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Original paper garlands. Decorating the classroom: beautiful paper garlands for the New Year

Any handmade product is now at the peak of popularity. Creating creative decorative elements for the home with your own hands is not only profitable, but also stylish, modern, in the spirit latest trends. At the same time, it is not necessary to have special skills, rare materials or special tools - most decor ideas are easy to implement and do not require large expenses. To implement some ideas, you can also get rid of unnecessary things or recycle household items that only take up space on the shelves. One of the simplest, fastest, but at the same time effective ways Home decoration is making garlands. Here are 100 ideas for creating a wide variety of garlands for different occasions - get inspired!

Paper garlands

Paper garlands are the easiest to make, cheapest and quick way transform the space. A paper garland can act as an accent element of the interior, zone a room into functional segments or highlight a particular place, indicate a certain theme or style of room design, and simply serve as a decorative element.

The simplest option for creating a paper garland is flat. Paper blanks (of the shape you need) are simply sewn on a machine or glued to twine, thick thread or ribbon. If you handle this garland carefully, you can use it more than once.

Paper fringe is easy to make, but looks very elegant and festive. Just use double-sided fringe for more fullness.

Thin paper is perfect for simple and light decor options. Such garlands are literally weightless; they sway with any breath of air, creating an atmosphere of spaciousness, airiness, and lightness in the room. Thick paper is suitable for more complex products with a strong base.

Volumetric garlands with paper elements always have a very festive and even solemn look. To give the paper volume, of course, you will have to work hard, but the result will be worth the effort. You can use regular colored paper (most often double-sided), as well as corrugated, crepe, cardboard, and foil. You can string three-dimensional elements onto a thin ribbon, twine, or any twine. The thicker the paper and the larger the decorative elements, the stronger the base for stringing should be.

The garland becomes voluminous if ordinary paper blanks are folded or bent.

For a paper garland you can use family photos. Such a decorative element can become an exclusive gift and a wonderful decoration for a room (not only for a holiday).

Garlands made of fabric and threads

Garlands from various types textiles are certainly more durable than paper products. If you have scraps of unnecessary fabric of different colors at home, then with some skills, patience and free time, you can create real masterpieces of decorative handmade.

For example, in Lately It is very popular to make any decorative elements from colored felt. The advantage of this material is that it does not require processing, it is dense and holds its shape well, and is sold in all handicraft stores and even in stationery departments.

Tulle is no less popular. It holds its shape perfectly and is ideal for making voluminous decorative elements. The garlands turn out to be large-scale and even “fluffy”.

Ribbons are a separate type of material that is very often used to make a wide variety of garlands. The easiest way is to tie small pieces of ribbons of different colors on a rope or any other base.

If you know how to knit and you have threads of different colors left, then The best way disposal of such residues - making a durable garland. Not only the reusable use of durable garlands with knitted elements becomes an advantage of such handmade, but also the originality of the design and the variety of execution options.

Multi-colored pom-poms, which are easy to make even for children, can be an excellent basis for creating a garland for those who have accumulated a lot of leftover knitting threads.

We create from improvised means

Who said that handmade classes require a lot of money? You can create beautiful decorative elements for your home using available materials. There will still be some costs - for accompanying materials and, of course, your time. But the minutes and hours spent on an activity that brings pleasure may not be considered expenses. So, what can you make originals from? paper garlands:

  • old newspapers;
  • magazines;
  • advertising posters;
  • booklets;
  • unnecessary maps and atlases;
  • playing cards that have reached the end of their service life;
  • books that are only suitable for recycling;
  • buttons, beads, beads.

It’s easy to turn plastic eggs from Kindersurprises into birds or little animals. All you need is colored paper and twine for making an original garland. It's easy to make garlands from paper cupcake or cupcake stands. They are sold in sets of large quantities, are inexpensive, but at the same time they can be bright and have an original design.

And the plastic ones disposable plates easy to turn into imitation soccer balls.

Themed decorations

The easiest way to decorate any room for any holiday is with the help of garlands. They can be made quite quickly, used more than once and changed location depending on the desired effect. A garland takes up a lot of space, so any space is instantly transformed if you decorate it in such a simple way. A festive mood, a hint of a certain theme of the celebration or the specifics of a particular event, is easiest to organize with the help of garlands. Well, why buy something that you can do with your own hands, and even from improvised means.

New Year's and Christmas

New Year's garlands are a decoration familiar from childhood, which many people made as soon as they learned how to use scissors. Paper and fabric flags, chains made of cardboard or shiny foil, cut out snowflakes and Christmas trees - any paraphernalia of the winter holidays will be used.

Cones collected in summer can be used in winter to make garlands. It is enough to clean your blanks (cones) or paint the tips of the “branches” of future Christmas trees with white or silver paint (you can use gouache, acrylic paints and even white glue).

For a children's party

Perhaps the most common case of using garlands to decorate a room is children's party. It doesn’t have to be a birthday; any celebration where children are present, you want to decorate it in a particularly elegant, festive, and varied manner. You can decorate with garlands the area of ​​the so-called candy bar (a table with treats and drinks), the space above the table where children will sit, or the place where gifts will be stacked. And simply stringing garlands across the room or decorating the walls with your own hands will be an excellent reason for a festive mood.

From small colored cylinders (thick colored paper or colored cardboard) you can make dynamite (a hint at the explosive nature of the party) or candles - this is already an association with cake candles.

By combining paper with fabric or thread products, you can create original options decor. For example, paper rabbits with tails in the form of pompoms, which are easy to make even for a child. Ponytails can be made from cotton wool by simply rolling it into lumps.

On Valentine's Day, it is customary to give homemade valentines. But you can go further and decorate a whole area for celebration, decorate a place near the table where the flow will be romantic dinner, decorate the head of the bed or any other place in the house that is convenient for decoration. Of course, the main motif of garlands for Valentine's Day will be the use of hearts and all shades of red. By the way, the use of love themes in decorating a room does not have to be tied to any holiday. The interior of a girl's room in a romantic style can be decorated with similar decorative elements all year round.

From paper…

From felt...

Universal option

Regardless of what holiday you are going to celebrate - the birthday of a family member or pet, an anniversary or National holiday, or maybe just one of the relatives has returned after a long absence and a party is being prepared in his honor - there are many universal options for making garlands for any occasion. These can be medium-sized balls strung on a rope or thick thread...

Or flower composition, relevant at any time of the year and on any holiday. Moreover, flowers can be made from various materials. Use twigs or twigs for the base and your composition will be closer to nature.

How to decorate your home before the holiday, add solemnity and taste to its atmosphere? The easiest and most creative way is to make your own paper garlands. Today there is nothing easier than making jewelry yourself. Even a schoolboy can cope with this younger age. On this page you will find various schemes making themed garlands, as well as interesting templates, with which you can cut out an innumerable number of decorations for your home and office.

Paper garlands “Rainbow made of ribbons”

You can hang this garland both vertically and horizontally. In the latter case, it is better to attach a weight, such as plasticine, to the end of the thread.

1. Fold the colored paper in half and cut the halves.

2. Cut strips from colored paper.

3. Prepare the thread and fold your strips in the desired sequence.

4. Sew all the strips together using sewing machine or thread and needle.

*You can twist the ribbon to make the garland look “fluffy”.

* Colored paper or cardboard can be replaced with wrapping paper, which is usually used to wrap gifts.

* If you don't want to stitch, you can try gluing a thread to each strip - it will take more time and it would be better if the thread was thicker.

Standard garland “Snake”

Even the smallest children, who have barely learned to hold scissors in their hands, can handle making “snakes.” So, if you have kids, keep them occupied with “snakes” and get down to more complex work yourself.

Manufacturing technique: Cut out a large circle from paper and, stepping back a centimeter or two from the edge, begin to cut the ribbon (see photo) until you reach the center. If you still entrust this simple task to a child, it is better to draw in advance with a pencil the lines along which he should cut - this will make the child’s work easier.

Garland “And they dry on a string...”

How do you like this idea: in the middle of the room there is a clothesline, on which old Santa and his faithful reindeer have hung their holiday outfits to dry: red caps, mittens, boots with bells, big pants, a bag... First you will have to sew miniature clothes (you can, of course, get them similar in toy stores, but it will be more expensive), and then secure them with small clothespins (you can use large ones, of course). If you don’t want to bother for a long time, hang your mittens or colorful socks to dry. Or you can have both mixed together. You can simply cut out multi-colored boots from felt or paper and string them on a thread.

How to make a garland "New Year's rings"

This method of making a garland is one of the most popular. This is not only because it is quite simple, but also because it allows you to make beautiful paper decorations for your home, and in particular for your Christmas tree.

1. Prepare colored paper and measure the same width for the strips you will cut.

2. Start cutting out strips. The length of each will be equal to the width of a sheet of paper (i.e. 21 cm) and the width is approximately 3.5 cm.

* You can make a garland from shorter and narrower strips, then the rings will be smaller.

3. Glue the strips together by threading one through the other (see picture).

*You can close the circuit.

Garland “Volume Stars”

Such stars can easily be spun from paper strips one to two centimeters wide. Carefully study the photo instructions and go ahead!

Paper Christmas garlands “Unusual chains”

Prepare colored paper, scissors and glue. Making such a garland is not difficult.

1. To make an unusual chain, you need to fold a sheet of paper in half and draw, for example, one of the shapes shown in the picture.

* In order not to waste a whole sheet of paper on one link, you can cut it into 2 or 4 identical parts, from which you will then cut out the links.

* For convenience, you can make a link template.

2. Cut out the shapes and start gluing them together to form a chain, threading one link through the other.

*The longer you want to make the chain, the more links you will need.

*You can use many different colors to make the garland even more colorful.

How to make a “Chain” garland for home decoration from paper

You can use 2 or more colors.

1. First you need to make a blank. Cut several strips of the same size. In the picture, the stripes are 2 cm wide and 17 cm long.

* It is advisable that you observe the following condition: width/length of strips = 1/8 + 1 cm spare.

2. Mark the center of the strip by folding it in half and then spreading it out.

3. Bend the ends of the strip towards its middle and fold the strip in half again.

4. Prepare several of these blanks to start assembling the garland. The picture shows how to stack the blanks together.

* This garland can be hung on the wall. Due to the fact that it does not bend much, it will be difficult to hang it on the Christmas tree, but it still looks impressive.

Garland of hearts

In pictures detailed instructions how to assemble a garland cordially.

This version of the garland can be complicated, and you will get such a beautiful product.

Garlands for the New Year “Colorful home decoration”

You can use colored paper to make this colorful decoration for your home. It is suitable for both the New Year and any children's holiday.

Prepare colored paper, scissors and glue (you can replace it with a stapler or tape).

The picture shows how to make the blanks.

* It is desirable that the strips have the same width.

Use glue, a stapler or tape to hold the pieces together.

Using the same technology you can make a garland like this. And you can find out how to do everything correctly from the video below the picture.

Volumetric New Year's garland

This is quite simple, but very original idea garlands that can be hung on a window or just somewhere in the house.

In the images step-by-step instruction how to make a garland.

* In the Christmas tree, the hole through which the thread is threaded is made with a hole punch.

Christmas tree garland “Merry candy wrappers”

Very beautiful tinsel can be made from ordinary candy wrappers.

1. Cut the candy wrapper into several identical pieces.

*Parts can be 2x4 or 3x5, and depending on the size of the wrapper, there can be 3, 4 or 6 parts.

* For convenience, you can make a template that will help make all parts of the tinsel the same size.

2. Start twisting each rectangle into a tube, but do not let go so that it does not unroll.

3. Prepare a thick thread with a needle and start stringing the tubes one by one. The edges of the tubes turn around - this is good, because... the tinsel will turn out fluffy.

4. You can make a knot at the end of the thread so that the tubes do not jump off.

* After stringing all the tubes, turn them in different directions.

New Year's garlands made of paper using the Origami technique

1. We make preparations. For one step of the garland you will need 2 strips of different shades.

* The length of one strip is 21 cm (which is the width of a regular A4 sheet), and the width is 3.5 cm.

2. Start folding the strips sequentially as shown in the picture.

*The final goal is to make two long ribbons that will form a rainbow.

3. We connect the end of one tape to the other at an angle of 90 degrees.

4. Continue folding the strips sequentially - vertical down, horizontal across.

* The circuit can be closed if desired.

Garlands for the New Year (several examples)

Amazing paper garlands

Perhaps the simplest and most popular New Year's garlands that can be made at home, even with the involvement of a child, are paper garlands. For these purposes, it can be used in a wide variety of ways, ranging from ordinary colored sheets to openwork napkins and multi-colored adhesive tapes.

Such decorations are even made in kindergartens and elementary grades, so anyone can handle them. So, you will need paper, scissors and glue. Sheets of paper are cut into strips of equal width (to make this easier, divide the paper in advance using a ruler and pencil).

The cut strips are glued together into one common garland according to the principle of a regular chain, which consists of links. To get something more original, try playing with the shape of the links: making them square or even voluminous, although this will be a little more difficult. It can be made even simpler: colored paper is cut into thin strips, and then they need to be sewn together in the center; usually a machine is used for these purposes, but you can do it manually.

The stripes can be replaced with circles, triangles or any other shapes that come to your mind. By the way, you can use bright felt instead of paper; such products will be more durable. Such decorations, by the way, look very impressive in door or window openings in a vertical position.

Exquisite garlands of snowflakes

One of the main symbols of the New Year is, of course, snowflakes. So why not use them to decorate your own home? Probably each of us remembers from childhood how you can cut out beautiful and openwork snowflakes. The more cutouts, the more sophisticated the snowflake will turn out; by the way, especially for this purpose on the Internet you can find a whole lot of patterns that will help you make many different figurines.

Next, we connect each snowflake using a regular thread or silver rain, and then hang it from the ceiling. By the way, such decorations will look more beautiful if there are a lot of them, so it is better to make 5-10 of these garlands, depending on the purpose and place of use.

Garlands made from natural materials

Why throw away tangerine or orange peels when they can easily be used as scrap materials? We cut out cute shapes from the peel, for example, hearts, stars, faces, snowmen, and so on.

Then, using a needle, we string them onto a thread and our decoration is ready! By the way, it will not only transform your home, but will also spread a pleasant citrus aroma throughout it. Instead of peels, you can use apples and regular fir cones, sometimes they are painted in some unusual color or simply in in kind put on a thread.

The easiest ways to make paper garlands

It doesn't take much time or effort to decorate your apartment with intricate and whimsical paper decorations. Paper garlands are lightweight and durable, beautiful and affordable. We will tell you about the most simple ways making garlands that will decorate your life and lift your spirits.

  1. Templates. To make your work easier, you can use blanks: simply print them and cut them out from a simple landscape sheet of paper.

Like these ones New Year templates you can print and make your own garland.

2. Drawings. If you have basic artistic skills, you can fold a piece of paper several times and then draw the picture you want on it.

3. Garlands of snowflakes. Delicate lace decorations from plain paper- it's simple! Use templates or make your own design.

Use templates to make snowflakes or just use your imagination.

As you have already noticed, there are a lot of ideas, the main thing is to connect the desire to create and, of course, your imagination, which will help you create the most unusual and unique New Year's garlands!


Creating a cozy atmosphere in the home thanks to the creation original jewelry for the home with your own hands - this is a very popular trend today.

Handmade has gained recognition among the majority. This process is characterized by ease of execution, elegance of the final result, as well as its economy and ease.

Variable DIY paper garlands have begun to attract more and more craftswomen, because with their help you can transform absolutely any home interior.

Paper garlands help create a comfortable environment in your home, a cozy atmosphere and bring a little more warmth into your home.

Paper garland - as a way to decorate your home

Many famous designers interior design, it is recommended to take a closer look and study ways to decorate the house with paper elements, in particular we are talking about garlands. After all, to make serious changes to the interior, you need a little money, as well as a temporary resource, replacing almost all the furniture, and rearranging the house.

And making a change using an element such as a garland is as easy as shelling pears. People just need to show their imagination and “live” creativity.

Photos of DIY garlands can be viewed on the Internet - all garlands differ from each other in their charm, originality and individuality.

When asking yourself the question of how to make a garland for your home yourself, the most varied solutions and methods of creation come to mind.

To begin the process of creating a garland, you need to mentally decide on their future shape and color. After all, depending on the shape of the garland, the selection of material for its manufacture also depends. There are light garlands made of plain paper, and some are made of cardboard.

Of course, dense material in the form of cardboard is a reliable and more durable material that will not fail even after a long time. But the fastening of such elements to each other should be stronger, and not as for the first type.

There are several types of garlands that you can build with your own hands:

Garland based on balloons

A garland of balloons is usually suitable for one-time use. For example, you can create it for some event: children's party, birthday or wedding celebration.

But most often it is a children's garland. Bright Balloons can be connected into an arch, into figures of angels, into volumetric hearts, or simply position yourself along the entire length of the wall.

Making such a garland at home is more difficult and takes longer, so many people order this type of garland in ready-made form from special establishments. But, if you start this process at home, you can save your expenses rather than spending money on the services of special agencies.

Garland of paper rings

This technology for creating a garland has been known to everyone since early childhood. Back at school, everyone made a garland from multi-colored rings cut out of paper. By connecting these rings, you get a long garland in the form of a chain.

It is very simple to make, but if you choose the colors wisely and add additional decor, you can get the ideal solution for decorating the whole house.

When connecting the rings to each other, special attention should be paid to the attachment points, since if the garland is poorly attached, you can get a poor-quality result.


Garland of paper hearts

Many couples in love can create such a garland for a romantic evening for two, so as not to spend money on decorating the house. The shape of the garland and, of course, the bright pink and red hues make this garland a must-have for a holiday like Valentine's Day.

Some people create such garlands and even sell them on Valentine's Day. And, oddly enough, such handmade willing to buy. The main thing is to do everything carefully and get the desired result.

When creating paper garlands, it is not necessary to use only high-quality blank paper; some people give preference to newspaper sheets, napkins, clippings from a glossy magazine, bright candy wrappers, and old cards given for some holidays.

This is also a kind of individual style of making a garland at home. For fastening, both the most common PVA glue and more durable adhesives such as moment, etc. are used.

Photo of DIY garland



Do - this is the fastest and beautiful way decorate your home on the eve of the New Year. In addition, it will not require large material costs. Such decorations are made from colored paper, fabric, threads, balls, cones and other means. Our electronic magazine about design, interior and decor Dekorin. me will tell youhow to do New Year's garland with your own handssimply and quickly using various materials so that it becomes a real decoration of the home.

DIY New Year's paper garlands:balls, snowmen and Christmas trees

From white and colored paper you can create quite a lot of different beautiful jewelry. In order to do, you need to have some set stationery, namely: white, colored (preferably double-sided) paper, scissors, PVA glue, ruler, pencil, compass. For additional decoration, you can use sparkles, paints, beads, etc.

From the original lush paper balls, you can form different. In order to make a ball, you will need a compass. From multi-colored or just white paper, you need to cut out three identical circles, fold them in half and glue them with edges. When gluing, it is necessary to lay a thread inside so that the ball can be suspended. To make a solid long garland, take a spool and, gradually unwinding the thread, glue it with balls.

To do New Year's paper garlands- DIY snowmen , the balls are made according to the same principle, but of different sizes. They are attached to a thread tightly to each other in size: large, medium and small, as shown in the photo.

Christmas tree garlands are very easy to make. Cut out small cones from paper, glue and string three pieces on a thread. To prevent the elements from sliding along the thread, you can fix them with beads or drops of glue from a hot-melt gun. To make suchDIY Christmas paper garlandsit is not necessary to use green paper, you can use different colors, alternating them. You can complement the Christmas trees with sparkles or light decorations made of cotton wool glued to the edges of the cones in the form of snow.

Making a New Year's garland with your own hands: snake

This is the simplest garland that even a child can make. By the way, maketogether with children it is very useful and interesting. So, you need to cut out thin (no more than 1 cm wide) strips from colored paper, the length of which depends on how you want the links to look. It is important that the stripes are the same - then the chain will be smooth and beautiful. Glue the ends of the first strip together to create a link. The next one is to thread it through and also glue the ends. Thus, we form a chain of the required length, which can later be used to decorate a Christmas tree, walls, window opening, or hang it in descending waves from the ceiling using tape.

DIY felt Christmas garlands: patterns and manufacturing tips

Felt is quite often used in making various crafts, since its structure is completely different from other fabrics. It is quite dense and products made from it hold their shape perfectly for a long time. F eter has many bright colors, That's why DIY felt Christmas garlandswill become beautifuldecoration for your room. Patterns we have given some examples in our th article. For example, you can sew a lot of small green Christmas trees, as shown in the photo, decorate them with gold or red bows, beads, sparkles, etc. Then you need to take a thread with a needle and string the Christmas trees at the top. To prevent them from “sliding” along the thread, you can use a glue gun.DIY Christmas garlands from shoes, photo which are presented in our article, will delight your guests if you put various sweets and souvenirs inside. Various stars, bells, snowmen, hearts and other shapes can be used as elements of garlands. Since per year Yellow dog golden shades are relevant,make your own New Year's garland, considering this. Bows made of golden ribbon, yellow stars and other decorations would be quite appropriate. Dekorin. me selected for you various options beautiful products made of felt, which can be decorated in the form of a garland.

We make New Year's garlands with our own hands for 2018, taking into account the symbolism

Symbol Since the coming year is the Yellow Dog, the interior must have the corresponding symbolism. If you know how to sew even a little, createDIY New Year's toys and garlandsfrom felt it will be quite easy. For example, you can sew small dogs symbolizing the coming year, as shown in the photo in our article. You can also make a separate interior decoration. Stretch a strong thread on the wall along the ceiling surface, wrap it with tinsel and, alternating with each other, hang dogs and bones, also cut out of felt and overcast, from it. SuchDIY New Year's garlands for 2018 year will significantly enliven the interior, attract the attention of guests and, for sure, appease the owner of the year, which will contribute to the well-being of the family.

Ideas for DIY New Year's garlands from scrap materials

Very beautiful jewelry can be made using materials familiar to us all, which can be cotton wool, threads,

Real snowfall is quite easy to decorate if done separatelyDIY New Year's pendants and garlandsmade of cotton wool and place them densely on one section of the wall or ceiling. To make one such garland, you need to take small pieces of cotton wool and wrap them around a thread, tightly wrap the ends, like a candy wrapper. For reliability, you can moisten the ends with PVA glue. The garland will turn out fluffy and light.

DIY Christmas decorations-garlandscan be made from buttons. Surely, every housewife at home has a “warehouse” of all kinds of buttons from old things, as they say, just in case. So, we can assume that this is the very case that will help you get rid of unnecessary things and at the same time decorate the interior in an original way. String multi-colored buttons onto thin ribbons or thick threads, attach them as pendants to an LED garland, and you will get a beautiful, worthy decoration for the New Year.

DIY New Year's fireplace garland

If the room has a fireplace, this is a huge plus in interior design for the upcoming holiday. You can make it yourself from cardboard boxes, gluing them together with the letter “P” and decorating them with white or red brick. Whatever it is - real or artificial,DIY Christmas fireplace garlandwill be a wonderful decoration.DIY Christmas garland ideasfor the fireplace are inexhaustible: use large ribbons of green tinsel, complement it with red and gold bows, bright glass balls, pine cones painted white acrylic paint. Since the main color of the coming year Earth Dogs is yellow with all its shades; the decorations will be oranges, tangerines and other fruits, which, by the way, can be eaten after the holiday.

They will look very ChristmassyNew Year's pendants-shoes and garlands, decorated with your own hands which will take up space above the fireplace. You can add to the composition with slides of candles, a Christmas wreath, and also put a small porcelain or self-sewn figurine of a dog - a symbol of the coming year.

Read also on our website Dekorin. me: How to decorate a room for New Year 2018, read our article and see 55 beautiful New Year's photos.

WITH DIY LED Christmas garlands

The simplest option is to create a specific picture from a garland, for example, a silhouette of a dog, Santa Claus, a snowman, or just an abstract shape. ButDIY LED Christmas lightscan be turned into special decorations that will be appreciated by guests. For example, using threads, balloons and PVA glue, you can make a variety of transparent, lightweight lampshades that will decorate each light bulb in the garland. Everything is done very simply: we inflate the balloon (just a little) and fix it, dip the thread in glue and wrap it loosely around the ball. After complete drying, the ball bursts and is taken out of the wicker lampshade, which ultimately needs to be fixed on the light bulb. SuchDIY Christmas garlands(photo see the article) in the evening they will create the most incredible patterns in the interior of the room.

DIY Christmas garlands for kindergarten

On the eve of the New Year, matinees are held in all children's institutions, and to create the necessary festive atmosphere- the work of staff and parents. For example, you can make beautifulDIY New Year's garlands kindergarten from colored paper. Cut out stars, Christmas trees, snowflakes various sizes and string them onto a thread using a needle. Such garlands must be placed as close to the ceiling surface as possible so that children cannot accidentally tear them. You can also doDIY New Year's garlands from balls. We have collected photographs of various decorations in our th article. One of them shows how the kindergarten assembly hall is decorated with garlands of white tinsel and snowflake pendants.

New Year's decor cannot do without festive garlands. Make beautifulDIY Christmas decorations garlandsis not at all difficult, as our article confirms. You just need to apply some imagination and creativity, and your home will shine with new colors on the eve of the long-awaited New Year.

DIY Christmas garlands - 45 photos of beautiful decorations updated: November 23, 2017 by: dekomin

On the eve of the holiday, we all begin to decorate our home with various themed items. Garlands, snowfields, Christmas decorations- everything will do in this matter. But sometimes you want something interesting. The best decoration will be crafts made with love in the family circle. I present to you master classes - how to make garlands with your own hands to decorate the interior and Christmas tree with step-by-step unique photographs. See even more master classes on how to do it here.

To create such a garland we will need:

  • A4 colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • wire, thread.

One A4 sheet will make one umbrella. Fold the sheets in half.

Once again. The result should be 8 layers.

Then we select the circle according to size, for me it is the lid of the teapot. We trace with a pencil.

Using nail scissors, cut out circles.

These circles can be of a variety of colors and in any quantity.

Fold the circles in half.

Once again.

Then we take double-sided tape and cut off such a strip.

Glue the strip as shown in the photo.

Glue it together.

On the outside we glue strips of tape to secure the circles together.

If you, like me, love to use a glue gun, then by replacing the tape with glue, you can speed up this process much.

Connect all the circles together.

As a result, we will get a circle like this.

Take the white wires.

And attach a paper umbrella.

Apply a drop of hot glue to the base of the craft.

Our DIY umbrellas for the garland are ready.

We take a thin wire and begin to attach the umbrellas.

To make umbrellas swirl and shimmer, you can attach them with thread.

DIY tangerine peel garland

Which usually happens a lot New Year's table? Olivier and tangerines. Why not use used tangerine peels? All this is done quickly, and you will get a garland on New Year with your own hands. And just look how unusual it looks.

If you like the idea, then let's start the master class.

All you need for this:

  • Tangerine peel;
  • cardboard,;
  • ball pen;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • twine.

First you need to draw a template on cardboard. These can be snowflakes, Christmas trees, hearts. In general, whatever your heart desires. Cut out the template.

Trace it onto the tangerine peel. It's better to use a regular pen. It writes well on the surface and then erases just as easily.

Cut out all the blanks.

This is what happened. For variety, you can cut into circles.

Prepare twine or any other rope. Place the workpieces on it. They should be located on both sides so that it looks beautiful from all sides. Can be glued. Use hot glue, it works great for this purpose.

Now the garland is ready.

This garland can be used for various purposes. It can be a hair decoration.

Become an original bracelet.

And of course, decorate the room.

The smell of the tangerine itself also remains and will smell great.

Over time, the peel will dry out a little and look different, but this won’t ruin it at all. appearance Garlands. This is how, without much effort, you can create an extraordinary garland. You can glue buttons or rhinestones to the peel and make them even more interesting. With a little imagination, you will get an amazingly beautiful thing.

MK DIY New Year's garland

Mickey Mouse garland for children's birthday

Nowadays there are many different thematic ideas for holding festive events. It is especially beautiful to organize birthdays. It is these events in the life of every person that cause many positive emotions.

To decorate your house colorfully and brightly, you can make a lot of beautiful, three-dimensional drawings with Mickey Mouse, hang red and blue ribbons, because these colors are one of the important colors in the outfit of Mickey and his girlfriend Minnie. Making garlands from cardboard with the face of Mickey Mouse is not at all difficult. You just have to want it and everything will definitely work out.
Materials for making a festive Mickey Mouse garland:

  1. Cardboard of different colors;
  2. thick thread (from yarn);
  3. scissors;
  4. glue.

Cut out a Mickey Mouse face from cardboard. This can be done using two cups of different sizes. Trace a large circle on the cardboard and make ears on it with a smaller circle. Cut out the hero's face with scissors. Using the finished template, cut out faces from other colors.

Separately, cut out a bow from red cardboard.

Glue bows to the faces, but not to all of them, but every other one.

Take scissors, make holes on all the faces as shown in the photo and thread the selected thread through them.

The finished garland can be hung. It is worth noting that the length of such beauty depends on individual preferences, because everyone decides for themselves where to hang this miracle.

Have a nice and happy holiday!

Cookie garland for the New Year

For the New Year, it is customary to bake delicious cookies, decorate them and hang them on the Christmas tree. But very often the cookies are eaten before the holiday even begins. To prevent this from happening, and to make the Christmas tree delight you with its decor, you need to prepare a garland of salted cookies and decorate them with glitter paint.

To prepare the garland you will need salty dough, a needle with a large eye, thick fabric, PVA glue, glitter paint and multi-colored sparkles.

Cooking method:

In order to create cookie figures, you must first knead the dough and bake it. The composition of the cookies includes water, a lot of salt and flour. And the more salt you put in it, the better dough will lend itself to modeling.

But, remember, such cookies from the garland can no longer be eaten; they will only serve you to decorate your Christmas tree or interior.

When you knead the dough, it should have the consistency of clay. You need to take half a glass of salt and water, but a glass of flour. Once you have kneaded the dough by hand, then you can roll it out using a wooden rolling pin or similar roller into a thin layer.

Using cookie cutters, cut out cookies from the dough - stars, diamonds, squares, months or circles. In the place where you will thread the thread and needle, use a knife to make small holes. Bake the cookies until done in the oven at temperature conditions 180 degrees and let it cool to start making your own garland.

Now that the cookies have cooled, you can decorate them with glue and glitter. Drop a little glue onto the cookies and immediately glue the glitter on. Let your artwork dry.

Using a strong thread and needle, begin stringing the cookies past the hole you made in preparation for baking. Be sure to make a strong knot and secure it to the first cookie. You can also decorate cookies not only with glitter, but also with sugar icing or multi-colored paint.

When you have a cookie garland ready, you can decorate the Christmas tree or your home with it. Don’t hesitate, this decoration looks truly festive and solemn! Read how to do it here.

How to make a garland with your own hands video tutorials

A simple DIY paper chain garland