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Nadezhda Babkina explained why her excess weight returned. Fans ask for hope for Babkina to lose weight, photo Nadezhda Babkina’s plump figure has caused controversy among her fans

April 17, 2016

According to the artist, who shocked everyone with her weight loss several years ago, the fact that she gained weight again was a conscious decision

As the artist, who shocked everyone with her weight loss several years ago, assures us, the fact that she gained weight again was a conscious decision.

Many TV viewers noticed that the co-host of “Fashionable Sentence” Nadezhda Babkina has noticeably gained weight. As the artist assures, the kilograms she has gained are not at all the result of the fact that she forgot about dieting. As Nadezhda Babkina explained at the presentation of her clothing collection, she gained weight on purpose. “...I decided to gain weight in order to try on all the clothes on myself and see whether we were moving correctly or not/ I realized that this is not taught at the university - traditionally according to invented parameters. But we, who are outside the parameters, cannot live, or what? Now the moment has come when I am satisfied with our work and am starting to return to my previous slender forms,” Nadezhda Babkina told the MIR 24 TV channel.

As the artist, TV presenter, and now also the creator of clothes admitted, the outfits she created in collaboration with designers and employees of the Textile Institute are addressed to the full, or, in other words, . She decided to start with the line office clothes. “One day, the three of us, Evelina Khromchenko and Sasha Vasiliev, decided to create a collection of clothes for large women. But each of us is very busy - some give lectures, others lead amazing excursions and engage in educational activities. Then I decided to do it myself,” said Nadezhda Georgievna.

66 year old Nadezhda Babkina V Lately surprises fans with his appearance. Earlier in the media it was reported that the singer went too far with plastic surgery and became like Alla Pugacheva, with which she has never been compared. Babkina did not respond to criticism about the excessive use of anti-aging procedures, leaving dissatisfied fans without a reaction.

However, in addition to the use of plastic surgery, it is obvious to everyone that the star has gained a lot of weight. After all, several years ago Nadezhda managed to lose noticeable weight, and after that she always kept her figure in good shape. That is why the public is wondering what is the reason for such rapid weight gain, and what made the singer abandon her long-term nutrition plan.

All the speculations and assumptions of others were refuted by Babkina herself. She explained to the press that she gained weight deliberately. As it turned out, the celebrity after five years of working on the program « Fashionable verdict» , whose heroines are often overweight women, decided to present a collection of clothes specifically for ladies with curvy figures. You can purchase its models on the Internet and in Moscow showrooms.

“I gained weight consciously, on purpose. And all for the sake of “testing” the clothes that she began to produce for overweight women“,” the artist admitted at the presentation of the new line. Nadezhda said that she would soon lose weight again. According to her, after testing all the models on herself, she can return to her previous forms with peace of mind. “Now, having tried on all the models and released the collection, with a clear conscience I can lose weight and return to my optimal weight"- noted Babkina.

(66) never had a skinny figure and was proud of being a “curvy lady.” However, recently she had gained a lot of weight, which was visible to the naked eye. Fans of the artist began to worry about her health, but recently Nadezhda Georgievna reassured them - the performer of the song “ took such a step Oh, you canopy"I went consciously.

The singer admitted that she sacrificed her slim figure for an important cause: “I gained weight consciously, on purpose. And all for the sake of “testing” the clothes that they began to produce for plus-size women,” Nadezhda said at the presentation of her clothing line for large girls.

It turned out that Nadezhda was prompted to create a collection of plus-size clothing by her work in the program “ Fashionable verdict": "I've been working there for five years, and thanks to the amazing professionals in matters of style and fashion - Evelina Khromchenko And Alexander Vasiliev- I learned a lot of useful information about how to dress properly for corpulent ladies. You could say I received a second higher education!”

Of course, the production of clothing for plus size women is not without problems. It turned out that " Cossack Nadya“It was very difficult to persuade designers to design models for big ladies: “They simply didn’t raise their hand to depict not slender figures, but normal bodies over size 48. At some point, I couldn’t stand it and suggested: “Let me lie on the floor and you trace me, since you can’t portray something different from the model parameters 90-60-90.”

I wonder if Nadezhda plans to start making clothes for large men in the future?

Why did Babkina, Dogileva and Strizhenova gain so much weight?

While everyone around is feverishly losing weight, afraid to swallow an extra leaf of lettuce, there are those who don’t seem to bother counting calories. Recently, three stars surprised everyone with their curvaceous figures. And a wonderful mood, which, apparently, does not depend on the numbers on the scales.


Oh, and TV viewers were surprised to see Nadezhda Babkina visiting Ivan Urgant. The singer and presenter of “Fashionable Sentence” came to the New Year’s television broadcast in full regalia - in fluffy dress with puff sleeves. In this outfit, Nadezhda was so immense that Urgant, Khrustalev, and a couple of other guys could easily be hiding behind her back.

Babkina looked dashing and happy. On the Internet, where the program was discussed, her image was immediately dubbed the “crazy empress.” At the same time, fans were very surprised that the singer had gained so much weight - after all, just recently she told how carefully she compiles her menu:

I don't eat anything unexpected. So I often go to visit with my family. Green salad, cucumbers, rice, boiled fish - something like that. I do everything low fat and a little bit. Well, everyone has fruit on the table. I drink tea without cake. For dessert - well, I love dark chocolate. I also come to work with my own food, often cook it myself and never allow accidents in this regard.

It turned out that Babkina gained weight not by accident, but on purpose. The singer sacrificed her figure for the sake of business - she has her own company that sews clothes for overweight women. And Nadezhda Georgievna tests it on herself to see if it’s comfortable, if the seams are pulling, and how it sits. Otherwise, how will you understand if everything is okay?

I have been working at Fashion Sentence for five years now, and thanks to the amazing professionals in matters of style - Evelina Khromchenko And Alexander Vasiliev- I learned a lot of useful information about how to dress properly for corpulent ladies. We can say that I received a second higher education! - Babkina is proud of herself.

And she demonstrates the beauty of her dresses by wearing them in public. So Urganta was blown away:

Now, having tried on all the models and released the collection, I can, with a clear conscience, lose weight and return to my optimal weight.


Tatyana Dogileva also made a splash by appearing on the Urgant show. It was possible to recognize “The Blonde Around the Corner” only by turning on a rich imagination. The 60-year-old actress has changed beyond recognition - she has become plump and plump.

All my life I starved, went on some kind of diet, trembled at every extra kilogram - because for my profession I needed to remain slim and young. AND plastic surgery- I did a facelift for the same reasons. And now I no longer care what I look like! - Dogileva waves away those who reproach her for letting herself go.

In recent years, Tatyana has practically not acted in films. From slushy and gloomy Moscow she moved to live by the sea - now she spends most of the year in Jurmala.

Long walks, good air, good water, food, no big city aggression... I am happy with the slow pace of life, I love it. I lie in bed, read books and surf the Internet. I don’t want to limit myself in food either!

The change in her figure does not upset Tatyana at all. She loves herself just like that. The only thing I regret is beautiful outfits languishing in closets. But Dogileva turned this problem into a positive one: she bought new bright clothes.

So now I just have two wardrobes: “large” - for the current size and “small” - for the previous one. I don’t know, however, whether the “small” wardrobe will last for my slimness...


No amount of loose outfits can hide the obvious - Katya Strizhenova has been blown away in recent months.

The TV presenter began to gain weight sharply two years ago, and tried hard to disguise the excess weight with draperies and flowy clothing. Her love for loose dresses initially caused a wave of rumors: they began to say that the TV presenter was expecting her third child.

When Katya got tired of congratulations on the upcoming addition to the family, she admitted: she was waging an unequal struggle with extra pounds. As, indeed, always, she has had a predisposition to be overweight since her youth.

Alas, I am not the type of woman who can eat as much as she wants, whenever she wants, and not gain weight. “I start to gain fat quite quickly if I don’t watch my diet, so in matters of combating excess weight, I can safely be called a real expert,” admits Katya.

Strizhenova always knew how to control herself, she tried a bunch of diets, took detox courses, and did fitness. Once, even with my husband, I tried to undergo a course of therapeutic fasting. But after three days of sitting on the water, she began to faint and simply ran away from the clinic. Because I realized: losing weight won’t make you lose weight, but it will ruin your health.

And then I met a friend - I didn’t even recognize her: she lost 20 kg in three months. I was on the Geisha Diet. I tried it too. You drink in the morning green tea with skim milk, day and evening - 250 grams of rice without salt. Drink a lot of water and green tea. You sit for five days, then return to your usual diet, and after a while you repeat. In five days on this diet I lost five kilos.

But now it’s becoming more and more difficult for Catherine to cope with those extra pounds. Most likely it's a matter of age-related changes- Katya will soon be 50. Jumping hormonal background, weight is gained faster.

It is not yet clear whether Strizhenova will try to return to her previous forms or give up and accept changes as inevitable. After all, even in such a magnificent form, she is very good!

The singer and TV presenter admitted that she sacrificed her slim figure for an important cause: “I gained weight consciously, on purpose. And all for the sake of “testing” the clothes that she began to produce for plus-size women,” Babkina said at the presentation of her clothing line for plus-size ladies.

As it turned out, the star got a new business thanks to the TV program “Fashionable Sentence”: “I’ve been working there for five years, and thanks to the amazing professionals in matters of style and fashion - Evelina Khromchenko And Alexander Vasiliev- I learned a lot of useful information about how to dress properly for corpulent ladies. You could say I received a second higher education!”

Photo: Yuri Feklistov

According to Babkina, the three of them even thought about starting to produce clothes for women in plus sizes. “But Evelina and Sasha have many of their own projects, and as a result, I started dressing women of “considerable merit,” continues Nadezhda Georgievna. “Now, having tried on all the models and released the collection (it will be sold online), with a clear conscience I can lose weight and return to my optimal weight.”

Photo: Yuri Feklistov

Showing outfits for work in the office under the motto “Going to work as if it were a holiday,” Babkina shared with the guests the secrets of choosing a wardrobe: “There are two three-finger rules.” First: if you wear big sizes, then the length of the dress at any age should be three fingers below the knee. Second: exactly three fingers should pass between your body and the dress in any place - do not wear clothes that are “tight!” Nadezhda Georgievna also advised decorating clothes with pockets: “It’s both beautiful and convenient!”

Babkina told how much work it took her to persuade young designers to draw clothes specifically for plus-size people: “They simply couldn’t raise their hand to depict not slender figures, but normal bodies larger than size 48. At some point, I couldn’t stand it and suggested: “Let me lie down on the floor and you trace me, since you can’t depict something different from the model parameters 90-60-90.”

Nadezhda Babkina and models in her clothing line Photo: Yuri Feklistov