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Methodological development for children of the preparatory group for school. Topic: “Monitoring at the beginning of the school year

Wiping machines. Rubbing is not only a process of grinding, but also of separation, i.e. separating the mass of fruit and vegetable raw materials from seeds, seeds and peels on sieves with a cell diameter of 0.0 mm. Finishing is the additional grinding of the pureed mass by passing it through a sieve with a hole diameter of 0.6 mm. Operating rules and labor safety. Before starting work on the rubbing machine, check the sanitary condition, correct assembly and reliability of fastening of the sieve, grating disks, replaceable rotor, and reliability of fastening of all machine parts.

After this, check the reliability and serviceability of the installed grounding. Then the car is checked at idle speed. Rules for the safe operation of vegetable cutting machines: 1. Only workers wearing dry and special clothing can start working on the machine. 2. Check the sanitary and technical condition, correct assembly, reliability of fastening of knives, knife blocks and grates, as well as the strength of fastening of the hopper.

4. Rules for operating machines. When working with a class I machine, personal protective equipment should be used: dielectric gloves, galoshes, mats, etc.), except for the cases specified below. It is permissible to carry out work with a class I machine without using personal protective equipment in the following cases if: When operating the machines, it is necessary to comply with all the requirements of the instructions for their operation, handle them carefully, and not expose them to shock, overload, or exposure to dirt or oil products.

Machines that are not protected against moisture should not be exposed to drops or splashes of water or other liquid. The productivity of pre-wiping machines is determined by the formula: where D is the diameter of the sieve drum of the wiper, m; L - length of the beater, m; n - number of revolutions per minute Machines and mechanisms for grinding. Device, principle of operation, operating rules and safety precautions. Determination of productivity and required power.

The machines are designed for grinding meat and fish into minced meat, re-grinding the cutlet mass and stuffing sausages using a meat grinder. Operating rules and labor safety. Before starting work on the rubbing machine, check the sanitary condition, correct assembly and reliability of fastening of the sieve, grating disks, replaceable rotor, and reliability of fastening of all machine parts.

After this, check the reliability and serviceability of the installed grounding. Then the car is checked at idle speed. Wiping machine MP 1 - tray, 2 - grid, 3 - bladed rotor, 4 - loading hopper, 5 - waste hatch, 6 - handle with eccentric clamp, 7 - waste collection container, 8 - V-belt drive, 9 - electric motor.

Table Operating rules and labor safety. Before starting work on the rubbing machine, check the sanitary condition, correct assembly and reliability of fastening of the sieve, grating disks, replaceable rotor, and reliability of fastening of all machine parts. After this, check the reliability and serviceability of the installed grounding. Then the car is checked at idle speed.

5. Understand the rules for the safe operation and setup of a single-stage continuous cleaning machine. Equipment, tools and inventory: single-stage rubbing machine, pots with a capacity of 2 3 liters (2 pcs.), wooden pusher, stopwatch, caliper. Products: apples-5.0 kg; tomatoes - 5.0 kg; bones - 5.0 kg. Study of the device and principle of operation. A single-stage rubbing machine (rice) consists of a housing, a drive, a whip shaft and a sieve drum mounted on a common frame.

The continuous grinding machine is designed to remove pits from various fruits. Rules for operating wiping machines. Before putting machines and mechanisms into operation, check their sanitary condition, grounding, strength of fastening of working parts and tools, bunkers and loading funnel.

Then turn the car on at idle speed. After making sure that it is in good condition and without turning off the engine, load the products. Do not push or straighten stuck food with your hands while the machine is running, as this may cause injury.

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Explanatory note

Final diagnostic tasks (monitoring) for children 6-7 years old (preparatory group) are aimed at determining the final results of children’s mastery of the general education program of a preschool educational institution.

Children are asked to complete 7 tasks together with the teacher. Duration of execution is 15 - 20 minutes.

The teacher voices each task once.

Children must complete all tasks independently, without the help of adults.

The tasks reflect the general orientation of children in the world around them, spatial, color and temporal concepts, and the psychological level of development of a preschooler.

The selected diagnostic tasks meet the principles of eventfulness and an active approach, which ensures the formation of systemic knowledge and ideas of preschoolers about the world of social relations.

The proposed diagnostic tasks are part of a monitoring system that combines low-formalized and highly formalized methods that ensure the objectivity and accuracy of the data obtained.

The results obtained are entered into a summary diagnostic map of the level of development of integrative qualities (see Appendix).

Task 1. Color the second half of the ball with a felt-tip pen of the same color as you see in the paws of each bear.

Task 2. Look at the pictures. Circle three pictures that show your cat's favorite food.

Task 3. Continue the patterns. You can complete one version of this task. Determine which task is more difficult?

Option 1.

Option 2.

Task 4.

Option 1. Determine which animals are wild and which are domestic? Put it around pets.

Option 2. Mark water transport with number 1, land transport with number 2, and air transport with number 3.

Task 5. Connect the numbers with an arrow.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

now, connect the numbers with an arrow starting with number 2

Task 6. Questionnaire of indicative school maturity

    Which animal is bigger - an elephant or a cat?

    A small cat is a kitten, a small chicken is..., a small horse is.... .

    What types of transport do you know?

    Potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage are...

    The capital of our Motherland is Moscow. Name 5 more cities in Russia.

Task 7. Ecological ABC. Guess the riddles.


There is a sign: if aspen leaves lie on the ground “face up”, then it will be cold, if with the wrong side up, it will be warm, if both, then it will be moderate.



She hunts with her tongue. During the day she sleeps in a damp, secluded place, and at night she goes hunting. When she sees a beetle or ant, she quickly throws out her sticky tongue, and the insect sticks to it. This very useful animal destroys many pests of fields and vegetable gardens.



Little mouse, are you afraid of cod?

I'm not afraid one bit!

And the loud stomping?

I'm not the least bit afraid!

And the terrible roar?

I'm not at all afraid!

Why are you afraid then?

Yes, a quiet rustle...

What predator was the mouse talking to?


Task 8. Draw a picture called “Family”


Summary diagnostic card

level of development of integrative qualities

in children ________ years


Group No.____________________ Educators

F.I. baby

Curious active

Emotionally responsive

Able to manage your behavior and plan your actions.

Able to solve intellectual and personal problems appropriate for age

Having primary ideas about the world and nature

Having mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activities

Levels of mastery

B - high

BC - above average

C - medium

Methodological development for children of the preparatory group for school. Topic: “Monitoring at the beginning school year».
Prepared by: GBDOU teacher d.s. No. 63 Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg
Fadeeva Olga Vladimirovna
Type: combined lesson. (integration of educational areas: “Socio-communicative development”, “ Speech development», « Cognitive development", "Artistic and aesthetic development")
View: didactic game.
Purpose: to present tools for monitoring children in the preparatory group for school according to an approximate general education program preschool education“From birth to school” at the beginning of the school year. (integration of gaming, cognitive, communicative, motor, musical activities)
Implementation tasks educational field“Social and communicative development”:

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- encourage children to engage in a joint play situation with an adult;
-to form personal qualities (initiative and independence) in verbal communication with others.
Objectives of the implementation of the educational field " Physical development»:
- develop safe behavior skills in games and physical education.
Objectives of the implementation of the educational field “Speech Development”:
— master the basic rules of speech etiquette;
- test the ability to distinguish a sound, syllable, word, sentence, and determine their sequence.
Objectives of the implementation of the educational field “Cognitive Development”:
- test the ability to name a segment, angle, circle, oval, polygon, ball, cube, and compare them;
— test the ability to divide figures into several parts and form whole ones;
- check your knowledge of time concepts: day-week-month, minute-hour (by the clock), sequences of seasons and days of the week;
- encourage children to show interest in the activity being performed.
Objectives of the implementation of the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”:
— promote further development of dance movement skills;
- develop the ability to move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the diverse nature of music.
Methodical techniques:
1. Game (use of surprise moments)
2. Visual (use of illustrations and an interactive projector)
3. Verbal (questions, answers, directions, reminders, advice, encouragement)
4. Practical (drawing geometric figures from strips, setting the time on the clock)
Didactic material:
Music: Mark Minkov “In the Port”, saxophone melody “Sea Surf”
Ship layout.
Caps, guys, cap.
Swimming circle.
Demo material:
Presentation for traveling by ship.
Posters depicting the islands: o. Lady of Sounds, Fr. Mysterious Words, Fr. Figur, o. Time.
Round table in the form of a clock with numbers and arrows.
Syllable-fusion patterns.
Schemes of words with 1 syllable.
Schemes of words divided into syllables.
Cards with numbers.
Cardboard strips.
Sheets with geometric shapes.
Letters: A, B, C.
Flags cut into pieces.
Sheets with islands and images of geometric shapes in envelopes.
Interactive projector.
Multimedia player.

The progress of the joint directly educational activities.
1. Motivation.
(children come in and sit down round table)
Educator: Today on the way I met the senior mate - the first mate. He promised to come to your lesson. Here he is.
First Mate: Attention! Attention! The maritime school announces a recruitment of cabin boys for a trip to the Islands of Knowledge. Children who complete most of the tasks will receive a surprise. Are there any of you who want to go on a sea voyage? Then put on guys with caps. (The melody of the saxophone “Sea Surf” sounds. The teacher puts on a guy and a captain’s cap.)
Congratulations, you have been accepted into maritime school. You will be watched by experienced sailors sitting in the hall (guests). Yoongi, don't be upset if you don't know something. Adults will write down what you need to work on, and your captain at sea school will teach you everything.

2. Emotional mood for the upcoming activity.
(children with a teacher go to the model of the ship, the first mate takes a place at the interactive projector)
Educator: I will be your captain. Repeat the words after me, adding the word “IS”.
Children: Yes, to the ship.
Educator: Yoongi! Remove the ladder!
Children: Yes, remove the ladder.
Educator: Give back the mooring lines!
Children: Yes, give me the mooring lines.
Educator: Raise the sails!
Children: Yes, raise the sails.
Educator: I wish you successful swimming.
We are heading towards the island of the Lady of Sounds. Why do you think it was called that? Will it be possible to see her?
Children: She is invisible. Sounds can only be heard and spoken.
Educator: Yoongi! Lower the sails!
Children: Yes, lower the sails.
Educator: Tie the mooring lines!
Children: Yes, tie the mooring lines.
Educator: Give me the ladder!
Children: Yes, give me the ladder.
Educator: Team to leave the ship!
Children: Yes, leave the ship.

3. Games with words.
Educator: The Lady of Sounds invites you to sit at the tables. She has prepared cards for you that can only be picked up when the bell rings. It is prohibited to answer from your seat. The Lady of Sounds will show the correct answers on the screen.
A) If you hear 1 sound, show the square, if I pronounce a syllable, raise the diagram of the syllable. (La, t, m, py).

B) Hear a syllable, raise the syllable diagram. Hear the word, pick up the diagram of the word. (Flag, woo, anchor).

C) Now we will divide words into syllables. It is allowed to share in a whisper. When the bell rings, pick up the corresponding card.
(Sailor, sails, board, boat, midshipman). Who is a midshipman? Children: senior class student of the Naval Cadet Corps. (A picture of a midshipman appears on the screen)

D) Count the number of words in the sentences and show the number after the signal.
(Masha drew a beautiful fish. Young holds an aquarium. Our children like this ship.)
Educator: It's time to return to the ship. Place all cards in an envelope. (The saxophone melody “Sea Surf” sounds)

4. On board the ship.
Team! To the ship.
Yoongi! Remove the ladder! Give up the mooring lines! Raise the sails! We are heading towards the Island of Mysterious Words. On this island, all guests are invited to play with words.

5. Playing with words and a swimming ring.
Stand around the island.
A) Say each sound in the words separately. Says the one in his hands Lifebuoy. (Waves, sail).
B) Say the words syllable by syllable.
(Deck, captain, yacht, pier).
C) Name the words in the sentences in order.
(The boatswain whistles commands. The blue sea is agitated again. Swimming improves health).
Place a circle.

6. Musical physical exercise.
Before we hit the road, let's warm up a little. Stand wide apart. Repeat the movements after me. (Mark Minkov’s song “In the Port” is played)

7. On board the ship.
Team! To the ship. (The saxophone melody “Sea Surf” sounds)
We are heading for the Figure Islands. First we will visit a group of islands located at tables with stripes, then you will take a sea test from experienced sailors. In Shape Islands you will compare, divide and make shapes from parts. I wish you success.
Command to abandon ship!

8. Games with geometric shapes.
A) Sit at the tables. Make a pentagon out of the strips. Now make a quadrilateral from the same strips. What general word can be used to call them? (Polygons) Look at the polygons on the screen. Their name depends on the number of angles. Set the strips aside.

B) Now your sea exam begins. You will name these polygons and other shapes on these route sheets yourself (show). You will need to go to the sea mentors (guests) and read all the figures on the sheet in order, and then come to me.
Yoongi! Get route sheets for passing the figures exam!
Children: Yes, get some sheets.

C) Stand in a semicircle so you can see the screen.
We will compare the figures on the screen one by one. The one with the cube in his hands speaks.
(Triangle and angle, square and cube, angle and segment, circle and ball, oval and rectangle).

D) Stand next to the letters (A, B, C). These are the answer options. The letters can only be raised after I hit the ball on the floor. Look at the screen.
Which of the figures was divided into 2 unequal parts? Correct answer.
Which of the figures was divided into 3 equal parts? Correct answer.

D) Please sit down at the tables again. Our flag was cut by pirates. Rebuild it from the pieces in the transparent folder. Remember, if you look at your neighbor's flag, your work does not count. Experienced sailors are watching you. Yoongi! Start the task! Look at the screen with the correct answer. Raise your hand if you have the same flag. Place the flags with shapes and stripes in a folder.

E) The envelopes contain figures and islands. Arrange the shapes into islands according to shape and explain. You can put it not on all of them, but on 3 or 4 islands. Yoongi! Start the task!
3 answer options are considered correct. Look at the screen. Who has the same islands? What will you call them? (straight lines, flat figures, volumetric figures) Let's look at another solution... (straight lines, shapes with corners, shapes without corners) Third... (straight lines, flat shapes with corners, flat shapes without corners, volumetric shapes)

9. On the way to the Island of Time.
Team! To the ship. (The saxophone melody “Sea Surf” sounds)
Yoongi! Remove the ladder! Give up the mooring lines! Raise the sails! We are heading towards the Island of Time. Can you tell time using a watch?
Yoongi! Lower the sails! Tie the mooring lines! Give up the ladder! Command to abandon ship!

A) We arrived on the island of Time. What does he look like? (on the clock) You will see a clock on the screen. After my clap, show on your fingers what time they show. (3h., 4h., 1h.)

B) Outdoor game “Arrows walk in circles.”
Arrows go around in circles
And they want to catch up with each other.
(children sit down)
Arrows, arrows, don't rush,
Tell us the time!
(Five o'clock, eight o'clock, two o'clock - children set the time on the clock.)

IN) A new game It's called "Continue the Row."
The child who has this arrow in his hands will name the days of the week and seasons in order. I start, and you continue.
(Tuesday,.. summer,.. Friday,.. winter,.. Wednesday,..
Autumn,.. Saturday... summer,.. Sunday... spring,..)