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Expression wrinkles, causes, prevention and their elimination. Causes of wrinkles and all means to combat them Types of wrinkles on the face

For healthy skin. These are folds and grooves that appear because the skin loses its elasticity and strength over time.

However, even newborns have folds in the area of ​​the joints where their arms and legs bend and extend, and “bandages” where they have too much subcutaneous fat.

Where do they appear?

Wrinkles do not appear suddenly and all at once, except in the form of exceptions such as systemic diseases, when a mass of cells suddenly accumulates in the skin. Therefore, it is easy to predict where wrinkles will appear:

  • Places where muscles most often contract. For example, if you frown or smile, wrinkles appear around the eyes and on the forehead.
  • Places that are most often exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The sun, which gives us a tan, contributes to the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Places where the skin is thin. There she simply loses collagen (the protein that is responsible for strength and elasticity) the fastest.

What affects the appearance of wrinkles?

First of all, this is age, which does not spare anyone.

Secondly, wrinkles are the result of ultraviolet radiation. Wrinkles. The sun also colors them, changing the structure of collagen. And what lighter shade skin, the more prone it is to the appearance of sun wrinkles.

And the third main enemy of smooth skin is cigarettes (this is another reason to quit smoking and even).

When is it time to treat wrinkles?

Since wrinkles do not affect overall health, but only aesthetics, it all depends on the state of your wallet and your personal view of beauty. Of course, it is always easier to do prevention, since wrinkles are unlikely to become fashionable in the near future. , unnatural whiteness of the skin, tan and shine were at their peak, but wrinkles were never the subject of envy.

How to get rid of them?

All wrinkle treatments are cosmetic procedures. Even if we are talking about surgery, it is not plastic surgery for health reasons. Such manipulations do not radically change anything in the patient’s condition, but they can improve well-being. And as we remember, health is not only physical, but also mental well-being, which is influenced by.

Cosmetic procedures that treat wrinkles can be grouped something like this:

1. Paralysis of the superficial muscles of the face. This is Botox and everything that looks like it. There is such a dangerous bacterium - botulinum clostridium. Her toxin (that is, the poison she secretes) causes paralysis. And if, for example, you eat a can of canned food contaminated with botulism, you can die from paralysis of the respiratory muscles. But humanity has learned to use this effect to its advantage.

Enterprising researchers have purified and weakened the toxin so that it can be injected into spastic and superficial facial muscles. Due to the action of the toxin, they are paralyzed for two to three months, depending on the dose and characteristics of the body. As a result, those wrinkles that appeared due to muscle movements are smoothed out. The risks of Botox injection are headaches and flu-like symptoms.

2. Filling the recesses. There are many medications that can be injected into the deep cavities of wrinkles to smooth them out from the inside. For example, the same one that is now used to fill wrinkles, and to enlarge lips, and to correct the shape of the face.

There is a huge list of fillers approved for use by the FDA (American Safety Administration). food products and drugs), starting from the patient’s own fat cells (pumped out in one place, pumped into another), collagen (and a lot of drugs based on it), lactic acid, hydroxyapatite, as well as various combinations thereof. Don't forget about silicone and mineral oils, which, although they are becoming a thing of the past due to their insecurity, are still popular.

3. Changes in collagen through invasive destructive procedures or medical means. There are procedures that should improve the quality of collagen in the skin and change it appearance. The use of lasers chemical peels, dermabrasion removes dead cells and encourages fibroblasts to produce more collagen to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. True, these same procedures can cause serious damage - chemical burn- or leave a scar, so choose better. Ultrasound and low-frequency devices are used for this purpose.

4. Surgical removal of excess skin. This procedure applies to plastic surgery and is performed in the operating room under general anesthesia. The result depends on the skill of the surgeon and can be impressive.

Some treatments are as simple as applying cream to the surface of the skin (though this doesn't always work, research shows Study: Most Wrinkle Creams Don't Work, most homemade anti-wrinkle creams are just a marketing ploy). Others are major interventions that require anesthesia. What exactly will help in each specific case- depends on skin type, depth of wrinkles and cost, of course.

What exactly to use and how should be decided by a cosmetologist. Much depends on what drug the clinic or salon uses, how much you are willing to pay and how much you are willing to risk. Most injection methods of rejuvenation require constant repetition, because fillers dissolve under the skin and it returns to its original state (if you’re lucky, but if not, we see terrible side effects and disfigured faces).

What to do to reduce wrinkles?

There are not many ways to avoid wrinkles. For example, you can always walk with a straight face so as not to provoke the appearance of facial wrinkles(well, at least don’t frown).

We must not forget that no matter how you look at it, genetics will influence the quality of your skin.

On the other hand, we can reduce the harmful factors that spoil our skin and cause damage to it. This, of course, is the sun and smoking. Therefore, you should always carry UV protection with you and never carry cigarettes with you.

Tanning has come into fashion relatively recently, and there is an opinion that it is time to take it out of this fashion - after all, skin health is more valuable to us. A light tan, obtained naturally or on the beach, but with cream, may well fill the need for vitamin D (especially if you eat fatty fish), and only hyaluronic acid (or something similar) will fill wrinkles.

The problem of aging, “returning youth” and prolonging life has been of interest to man since ancient times. Nature has endowed man with a short life span, but his physiological resources, his reserves, his margin of safety, are designed for more. The following facts are known: in Iran there lived an old man who, at 195 years old, still worked without glasses, and in Bolivia, one woman remained able to work at 203 years old. In 1925, in Hungary, she died married couple, when he was 172 years old and she was 164. There are many examples of longevity in the Caucasus, but the average human life expectancy remains low: 60-70 years, and in some countries up to 40 years. Some researchers believe that 30% of people over the age of 85 who die did not die from diseases, but from the loss of the ability to resist disorders that would have caused minimal changes at a young age.

The above examples of longevity are examples of physiological old age - a natural biological process, morphological and functional changes in the body. These changes are exciting internal organs and systems, as well as tissues that make up the appearance of a person.

Along with the inevitable onset of physiological old age, an irregular process often takes place - premature old age, which occurs early, as a result of pathological changes and conditions. There are examples of premature aging that occurs before the body fully matures.

Before presenting the structural, anatomical and functional age-related changes face, it is appropriate to give a description of the face of an elderly person.-The soft tissues of the face become flabby, bone structures become more visible;-cheekbones stand out more and emphasize sunken cheeks;- cheeks “sink” due to loss of skin elasticity, weakening of chewing muscles and loss of teeth;-the chin protrudes forward and upward;-lips lose volume, become thinner and “sink,” especially with the loss of the front teeth or their wear; the number of vertical wrinkles on the lips increases;- the distance between the tip of the nose and the chin decreases, the relief of the subnasal fold softens, and the nasolabial fold becomes more pronounced;-due to the weakening of the orbicularis oris muscle and other labial muscles, the general appearance of the oral fissure changes: it visually “shrinks” and the corners of the mouth droop;-the tip of the nose thickens and acquires a downward slope;-hair appears in the nostrils;-due to the weakening of the cartilaginous structure, the outline of the nose loses its clarity;- wrinkles, folds and age spots are visible on the skin;-temples become flat, sometimes sunken, which is associated with atrophy of the temporal muscle; the outlines of saphenous veins and arteries may appear;-eyebrows become hard, bushy, their hair may move down or up from the eyebrow line;- the skin of the eyelids loses elasticity, becomes flabby, this is especially noticeable on the upper eyelid, transverse wrinkles or large folds form on it; due to the accumulation of adipose tissue, the eyelid tuft may move forward, as a result, the appearance of the middle part of the upper eyelid changes;-numerous wrinkles form near the outer corner of the eye, around the lower eyelid, sometimes reaching the temple;-eyelashes thin and lose shape;- accumulate in the lower eyelids body fat and fluid, resulting in the formation of bags; in addition, swelling of the lower eyelids may be associated with certain diseases;-eyeballs sink into the orbital sockets, the contours of the eyes change, which is associated with a reduction in adipose tissue in the orbital area;- the fold of the eyelid decreases due to weakening of the levator palpebral muscle and the orbicularis oculi muscle;-the pupil decreases;-the iris changes color slightly, which is due to a decrease in the amount of pigment;- thin convoluted capillaries may appear on the conjunctiva;-due to the infiltration of lipid substances, the sclera acquires a yellowish tint;- the cornea loses its shine and clarity, which is associated with a decrease in the amount of tear fluid;- the lens becomes denser, acquires a yellowish tint, and becomes cloudy;- the ears lengthen due to the loss of elasticity of the cartilaginous structure; the earlobe droops, vertical wrinkles and folds appear on it; hairs appear on the inner surface of the tragus, at the entrance to the external auditory canal;- thin vertical wrinkles are visible in front of the tragus (in men they appear earlier than in women);-wrinkles behind the ears are more clearly visible;- hair becomes thin, gray, thinning or falls out; this process begins in the frontotemporal regions and on the crown;- in women during menopause (over 50 years), hair may appear on the face, usually above the upper lip and on the chin.Age-related changes are determined by the time of their appearance, and depend on the speed and degree of change in individual characteristics. The degree of aging is considered to be the totality of age-related changes in the body at a given moment.

These changes occur constantly, and after certain periods of time, the same signs will have different severity, depending on the rate of aging. Thus, the rate of aging is the change in the degree of aging per unit time.

The human body ages according to the same physiological laws as the body of other animals. Senile changes in a person and his external appearance, in particular the face and neck, are considered a manifestation of complex interconnected processes occurring in the body, depending on the decrease in the activity and functional capacity of many organs and systems. These processes are determined at the macro and micro levels. An example of morphological changes at the macro level are age-related changes in connective tissue and blood vessels, which gave rise to the famous saying: “A person has the age of his blood vessels.” Changes at the micro level concern cellular processes that directly or indirectly depend on the genetic information that is encoded in the DNA base sequence of germ cells.

It is well known that in recent decades in economically developed countries the average life expectancy of people has increased sharply. But this increase is not a consequence of slowing down aging. Sociologists and demographers attribute this to a sharp decline in childhood mortality, a decline in the birth rate, and advances made in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Statisticians claim that the mortality rate among elderly and senile people currently does not differ significantly from the mortality rate among people of this age in the last century.

Physiological old age is a natural, biological process of structural and functional changes in the body, which occurs over a long period of time and unevenly. The speed of these changes, leading to premature aging of a person and his appearance, depends on many reasons that are closely related to each other. The physical and mental state of the body is certainly reflected in a person’s appearance and especially on his face, which is figuratively formulated in the expression: “A person’s face is the mirror of his soul and body.” Excessive positive or negative psycho-emotional stress (stress), causing vasospasm and trophic disturbances, predisposes to premature aging and can cause early age-related changes in the skin, in particular the appearance of wrinkles and folds.

Under the influence of the above reasons and environmental factors, the most pronounced changes occur in soft tissues face and neck, which depend on the condition of the skin, subcutaneous fat and muscles. Since these tissues, together with the osteochondral skeleton, mainly serve as the plastic material of the face, any changes in them are reflected in the appearance of a person. Their structure, turgor, elasticity, spatial orientation, color and other qualities determine its architectonics and expressive properties. The activity of facial and masticatory muscles, the preservation or absence of teeth, and articulation features play an important role in the structural features of the face. With age, all facial tissues are rebuilt, resulting in changes in its shape and expressiveness.

The subcutaneous fat layer, initially hypertrophying, gradually atrophies and is replaced by coarse collagen fibers. Its localization is also being redistributed. If in adolescence the fat layer predominates on the cheeks, then with age it atrophies and is deposited most of all in the chin area. In this regard, the shape of the face changes - it lengthens. If this is accompanied by baldness, then the face appears even longer. Muscle tone and function weaken, their density and volume decrease. Decline motor activity muscles impoverish facial expressions and plastic expressiveness of the face, which becomes mask-like, the orbicularis oris muscle atrophies, the lips become thinner and wrinkled, their mucous membrane becomes thinner, and the Cupid's line is smoothed out.Paired muscles take part in the formation of the face - the masticatory and temporal muscles. In youth, they give the face rounded shapes, and with age, due to their atrophy and thinning of the fat layer, the cheeks and temporal areas recede. The facial muscles themselves are relatively thin, so their role in the formation of the face is insignificant. However, due to the nature of their attachment, they play a major role in facial expressions during dynamic movements (conversation, smile, laughter, facial expressions), in the movement of facial skin, which determines the early appearance of wrinkles and folds of the face. Due to the fact that they are mainly grouped around natural openings - the eye sockets, mouth, nose, ear, these areas undergo senile changes earlier than others.Even more pronounced morphological changes occur in the skin, which is associated with thickening of elastic fibers and a decrease in collagen fibers, and changes in fat distribution. In addition, facial skin grows much faster and over a much longer period of time than the facial skeleton. The increase in skin mass and its structural changes associated with these factors lead to the formation of natural folds, changes in the shape of the soft parts of the face and, ultimately, to the coarsening of its features.

Structural, anatomical and functional age-related changes in the tissues of the face and neck lead to pronounced morphological signs of aging, which manifest themselves first of all in the form of wrinkles. In some places they are formed transversely (forehead, neck), in others - radially (outer corner of the eye), in others - parallel (upper lip, cheeks). The appearance of certain folds on the face reflects not only age-related changes, but also uniquely records the imprints of a person’s character. By the predominance of certain folds on a person’s face, one can recognize the characteristics of his character and the emotional experiences he has endured. Thus, with excessive activity of the “attention muscle,” transverse folds early form on the forehead, giving the face an expression of concentrated attention and surprise. If a person has the most active functioning of the pyramidal muscle (“proud muscle”), then transverse folds in the bridge of the nose appear prematurely and fall down. internal corners eyebrows, fixing on his face an expression of sternness, dissatisfaction, severity.

The ability to control emotions and facial movements helps to delay the manifestations of age-related changes.Despite the fact that age-related changes in the face are individual and diverse, scientists managed to systematize them, highlighting the main and secondary signs. The first include a decrease in the elasticity of soft tissues, dryness and thinning of the skin, its wrinkling (folding), and senile deformation. The second includes swelling and pastiness around the eyes, skin porosity, hyperpigmentation, telangiectasia and others. At different age periods they can manifest themselves to varying degrees and not coincide in time. But all people necessarily have the main four signs, and the secondary ones are only possible. Their gradual appearance is described by many authors, but they approximately coincide. I.I. Kolgunenko (1974) presented them as follows. First of all, the elasticity of soft tissues decreases, which manifests itself in their increased displacement relative to the skeleton. For many people, similar laxity of the tissues of the entire face or parts of it occurs already at the age of 25-30. Clinically, it manifests itself as skin porosity. IN age group from 17 to 25 years, skin porosity appears from 18-20 years, and sometimes earlier. Another major sign of aging is wrinkles and folds, which may or may not be due to sagging skin. In the early period (at 20 years old) they are formed during a dynamically active state of the face (laughter, smiling, talking) and disappear for a short time completely. At the age of over 25 years, they are no longer completely smoothed out, and thin, dry skin ages more quickly. The order and time of appearance of wrinkles are more or less regular. The severity of wrinkles is determined either by a descriptive method (initial, medium, severe and severe) or in millimeters. In addition, wrinkles are divided into orders. Wrinkles of the 1st order include the frontal, nasolabial and corners of the eyes. For wrinkles of the 2nd order - interglabellar, pretragus, cervical; 3rd order - on the earlobes, on the bridge of the nose, on the upper and lower lips. Wrinkles of the 4th order cover the entire surface of the face. In men, wrinkles appear 2-5 years earlier than in women, although the latter's facial expressions are usually richer.

Forehead wrinkles become noticeable from the age of 20. By the age of 30 they are more pronounced, and at the age of 50 the frontal wrinkles become pronounced (Fig. 52).Rice. 52 Timing of appearance of wrinklesNasolabial folds appear at the age of 20-25, and by the age of 35 they deepen and turn into a furrow, sharply expressed at the age of 45-50.The folds at the corners of the mouth begin to deepen at age 35.

Infraorbital wrinkling appears by the age of 25, just like wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”).Pretragal wrinkles become noticeable in men at 30-35 years old, in women - at 40 years old.

Cervical wrinkles appear from the age of 25, going down and forward with age, and eyebrow wrinkles - more late age(50-55 years old).

Wrinkles of the 3rd order are easily identified at 55-60 years old. Earlier facial wrinkling is promoted by professional and characteristic habits, the state of the dental system, the height of the lower third of the face, which decreases with tooth wear, deep bite and dentition defects. In addition to the formation of wrinkles, other facial appearances also change with age: the configuration of the hairline, the eyebrows increase in width and lower, the swelling of the upper eyelid disappears, the red border of the lips becomes thinner, and the corners of the mouth droop. By the age of 50-55, the width of the face increases, its height in the bite decreases, and the profile of the face changes.Age-related changes in facial shape (senile deformation) occur in late dates life. But some parts of it become deformed already at the age of 30-40 (for example, eyelids). The descending soft tissues of the face change its oval, emphasizing the nasolabial and cheek-chin folds. Deep wrinkles at the corners of the mouth increase its size and aggravate the appearance of drooping corners. Redistribution of soft body mass and changes in axes of orientation lead to the fact that with age the face acquires an expression of severity, severity and sadness. The described picture is aggravated by the absence of teeth and the thinning of the alveolar processes, which serve as support for the lips and cheeks. In this regard, the lips wrinkle and sink, emphasizing the protrusion of the nose and chin.

A number of other signs also include age-related changes:- brown dark spots(“senile buckwheat” or “senile freckles”);- yellowish lumps on the skin, possibly cysts;- raised pigmented skin lesions that look like warts;- constant bruises, hemorrhages;- reddish vascular formations in different areas of the face - on the lips, ears, etc.;- capillary networks on the nose, cheeks and other places.Constitutional and architectural features of the face are most pronounced with age, so they are used in the classification of age-related changes. I.I. Kolgunenko (1974), basing this classification on three signs - decreased elasticity of soft tissues, wrinkling and senile deformation, identified five types of early stages of aging and one type of late stage.TO early stages she classified premature aging and an early form of natural aging. Among them, the first type is characterized by a “tired face”, i.e. decreased elasticity of the soft tissues of the face and neck; the second type is the “wrinkled face” with fine wrinkles; the third type is the “deformed face” with senile deformation of the face and neck; the fourth is a combined type with the inclusion of the three previous signs; the fifth is the muscular type.The late stage of aging includes the middle and late forms of natural aging, forming the sixth type, in the form of “senile, worn-out face.”

According to the first type, people with an average position between wide and narrow face, with normal skin in youth and moderately dry skin in middle age, with average expression of the subcutaneous fat and muscle layer. During this period, tissues begin to wither, but there are no permanent wrinkles yet. The shape of the face remains unchanged, although its youthful roundness has already disappeared.

For the second type of aging, the main thing is wrinkles. It is typical for narrow oval faces asthenics, with poorly developed subcutaneous fatty tissue, dry thinned facial skin. Constitutionally, these people are not inclined to be overweight, and therefore at the age of 35-45 years they have a stable weight.

The third type of aging predominates in people of a picnic type, with oily, porous skin and large facial features. Constitutionally, they tend to be overweight already at the age of 35. Since these people have an increased subcutaneous fat layer, they have long time The roundness of the face is preserved and there are no wrinkles. However, over time, gravity moves the fat layer to the lower part of the face and neck. At the same time, the cheeks droop and droop, changing the oval and configuration of the lower part of the face; in addition to this, the area around the mouth is deformed, deepening the nasolabial folds; a double chin is formed. Changes are also found in the shape of the upper part of the face, especially around the eyes. Therefore, the dominant sign of this type of aging is severe deformation of soft tissues, leading to changes in facial shape.

Facial aging of the fourth (combined) type occurs, as a rule, in people with moderate subcutaneous fat, moderate thinning and dry skin.

The fifth type of aging is typical for persons with developed facial muscles, moderately moist and moderately oily and elastic skin, difficult to move relative to the underlying tissues. Due to the fact that their facial aging proceeds according to the type of hypotrophy and atrophy of the skin and muscles, bypassing the stage of hypertrophy of subcutaneous fat, these people age later than others. The Japanese, Mongols, residents of Central Asia, etc. age according to this type.

The sixth type of aging occurs after 75 years of life, when both the main and secondary signs of aging are clearly manifested.

The age-related changes described above in the bone skeleton and soft tissues of the head and face significantly change the shape of both its parts and the overall appearance. Cheeks, eyes, mouth and temples are sunken. Against this background, the nose, chin, zygomatic and superciliary arches protrude significantly forward. The proportions of the face change - the lower part decreases, and the nose and ears increase. Atrophy of fatty tissue and decreased bite height lead to sagging, stretched skin around the mouth and in the cheek area. Nasolabial and cheek-chin folds and wrinkles of all types stand out sharply. Lips become thinner, change shape and color. All this ultimately causes deformation of the face, changing its shape beyond recognition.

First, we need to define the word “wrinkles.” Wrinkles are grooves, depressions in the skin that occur due to tearing or damage to skin fibers, collagen and elastin. They are:

  • Mimic – are formed on the skin of the face due to frequent muscle contractions. Simply put, they appear in people with active facial expressions and a moving face.
  • Age – are caused by age-related changes in the human body, when the skin ceases to be elastic and loses a lot of moisture.

The face is one of the most important parts of the body for most girls. Therefore, they always treat it with special trepidation and closely monitor all the wrinkles that appear. Most often they appear in this order:

  • Corners of the eyes, mouth - small “cobwebs” at 30 years old;
  • The bridge of the nose, upper lip, chin and neck - by the age of 40, the skin becomes less elastic, and the depth of wrinkles increases;
  • Cheeks and cheekbones undergo age-related changes by the age of 50.

Sooner or later, wrinkles appear on every person’s skin, and only you can “delay” the process of aging and fading of your skin through the use of various products and procedures.

Women and girls who decide to get rid of the “cobweb” that has appeared should know the main reasons for its appearance.

  1. Bad habits– have a negative effect on the entire body, in particular on the skin.
  2. Diets and express weight loss– in the process of losing weight, the fat layer is burned, body volumes decrease and the skin sags. All diets are based on the fact that the body begins to lose weight from top to bottom. Those. First the face loses weight, then the arms, stomach, legs. If you want to lose extra pounds from your thighs, be patient.
  3. Use of low-quality cosmetics– saving money on funds decorative cosmetics and other cosmetics can cause irreparable harm to the skin and the entire body.
  4. Excessive sun exposure– skin under the influence sun rays It loses moisture very quickly and dries out. As a result, wrinkles appear faster due to the skin's inability to produce enough collagen. The same applies to tanning in a solarium.
  5. Poor nutrition– the daily diet should be balanced and rich in vitamins. Lack of protein food, or eating it in insufficient quantities, slows down the process of cell restoration.
  6. Lack of physical activity– without any physical exercise, muscles become weak. Regular exercise will help tighten muscles, skin, and activate metabolic processes in the body.
  7. Sleeping on a high pillow. Surprisingly, this is a fact.
  8. Stress. Well, there’s nothing to say here. Any experiences leave their imprint on our face. If you are often sad or frown, then you are guaranteed to expect early wrinkles.
  9. Bad ecology. The problem of our time. Residents of megacities need to take especially careful care of their facial skin.

This is not a complete list of the causes of age-related skin changes in the form of wrinkles. It can go on and on. The main thing is for every girl to understand that the sooner all harmful factors that have a detrimental effect on the skin are eliminated, the easier it will be to fight emerging wrinkles.

How to quickly remove wrinkles using salon procedures

Modern cosmetology offers a wide range of different services, thanks to which you can get rid of wrinkles on any part of the face. These are quite expensive procedures, but the effect lasts for for a long time, and the result appears within a few days. The most popular are:

  • Application of laser rejuvenation;
  • Mesotherapy;
  • Botox injections;
  • Contour plastic.

Such procedures can only be performed by a qualified cosmetologist in a salon.

How to effectively remove wrinkles at home

Besides salon procedures You can get rid of unwanted wrinkles at home. It is possible to achieve the desired result if:

  1. To refuse from bad habits.
  2. Lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
  3. Eat properly.
  4. Drink.
  5. Get a good night's sleep.
  6. Regularly care for your facial skin using masks, tonics, lotions, creams, etc. homemade.
  7. Do facial exercises every day.

At first glance, this is difficult and impossible. But if you follow these rules, you will see a positive result within a month or two. Not only the skin, but the entire body as a whole will be rejuvenated.

If everything is clear with the first 6 points, then the last two should be discussed in more detail.

Each area of ​​skin on the face has its own sensitivity. Therefore, products must be selected individually for the skin under the eyes, forehead, neck, chin, etc.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes at home

The eye area is very delicate and not all cosmetical tools allowed to be applied to this area. But, nevertheless, it is possible and necessary to take care of the skin of the eyelids and eyes. It is strictly forbidden to do peeling, which is very traumatic for the skin. Masks or compresses are ideal for this area. It is best to use phytocomponents for such purposes (honey, fresh fruits, herbal infusion, etc.)

Face masks

To make an anti-aging mask, you will need products that are in any refrigerator (depending on the time of year). Can be used:

  • apricots;
  • apples;
  • grape;
  • peaches;
  • watermelon;
  • parsley root;
  • raspberries;
  • sour cream;
  • sauerkraut;
  • cereals.

Such masks can be made in two ways.

1 way. Grind the ingredients in a blender or mash them with a fork, then place the resulting pulp on cheesecloth and place it on closed eyes. You should lie in this position for about 15-20 minutes, then remove the mask, wash off the remaining residue with a cotton swab previously soaked in the herbal infusion and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Method 2. It is somewhat simpler, because less labor intensive. If you decide to make a mask from apples, peaches, or apricots, then simply apply pieces of fruit to your eyes without chopping them first.

Compresses for a youthful face

This is a fairly simple but highly effective anti-aging procedure. Its essence is as follows. Take 2 cotton pads, soak them in the prepared solution, and then place them on your drooping eyelids. After 15-20 minutes, remove the compress and remove the remaining liquid.

To prepare such a miracle remedy, the following are suitable:

  • herbal decoctions of linden blossom, mint, chamomile, burdock, sage, oregano, string, parsley, calendula. It is made quite simply. Pour 1 tablespoon of herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for about 12 hours.
  • various vegetable oils;
  • natural aloe juice;
  • milk;
  • tea bags - use immediately after brewing tea. In this case, the use of cotton swabs is not required, because The bags are placed directly on the eyes.

Representatives of the fair sex who are wondering “How to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home?” You should know that the skin in the eye area is very delicate and you need to rub the cream in with gentle patting movements. This will prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and prevent stretching of the skin.

How to remove wrinkles on the forehead at home

In order to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead, you should regularly exfoliate, apply masks and nourish the skin with creams. All products must be selected individually for each skin type.

Oatmeal scrub

Perfectly cleanses and refreshes the skin. You will need to mix crushed oatmeal with one yolk and a few drops olive oil. You should get a porridge-like mass, which should be applied to the face with massage movements and left to absorb for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin with nourishing cream. If you have oily skin, then replace the yolk with white.

Mask based on honey and oils

This mask cleanses pores, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and refreshes the skin. To prepare it you will need 1 tablespoon of honey and almond oil and a few drops of rose oil. Mix all ingredients and apply to face with massage movements. After 40 minutes, rinse with warm running water. Carry out this rejuvenating procedure daily.

Egg face mask

Easy to prepare and very effective mask will help smooth out fine wrinkles and will give your skin a healthy look. It consists of 2 components yolk and butter. Mix the 2 ingredients until you get a creamy consistency. Then apply the resulting mixture to the face and wash off after 15 minutes.

Those with oily skin types should replace the yolk with white.

Tomato pulp mask

Take one ripe tomato, peel it and remove seeds. Grind the resulting pulp and apply to the face. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes.

Read more about numerous tomato face masks in our article:. In this article, we have collected the top recipes for tomato-based masks.

Night anti-aging nourishing cream

Nourishes and restores the skin, removes fine wrinkles. This product includes:

  • 1 tsp grape seed oils;
  • 1 tsp wheat germ oils;
  • 1 tsp linseed oil;
  • ¼ tsp. lavender essential oil;
  • 3 tsp lanolin (inexpensive pharmaceutical product).

Melt lanolin in a water bath, mix with oils and beat. This cream should be stored in a dark container in a cool place. Apply daily before bed.

For areas such as neck, lips, cheeks, you can use all of the above products.

How to quickly remove wrinkles at home with massage and facial exercises

In the fight against wrinkles, the effects of cosmetic products alone may not be enough. It is very important to be able to regularly massage your face and not neglect simple exercises that will strengthen your facial muscles and tighten your skin.

Gymnastics for the face

  • As with any gymnastics, we start with a warm-up. Using gentle, smooth movements, tap all areas of the face, smoothly moving to the head. The scalp should be massaged more intensively. This way you activate blood circulation and prepare your face for upcoming stress.
  • Let's start with the frontal part. Place your index fingers in the middle of your forehead and try to move them down to your eyebrows. The forehead should be tense and the eyebrows raised. Do 10 reps.
  • Let's move on to the eyebrows. We place our index fingers on the inner corners of the eyebrows, fix our hands in this position, and then try to frown and bring our eyebrows together. We stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. We repeat this exercise 8 times.
  • It's time for the peephole. We place our index fingers on the outer corners of the eyes and slightly pull the skin towards the temples. We lower our eyelids and roll our eyes for 2 minutes.
  • Making lips beautiful. We stretch out our lips and fold them into a tube. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Repeat this exercise 5 times.
  • We complete the gymnastics on the chin. Open your mouth as wide as possible for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

If you are interested in facial gymnastics, then the videos below will help you start doing these simple exercises.

Face massage

After gymnastics, you need to perform a massage to relax your muscles. For best effect, take nutritious cream, which you rub in with smooth, gentle movements. massage lines. In the eye area, movements should be tapping, barely noticeable.

You can get rid of wrinkles at any age. An excellent effect can be achieved at home using improvised means. The main thing is to want it and not be lazy.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We are always waiting for your comments and advice from personal experience that will help other girls remain attractive and maintain youth for a long time.

Hello. Everyone knows that the signs of aging in women appear first on the face. However, knowing the causes of wrinkles, you will know what to pay attention to in order to prolong your youth.

Seven signs of aging on a woman's face

The skin of the face is very thin and delicate. This is functionally determined: it should be easily transformed into various facial expressions, and also contribute to the processes of breathing, speech production, chewing food, etc.

Young healthy skin elastic, smooth, tightly stretched. With age, it turns yellow, becomes dry, rough, loses its elasticity, wrinkles, furrows and folds appear on it.

1. Low eyebrows

When the muscle tone around the eyes weakens, the area under the eyebrows begins to droop and look heavy. This is especially noticeable in profile.

2. Drooping eyelids

Eyelid surgery is the third most common surgical procedure today. Puffy or heavy drooping eyelids may be a family trait, or they may simply be the cruel reward of age.

3. Low, flat cheeks

As a result of weakening of the cheek muscles, the face begins to lose its roundness and looks flat, tired and aged.

4. Nose defects

As the cheek muscles weaken and sag, an empty area begins to form around the sides of the nose. At the same time, gravity pulls our nose toward the ground, and the muscles around it gradually lose shape and tone.

5. Thin, wrinkled, hard lips

Over the years, the lips and the area around them begin to thin and sink. Tension, smoking, sun and facial habits are the reasons for this condition of the lips. It doesn't add beauty.

6. Double chin

Heredity plays an important role when it comes to the shape and tone of the jaw and chin muscles. Around the age of thirty, the lower jaw line and chin may begin to slowly sag, droop and lose definition and tone.

This makes a person look physically weak and old. Whereas a strong and clear oval of the face gives self-confidence.

7. Chewed neck

This type of neck usually occurs in those who spend too much time in the sun. Because the skin on the neck is thin, it reflects age more than other parts of the body. If the neck is thin and the muscles are not maintained in tone, the signs of aging are even more noticeable.

The formation of wrinkles occurs gradually. Wrinkles appear first on the forehead, then from the nose to the chin, at the outer corners of the eyes, and finally on the neck, bridge of the nose, chin and upper lip.

But you should know that this process can be stopped with help.

Causes of wrinkles

Let's look at the causes of wrinkles and folds on the face. To do this, we will highlight the main factors that contribute to the appearance of wrinkles.

Active facial expressions

Wrinkles can be caused by various facial habits: wrinkling the forehead, squinting the eyes (usually in the sun). Many of these habits are hereditary and give a person a distinct personality.

For example, people who always doubt get folds between their eyebrows, while others who have the habit of squinting get “” in the corners of their eyes. The manner of laughing also contributes to the formation of wrinkles, and in some people, laughter causes a sharp contraction of all facial muscles.

Sleep position

Facial muscles work even when we sleep; folds and wrinkles can form insidiously and inexorably without us even realizing it. Many people sleep with pillows high under their heads, with the head tilted toward the chest and wrinkles forming on the neck and chin.

Weakening of muscles

The stomach is not the only part of the body that noticeably sags as the body ages. Facial muscles begin to weaken if they are not properly exercised. As a result, numerous new folds and wrinkles form on the skin.

Natural factors

Various external influences play a significant role in the development of wrinkles, especially in young people. This is, for example,

  • prolonged exposure to sun and wind,
  • air temperature fluctuations,
  • its excessive dryness and moisture, as well as
  • prolonged stay in stuffy, smoky rooms (passive smoking).

If you have been taking or have been taking for many years, many fine wrinkles will appear on your face.

Abuse of decorative cosmetics

Many girls with good skin use excessive amounts of decorative cosmetics, especially powder. As a result, frequent powdering dries out the skin and creates favorable conditions for the formation of wrinkles. It is very important to remove makeup before bed so that your skin can rest and recover.

Dental condition

The condition of the teeth and timely prosthetics are of great importance. The absence of teeth not only leads to digestive disorders, but also inevitably changes the shape of the face: the cheeks sink, deep folds and furrows form.

Bad habits

The habit of pressing your chin to your chest is very harmful. It leads to the appearance of thin, loose skin and folds on the neck. It is much healthier, and even more beautiful, to keep your head slightly raised. Reading lying down is especially not recommended!

Lack of fluid in the body

The truism says: man consists of water. The adult brain consists of 74.5% water, 83% blood, 75.8% water in muscles, and 22% water in bones. The human embryo is pure water: in a three-day embryo it is 97%, in a three-month embryo – 91%, and in an eight-month embryo – 81%.

The importance of water for a person is difficult to overestimate - the loss of just 3% of water by the body deprives a person of the ability to run, 5% deprives him of the ability to endure significant physical exercise, and the loss of 10% of water by the body is life-threatening.

With age, a person dries out, the human body becomes slagged, and along with a decrease in the proportion of water in the body, illness and old age come. If we don't drink enough water every day, it will have a significant impact on our skin.


It is important that good mood may delay the appearance of wrinkles. As a result, friendly people maintain smooth skin longer than bilious people who are dissatisfied with everything.

Intensive weight loss

Stretched skin cannot contract quickly, it sags and becomes covered with wrinkles.

Injuries, infections and diseases (including skin)

Infectious, chronic diseases, disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, women's and gastrointestinal diseases weaken the body's resistance and reduce skin elasticity. As a result, it begins to wrinkle.


Already in the third decade of life, wrinkles are a consequence of the onset of age-related skin aging.

Wrinkles... Philosophers consider them an honest seal of time, physiognomy specialists can determine character by wrinkles and even predict fate. Wrinkles can add wisdom and authority to a man's face - within reasonable limits, of course. But wrinkles have never made women more beautiful, at any age.

People have been waging a war against wrinkles for several centuries. The exotic methods used by our great-grandmothers have been replaced by achievements modern science. Now in addition plastic surgery Cosmetologists have at their disposal a sufficient number of non-surgical methods that allow them to smooth out any wrinkle without leaving a trace.

Wrinkles - what are they?

Cosmetologists classify wrinkles by depth and reasons for their appearance.

By depth:

Superficial(“epidermal”) wrinkles affecting the surface layer of the skin - the epidermis. These are small wrinkles, in some cases looking like a “mesh”. If there are many epidermal wrinkles, the skin takes on the appearance of parchment. The most common cause of superficial wrinkles is skin dehydration. Their appearance is also facilitated by thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, caused by a slowdown in the process of exfoliation of the scales of the stratum corneum and the rate of renewal of its cells.

Medium-deep(“dermal”) wrinkles affect the middle layer of the skin - the dermis, and are a consequence of the further development and deepening of superficial wrinkles. Their appearance is primarily due to damage to collagen fibers by free radicals and a slowdown in its synthesis by fibroblasts.

Deep wrinkles- affect not only all layers of the skin, subcutaneous fatty tissue also plays a role in their formation. First of all, deep wrinkles appear in the area of ​​natural skin folds, for example, nasolabial folds. A major role in their occurrence is played by gravitational ptosis of facial tissues, when they droop under the influence of gravity against the background of weakening muscle tone.

The predisposition to the formation of deep wrinkles in a certain area in a large area is determined genetically, depends on individual characteristics facial structure. However, the degree of their manifestation depends on the influence of the same negative factors that affect the appearance of superficial and medium-deep wrinkles.

For the main reasons for its appearance:

Dynamic wrinkles appear primarily as a result of regular contraction of facial muscles. They are also called "mimic". Facial expressions are a reflection of our emotions, facial movements are produced by the facial muscles of any person, but each of us has characteristics, including characteristic facial expressions. For example, many of us have the habit of often raising one eyebrow, frowning, or squinting. Moreover, people with such habits regularly grimace unconsciously, without noticing it. In those areas where such increased muscle activity is noted, the skin folds that arise during facial movements cease to fully straighten out by the age of 20 - dynamic wrinkles are formed. Most often, the first expression lines appear on the forehead. A little later - at the outer corners of the eyes. Around the age of 30, wrinkles form on the upper eyelids.

(age-related, gravitational). As a rule, they appear after 40 years. Unlike dynamic wrinkles, static wrinkles occur regardless of the work of facial muscles. Their occurrence is due to the processes of skin aging, both natural, age-related aging, and “artificial” caused by the effects of smoking, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other negative environmental factors. As the skin ages, blood circulation slows down, the content of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid decreases, which leads to a decrease in its elasticity and it becomes flabby. Facial muscles also lose their tone. Under the influence of gravity, facial tissues droop. Moreover, they fall unevenly, which leads to the appearance of static (gravitational, i.e., arising under the influence of gravity) wrinkles. Their appearance can also be provoked by poor posture, incorrect posture during sleep and other factors.

Wrinkles can also be combined- having signs of both static and dynamic.

Wrinkle correction methods

  • Contour plastic- the method is almost universal; using gels with different densities, it can be used to get rid of both superficial and deep wrinkles.
  • Botox And Dysport- their introduction is the main method of combating dynamic wrinkles. By temporarily suppressing the activity of facial muscles, they affect the cause of their occurrence.
  • RF lifting- provides a “lifting” effect, the skin area is reduced, which is especially pronounced in the neck and chin area with age-related wrinkles.
  • Superficial peels- accelerating the renewal processes of epidermal cells, they prevent the appearance of wrinkles. When used, the microrelief of the skin is evened out and fine wrinkles disappear.
  • Medium peels act deeper. With their help, you can remove medium-deep wrinkles, while simultaneously solving many other aesthetic problems.
  • LPG massage allows you to improve blood supply to facial tissues, restore tone to its muscles (which is especially important for gravitational wrinkles), activate “youth cells” - fibroblasts, and increase their production of collagen and elastin.
  • Biorevitalization. Skin loss of moisture is the first factor causing wrinkles. With its help, you can not only prevent the occurrence of wrinkles, but also eliminate existing superficial wrinkles.
  • Biocybernetic therapy Beautitek Premium - a “lifting” effect provided by the normalization of facial muscle tone, visible immediately after the procedure. In addition, under the influence of microcurrents, microcirculation in soft tissues improves and the potential of fibroblasts is restored.
  • Mesotherapy allows you to introduce into the skin the substances it needs. While not a method of “treating” wrinkles, it allows for effective prevention. Using this method, a cosmetologist can select the composition of the drug individually and introduce exactly those substances that are necessary in a particular case.
  • Threadlifting with 3D mesothreads- the introduction of absorbable threads under the skin provides a “face-lifting” effect and smoothing out wrinkles by creating an internal “framework” that supports the skin.

How to slow down the appearance of wrinkles?

The main causes of wrinkles are:

  • natural aging;
  • skin aging caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other external factors;
  • skin dehydration;
  • excessive activity of the facial muscles;
  • improper skin care (especially dry skin);
  • smoking, others bad habits;
  • features of the facial structure (for example, an incorrect bite can contribute to the formation of nasolabial folds and other wrinkles).

Prevention methods should be aimed at eliminating or reducing the impact of these factors.

Skin care. Means for home care will not be able to give the same effect as professional care using Dermalogica or Natura Bisse, but they can be used daily, and this is very important. Cosmetics should be selected depending on skin type, age, and individual tolerance. Particular attention should be paid to its moisturizing effect.

Hydration. Exposure to a variety of external and internal factors leads to skin dehydration, including when taking diuretic medications, frequent water procedures without subsequent moisturizing of the skin. Moisturizing components in cosmetics are usually hyaluronic acid and its derivatives, elastin and collagen hydrolysates, ceramides, extracts of algae, aloe and other plants, essential oils, unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, linolenic).

Stimulation. Most active ingredients included in home care cosmetics do not penetrate deeper than the stratum corneum of the epidermis. But now there are drugs whose components penetrate deeper, to the level of living cells. These substances can influence their production of collagen and elastin. These components include active forms of vitamin C, retinol, phytoestrogens, fruit acids, some minerals - such as copper and iron.

Skin protection. Protect your skin from harmful effects ultraviolet rays, use sunscreens, and in the cold season, protect it from the effects of wind and cold.

Gymnastics for facial muscles. Before doing it, consult a cosmetologist. On the one hand, such training strengthens the facial muscles, improves blood supply to the skin, which is useful for the prevention of wrinkles. On the other hand, there are wrinkles that arise as a result of facial movements. If the set of exercises is incorrectly selected and there is a tendency to develop dynamic wrinkles, the effect of gymnastics may be the opposite of what is expected.

Relaxation. Notice how tense your face is when you are stressed. Such prolonged tension is not beneficial; it does not improve blood circulation, but on the contrary, blood stagnation occurs and tissue nutrition deteriorates. Learn to relax. Not only spa treatments provide a relaxing effect. Mastering psychological relaxation techniques, for example from auto-training or yoga, also has an effect. Regular training to relax the facial muscles leads to the fact that their tone is normalized, the moment of appearance of dynamic wrinkles is delayed. In addition, the number of nerve impulses from tense muscles to the brain is reduced, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the nervous system as a whole.

Smoking etc. With age, all the vices and bad habits are imprinted on the face. Therefore, the sooner you begin to treat your body wisely and lovingly, the greater your chances of maintaining youthful skin.