pencils and books!” Do you happen to know where I can look for them?

– You won’t find them! - the bird chirped. – they can’t be returned like that.

- How can it be?

– Do you really want everything back? - asked the bird.

“Of course,” Vanya confirmed. - This is what I came here for.

- Well, then listen!

And the bird told an amazing story.

A long time ago, children were born who did not want to sleep during the day. No matter how much their parents told them that daytime sleep gives strength and health, that those who sleep during the day grow faster and get sick less, their children did not listen! They stopped sleeping during the day, which means they stopped seeing wonderful childhood dreams. But where do dreams go that no one saw? So they began to turn into colorful people. But, since the dreams were very offended that the children did not see them, they began to turn into evil little men! The little people were very offended by the children and took away from them what the children loved so much: books, toys and pencils. As soon as someone was awake somewhere during a quiet hour, new little people appeared in the Colored Country, they showed the way to the residents of the Blue City, and they took turns walking and picking up toys.

– If you want the little men to stop being angry and return everything, you need all the children in your group to sleep soundly during the day!

“Got it,” Vanya shouted and ran away from the city. He ran for a long time along the orange road along the red mushrooms, and every now and then colorful people came across him. Finally he saw a neat, even circle in the middle of the road. As soon as he stepped on it, he found himself in the dark in front of a round door. Vanya carefully opened it and entered the room. The children were already in their beds, but, as usual, they were not sleeping. They twirled, giggled and played around. Nobody was sleeping.

“Listen to what I’m going to tell you,” Vanya hurried.

When he finished his magical story, the children immediately closed their eyes and obediently fell asleep. Vanya also undressed and lay down in his place. He dreamed of a Blue City full of cheerful people. They threw up colorful hats and waved their hands at him.

And when the quiet hour ended and the children woke up, all the toys were in place.


It was getting dark outside and a warm spring evening was approaching. The sparrows were tired of fighting and chirped tiredly, settling down to sleep on the branches of an old birch tree. The sun carefully dropped behind the city, comfortably wrapped in pink clouds. Soon the moon will appear in the sky, the stars will sparkle with tiny droplets and everyone will fall asleep. Only Alyosha will spin in his crib and cry in fear.

Alyosha is a very good and obedient boy, he is not a coward at all. He always helps little ones, does not offend the weak and stands up for his friends. But at night an evil wizard flies to him and turns all the things in his room into terrible and dangerous objects.

One evening, Alyosha, as always, did not let his mother go for a long time, cried and did not allow her to turn off the light. Mom patted him on the head and turned on the small night light above Alyosha’s crib.

As soon as mom left the room, the usual transformations began. First, the evil wizard hid the moon behind a cloud in fear. It immediately became dark outside. Then fear knocked on window glass a branch of an old birch. Alyosha shrank and pulled the blanket up to his chin. Fear flew through the room and enveloped everything in a magical dark cloud. The closet turned into an evil giant, two eyes gleaming angrily on its stomach. A magical cloud of darkness turned Alyosha’s toys: bears, cars and robots into terrible monsters, who stared terribly at Alyosha and whispered something. A terrible thing crawled across the ceiling White spot. It crept closer and closer to the boy, trembling with fear. Fear crawled under the bed and hid there.

- Who is there? – Alyosha whispered in horror.

“It’s me, a sleepy gnome,” the pillow answered and moved.

Suddenly the pillow jumped to the side, and Alyosha saw a tiny gnome.

- Ugh, how stuffy it is to sit there! – the dwarf grumbled, smoothing out the folds on his jacket.

– Why did you climb there? – Alyosha asked politely. He was glad to have someone to talk to. Alyosha was very afraid that the gnome would disappear, and Fear would come out again and begin his witchcraft.

“I always sit there when you go to bed,” answered the dwarf. “I told you that I’m a sleepy dwarf.” I bring dreams to children: various fairy tales and happy holidays. But you bother me because you don’t want to fall asleep. Lie down, I have prepared a new wonderful fairy tale for you. Today we will fly on a magic swan.

“I can’t sleep,” Alyosha sobbed. - The evil wizard Fear is sitting under my bed, he has enchanted everything around me, look for yourself!

- I do not see! – the dwarf was surprised. He looked under the bed and waved with a magic wand. The silver stars, like a cheerful, ringing stream, giggling and jostling, climbed into the darkness.

- Nobody here! Nobody here! – their ringing voices were heard from under the bed.

The cheerful stars formed into a small silver butterfly and began to flutter around the room. First, they sat on the shoulder of a terrible giant with eyes on his stomach, showered him with silver dust, and Alyosha saw that in fact it was an old wardrobe, and there were no eyes on his stomach. These are the shiny round handles.

Then the star butterfly flew to the windowsill and showered it with luminous sparks. Alyosha saw that in fact it was not Fear knocking on his door, but a birch branch on which sparrows were sweetly sleeping.

The butterfly flapped its wings, the wind rose and blew away the dark cloud that covered the moon and stars. The room immediately became brighter.

The butterfly circled over Alyosha and sat down on the shelf with the scary monsters, and Alyosha saw that these were actually his toys. They smiled cheerfully at him, their plastic eyes sparkling provocatively.

The butterfly flapped its wings for the last time and crumbled into small stars, spinning in a cheerful round dance around the gnome.

“You see,” the sleepy gnome giggled, carefully collecting small stars into a magic wand. When he touched the last star and it disappeared, Alyosha asked:

– What are these white spots that were crawling on the ceiling?

- This is headlights. Some people work at night, they drive by, and curious headlights peer into the windows of houses. Because at night it is dark and boring outside. So they run across the ceiling in other people's rooms. They illuminate the darkest corners and help little boys see that there is no Fear. Now go to sleep quickly, you and I need to have a long, long dream. You don’t want it to break off in the most interesting place in the morning, do you?

– And if I fall asleep now, will I have time to watch it to the end? - Alyosha became worried.

“Of course,” the dwarf nodded importantly. -Only if you fall asleep right now. And for the future, promise me that you will fall asleep on time. I will give you a magic spell. Say it every time before going to bed, then no one will be able to get into your room at night except me and mom.

-What spell? - asked Alyosha.

The gnome straightened his cap, stood in a pose and whispered:

Clap your hands: bang-bang!

It’s like a balloon burst with fear!

Byaki-buki, come on, shoot!

The baby is not afraid of you!

- Do you remember?

“Yes,” Alyosha muttered, falling asleep. - Thank you. And now I want to see the dream.

“Well, look,” the dwarf waved his magic wand, and Alyosha fell fast asleep. All night he watched a wonderful fairy-tale dream.

Since then, Alyosha always repeated a magic spell before going to bed and calmly fell asleep, and the sleepy gnome showed him wonderful fairy tales.


Once upon a time there lived a boy named Denis. One evening he went into a magical forest. He walked and walked along a narrow path and came out into a huge magical clearing. All the inhabitants of the magical clearing were getting ready for bed. Beautiful colorful flowers folded their petals and closed their eyes. Pink, blue and yellow butterflies hid in the green silk grass at night to sleep and flutter over the fragrant flowers again in the morning. Multi-colored birds nestled comfortably on the branches of the trees surrounding this fairy-tale clearing. In the hollow of an old oak tree, with its soft fluffy tail under its head, a red squirrel fell asleep. And under the roots of a tall, tall birch tree, a little mouse drank tea before going to bed. A cheerful blue stream flowed through the magical clearing. He quietly gurgled and lulled the colorful fish, who were tired of playing and, together with everyone else, were waiting for the night to come. They were hiding among the colorful pebbles that decorated the bottom of the stream. A bright red one flew up to Deniska Ladybug and sat on his arm:

“Deniska-Deniska, why aren’t you sleeping yet?” Come on, I'll put you to bed.

“I don’t want to,” Deniska said. – I haven’t played enough yet.

- Deniska, look around! – Ladybug whispered. - Look, there’s no one to play with, everyone goes to bed. The time for magical dreams is coming. Nobody wants to be late. You don’t like being late for the start of cartoons either, do you? And dreams are even more interesting, so everyone tries to fall asleep on time.

“I also want to see magical dreams,” said Deniska.

“Then come with me,” Ladybug smiled.

She led the boy Denis to a big, big daisy, laid him on the soft yellow center and covered him with delicate white petals. Then Ladybug flew to a green blade of grass, covered herself with a plantain leaf and also closed her eyes. Everyone was sleeping, and only at the edge of the magical clearing the nightingale sang its lullaby.

The sun looked at the sleeping clearing, smiled at the nightingale and called to the moon in a whisper:

- Moon! Everyone has already fallen asleep, it’s time for me too, come shine in my place and please bring more fairy-tale dreams for the boy Deniska.

With these words, the sun dived into a soft fluffy cloud behind the forest and fell asleep sweetly there, and the moon floated into the sky and lit the magic stars one after another. Each star was the mistress of some magical dream. They extended their thin rays to the sleeping fish, and the fish saw magical dreams about a delicious dancing bun and about a singing blue stream. A thin ray climbed into the hollow of the red squirrel, carefully touched her fluffy tail, and she saw a dream about magic nuts that played hide and seek, danced in circles, and then jumped into her mouth. A fairy ray climbed half a leaf where Ladybug was sleeping, gently touched her wing, and she dreamed of a delightful flower with large blue petals. On each of its petals there was a cup with nectar or sweet pollen. The stars gave the tiny birds funny dreams about tasty yellow grains. A cowardly bunny, hiding under a bush, dreamed of a sweet carrot the size of a bear: she cheerfully shook her green tail and sang a lullaby to him. And the tiniest star went down into the little mouse’s hole and gave her a dream about delicious, delicious cheese.

Luna carefully looked to see if everyone had enough dreams and, making sure that everyone was happy, and some were smiling sweetly, she went down to Deniska and gave him the most wonderful, most beautiful, most fabulous dream. She gave such dreams only to the obedient and good boys who closed their eyes and fell asleep along with all the inhabitants of the fairy-tale meadow.

Sleepy tale

Fairy night sits on the throne,

The stars are bright in the crown,

Cloak of blue silence

And in the magic bag - dreams!

We'll close our eyes

We will dream fairy tales.

The mouse has a dream about yellow cheese,

To a red cat - about kefir,

Laughing monkeys

The dream will be about bananas.

The foal dreams of a meadow,

And the puppy is a reliable friend.

A hedgehog will find a mushroom in a dream,

The wolf will get into the closet,

The supplies will reach:

And he will eat and drink.

Butterflies dream of bouquets,

Girls dream about candy,

Boys dream about cars,

And for the Snow Maiden - snowflakes.

The piglet dreams of a puddle,

The warm stove dreams of cold,

The brush dreams of paintings,

I dream of a vase of tangerines,

The teapot dreams of tea leaves,

And the envelope dreams of a stamp.

Dreams spin in a round dance

And they lie down in our beds.


Night with a warm blanket

Covered my baby

Tucked in from all sides,

Brought a sweet dream.

Beyond the seas the sun sleeps.

Mom is sitting nearby.


Sleep, baby, sleep!

Gently shines from the window

The moon is a round apple.

The stars dance in circles

They wait until the baby falls asleep.

The eyes are sleeping and the cheeks are sleeping

Tired babies.

Eyelashes and palms sleep,

Tummy and legs sleep.

And tiny ears

Sweetly dozing on the pillow.

The curls are sleeping, the hands are sleeping,

Only their noses are snoring.

Sleep, my joy, sleep

Sleep, my joy, sleep.
The lights went out in the house,
Not a single door creaks,
The mouse is sleeping behind the stove.
The birds fell asleep in the garden,
The fish fell asleep in the pond.
Close your eyes quickly
Sleep, my joy, sleep.

Everything in the house has been quiet for a long time,
The room and kitchen are dark.
The moon is shining in the sky,
The moon is looking out the window.
Someone sighed behind the wall,
What do we care, dear?
Close your eyes quickly
Sleep, my joy, sleep.

My little chick lives sweetly:
There are no worries, no worries,
Plenty of toys, sweets,
Lots of fun stuff.
You'll hurry to get everything,
Just don't let the baby cry!
May it be like this all the days!
Sleep, my joy, sleep!
Fall asleep... Fall asleep...

Lullaby of the Ursa
Mixing the snow with a spoon,
The night is coming,
Why aren't you sleeping, silly?
Your neighbors are sleeping
White bears,
Sleep quickly too, baby.

We are floating on an ice floe
Like on a brigantine,
Across gray harsh seas.
And all night the neighbors -
Star Bears
They shine for distant ships.

Lullabies about cats

And the cats are gray,
And the tails are white,
They were running through the streets,
They were running through the streets,
Sleep and slumber were collected,
Sleep and slumber were collected,
Come, kitty, to spend the night,
Come rock the baby.
And I’ll tell you, cat,
I'll pay for the work.
I'll give you a jug of milk
Yes, I'll give you a piece of the pie.
Eat it, cat, don’t crumble it
Don't ask me anymore.


Lyuli, lyuli lyulenki
The little ones have arrived,
The ghouls sat down on the bed,
The ghouls began to coo,
The ghouls began to coo,
They began to pump Dashenka,
They began to pump Dashenka,
Dasha began to fall asleep.