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Nyusha revealed the true reason for breaking up with Yegor Creed. Nyusha's husband is enraged by photo collages in which the singer and Yegor Creed are together again: he even threatens fans and asks them to delete the pictures. If you met her now, what would you say?

“What the hell is love - your dad’s opinion is stronger,” 21-year-old singer Yegor Creed concluded his performance on the Crocus City Hall stage on February 22 with this dramatic phrase. The musician performed his ex-lover’s song “Only”, adding a verse of his own composition. With this rebellious act, the idol of millions told about his breakup with singer Nyusha.

A couple of years ago, the romance between the aspiring artist Black Star and the top performer Nyusha was discussed only on the sidelines of show business. The couple never advertised their tender feelings, however, not because of the desire to isolate his personal life from the press, but because of the firm opinion of Nyusha’s father and producer Vladimir Shurochkin that Creed is only looking for a reason to earn points for his popularity. When the counters under the clips of the young pupil of Black Star exceeded 50 million views, the relationship between the lovers had long since ended. In a frank interview, singer Yegor Creed for the first time shared the story of his romance with Nyusha and told why he decided to perform her song at a concert.

On February 22 you had a concert at Crocus City Hall. Why did you perform Nyusha's composition?

Everything was within the framework of the concert, I chose this song because it is close to me.

Why is this so?

I just needed to speak out, and in this song I expressed what had been sitting inside me for a long time. I didn’t want to hurt or offend anyone, it’s just something that hurts.

So you dedicated it to Nyusha?

To some extent, yes. I took a step to completely let go of this whole situation.

Please remind me of the verse you added to this song.

I really like the first line: “I write about love so often that love, stuttering, will write a story about me. And she and I made a bet, I got your name on my left hand. And in fact, the weeks flew by, everyone kept telling you: he has no money. What the hell is love, your dad's opinion is stronger. You lie a thousand times, throw out a thousand phrases, then a thousand tears about where you are now. Strong in words, but all hopes are in ruins, you were the best, and now you are my fear.”

Do you have a name on your left hand?

This is the tattoo that no one could ever see. There is one letter there.

This verse was the first time you talked about your novel?

I wouldn't say it's the first time. I have an entire album about her.

Why did you hide your affair and how did it end?

It's time to sum it up, because there are too many rumors swirling around. We need to answer clearly once and for all. I would not say that I had an affair with the singer Nyusha. Romances with the singer Nyusha are carried out by those guys who want to be with her as a singer, and I had an affair with Anya. And I perceived it exactly as real girl, and not some singer or image from the stage. She and I met at the very beginning of my journey, when I was making almost no money. She had it all, she was a superstar. She was already driving expensive cars, and what attracted me to her was that she started dating me, an ordinary guy. So there was sincerity in this.

I won’t speak for her entire family, because she has a wonderful mother, but her other relatives weren’t very supportive of her choice, because they didn’t consider me serious, and what could I give her - I didn’t have money.

Did this influence you in any way?

I always talked about us in many interviews, but I always called her “She,” but Nu is the most best girl that was in my life. She was a motivator for me, giving me a kick when I gave up. For three years I tried and wrote, but nothing worked. For all this I want to say a huge thank you to her.

Why did you break up and how long ago was all this?

It's been over a year since we broke up. I tried not to think about her, but since I had the opportunity to perform her song, I remembered the past and thought it was time to talk about it. That performance was extremely emotional. After it I felt empty.

Why didn't you talk about this before?

Her parents thought that I was dating her because I wanted PR to advance my career. That is why I hid this relationship so carefully. I didn’t say anything, only my closest friends knew. It’s probably rude of them to deny all this and say: “Who is this? I do not know him. We barely communicate with him.” She was the first girl I was very serious about. I wanted children and saw her as my bride. The song “The Most” was written about her, then “The Bride”, in it the phrases: “Your parents don’t love me, they talk nonsense, they say, he will destroy you,” - this is our whole story. At the very end of the relationship, when we broke up, I realized that men cry. I arrived at the studio, recorded a song that summed up the entire album “Bachelor” - “Beregu”. This is my most personal, serious, adult song, I wrote every line and tears flowed. At that moment, I experienced every line, as if I were cutting open my heart and taking out one line at a time. Every time I sang it at concerts, I thought about it.

Is this story over for you?

What was this song then? The cry of the soul?

This song summed it up for me. I wasn't trying to hurt her feelings, I wasn't trying to offend anyone, I just told it like it is. I am a man, and a man must tell the truth.

During this time, did Nyusha somehow react to your songs?

Don't know. We saw each other little, corresponded little. After her, I had a short relationship with a girl. In my entire life, the strongest relationship I had was with her.

Does the burden of fame that has fallen on you prevent you from building relationships?

Everything has its pros and cons. It’s hard when you come to a cafe and they recognize you, you feel uncomfortable. Building a relationship is very difficult, especially when you are two public people. What destroyed me most in our relationship was when the love seems to be very strong, but when you come to some event where there are strangers, it’s as if you don’t know each other. I didn't understand how this could be. If we love each other, how can we hide it?

Can you date a girl from show business?

No, definitely not.

Do you think that you have become callous after your relationship with Nyusha?

No, I just became more courageous. When we first started our relationship, I was just a child, it was very disturbing. I was wildly jealous, and because of this, quarrels arose all the time. This was my biggest mistake, that I behaved like this. You could say I grew up in this relationship, started it as a boy, ended it as a man.

If you met her now, what would you say?

March 15, 2018

Despite the fact that singer Nyusha married Igor Sivov last summer, many fans still hope for her reunion with Yegor Creed, with whom the artist had an affair several years ago. The singer’s husband is very jealous of such statements.

Before she met her current husband, businessman Igor Sivov, the singer built a relationship with Yegor Creed. If the artist still does not comment on this relationship, then her ex-chosen one and the current hero of the show “The Bachelor” says that Nyusha’s father opposed their romance, who ultimately achieved his goal - the lovers broke up.

Creed was having a hard time breaking up with a girl with whom, according to him, he wanted children. Over time, the pain subsided, and now Yegor is sincerely happy for Nyusha. However, many fans of the singer still hope that she will reunite with ex-lover. Such statements irritate Nyusha’s husband. Igor Sivov responded sharply to such assumptions on social networks. Creed recalls that he also had a run-in with the businessman. According to the artist, the “rival” behaved “ugly.” Fortunately, both were able to pull themselves together in time.

This summer, singer Nyusha married her longtime friend and lover Igor Sivov. A gorgeous wedding took place in the Maldives, but there were not many guests, only the closest ones. Nyusha looks like a happy woman, but some of her fans are still convinced that the best match for the singer could be Yegor Creed, whom she dated several years ago. The couple was really beautiful, but the young people had to break up due to Nyusha’s mistrust. According to her, Yegor often talked to her about children, but she could not believe the seriousness of his intentions - the artist was only 19 years old at that time.

What kind of children can we talk about if he himself is still a child? A man should take care of and be a support for a woman, and not vice versa. I think, for example, that a real man will never flaunt his personal life.

Nyusha’s husband Igor is terribly unhappy that photographs of his wife with her former lover are still appearing on the Internet. Not surprising - only in social network There are about a hundred VKontakte groups dedicated to Nyusha and Creed.

Sivov turned to Nyusha’s fan groups and asked them to remove all collages with Nyusha and Creed. He said that he would contact the administration of the social network due to the illegal use of the singer’s image if fans did not stop taking pictures of the artists together. The Super public published Sivov’s correspondence with the administrator of one of the groups, in which Igor persistently asks to remove the collages, otherwise he will take action.

“I made it to order with Egor. Because nukrishers (fans of Nyusha and Creed) are asking. - P Rome. edit.), who are delighted with this couple. As you can see, they are popular. And I did Photoshop with you and Nyusha from the heart,” the girl replies to Igor’s reproach that she makes collages with Nyusha and Egor.

“If the kids ask you to jump from a skyscraper, will you do the same? Either remove all photos of her with Yegor and other men, and then we will treat you as our partner, or excuse me. We are blocking your access everywhere and writing to the Instagram administration about the illegal use of the image,” warns Sivov.

Nyusha's fans did not appreciate her husband's action and laughed at the jealous man. “37 years old, but he acts like a little kid,” they laughed in the comments.

Egor Creed(real name Egor Bulatkin) - pop singer 1994 year of birth, who is simply adored by elementary school girls. What is the secret of Yegor Creed's popularity? It seems to me that the whole point is that this guy is incredibly handsome, they usually say about such people - sweet. And so that the angry opponents of this now popular singer do not shout that he is unattractive, the fact remains that it is precisely boys like Yegorushka Creed that teenagers and adults like. Once upon a time, Dima Bilan and Seryozha Lazarev were in favor, but although they have a better voice and a repertoire that is not so cheap, they are already a little old for young people, they are not shiny, but Yegor Creed is fresh, young and full of enthusiasm, does not swell and does not swelling in the morning. Yegor Creed very skillfully uses what girls like, he had unhappy relationships with the opposite sex, but as soon as he became mega popular, girls began to hang themselves on him in bunches. And so, today, Yegor Creed has decided to live only in joy, he does not start a long-term relationship. And why does he need them, when there are so many girls next to him, each one is ready to do anything for him. Yegor Creed gave interviews in which he talked about his preferences, I think it is very immature to broadcast this to the whole country. Yegor Creed explains the absence of a permanent partner nearby by the fact that he has a very busy touring schedule, they say, he would like to have a family, a wife and children, but so far there is no time for anything, and he needs to earn money to support his future wife and joint partners. , planned offspring. And why would Yegor Creed even talk about childbirth at such a young age? In my opinion, these guys need to stay single as long as possible. I wonder how long Yegor Creed will remain on the crest of success? He will remain attractive in appearance for at least another ten years, perhaps he will improve his repertoire and his star fever will go away. And there will always be a great number of stupid schoolgirls looking for love, no matter what - the kids are simply crazy about this Yegor Creed. Phenomenon? Or is everything explainable? It would be a phenomenon if young people began to become fans of Philip Kirkorov or Valery Leontyev. And what? If one of the old-timers started singing Yegor Creed's songs?

“What will mom say when she sees you and me?

After all, this is all true, we will not go to our home.

I know that everyone is discussing us behind our backs.

All this doesn’t matter - they won’t understand our love.”

Take a look at this photo, this is what Yegor Creed looked like at the beginning of his career, he was even more handsome then, but now he has matured, acquired a beard and tattoos.

Yegor Creed in childhood...

In this photo you can very well see Yegor Creed’s tattoos on his right hand.

And in this photo you see Yegor Creed and his ex-girlfriend singer Nyusha Shurochkina.

In this photo, little Yegor Creed is exactly what the idol of millions was in childhood.

Egor Creed in the photo with Timati.

And this is Yegor Creed's dad. Yegorushka’s father also once strummed a guitar, and now, when his son has become famous, he decided to remember the past and is already gathering crowds of fans in the city of Penza.

In this photo, Yegor Creed and singer My Molly (Olga Seryabkina), together they sang the song “If you don’t love me.” Fans would really like for these two to declare themselves a couple, despite the fact that Olya is 9 years older than Yegorka.

And this is Yegor Creed’s mother.

The childhood of Yegor Creed. September 1 Egor Creed with his mother and older sister on the ceremonial line.

Egor Creed with his mother.

Little Yegor Creed, in those days still Yegorushka Bulatkin with his beloved mother.

Yegor Creed with his parents.

Egor Creed with his sister.

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Popular performers were connected not only by the stage, but also by quite serious and long-term relationships. However, they found out about their love affair and started talking only after Yegor Creed and Nyusha broke up.

This happened in March 2016. Until this moment, only close friends and acquaintances knew about their relationship. The couple carefully hid their personal life.

Passion and love relationship between the artists arose in 2014. At that time, Nyusha (real name Anna Shurochkina) was already a fairly popular singer on the domestic stage, and Yegor Creed was just beginning his creative path.

The young man was five years younger than Nyusha, he was only 19 at the time. According to the singer, he took their relationship more than seriously, saw in Anya the mother of his children and dreamed of starting a family with her.

“I would not say that I had an affair with the singer Nyusha. Romances with the singer Nyusha are carried out by those guys who want to be with her as a singer, and I had an affair with Anya. And I perceived her exactly like a real girl, and not some singer or image from the stage.

She and I met at the very beginning of my journey, when I was making almost no money. She had it all, she was a superstar. She was already driving expensive cars, and what attracted me to her was that she started dating me, an ordinary guy. So there was sincerity in it.”

Nyusha did not advertise such a relationship for a completely understandable reason: she is already famous and recognizable, and he is an aspiring soloist. The girl assumed that critics and ill-wishers would present such a relationship as dry calculation on Yegor’s part.

The lovers were happy for 2 years, but, according to the singer herself, at one point their views on their future life diverged. Yes, and Yegor began to gain popularity and, it seems, became infected with “star fever.”

“We perceived a lot of things differently. We have different worldviews. And at some point, our views on the future stopped matching... Some people are drawn to luxury, while others want to do what they love. Our opinions about life values ​​differed. I saw and see the meaning of life a little differently than he,” says Nyusha.

The starting point of their separation was Creed’s performance of Nyusha’s lyrical composition “Only”. The artist presented the song to the public at his concert. The singer allowed her single to be re-sung in the original version, and Egor added an additional verse of his own composition.

Thus, he not only violated the performer’s copyright. The content of the additional verse indicated that The culprit of the discord in the couple was the singer’s father, Vladimir Shurochkin.. The guy is sure that it was his influence and distrust of the sincerity of their feelings that led the lovers to discord.

Such an act by her ex-boyfriend infuriated the artist; she was very indignant and simply indignant. “And the accusations against relatives and friends that were made on stage and then in interviews are generally unacceptable.”

Nyusha is not a supporter of showing off all the details of her personal life. According to her, Creed did not pursue mercantile goals while in a relationship with her, but after breaking up he decided to “promote himself” at the expense of his ex-girlfriend’s fame.

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Apparently, the former lover never took their romance seriously: “What kind of children can we talk about if he himself is still a child. A man should take care of and be a support for a woman, and not vice versa,” said the singer. Egor took the breakup very hard and was very worried.

This is how he commented on his performance of the song “Only”: “More than a year has passed since we broke up. I tried not to think about her, but since I had the opportunity to perform her song, I remembered the past and thought it was time to talk about it. That performance was extremely emotional. After it I felt empty.”