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The New Year begins in Eastern time. How to celebrate New Year in China

In Russia, as throughout the world, New Year celebrated on the night from December 31 to January 1, but Christians still honor the date according to the old style, and Buddhists in Buryatia, Tuva, Kalmykia and Altai rely on the Chinese calendar and wait for Sagaalgan or the “Spring Festival”. All these customs have one connecting link - the expectation of a miracle. It doesn’t matter who is ordered to do it - Santa Claus or the animal appointed by the ruler, the main thing is readiness for the best. And so that magical changes do not pass you by, you have to keep your eyes open!


2018 in the Eastern tradition

The winter solstice is coming to an end, so the first new moon after the full cycle will arrive very soon. It remains to be seen what date this event will occur. According to the calculations of the ancient sages of the Celestial Empire, in 2018 it falls on February 16. It is from this date that the next round will begin, and it will be led by a devoted, kind and intelligent Dog with personal attributes befitting a totem animal:

  • Yellow color- a symbol of stability and prudence.
  • Element: earth, endowing its representatives with firmness and a sober outlook on life.
  • Character traits– loyalty, friendliness, responsibility and prudence.

It is believed that the New Year must necessarily resolve all long-standing disputes, forget about grievances and forgive others.

New Year: Chinese version

In the Celestial Empire, there is a legend that tells about one of the local settlements, which Chun (Nan), a terrible and ferocious monster, got into the habit of attacking once a year. On one of these days, an old man wandered into the village and asked to spend the night with one of the women. He did not know what time he arrived, and the hostess tried to persuade the guest to quickly run away with everyone, but since old man completely exhausted, she allowed him to stay.

Imagine the surprise of the local residents when, returning to the village at dawn, they saw their houses intact. In the middle of the square they were met by a laughing old man in red clothes, surrounded by firecrackers and tinsel that burst from firecrackers. It turns out that Nan was scared of the color red, lights and loud sounds.

How is the holiday celebrated in China?

2018 or up eastern calendar 4716 lunar year in the Celestial Empire they plan to meet, as usual, on a large scale and fun. The festivities will last 15 days, 7 of which the Chinese will not work. During this period it is accepted:

  1. get rid of unnecessary and broken things;
  2. bring order and beauty to homes;
  3. prepare delicious meat and fish dishes;
  4. decorate your home with paired drawings and crafts.

The question of what to celebrate and how to celebrate is solved simply here. Most wear red. People believe that this color brings happiness and prosperity, because it was in these clothes that the old man who started the holiday was dressed. Lanterns of the same color are hung on the thresholds of houses, music and laughter sound. Fireworks and firecrackers are exploding everywhere. All family members gather at one table and have fun, as they believe that the whole year will depend on the festive mood.

Why Yellow Earth Dog?

One day Buddha invited all the animals to a feast. Those wishing to share a meal with the Enlightened One had to swim across a huge lake. The first 12 received a reward for each year, which was endowed with their character traits, and began to draw strength from 5 elements of different colors:

  1. red fire,
  2. Black water,
  3. yellow earth,
  4. Blue and green tree,
  5. White metal.

In 2018, it is the dog's turn to be the eleventh to reach the shore. What this animal will bring to everyone, astrologers will see from the horoscope. In general, the totem will behave in accordance with its inherent habits and how its wards will react to it. No wonder they say: “Life is like a dog’s.” Perhaps she will be domestic and therefore light, well-fed and happy, or, on the contrary, wandering, which means hungry, embittered and “biting”.

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For the Chinese to hear “Happy New Year!” on January 1st. just as wild as if you were congratulated on March 8th in winter. The Chinese New Year comes later than the Western one and, unlike the banal change of the calendar, carries much more meaning.

Chinese New Year is a spring festival. It falls on one of the days between January 21 and February 21. And this is what happens in China two weeks before and two weeks after the holiday.

Firstly, it is customary to celebrate the Spring Festival at home with the whole family, which means that approximately half of China working in big cities returns home at this time.

Secondly, the Chinese are not entitled to vacation. There is no such clause in the Chinese Labor Code. That is, national holidays are the only opportunity to travel. This means that within two weeks after the holiday, half of China is intensively exploring the tourist spots of the Celestial Empire.

Thirdly, in 2016, the population of China was (for a second!) 1.3 billion people. Now imagine 750 million people moving from one place to another at the same time.

Traditions for celebrating Chinese New Year vary across provinces and cities:

  • In the Wudang Mountains (Hubei Province), all houses are thoroughly cleaned, and on the door there is a red and gold image of the character Fu 福 (happiness, prosperity) straight or inverted. The same is done throughout China. The doorposts are also decorated with red inscriptions wishing good luck in the new year. They often hang like this throughout the year and change on the eve of a new holiday.
  • Also common here the custom of hanging an image of the “sweet god” in the kitchen. Before the New Year, housewives smear his lips with honey or sugar syrup, so that when this god goes to heaven to report on the behavior of his charges, only sweet speeches would flow from his lips.
  • The New Year's meal is one of the most plentiful. In Udan, on the eve of the holiday, pork sausage is prepared and hung outside to dry.
  • Making dumplings with the whole family is an integral tradition. Many families make dumplings in the shape of ancient money bars, and put a coin in one of them. The year will be especially successful for the one who receives this surprise.
  • Dishes on New Year's table maybe more than 20. Among them there must be fish, chicken, pork, beef, duck - often all dishes at the same time. In poor families, only one meat dish is placed on the table, but no one touches it - to show the neighbors that they can afford it, and not to actually eat it.
  • A typical New Year's gift is a hongbao, a red envelope with money, which in Hubei Province is usually given to children or the elderly. The amount depends on the wealth of the giver and the status of the recipient. How older man, the more money it is customary to give.
  • On the first day of the new year they go to visit each other. The Chinese give practical gifts : cigarettes, alcohol, large bottles of vegetable oil or packages with portioned boxes of milk. No romance, but a lot of benefits.
  • New Year in China is red. This is connected with the legend of the terrible monster Nian, who crawls out on the last day of the old year and is afraid of the color red. Red also symbolizes happiness and good luck. Well, thirdly, according to legend, people whose year begins in accordance with the Chinese cyclic calendar (year of the Rat, Rabbit, Tiger, Ox, etc.) will have a difficult year. To ward off trouble and attract good luck, they are shown wearing red underwear, which appears in huge quantities in stores on New Year's Eve.

Coming Chinese New 2017 Year of the Rooster, differs from ours, if only in that for the Chinese, any event in life is permeated with a spirit - evil or good, but always alive. This means that he should either be appeased or driven away if he came with bad intentions, or treated and honored if his arrival will bring good to the family.

The Chinese live according to the lunisolar (Chinese) calendar, so their chronology does not coincide with what we are used to. For example, in 2016, residents of the Celestial Empire celebrated the advent of the 4714 New Year of the Monkey, which took place on February 8.

In 2017, Chinese New Year begins on January 28th.

It is not for nothing that this event is otherwise called the Spring Festival, because for the Chinese this date symbolizes the beginning of sowing work (often in the buttonhole outerwear insert a few ears of rice as a symbol of the abundance of the harvest). In honor of this event, all Chinese gather at their hearth - in their parents' house. If someone is away, they definitely try to make it to the family table - this is the most persistent tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year.

Celebrating New Year according to the Chinese calendar

Gifts are not common in China. However, after the first day of the Chinese New Year arrives, parents always give their children money in a red envelope with the hope of their material well-being. Greeting Cards also hard to find in China. But the color red hits the eyes from all possible places - red is the main color of the New Year. After all, he is so afraid of the evil spirit, whom the Chinese call New Year. It should also be driven away by the noise of fireworks and loud laughter. Houses are decorated with many red lanterns and scrolls with good wishes for one's family, protecting the home from evil spirits.

In honor of the New, the people of China will change old clothes new, they will clean the house (so that the favorable energy of the house circulates freely in it and does not stagnate), and prepare treats. Their favorite dish is dumplings, whose shape resembles a gold bar - a symbol of prosperity. Often houses are decorated with tangerines, always eight of them - a number symbolizing infinity.

When does Chinese New Year 2017 end?

Chinese or Eastern New Year is a grand affair, which lasted a whole month in the old days, but now with the modern busy lifestyle, Chinese residents cannot afford so many days off, and the holiday ends on the fifteenth day (in 2017 this date falls on February 11) with the huge Chinese Lantern Festival.

We all know that according to the Gregorian calendar, according to which we all live, the New Year is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. But the Eastern New Year, the same one whose symbol is the red fiery Rooster, according to all the rules, will come on the night of January 27-28.

For almost all countries of East Asia, the New Year according to the Eastern calendar 2017 begins on January 28, 2017. This is a very important holiday for Asian countries; it is celebrated noisily and on a grand scale. Celebrations last fifteen days in a row.

This is interesting! Many people wonder when the New Year begins according to the Eastern calendar 2017, because this date changes every year. It depends on the Lunar calendar. The New Year comes into its own on the first lunar day of the second new moon, always after the winter solstice.

New Year according to the eastern calendar 2017 is the year of red Fire Rooster. If you delve deeper into Eastern teachings, you can find out that the year will bring good luck and in general will be filled with good events. It is the red rooster that has been considered a strong magical symbol since ancient times. He is able to fly, show strength and courage even in the most difficult situations.

It is quite clear what to wear to celebrate the New Year according to the Eastern calendar, because our cockerel is red. But this is not the only color that should be paid attention to. New Year in Asian countries is one of the brightest and longest holidays. Traditionally, the color gold is also given particular importance during the celebration. So, in order to please the rooster and all oriental signs, you can harmoniously combine red and White color.

This is interesting! In the east, red symbolizes fire; it wards off bad luck and troubles. Asians not only wear red clothes to celebrate the occasion, but also write cards on red paper, give gifts in red packaging, and release wishing lanterns of this color.

The New Year celebrations in China and other countries in this region are very noisy. Mandatory attributes of celebrations are festivals, fire shows and fireworks. It is believed that the noisier the holiday, the more successful people will be in driving away evil spirits from themselves and their families.

If you are thinking about what to cook for the New Year 2017 according to the Eastern calendar, then important attention should be paid to Eastern food. But you shouldn’t focus only on it. On the festive table you can also serve dishes that the rooster will like. First of all, these are fresh apples. The rooster will also be delighted with his favorite fresh vegetables and herbs.

Legend of the eastern calendar

It is no coincidence that the New Year according to the Eastern calendar 2017 is the Year of the Rooster. The fact is that the lunar calendar consists of twelve cycles, each of which has its own animal symbol, but how did these symbols appear? Buddha is involved in everything. Before leaving the earth, Buddha decided to gather all the animals and say goodbye to them. Twelve animals came and in the order in which they came, Buddha gave them a year. As a result, the first year is Rats (cunning), then comes the Ox (hardworking), Tiger (brave), Rabbit (quiet) and Dragon (strong), Snake (wise), Horse (beautiful) and Sheep or Goat (artistic), Monkey (smart), Rooster (bright), Dog (loyal) and Pig (happy). In addition to the fact that each animal received its own year, it conveyed its character traits to the year: both positive and negative. It is believed that a person born in the year of a certain animal also takes on these traits. He receives both the strengths and weaknesses of the animal and must decide for himself which line of behavior to choose.

Other traditions of celebrating Chinese New Year

What to do on the New Year according to the Eastern calendar 2017, besides cooking oriental dishes and wearing red clothes? In Asia, New Year wishes are written in the form of poems on red paper. It is customary to give lucky money to children in red envelopes.
The first days of the holiday in China are an opportunity for family reunion. All family members, no matter how far they live from each other, should get together for a big festive table. New Year's Eve dinner together is as important a New Year's tradition as fireworks.

New Year for residents of East Asian countries is the longest and most important holiday. Family celebration continues with festivals. The festive period ends with the Lantern Festival, which is held on the fifteenth day of the celebrations. An important part of the Lantern Festival is the dragon dance. The dragon is made thirty meters long from silk, paper and bamboo. The large dragon is rocked by people holding a doll and dancing under it.
These are the traditions of the New Year according to the Eastern calendar 2017. If you want to once again arrange a holiday for yourself, get together with friends and drink to good luck and success in the new year, then February 8th is a great reason to do it! Happy holiday!

Chinese New Year 2018 ©

Chinese New Year 2018 - what is this event

Chinese New Year is one of the most important oriental holidays, which has been celebrated for quite a long time not only in Asian countries, but throughout the world. After all, our people love holidays with a broad soul and gladly perceive the New Year according to the Eastern calendar as another reason to get together and celebrate a significant event.

Just like for us, the New Year for Easterners marks a new round of time, a beginning, a renewal. On the day of the Chinese New Year, winter will meet spring and a new life cycle will begin.


Chinese New Year 2018: when does it start?


Chinese New Year has a variable date because it depends entirely on lunar calendar. Chinese New Year falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice, December 21st. Every year this holiday may fall on one of the days between January 21 and February 21.

Chinese New Year 2018 will begin on February 16th. More precisely, 2018 will be according to the Gregorian calendar, but according to the Chinese calendar we will meet the year 4716, which will come under the sign and will last until February 4, 2019, when it will be replaced by the Year of the Yellow Pig.


Chinese New Year 2018: How it is celebrated in China


The Chinese call this holiday “meeting after separation” because, according to tradition, on New Year’s Day all family members, no matter where they are, come home and gather around a richly laid festive table. It is also believed that on Chinese New Year, the spirits of deceased ancestors are present at the table, who are also participants in the holiday.

During New Year's holidays people visit each other with congratulations, gifts of money in red envelopes, and necklaces of coins and tangerines as a symbol of wealth.

Throughout the Chinese New Year celebrations, fun events are held in China. folk festivals, fairs, costume dances and masquerade street processions.


Chinese New Year 2018: When does the celebration end?


In Eastern countries, Chinese New Year is one of the longest holidays, which in the old days lasted a whole month. However, nowadays, due to a busy lifestyle and busy work schedule, the Chinese have reduced the number of days off by almost half, and the holiday ends on the fifteenth day.

Chinese New Year 2018 (a holiday for the Chinese) lasts a full 15 days. The grand Chinese Lantern Festival will take place on March 2. The Chinese New Year 2018 will continue until this day, when the celebration ends and people return to their usual working rhythm.


Let's remember that we told you earlier, what should be on the table for the New Year of the Dog 2018. Read more at.

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