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Modular origami peacock master class. Origami peacock - step-by-step instructions for Origami paper modules lilac peacock

Origami peacock is one of the most popular paper origami. If you don’t know how to make an origami peacock, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you will get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of an origami peacock was taken by one of our site users. His peacock has a more complex design, but looks much more impressive. To assemble such a peacock will require much more time and skill. If you have photos of origami you have collected, send them to:This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assembly diagram

Below is a diagram of how to assemble an origami peacock from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then assembling the origami peacock will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami peacock quickly and without looking at the diagram.

Video master class

Assembling an origami peacock may seem like a daunting task for beginners. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query “origami peacock video” on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find a lot different videos about peacock origami, which clearly shows the steps to assemble a peacock. We hope that after watching the video of the assembly master class, you will have no more questions about how to make an origami peacock.

Modular origami peacock looks much more interesting:

And here is another good example of a simple paper peacock:


In many cultures, the peacock is a symbol of pride, beauty and immortality. In some countries, the peacock is considered a royal bird, and in India it is revered as a sacred bird. It is also known that the peacock can warn of the approach of tigers, snakes and thunderstorms.

In any decorative and applied art, one of the most important qualities is patience.

If you have this valuable quality, we suggest creating a real masterpiece from small pieces of paper - a peacock using the technique modular origami.

This art of paper folding dates back many hundreds of years. Its homeland is considered to be Japan, to which paper was brought from China along with the monks. The very first origami crafts were sanbo boxes, in which offerings to the gods - burdens - were placed. They were not yet full-fledged origami crafts and were primarily of a ritual and religious nature. Only at the end of the 12th century did origami emerge from the gates of temples and become an independent art. Origami figures are even used as coats of arms of noble houses. Ability to fold paper crafts samurai trained. Butterflies and paper birds helped express love and friendship. Mastering this technique of folding sheets of paper was considered a sign of good form. Noble men at receptions entertained the ladies by creating various crafts origami. From the end of the 16th century to the 19th century, new figures and folding methods were invented.

From the second half of the 19th century, origami came to Europe. However, some simple figures, for example, birds in Spain, have learned to fold on their own. Magicians in France, in front of an astonished audience, skillfully folded a piece of paper into a moving bird that could flap its wings.

Origami has several directions. One of the most unusual and beautiful - modular - was first mentioned in books of the 1700s.

So, if you have patience and a few simple crafts, composed of modules. It's time to try your hand at creating a gorgeous peacock.

First, let's remember how to make a module.

To create it, you need rectangular pieces of paper with an aspect ratio of 2:1. The size of the module and the craft as a whole will directly depend on the size of the sheets.

You need to fold a piece of paper in half lengthwise. The fold line is at the top. Then fold and unbend in half widthwise to mark the center line. Now we fold both upper edges into the middle. Unfolding the paper blank back side on the face. We bend the extreme lower right and left corners to the base of the large triangle that is visible. We bend the lower part (now all) up again. The fold line is the base of the triangle. All that remains is to fold the triangle in half, and the module is ready.

Let's start creating the peacock.

You will need:

  • 856 yellow modules.
  • 114 modules white.
  • 465 green modules.
  • 1 module black.
  • 1 module red.
  • A little glue.

When you create blanks, make a slightly larger quantity than required. The paper may become deformed or torn during the process of connecting the modules.

The first three circles will consist of 31 yellow modules each. The first circle is connected using modules of the second. We simply insert two adjacent corners from different modules into the pockets of one module of the next circle.

Fourth row. We start in the following order: 1 green module, 1 yellow, 1 white, 5 yellow modules, 1 white, 1 green module, lay out all other modules in yellow.

We do the next 8 rows with decreases. We turn the structure upside down. In each subsequent row, it is necessary to reduce by one the number of yellow modules that are located between the green ones (shorter side).

The photo shows that the modules of green and white colors in each circle are obtained with an offset. The white parts form an angle (see photo). Our figure begins to round out due to decreases. In the last two circles there are no longer any white modules. In the 12th circle from the beginning, between the green modules there should be only one yellow module.

The peacock's body is already almost folded. We begin to form the breast.

The first circle will consist of 1 green module, 3 yellow modules, 2 green modules, 3 yellow modules and 1 green module.

Now we will make each next circle 1 module less.

Second circle of breast. 1 green module, 3 yellow modules, 1 green module, 3 yellow modules, 1 green module.

Third row. 1 green module, 6 yellow modules, 1 Green colour.

Fourth row. 1 green module, 5 yellow modules, 1 green module.

Fifth row. 1 green piece, 4 yellow pieces, 1 green module.

Sixth row. 1 green module, 3 yellow modules, 1 green blank.

Seventh row. 1 green part, 2 yellow modules, 1 green blank.

Eighth row. 1 green module, 1 yellow piece, 1 green module.

Now it’s the turn of our peacock’s neck. It will consist of 17 rows. Conventionally, they can be divided into even and odd. The first and all other odd ones will consist of two white modules. The second and all other even ones will consist of 1 green module + 1 yellow module + 1 green module. In this case, the green modules will be placed on the extreme corners of the white modules of even rows, and the yellow one will be placed on two adjacent corners from different white modules. The last 17th row will consist of only two white parts.

Now let's assemble the head of our peacock.

The first, second and third rows are similar to the neck. The fourth row will consist of two green modules, the fifth row will consist of 1 green module. Next we construct the beak. Now it’s the turn of 1 black module for the next row and 1 red module for the final seventh row.

The next stage of work will be the wings.

We collect them symmetrically on both sides of the neck.

First row of wing. 1 green module, 3 yellow modules, 1 green blank.

Second row. 1 green part, 2 yellow modules, 1 green module.

Third row. 1 green module, 1 yellow module, 1 green module

Fourth row. 2 green modules.

Last fifth row. 1 green module.

Our peacock will stand on a specially made stand of eight rows.

The first 4 will be made in the form of a circle of 27 pieces of yellow modules.

In the fifth row we add green modules in the following sequence: *1 green module, 2 yellow modules*, repeat from *to the end of the circle. in total it turns out nine times.

Sixth row. *1 green module, 1 yellow piece, 1 green*, repeat from * in a circle. Only nine times.

Seventh row. Here we will divide our stand into 9 petals. The row will consist of nine twos of green modules. We pass two corners from adjacent modules between them.

The eighth row will consist of 9 green modules.

Now comes the turn of the most interesting and beautiful fragment of the peacock - the tail.

Look carefully at the photographs.

First r. consists of 9 white modules, located with the long side on the front.

Second r. consists of 8 white modules. We put them on the modules of the first row, also with the long side facing the front side (LC).

Third r. fold it in the same way as the first of 9 modules, but green.

Fourth r. will consist of 8 green modules located wrong side up (IZ) (see photo). It differs from the front side in that it looks shorter when the module is placed on the corner of the previous row.

Follow the step by step photos.

The final part is creating beautiful tail feathers with an “eye”.

We put the modules in a row in the sequence: 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white (2 times). We finish on white.

In the next row there are already two modules, both yellow.

The next row consists of 1 yellow module, 1 green and 1 more yellow.

Follow the step by step photos. You can optionally change the color of the feathers and the “eyes” separately.

All the parts have been created, all that remains is to assemble them.

We simply place the peacock's body on the stand. We attach the tail to the back; beautiful feathers with “eyes” must be inserted between the teeth of the tail.

The head and neck will be a little more difficult. It needs to be bent. You can apply a little glue to the modules, this will help the neck not break during the bending process.

We admire the created peacock.

Peacock using modular origami technique(option 2)

Let's start with the body of the peacock.

You will need:

  • 921 modules of blue color.
  • 371 yellow modules.
  • 293 white modules.
  • 254 orange modules.
  • 35 green modules.
  • 42 dark green modules.
  • 38 red modules.
  • 2 pink modules.
  • 1 module black.

In this master class, the modules are made of rectangles 1/32 of an A4 sheet.

First, let's construct the body of a peacock.

First two circular rows will consist of 36 blue modules.

Third circle. 8 modules blue, 1 orange, 8 blue, 1 orange module, 17 blue modules and 1 orange.

Fourth circle. For each orange module of the third circle you need to put on 2 orange modules. The remaining modules will be blue. The number of parts in the row remains 36.

Fifth circle. We start with a green module located on two adjacent corners of orange modules. So, 1 green module, then 1 orange module, 6 blue pieces, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 15 blue pieces, 1 orange, 1 yellow piece, 1 orange, 6 blue pieces, 1 orange.

Sixth circle. On the green module we put 2 green modules, then there is 1 orange module, 5 blue parts, 1 orange, 2 yellow, 1 orange, 14 blue modules, 1 orange, 2 yellow, 5 blue and 1 orange parts.

Seventh circle. 1 yellow module, 1 green, 1 orange, 4 blue modules, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 pink piece, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 13 blue pieces, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 pink piece, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 4 blue modules, 1 orange, 1 green.

8th r. 2 yellow modules, 1 green, 1 orange, 4 blue. colors, 1 orange, 2 yellow, 1 orange, 14 blue. colors, 1 orange, 2 yellow, 1 orange, 4 blue. colors, 1 orange module, 1 green module.

9th. 1 red module, 1 green, 1 orange, 5 blue parts, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 15 blue, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 orange module, 5 syn. colors, 1 orange, 1 green module.

The 10th starts with 2 green modules, 1 orange, 6 syn. details, 2 orange, 16 blue. colors, 2 orange, 6 blue. colors, 1 orange.

11th we start with 1 green module, then 1 orange, 7 blue, 1 orange, 17 syn. modules, 1 orange, 7 blue, 1 orange.

12th 2 orange modules, 4 blue, 1 yellow, 24 blue, 1 yellow module, 4 blue parts.

The next step is the bird's breast.

13th 1 yellow piece, 1 blue, 1 green, 2 blue, 1 orange, 2 blue, 1 green, 1 blue. details, 1 yellow.

14th 1 module yellow, 1 blue, 1 green, 4 blue, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 yellow.

15th 1 piece yellow, 1 blue, 1 green, 3 blue, 1 green module, 1 blue. colors, 1 yellow.

16th 1 F, 1 S, 1 W, 2 S, 1 W, 1 S, 1 F.

17th 1 F, 1 S, 1 W, 1 S, 1 W, 1 S, 1 F.

18th 1 F, 1 S, 2 W, 1 S, 1 F.

19th 1 F, 1 S, 1 W, 1 S, 1 F.

20th 1 F, 2 S, 1 F.

21st 1 F, 1 S, 1 F.

Now it’s the turn of the peacock’s neck.

The 22nd row consists of 2 blue modules.

23rd 1 F, 1 S, 1 F.

from 24th to 41st for even rows - 2 blue modules, for odd rows - 1 F, 1 C, 1 F.

The 42nd consists of 2 blue modules.

43rd 2 yellow modules.

The 44th row begins with the beak - 1 black module.

45th 1 red module.

Now we will construct the wings of our bird. We start from the 12th row of the body.

13th 1 F, 1 S, 1 W, 1 S, 1 W, 1 S, 1 F.

14th 1 F, 1 S, 2 W, 1 S, 1 F.

15th 1 F, 1 S, 1 W, 1 S, 1 F.

16th 1 F, 2 S, 1 F.

17th 1 F, 1 S, 1 F.

Let's start creating the tail. Again from the 12th row of the body.

The basis for the ponytail has been created, now we proceed to constructing its fluffy part.

You will need:

  • 364 blue modules,
  • 208 yellow modules,
  • 202 orange modules,
  • 176 white modules,
  • 42 topic modules. Green colour,
  • 36 red modules.

The 1st row consists of 28 blue modules.

Hello dear masters and craftswomen. I present to your attention a master class on making such an origami swan, and I called it “Swan in Pink”. How to make an origami swan? We will make a pink drawing, highlight the swan with pink modules around the perimeter and place it on a round stand, and also glue small eyes. Please watch this video on making an origami swan. IN […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! Today I bring to your attention a master class on making a tricolor Swan from triangular modules. It would seem that what else can you come up with, what other options are there for making Swans using the modular origami technique. But it turns out there are still options and this is not the last thing in my arsenal. The tricolor swan is so simple […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! I present to your attention new master class for making a Swan in black from 3D modules. In the last lesson we made a Swan in red, but now I decided to change the style a little and make a Swan in black. The scheme is not complicated and will suit anyone, even a beginner in modular origami. Specially […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! I bring to your attention a new master class on making a Swan in red shades. On the Internet you can find a huge number of different schemes and master classes on making Swans using the modular origami technique. I'm sure you've never seen a swan like this before. This scheme is quite simple and even [...]

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Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 2. In the second part of the “Swans in Blue” tutorial we finish making the body. I have prepared for you two video tutorials and a detailed diagram of an origami swan from modules. To assemble a swan you will need 1438 modules of 1/16 size, of which: 317 - purple modules 471 - blue modules 552 - blue […]

Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 1. I bring to your attention a new master class on making an origami swan from paper from 3D origami modules. The design is quite unusual and the appearance of the wing is not quite classic. In the photo you can see small through holes and a mesh pattern. I'll be honest - the scheme is quite complicated! Especially for this scheme I […]

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Modular origami peacock with exquisite coloring of tail feathers. Let's create this beautiful pink peacock using triangular modules. For assembly peacock origami you need: 1160 triangular modules: 663 - pink, 202 - yellow, 169 - green, 125 - white, 1 red.


Nine rows of modules in a long side out position.
We fold the first and second rows into a chain and connect them into a ring. From the third row, we alternate the modules by color, as indicated below.

First row - 30 pink;
Second row - 30 pink.

Third row - 1 green, 1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 3 pink, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink, 1 green, 17 pink.

Fourth row - 1 green, 1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 2 pink, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink, 1 green, 18 pink.

Fifth row - 1 green, 1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink, 1 green, 19 pink.

Sixth row - 1 green, 1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink, 2 yellow, 1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink, 1 green, 20 pink.

Seventh row - 1 green, 1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink, 1 green, 21 pink.

Eighth row - 1 green, 1 pink, 1 white, 2 pink, 1 white, 1 pink, 1 green, 22 pink.

Ninth row - 1 green, 1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink, 1 green, 23 pink.

The modules are in the long side out position.

The first row of breasts is 1 pink, 1 green, 1 pink, 2 white, 1 pink, 1 green, 1 pink.

Second row - 1 pink, 1 green, 1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink, 1 green, 1 pink.
Third row - 1 pink, 1 green, 2 pink, 1 green, 1 pink.
Fourth row - 1 pink, 1 green, 1 pink, 1 green, 1 pink.
Fifth row - 1 pink, 2 green, 1 pink.
Sixth row - 1 pink, 1 green, 1 pink.

We alternate the rows of modules in the position with the long side out (2 pink) and (1 green) each row enclosed in brackets when alternating is repeated 6 times. There are twelve rows in total in the neck.

We attach three more modules to the neck: 2 pink with the short side out, 1 green with the short side, put the green module on 2 modules of the previous row.

We put 1 red head module on the green head module with the long side facing out.

We give the peacock's neck a bend.

We assemble the wing from pink modules with the long side outward. We retreat two free corners from the neck and lay out the wing modules.
The first row of the wing - 5 modules.

In each next row of the wing there is 1 less module.
Second row - 4 modules.
Third row - 3 modules.
Fourth row - 2 modules.
Fifth row - 1 module.
We fold the second wing in the same way.

On both sides of the wings we retreat one module at a time and begin to lay out a tail of pink modules with the long side outward. There are three rows in total in the ponytail.
First row - 6 modules.
Second row - 5 modules.
Third row - 4 modules.

Big tail.

All modules in the long side out position:
first row - 30 pink;

Second row - 2 pink, (1 white, 5 pink) x 4, 1 white, 2 pink (29 modules in total);

Third row - 2 pink, (2 white, 4 pink) x 4, 2 white, 2 pink;

Fourth row - 1 pink, (1 white, 1 green, 1 white, 3 pink) x 4, 1 white, 1 green, 1 white, 1 pink;

Fifth row - 1 pink, (1 white, 2 green, 1 white, 2 pink) x 4, 1 white, 2 green, 1 white, 1 pink;

Sixth row - (1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white, 1 pink) x 4, 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow 1 green, 1 white;

Seventh row - (1 pink, 1 white, 2 green, 1 white, 1 pink) x 5.

In the eighth row there is a division into corner parts. The description is given by rows in the fragment, multiplied by the number of parts.

Eighth row - (1 pink, 1 white, 1 green, 1 white, 1 pink) x 5 between the corner parts in this row we leave 2 corners free;

Ninth row - (1 pink, 2 white, 1 pink) x5;

Tenth row - (1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink) x 5;

Eleventh row - (2 pink) x 5;

Twelfth row - (1 pink) x 5.

Peacock feather.

We assemble the feather in this way (all modules with the long side outward: 1 pink, 1 yellow, and 1 pink modules are connected into a “column”. Then on each corner of the pink module we put 4 yellow, 6 pink, 4 yellow in one pocket. On the left side We put each further module with the right pocket on the right corner of the previous module. On the right side, we put each further module with the left pocket on the left corner of the previous module.

We connect the upper corners of the yellow modules with a yellow module.

Assembling the upper part of the feather in the form of a diamond:
first row of diamond - 1 pink;
second row - 2 pink (one pocket);

third row - 1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink (pink modules are put on in one pocket);
fourth row - 1 pink, 2 white, 1 pink (pink with one pocket);
fifth row - 1 pink, 1 white, 1 green, 1 white, 1 pink (pink in one pocket);

sixth row - 1 pink, 2 white, 1 pink;
seventh row - 1 pink, 1 white, 1 pink;
eighth row - 2 pink;
ninth row - 1 pink.

We collect seven such feathers in total, changing them by color. We attach the feathers to the tail: between the corner fragments and on the upper modules of the corner fragments.

Contains four rows of pink modules. The first three rows have 30 modules each, the fourth row has 15 modules. Between the modules of the fourth row we leave 2 corners free. Glue the body to the stand.

Head decoration.
We fasten two green modules together in a column, and put one yellow module in one pocket on each corner of the top module. We insert the decoration between the corners of the green head module.

We place the tail vertically between the wings and the tail.

The module peacock is ready!

If you have perseverance and determination, then you should try the art of modular origami. This type of applied creativity requires maximum concentration, otherwise it is impossible to obtain a result. Modular origami “Peacock” – complex circuit. Its peculiarity is a large number of modules, the need to lay out a pattern and combine colors. High school children or adults can handle this craft.

Beginners can only be trusted with the production of modules.

The first mention of this art form dates back to XVIII century. Modules presented by Hayato Ohoko. Modular technology differs from traditional technology in that to make one figure, several sheets of paper are taken, from which identical elements are put together. The modules are connected to each other step by step, by nesting one within the other. Using this technique, you can create shapes with complex structures.

Today, in many countries, most often in the USA, Japan, and China, new schemes for assembling large-scale figures are being invented. Our compatriot posted the modular origami “Peacock” on the “Country of Masters” website. The bird turned out so beautiful that many craftsmen repeated this design. They started posting step-by-step master classes on your blogs and websites. Very quickly, paper peacocks became widespread.

A step-by-step description and photo allows you to make a figure quickly, without confusion.

What will you need for the job?

Before you start assembling the peacock, you need to prepare materials for work.

You will need:

  1. Paper. Use thick versions of colored paper with one side colored. Buy paper in advance, in identical packs, so that it is all the same color and shade. You will need several packages, since one sheet only makes 16 modules.
  2. Scissors. If you are working on a figurine with children, then take 2 pairs. Some scissors will be larger, for an adult, and the second will be small, with non-slip handles and rounded ends.
  3. Glue. It is best to glue some parts of the craft, otherwise they will fall off when you try to rearrange the figure. To prevent stains on the paper, use PVA glue.

The main resource needed for work is time. If you want to assemble the figure yourself and without anyone's help, then be prepared to spend more than a week on assembly. Involve children in creativity so that the craft can be created faster. They can make modules or assemble simple parts of the figurine: the body or the stand.

Addition of modules

Work on the toy begins with the preparation of modules different color. You will need to make the elements, adhering to the chosen color range. For beginners, it is best not to use many colors, but to make a bird from 3 shades: yellow, green and white. Modular origami “Peacock”, step by step diagram the assembly of which is given below has a more complex structure. The colors used for it are:

  • red;
  • orange;
  • green;
  • yellow;
  • white;
  • blue or a lighter shade of it.

Fold the main parts according to step-by-step instructions:

  1. Divide a standard A4 sheet into 16 rectangles. To do this, make 2 folds on each side.
  2. Cut the sheet into equal rectangles.
  3. Fold each rectangle in half horizontally, placing the unpainted side inside.
  4. Fold the resulting narrow rectangle in half and unfold. Place the workpiece with the fold facing up.
  5. Place the sides of the rectangle to the center marked line. This stage is similar to starting to fold a paper airplane.
  6. Turn the workpiece over. Work with the protruding sections. Fold the extreme corners.
  7. Bend the pieces upward.
  8. Bend the resulting triangle in half.

You will need more than a thousand such elements. It is not known exactly how many of them will have to be folded, since some of the parts are rejected during connection. Count the quantity by folding the individual parts of the figurine, because it is difficult to put together a large figure with your own hands in one evening. Make elements with reserve: if one is torn or deformed, it can be replaced with another without interrupting work.

Lower torso

Start working from the bottom of the “Peacock” (modular origami). The step-by-step instructions look like this:

  1. The first two rows consist of 25 red parts, closed in a circle.
  2. Then alternate 4 red modules with 1 white one. There should be 25 triangles in total.
  3. For the 4th row the pattern is as follows: 2 white, 3 red, 2 white, 2 red. Repeat in a circle.
  4. The fifth row is laid out with a pattern: 2 red, 1 white, 1 orange, 1 white. Repeat this pattern until the circle closes.
  5. Next row 6: 1 red, 1 white, 2 orange, 1 white. Repeat the pattern 5 times until the circle closes.
  6. We further complicate the pattern in row 7. It is laid out from the details: 2 white, 1 orange, 1 green, 1 orange. Repeat 5 times.
  7. In the 8th row, the body of the bird continues to be covered with the traditional pattern. Lay it out like this: 1 white, 1 orange, 2 green, 1 orange. Repeat 5 times.
  8. Add a new color: 2 orange, 1 green, 1 blue (or lighter), 1 green.
  9. We form the 10th row. The pattern of modules is as follows: 1 orange, 1 green, 2 blue, 1 green. Repeat until the circle is closed.
  10. Eleventh row in a circle: 2 green elements, 1 blue, 1 red, 1 blue.
  11. The 12th row is formed according to the following scheme: 1 green piece, 2 red pieces, 1 blue piece, 1 green piece.

The lower part of the body is formed simply, if you remember the rule - there are 25 elements in each circle. The pattern is repeated 5 times in one circle.

Masters recommend counting the number of triangles required to form a row of each shade. Prepare them in advance, and in total you will need 300 identical blanks of different colors. Assembling the body itself will not take much time.

Peacock breast

The breast is a patterned or multi-colored part of the modular origami “Peacock”.

Its assembly diagram is as follows:

  1. The thirteenth row is the first, related to the breast, and begins a new pattern. For it, repeat the following layout of parts twice: 2 blue, 3 red. Complete the formation with two blue modules.
  2. Place on top of this row: 1 triangle blue color, 1 green, 1 red, 1 orange, 3 red, 1 orange, 1 red, 1 green, 1 blue.
  3. The third row of the breast is symmetrical, it is formed from: 1 blue, 1 green, 1 red, 1 orange and 1 red triangle. Complete the pattern with the same colors in reverse order, starting with 1 red.
  4. Lay the fourth row with colored blanks in the following order: 1 blue, 1 green, 1 red, 1 orange, 1 red, 1 orange, 1 red, 1 green, 1 blue.
  5. The fifth row is narrowing. It requires only 8 elements, laid out in mirror order: 1 blue, 1 green, 1 red, 1 orange. The rest of the pattern is formed from particles laid out in reverse order.
  6. We narrow the breast again in the 6th row: 1 blue triangle, 1 green, 1 red, 1 orange, 1 red, 1 green, 1 blue.
  7. The orange breast pattern is completed on row 7. It requires colors: 1 blue, 1 green, 2 red, 1 green, 1 blue.
  8. We reduce the use of red elements in the 8th row. It is laid out: 1 blue, 1 green, 1 red, 1 green, 1 blue.
  9. In the 9th row, continue to cut the details: 1 blue; 2 green; 1 blue.
  10. Finally sharpen the breast in row 10, using 1 triangle for it. blue tint, 1 green, 1 blue.

Almost half of the work is completed. Set the body aside as you will now be working on other parts of the peacock. Install the neck and head onto the body using PVA glue, since the junction consists of 3 pieces.

Peacock head

Despite their small size, assembling the head or neck of peacocks is a little more difficult than the rest of the body. If you can handle it, then it will not be difficult for you to make feathers.

We continue to make modular origami “Peacock”, a master class on making a head and neck:

  1. Connect the red blanks with the short sides.
  2. Set in the same way: 1 blue, 1 green and 1 more blue.
  3. Repeat the first two rows.
  4. Place 2 blue triangles with short sides.
  5. The sixth row will have only 1 green-colored blank.
  6. Repeat rows 5 and 6 twice.
  7. Install 2 bluish parts with short sides - this is how the 9th row is formed.
  8. Form the tenth row from parts installed with long sides: 1 blue, 1 red, 1 blue.
  9. In the 11th row, secure them with 2 red ones.
  10. Install a green color blank.
  11. Place 2 green elements on 3 corners.
  12. Pull them together again with one bluish figure.
  13. Make the beak in 2 rows. Place 2 red modules in the first one, and then pull them together with another red one to sharpen the beak.

Due to the use of two styling techniques, the part turns out to be embossed. Where the connections pass with the short sides - this is the neck, and the head and beak are formed by laying out the long triangles. After making it, secure the neck to the pointed part of the body.

Making the tail section

Some schemes suggest making the tail separately and then attaching it to the body, but in this case it is laid out openwork. More simple option is to make a modular origami “Peacock” tail, the diagram of which is as follows:

  1. Turn the short side of the figure towards you. Determine its center. Make the first row exactly opposite the breast: 1 green, 1 blue, 3 orange, 1 blue, 1 green.
  2. The following modules should start forming an extension: 1 green, 1 blue, 2 orange. Complete this part of the work with 4 triangles placed in a mirror manner.
  3. Further work is no different from the previous rows, you only need to increase the number of orange parts to 5. Leave green and blue along the edges, as at the beginning of the formation of the tail.
  4. Increase the number of orange ones to 6. Make sure that the pattern does not move towards one of the edges, it should go straight in the center.
  5. The middle of the pattern – the number of orange increases to 7.
  6. Let's start narrowing - reduce the orange triangles to 6.
  7. From rows 7 to 11, continue to reduce the number of orange centerpieces from 5 to 1.
  8. Now we move on to reducing the bluish parts, after which reduce the number of green-colored modules. The tail, like the breast, should be pointed.

Now you need to very carefully secure the tail pattern, being careful not to break it. Start making feathers. You need 5 of them, assemble each one according to step-by-step instructions:

  1. The base of the pen is 4 blanks, inserted straight.
  2. Place 12 triangles of the same color on each corner. In total you will get 24 particles on two corners. Pull the structure on top with the 25th module of the same tone.
  3. Secure the feather with three more multi-colored blanks.
  4. Let's move on to the difficult part of making the feather - the top rounded pattern. Install 1 main tone module on each corner. They will be the foundation.
  5. The rounded pattern consists of 7 rows, the number of elements in them is as follows: 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1. In the second part of the pattern, where there are 3 triangles, the central module must match the main shade of the pen or differ from the background tone.
  6. Go down to the two triangles that served as the base of the rounded part. 2 corners stick out from them to the sides; put 12 blanks of the main color on each. Pair them with another main shade.
  7. Finish the job with 3 particles of different colors. They will be a brush.

Make feathers from paper different shades. Keep in mind that you will need 76 particles for each feather. Such a feather, separately from the bird, can become a beautiful element for the interior. After you have made the plumage in the required quantity, install it on the tail section step by step: glue each one, wait until the composition has completely set. When placing the plumage, keep in mind that it has a lot of weight: distribute the decor evenly.

All you have to do is install the head and attach the crest to it. Its ordering is detailed: insert modules of 3 different colors into each other in a column, and form a tuft of 3 contrasting particles on top. Fix this part of the body with PVA.

The resulting peacock will perfectly decorate the interior. It remains hollow in the center, allowing it to be used as a vase. Most often, the peacock plays the role of a beautiful figurine or a boat for candy. If you search practical use this model, install a cardboard bottom, glue all the narrow places of the figure and the outer rows.