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Men's table decoration. Birthday table decoration options

The products with which you decorate the dish should not conflict with the main components, but only complement them and enrich the taste. Today we will talk about decorating dishes not only festive table with our own hands, but also touch on everyday dishes.

The main points of decorating holiday table dishes with your own hands

The first dish is best decorated with greens - finely chopped parsley, cilantro, green onions will give it a summer aroma and, most importantly, enrich it with vitamins.

The second course, decorated with vegetables in bright, contrasting colors, looks attractive. For example, a chop or rump steak can be served in a wide plate, decorated with a handful of green peas, radish semicircles, sauerkraut, and a sprig of herbs. As a side dish, potatoes cut into strips and deep-fried look appetizing.

Vegetable plate decoration

In spring and summer, lettuce, celery, various types cabbage, both whole and chopped.

Tomatoes and cucumbers look beautiful when sliced ​​and placed on plates covered with large green lettuce leaves.

Vegetable slicing - decoration at home

The first dish will look like a crumbled meadow if you cut the carrots into flowers and sprinkle the soup with chopped green onions. Take medium-sized carrots, peel, wash and cut crosswise into 3-4 pieces. From the resulting blocks of different diameters, cut out, not reaching the core of the sector, from the narrowest part - three sectors, from the next - four, etc. As a result, at the end of the block you will get “flowers” ​​with a different number of “petals”.

Tomatoes will decorate your table in an original way if you remove the core and fill it with cubes of unpeeled cucumbers or green peas.

It’s very fun to see fly agarics made from eggs and tomatoes, especially loved by children, on the table - “fly agarics in the clearing.” Boil the eggs hard, peel them and cut off the blunt part of the egg for stability on the plate. Place chopped herbs, green onions or lettuce leaves on a plate and add eggs. Then take a tomato, cut off a segment and scoop out a little pulp with a knife, just enough so that you can put the “cap” on the “leg”. Once all the mushrooms are collected, place white sour cream dots on the caps.

Vegetables can be decorated decoratively for a festive table. When decorating a dish, it is good to use both fresh and canned vegetables. Natural cucumbers can be cut into fans, feathers and thin long strips that are easily rolled into cones and petals.

If you take care of pickled cabbage in a timely manner in the fall, then all winter you will have not only excellent pickles, but also an excellent decoration for any meat dish.

Finely chopped red cabbage adds a special flavor to the whole table.

Beautiful decoration of main courses and snacks with your own hands

If rice is a side dish for the second course, you can color it in different colors: with tomato - pink, saffron - yellow, and if you mix rice with finely chopped dill - green.

Fish dishes can be decorated with lemon slices, cutting out corners from their zest, resulting in gear wheels of different diameters.

A beautiful contrast to lemons and oranges when decorating meat and fish dishes are whole fruits of pickled plums, gooseberries, olives and pickled apples.

If you have some kind of savory snack in a small quantity, then it is convenient to distribute it in portions. For this purpose, you can take boiled eggs, cut them in half lengthwise, remove the yolk, which will be useful as a decoration for another dish or for a salad, and fill the white with a “heap” of black, red caviar, pollock caviar, herring mince, etc.

Try decorating the fish as follows. Take a beautiful twig parsley or cilantro, green peas, a carrot “flower,” a cogwheel of lemon or radish, a hard-boiled egg and fill the dish with jelly made from the broth (based on the proportion: 5 g of swollen gelatin per 100 g of heated broth). An excellent addition to fish is kefir jelly with chopped herbs and horseradish.

An effective background for a salad or cold cuts can be the leaves of beet tops or red cabbage. For the egg, an unpeeled cucumber, slanted and often cut on one side and fanned out.

You can make a chrysanthemum from an ordinary bulb if you cut it often into sectors, not reaching the base, and lower it into cold water for the night. Multicolor is also possible here. If you tint the water with beet juice or saffron infusion, then by the morning a pink, white, or yellow “flower” will “bloom”.

Before serving a hot snack, sprinkle it with grated melted cheese and you can easily achieve a pink crust.

How to decorate dessert with your own hands

How to decorate a dessert table? Sweet casseroles, puddings, and cakes will look very attractive if you decorate them with egg whites beaten with sugar.

Cover the finished dish with thick foam of the protein, put it back in the oven and keep it until the protein turns yellowish. If you use a syringe or a pastry bag, then there is huge scope for imagination.

To decorate cakes, biscuits, cupcakes, you can use white or chocolate icing. Using various berry and vegetable juices, you can color the white glaze in different colors.

There is a strong opinion that decor is an expensive business. This is actually not true. Armed with imagination and good taste, even ordinary things can be turned into original jewelry. How? Look in our selection!


Yes, the most ordinary fruits can transform your table beyond recognition. Just don’t imagine them folded into an even mound in a vase – act outside the box. Apples, pears, pomegranates, and citrus fruits are perfect for these purposes. Everything that does not lose its identity for a long time appearance. Place them in the center of the table, using greenery as a backing - this option can be called the simplest. And after dinner, the fruits can be used for their intended purpose.

If beauty is more important to you than rationality, feel free to cut fruits (especially citrus fruits) in half or into slices. An amazing smell will also add to the interesting decor.

In general, there are a lot of options for how to use fruits. For example, you can place a small tree (lime, orange or lemon) in the center of the table, and place its fruits on plates. Or add fruit to a transparent vase in which the bouquet stands. Just make sure that none of the guests accidentally encroaches on this “lemonade.”

Ice cream cones

No, you didn't think so. This year, the “delicious” trend has gained a strong position. In decoration, horns are usually used instead of wrapping paper in mini-bouquets. It looks funny and very cute. Try it - your guests will be delighted.


What holiday would be complete without balloons? Now decorators have gone further and offer to decorate not only rooms with them, but also the table itself. They can be placed in the center or attached to each guest's plate. But this decor option should be considered as temporary, since it will have to be removed later: after all, peeking out from behind the balls, trying to catch the eye of your neighbor on the table, is not very convenient.

Therefore, a convenient alternative was invented. Instead of a large number of balls, only one is used, but in beautiful composition. Usually the ball is tied to a basket with flowers or sweets. By the way, this prompted florists to new idea: This combination is often shaped like a balloon.

Paper boats

One more maximum budget method decorate your holiday table. Boats can be made from plain paper, and from colored or craft. It all depends on the theme of your holiday. For example, at a children's birthday party, kids can be invited to apply their own patterns to a completely white frigate.


And again, a decoration that can be obtained absolutely free. The branches are perfect for dining in a slightly mystical atmosphere. The main thing is to add more candles. If you think that this decor looks too gloomy, you can paint the branches with bright or pearlescent paint or decorate them with flowers and leaves.


Speaking of leaves. Dried, they can also be an excellent table decoration. We do not recommend using green leaves torn from the branches, as they quickly lose their external freshness. But their dried “brethren” will decorate any autumn party, and it is not at all necessary to make bouquets from them.


This year's hit is feathers. Moreover, the more colorful and bright they are, the better. Just remember to take care of safety, especially if you plan to serve them on plates. Disinfect them well first.


The undisputed leader in frequency of use in table decor in the 2018-2019 season. Moreover, it is valued by decorators in any form: both in the form of individual branches and in the form of lush garlands. Eucalyptus, ivy, pine needles and succulents have gained particular popularity.

As for the ways to use greens, there are a huge number of them. For example, twigs can be casually scattered around the table, decorated into beautiful wreaths, decorated with greenery on the serving utensils or napkins, and placed tiny bouquets with name plates attached to them in front of each of the guests. By the way, the tropics are still in fashion, so take a closer look at the plants that you strongly associate with the jungle.

Modest flowers

Stylish decor does not have to resemble the decorations on royal tables. Sometimes a very small detail can leave the most powerful impression. This technique is often used by decorators, especially since it costs several times less than all others.

One flower or a modest bouquet is most often used to decorate cutlery; they can also be placed on a plate as a small compliment before the start of dinner. Stock up on ribbons - they will add completeness to the composition.


Of course, speaking about decor, we couldn’t help but mention bouquets. Without a doubt, they always look spectacular. Is it necessary to follow simple rules. It is not customary to place flowers in cellophane on the table; in addition, it is better to choose a transparent, plain-colored vase for them so that it does not block the view and does not distract attention from the bouquet itself.

Lately, decorators have been giving preference to simpler compositions. These can even be flowers without any decorations - they are beautiful in their naturalness. As well as bouquets of wildflowers. Their main drawback is the short flowering period. It is also considered fashionable to make more than one large bouquet, but to combine several small ones in different vessels.

Bottles and cans

If you start preparing for the holiday in advance, pay attention to what you put in the trash. Suddenly some things will look much better on your holiday table. These include, for example, tin cans. Why isn't this a stylish vase?

The same goes for glass bottles, especially if they are of non-standard shape or color. In this case, you don’t even have to put anything in them; they will be perceived as an element of stylish decor. But such decoration needs to be combined with the overall theme of the holiday. It is perfect for a rustic style.

Don't throw away any extra jars either. Take them to grandma for sunsets or use them as decoration. They make excellent vases and candlesticks, especially if you complement them with twine or ribbons.

Glasses and glasses

Yes, they can also be used not only for their intended purpose and even not only in the way that is familiar to us. All you have to do is...turn them over. And inside you can hide a flower in a small pot. Guests will be absolutely delighted.

Of course, glasses can also be used as vases. If you fill them completely with flowers, it will feel like the most unusual dessert in the world has been placed in front of each guest.


As for colors, white and gray are the most popular, complemented by gold or bronze cutlery and clear glass stemware. This trend dictates a certain philosophy: relax and enjoy what is happening.

Take note: it will look stylish if you use several tablecloths at once. Moreover, they can be covered even on top of each other, even crosswise, even across. if you love classic options, don’t worry - they never lose their relevance. The main thing is to supplement them with modern details.

Complex serving

An option for those who are willing to get involved is to offer a change of cutlery and a few placemats. Good news: it is not at all necessary that all the dishes come from the same collection. On the contrary, the more non-standard combinations you come up with, the cooler it will be.

In fact, you don’t need much to make your table setting look sophisticated. There can even be only one set of cutlery, except that you need two plates of different sizes, a linen napkin (in no case paper!) and a cute element that will tie the whole composition together.


In this subsection, we have collected those details that will make even a simple table setting unforgettable and create the atmosphere you need. The first element is candles; they can save even the most dull situation. The second is nameplates. This is simply a rule of good manners and a sign of respect for guests.

The third detail is the decor, located in the center of the table. It will help make all decorations more visible. The fourth (important) detail is good napkins, but we mentioned this above.

And finally, the fifth point is an element that evokes a strong association with the hosts of the evening. It could be a piece in your favorite color, a sign signed by you personally, or your favorite plant. In any case, this will emphasize the mood with which you were preparing for the holiday.

There are generally accepted rules for setting the table, which are not so difficult to learn, and will be pleasant to surprise and please your loved ones. In this article we will talk about table setting at home, consider illustrative examples and diagrams.

There are many types of table settings: classic, rustic, Scandinavian and a number of others.


A beautifully set table can turn breakfast into a small celebration.

Appliances are added and removed depending on the dishes prepared

They start with the tablecloth. It should be clean, ironed and suitable in style to the interior. For breakfast, bright and muted colors are acceptable.

Then the plates are placed. Place a serving plate at a distance of 2.5 cm from the edge of the table, a main plate on it, and then a deep bowl for porridge or cereal. On the left, diagonally, a dessert plate with a butter knife is placed, and egg cups on small saucers are placed on it.

The next step is instruments. To the left of the main plate, place a fork with the teeth up, to the right - a knife (with the tip inward), a tablespoon, and then a teaspoon. Dessert cutlery is placed above the plate, parallel to the edge of the table.

Table setting at home. Simple breakfast

Next are cups and glasses. A cup for a hot drink is placed on a saucer and placed to the right diagonally from the main plate. The glasses are placed a little further. Their number is determined as needed. Correct order: glass for water, juice, then milk.

In the center of the table there is a coffee pot, a milk jug, rosettes with jam and saucers with slices of fruit. Granulated sugar is served in a sugar bowl with a special spoon, and tongs are used for refined sugar. Oil dishes, poachers and snacks are also placed here.

Complete the serving with napkins and decorations. Cloth napkins are placed on or next to the snack plate; paper napkins are placed only in napkin holders. Small vases with flowers are placed in the center of the table - they create a special mood.

An unusually set table will be a pleasant surprise for your household and will certainly not allow them to miss breakfast


Table setting for dinner involves a plain tablecloth in muted colors or with a soft pattern.

It is wise to “have” several tablecloths in the house: a small one, for a large table, for a table on outdoors(veranda), “children’s” oilcloth tablecloth

The plates are placed on top of each other in the following order: serving plate, main plate, appetizer plate, soup plate (or bowl). Place a bread plate diagonally to the left.

To the right of the serving plate, place a knife for hot dishes (edge ​​inward), followed by a tablespoon and a soup spoon (convex side down). On the left is a place for a fork (teeth up). If several dishes are served, put 2 or 3 pairs of cutlery. They are placed in accordance with the order of dishes: closer to the plate - cutlery for the main course, then for salads and appetizers, further from the plate - cutlery for dishes that will be served first (light snacks and soups).

The dessert spoon and fork are placed above the main plate, parallel to the edge of the table, with an interval of 1 cm - the spoon with the handle to the right, the fork to the left. The butter knife is placed on the bread plate, with the handle to the right, the tip towards the edge of the table. For all dishes that will be served on common plates, tongs are served, and spoons are used for sauces.

A serving plate is optional for a casual table. Some serving styles allow for its absence (in the photo the serving plate is the bottom one, pink)

Glasses for wine and water are placed diagonally to the right of the main plate (behind the cutlery) in accordance with the order in which drinks are served: closer to the plate - a glass for water, then for an aperitif, for the main drink, and at the end - for strong alcohol. Place a cup for a hot drink just below.

Bread bins and gravy boats are placed along the edges of the table. A tureen, hot dishes, salad bowls and snacks are placed in the center. Wines are served in bottles (pre-opened), other drinks are served in jugs or decanters.

Finish off the dinner setting with napkins and floral arrangements in the center of the table.

Table setting at home depends entirely on the menu and the order in which dishes are served. Everyday lunch does not require compliance with all the subtleties; 1 set of cutlery, a snack bar and a soup plate and 1-2 glasses are enough.

If you will be serving foods that need to be eaten with your hands, be sure to provide bowls of water for hand washing and plenty of tissues.

It is not necessary to set the table according to the requirements of Michelin-starred restaurants. Follow the arrangement, choose beautiful dishes, do it the way you like


Dinner is served according to the same principle. The table is covered with a well-ironed tablecloth: for a formal dinner, choose a plain one; for a family or friendly dinner, choose a tablecloth with a pattern or border around the edges.

You can replace the serving plate with a round mat, which will serve a decorative function

You can turn the glasses upside down if you are setting the table in advance or outdoors. This is what restaurants located on the street do.

The main dish, appetizer and fish plate are placed on the serving plate. On the left diagonally there is space for a bread and dessert plate (it is served directly with dessert and fruit). For a home dinner in a narrow circle, 1-2 plates are enough, for example, a main plate and a snack plate.

The number of utensils is determined by the number of dishes. The order is the same: on the right is a table knife for hot dishes, followed by fish and snack knives. A tablespoon is placed above the main plate (if there is dessert, the spoon is moved to the right knife, and dessert utensils are placed above the plate). Forks are placed on the left: closer to the plate there is a fork for hot food, then a fork for fish and then a fork. All dishes and snacks that are not served individually are served with tongs and spoons.

In most countries, the following order of dishes is accepted at official dinners: appetizers, soup (broth), fish dish, meat dish, dessert, fruit, coffee. Dishes are changed every 15-20 minutes.

Glasses and glasses for drinks are placed to the right of the main plate in the order in which drinks are served: for water, for aperitifs, for wines, for spirits. The glass for the main drink remains on the table throughout the meal, the rest can be removed when changing dishes.

For an everyday dinner and meeting with friends, 1-3 glasses are enough: for water, for wine or beer, for strong alcohol. The beer glass is placed on a stand to protect the tablecloth from beer foam.

Dishes with hot dishes, salads and snacks are placed in the center of the table, and closer to the edge of the table - a bread box, sauce boats, jugs and bottles of drinks.

Napkins for dinner can be decorated with special rings or folded into shapes.

The table setting for dinner is completed with a flower arrangement and candles. Candles should be placed in special candlesticks or on stands

You don’t have to limit yourself to candles, figurines and flowers - make nameplates for each invited guest

Festive table setting

For the festive table, a classic full table setting is used.

Select an elegant tablecloth, combine several options in contrasting colors, or complement the table setting with fabric runners.

For ceremonial table setting at home, a festive set is used. The main plate, the appetizer plate, then the fish plate and the soup plate are placed on the serving plate. For cream soup, serve a deep soup plate, for broth - a bowl. A bread plate and a dessert plate are placed diagonally on the left (it is served directly with dessert and fruit).

The number of devices depends on the menu. Festive, as a rule, includes a complete set: a hot knife, a fish knife, a tablespoon, an appetizer knife, a soup spoon and an oyster fork (this is the only type of fork that can be placed on the right). Forks are laid out on the left: for hot dishes, for fish and for appetizers.

Serving scheme for a gala lunch or dinner. The point of the knives should be directed towards the plate, forks should be with their teeth up, spoons with their convex side down

Cutlery is arranged according to the following principle: the cutlery furthest from the plate is for the first course, the one closest to the plate is for the last course

No more than 3 pairs of cutlery for main courses and appetizers are placed near the plate. The devices are placed at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from each other. If it is necessary to serve the 4th pair, wrap it in a napkin and place it on the edge of the serving plate.

When arranging cutlery, consider the menu. For example, if there is no fish on the table, there is no need to put a knife for it

Glasses are placed to the right of the main plate in the order in which the dishes are served. They can be placed in 2 rows, in a semicircle or diagonally in a row. The distance between the glasses is approximately 1 cm. As a rule, a glass for water is placed first, then for champagne, wine, then glasses for cognac and glasses for other strong alcohol.

Setting the table at home requires the correct arrangement of hot dishes and snacks.

Hot food is served in appropriate dishes (duckpot, etc.) and placed in the center of the table. Festive table setting must include a tureen - it is placed to the right of the hostess. The utensils for serving hot dishes are placed on a saucer nearby, wrapped in a cloth napkin.

Then appetizers are placed: meat is served on round dishes, fish - on oval ones. Next they place salad bowls, meat bowls, herring bowls and gravy boats. Bread bins and condiments should be on the edges. If the table is large, place several pepper shakers, gravy boats, etc. Drinks in jugs and decanters are placed along the edges of the table. Alcohol is served in pre-opened bottles. Champagne and some wines are placed in buckets of ice.

When serving desserts, large dishes with cakes and pastries, vases of fruit are placed in the center of the table, and sugar bowls, milk jugs, bowls and sockets are placed closer to the edges.

Finally, lay out napkins and decorate the table with festive decor. These can be flowers, candles, figurines and themed decorations. Seasonal flowers, leaves, fruits, wreaths are used, Christmas decorations, cones, ribbons, all kinds of figures and other decorations. On special occasions, the backs of chairs and the chandelier above the table are decorated. It all depends on your imagination.

When preparing floral arrangements for table decoration, avoid flowers with a strong scent - some guests may be sensitive to scents

Children's table

Serving children's table has its own characteristics. The main thing you need to focus on is safety, reasonable approach and, of course, beauty.

First of all, decide on the theme of the holiday. Create a beautiful and fabulous atmosphere. Give preference to bright colors, use for decoration Balloons, party hats, corrugated stick figures, ribbons, confetti and other decorations.

The serving procedure is the same as for an adult table: you need to start with the tablecloth. It makes more sense to use a beautiful oilcloth rather than a tablecloth - it’s easier to put it in order after children’s pranks. The edges of the oilcloth should be higher than the seats.

Dishes and cutlery should be selected based on the age of the children: paper and plastic dishes are suitable for the youngest children, and impact-resistant glass for older children. Cutlery must be safe.

To ensure that children feel comfortable at the table, it should not be cluttered with dishes. 1-2 plates are enough: a snack bar and a deep bowl. Cutlery for children is placed to the right of the plate, but if they are old enough to use a knife, the table is set according to the standard pattern.

Instead of glasses, use wide, stable glasses; place them closer to the center of the table. Don't forget to stock up on napkins and paper towels

Since children cannot sit at the table for a long time and will “bite”, it is better to serve appetizers, cold cuts, canapés and tartlets. For main course, you can prepare baked potatoes, nuggets, spring rolls, mini sandwiches and other similar dishes. For serving, use multi-tiered stands, dishes and deep bowls.

Involve the whole family in setting the table and create together beautiful design. This will make the holiday unforgettable and give you many vivid impressions.

Despite the complexity, setting the table at home can be enjoyable and creative process, if you not only put effort and patience into this activity, but also show ingenuity and imagination.

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She graduated from the author's physics and mathematics lyceum and art school. Received a higher education in economics with a major in innovative management. Freelancer. Married, actively travels. He is interested in Buddhist philosophy, enjoys transurfing and loves Mediterranean cuisine.

Before removing various stains from clothing, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

The habit of using an automatic washing machine “sparingly” can lead to the appearance of unpleasant odor. Washing at temperatures below 60℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria to dirty clothes remain on internal surfaces and actively reproduce.

The dishwasher cleans more than just plates and cups. You can load it with plastic toys, glass lamp shades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without using detergents.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt onto the paper, heat the iron to maximum and run the iron over the salt bed several times, applying light pressure.

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

There are special traps to combat moths. IN sticky layer, with which they are covered, female pheromones are added, which attract males. By sticking to the trap, they are eliminated from the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

Threads made of gold and silver, which were used to embroider clothes in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the required fineness. This is where the expression “to drag out the rigmarole” came from - “to do long, monotonous work” or “to delay the completion of a task.”

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don’t have to worry about leaks from neighbors above.

Any celebration, especially a birthday, requires careful preparation. Since when celebrating at home, the main attribute is a table with treats and drinks for guests, it is important to pay the most attention to its decor and serving. By skillfully applying the basic rules for placing dishes and cutlery, as well as showing imagination in table decoration, any housewife will amaze guests who have not even begun to try the treats.


Properly setting a formal table at home is not much different from serving it in a restaurant. Familiarizing the hostess with the characteristic features of arranging dishes and treats for a birthday will allow you to arrange a feast with taste:

  • You should start preparing for the feast in advance. First you need to clarify the number of expected guests. In accordance with this number, you need to prepare individual dishes.
  • For special occasions, the house should have a nice earthenware or porcelain set with a sufficient number of plates, since using dishes from different sets can be perceived as bad form. The rules for the placement of portion plates include two points: the dishes must be placed at a distance of one centimeter from the edge of the table, and half a meter should be left between adjacent plates. This will allow guests to feel relaxed at the table and at the same time communicate without problems.
  • According to the serving rules, place a plate for hot dishes at the very bottom, a deep bowl for first courses on top of it, and small plates for appetizers on top of it.

  • The placement of cutlery also plays a significant role. A fork should be placed on the left side of the plate, and a spoon and knife should be placed on the right side. Spoons and forks, according to serving rules, must be placed with the convex side down.
  • The next step is the arrangement of containers for drinks. On birthdays it is customary to serve cold and alcoholic drinks in a beautiful glass or crystal container. The largest glasses should be placed on the left side of each guest’s plate, then all available containers should be placed in descending order, and at the end a glass should be placed on the right side.
  • To organize a children's birthday party, it has recently become acceptable to use disposable tableware that is safe for active children. In addition to the fact that it does not break, mom will not have to spend time washing it. Manufacturers provide a huge selection of colorful designs of plastic and paper tableware with images of their favorite characters, which will please any little mischief.

  • There should be two types of napkins on the table: paper and fabric. The former are necessary for wiping lips and hands during and at the end of a meal, and the latter are necessary for protecting clothes from accidental contamination at the table. You can additionally decorate the table with napkins. Paper napkins should be placed around the perimeter of the entire table, beautifully placing them in napkin holders, and fabric ones should be rolled into a tube and tied with a ribbon or threaded into special decorative rings.
  • When guests sit down at the table, cold appetizers, salads and sandwiches should already be placed on it. Dishes must be placed so that all guests can comfortably reach them. Instead of one large salad bowl, it is better to use two or even three containers placed along the entire length of the table. All salads should have spoons to make them easier to serve. The first hot dishes are poured from a common container with a ladle with the utmost care, then the second hot dish is served.

What's the best way to cover it?

In addition to the correct arrangement of dishes and dishes, any housewife takes care of the festive decor. A room for meeting guests, decorated in the same style and thought out to the smallest detail, will allow you to hold a celebration at the highest level, even at home.

The choice of style and decorations for serving a festive table largely depends on the dishes and tablecloth. If necessary, the tablecloth, as a less expensive attribute, can be replaced with a more suitable one. So, for crystal tableware, a snow-white tablecloth without any patterns would be an excellent solution; in this case, the napkins should also be white. If the service for the celebration is made of porcelain, then you can use your imagination when choosing a tablecloth. Most practical option is to purchase a universal plain tablecloth that will look good with any set of dishes.

For special occasions it can be decorated with silk or satin ribbon, and for tea drinking in pleasant company, the tablecloth can be decorated with lace napkins.

Candles in beautiful candlesticks, arranged in a special way, will help you set a truly festive table at home. Whatever the number of candles used, they cannot be a replacement for the main lighting. The color scheme of candles and the style of candlesticks should resonate with the overall look.

In addition to candles and napkins, today it is customary to decorate the table with other decorative elements that will set the mood during the feast. You can often find decor recreated from natural materials. This style of decorating a festive space belongs to the rustic style. It is often used when decorating wedding celebrations, but recently the style has become popular for anniversaries.

Depending on the time of year, you can place a variety of compositions on the table: baskets with apples and other harvests, compositions with pumpkins or corn on the cob will be appropriate for autumn name days, in the spring and summer months the table can be decorated with unusual designs from seasonal flowers, and in winter the celebration will be decorated fir branches and cones reminding of the approach of the main holiday.

Lovers of Russian traditions will love the holiday decorations in the style “a la rus”. This style design is perfect for a 55th anniversary, when women and some men retire. Plates or teapots with Khokhloma, a samovar decorated with a bunch of bagels on the table, nesting dolls and sweet cockerels on sticks will help to recreate the soulful atmosphere.

For guests, you can save several scarves or kokoshniks, painted felt boots and hats with earflaps for memorable photos, and for entertainment, prepare several soulful compositions accompanied by an accordion.

Ultra-fashionable table setting in black and white with the addition of gold and hot pink accents in the form of primitive prints will be an excellent solution to celebrate a youth birthday. The main thing in this design is the play of colors and minimal decor. The place of the birthday person in this style can be decorated with a composition of balloons.

A woman doesn’t always want to celebrate such a serious date as turning 45. However, a properly decorated holiday table will remind her that this age symbolizes the prime of life and reveals in a new way feminine beauty. That's why Decorating an anniversary in a floral style will come in handy. The ideal option would be to choose dishes with floral motifs, and place the same flowers around the table in small vases. In addition to flowers, the table can be decorated with edible arrangements of berries.

Classic way table settings are suitable for the 50th anniversary for both men and women. This style of decorating a celebration is chosen for its simplicity and the absence of unnecessary details, which helps save money and not be distracted from the person of the anniversary by various little things. Characteristic of this style is the obligatory presence of a snow-white tablecloth and the same dishes, but with gold edging. Modern trends allow you to replace a white tablecloth with any other warm shade.

One more modern trend In the festive sphere we can call organizing themed parties. Such ideas are great not only for celebrating a child’s birthday, but are also quite applicable for adult gatherings. Let's look at a few original ideas holiday decorations:

  • Pirate gatherings. Decoration does not require overly complex details. It’s enough to hang a pirate flag on the wall, choose a striped print for table textiles, and prepare pirate gold coins as a souvenir for competitions. Other holiday attributes and costume elements should also reflect the overall theme.

  • Gangster meeting. Stylizing the holiday as the 30s of the last century will be a very stylish and unusual solution for a themed party. The festive table can resemble a poker game; cigars can be prepared for adults, and replica pistols can be distributed to children. Subdued lighting will convey the atmosphere of an underground casino, in which money from the birthday boy’s own bank is laid out in every corner.
  • Hipster style. For lovers bright colors and crazy emotions will appeal to this anniversary design. You can use old vinyl records, retro household items, bright accessories and items of clothing - everything that will help guests feel the atmosphere of that time.
  • Hawaiian party is another very colorful idea for organizing a holiday in honor of the name day. For this style, you can prepare garlands of paper flowers in the brightest colors and distribute them to guests, place various transparent containers with water, as well as sea pebbles, shells or flowers around the perimeter of the table. The bottom of the table can be draped with a traditional Hawaiian skirt, and the walls can be decorated with brightly painted, whimsical wooden masks.

Decoration with flowers

Not a single anniversary or other celebration is complete without flowers. In this case, flowers are not only a compliment from guests, but also a wonderful decorative composition for decorating the table. Original and aesthetically designed bouquets will set the mood for the holiday and make it truly royal. Often, to create such compositions for an anniversary, they turn to the help of florists, but at home you can create a flower island yourself.

  • Decorating the table in this way should be balanced. That is, a bouquet of decent size should be singular and decorate the central part of the table or the place of the birthday person. Miniature compositions can be located along the entire length of the table.
  • When choosing the size and splendor of the bouquet, you should take into account the fact that it should not block the interlocutors from each other. In addition, you should not place voluminous flower islands on a richly furnished table, but during tea drinking an impressive bouquet would be quite appropriate.
  • To decorate a feast, you should choose specimens with a subtle, subtle aroma. This will allow you not to overpower the smells of the food, and will also protect your guests from developing allergies or headaches.
  • The color scheme of the composition should also be chosen wisely. A colorful bouquet will look great on a classic snow-white tablecloth, but if there is an abundance of decor in bright colors, it is better to give preference to a plain one that echoes the main one. color scheme compositions.

  • The choice of vases is another important point. The best option You can name simple shapes and materials that echo other dishes. Laconic glass vases are universal. For round tables You can choose oval flower stands; it is better to place voluminous bouquets in the center of the table, and small identical compositions - in a circle. The square shape of the tabletop determines the choice of vases with clear lines, and on a rectangular table it would be successful to place vases of any shape along the center on a strip of fabric contrasting with the tablecloth.

Knowing the rules of table setting and how to decorate it, you can arrange a truly royal feast. A few tricks will help make the holiday as comfortable as possible:

  • Before thinking through the holiday decor, you should analyze the status of the guests. Almost any table setting is suitable for a cozy home environment, but it is better to choose light warm colors, floral arrangements and classic tableware. Would be appropriate for a youth party bright styles design with unusual details. A feast with young children requires the presence of sweet treats and safe cutlery. It is better for colleagues, business partners or unfamiliar people to organize a feast in a discreet atmosphere without any frills, observing the rules of business etiquette used in the office.

  • If you plan to organize a feast in a sauna or country bathhouse, you should also carefully consider the table setting. Before couples' procedures, you can prepare a small buffet with light vegetable or fruit snacks and non-alcoholic refreshing drinks. In this case, the main treats should be served only after all the guests have swam in the pool, visited the steam room and recovered a little. Vegetable and fruit salads, seafood dishes, and nuts are chosen as dishes in such an environment.

Rolls and sushi, snacks in pita bread, and tartlets would also be appropriate. Alcoholic drinks can be served with main courses - barbecue, grilled chicken, baked fish, grilled vegetables.

Festive table setting for a birthday sets the tone for the entire feast, maintaining a joyful and at the same time solemn atmosphere. Creativity, taste and knowledge of certain rules will help make table setting interesting and unforgettable.

Textile selection

The choice of tablecloth for festive table setting is not limited to calm shades. Tablecloths would be appropriate rich colors: dark green, bright blue or red, the main thing is to avoid tackiness. An ideal option is to use a classic white tablecloth, which can be complemented with a lace border or delicate embroidery. They look very aesthetically pleasing and elegant festive table setting nappers, runners, mats and decorative napkins.

Textile napkins should be in harmony with the tablecloth. They are rolled and secured with a napkin clip or decorative ribbon, and also laid out in a fancy shape.

Decorative covers and ribbons on chairs, matching the color and style with the tablecloth and napkins, can further decorate the interior.

Selection of cookware

To set the birthday table, both traditional white and colored dishes are used. White or single-color dishes will look beautiful on a tablecloth with a pattern, and painted ones will look beautiful on a plain tablecloth. Acceptable use of utensils different colors, if the shades are in harmony with each other. It will turn out very original if you arrange plates from different sets, alternating with each other. Glasses or glasses should match the style of the plates.

Cutlery and spices are selected and arranged according to need. At the same time, they can be additionally decorated with twigs, flowers and ribbons.

Selection of decorative elements

Depending on the season and the chosen theme, the following compositions can serve as a decorative element for setting the birthday table:

  • from flowers and leaves;
  • from cones and branches;
  • from vegetables and fruits;
  • from feathers and glass;
  • from shells and stones;
  • from candles, decorative figures, petals, etc.

Additionally, you can place cards with the names of invited guests.

Setting the children's birthday table

To set a children's table, it is better to choose a tablecloth with a bright pattern:

  • peas;
  • cell;
  • animals;
  • animated and fairy-tale characters.

On a note! When setting a children's birthday table, it is necessary to take into account the gender and age of the child.

When conducting theme day birthday, the tablecloth can be selected in accordance with the chosen theme:

  • blue and white stripes for marine;
  • black for pirate;
  • brown for cowboy or Indian;
  • bright one-color for circus;
  • brilliant for starry.

Additionally, you can decorate the tablecloth:

  1. Ribbons, pompons, bright large feathers.
  2. Gel balls attached to thematic figures placed on the table.
  3. Masks, caps, serpentine.
  4. A scattering of colored dragees and confetti, bells.
  5. Artificial flowers, butterflies, candy trees.

Advice! If candles in the form of figures are used as table decoration for a children's birthday, then for safety reasons they are not lit.

Dishes for serving a children's table should be unbreakable and non-sharp. It is acceptable to use plastic or laminated paper utensils in bright colors.

For table setting, use colored paper or glass glasses, previously decorated with confectionery powder. Using colored straws for cocktails will further decorate the table.

Table setting options for a man's birthday

When setting the table for a male birthday boy, exercise restraint and do not oversaturate the table with decorative elements. Here it would also be appropriate to focus on some theme, which will help to decorate the table in a single style.

  1. Sport. If a man is a passionate fan, then when setting the table you can use the color and attributes of his favorite team. If a man himself is actively involved in sports, this can also be reflected in the table setting, complementing it with appropriate figures, textile napkins, pre-printing on them an image of his favorite sport, gel balls, and attaching sports photos of his loved one to them.
  2. Sea. To do this, the table is set in nautical style: the main colors are white and blue, striped textile napkins, original mats for plates made of small pebbles, compositions decorated with ropes and lanterns serve as decorative elements.
  3. Retro. For serving, a classic white tablecloth is used, napkins, a naperon or runner in the color of a copper patina or with a checkered pattern, bronze candlesticks, cutlery is decorated with ribbons, tied like a man’s bow tie, and the napkins are folded in such a way that they visually resemble folded gloves.
  4. Military. The table is set using camouflage elements; it can be used as candlesticks and a stand for a decorative composition. cans, rough candlesticks, wood.
  5. Classic. The table is served using plain tableware and textiles in deep noble shades: burgundy, marsala, coffee, indigo and decorative elements made of wood or metal, and candlesticks in the Art Nouveau style.

Table setting for a woman's birthday

Table setting for a woman involves the use of bright or pastel shades, an abundance of flower arrangements, candles, and other decorative elements. Decorating with a specific theme will make it easier to create a stylish holiday table setting.

  1. Ethnomotives. Textiles, dishes and decorative elements are selected in accordance with the chosen folklore direction. These can be either folk craft motifs: Khokhloma, Gzhel, or Moroccan, Japanese, Indian, African or Mexican motifs. Table setting in the colors of a country’s flag looks interesting.
  2. Tropics. The table is decorated using plain textiles, colored glass, decor: palm branches, pineapple fruits and other tropical fruits.
  3. Flowers. An idea for decorating a table for a woman’s birthday could be her favorite flowers. In this case, they use a plain tablecloth, dishes and napkins with images of their favorite colors. Flowers are used to create decorative elements: napkin rings or decor for cutlery, candlesticks, and flower arrangements.
  4. Sea. This topic in female version will look more delicate and decoratively richer than the male version. It would be appropriate to use floral arrangements in pastel shades, pearls, shells, and glass decor.
  5. Seasons. Table decoration and color accents of textiles and dishes are selected according to the time of year:
  • to create a festive table setting on the theme of spring , you can use light warm shades of textiles and soft green dishes. Bouquets and compositions with crocuses, hyacinths, tulips and other spring flowers will emphasize the spring mood of the birthday table. Cutlery and napkins can be decorated with branches of budding willow, cherry, and apple trees.

  • summer in festive table setting there is a riot of bright color spots and patterns, an abundance of floral and fruit compositions.

  • for autumn Combinations of ocher, terracotta, red and brown shades will be relevant. Flower arrangements can be supplemented with maple leaves, ears of corn, nuts, pumpkins, grapes, and other brightly colored fruits and vegetables. Napkins and cutlery are also decorated with miniature autumn compositions.

  • for winter The table is served with textiles and tableware in cool colors. Openwork white napkins decorated with silver rings will look beautiful on a blue tablecloth. Silver candlesticks and cutlery, compositions made of spruce and pine branches, as well as painted in White color branches of decorative trees, white and silver balls made of willow branches or threads.

A festive table setting for a birthday is a great opportunity to show love to your family, make the holiday unforgettable, and also show your creative self.