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Origami paper car: diagram of a racing model with video and photo. Step-by-step instructions for assembling a paper machine How to make an origami machine out of paper diagram

Surely, many of you know how to make boats or airplanes out of paper. Even those who have never been interested in the art of origami quickly master these models in childhood, and then tirelessly build entire flotillas from notebook leaves. Despite the fact that making a tiny car using the origami technique is also very simple, this model is slightly less popular. That is why in this article we want to tell you in detail how to make an origami machine from plain paper according to the scheme.

Making an origami paper machine: four simple models

Of course, a logical question arises: what kind of car will we make? After all, visually different types cars are very different and a truck, for example, does not look at all like a convertible, and an SUV does not look like a limousine. We chose four simple models, representing ordinary passenger cars, a gazelle and a typical racing car.

We study the scheme for the production of passenger car No. 1

Let's start making paper passenger car No. 1:

1) Bend a sheet of paper in half and bend it back. Fold the top and bottom edges of the square to the center line.

2) We bend the top layer to the top and bottom of the square, respectively. Bend it in half away from you.

3) We push the right and left corners inward so that we get a car body. We bend the lower corners (these will be the wheels) inward, giving them shape.

4) Bend the bottom corners back, slightly “rounding” the wheels. Place the corners in the back of the machine, and make “headlights” in the front.

5) Our car is ready! Now you can color it with paints or felt-tip pens.

We create the second option from the Japanese origamist Fumiaki Shingu

The author of the second paper machine design is the famous Japanese origamist Fumiaki Shingu. To make a figurine we need 1 square sheet of paper and scissors. It is better to choose special thin double-sided paper for origami, although notebook paper will also work.

Let's start making paper car No. 2:

1)Fold a square piece of paper in half. Bend the bend well in both directions.

2) Fold half of each half towards the middle axis. Also bend the bend well in both directions.

3) Bend the corners in the opposite direction so that you get four identical right-angled triangles.

4) Bend the right corners of the triangles a few millimeters - these will be the wheels of our passenger car.

5) Fold the sheet in half and bend one of the right corners of the top of the rectangle inward.

6) From the other right angle, make a small oblique cut (this is where scissors come in handy!) and bend the cut part inward.

7) The car is ready!

Let's look at the diagram for making a gazelle using the origami technique

To make a figurine we need 1 square sheet of paper. It is better to choose special thin double-sided paper for origami. A format of 15 cm by 15 cm is ideal.

Let's start making a paper gazelle:

1) Fold the square horizontally and unbend it. We fold it vertically and unbend it again. Fold the bottom part towards the center line

2) Bend the corners down to make wheels

3) Fold the model in half, along the horizontal center fold line.

4) Bend the bottom edge up

5) Now you need to bend the upper right corner to make a gazelle cabin. The figurine is ready!

Making a simple racing car with your child

In some books on origami this diagram racing car also called "boat". And indeed, made of thick paper, it floats quite well on the water. To make a figurine we need 1 rectangular sheet of paper. It is better to choose special thin double-sided paper for origami, although notebook paper will also work.

Let's start making a paper racing car:

1) Place the sheet vertically and fold it in half.

2) It is necessary to outline the folds in the top and bottom parts, and then perform the basic “Double Triangle” technique.

3) We fold the sides towards the middle axis.

4) Now you need to lower the corners to the center line.

5) Connect the dots to each other, simultaneously inserting the corners inside the lower part.

6) This is what should happen.

7) Form the wings.

8) On the upper flat part, three lines must be marked in accordance with the diagram.

9) Our racing car is ready!

Children will definitely enjoy making such figures. After all, the game does not end only at the stage of folding origami. After this, you can paint the car and draw a seated driver in it. To make the game even more fun, we suggest building a whole fleet of vehicles and organizing a fun race. And for each car you can build a garage from shoe box, technical inspection station... Fantasy is unlimited.

Video on the topic of the article

Below we attach detailed videos that demonstrate step by step how to make a paper machine yourself.

Making paper figures by folding is very entertaining and useful for children's development. In addition to perseverance and attentiveness, memory and logical thinking. All these skills will help your child in school, and you can play with a toy made by yourself, paint it, stick it on a postcard, or give it to a friend.

Origami paper cars are more interesting for boys to make, but some girls also don’t mind taking their doll for a ride in a car. All the figures are collected according to patterns, which are subsequently remembered. The following toys can already be made from memory.

A car

The diagram for assembling an origami machine from paper is simple, so beginners or children of primary school age can try making this model.

To work you will need a square sheet of thick paper of any color. First, it is folded into two equal parts to determine the center fold line. Then each of the halves is further bent in half once and then again. The inner fold of each part of the craft should be on the inside.

Then the workpiece is turned over with the flat side outward and the center line is bent upward. You should get three broken lines or waves: one in the center (large) and two on the sides (small). The entire “accordion” is folded together and the triangles of the corners are folded down.

Then the origami paper machine unfolds as follows. Large triangles form the chamfered edges of the car's cabin. And the small corners are wheels. To make them without sharp corners, the bottom edge is folded upward in a straight line.

By bending the corners of the rectangle, the car body is given the desired shape with the headlights at the front. After the origami machine is made from paper, you can decorate the craft with applique or simply paint it with colored pencils.

How to make a jeep?

From paper different colors You can make a whole car park for a child. You already understand how to make an ordinary passenger car. Now let's look at how to make an origami jeep car out of paper. SUVs have a flatter body surface at the rear. Let's consider what is needed for such work.

It is better to take thick square sheets of paper - 100 g/m2. You need a flat table surface and care when folding the paper. Each fold must be carefully smoothed with your finger so that the work looks neat.

Paper folding pattern

Before you make an origami machine out of paper for the game, practice on any single-sided sheet. On detailed and step by step diagram it is clear that the work needs to be done gradually, making folds in the order of the numbers under the pictures. Initially, we bend the square in half in one direction and the other. This is necessary to determine the center and divide the sheet into equal parts. Then the bottom half is folded in half and the edges are folded outward. In this case, the folds are made from the central point of the rectangle to the edges. These will be the wheels of the jeep.

Then the upper half is lowered down and we step back a couple of centimeters from the edge, as in Figure 6, and lift the paper up. Then the edges are bent downward at the corners, forming an even line between the center point and the edges at the corners.

All that remains is to turn the craft over to the other side and the work is finished. Decorate the exterior of the car as you wish. You can start the game.

Does your child want a new car? You don’t have to immediately run to the store for another toy. Make him a paper craft, or better yet, teach him how to assemble a car so that you can race with friends later.

This activity does not require much time and effort. Any paper will be suitable as materials. In addition, origami:

  • will make your fingers obedient;
  • will allow you to train attention and memory;
  • will develop creative abilities;
  • enriches the child’s inner world;
  • It will help you calm down.

Choose one from three options and go ahead! You may want to make three models at once.

Volumetric machine

Take a square sheet of any color you like. Fold it in half to mark the center line.

Fold opposite sides of the square towards the resulting center.

Bend half of the pieces in opposite directions.

Turn the workpiece over and bend along the center line. It should look like in the photo.

Place the car sideways in front of you. Mark two symmetrical oblique lines on top and bend the corners along them into the product. The ends of the corners should come out from the bottom. These will be the wheels.

To give the wheel a smooth shape, remove the sharp corners inside. The volumetric machine is ready!

Car on a plane

The second option is perfect for decorating a postcard. The car will look like a real one, which is important for children. And you can do it in five minutes.

On a square piece of paper, mark vertical and horizontal lines connecting in the center.

Fold the bottom side towards the center horizontal line.

Bend the sides down, as in the picture.

Point the top of the sheet down and secure it.

Move the upper right corner to the lower area.

Turn the craft over. All that remains is to visually design the car by drawing windows, wheels, and headlights. To prevent the wheels from being triangular, bend the ends down.

Racing car

The most interesting and exciting things are left for last. We have to master the technique of performing a racing model and organize competitions with friends on high-speed cars.

Take a rectangular piece of paper. Bend it in half lengthwise.

Mark diagonal lines at both ends and fold.

Now we connect the sides at the center.

We bend the outer sides of one of the triangles towards the center.

We bring the lower triangle with its apex to the center of the machine.

Bend the side wings upward to form a bumper.

For clarity, a diagram is presented. Feel free to use it and everything will work out.

This is what a finished racing car looks like.

If you liked creating with paper, continue your journey into the world of origami on the pages of the site!

Uniqueness paper crafts the fact that their implementation requires safe materials available to any family. Possession of such art is possible small child. You can attract a boy to needlework by creating paper toys only by getting him interested in this activity. Suggest little man options on how to make and print a car, car, truck and KAMAZ from paper using a gluing template.

The uniqueness of paper crafts is that they require safe materials available to any family.

How to fold or assemble a police car from paper using origami: a simple diagram and drawings

The craft can be made both for play and an original gift good friend- an adult. Since men are always boys at heart, as suitable for a gift origami machine made from a banknote.

You will need:

  • Rectangular sheets of colored paper;
  • scissors, glue.

How to make a toy car:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper of the selected color horizontally. This is the central bend of the future product.
  2. Bend the two halves of the sheet on the left and right sides inward, parallel to the bending lines.
  3. Bend the bends back inward. Then turn the ends of the sheet out from the inside out.
  4. The folded curves of the inner corners form the body of a makeshift paper machine.
  5. Make triangle folds under the wheels. To achieve maximum resemblance to a wheel, bend the corner vertices inward.
  6. For headlights, also bend the right corners of the car internally. On the left side we make the same bends, but smaller in size and outward.

To make your car more colorful, stick paper triangles of a different color on the headlights.

How to make a paper car in 3 minutes (video)

Gallery: paper car (25 photos)

How to make a car that drives out of paper

You can make a moving racing car out of paper. To start the movement, place such a craft on a smooth surface and blow on it. Under the influence of the air flow, the figure begins to slide across the surface, imitating the movement of a real racing car.


  • A sheet of white paper with a side ratio of 1:7 or A4.

You can make a moving racing car out of paper

How to do:

  1. Fold paper sheet in half lengthwise.
  2. Mark the fold lines by folding the top right and bottom left corners of the paper.
  3. Form a curve at the top of the sheet with inner triangles in the center.
  4. In the central direction, bend the existing triangles again.
  5. By bending the sides inward towards the center line, we form the sides of the car.
  6. Fold the bottom of the sheet with the triangles over the top of the craft, then bend the shape in half. Tuck the corners into the pockets.
  7. Now the car model can be decorated as you wish.

By helping and guiding your child’s work, you can build a whole racing fleet.

How to make a truck out of paper

The figure of the truck looks more impressive in a three-dimensional format.

You will need:

  • Thick paper;
  • Glue, scissors;
  • Wooden skewers;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Compass, pin.

The figure of the truck looks more impressive in three-dimensional format

How to do:

  1. Cut separately four squares for the cabin, three equal rectangles and two squares for the body.
  2. Fold two boxes from the cut out figures and connect them with fastenings using tape inside. First, you can cut out the side windows from two squares of the cabin, securing pieces of plastic from the inside with tape. We do the same with the front of the craft, imitating a windshield. Glue the cab and body parts together.
  3. On black paper, use a compass to mark eight small circles of the same size with a central point. For stability, glue future wheels together in two circles. Make a small hole at the center point with a pin.
  4. Attach the wheels through symmetrical opposite holes on the sides of the figure, placing them on skewers through the hole.
  5. Color the figure of the truck with paints as desired.

The stability of the model will be ensured by the strength of the wheels - the more circles glued at the base of the wheel, the better the craft will be.

How to make a war machine out of paper

You will need:

  • A sheet of thick paper, dark green;
  • Skewers;
  • Scissors, compass;
  • Pencil, ruler, glue;
  • Black paints, brush;
  • Paper or plastic cocktail straws.

the finished product can be further decorated

How to do:

  1. Draw four squares for the cabin. On another sheet, draw three rectangles and two squares for the body. Take a sheet separately, fold it lengthwise into three parts, glue it into a triangle - this will be a mount for rockets.
  2. Draw side windows on the cabin parts and a windshield on the front square. Glue the squares together on the wrong side with tape or strips of paper.
  3. Connect the car body parts in the same way. Glue a paper triangle at the top.
  4. Combine the finished cabin and body into a single model of the car.
  5. Make eight identical circles with a central point from black paper. Use a needle to make a hole in the marking for the skewers.
  6. Make holes at the bottom of the cabin and body with skewers, and string wheels on them. To prevent the structure from falling apart, soak the ends of the skewers in glue and dry.
  7. Cut the cocktail tube into equal parts, about 3 cm each. Paint all the pieces black. Let dry thoroughly.
  8. Carefully place homemade rockets on the body mount with glue.

To decorate a military vehicle made of paper, you can draw finished product dark spots on the sides (or stripes along the hood) with watercolor paints.

Paper racing car

This racing car figure is designed for little ones.


  • Roll off toilet paper;
  • Paints, brush;
  • Cardboard, compass, scissors;
  • Toothpicks 2 pcs.

This racing car figure is designed for little ones

How to do:

  1. Clean the paper roll from any remaining toilet paper, paint it in the desired color with watercolors. Draw when dry ballpoint pens racing designations.
  2. Using a compass, mark four equal circles for the wheels, cut them out, and paint them with black paint.
  3. At the base of the roll, use a pin to pierce the holes for the toothpick axle.
  4. Thread the roll onto toothpicks and secure on both sides of each wheel.
  5. Cut a semicircle at the top, bending the outer part like a windshield.
  6. You can put a man cut out of paper inside, attaching it with tape.

To make your car wheels spin, place a drop of glue on the ends of the toothpicks. Dried glue will prevent the paper wheels from being removed when moving.

Paper diagram of a car: how to make it

The machine's deployment diagram can be downloaded from the Internet. The presented models allow you to make any type of equipment out of paper, from special equipment to Soviet times.

To make a figure according to the diagram you need:

  • Selected car model diagram;
  • Scissors, cardboard;
  • Glue.

How to do:

  1. To ensure the stability of the future figure, paste the picture of the diagram onto cardboard. Trim after drying.
  2. Fold the layout details along the lines. Glue them together, carefully hiding the gluing points.

How to make a paper car (video)

Assembling an origami machine or diagramming one will seem a little complicated at first. However, fascinating and educational activity will delight the future designer. Handmade develops the baby's thinking, helping to improve hand motor skills. And the car you make will become your favorite of all toys.

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Machine – simple model origami. Unfortunately, for children 4-5 years old, it is very difficult to find a simple craft using the origami technique. A this model doubly valuable, since this is largely a craft for boys. You can simply play with ready-made paper cars. Or you can make a big application with them, sending these vehicles to the streets of a paper city. This solution is especially interesting for kindergarten or schools. First, you can make an application “City Street”, and in the next lesson you can “settle” cars in your city. Each child can do the work individually, but it is quite possible to do the work as a group. A simple craft origami for kids can be made from any colored paper - either colored on one side or double-sided. For preschool children, the squares should be large enough. No less than 12X12 cm.

For the typewriter you will need a square of paper. It is better to take paper so that it is of different colors on both sides.
Fold the square of paper in half twice, marking the center lines, and open the workpiece.
Bend the bottom edge of the sheet towards the center line.
Bend the corners down.
Turn the workpiece over and bend the top part towards the center line. At this point you can vary the height of your car.
Turn the workpiece over again and bend the top corners towards the center. At this stage we make the contours of the car, and they can be anything.
Draw windows for your car.
The lower corners of the wheels can be turned back a little.
The machine - simple origami for kids is ready.