Health Pregnancy beauty

Nod on getting to know the environment in the senior. GCD in the senior group on familiarization with the outside world on the topic “Health Day

GCD for familiarizing yourself with the environment and developing speech in senior group“All professions are needed - all professions are important.”

Author: Anna Vadimovna Milenina, teacher of the 1st qualification category, MBDOU No. 157, Murmansk.
Description: Synopsis of direct educational activities“All professions are needed - all professions are important” for children in the older group (5-6 years old). This material can be used by older teachers preschool educational institutions groups in classes on familiarization with the outside world and speech development.

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about people various professions.
Continue to develop children’s systemic knowledge about the work of adults and their work processes.
Activate the dictionary on the topic “Profession”.
Improve the ability to clearly answer teacher questions.
Develop attention, thinking, memory, fine motor skills.
Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people different professions.
1. Pictures are prepared with images of people of various professions and tools.
2. Various toy tools and “parcel” boxes.
3. Three hoops, a ball.

Children enter the group and sit in a semicircle on chairs in front of the board.
Educator: Children, listen to poems that talk about people of different professions. (You can learn the poems with the children in advance and ask them to read them)
* * *
The janitor will get up at dawn,
The snow will be cleared in the yard,
The janitor will remove the trash
And the ice will sprinkle sand.
* * *
White sawdust is flying,
They fly from under the saw.
This is what the carpenter does
Windows and floors.
With an axe, a plane
Planes the planks.
Made window sills
Without a hitch.
* * *
The pilot knows his business

There is an airplane flying in the sky.
He flies over the earth boldly,
Taking a flight
* * *
Peak cap and vest,
And on the ribbons there are anchors,
There is a large buckle on the belt -
The sailor was not given in vain!

Educator: You guys probably guessed what we will talk about today? Yes, we will talk about professions. What is a profession?
Children: Business, work that a person does.
Educator: What other professions do you know?
The children answer.
What do you think is the most important profession?
The children answer.
From your answers we can conclude that “All professions are needed, all professions are important!”
Guys, in order for a person of any profession to work well, people invented and made various objects and tools.

Game "Who needs what?"

Educator. Our next game is called “Who needs what?”
The teacher selects three drivers and gives them cards with the image of a carpenter, a policeman, or a salesman. The leaders stand in three hoops, and the rest of the children each take a card with a picture of an instrument and run around the table to the music. As soon as the music ends, the children, having determined who needs this instrument, approach the child “depicting” this profession. The winner is the team that quickly gathers their profession.
The game can be repeated 2 times.
Well done, you did a great job!

Ball game.

Educator: Children, I ask everyone to come to me. We'll play with the ball. I will name the tools, and you will answer what they do with this tool, what actions they perform.
With a knife... (cut).
With a broom... (sweep).
With a saw... (sawing).
From a watering can... (water).
With an ax... (chopping).
A ladle... (pour).
With a shovel... (digging).
With a needle... (sew).
With scissors... (cut).
With a comb... (comb it).
On the scales... (weigh).
In a saucepan... (boil).
In a frying pan... (fry).
With a thermometer... (measure).
With a brush... (paint).
Well done, children! Go to the chairs.

Game “Who owns the phrase?”

Educator: And now I want to test how carefully you can listen. We will play the game “Who owns the phrase?” You will answer what profession a person could say this phrase.

How to cut your hair? How about shorter bangs? (Hairdresser.)
Hello children, open your textbooks to page 33. (Teacher.)
Bring bricks and cement. (Builder.)
Today I will paint a landscape. (Artist.)
Open your mouth and say “ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-”. (Doctor.)
Which buttons should you sew on this blouse: white or black? (Tailor.)
How many kilograms of potatoes should you weigh? 25 rubles from you. (Salesman.)
Well done, you guessed all the professions correctly.

Educator: Children, I completely forgot! Today in our kindergarten The package arrived. Let's open it together and find out what's inside.
The teacher brings out the parcel.
Educator: Guys, it says here that this parcel was sent by Dunno. He writes that he wanted to send several parcels to people of different professions, but he mixed something up. Dunno asks for children preparatory group help him figure it out. Please come to the table.

Game "Fourth wheel"

The teacher takes out one small box from the large parcel. The small parcels depict: a sick child; textile; school; people eating; mirror with comb. Children guess who each package belongs to. The boxes contain 4 items, 3 of them relate to this profession, and the fourth does not.
Educator: Guys, help Dunno and remove unnecessary items from each parcel.
In parcels:
Scissors, scales, mirror, comb.
Primer, pointer, saucepan, globe.
Saw, pills, thermometer, syringe.
Sewing machine, centimeter, watering can, spool of thread.
Frying pan, knife, ladle, brush.
Children complete tasks and sit on chairs. 1 child comes out and explains who needs the extra items.
Educator: Guys, now we can send all the parcels to the recipients. But, in my opinion, that’s not all (looks into a large box). Dunno wrote something else here... These are proposals about how people of various professions work. But I suspect that Dunno did not do everything right. Let's check.

- Do you like to look at the sky at night? What can you see in the sky? - How many stars do you think there are in the sky? Let's try to count together. - There are very, very many of them, countless of them. The stars appear as small sparkling dots because they are very far from the earth. In fact, the stars are very large. The stars have their own names: the polar star, Sirius, Vega and others. The stars are connected into constellations that also have names: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, etc. - Space has always interested people. Guys, tell me, is there air on other planets? - Is there life? - And then one day, scientists under the leadership of designer Sergei Korolev invented the first satellite, installed special instruments on it and launched it into outer space. The flight was successful and the scientists decided to repeat the flight, but with living creatures on board. These were two husky dogs. - Who remembers what their names were? - That's right Belka and Strelka, who returned safely to earth. And then scientists decided to fulfill their cherished dream - to send a man into space. And on April 12, 1961, this dream came true. For the first time in the world, an astronaut... -Guys, who is this astronaut? He made a successful flight around the earth on the Vostok ship. It was a very joyful event for all humanity. All the people of our planet joyfully welcomed the first cosmonaut. Soon, Yu. Gagarin’s feat was repeated by the second cosmonaut German Titov, but another joyful event lay ahead: the world’s first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, and then the second female cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya, went on a space flight. Well, now 2-3 astronauts are sent on a space flight. During the flight, astronauts see and observe a lot of interesting things and work a lot. And what do they do during the flight? Let us together beautiful drawings and we'll tell you. - That's right, they conduct medical and technical observations, study the surface of the earth. And they report to the ground about places where minerals have been discovered, report the approach of hurricanes, typhoons, fires in the taiga, clarify the weather forecast, and provide radio and television communications. It's so complicated and interesting job from the astronauts. - Would you guys like to become astronauts? What do you think an astronaut should be like? - And astronauts also train and play sports a lot, they run and jump to be ready for the flight. Let's do this kind of training with you too. An outdoor game for attention “Do this, don’t do that.” The players stand either in a circle or freely (scattered). The leader of the game warns that students must perform the exercises shown to them when they hear the words “do this,” and when they say “do this,” do not repeat the exercises. If the student makes a mistake, he receives a penalty point. The players with the least amount of penalties are considered the winners. If, due to the small size of the room, students stand close to each other, it is necessary to give exercises in which they would not touch each other. - Well done, everyone did it! Now we need to remember what an astronaut needs in flight. Game “What objects will the astronaut take on the flight” - One, two, three, collect everything for the flight! - Guys, let's see what things an astronaut needs.


This manual will help to successfully organize and carry out work to familiarize children 5–6 years old with the outside world (subject environment and phenomena public life).
To make it easier for teachers to plan work on this section of the program, the content of the work is presented by topics. Each topic is covered: an approximate course of a lesson, activity or game is offered. The teacher can show creativity when planning lessons, include variable game and problem situations, which will make work with children even more successful and meaningful.
The study of each topic can be completed with a game task (puzzles, riddles, drawings, answers, etc.). Game tasks presented in the workbook (Dybina O.V. I get to know the world: Workbook for children 5–6 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2009).
Teachers should pay special attention to the fact that when getting acquainted with the outside world it is impossible to:
- limit yourself only to a monologue-story about objects, phenomena of reality - it is necessary to include as many actions as possible in your classes (sit on a chair, sofa, put on clothes and walk around in them, invite your mother, treat your grandmother, etc.);
– overload children with a large number of questions;
– reduce the organization of work with children only to form educational activities.
Familiarization with the outside world must be carried out in accordance with psychological characteristics, choosing adequate forms, means, methods and techniques of interaction to make this process more accessible and effective.
In the older group, familiarization with the surrounding world is carried out both in the form of games-activities, and in the form of a didactic game itself, when the game rule regulates the actions and relationships of children, and the correct solution of problems is the achievement of the goal of the game. When organizing and conducting games-activities, didactic games, it is important to create an atmosphere that allows each child to realize his activity in relation to the world around him.
Didactic games can be used both in joint activities children and adults, and in the independent activities of preschoolers, as well as to stimulate the activity of children in the process of learning about the world around them.
The manual presents additional material: options for game-activities, games, exercises, entertainment, intended for use in working with children outside of class, on a walk.
To familiarize children of the older group with the world around them (subject environment and phenomena of the surrounding world), 2 lessons per month are allocated.
The teaching staff of kindergarten No. 179 “Snowdrop” of the ANO DO “Planet of Childhood “Lada” of the city of Tolyatti, the head - Nadezhda Petrovna Palenova, the methodologist - Natalya Grigorievna Kuznetsova, took part in the development and testing of classes to familiarize adults with work.
The manual offers an approximate distribution of material into academic year. The teacher can distribute the material in his own way, in accordance with the holidays of the month (October - Teacher's Day; February - Defender of the Fatherland Day, April - Cosmonautics Day, etc.) or depending on the availability of the material.

Distribution of material for the academic year

Table continuation.

Table continuation.

Table continuation.

Sample lesson notes


1. Items that facilitate human work in everyday life

Program content. To form children’s ideas about objects that facilitate human work in everyday life; pay attention to the fact that they serve a person and he must treat them with care; reinforce the idea that objects have different purposes.
Material. Pictures depicting various objects, including objects that facilitate human work in everyday life. Handout: large cards depicting two rows of cells of three cells each (the cells in the top row depict three objects on which labor operations are performed, in the bottom row there are empty cells), and small cards depicting objects that facilitate the corresponding labor operation at home.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher begins the lesson with a conversation: “Guys! Look around carefully and tell us what’s around you.”
Children say that they are surrounded by many different objects and list them.
Educator. What world do all these objects belong to: natural or man-made? (To man-made, since man made them with his own hands.) Why did man invent a table, a bed, a wardrobe, a washing machine, a TV, a car and many other objects?
Children tell us that every object is needed for something, every object performs its own function.
Educator. Right. Each item has its own purpose and is necessary for something. For example, a table is needed in order to write at it, or in order to eat at it. People sit on chairs and cook food on an electric or gas stove. There are objects with which a person works, objects with which he draws, and there are also objects that facilitate a person’s work in everyday life. Do you know such items? My riddles will help you find out some of them.

In our kitchen all year long
Santa Claus lives in the closet.

I have no legs, but I walk
I have no mouth, but I will say,
When to sleep, when to get up,
When to start work.

He willingly swallows dust,
Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze.
(Vacuum cleaner)

Back and forth
The steamer wanders and wanders.
If you stop - grief,
The sea will be perforated.
Children solve riddles and, with the help of the teacher, explain the benefits of these items.
Next, the game “Find things that make a person’s work easier in everyday life” is played.
Educator. I will show you different pictures. Be careful! If the picture shows an object that makes a person’s work easier in everyday life, clap your hands, but if it is another object, do not clap.
Then the game “Who needs...?” is played, aimed at developing the ability to determine the purpose of objects that facilitate work in everyday life, to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the labor process in everyday life and the object that facilitates it. Handout material is used: large cards depicting two rows of cells of three cells each (the cells in the top row depict three objects on which labor operations are performed, in the bottom row there are empty cells), and small cards depicting objects that facilitate the corresponding labor operation in everyday life. (Approximate correspondence: bread - bread slicer, clothes - washing machine and so on.)
Children choose one large card. Small cards lie face down on the table. The teacher takes small cards one at a time, shows them to the children, names the item and asks: “Who needs...”.
The child who needs this card answers and explains his choice: “I need a mixer to beat the dough.” The game is considered over when all empty cells are covered. The first one to cover the squares on his card wins.

2. My family

Program content. Continue to develop children's interest in family and family members. Encourage the names and patronymics of family members to be named; talk about their professions, what they are like, what they like to do at home, what they do at work. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher reads out the lines of poetry and invites the children to determine the topic of the lesson:

Very wise grandfathers,
Two grannies are beautiful.
Dad, my mommy -
This is all mine...
The teacher focuses the children’s attention on the word “family”, asking them to answer the question: “How many words does “family” consist of?” Let's check". Children name family members and keep count (two grandmothers, two grandfathers, mother, father and child). Next, the children determine the characteristic difference of each family - the similarity of family members. Children tell which family member they are like.

Look at me -
Who am I like?
Cherry eyes like dad's
Sunny smile - mothers.
Hair color like grandpa's
The nose is definitely that of a granny.
Everyone in the family worked hard,
So that I was born like this!
Then the children determine the second characteristic difference of the family - a common surname. They are asked to name the names and surnames of their parents.

Physical education minute

I have a family -
She is very friendly.
Mom and I bake pancakes (Imitation of movements.)
Unprecedented deliciousness!
My grandfather and I are digging beds. (Imitation of movements.)
My grandmother and I plant flowers. (Imitation of movements.)
Dad and I play football - (Imitation of movements.)
We score the ball into the goal.
I love you very much (Wrap your arms around yourself.)
Your sweet family.
The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that in addition to the last name and first name, each person has a patronymic. The patronymic is given to the child by the name of the father, for example, if the father is Sergei, then the child’s patronymic is Sergeevich.
The game “Name the middle name” is played.
The teacher calls male name, and the children say what kind of middle name he will get; girls call the middle name for daughters, and boys for sons:
Alexander - Alexandrovna - Alexandrovich;
Oleg – Olegovna – Olegovich;
Ivan – Ivanovna – Ivanovich;
Vasily - Vasilievna - Vasilievich.
After completing the game, each child is asked to say his full name, patronymic and surname.
Next, the teacher talks with the children about the occupations and professions of adult family members. Draws the children's attention to the fact that all adults care about their children. At first, grandparents took care of their mothers and fathers, raised them, and now mothers and fathers take care of their children and parents. Be sure to note that when children grow up, they will also take care of their parents.
The game “Professions of my parents” is being played.
Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball into the player’s hands and asks the question “What does your mother do?” The player answers with the full answer: “My mother works as a salesperson” - and returns the ball to the teacher.
Next, the teacher reads the phrases written on the board: “Friendly family”, “Strong family”, “ A happy family", "Caring family", " Loving family", "Healthy family" - and invites the children to choose words that characterize their families and explain why they think so.
To summarize, the teacher says that the children will grow up and each will have their own family. And this will be the most best family, where adults will take care of children and elderly parents, and children will obey adults and help them in everything. And most importantly, everyone will love each other and treat each other with respect.


3. What does the object tell about itself?

Program content. Encourage children to highlight the features of objects: size, shape, color, material, parts, functions, purpose; continue to improve the ability to describe objects by their characteristics.
Material. Chips (at least 10 pcs.); subject pictures: electrical appliances, tape recorder, TV, telephone, washing machine, etc.; algorithm for describing an object.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher invites the children to play the game “What the object will tell about itself.” Assignment: describe the object shown in the picture using an algorithm.
Children choose a leader, determine the order, and, if necessary, repeat the meanings of the conventional symbols of the algorithm.
The presenter selects any picture depicting an object and shows it to the children. The first participant takes the algorithm, names one of the features of the shown object, receives a chip from the presenter if the statement is correct, and passes the card with the algorithm to the next participant. He acts similarly. In case of an incorrect statement, the leader says: “Error” and passes the right of action to the next participant. If a participant, having received a card with an algorithm, does long pause, then after three claps from the leader, he loses the right to move and gives the card with the algorithm to the next participant. The game ends when all the features of the item according to the algorithm are listed and the presenter has no more questions or the chips have run out. The participant with the most chips wins.
The presenter has the right during the game to ask questions that clarify or complement any feature of the subject.
Sample questions:
– How to use the item correctly?
– Which parts of the subject are the most important? (Without what the item would not work?)
– Who participated in the creation of the item?
– What did people use when this item was not available?
– What would happen if this item disappeared from people’s lives now?
– What professions do people need this item for?
If the game continues, the player with the most chips becomes the leader.
Then the teacher invites the children to “transform” into various objects of the man-made world. Children take turns describing “themselves,” that is, the objects they have become: what shape, color, size, what material it is made of, what it is needed for, what parts it consists of. The rest of the guys guess the object. The teacher invites the children to remember everything they still know about this object: about its past, where this object can be seen, etc. Children who find it difficult to describe the object should be asked to use the algorithm.

4. About friendship and friends

Program content. Expand knowledge about peers, reinforce the rules of a friendly attitude towards them: share a toy, talk politely, affably, if one of the children in the group is sad, talk to him, play, always help, help out your friends.
Material. An envelope containing a letter and a map.

Progress of the lesson

At the beginning of the lesson, an audio recording sounds: “Guys, help!” (3 times). The teacher invites the children to determine who is calling them for help. Draws their attention to the mirror; The audio recording sounds again: “Yes, I am the mirror. There's a problem in our kingdom. The evil king has quarreled all the adults and children of our kingdom. And now it’s called “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors.” But this is still half the problem - today the king decided to execute the most honest, brave, kind boy, who was not affected by his witchcraft. His name is Gurd. He needs your help. If you are friendly and brave guys, then hurry up - there is very little time left.”
The teacher, stimulating the children's interest, finds out what they understood from the mirror's message. After listening to the guys, he draws their attention to the clue envelope, which contains a map and a letter. The map shows a route consisting of five tasks. The letter deciphers the tasks.
Exercise 1. Sing a song about friendship.
Children offer options and perform the “Song of Friendship.”
Task 2. Name five proverbs about friendship and friends.
Children say: “An old friend is better than two new ones”, “One for all and all for one”, “Die yourself and save your comrade”, “Friendship is strong through deeds”, “Friends are known in trouble”. If the children experience difficulties, the teacher provides help.

Physical education minute

Children, standing in pairs, imitate the habits of animals in accordance with the text of the poem.

Everyone in this world is friends.
Adults and children are friends
The birds are friends with each other.
Snakes are friends under the mountain.
Hares are friends on the lawn,
Bears and wolves are friends in a flock.
Fish are friends under water.
You are with me, and I am with you! (Hug the child standing next to you.)
Task 3. Game "Who is this friend?"
The teacher reads the poetic lines, and the children, if they do this, a true friend, clap their hands and say: “Yes!”, and if they should not do this, then they remain silent. (You should definitely lose the first situation so that the children understand the rules of the game.)

He is always with me in trouble,
I'm behind him like a mountain.

He will console you if I cry,
He will solve the problem with me.

Never eats on the sly -
Plums, pears, chocolates.

He won't get cocky
And teasing and calling names.

It's always dirtier than the night.
He tramples the flowers in the flowerbed.

He doesn't start fights
And it doesn't hurt dogs.

He took it from the kids -
A doll, a bear, a dump truck.

He will help water the flowers
And put away the toys too.

He will share a toy
A book, a doll, a rattle.

He values ​​our friendship
He is always in a hurry to help me.

Task 4. Children are invited to draw a sun that will disperse the clouds over the tower in which Gurd is imprisoned.
Required conditions:
– everyone needs to draw together at the same time;
– 5 seconds are allotted for drawing.
The teacher invites the children to discuss the main condition - to draw everyone together, and even for a while. Leads them to the conclusion: everyone should draw at once, distributing the work; one child draws a circle, and only then all children simultaneously draw a ray.
Children stand around a table on which there is a sheet of Whatman paper. The teacher gives the command and counts down the time.
Task 5. The teacher writes the word Gurd on a piece of paper, then takes a mirror, puts it on a sheet of paper and asks the children to read the resulting word. It is this word that will be the key to the tower. The children read in chorus: “Friend.” As soon as the children say this word, the sound of broken glass is heard, and then the voice of the boy Gurd is heard: “Thank you, guys, it’s me – Gurd. You saved me, and now I will definitely teach the children of my country to be friends the same way you are friends. And when we all become friends, we will definitely come to visit you. Thank you! Goodbye friends!"
The teacher and children say goodbye to Gurd. In conclusion, the teacher says that the children coped with the tasks thanks to friendship. Today they showed everyone how to be friends, what friends should be and how to cherish friendship.


5. Paper Collector

Program content. Expand children's understanding of different types of paper and its qualities; improve the ability to identify objects based on material characteristics.
Material. Samples of different types of paper; paper objects (album, newspaper, box, etc.).

Progress of the lesson

The teacher lays out samples of different types of paper on the tables in advance. Children look at the paper, and the teacher encourages them to highlight its qualitative characteristics, asking questions about what it is like, how it can be determined - smooth or rough, thick or thin. The guys iron the sheets, feel them, and answer questions.
Then the teacher invites the children to crumple a sheet of paper (crumples), tear it into pieces (tears), pull the edges in different directions (the integrity of the sheet is damaged, therefore the material is fragile), put the sheet of paper in a container with water (gets wet). The teacher demonstrates burning paper using an alcohol lamp and matches. Children, together with the teacher, create an algorithm for describing the properties of paper.
Then the teacher reads out a telegram from a collector who collects different kinds paper He travels to cities and villages and tells everyone about his collection. But in our city he had trouble: a strong wind blew, and his collection scattered, and part of the collection ended up in the group. The teacher invites the children to look for paper samples (the teacher hides them in advance in the group room). Children bring found samples.
There is a knock on the door, a collector (an adult) comes in, meets the children, talks about his hobby and reports that he has recorded all types of paper. He invites the children to organize their work as follows: he names the type of paper, and the children show a sample. As the class progresses, the collector explains the purpose of each type of paper. Next, each child describes the properties of the found type of paper based on the compiled algorithm.
In conclusion, a didactic game “Find similarities and differences” is played.
The teacher names the type of paper, and the children must find on the table an object made from paper of this type (cardboard box, newspaper, album, flower from corrugated paper etc.). In this way, the teacher leads the children to understand that all the objects found are made of paper, but different types of paper.

6. Kindergarten

Program content. Talk with the children about why the kindergarten is called that way (because children are “grown”, cared for and cared for like plants in a garden). Show the social significance of the kindergarten: parents work, they are calm, because in their absence the kindergarten staff takes care of the children. Kindergarten employees should be thanked for their care, respected for their work, and treated with care.
Material. Pictures depicting kindergarten workers (teacher, assistant teacher, cook, laundress, etc.).

Progress of the lesson

The teacher asks the children to guess the riddle:

On the trees there are pears, cherries,
A whole row of apricots,
There's no end in sight for the apple trees
This is our fruit... (garden).
Shows an illustration of an orchard and pins it on the board.
Asks children questions: “Who works in such a garden? What is the job of a gardener? The words must be said: cares for trees, protects them from diseases, fights pests, waters them, grows them.
The following riddle sounds:

It contains roses and tulips,
And the daisies rustle.
Gladioli, peonies -
This is our flower... (garden).
The teacher shows the children an illustration of a flower garden and pins it on the board.
Asks children questions: “Who works in such a garden? What is the job of a gardener? The words must be said: cares for flowers, protects them from diseases, fights pests, waters them, grows them.
The teacher asks the third riddle:

What a wonderful house this is
There are a lot of guys in that house.
They play and sing songs in it.
This house is our children's house... (garden).
The teacher shows an illustration of a kindergarten and pins it on the board. Focuses children's attention on the repeated word "garden".
Asks questions: “Who works in kindergarten? What is their job? After listening to the children’s answers, he hangs pictures on the board depicting representatives of the professions that the children name. Arranges pictures in the form of daisy petals in a circle, leaving the middle free.
The teacher leads the children to the conclusion: all these people work for children. A center with the image of children is attached to the center of the daisy.

Physical education minute

Like in the rain in the garden. (Simulation of growth.)
The trees grow and grow.
The branches are straightened, (Hands up. Stand on tiptoes.)
The sun is being covered up.
And flowers grow around (Turn around yourself. Squats.)
We will also collect them in a bouquet.
Let's run home with flowers (Run.)
And we'll give the bouquet to mom.
Talking with children, the teacher finds out: why do children go to kindergarten? Do they like it in the garden? Why? What do they think is “good” or “bad” in kindergarten?
There are many friends in kindergarten.
You can walk a lot.
There are a lot of toys in the group.
Can be sculpted from salt dough.
Always a lot of interesting things.
No TV. You won't watch cartoons.
I need to sleep during the day.
We need to study.
We need to share toys.
We must follow the rules.
Next, a game is played: the teacher reads the poetic lines, and the children, in accordance with the text, say: “It’s all about us!” or “This is not all about us!”

Scatter all the toys -
Don't clean it up for anything.

Be friendly and courteous.
Always say: “Thank you.”

Wash your hands before eating.
With soap and warm water.

Wash dolls' dresses
And disassemble the constructor.

Don't listen to the teacher
Never eat porridge.

At a quiet time, go to bed,
Close your eyes and sleep quietly.

Chatting in class
Intervene in conversation with adults.

Water the flowers in the morning,
Help the nanny with everything.

In conclusion, the teacher invites the children to create an album “What is a kindergarten?”, which will include poems, fairy tales about kindergarten and drawings about games, activities, and people working in kindergarten.


7. Tanya doll outfits

Program content. Introduce children to different types fabrics, pay attention to the individual properties of fabrics (absorbency); encourage establishing cause-and-effect relationships between the use of fabrics and the time of year.
Material. Doll, doll clothes, pictures - landscapes of the north and south, various fabric samples, pipettes, magnifying glass.

Progress of the lesson

The doll Tanya comes to visit the children. In her hands she holds a box containing doll clothes.
The teacher invites the children to examine the doll's clothes, paying attention to the fabrics from which the items of clothing are made. Children identify and name fabrics. The teacher asks how fabrics differ from each other: color, texture (to the touch), weight (lighter - silk, heavier - drape). Then the children look at fabric samples and tell what can be sewn from them.
Next, the teacher invites the children to perform the following actions: drop water from a pipette onto a cotton cloth, onto the skin, onto the bologna. Children determine which fabric absorbs water and divide the fabrics into two groups:
1) absorbent moisture (chintz, linen, cambric, drape);
2) non-absorbent moisture (bologna, leather, nylon, nylon).
The teacher introduces the concept of “hygroscopicity”. Together with the children he conducts an experiment: through a magnifying glass, the children examine the interlacing of threads of cotton fabric, bologna, nylon, nylon, find out the differences (in cotton fabrics There are gaps in the weave of the threads that promote air ventilation). Children conclude that the hygroscopicity of fabric depends on the composition of the threads and how they are woven, and establish a relationship between the quality of the fabric from which the clothes are made and weather conditions.
The teacher plays the game “Magic Breeze”: a magical breeze flew in and brought the children a picture depicting the landscape of the north. Children must name the clothes needed by people living in the north. The one who names the fastest and most types of clothing receives a picture depicting a northern landscape. The game is played in a similar way based on a picture depicting a southern landscape.
Next, the children draw different clothes, and the drawings are given to the doll Tanya.

8. Games in the yard

Program content. Introduce children to the basic basics of life safety; discuss possible dangerous situations, which can occur when playing in the yard of the house, riding a bicycle within the city; introduce the necessary precautions and the telephone number “03” (teach how to call an ambulance).
Material. Pictures depicting outdoor games.

Progress of the lesson

During the conversation, the teacher finds out what children like to do most, where it is more convenient for them to play - at home or on the street.
The didactic game “Good and Bad” is played. The teacher says phrases about playing in the yard, and the children say whether it is “good” or “bad.”

End of free trial

MADO "Kindergarten No. 56"

Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the environment in the senior group

"Road Tale".



Ponomareva O. N.

Berezniki, 2015

Group: older.

Approximate basic general education task:

Strengthen children's knowledge of the rules traffic, about types of transport, about rules of behavior in public transport.

GCD theme: “Road Tale”.

GCD purpose: To develop in children knowledge about road safety rules as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle.

To consolidate ideas about the main sources and types of danger on the street and methods of safe behavior.

Continue to familiarize children with the rules of the road. Make decisions quickly and answer quiz questions, accurately expressing your thoughts.

Clarify children's ideas about regulating the movement of vehicles and pedestrians using traffic lights.

To instill in children a desire to follow traffic rules and rules for pedestrians.

Equipment for carrying out GCD: toy cars and trucks, road signs-tickets, floor traffic lights, traffic light chips, a “sorceress” costume for an adult, an audio recording of the song “We are going, we are going, we are going...”.

Progress of the GCD:

Children sit on the carpet around the teacher.

Guys, I’ll tell you a riddle: “Drinks gasoline like milk, can run far.” That's right - it's a car.

Educator: Today I will tell you an interesting fairy tale about one very beautiful car. (I’m displaying a toy car)

Once upon a time there was a passenger car. She traveled a lot on the roads. Everyone looked after her and said: “What a shiny, bright car!” She really liked these words, and she accelerated even more and drove even faster. One day a car was speeding down the road, not paying any attention to the signs. She drove through a red light, drove into the oncoming lane, other cars honked and braked, but she thought that everyone was admiring her beauty. And suddenly a truck appeared around the bend. (I'm displaying a toy truck)

Our car was very scared and barely had time to turn to the side. She thought: “After all, I almost had an accident. Why? »

Guys, what do you think, did the car behave correctly on the road? Why did she almost have an accident? (I bring the children to the conclusion: it is necessary to know and follow the rules of the road.) Our fairy tale continues. Guess the following riddle:

What a miracle - the blue house,

The windows are bright all around,

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline. (Bus)

I invite all children

Get on the road soon!

Tests await you

Difficult tasks.

Do you want to test yourself?

And hurry up to the bus.

Now we will go to the bus.

Are there no tickets for the bus?

Serve as a pass - answers.

Take a close look at this sign:

If you find a difference,

You'll get on the bus!

In our case, tickets are road signs. In order to get to your place, you must quickly, clearly, and correctly name the sign. Children take their seats on the “bus.” Music plays quietly: “We are going, going, going...” While “moving,” I reinforce the concept of “passenger,” and the children talk about the rules of behavior on the bus. About how to behave at a bus stop: how to get around the bus.

Oh guys! Look where we got to. Who knows how to read, read what is written here.

Yes - this is the “School of Traffic Light Sciences”.

Children, what poems do you know about traffic lights? Who wants to read it?

Reading poetry

Now guess another riddle.

To help you

The path is dangerous

They burn day and night

Green, yellow, red. (Traffic light)

That's right, it is the traffic light that regulates traffic on the road. (I set up a floor traffic light and put “eyes” on Velcro.)

Now let's play. There’s just one problem: the wind blew out the “eye” lights at our traffic light. Let's help him and get them back. Remember what light is on at the traffic light at the very top?

(I show the red “eye” to the first child who answered correctly, he attaches it to the traffic light. In a similar way, I specify the location of the yellow and green signals).

Now everything is all right. Tell me, are traffic lights only needed for cars? (No, people need them too.)

People walking on sidewalks along the road or crossing the road are called what? (Pedestrians). Now we will play with you: we will become pedestrians and cross the road.

An evil sorceress (an adult in a suit) enters.

Sorceress: Move on, move on. Ha ha ha! I love it when people jaywalk when the street is a mess!

Educator: Oh, who are you?

Sorceress: I am the great Sorceress of disorder. I love children who don't know the rules of the road.

Educator: A

our children know the rules of the road. Right, guys?

Sorceress: I'll check now.

The light turns red

Move - great!

Children: wrong! You cannot cross a red light.

Sorceress: So the yellow light is on -

Come on in, the way is open!

Children: No, you just need to get ready for a yellow light!

Sorceress: Here is a green bright light-

Wait - no progress!

Children: When the light is green, you have to cross the road!

Educator: Well, how did you make sure that the children know everything and you didn’t manage to confuse us?

Sorceress: Well, this time I couldn’t deceive you, but I’ll be back.


PHYSICAL ACTIVITY MINUTE: Game - relay race “Best pedestrian”.

Children are divided into two teams.

At the signal from the traffic controller (educator), perform the required action.

For each mistake, the team receives a penalty point. The team with fewer of them wins.

2nd version of the game. The teacher plays the role of a “Traffic Light”. Further, the rules of the game are the same.

And we still have one more fabulous game left – the “Pedestrian on the Street” quiz.

Whoever collects the most chips - traffic lights - will win.

Quiz questions.

Which part of the street should pedestrians walk on? (On the sidewalk)

Why should you only walk on the sidewalk on the street? (Behind the sidewalk, traffic begins. A pedestrian walking onto the highway is in danger.)

Why can’t you suddenly appear in front of nearby traffic? (Bus and cars cannot stop immediately, especially on a slippery road, in snow, rain.)

Where should I wait for the bus? (At the bus stop).

How should a passenger behave in transport? (Enter and exit when stopping completely, talk quietly, be sure to hold on to the handrails, give way to elders.)

Where are pedestrians required to cross the street and how? (At the crossing, at a calm pace).

What is a controlled intersection? (This is an intersection at which traffic is regulated by a policeman or traffic light)

How should you cross the street if there is no traffic light? (Make sure it’s safe, look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road, look to the right.)

What traffic lights do you know? What does each signal mean?

Why can't you play on the road? (It's life-threatening)

Well, dear friends,

You made me happy.

Everyone is just great!

Our fairy tale ends here!

You are friends with the “Road School”,

Accumulate your knowledge

Let your efforts help you,

Memory, logic, attention!


1. Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten / V.I. Loginova, T.N. Babaeva, N.A. Notkina. and others. Ed. T.N. Babaeva, Z.A. Mikhailova, L.M. Gurovich: Publishing house. 2. - St. Petersburg: Aksident, 1999.

2. Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva O.L., Sterkina R.B.Safety: Tutorial on the basics of life safety for older children preschool age. - M.: AST, 1998.

3. Andreeva T.M., Bolshakova M.B., Vishnevskaya E.K.Putting barriers to trouble // Pedagogy of health. - M.: Pedagogy, 1990.

4. Artemova L.V.The world around us in didactic games for preschoolers: A book for kindergarten teachers and parents. - M.: Education, 1992.

5 . Belaya K.Yu. Zimonina V.N.etc. How to ensure the safety of preschoolers: A book for kindergarten teachers and parents. -M.: Education, 1998.

6. Kazantsev G.Life safety and life safety in 2000: development of successes is necessary // Fundamentals of Life Safety. 2000. No. 1. pp. 4-5.

8. Encyclopedia for children. Additional volume. Personal safety. Precautions in Everyday life. Behavior in extreme situations / Ch. ed. V.A.Volodin. - M.: “Avan-ta +”, 2001.

Lesson on familiarization with the surroundings on the topic: “Journey to the bottom of the sea”

Tasks: To consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about representatives of aquatic animals, to show their characteristics and adaptability to life in the aquatic environment. Enrich children's knowledge that fish vary in size, color, body shape, and fin structure.

Teach children to identify signs of similarity and difference between fish, through comparison, to lead children to the conclusion that all fish have common characteristics.

To develop children's coherent speech and the ability to write short descriptive stories. Activate and enrich your vocabulary.

Teach children to embody their impressions in play activities. Develop imagination, sustained attention, visual memory, visual-figurative thinking, integrity of perception.

Bring up ecological culture, the ability to see the beauty and diversity of the underwater world.

Equipment and materials: globe, drawing map of the underwater world, large cubes (from which a submarine is built), toys of sea animals, pictures of sea animals, cut-out pictures (torso, tail, head, fins), shells, stereo system, disc with recording of the sound of the sea .

Preliminary work: conversations, looking at illustrations, pictures, reading encyclopedias, didactic games (“Couples”, “Inhabitants of the seas, rivers, lakes, oceans”), role-playing game"Submariners"

Progress of the lesson:

1 part Guys, this morning, when I came to kindergarten, I found a disc on the table, listen to it (the teacher inserts a disc with a recording). “Dear guys, I am the Queen of the Sea, I invite you to my kingdom so that you can see the diversity and beauty of the underwater world” (voices of dolphins sound).

Where do you think the Sea Queen lives? Yes, guys, she lives in the sea. Let's look at the globe and find her possessions. What color is there more on the globe? What is shown blue?

Yes, these are children, lakes, seas and oceans. This is the water part of the earth. Today we will take a trip to the bottom of the sea.

Guys, how can you get there? True, but for the first time, it would be better to go on such a trip all together in a small submarine. I invite you to take your seats (children sit in a boat pre-built from cubes).

Guys, we are sinking lower and lower. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of the sea. (the sound of waves splashing and the sound of the sea)

part 2 The teacher puts a crown and a transparent cape on his head and takes magic wand, turns into the Sea Queen.

Guys, I am glad to welcome you to my kingdom. I will show you the riches of the sea and introduce you to underwater inhabitants.

What sea animals do you know? Well done! And now I suggest putting on scuba gear and getting out of the boat. We must go through a special exit (9 children go through colored hoops and go to the “bottom of the sea” carpet, on which there are toys imitating sea animals, shells, and plants.

Look how beautiful it is in our kingdom. - What do you see?

Game-conversation “Fish-children of water”

There are a lot of fish here. What animals are called fish?

How do fish move? Yes, their fins and tail help them control their movements.

Why can fish only live in water? Fish have a special device for breathing - gills.

How are all fish alike? How are they different?

Guys, what kind of fish are called predatory? Yes, they eat other fish.

What do non-predatory fish eat? (leaves, stems of underwater plants)

There are so many amazing fish that can be found in the seas and oceans. No wonder they say “Fish are children of water”

Part 3 Didactic game“Tell me about a sea creature.”

Children find pictures of a sea animal and talk about it.

Starfish. She looks like a star, she has five rays. In case of danger Starfish may throw away part of his body. She is a predator that feeds on shellfish and sea urchins.

Crab. Crabs crawl along the bottom of warm seas. They have a wide and short body. Crabs have five pairs of legs. The front ones are claws, with which the crab can cut food into pieces. The crab collects everything that comes in its way: shells, fish heads, glass fragments and puts it on its back. This is how he escapes from his enemies.

Sea urchin. The sea urchin's body is covered with a shell from which needles protrude. The needles are very thin and sharp. With the help of needles they protect themselves from enemies and move around. Small fish hide in its needles. Sea urchins poisonous.

Octopus. The octopus has a soft body, it has no bones and can bend in different directions. They called him that because eight legs extend from his short body. The octopus quickly changes color. They are real predators and go out hunting at night. They can not only swim, but also walk on the bottom.

Jellyfish. Jellyfish have a translucent, umbrella-shaped body. They look like jelly. There are jellyfish different sizes both very small and very large. They can glow in the dark like flashlights. The umbrella and tentacles glow yellow-orange. If a lot of jellyfish rise to the surface, it seems that the sea is burning with red fire.

Electric Stingray. The stingray has a flat body and thin, a long tail. He has a current, he uses it to protect himself. The stingray swims quickly, as if it were flying on water.

Whale. The whale is the largest animal on our planet. Whales look like huge fish, but they are not fish. They feed their young with milk. They have a structure like a person. Whales for a long time may be underwater. They swim out to get oxygen. These days there are few whales left, so they are under protection.

Well done guys, you prepared well for the trip, I really liked your stories. Now let’s play the game “Floats or doesn’t swim.” I will tell you different words. And you should depict swimming animals and simply smile at the words of non-swimming animals.

Well done, you are very attentive children. (Disturbing music sounds)

Guys, look, these fish are in trouble. Help them.

Part 4 Didactic game “Collect a fish”.

Children approach the tables. Each one has cut-out pictures of fish parts (tail, fins, head, body). Children collect fish. Name which fish they helped.

Well done, everyone completed the task and helped the fish.

A signal sounds from a submarine.

Guys, it's time for you to go back. Please take a seat on the boat. Thank you for visiting my kingdom. I give you photo coloring books as a souvenir sea ​​creatures. When you return to kindergarten, color them. Goodbye!

The boat floats up and the sound of the sea is heard.

Part 5 Bottom line. The teacher turns away and takes off the crown and cape.

Children, did you like the trip? - What did you like?

What sea creatures did you meet? - Whose stories did you like?