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Wheat germ oil for the face: masks, applications, massage. Wheat germ oil in facial care: why the product is rarely used in its pure form Wheat germ oil for acne application

Wheat cultivation goes back centuries. This cereal is a symbol of fertility and one of the main sources of nutrition.

Particular importance is attached to the germs (sprouts) of wheat, from which a product – oil, amazing in its composition and healing properties – is obtained using cold pressing technology.

According to experts in the field of modern cosmetology, this healing elixir has a unique effect on the human skin, saturating the deep layers of the dermis with vitamins, antioxidants, proteins, essential fatty acids, lecithin, amino acids, minerals - substances necessary for the normal functioning of the largest organ of the human body. – skin.

It is a well-known fact that wheat germ oil for the face, when included in daily care activities, rejuvenates, nourishes, moisturizes, lifts, tones, smoothes wrinkles and eliminates minor skin defects.

Wheat extract has been used for home care for centuries. Currently, the elixir from wheat germ is included in the formulation of numerous cosmetic products - night and base day creams, lotions, makeup removers, masks.

  • stimulates skin metabolism;
  • regenerates tissue, promoting rapid skin renewal;
  • protects the face from photoaging;
  • deeply cleanses pores, activating metabolic oxygen processes;
  • evens out the texture and color of the skin;
  • tones;
  • strengthens capillaries, preventing the formation of a rosacea network (rupture of blood vessels under the skin, visible to the eye);
  • activates blood microcirculation;
  • removes toxic compounds;
  • prevents the formation of wrinkles;
  • smoothes skin folds and reduces the depth of expression lines and fine wrinkles;
  • softens the skin, increasing its elasticity;
  • whitens, removes excess pigmentation;
  • has microdrainage properties;
  • eliminates rashes, irritation, peeling, pimples and comedones;
  • lifts the oval of the face;
  • enhances the turgor of loose, thinned skin;
  • moisturizes;
  • eliminates dark blue circles around the eyes;
  • fills the epidermis with necessary biologically active components.

The product fits perfectly into any facial care program. Possessing hypoallergenic properties, it can be used frequently, up to several times a day. Wheat germ elixir is a key component of massage compositions. It is especially useful to practice the use of oil for therapeutic, preventive and rejuvenating facial massage.

The product is included in finished products, but is most valuable because it can be used to organize complete, exquisitely delicate facial skin care at home.

The most accessible and least time-consuming way to use it is to add the product to your favorite creams, for example, moisturizing, nourishing, night, day. Add 2-3 ml of oil to a teaspoon of the finished product, mix until smooth and apply to the skin in the usual way (along massage lines).

It is not advisable to use oil when massaging the eyelids. As an oil for esters, the elixir is used everywhere at the rate of not 10 grams of product, 2 drops of the selected etherol.

In its pure form, the product is applied pointwise to problem areas: bumps, pimples, flaky and inflamed areas, bunks, burns, wrinkles. The consistency of sprouted wheat oil is quite viscous, so it is advisable to dilute it with liquid seed oils from grapes, apricots or.

Since masks are one of the most effective methods of facial care, it is recommended to prepare many nutritional compositions based on the wheat germ elixir.

Acne mask

Add 2 teaspoons of wheat oil to 3 teaspoons. esters: lavender, cedar, cloves. Apply the product to cleansed skin using a paper napkin or towel.

The procedure takes 20 minutes, after which the remaining mask is carefully blotted with a clean napkin.

Mask for sagging skin

Mash the pulp of ½ avocado, add 30 ml of wheat germ oil and 1 tbsp. esters: rose, neroli, incense.

To obtain a thinner consistency, add natural yogurt or cream to the mixture.

It is advisable to do the procedure before going to bed, applying the composition to the face and neck for a quarter of an hour and rinsing off with a warm decoction of chamomile or yarrow.

Firming mask

To obtain a lifting effect and improve the outline of your face, use the following mixture 2 times a week: pour a tablespoon (5-7 g) of rice flour with a warm, strong infusion of green tea leaves (35 ml), add to the resulting mixture, which resembles the consistency of thick cream, a tablespoon of palm and wheat germ oils.

If the product turns out to be too fluid, then add a little rice flour. The procedure time is 20 minutes. Remove the mask with warm mineral water.

Anti-wrinkle application

Combine 12 ml of wheat germ oil with 35 ml of cosmetic elixir of peach seeds in a glass bowl, add 1k each to the mixture. esters: orange, sandalwood, peppermint.

The aromatic composition is impregnated with gauze folded in several layers with slits for the lips and eyes and applied for 15-25 minutes 3-4 times a week after preliminary cleansing before a night's rest.

There is no need to rinse off the remaining oil, just blot it with a paper towel.

Universal smoothing mask

Tired, wrinkled skin can be restored through a course of oatmeal masks. Number of procedures – at least 15, frequency – 2 rubles. in Week. Two tbsp. Dilute tablespoons of rolled oats in a small amount of warmed whole milk and leave for at least half an hour until it swells.

Introduce 5-6 ml of wheat germ oil into the composition and apply along massage lines for 30 minutes. To increase effectiveness, add a few drops of soybean, pumpkin or flaxseed oil to the mask. Washing is carried out with warm water.

Include the miraculous wheat germ oil extract in your list of essential skin care products, and your daily efforts will allow you to achieve impressive results comparable to regular visits to expensive beauty salons.

The main thing is patience, perseverance and, of course, the regularity of the procedures.

The use of wheat germ oil against wrinkles to maintain the freshness and beauty of the face is the most relevant way of fighting for those for whom other means have not worked. In search of suitable ingredients, each woman chooses for herself exactly what her skin absorbs best.

And the presented product has every chance to become the favorite of many. Even those who have not yet received much help from other natural remedies.

Beneficial properties of herbal product

Wheat germ oil is useful not only for the entire face against wrinkles, but also for unpleasant folds around the eyes. It also helps improve the overall condition of the skin, as it nourishes, moisturizes and tightens.

With its help you can quickly get rid of various defects on the face:

However, all these anti-wrinkle benefits of wheat germ oil will not be fully appreciated if you do not use it correctly in your daily care. And for this you need to remember the features of using the product.

Correct use of oil

Wheat germ oil will help you get rid of wrinkles most effectively if you apply it in a certain way:

The oil must be used when warm. But the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, since excessive heating destroys all the benefits of the components.

Best Recipes

Using wheat germ oil on your face for wrinkles is a pleasant way to take care of your skin. As part of masks and various massage mixtures, it gives a feeling of harmony and calm. This is why natural recipes are one of the most effective methods of combating not only external, but also internal causes of wrinkles.

With grape seeds

For very dehydrated skin, a recipe will be useful that will quickly moisturize and nourish it with useful components. It uses about 1 tsp as a base. wheat oil and the same amount of unrefined vegetable product from grape seeds. Additionally, you will need 1 mango and 6 g of clay, preferably pink.

First, the mango fruit is peeled and kneaded, then beat with a blender until smooth and the remaining ingredients are added to it. The mixture should stand for several minutes so that the clay can release all the beneficial substances. Before using a mask with wheat germ oil, the skin must be steamed. For this purpose, it is advisable to use a decoction of chamomile or sage. You can keep the mask on for as long as 40 minutes.

Anti-flabbiness mask

This wheat germ oil recipe uses an avocado and 30 ml of the original ingredient. Any essential oil that suits your skin will help enrich the composition:

After 3-4 such masks, the skin will noticeably transform and become more elastic, beautiful, and youthful.

Firming recipe

A lifting mask with wheat germ oil for the face, prepared from 1 tbsp, will help with sagging cheeks. l. rice flour and green tea decoction (about 35 ml). Add vegetable fat and 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. any other oil.

Wheat germ oil can also help get rid of expression lines on the face. This recipe is used for the skin around the mouth and eyes:

You can keep the composition on your face for 20 minutes. The wonderful aroma of greens and potatoes will carry you away on a pleasant summer day when you enjoy relaxing in nature!

Recipe with ascorutin

To prepare a mixture that not only eliminates wrinkles, but also cleanses clogged sebaceous glands, you will need 2 tablets of ascorutin. This recipe perfectly moisturizes and exfoliates old cells; it also contains: 7 g of yellow clay and 15 drops of basic vegetable oil.

Ascorutin (aka vitamin C tablets) is ground well and mixed with clay, oil is added. The mixture should sit for a while. During this time, the skin is steamed with a hot towel (literally 3-4 minutes). Then apply the mixture for 20 minutes.

To wash off any recipe containing vegetable oils, you need to use herbal infusions. They will not only fix the result, but also help remove oily shine. This could be chamomile, lemongrass, sage or oak bark, as well as any other plant that suits your skin type.

Honey mask

To prepare a nourishing and tonic mixture, you need to take 20 drops of wheat germ oil and 12 g of honey. Additionally, you will need 6 g of rice flour and 3 g of bee bread. First, mix all the dry ingredients, combine with the wet ones and leave for a couple of minutes. You need to keep it on your face for 30 minutes.

Wheat germ oil for the face against wrinkles is especially effective in its simplest form: take 1 drop of 3-4 esters, add 35 ml of peach seed oil and 12 ml of wheat germ. Fold the gauze several times and soak it in the composition. Apply applications to lips and eyes for 25 minutes.

Every day the number of women who prefer natural cosmetic compositions in skin care is increasing more and more. Wheat germ oil is one of the well-known miracle products that women enjoy using as care products. Thanks to the incredible number of vitamins, acids, microelements and active ingredients that are beneficial for the skin, it is widely used in various cosmetic fields, in particular in facial skin care.

Benefits of wheat germ oil for facial skin.
From the name of the product it is clear that it is obtained from wheat germ or sprouts. It is considered a leading means of skin rejuvenation, maintaining and preserving its firmness and elasticity, since it contains everything necessary for its beauty and youth, including vitamins E, A, group B, vitamins D, PP, fatty acids and a lot of active substances that have the best effect on the external and internal condition of our skin. Its daily use on the face has an activating effect on the processes of regeneration and restoration, as well as rejuvenation of the skin at the level of its cells, which, of course, cannot but improve its structure and quality.

It is important to note that this most valuable product of nature has no contraindications (except perhaps individual intolerance) and can be used by owners of any skin type. Cosmetologists especially recommend it for the care of excessively dry skin with signs of peeling, aging and wilting. Its regular use has a lifting effect, tightening the oval of the face, smoothing out wrinkles, and increasing skin tone. In addition, it effectively smoothes the surface and evens out the skin texture, and also improves the complexion, which gives it a fresh, rested and radiant look.

Wheat germ oil is an amazing product that helps soften, moisturize and nourish all skin types. In addition, this product is the most effective, and most importantly, natural remedy for cleansing the skin of impurities and makeup. It is impossible not to note the beneficial effect of the oil in binding and removing toxins and other harmful substances from skin cells. It is this ability of oils that is used in the production of cosmetic products.

Wheat germ oil also has a beneficial anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect on sensitive, oily and problematic skin, relieving inflammation and eliminating irritation. In addition, its effectiveness in the fight against pimples, blackheads, various pustular formations, damage and skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, etc.) is simply amazing. By the way, it can also be perfectly used in caring for the thin and sensitive area of ​​the eyelids; with regular use, it eliminates “crow’s feet”, which, one way or another (though at different ages) appear in almost every woman. It is also effective in caring for delicate lip skin, especially during cold periods of the year. It perfectly heals cracks on the lips and in the corners of the mouth or jams, eliminates peeling, restoring smoothness and elasticity to the skin of the lips.

Ways to use wheat germ oil for the face.
Due to its dense and heavy structure, wheat germ oil is not intended for use undiluted on the face; it is mainly combined with various vegetable oils with a lighter structure. Despite this, it is possible to use it in its pure form, but only on rough and flaky small areas of the skin, as well as directly on areas of inflammation, irritation, and skin damage. Plus, it can be applied directly to areas of deep wrinkles in the nasolabial folds, forehead and corners of the eyes (but not under the eyes). But for the area under the eyes, it is recommended to combine it with rosehip, olive, apricot, avocado, peach, sweet almond, and grape seed oil, in a ratio of one to three. This mixture can be used every day.

In addition, it is recommended to add it to ready-made cosmetics (three drops per serving) and homemade products (creams, balms, massage oils, etc.). In this case, add three drops of a suitable essential component to 15 ml of oil. For example, it is recommended to add mint, rose, and orange oil to products for dry and aging skin; for oily and problematic skin - cedar, clove, cajuput, and lavender oils.

It is also effective to add this oil to homemade face masks. About a teaspoon is enough for any mask recipe.

Recipes for face masks based on wheat germ oil.
Masks and applications based on this amazing and valuable product of nature are especially effective for the face. Here is a recipe for an excellent anti-aging product for aging skin with wrinkles. To prepare it, you need to enrich three teaspoons of wheat germ oil with mint, orange and sandalwood oil, just take one drop of each. Blot a paper towel with the resulting mixture and place it on your face. After twenty minutes, remove the towel, but there is no need to rush to wash your face after the procedure. Wait about five minutes, during which time the remaining oil will be completely absorbed into the skin. If you still feel uncomfortable, you can blot your skin a little with a paper napkin.

To treat oily and problematic skin with pimples and blackheads, it is recommended to combine wheat germ oil with lavender, cedar or clove oil, just take two drops. The method of application is the same as in the previous recipe.

For the corners of the eyes, as well as to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead and nasolabial folds, it is recommended to use wheat germ oil in its pure form. Soak cotton pads in it and apply to problem areas of the skin; it is recommended to place compress paper on top.

Another wonderful property of wheat germ oil is its ability to lighten freckles and age spots. For this purpose, it is mixed in the amount of three teaspoons with lemon, grapefruit or juniper essential oils, which should be taken one drop at a time. Lightly moisten a napkin in this mixture and apply it directly to the stains. The duration of the procedure is no more than twenty minutes, carried out twice a day. The effect will be noticeable after ten procedures.

To care for the skin around the eyes, as well as to smooth out wrinkles in this area, it is recommended to apply daily with light patting movements a composition of a teaspoon of wheat germ oil and a drop of neroli essential oil, or you can add two drops of rosewood oil. The same composition is useful for lip care and treatment of cracks and jams.

For dry skin, add one drop of lemon balm and rose oil to a teaspoon of wheat germ oil to the mask. Apply this mixture to dry areas several times a day.

To eliminate crow's feet, there is one very effective remedy: combine 5 ml of wheat germ oil with 15 ml of grape seed, add 4 drops of vitamin E in oil form, 4 drops of vitamin A in oil, as well as three drops each of grapefruit and rosemary oil. It is necessary to apply as follows: first moisten two cotton pads in warm water, then apply a couple of drops of the mixture to them and apply to the area around the eyes. Leave for fifteen minutes. Carry out the procedure at night. After two or three such sessions, you won’t recognize your skin. No wrinkles, I guarantee! In any case, I used it on combination skin. The effect is simply superb!

The following mask will help improve the condition of tired skin and restore it to health: dilute two tablespoons of chopped oatmeal with a small amount of warm milk. As soon as the mass disperses and becomes similar to non-liquid sour cream, add a teaspoon of this miracle oil to it. Apply the composition to previously cleansed facial skin and leave for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can also add linseed and grape oil to the composition.

Anyone who cares about the health and youth of their skin will certainly be interested in information about wheat germ oil. The use of a valuable product in cosmetology is completely justified.

A rich set of vitamins, fatty acids, minerals and biologically active substances transforms the skin, removes fine wrinkles, tones and nourishes. The oily product fights stretch marks, cellulite, and is suitable for massage. A bottle of this miracle product will help solve many problems of the epidermis.

Beneficial properties and effects on the skin

Dense, heavy oil is obtained from wheat grains by cold pressing. The result is a healing mixture with a high concentration of valuable substances. The grain gives up its full power.


  • polyunsaturated fatty acids, without which the aging process of the body accelerates;
  • octacosanol, phospholipids, triglycerides, glycolipids;
  • vitamins A, F, B, E, involved in metabolic processes, cell building, epidermal regeneration, maintaining water balance;
  • useful minerals – zinc, iron, selenium. Natural antioxidants maintain youthful skin and fight free radicals.

Note! High concentrations of vitamin E were found in natural wheat products. It is no coincidence that this substance is called the “vitamin of youth.” A lack of tocopherol quickly leads to withering, loss of skin elasticity, and disruption of metabolic processes.

A natural product with a rich wheat scent penetrates well through pores and is active in the deep layers of the dermis. The benefits for the body have been proven by scientists, cosmetologists, and doctors.

Effect of wheat germ oil on the skin:

  • stimulates metabolism;
  • heals wounds, microcracks;
  • maintains the elasticity of the skin;
  • rejuvenates the epidermis;
  • improves complexion;
  • treats household, ;
  • fights inflammatory processes;
  • removes harmful substances from the body;
  • actively cleanses the surface of the epidermis and deep tissues;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevents development;
  • has an effect.

Important! The healing product is suitable for daily skin care.

Read an interesting article about the use, beneficial properties and contraindications for the face and body.

How to do Japanese gymnastics to rejuvenate the face and neck? Find out the answer on the page.

Contraindications and general information

The oily liquid extracted from young wheat grains does not exhibit aggressive properties and is well tolerated by the body. The wheat product is recommended even for pregnant women. The natural remedy can be taken orally.


  • individual intolerance (extremely rare);
  • urolithiasis, cholelithiasis.

The magical elixir of youth and beauty, extracted from wheat, is sold in any pharmacy. The healing product can be ordered at an online pharmacy. The cost varies slightly depending on the manufacturer.

Approximate price of wheat germ oil:

bottle 20 ml – 44 rubles;
bottle 50 ml – 110 rubles;
bottle 115 ml – 146 rubles.

Every cell of the body should feel the beneficial effects of a wonderful remedy:

  • treat your face and hands with the nourishing composition;
  • use to massage problem areas;
  • rub into the stomach, thighs, chest when they appear and for their prevention;
  • when applying an anti-inflammatory agent to each pimple;
  • lubricate chapped lips, inflamed areas, and the area under the eyes with undiluted oily liquid;
  • use to combat.

Note! The natural product made from wheat grains is quite dense and belongs to the category of “heavy” oils. To treat large areas and prepare masks, be sure to dilute the valuable product with lighter oils. The optimal concentration of an oily wheat product in mixtures is 10%, no more.

Face mask recipes

Before starting the course, please note recommendations from cosmetologists:

  • Use undiluted healing agent only for application to inflamed areas, lips, and the area around the eyes;
  • in all other cases, make sure that wheat oil makes up 1/10th of the total amount of the nutrient mixture;
  • make masks twice a week. The duration of the procedure is 15–30 minutes depending on the skin type. Full course – 10 procedures;
  • after removing the composition, wash with a herbal decoction or cool water, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Proven recipes:

  • from wrinkles, puffiness, dark circles under the eyes. Prepare a nutritious, refreshing mixture. Combine oils: wheat germ - 1 tbsp. l., sandalwood and neroli - 1 drop each (or roses - 2 drops). Lightly massage the oil mixture into the area around the eyes. There is no need to wash your face after the procedure. Blot excess mixture with a paper napkin; (Recipes for anti-aging masks are described on the page);
  • for aging, sagging skin. Ingredients – 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, half a teaspoon of wheat oil, 1 drop each of sandalwood, orange, mint esters. Spread the thick mass over the skin, cover with gauze. After 20 minutes, wipe off the mixture with a cotton swab, rinse your face, apply nourishing cream; (Recipes for nourishing masks, find out the articles);
  • from freckles and age spots. Base – 4 tbsp. l. grated cucumber pulp. Fillers: wheat oil product – 1 tsp, bergamot, lemon, juniper esters – 1 drop each. The duration of this pleasant procedure is 15–20 minutes. Remove the mixture with a cotton swab, wash, moisturize the epidermis; (Recipes for cucumber masks are described; read about bergamot oil; read about lemon oil);
  • from wrinkles. To two dessert spoons of wheat germ oil, add a drop of mint and orange esters. Rub the enriched mixture into problem areas near the eyes, on the forehead, and treat the area around the lips. Do not wash off the composition;
  • against acne. Treat each inflamed comedone with an anti-inflammatory composition. Preparing a healing mixture is simple: combine 2 des. l. product extracted from young wheat grains, cedar, clove or lavender esters - 2 drops each. (Read the address for recipes for masks against blackheads).

Nourishing blend for dry lips

Lubricate chapped, chapped lips with undiluted oily liquid. For greater effect, add a drop of rose and lemon balm oils. Apply the nourishing mixture in the morning three times a day. After a few days, the delicate skin will soften and the cracks will heal.

Wheat germ oil for cellulite

Ask your therapist if you can have a massage. This effective procedure is contraindicated for varicose veins, hypertension, and many skin diseases.

After the doctor’s conclusion, begin a course of procedures that improve the condition of the epidermis. Treat problem areas every other day.

Components to combat orange peel:

  • base wheat oil – 2 tbsp. l;
  • a mixture of juniper, lemon, geranium, fennel esters - 5 drops;
  • Another option: add 4-5 drops of a mixture of orange + tangerine + grapefruit essential oil to the base.


  • Treat the lumpy areas with an anti-cellulite composition and perform a fairly firm massage;
  • Pinching areas affected by cellulite has a good effect;
  • After the procedure, blot the remaining oil mixture, apply orange peel cream.

Fighting stretch marks

Composition of the nutrient for stretch marks:

  • oily product obtained after squeezing young wheat grains – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • orange or grapefruit essential oil – 4 drops.

Mode of application:

  • mix the ingredients, thoroughly rub the composition into problem areas;
  • lubricate stretch marks or areas where they may appear daily for five minutes.

Note! Expectant mothers can safely treat their breasts, thighs, and abdomen to prevent stretch marks. Firm, healthy skin has more elastic connective tissue. This reduces the likelihood of stretch marks that disfigure the body.

Use of wheat germ oil in medicine

The unique composition was appreciated by doctors from different fields. The natural product is used to treat many diseases.

Pay attention to the remedy for:

  • anemia;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • inflammatory processes of the epidermis;
  • burns, wounds, microcracks;
  • after a course of chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
  • acne;
  • weak cardiovascular system;
  • dull, lifeless hair;
  • thinning hair, alopecia.

Important! Pregnant women, after consulting a gynecologist, can consume a wheat oil product rich in vitamin E to maintain women's health and normal fetal development.

Herbal products are very popular for beauty treatments and self-medication. One of the most valuable remedies is wheat germ oil. It is rich in vitamin E, which ensures elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

Wheat germ oil is produced by cold pressing. This production method allows you to preserve all valuable microelements and vitamins, contained in sprouted wheat grains.

Heating this product results in the formation of harmful substances. Wheat germ product produced by cold extraction cannot be used for food purposes!

It is intended for external use only, as it has not been heat-treated or cleaned. Wheat oil is a yellowish liquid with a pleasant wheat aroma. To obtain 1 liter of product, you need to squeeze 4 tons of grains.

Properties and composition

The valuable qualities of this product are explained by its rich chemical composition. It combines the elements necessary to preserve the youth and elasticity of the dermis. Elements and their properties:

This video will tell you how to apply oil correctly:


Wheat germ oil is used in professional and home cosmetology. Valuable ingredients in the product provide comprehensive skin care.

Women most value anti-aging care based on this product.

It stimulates collagen production and nourishes the skin with beneficial substances. Due to this, the dermis is smoothed: small wrinkles are smoothed out, and large ones become less noticeable.

Other effects from using the product:

  • dry skin becomes softer and more delicate;
  • acne and pimples become less pronounced and painful;
  • pores are cleaned and narrowed;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • minor wounds and irritation go away much faster.

Wheat oil is indispensable for caring for the delicate skin around the eyes. It is this area that especially suffers from the formation of wrinkles that reveal a woman’s age.

Products containing wheat oil help the skin to be firmer and more elastic. Regular use helps hide crow's feet and make bags under the eyes less noticeable.

To improve the appearance of eyelashes and eyebrows, a squeeze of wheat germ is also applied to them and rubbed in with smooth movements. To obtain a stable result, the drug must be used regularly.

Indications for use

Wheat germ oil can be used for almost any problem with the face. It Suitable for both dry and oily skin. As a result of using this drug, the skin looks more youthful and beautiful.

The product not only provides external radiance, but also affects the deeper layers of the skin, healing them. Main indications:

  • aging skin;
  • dry, irritation-prone dermis;
  • acne and acne;
  • pigmentation and the presence of freckles.

How to use wheat germ oil against wrinkles, watch in this video:

When not to use

Even the use of natural remedies has limitations. Unfortunately, for some problems, you should refrain from using wheat germ oil:

Wheat oil based products for face

The use of oil in combination with other active ingredients effectively solves a variety of facial skin problems. There are many recipes for home use.

Health mask

You need to mix 3 parts of wheat extract and 1 part of orange or mint essential oil. The mixture is applied to a paper towel, which is placed on the face. Keep this mask for 20 minutes.

Suitable for dry, chapped skin prone to irritation.

Anti-aging composition

Mix wheat germ oil and sandalwood oil in a 3:1 ratio. You need to apply the mixture on a paper towel. Keep on skin for at least 20 minutes. Suitable for skin with wrinkles and depleted, “tired” dermis.

For oily skin

A few drops of wheat extract are added to the wheat oil in a 3:1 ratio. Keep this composition on the skin for 15 minutes. As a result, the skin becomes less oily.

Lightening freckles and age spots

As the basis of this product, take 3 teaspoons of base oil. To it add 1 drop of juniper ether, grapefruit and This mixture should be wiped on the face for 20 minutes daily. The course of lightening procedures lasts at least 15 days.

Acne treatment

Problematic skin with acne is effectively healed with the help of wheat oil. It must be mixed with clove or lavender ether in equal proportions. The composition is applied to a cotton pad, which should be used to wipe the face for 15 minutes. Procedures must be carried out regularly. The course lasts 15-20 days.

Eye cream

To reduce crow's feet and restore elasticity to the delicate dermis, you should use the following recipe. 2 parts of rose ether are combined with 3 parts of wheat oil.

Use fingers dipped in this mixture to smear the skin around the eyes.

Apply the composition with soft, patting movements. The oil needs to be “hammered” into the skin without stretching it. Repeat the procedure several times. To achieve the best results, it is recommended to use this mixture regularly.

For acne treatment

20 g of fresh pressed ones are poured with 50 ml of warm water. When foam appears, add 25 g of low-fat yoghurt. Also add 20 ml of wheat germ oil and 1 teaspoon of baking soda.

The mixture is infused for 20 minutes at room temperature. The finished mask is applied to problem areas. You need to keep the product for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm boiled water. You can also use a decoction of medicinal herbs to rinse off.

Mask for acne and blackheads with egg yolk

The product uses a hard-boiled yolk. It needs to be mashed with a fork and mixed with 10 ml of wheat germ oil. The resulting mixture is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the face. You need to keep the mask on for 25 minutes.

The product helps remove the effects of acne and rashes. Wash off with boiled water.

Toning mask

20 drops of wheat oil are mixed with 10 g. acacia honey, 3 gr. bee bread and 6 gr. rice Before the procedure, the skin must be cleansed with tonic. The ingredients of the mask are mixed into a single mass.

The mask is applied in an even layer over the entire surface of the face. You need to keep the product for 30 minutes. After which, rinse with a decoction of rose hips or chamomile.

Beekeeping products in combination with oil activate blood circulation and metabolic processes in the dermis. As a result of this home procedure, the skin is saturated with beneficial substances and looks more radiant.

Lip care composition

Honey and 1-2 drops of myrrh or lemon balm essential oil are added to the germ preparation. The mixture is applied to the lips three times a day. The course lasts as long as it takes to eliminate dry skin or other problems.

The composition helps to quickly cure cracks, peeling and jams in the corners.


Wheat oil effectively improves skin condition. Its rich composition provides comprehensive care and helps solve major dermatological problems.