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Manicure "Louboutins": double-sided nails have become a trend! How to make a stylish manicure a la Louboutin at home Nails Louboutin.

Did you know that Christian Louboutin, currently the world-famous shoe guru, first created his famous red sole on black shoes with nail polish?

In fact, Louboutin's red sole is the result of chance. The idea arose in 1992. Creating a new design of shoe models, the master decided that the shoes lacked “energy”, took a bright red nail polish from the assistant sitting next to him and painted the entire sole with it. The original idea was to change the color of the sole with the advent of the new season, but after the huge success of the red soles, they remain a constant element of this model.

Now black stilettos with scarlet soles are one of the most prestigious shoe brands in the world! Can't afford a pair of your own Louboutin shoes? Bring this style to your fingertips. Learn how to make a manicure from the world of haute couture right now.

Louboutin black and red nails step by step

What is required for manicure:

  • red nail polish
  • black nail polish
  • cotton swab
  • nail polish remover
  • nail art brush
  • false nails - if you chose the second option

Option on long natural, acrylic or gel nails

1. Remove old nail polish by cleaning your nails with a cotton swab and nail polish remover.

2. Move the cuticle and apply a base coat to protect the nails from staining with black varnish.

3. A flat brush for nail art or a brush from varnish, paint the inner surface of the nails with red varnish. If the nails are long, it is easier to do and the effect will be much more noticeable.

4. Cover the outer surface of the nails with black varnish, OPI varnish is very good for this style, but you can choose enamel much cheaper. After the black varnish has dried, apply a shiny protective coating on the nails.

5. Clean off excess varnish with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover and lubricate the cuticle with oil.

The second option - with false nails

1. Paint the tips of false nails with red varnish in 2 layers and wait until they dry completely before sticking them to natural ones.

2. Glue artificial nails.

3. Paint them on top with black varnish.

4. Cover with a fixative.

Popular shoes from Christian Louboutin have driven crazy more than one stylish beauty. If you do not have these miracle shoes, then with the help of this manicure, you can. And of course, if you are a happy owner of beautiful shoes, Louboutin manicure will be a great addition to your image.

Try repeating this Parisian brand of the famous red sole on your nails. We offer you a Louboutin manicure and detailed instructions to make it yourself. It is a good idea to make your nails look as stylish as Louboutin shoes.

Despite all the chic look of this, it will not be difficult for you to make it.

You will need:

  • Basic varnish
  • Red varnish
  • Adhesive tape or paper tape

Before repeating the double-sided manicure of Louboutin, select the main tone of the varnish and red varnish for the “sole”. And, you will start from the wrong side of the nails. Therefore, carefully cover the finger with masking tape so as not to stain the skin with varnish, and coat the lower part of the nail with red varnish. Let the varnish dry a little and apply the main tone of the varnish on the nail, in our case black. Thus, your Louboutin manicure is ready.

Nails have long found their trends and design decisions, along with hairstyles or clothes. Manicure can also be in fashion, at the peak of popularity, it must be combined with everything that is possible, and generally elevated to the rank of art.
  If it weren’t for these talented people whose hands are growing where needed, we would never have imagined that it’s possible to do this with nails.

This spring, the minds of creative fans of manicure were seized by a well-known, but again trending idea - Louboutin manicure, which now even has its own hashtag #louboutinnails, under which these black-red, sharp and brilliant ideas and walk around the network. You can not afford luxurious shoes from Louboutin, a symbol of luxury and high fashion? No problem. At least you can afford a manicure in their style. And this is not only a classic two-sided black and red solution, there are tons of creative ideas!

  Fans of luxurious shoes are refined as they can: the most popular option, of course, is a double-sided manicure in an easily recognizable palette.

  Further ideas come more complicated - how about a French Louboutin manicure with a spectacular combination of matte and glossy surfaces and of course the red color on the inside of the nail?

Louboutin manicure is not only a well-known red-black palette on both sides. These are also rhinestones and an acute form of nails in honor of the thin heel of famous shoes.

  Other colors of luxurious shoes are also recalled - beige, white, glossy blue ...

  And, of course, prints - tiger and under the skin. This is a manicure of the “Pro” level, but if all the ideas have already been used, then why not try it? The main thing in this trend is to take as a sample a pair of famous shoes that are most dreamed of and transfer their design and color scheme to the nails. Do not forget about the sole of the shoe - its shade, whether red, gray, silver in sparkles, goes to the inside of the nail. And there you can be creative as much as you wish.

Most women are aware of the “Louboutin” shoes and the history of their appearance. The story is quite simple: the famous shoe designer Christian Louboutin, before the start of the show of the new collection, thought about something missing from his shoes. Nearby was an employee who beautifully painted nails with red varnish. And the great fashion designer came up with a simple, like all ingenious, thought: to make the sole of the shoes red. These shoes quickly won the acclaim of fashionistas, and the red sole became the hallmark of the company.

Well, with varnish started, varnish continues. Black shoes with red soles became so popular that they began to repeat their “color” in manicure. And the manicure is not simple: it is bilateral! This means that the outer part of the nail is painted over with black varnish, and the inside is red. Just like the black top of the shoe and the red sole! Although at first glance the manicure seems simple, it’s still better to find out some nuances before starting it.

Black and red ... Or not only?

The classic version of the double-sided manicure in style is, of course, black and red colors, reminiscent of the famous shoes. But do not focus on only one color combination. Undoubtedly, it is very impressive, but the monotony bothers. And black and red nails are not always appropriate.

A manicure looks good, in which the outer surface of the nail plate is covered with beige varnish, and the inside is red. This coating is less aggressive, at the same time quite noticeable and sexy. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that the beige varnish is dense. Otherwise, red varnish on the other side of the nail can shine through, and this will give the manicure a sloppy look.

In principle, a combination of colors, you can choose any one you like and suitable for clothes. More carefully you need to approach the choice of varnish for the back of the nail: it should not leave an impression of dirt under the nails.

How to make double-sided manicure?

Manicure in the style of "Louboutin" is easy to perform at home. But, unfortunately, only on long nails. On short manicures simply can not do. To execute it, you will need:

Base and fixing coating;

Lucky two shades;

Orange stick with cotton or corrective pencil;

Nail polish remover;

Scotch tape (if desired).

Workshop on creating Louboutin manicure

Like any other manicure, “louboutin” should be started by giving the nails a neat appearance. Move the cuticle, remove dead skin and dust from under the nails. When the preparatory phase is completed, apply a base coat on the outside and inside of the nail.

Now the most important moment has come - coating with colored varnish. It is better to start from the inside, then if something goes wrong, it is not a pity to erase the varnish and start all over again. In order not to stain the skin with varnish, you can press the thumb pad with your thumb, so it will move down. You can use scotch tape: glue the skin under the nail with it, while moving it down. If, during application, the varnish still gets on the skin, you can remove it with an orange stick or a correcting pencil.

The most critical stage has been completed, now you can paint your nails from the outside. Do not forget to paint over the edge of the nail, it will complete the manicure. This is an important point, since the unpainted edge is striking. After the varnish has dried, apply a fixing coat and wait until it completely dries.

To learn how to do double-sided manicure faster, we advise you to watch the video master class. All at once will be out of place.

Your fashionable manicure in the style of "Louboutin" is ready. Now get ready to receive compliments! We wish you to be able to easily realize your wildest fantasies regarding your appearance.

With love, Editorial

It is said that Christian Louboutin created the first models of his famous shoes with red soles using bright red nail polish.

Let us tell you a secret that even today some fashionistas use this particular method in order to turn ordinary, rather budget shoes into longed-for “louboutins”.

But here we are not talking about chic shoes, but about no less chic manicure.

As you would expect, nails are painted on both sides.

To create such a manicure it is not at all necessary to purchase a branded varnish Christian Louboutin. Your favorite products will do the job well too.

It may be necessary to work out a bit to achieve a perfect result. They begin to create this beauty from the inside out, that is, they first paint the back of the nails and immediately remove all the blots that have fallen on the skin.

The second stage is much simpler - the nail itself is painted in the usual way.

Everything - you can enjoy the result.

To reduce the amount of varnish on the skin when staining the wrong side of the nail, you can use a thin napkin. To do this, they carefully put her under the nail, and carefully wrap her finger.

When it comes time to remove the manicure, you need to remember that it is quite difficult to remove the varnish from the inside of the nail. Sometimes you have to use the whole arsenal of funds: cotton swabs, brushes, and napkins.

In addition to impeccable style, bilateral manicure has one more advantage: a nail covered with varnish on all sides becomes much stronger and it is much harder to break, for example, when you rummage through the wilds of a handbag in search of somewhere stolen keys or a wallet.

Color combinations for manicure a la Louboutin, you can choose a variety of.

And the most glamorous fashionistas prefer sparkling rhinestones instead of colored varnish. This is a very time-consuming option, and wearing it is inconvenient, but what can’t you do for beauty?