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Our success is primarily our environment. Our life in numbers or what people spend their time on. What is considered working time

“We get tired not because we work hard, but because we work poorly, we work unorganized, we work stupidly. We spend the best part of our lives at work. You need to learn to work in such a way that the work is easy and that it becomes a constant life school.”

Editor's note. At the end of 1920, a prominent public figure, scientist and poet Alexei Kapitonovich Gastev began to create the Central Institute of Labor (CIT). In 1921, the 1st All-Russian Conference on the Scientific Organization of Labor was held.

The CIT concept covered the fields of engineering and technology, biology, psychophysiology, economics, history, and pedagogy.

CIT created a system for training skilled workers, which became known as the “CIT training method.” At its training bases in 170 cities, CIT has trained over half a million workers in critically shortage professions.

Memo to A.K. Gastev’s “How to Work” was hung in the reception room of the Council of People’s Commissars.

Memo: how to work

1. First, think through all the work thoroughly.Plan
2. Prepare all the necessary tools and equipment.Blank
3. Remove everything unnecessary from the workplace, remove dirt.Purity
4. Place the tools in strict order.Order
5. When working, look for a comfortable body position: watch your installation, sit down if possible; if you are standing, spread your legs so that there is economical support.Installation
6. Don’t go into work abruptly, go into work gradually.Login to work
7. If you need to push hard, then first lean in, try half-heartedly, and then go all out.
8. Don't work until you're completely tired. Take regular rests.Mode
9. While working, do not eat, drink, or smoke. Do this during your work breaks.
10. There is no need to take time off from work to do something else.
11. Work smoothly; working in fits and starts, rashly spoils both your work and your character.Excerpt
12. If work is not going well, don’t worry: you need to take a break, calm down and get back to work.
13. In case of failure, it is useful to interrupt work, restore order, tidy up the workplace, take a fancy to it and get back to work.
14. If you do a job successfully, don’t try to show it off, it’s better to be patient.
15. In case of complete failure, look at the matter more easily, try to restrain yourself and start working again.
16. Finish the work and tidy up everything down to the last nail, and clean the work area.Once again cleanliness and order

The prominent Russian physiologist N.E. Vvedensky once said, “We get tired and exhausted not because we work hard, but because we work poorly, we work disorganized, we work stupidly.” In his book “How to Work” A.K. Gastev rightly noted: “We spend the best part of our lives at work. You need to learn to work in such a way that the work is easy and that it becomes a constant school of life.”

Often, people don’t even think about what their lives are spent on. If you do the math, those two hours after work that we spend watching TV turn into nine years over the course of our entire lives! Lifeguide has collected incredible facts about what the average modern person on planet Earth spends his time on.

A person sleeps for 25 years of his life.

With a normal daily sleep duration (from 7.5 to 8 hours), we spend about a third of our life, i.e. almost 22 years (with a life expectancy of 70 years) sleeping. For example: a horse needs three hours a day to sleep. Possum - 19 hours. A person only needs 8 hours.

We spend 10.3 years at work.

The average person works 40 hours a week from age 20 to age 65.

48 days a person spends on sex .

Women spend 17 years of their lives trying to lose weight (the time they go on diets).

We have been watching TV for 9.1 years.

A person watches TV for almost half of his rest time, 2.8 hours a day.

One hour of television broadcasting includes about 15 minutes of advertising.

It takes 1.1 years to clean.

It takes 2.5 years to prepare a meal.

3.66 years, about 67 minutes a day people spend eating.

We have been sitting in public transport for 4.3 years.

And we travel enough distance to get to the moon and back.

We've been stuck in traffic jams for 3 months .

We spend 1.5 years in the bathroom.

We sit on the toilet for 3 - 6 months (men are 4 minutes longer every day).

A person spends 70% of his life on the phone, the Internet, TV and radio.

Read also

The modern earthling spends almost half of all his waking time watching TV, talking on the phone and working at the computer. The average adult does not sleep 16.5 hours a day, and up to 45% of this time is spent communicating with technology, i.e., with a life expectancy of 60 years, excluding childhood, we spend about 20 years communicating with gadgets! By the way, the Japanese are considered the most TV-watching nation. The average Japanese spends 9 hours a day at the box!

We laugh 290,000 times in our lives.

We walk 177,000 km (you can go around the Earth 4 times).

A person spends 90% of his time indoors.

A person consumes 5,460 liters of alcohol in a lifetime.

400,000 times it emits gases.

This is approximately 14 times a day.

14 days of your life are spent kissing.

1 year women decide what to wear.

And men spend just as much time staring at women.

Women spend 8 years shopping.

1.5 years women devote time to their hair.

That's 14,000 hours of cleaning, washing, drying, cutting, straightening, etc.

A 5 year old office worker sits at a desk.

An office worker has been negotiating for 2 years.

The average person swears 2,000,000 times in his life.

And he will swear just as much.

A person sees 2000 dreams a year.

He forgets 80% of them.

A person drinks 12,000 cups of coffee in a lifetime.

That's 1.6 cups per day.

We consume 21 kg of tea in our lifetime.

A person spends 6.5% of his life on repairing his home and things.

We spend 10% of our entire lives in treatment, i.e., visiting doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, sanatoriums, etc.

We have a hangover 60 days a year.

Often, people don’t even think about how much and what they spend their precious time on. If you count, those 2 hours after work that we spend watching TV turn into 9 years over the course of our entire lives!

Lifeguide invites you to read these incredible facts about how people spend their time:

1. A person sleeps for 25 years of his life.

2. We spend 10.3 years at work. The average person works 40 hours a week from 20-65 years of age.

3. A person spends 48 days on sex.

4. Women spend 17 years of their lives trying to lose weight (the time they are on diets).

5. We have been watching TV for 9.1 years. A person watches TV for almost half of his rest time, 2.8 hours a day.

7. 1.1 year is spent on cleaning.

8. 2.5 years of food preparation care.

9. People spend approximately 3.66 years eating lunch, about 67 minutes per day.

10. We spend 4.3 years on transport. And we travel far enough to get to the moon and back.

11. We have been stuck in traffic jams for 3 months.

12. We spend 1.5 years in the bathroom.

13. We have been sitting on the toilet for 6 months.

14. 70% of a person’s life is spent on the phone, the Internet, TV and radio.

15. A person laughs about 290,000 times in his life.

16. A person walks 177,000 km (you can go around the earth 4 times).

17. A person spends 90% of his time indoors.

18. A person drinks 5,460 liters of alcohol in his life.

19. A person emits gases 400,000 times in his life.

20. 14 days of your life are spent kissing.

21. Women spend almost 1 year deciding what to wear.

22. And men spend just as much time staring at women.

23. Women spend 8 years of their lives in the store.

24. Women have been spending time on their hair for a year and a half.

25. An office worker spends 5 years sitting at a desk.

26. An office worker spends 2 years without negotiations.

27. The average person swears 2,000,000 times.

28. A person sees about 2000 dreams a year. He forgets 80% of them.

Just think about this figure!

70% of our success is our environment.

This is what you need to remember when yet another childhood friend tries to whine about how hard life has become. Or when your parents shake their heads when you live your life and not theirs. What to think about when it becomes clear that the child seems to have gotten involved with the wrong company out of idleness or because he has no other options left. You always need to understand what kind of global changes a simple change in the company can lead to - sending you to a sports club, transferring to another school or somewhere else.

70% is a lot.

This is very important and definitely shouldn’t be ignored. And it’s worth working hard on this moment in your life.

The environment is a thing that pulls you out on its own.

You can hardly move, change almost nothing in your life consciously, on your own, and life will still change.

Because the attitudes in your head will slowly transform, new ideas and desires will appear that are different than before. Focus will shift to other goals. I wrote about this effect in my post “How the hundred-day environment helps you reach out and increase your capacity.”

Peter Osipov (video below) has just such a “theory of rivers”. About the fact that when you are in the context you need, in the river you need, you can even try to swim in the other direction, but the river will still drag you along with it.

“Any immersion in a team completely changes a person’s interests, tastes, and views, even if he was a stable person. You can change in no time, and if you are looking for these changes, you need new friends, a new team.

A support group is a good way to cope with any addiction. This is the basis for the beneficial effects of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and other similar groups.

You need to use friendship while being aware of its powerful influence and look for friends who you really want to be like. Never be close friends with those whose lifestyle and views you do not like, only with those whom you would like to reach out to.”

Andrey Parabellum:

“I have said many times that if you put together a dozen people with whom we spend most of our time, and divide all their achievements, successes and problems equally, you can predict with great accuracy that this is exactly where you Most likely you will find yourself very, very soon.

If you haven't already."

I really like Peter Osipov (Business Youth) and especially what he has come to lately.

There was a cool video from him about the power of the environment. Finally, someone has so clearly laid out everything about how it works.

Here is a quote from this video, which you can (and should) watch below:

“There are only 2 ways to develop:

The first method is similar to barge haulers on the Volga, who are dragging a huge ship of development behind them, who make a lot of effort, rely on their strength, their willpower to take a step forward. The problem with this strategy is that, relying on personal strength, willpower, it ends very quickly, it is not enough for a long time.

And there is a second path of development, which does not involve a large amount of personal effort., and which involves being in the context that develops you. Let's imagine that you are in a certain river, and you must swim from point A to point B. That is, if you are now in the wrong river, and the river flows in the opposite direction than you need, then you need to make an additional 200 -300-1000% effort to overcome the river current.

If you are in the flow that leads you in the direction you want, then you need to make no effort at all to swim towards your goals. You can even swim in the opposite direction. Still, the general current of the river you are in is stronger than your personal effort.”

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You can make friends in the office, but it’s unlikely that you will make real friends. Close communication with colleagues lasts only as long as you are connected by work. And as soon as someone quits or simply moves to another department, the friendship ends. I know a lot of such examples. While people work together, they are almost friends with families - they go to visit each other, to restaurants and cafes in the evenings. And as soon as they are no longer connected by a common cause, they forget the name of their former friend. It is for this reason that I try not to have overly warm relationships with colleagues. Due to my character, I become attached to people very quickly. And when the friendship ends, I feel hurt and offended. I already had a similar experience. At work I became friends with a girl. The relationship was great, it seemed quite natural for me to continue communicating even after I quit. At first, I often called my friend and offered to meet, but she constantly refused. I realized that our communication had become a burden to her and she didn’t know how to get rid of me. It was very unpleasant for me to feel that I was intruding. In addition, I was constantly haunted by the feeling that I was thrown into the trash after I stopped being useful to my ex-girlfriend. In general, I was very worried then and for quite a long time. I don't want such disappointments anymore.

Mikhail, 45 years old, economist

Friendships at work have one very unpleasant side. If you have a warmer relationship with someone than just a friend, from time to time you will have to fulfill small and large requests. And after one of the friends does something for the other, the latter will gradually begin to sit on his neck. Unfortunately, there are no completely pure relationships at work. In the office, people always have something to share. There is competition, so sooner or later one of the friends will begin to manipulate his friend. This is human nature: if there is an opportunity to benefit at the expense of another, this opportunity will certainly be taken advantage of. So personally, I prefer not to have too close contacts at work. This makes life much easier - I don’t owe my colleagues anything, they don’t owe me anything either, so minor disagreements are resolved calmly, without unnecessary emotions, so to speak, in a businesslike manner. But I can relax in another place. I have many friends outside of work, and I have enough time to communicate with them. It seems to me that only very lonely people who have no one to talk to other than their co-workers try to be friends with their colleagues. I’m not one of those people, so I get along just fine without friends in the office.

Oleg, 52 years old, engineer

I try to make friends at any job. Firstly, I believe that friends are never superfluous. The more close people you have, the better! And secondly, in our time it is almost impossible to get a job without good friends. Every time I moved to a new place, I was recommended by one of the former colleagues with whom we became friends while working together. And I myself have helped my friends with finding jobs more than once. It’s easier for me this way: I want people to work with me on whom I can rely, who will definitely not let me down. So every time I change jobs, I little by little begin to “entice” my team to a new place. With good people, work goes much faster, everyone understands each other perfectly, no one starts conflicts out of the blue.

Nina, 40 years old, accountant

I believe that at work you need to work, and not waste time on empty talk. It takes too much time to maintain friendships, and I can't afford to endlessly drink tea and gossip about my bosses and colleagues. This is probably why my colleagues consider me unsociable. But my career moves much faster than those with a large number of friends. Many people are surprised how I manage to do everything. There is no secret here - I don’t go on half-hour smoke breaks with my girlfriends and don’t drink tea at the buffet for several hours in a row. That’s why my work is always done on time, and I leave home on time without staying up late.

Irina, 35 years old, administrator

Peter, 44 years old, insurance agent

I don't see anything wrong with having friends at work. A friend will cover you in front of your superiors if anything happens, and will help you if an emergency happens. When a person has no one to count on, it is very difficult for him. I wouldn't be able to work properly if I knew that I could only rely on myself. Don’t think that I’m some kind of lazy person and only think about how to shift my responsibilities to someone else. It’s just important for me to know that in case of emergency they will definitely help me. In addition, adults simply have nowhere to find friends except at work. As a child, you could meet people right on the street. And now? You won't pester strangers in a cafe or cinema, will you? At work, willy-nilly, you have to communicate with co-workers. And in the process of this communication, you can understand which of these people is close to you in spirit, with whom you can deal not only in the office, but also outside it. I think if people didn't make friends at work, most of them wouldn't have friends at all. Those with whom you were friends in childhood have long become strangers to you, and, as a rule, there is not enough time for frequent meetings. And you see your colleagues every day. So it turns out that co-workers make almost the closest friends.