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Manicure with tulips: step-by-step instructions. Manicure with tulips - ideas for short and long nails Nail design tulips step by step

The symbol of the coming spring is the ever-present beautiful tulips. Fragile and beautiful flowers perfectly characterize the femininity and tenderness of a woman who can choose them to decorate her nails. The result is sure to be very elegant and cute, regardless of the color chosen for the image - from pastel or white to bright yellow or red. The length of the nail plate can be any - short, long, or even stiletto. The drawing can be very realistic or, conversely, be stylized, made in various techniques. Pairs well with tulip and classic floral motifs.

If you don’t have any special artistic skills, you shouldn’t worry - carelessness in drawing, while following a certain technique, looks very stylish. Such a tulip can be classified as abstract painting. Before applying a flower to your nails, you can practice in advance on a regular sheet of paper - draw each element separately, and then the entire composition.

Color solutions for tulips on nails

The first color that comes to mind for a tulip is red. But this is far from the only one possible variant– classic colors also include white and yellow. They are usually chosen if you want to get the most realistic drawing possible. But this is not the only possible range.

In general, absolutely any range is suitable. Choose any color you like and turn it into a tulip. The image can be bright - both the background and the flower itself. In this case, you need to use rich and contrasting colors - this way the manicure will be as catchy, clear and modern as possible. If you opt for pastel shades, the result will be a delicate and romantic pattern.

Techniques for creating tulips on nails:

  1. Artistic painting is a favorite and very common method of creating various patterns, including. This will require some tools, such as brushes different sizes and multi-colored varnishes. Instead of the latter materials, you can successfully use acrylic paints - they are even more suitable, since they adhere better, mix well and do not spread. Flower designs can be of different levels of complexity, so choosing the right one will not be difficult. Whether realistic or minimalist, it will definitely not go unnoticed.
  2. Decorative modeling will help create volumetric flower, which looks very impressive compared to flat images. But it will take an appropriate amount of time, and will also require diligence and perseverance. Acrylic powder is used as a base, from which a tulip is formed using a brush. Eat small condition– after such a manicure has served its purpose, it can only be removed by filing. When worn, it did not show itself from the most practical side, but we have long known that beauty requires sacrifice. But most often it is chosen to create a festive manicure, where it has no equal. In everyday life, only a couple of nails are usually decorated with voluminous tulips, and the rest are made plain.
  3. Stamping is one of the most simple techniques to create an original pattern or floral design on your nails. The time spent on a manicure is measured in minutes. The only thing you need is to purchase special stencils. Due to the “stamping”, the flowers, of course, will not be unique - they will have the same size, shape and monochromatic color. But if there is absolutely no time, and we draw extremely poorly, you can resort to this option. The main thing is to focus on choosing a good color scheme for the base background and the tulip itself - then the result will be very beautiful!
  4. Stickers definitely save a significant amount of time, and at the same time nerves, if you do the manicure yourself. They are ready-made flower designs applied to thin films.
  5. The stained glass surface on the nails requires quite a lot of experience from the artist and is definitely not suitable for doing it yourself. But the finished manicure looks like a real work of art.

French and tulips

An ordinary French manicure is almost impossible to find on nails, but it still does not lose its position. Bright patterns and new techniques are designed to give the classics fashionable touch, including in the form of bright tulips. This is a real compromise between trends and fans of the classic trend in nail art. The main question to be resolved in this case is where the flower will be placed: at the edge, in the center or at the very base.

Red color for tulip

Red color will add brightness and boldness to your manicure. The flower itself can be made in it or it can be used as a base - in any case, the manicure will be very noticeable and extravagant. To realize your idea, you should use only contrasting tones.

and tulips

Definitely a great choice to combine pink color and delicate tulips. In this version, they are often used to decorate the nails of spring brides. In this case, a colorless base with a pink flower can be chosen, or, conversely, a pink coating and a pastel pattern.

Green tone for manicure with tulips

Spring manicure is unthinkable without a green tint, which is used as an addition or as the main background.

Yellow tulips

You can't go wrong with one of the classic tulip shades. It is ideal for realistic drawings, but can also be used for stylized, unusual images.

Tulip as an accent

The emphasis on one or two nails is the main difference between modern manicure. Where this came from and why it arose is unknown exactly, and is it even important? We know one thing - it is definitely very convenient way use absolutely any ideas in nail art, while ensuring that the manicure is not overloaded with details. In this case, you can draw a whole bouquet of tulips on your ring finger and decorate it with rhinestones to top it off.

You can choose a suitable pattern of tulips by looking at the photo or video below. This pattern is especially relevant in the spring, when these wonderful flowers bloom. Their beauty, brightness of shades and simplicity of shapes made bouquets of tulips worthy of being depicted on women’s nails.

A manicure with tulips is a great way to reflect a joyful spring mood! And this can be done using different techniques!

This design is especially popular in the spring, when the early flowers appear. With the onset of summer, tulips are gradually forgotten. Others appear bright flowers, inspiring women to new ideas.

  • Artistic painting. This is the most common way to depict spring flowers on your nails. To create it you will need brushes of different thicknesses and acrylic paints. The products do not spread and adhere well to the surface. And to obtain new shades they can be mixed. Creating a manicure with a tulip pattern will not be difficult if you correctly assess your artistic abilities and choose a design of appropriate complexity. Look at the photo: both paintings with transitions of shades and simple stylized flowers, as if drawn by a child’s hand, will look original.
  • Decorative modeling. Volumetric design is one of the most spectacular! But in order to master it, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. Flowers are formed from acrylic powder using a brush. To remove volumetric elements, you need to cut them down. Everyone agrees that the design is not very practical in everyday life, but despite this, the number of people who want to have embossed masterpieces on their nails is not decreasing. Luxurious design is more suitable for festive events. And on weekdays, you can decorate one or two nails with tulips, and paint the others in a suitable range.

Read also: Baths for strengthening and growing nails: simple ways to become even more beautiful

  • Stamping. Having mastered the stamping technique, you can create delicate tulips on your nails in a matter of minutes. You just need to purchase the appropriate stencils. Flowers will have the same perfect shape. And the same color... Unfortunately, it will not be possible to convey the play of shades and separate the buds from the leaves. But if you choose the right shade of the background and pictures, the design will look very attractive!
  • Stickers. Ready-made drawings on thin films will save your time and nerves. And the result will please you very much!
  • Stained glass. Making a floral design using this technique takes a little practice. It's better to entrust this to a master!

How to do a manicure with tulips step by step

If you have never tried to draw tulips on your nails, then we suggest starting with the simplest method.

Before creating a design on your nails, we recommend practicing on paper. This will help you choose the required shape, size and color scheme of the design. After this, you will be more confident in all your movements, and many mistakes will be avoided.

It is best to make drawings with gel paint. But if you are sufficiently trained in painting on nails, then gel polish will do. Prepare red, yellow, green and black.

  • From the middle of the plate towards the free edge, draw three oblong petals with pointed tips.
  • Between them we draw two small triangles - these are petals that are not completely visible.
  • Carefully outline all the contours in black.
  • We draw several veins in yellow.
  • Add green leaves to the composition.
  • Cover everything with fixative.

Read also: All types of fashionable manicure for autumn 2014

Try another one too step by step technique, which is performed according to a similar scheme.

  • Paint two petals with a light red or pink polish.
  • Using a dark shade of red, draw the petal in the shape of a triangle, which is visible behind the two drawn ones.
  • Lightly darken one side of both petals.
  • Draw the stem and green leaves.

Manicure ideas with tulips: 7 pressing questions

  • Should I draw tulips on each plate or highlight one finger? It depends on how vibrant your overall image is. For a colored plain dress, paint all the plates. And the clothes in classic style requires a more restrained decor. But if you have chosen a dress with a large floral print for the holiday, then a composition in the same spirit on all fingers can oversaturate the image.

  • Colored jacket with tulips or a classic version? A more common option is color French manicure with tulips. Moreover, draw the smile line in a shade that is already present in the composition: red, yellow or green. It is better to decorate a more laconic traditional jacket without going overboard: decorate one or two fingers with flowers.
  • Red or yellow tulips? Both options are equally good. Choose flowers to match the color of your dress or accessories, and be sure to match your mood!

  • Dark or light foundation? Experts recommend painting tulips on a transparent, white or beige background. The picture takes on a special femininity, tenderness, and expressiveness. But rebellious experimenters sometimes use dark colors for the base: black or purple. However, this interpretation looks very elegant. A prerequisite is a game of contrasts!
  • With rhinestones or sparkles? Tulips are quite bright flowers. Therefore, most professionals do not recommend overloading the design. But for a particularly festive occasion, you can attach a few shiny stones or add some silver sparkles.

Tulips are the favorite flowers of the Dutch people, although they were originally brought from Ottoman Empire. The Dutch loved them so much that they are the photo emblem of the country. They are also loved by all women in the world and are associated with beauty.

Manicure for March 8th with tulips

March 8, International Women's Day... What associations? For example, shop windows filled with spring bouquets, bundles of boxes with delicious candies, elegant girls, festive hairstyles, hairpins, makeup a little brighter than usual and of course a brand new Spring manicure.

Just as no gallant man on Women’s Day can do without a huge armful of flowers, so a real lady must have prepared for the holiday by getting a manicure for March 8th.

As spring approaches, nature wakes up and colors become more colorful. The snow, which everyone is bored with, begins to melt. And now the long-awaited holiday is approaching - March 8th. Of course, girls on this day want to look enchanting and unsurpassed, especially if a luxurious dinner is planned in her honor.

Manicure techniques with tulips

  1. Artistic painting. This is the most common way to depict spring flowers on your nails. To create it you will need brushes of different thicknesses and acrylic paints. The products do not spread and adhere well to the surface. And to obtain new shades they can be mixed. Creating a manicure with a tulip pattern will not be difficult if you correctly assess your artistic abilities and choose a design of appropriate complexity. Look at the photo: both paintings with transitions of shades and simple stylized flowers, as if drawn by a child’s hand, will look original.
  2. Decorative modeling. Volumetric design is one of the most spectacular! But in order to master it, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. Flowers are formed from acrylic powder using a brush. To remove volumetric elements, you need to cut them down. Everyone agrees that the design is not very practical in everyday life, but despite this, the number of people who want to have embossed masterpieces on their nails is not decreasing. Luxurious design is more suitable for festive events. And on weekdays, you can decorate one or two nails with tulips, and paint the others in a suitable range.
  3. Stamping. Having mastered the stamping technique, you can create delicate tulips on your nails in a matter of minutes. You just need to purchase the appropriate stencils. The flowers will have the same ideal shape. And the same color... Unfortunately, it will not be possible to convey the play of shades and separate the buds from the leaves. But if you choose the right shade of the background and pictures, the design will look very attractive!
  4. Stickers. Ready-made drawings on thin films will save your time and nerves. And the result will please you very much!
  5. Stained glass. Making a floral design using this technique takes a little practice. It's better to entrust this to a master!

Manicure with tulips on one nail

This design is especially popular in the spring, when the early flowers appear. With the onset of summer, tulips are gradually forgotten. Other bright flowers appear, inspiring women with new ideas.

Romantic and gentle girls very often express a desire to have a design on their nails in the form of real flower beds of all kinds of flowers, butterflies or small bouquet, but most often it looks too cluttered on all nails, they choose to highlight one nail as tulips.

Manicure with tulips step by step at home

If you have never tried to draw tulips on your nails, then we suggest starting with the simplest method.

Before creating a design on your nails, we recommend practicing on paper. This will help you choose the required shape, size and color scheme of the design. After this, you will be more confident in all your movements, and many mistakes will be avoided.

It is best to make drawings with gel paint. But if you are sufficiently trained in painting on nails, then gel polish will do. Prepare red, yellow, green and black.

  • From the middle of the plate towards the free edge, draw three oblong petals with pointed tips.
  • Between them we draw two small triangles - these are petals that are not completely visible.
  • Carefully outline all the contours in black.
  • We draw several veins in yellow.
  • Add green leaves to the composition.
  • Cover everything with fixative.

Try another step-by-step technique that follows a similar pattern.

  • Paint two petals with a light red or pink polish.
  • Using a dark shade of red, draw the petal in the shape of a triangle, which is visible behind the two drawn ones.
  • Lightly darken one side of both petals.
  • Draw the stem and green leaves.

The fashion for manicure does not stand still and every year new trends push the old ones into the background. Manicures with floral prints are rapidly gaining particular popularity. Bright and unusual jewelry can be on each finger or on just one. The most common flowers that artists paint on nails are tulips. But how to learn how to decorate them beautifully and what colors to choose? About this and much more in our article.

Who would like a manicure with tulips?

Tulips are cute and delicate flowers, which personify femininity. This idea manicure will look great on both long and short nails, regardless of age and event.

It is very important to decorate brides’ nails with tulips on the occasion of a celebration, as well as simply to complete a romantic look. But a discreet manicure will also be relevant for office style. The main thing is not to overdo it with the choice of colors and decorations.

Color selection

Before creating a design on your nails, it is important to decide on a color. It is best to practice on paper or tips. This way you will accurately select the base color you need and will be able to successfully apply painting in practice. This will avoid a number of mistakes and prepare your hand.

When painting on your nails, it is best to choose a calmer primary color scheme.
Suitable base:

  • nude;
  • white;
  • French;
  • transparent.

Some ladies prefer designs on black bases. But the main thing here is not to make a mistake with the choice of design, otherwise such a manicure will look vulgar on the nails, and its owner will be accused of bad taste. But there are also worthy works of masters.

Ways to perform a manicure with tulips

Step-by-step instructions for manicure with tulips (on gel polish)

Step-by-step instructions for a manicure with tulips (on regular polish)

This manicure will differ from the previous one primarily in that regular varnishes They take a long time to dry and, when applied, quickly spread over the surface of the nail. To create a beautiful design, nail stickers are best suited.

  1. First you need to prepare the nail plate: remove the cuticle, cut out the shape and length.
  2. Choose a varnish color that will go well with the sticker.
  3. Apply it to the nail and dry.
  4. Then carefully apply the sticker to one of your fingers and lightly moisten it with water. Wait 2-3 minutes for it to fully set.
  5. Using scissors with narrow tips, remove excess from the edges and secure the manicure on top with a transparent top coat or varnish. Manicure is ready.

Interesting manicure ideas with tulips

For an everyday look, it is better to give preference to a design with one nail design. beautiful flower. This will allow you to add some flair, but at the same time be discreet and sophisticated. For lovers of maximalism, flowers will be appropriate on all nails, but it is better to choose natural and delicate shades so as not to overdo it with color.

The main women's holiday of spring is just around the corner - March 8. And, of course, on this day, all girls without exception want to be the most beautiful. They make themselves beautiful hairstyle, bright makeup and fashionable themed nail design for March 8th.

How to do a manicure on March 8? You can do it in bright color scheme, you can experiment with print or make a stylish black design. First of all, start from what kind of outfit you will have, or give preference to a classic French manicure or moonlit manicure.

Fashionable design Green foliage and “Twigs”

IN Lately Nail artists really fell in love with the beautiful “Twigs” nail design, which can easily be called a manicure suitable for the March 8th holiday. It is done quite easily. If you know how to draw with a liner, then making it will not be difficult for you. On the branches you can depict unopened buds or small flowers. In any case, this design will look laconic and fashionable. For nail design professionals, it will be easy to create trendy green foliage designs on your nails that will be popular this spring and especially summer. A similar manicure for March 8 can be safely performed even on short nails.

Video tutorial on how to make the “Twigs” design

Beautiful roses on nails

Despite the fact that the classic flower associated with March 8 is the tulip, many girls can choose popular roses as nail decoration for this holiday. A manicure with roses is easy to do yourself, using just two colors of gel polishes, or you can create a spectacular one. artistic painting. Look at the photo for options for modern manicure with roses.

Volumetric roses on nails

Step-by-step instructions for making a design with roses:

Step-by-step photo: how to draw beautiful rose on the nails

Simple roses with gel polish:

Manicure with beautiful tulips

Main flower spring holiday March 8, of course, is a tulip. Despite the apparent difficulty of drawing this flower on your nails at first glance, a manicure will not take you much time. For beginners, you can depict tulips in a minimalist style, like fashionable manicure“twigs”, when a stem and an unopened bud are drawn. Masters of their craft can draw more complex compositions, shown in the photo below.

Tulips in the style of “sprigs”

Manicure for March 8th with flowers

The association that first comes to mind when mentioning manicure on March 8 is flowers. An artistic design with spring flowers looks very beautiful: tulips, daffodils, lilies of the valley or snowdrops. In general, you can draw any simple flowers or stylize decorations as flowers (lay out rhinestones or metal rivets in the shape of flowers). If you don’t have time to paint on your nails, then you can easily use stickers for a manicure in the March 8 style. They are easy to use and look very impressive. Do your manicure as usual, and before applying the finishing layer, stick on the applications, after moistening them with water and detaching them from the backing. After you have smoothed the stickers on the nail plate and removed excess moisture with a napkin, apply the finishing polish, just be sure to seal the edge. Your stylish manicure ready for March 8th.

Simple flowers on nails

Different techniques for making colors on nails

Gel polish flowers with broken glass. Instructions for implementation:

How to draw flowers on your nails? Training video

Step-by-step photo of a beautiful manicure with chamomile

Amy Lee video channel footage

After the long gray months of winter, I crave brightness more than ever. On March 8, you can get a stylish manicure using bright shades of gel polishes: lemon, aqua, lilac, light green, bright peach and others. These shades look fresh and beautiful in combination with white gel polish. In order not to make a mistake in the color scheme, before starting a manicure on March 8, try mixing the shades on the palette. Even an ordinary French or moon manicure will look festive if done in bright colors. By the way, now these traditional types of manicure are performed using the fashionable Negative Space Nail Art technique, when the nail plate is not completely covered with colored gel polish. See the photo below for examples of such a manicure with flowers.

Bright flowers on nails

Manicure for March 8th with rhinestones and pearls

Many girls prefer to do a manicure with stasis or pearls for the holiday. And this is understandable. This nail design looks very impressive and presentable. A manicure with pearls will go perfectly with a little black dress, and a design with a small amount of rhinestones on the nails will look appropriate with almost anyone. cocktail dress. Correctly selected decor for manicure helps to correctly place accents.

Many people complain that rhinestones quickly come off and the manicure loses its appearance. There is a little secret that will allow you to maintain the original appearance of your manicure. for a long time. After you have applied the rhinestones and dried the finishing layer in the lamp, take a thin brush, wet it in the topcoat and carefully trace each rhinestone along the edge (slightly going over the edge) and then carefully cure the gel polish again in the UV lamp. This way the decorative elements on the nails will hold tighter.

Lace nail design also looks beautiful and festive. This manicure looks beautiful in both black and white and light beige colors. Lace on nails is done in several ways. The simplest one is stickers. There are also many stamping plates with lace patterns on sale. The third option is to use lace fabric, and you can directly glue it to the varnish base and fix it with several layers of top, or you can use the fabric as a stencil. With these it's enough simple ways You can even get a lace manicure on March 8 at home if you don’t have time to run to the salon.

Nail design for March 8th in red colors

A classic red nail design will look stylish and beautiful. After all, the color red is directly associated with the main symbol of March 8th – tulips. In addition, a manicure with red gel polish is appropriate and harmonizes perfectly with any outfit, because... red, black, grey, beige and white are considered basic colors in nail design. If you prefer a red manicure, then do it in a single color or in simple versions (lunar or French).

Lace design never goes out of style. Now every nail artist should be able to easily draw lace and fantasy patterns. For monograms and thin lace, it is best to use a very thin brush and thick gel paint, and to prevent the design from running, it is recommended to remove the sticky layer from the gel polish.

Manicure in pink tones

Pink spring manicure

The “Droplets” manicure will look good as a spring holiday design. You can come up with many options. Droplets look good on both glossy and matte finishes. They are done with a top coat and a thick brush.