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Who is Prokhor Chaliapin's child? The father of Prokhor Chaliapin's child turned out to be a married businessman

After the results of the DNA test were announced during Andrei Malakhov’s “Let Them Talk” program, fans began to wonder from whom Prokhor Shalyapin’s fiancée, model Anna Kalashnikova, gave birth to a son, Daniil, a year ago. Meanwhile, Prokhor’s ex-wife, realtor Larisa Kopenkina, shed light on the family secret. On the air of the NTV channel's "New Russian Sensations" program, she stated that she knew who this man was. According to Larisa, most likely, this is the person who met with Kalashnikova before her affair with Prokhor Chaliapin and who allegedly still supports Anna.


"There are assumptions. This is the one who contains her. This is quite Old man, who is well over 60. He has a family. This is a very wealthy man, and Anya is his kept woman. Daniel’s father is the one who supports Anna and her child,” said Larisa Kopenkina.

Chaliapin’s acquaintances indirectly confirm this version. They noticed long ago that Anna, an aspiring actress and model, and also a young mother on maternity leave, clearly lives beyond her means and that she always has more money than Prokhor, who constantly gives concerts and tours. However, Chaliapin himself was always sure that his ex-fiancee’s income was higher because she was constantly busy looking for extra money.

“I explained this by the fact that she works a lot. She works from morning to evening, there is no doubt about that. She is constantly on the phone. She is very active,” Chaliapin explained.

Previously, the singer canceled his wedding with Anna Kalashnikova. “I am 32 years old. I decided to let everyone around me go and start life from scratch... Today I cannot forgive Anya. The worst thing is that an innocent baby is suffering. I am ready to communicate with Anya’s family and with the child, because these are no longer strangers to me. I don’t understand how to react to what Anya is doing, she says a bunch of incomprehensible and incoherent words. Anya and I are drowning in shame. There will be no wedding,” said the artist .

May 24 was supposed to take place beautiful wedding Prokhor Chaliapin and Anna Kalashnikova. However, after the results of the DNA test were announced on Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk,” it turned out that Prokhor Chaliapin is not the biological father of one-year-old Daniil.

Anna tried to convince her lover that the examination was carried out incorrectly and urged the groom not to succumb to provocation. However, Kalashnikova decided to justify herself and again appeared in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program to tell the whole truth. The model said that she did not hide from Prokhor that he may not be the biological father of the child.

“Initially I was extremely honest and frank - he knew everything. In front of my parents, he gave his word that he would accept everything as it is. There was a 50/50 chance that this child was not his. And he knew from the beginning, and said that this was his baby and promised never to raise this issue,” Anna shared.

Kalashnikova spoke about her fiancé’s vows that the secret of the baby’s paternity would be kept only between them. She was surprised when Chaliapin calmly listened to the results of the DNA test, which were announced throughout the country. The model was sure that Prokhor would not let everyone know their secret and would tear the envelope.

Anna frankly admitted who the child’s father could actually be.

“I dated a man, he was older than me, a business man. We lived together. He really loved to pamper me and really wanted to make me beautiful anniversary. I threw a party, invited friends, the press, and colleagues. And on June 13, I wake up - I have flowers and such a box, and in it is a ring with diamonds, sapphires and a stone of almost five carats. And a note that says: “I can’t be with you on this day, I have problems, I need to fly,” Kalashnikova admitted.

Anna said that it was on this day that her lover broke off relations with her. And at her holiday she met Prokhor Chaliapin. He became a breath of fresh air for her. After some time, Anna realized that she was expecting a child. But, according to her, she immediately warned Chaliapin that she was not sure whether this was his heir.

Prokhor Chaliapin’s friend, writer Lena Lenina, appeared in the studio. She stated that she had heard about Anna's allegedly dubious reputation. However, Kalashnikova was outraged by such accusations, saying that these words offended her. She considers herself a single mother who has to raise her baby herself. During the program, Kalashnikova had a real hysteria. Through tears, she said that now her parents are driving her out of the house, saying that she is a disgrace to the family name.

When Chaliapin proposed to Kalashnikova, he presented her with a gorgeous ring. But now ex-fiancee The musician intends to return the jewelry back to her failed husband. However, Prokhor flatly refuses to meet with her. His brother appeared in the studio and happily agreed to give the gift to Chaliapin. But experts in the studio did not allow him to do this, and advised Anna to personally hand over the ring to her ex-fiancé.

Anna Kalashnikova is a Russian actress and model. She played in several theatrical productions, starred in TV series, and participated in beauty contests. She became widely known after her scandalous affair with singer Prokhor Chaliapin.

Childhood and adolescence

The girl was born in the regional center of the Stavropol Territory, and later the entire family moved to Pyatigorsk. From early childhood, Anya dreamed of becoming an actress, studied dancing and music, and also drew well.

In 2001, she graduated from school with honors and went to Moscow, where she entered the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow Aviation Institute, from which she graduated with honors in 2007. While studying, the girl did not stop thinking about an acting career: she ran to castings, starred in commercials, and performed in the KVN student team. Then she managed to get a job at Mosfilm, in the office of Karen Shakhnazarov.

Anna Kalashnikova in the series “Trace”

This helped the aspiring actress get a cameo role in her first film, the series “Simple Truths.” Subsequently, she played several more unnoticeable roles in various TV series: “Happy Together”, “Detectives”, “Trace”, “The Witch Doctor”, “Hour of Volkov”, “Crazy Angel”. Sometimes her name was not even mentioned in the credits.


After graduating from the Moscow Aviation Institute, Anna decided to become a certified actress and took an acting course at the Correspondence People's University of Arts. After that, she moved to the USA for several years, where she continued to hone her skills in acting courses and trainings. However, Anna's Hollywood career did not work out, and she returned to Russia.

At home, the girl continued to act in TV series and played in several theatrical productions. However, it was not possible to advance beyond the unnoticeable supporting roles. Then Anna decided to rely on her appearance and started modeling.

Back in America, she corrected the shape of her breasts and increased their size. Having increased her self-esteem, Anna took part in several beauty contests and began actively posing for glossy publications, including erotic ones. She began to be invited to film videos and various television projects. But the main “show” in Kalashnikova’s life, thanks to which she gained all-Russian fame, was her affair with singer Prokhor Chaliapin.

Anna Kalashnikova and Prokhor Chaliapin

They started talking about their relationship in the summer of 2014. Prokhor Chaliapin, who had already made a name for himself after marrying Larisa Kopenkina (his beloved was 28 years older than him), made himself a girlfriend, Anna Kalashnikova.

Many people who followed the development of their relationship believed that the whole story was started for the purpose of PR. The lovers diligently demonstrated unearthly love to the public, but were confused in their testimony: they either said that they met at a friend’s party and fell in love at first sight, or they claimed that they had known each other for many years, but remained friends all this time.

One way or another, the couple was not going to beat around the bush, and already in December 2014 Anna and Prokhor soon announced that they were expecting a child. IN in social networks the couple showed off the “dowry” for the baby - a crib, strollers, baby vests, but Anna and Prokhor were in no hurry to move in together.

The birth was difficult - the girl ended up in intensive care, and doctors spent several hours pulling her out of the other world. Anna Kalashnikova's son was born on March 20, 2015 and received the name Danil. The new parents rejoiced at every achievement of the baby and started talking about the wedding.

The lovers planned to hold a luxurious wedding ceremony on May 24, 2016, but the plans did not come true. When the results of the DNA examination were announced on the program “Let Them Talk” (it aired on April 20), it turned out that the father of Kalashnikova’s child was not Chaliapin at all. “Please give me some time so that I can comprehend everything that happened!” said the singer in Andrei Malakhov’s studio. After this, the couple's relationship came to an end. Prokhor canceled the wedding.

“Let them talk”: Prokhor Chaliapin passed the DNA test

Anna Kalashnikova never revealed the name of the real father of her child. She only said the following about him: “I met with a man, he was older than me, a business man. We lived together." On Anna’s 30th birthday, he broke up with her, but it was then that the girl met Chaliapin. Moreover, Kalashnikova claimed, she honestly warned Prokhor that the child might not be his.

In October 2017, Kalashnikova was suspected of having a romantic relationship with Alexei Panin. Both celebrities are lovers of provocations and excitement around their persons, so it is not surprising that many fans considered their relationship to be just another PR campaign.

Anna Kalashnikova now

At the beginning of 2017, Kalashnikova underwent another breast augmentation operation and decided to actively search for worthy husband. For help, she was going to turn to the services of a professional matchmaker Roza Syabitova, but she refused her, advising her to grow spiritually.

Anna Kalashnikova – “Two Planets”

The girl also tried herself as a singer. In August 2016, her first video for the song “Two Planets” was released. However, listeners greeted the composition coolly, declaring that Anna could not sing, and that all the hype with Chaliapin and the child was artificially created for the sake of PR.

June 02, 2016

The artist's fiancee was pregnant even before she met Prokhor Chaliapin

The artist’s bride was pregnant even before she met Prokhor Chaliapin.

Just a month ago, in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program, it turned out that the father of Anna Kalashnikova’s child is not her fiancé. The results were announced on air. What he heard plunged Prokhor Chaliapin into shock; he canceled the upcoming wedding with his chosen one and stopped all communication with her. Last evening, Anna Kalashnikova reappeared in Andrei Malakhov’s studio with a sincere confession. According to the girl, she was pregnant even before she met her future groom.

Photo: Instagram

“My then-man and I had been dating for several years. On my birthday, he gave me a special gift - a ring with a huge sapphire and a note that said that he was leaving me. I was beside myself with grief! But, unfortunately, that day there was a party scheduled at the karaoke club where I work, and I couldn’t cancel it. Prokhor came there..." KP quotes Kalashnikova.

Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda/Mila Strizh

True, not all the guests in the studio believed in the sincerity of Anna’s words. For example, she suggested that the girl was simply using her failed fiance for selfish purposes. Of course, there were also those who supported Kalashnikova. It is still unknown whether her lover forgave her, because Prokhor himself never appeared on the talk show. By the way, on May 24, hoping to receive forgiveness and reunite with Prokhor, Kalashnikova went in her wedding dress to the Kutuzov registry office, where their application was registered, but Chaliapin never arrived there. Moreover, it turned out that a few days earlier he

On Monday, February 19, the next episode of the popular program “Actually” was released. Presenter Dmitry Shepelev, together with experts and invited guests, found out who the father of the child is famous model and singer Anna Kalashnikova.

Issue “Actually”: Who is the father of Kalashnikova’s son

In 2015, the celebrity gave birth to a son, whom she named Daniel. For a long time Anna said that the baby’s father is musician Prokhor Chaliapin. They dated for several years and even planned to get married.

However, Prokhor decided to undergo DNA testing, and the test showed that Daniil was not his son. The musician canceled the wedding, and the couple broke up with a scandal.

The “House-2” star and ex-lover of Ksenia Borodina, Mikhail Terekhin, participated in the “Actually” program. He declared that Daniel was his son. According to him, during his affair with Ksenia, he had a short relationship with Kalashnikova. The model said that she was expecting a child and asked to marry her. Mikhail refused.

Mikhail Terekhin and Anna Kalashnikova

Terekhin said that he had no intention of leaving Ksenia Borodina. However, their relationship soon ended anyway.

Photo: Instagram @terekhin.misha

During the program, many interesting details from the lives of celebrities were revealed. Viewers noted that the broadcast was intense.