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Happy 10th wedding anniversary cards for friends. Congratulations on your tin or pink wedding (10th anniversary)

What to gift:

Tin wedding – 10th anniversary of marriage married life. During this time, the spouses have already had a chance to get used to each other, learn to bend and adapt. Their marriage became flexible as tin. This anniversary is also called pink wedding. A rose is a sign that passion and love still live between husband and wife.

Usually such an anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale, guests who were at the wedding 10 years ago are invited, and congratulations are accepted on the pink wedding. On this day, the husband gives his wife a bouquet of 11 roses (10 red, one white).

The spouses accept congratulations on their 10th wedding anniversary from all guests who wish to express their bright wishes and shower them with praise for the years they have lived together peacefully and in harmony.

No matter what gifts and congratulations there are, the tin wedding should be remembered with heartfelt and kind words. On this day, everything should be permeated with an aura of romance and adoration.

Congratulations in verse from family and friends

You are staunch soldiers,
Tested in battle.
For 10 years now deliberately
You are marching in line.

You have completed all the battles -
Work, jealousy, everyday life...
But the anniversary is your family
Not forgotten today.

And you managed a lot,
Pass with your family,
And we wish you to live -
Until the wedding, golden!

Your strong union is tin,
Your family is strong and noble.
And let it flow constantly
In love, your life is blessed!

May there be more tenderness for you,
So that in life there are no barriers.
We wish you boundless love,
Let passion flourish like a garden!

It's your tin anniversary,
You remain the bride and groom.
Can't take my gaze off you,
There is no place for sadness on this day.

We give our wishes again,
May you live for many more years,
Let love not fade away in your heart,
May you all overcome troubles and anger.

After all, you have lived only a short time,
Although steel is made from common dough,
And so that on your Golden anniversary
You were like that - the bride and groom.

You have been together for many years,
You managed to get through everything.
Accept a pink bouquet
With love and hope.
What else life will bring, No one knows. But your union will survive everything that fate throws at you!

Congratulations on a tin wedding to a friend

My dear friend,
In honor of the tin wedding,
I sincerely wish you
To be only drunk with love!

Girlfriend, always for you!
I wish your dreams come true!
May your husband make you happy!
And will be the standard of kindness!
Hug him tight
And don't forget about your friends!

Happy wedding anniversary to a friend

Friend, you have been married for 10 years,
Your family is good.
Be happy without knowing troubles.
We are with you! Your friends!

Congratulations in prose

Not everyone knows how to beautifully read congratulations in verse, much less write them. But congratulations on the tin wedding can be conveyed in any form. You can simply voice your wishes in prose, improvising.
Today is the day of a round and conscious anniversary - the 10th anniversary life together. It's your pink wedding day! During this period, you have already understood the real essence of love and respect! We wish you all the next years of your life to only strengthen your mutual feelings! Let them become good example for posterity.
Steadily like tin soldiers you walked side by side for 10 years. We wish you to walk together with the same persistence, perseverance, trust and love for many more decades. May your goals in your life together be achieved. And let your common desires be realized in a life full of harmony and mutual understanding!
Dear (names)!
Congratulations on your anniversary. It's been 10 years since you tied the knot in strong marriage. We wish you always have good memory, which will be useful to you so that you always remember the most important days - the day of the first meeting, the first kiss, gifts and the day when the guests shouted “Bitter!”

SMS congratulations

Relatives and loved ones do not always have the opportunity to congratulate them on their anniversary in person and come to the celebration. There is a phone for this, and congratulations can be sent in the form of SMS. Such messages should be as short as possible, but meaningful.

Happy round anniversary!
Dear friends!
We wish you happiness!
And love always!

SMS congratulations from husband to wife

10 years with you, dear
It was like I lived in paradise!
I can't imagine without you
Not even a minute of life.

SMS from wife to husband in honor of anniversary

Congratulations to you, my husband,
And what now I wish -
So that you are like 10 years ago,
He didn’t look away in love.

Cool congratulations

Can't do without comic congratulations with a tin wedding. After all, without humor, life becomes gloomy and boring. Cool poems come in handy here too!

We are celebrating our anniversary
A strong happy family.
We don't invite everyone -
Only our own people walk here.

You got married once
Standing firmly on the ground.
Let life be (very important)
Sweet, like creme brulee.
10 years is today's date!
The guests are all a little on edge.
They drink to your strong union,
This is not a light load.

Treats need to be eaten.
There is everything on the table here -
There is champagne and vodka,
Husband is an eagle, wife is a beauty!

What else can we do to make each other happy?

This is the first significant wedding anniversary - 10 years. According to tradition, on the day of a pink wedding it is customary to give bouquets of roses. TO festive table It is customary to serve fried poultry with pink sauce, and the newlyweds should spend their wedding night, which is not their first, on a bed strewn with pink petals. On their tenth wedding anniversary, the husband gives his wife a bouquet of roses, reminding her bridal bouquet. Everyone who was present at the wedding, especially witnesses, as well as your children should be invited to the celebration. Guests can give the family any items of red and pink flowers as symbols of love and passion. Roses are also given as a sign of love. married couple After ten years of marriage, thorns and obstacles are not scary. In addition, gifts and souvenirs made of tin are welcome.

We've waited! Now your couple
Wedding again - the tin glitters!
Fate brought you together for a reason,
So beautiful! It’s already aching in my soul...
Ten years is a long time, a considerable one,
How much more awaits you ahead!
Fight for your family, and stubbornly
Follow your own path!
Try to respect each other
Don't get angry, even in the heat of the moment!
Stay close and never part,
After all, there is no shoulder closer or dearer!

We have 10 years of marriage behind us.
There was so much that it was impossible to list.
But in any situation,
You have never looked for a reason for provocations.
How much love and tenderness there is in your couple,
The same worries will be found over the years
You managed to maintain that loyalty
After so many years, we can only love each other.
You are worthy of no small praise,
We can take an example from you: as a daredevil.

From now on, tin holds your union together,
Your marriage is reliable, strong, indestructible.
Let these blues play in your honor
And your happiness is only for you two.
Let your eyes shine as they did then
When did you say “I love you” for the first time?
May trouble not touch your souls,
Let the birds sing about love for you!
Forever happiness, sun, warmth,
May you not run out of happy days,
We want to be on friendly terms with our destiny
And take everything you want from life!

Friends and all relatives gathered
Congratulations to you... For what, dears?
Ten tin years is a lot,
First anniversary - the time has come!
How beautiful is the round ten!
There are no longer two of you, but one!
You yourself to another without a trace
Give like sweet wine!
Love so passionately - just like before!
Take care of your children,
Know that the family does not tolerate falsehood.

Ten years is neither more nor less,
They flew by quickly, like an instant.
It seems like yesterday we raised
Toasts to the health of the young.
You have become wiser during this time,
Be more patient, learn to give in.
We believe that years will not change feelings,
And love cannot be exhausted!
Everything has a downside
There are no roses without thorns,
Let there be more pleasant things around,
Let happiness know no shores.
The fresh wind is not in vain
Today he brought me news,
What is today your holiday
It's called "Rose Day".
And today we have gathered
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
To be admired
And they were afraid to cut
So that everything blooms and sings,
So that every day is new.
And the spikes... Big deal!
What are roses without thorns?
So let's have a drink, shall we?
So that, to the joy of the whole earth,
You didn't stab each other,
And they bloomed, they bloomed, they bloomed...

May the petals of beautiful roses
Today the holiday is decorated,
We seriously wish you happiness,
We wish you love and joy!
After all, exactly ten years ago
They united their hearts,
Let your eyes shine with happiness,
May you be happy forever!

After 10 years, haven’t you gotten tired of each other?
So quickly share the secret,
So that everyone around you can be happy
To be constantly - both in winter and in summer.
And on this anniversary, of course,
You only want the best,
Obey each other unquestioningly,
Love and respect endlessly!

Now you have lived to see the tin one,
And this is the first round anniversary.
I wish to remember on this day the main thing,
About your feelings, that they cannot be more tender.
I wish to continue this difficult path,
And be together until the very end.
And may our life together be long,
Let two rings sparkle on your fingers!

Previously in the old days on the tin anniversary
The couple invited many guests,
They set the prince's table for them,
To show off your wealth.
The tables were crowded with countless dishes,
And the guests gave well-deserved gifts.
And everything is made entirely of wood, which is considered a sign
Ten years of happy marriage.
And to this day the tradition has been preserved,
But you can note it in a different and nice way:
Together in a restaurant over a glass of wine,
To remember that you have been husband and wife for five years.

I congratulate you on your tin wedding,
IN family life I wish you joy,
Let all good things happen in life,
So that your faces glow with joy,
So that your children grow up quickly,
Always help parents
And may joy come to you soon,
Limitless luck awaits you!

You've been together for ten years.
But no matter how proud they sound
All these numbers are just the beginning
You are dear, there is no doubt.
And you have so much ahead
Beautiful anniversaries,
What are the signs along the way?
And they decorate your path.
Silver and gold,
May God get you there.
May happiness be on that road
Will always make you smile.
Go forward boldly
Let the flag of love fly over you.
Ten year anniversary -
The beginning of your anniversaries!

Ten years is an impressive time,
But this is just the beginning.
You have created a rich economy for future use,
We wish it would expand.
So that the house expands, so that the family grows,
May only happiness shine in your home.
Even though eight years have passed since the wedding,
We remember the original celebration.
That day you solemnly entered the registry office,
They put rings on each other's fingers,
And to this day you are in love with each other,
So let love be limitless.

The pink wedding has arrived
You've been together for ten years,
But, as before, you are into each other,
Madly, deeply in love,
Have you learned to argue less?
Always respect each other
Your life has been built a long time ago,
You can only dream about the best
Your child is growing up in the family,
Cozy, cute and warm,
Let there be fewer omissions
Forgive each other everything!

Congratulations on your pink wedding,
With all our hearts we want to wish
Another half century or more
It's fun to walk through life next to you.
Walk with a confident gait
There is still a long way ahead.
There will be losses and finds,
And you are always one family.

Nearby ten good years,
And in the eyes there is still the same gentle light,
And hearts are filled with warmth,
As if the year had not touched them.
There were no stupid quarrels...
There were, but the fire did not go out from them
Dear, dear home -
And the family is still strong.
We give you a pink bouquet
In honor of the glorious years spent together.
The freshness of your feelings is like the freshness of roses,
Let it excite you to happy tears.

Today is your friendly family
Celebrating its tenth anniversary!
Please accept my congratulations,
May love light your path!
You have approached the tin wedding
Fully armed with beauty and happiness!
May God preserve your wonderful union,
Let envy and bad weather pass you by.

You have lived together for ten years,
Without knowing grief and worries!
I would like to wish you today,
Always pleasant troubles.
You are always together, walking arm in arm,
We managed to survive all the difficulties.
After all, ten years is not a long time for marriage -
But just a short bright moment!

Happy tenth wedding anniversary
We congratulate you today!
So let me wish you,
May your marriage breathe love!
So that life is a fairy tale,
And to be in it, of course,
And respect and affection,
Care, tenderness, passion, hope!

Many people celebrate a tin wedding or 10 years of married life on a grand scale. Here you can’t do without original poems, statuses, toasts - everything that we have collected on this page. Choose a suitable congratulation for your husband, wife, children, friends and relatives and make the date even more memorable. On this day, everything should be original and the best - just like our congratulations for you!

Congratulations to the husband on his 10th wedding anniversary from his wife

It's been a year since the Earthenware wedding,
And today we have Tin!
We lived these years in love,
I want to dedicate poems to you now:
Our rosy days have flown by,
10 years of marriage with you is like heaven!
Congratulations on this date
You, my husband! As before, I love you!

I dedicate a verse to my husband -
For me, you are the best for 10 years!
The love heartbeat still hasn’t stopped,
There is nothing more precious to me in life than you!
A pink wedding is a long time coming
But I still want us to live together
Ninety years - let such a threshold
The minimum will give us life!

If anyone asks us what kind of wedding
After 10 years of living together?
She's tin! And between us
There are no more secrets, husband.
But there remains in the heart a feeling that is called
Nothing other than magical love!
On this day, like a girl’s heart beats -
And I fall in love with you, husband, again and again!..

Anniversary of life together -
Pink wedding!
I'll wear it for a wedding
Lace dress!
It's a holiday again in our house,
We are newlyweds!
I take you as my husband,
And you will marry me!
Happy anniversary
10 years, like in a fairy tale!
I promise that you will only
I'll make eyes at you!
Gave me my heart
Only for you forever!
May there be happiness in our lives
Lasts forever!

Over the 10 years of our family life, my dear, there were trips into outer space on a spaceship (when I went to see my mother, and you slammed the door and went to your friends), and star Wars, and mutual accusations, as if caught in a meteor shower... But there is nothing more beautiful than the state of weightlessness from happiness, bright love, like the burning tail of a comet, and night romance, looking at the stars through the window... With you, my ship commander, I’m ready for another 10 , no for 100 years, go on a space adventure through the galaxy called “Family Life”! And today we almost reached Mars - congratulations on your Pink Wedding!

Congratulations on the 10th wedding anniversary to the wife from the husband

Dear and beloved wife,
You tell me even after 10 years of marriage
So close, important and most needed!
In the world of women, I know there is nothing better!
Pink wedding, honey, here we are!
You always shine with your smile,
I congratulate you on your holiday now,
We have many happy days ahead!

It didn't work out for someone
It didn’t work out for someone...
And you and I, wife,
It started spinning and away we go!
Ten years have flown by in a flash,
Wonderful children are growing up!
We accept congratulations
We are here and there today.
Pink wedding today
But this is not the limit!
I, my love, would be with you
I wanted to live until my gray hairs!

Allow me, beloved wife,
Happy Tin Wedding Day to you
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart, dear,
And for the hundredth time I want to say:
I love you even more
Thank you for always being there!
And through the years
Your smile is my reward!

For you - into fire and water,
Follow you - even to the ends of the world!
For me, my wife,
There is no one dearer!
Happy 10th anniversary to me
Congratulations to you today!
There are many happy people ahead
Days await us, I know for sure!

My best, dearest and most beloved wife! Today, on our Pink Wedding Day, I want to express my feelings for you in my own words: I may not be able to get stars from heaven for you, but I can definitely make sure that every day you live next to me is like flying in the clouds! For 10 years for real happy life I was convinced of the correctness of my decision - to take the most extraordinary woman as my wife! We will definitely overcome all difficulties, because we have each other!

Congratulations on your 10th wedding anniversary from your parents

Our dear daughter,
How lucky my son-in-law and I are!
He leads his family to success
To spite all envious people!
Makes you happy
He's already 10 years old!
And it shines from your eyes
Real happiness light!
We want to say thank you
For taking care of you!
May life give you beautiful
Many, many days in fate!

Our beloved children,
Happy Pink Wedding to you
We sincerely congratulate you,
Our dear ones, now!
And with wishes of happiness
We are rushing to see you today!
Let this happiness be
Warm, family, big!
Moms and dads are happy
There is no doubt about it
That the children of their family
They live life for 10 years!

We wish you, children, today
Take a look at the past years!
You have traveled a long way together,
There was joy and hardship...
You have come to the Tin wedding!
Take care of your family in the future,
And don’t forget us old people!
Love each other, love!

We don’t know how to write poetry, so we decided to convey our wishes to you, our dear children, in prose in our own words! 10 years - Pink wedding, the period of life together is no longer short! But there are still so many important moments ahead for your family. We wish you, just like us now, to rejoice in the happiness of your children, our grandchildren. And may you celebrate such events in the future as Golden wedding and the birth of great-grandchildren!

Congratulations on your 10th wedding anniversary from friends

Well, dears! Ready today
Accept congratulations on the Pink Wedding?
I was your witness then,
And on today’s holiday I want to wish,
So that you live together, and look in love
We always looked at each other as before!
May there always be understanding between you,
Love and patience, and hope in the heart!

Happy ten year anniversary
Congratulations to you, friend!
And live with the best man
I wish you until old age!
The Pink Wedding has arrived
The fire of love is in full swing now!
May it never go out
In your beautiful strong couple!

All friends are gathered today -
We were in a hurry to come to your wedding,
But the wedding is not simple,
There is no white dress here!
The wedding is called Pink,
You've been together for 10 years already!
Let your husband's heart beat
With a wife, as with a bride!

Our dear, faithful friends!
The anniversary has come in your life,
When the days lived were not in vain,
How the husband turned from a groom into a man!
And the wife is still as good as a girl,
The cheeks are pink, just like the wedding!
Only in 10 years has the soul become closer,
Only the wedding dress became whiter!
And as a symbol of your devoted love
A little miracle is growing up in the house!
Take care of your relationships
Let peace and harmony reign everywhere!

Year after year flew by
10 years since the wedding!
I, friends, will tell you straight,
There is no stronger pair of you!
Live happily and prosperously
Carry on! Keep it up!
I'll kiss my wife's hand,
I’ll shake my husband’s hand!
Children's laughter is cheerful in the house,
Relatives and friends are at the table!
I'll give you an envelope for the cake,
“Bitterly” I will shout again!

Cool congratulations for 10 years of pink wedding

Congratulations on your wedding will not be trivial:
I’ll read you poems, oh, original ones!
The anniversary has arrived - Tin Wedding!
Let the guests not dry out, everyone is drunk until the morning!
And the wife is getting prettier, she has only become more rosy,
The food for my husband is simply superb - borscht and sour cream!
And they gave birth to children, the house was already built,
Relationships that are necessary with mother-in-law and mother-in-law!
So continue to live strong with your family,
There are so many joyful, happy days ahead of you!

People gather
And he brings gifts to the house!
10 years since the wedding,
Today is a festive lunch!
My husband's belly is growing
And the wife always blooms!
Please accept congratulations,
And treat all your guests!
Prosperity, longevity,
To make children happy,
So that the house is a full cup!
Let's kiss more often!

Even if you are no longer newlyweds,
The husband's eye is burning, the wife is blooming!
Today you are at the Pink Wedding
There are a lot of surprises and gifts waiting for you!
In ten years we ate a pound of salt together,
But relationships are always sweet!
May every month be your honeymoon
Let the years not spoil your character!

Tin today is your wedding,
10 years is still not the limit, of course!
And that’s why we want to wish you,
So that the husband is simply stunned by beauty,
When will he see his beautiful wife again?
In a white, thin, delicate, lace dress!
And he won’t be able to think about anything anymore,
Thoughts will be hot, all about one thing!..
And she will hug him, kiss him,
Will remember this day, 10 years ago
The young people took the oath of allegiance!
And let your hearts burn with love again!

The reason for joy today is not simple,
We call it a pink wedding!
You have been together for 10 years, husband and wife,
Congratulations on this event!
Anything happened, sometimes scandals,
My beloved mother-in-law may have been sawing,
My mother-in-law gave me a lot of advice!
But the family remained indivisible!
You wear curlers and shorts,
There are no secrets, but the feelings are still the same!
Let us not destroy your union,
You strengthen it without clothes!

SMS congratulations on 10 years of tin wedding

Happy anniversary!
And I wish my sister,
So that in 10 years
My husband loved his lunch!
To dress up in a dress
You're at the Pink Wedding!

SMS to you on your anniversary with congratulations:

This is a magical date, congratulations on it -
10 years of happy life together!
From the Tin wedding I wish you
Come to the Golden Wedding in old age together!

Don't take off your rose-colored glasses,
A husband and wife are like a needle and thread!
Celebrate the Tin Wedding
Joyfully, solemnly, with a smile!

The anniversary is called tin,
In marriage he matured that he was a youth, a man!
And a wife, like a rose, blossoms in marriage,
And kindles the hearth with his love!

The chapter of life together is turned upside down,
You've gone through all 10 years hand in hand!
And on your Pink's wedding anniversary
I wish you to live long and without troubles!

For a whole decade
You've already had children!
Congratulations on this date,
We got married on this day once upon a time!
And to the Tin wedding together
They came to the wife, not the bride,
We sailed to my husband and father,
And not to the mustacheless youth!

Happy Tin Wedding, our dears!
May your home always be a full cup,
May there be prosperity, respect, joy!
The kiss always gives its sweetness!

Short but succinct, I’ll send you an SMS:
May many miracles await you in your family life!
And let a wedding dress hang in the closet for 10 years,
Let the feelings be hot at the Pink Wedding!

Learn to enjoy life
It's your anniversary today!
Confess your love, husband and wife,
There is a reason for this:
Today is not an easy date,
And the wedding is called Pink!
Let the eye burn, the soul rejoice,
And the heart beats very often!

Toasts for 10 wedding years

From my husband

I'll fill my glass to the brim
And I will look into my beloved eyes!
Today for you, dear, a toast
I am lifting! Heaven sees
That, as before 10 years ago,
Believe me, I love you no less!
I am ready to give for you, wife
Everything I have, even my life!..
You gave me wonderful children,
Your care, affection and love!
You are near - my heart beats stronger and stronger,
The blood is pounding in my temples from feeling for you!
We made it to the Pink Wedding,
But this is just the beginning, just the beginning,
After all, we have life ahead of us,
In which there will be great-grandchildren - the result!

I want to say my toast beautifully!
Our ten-year journey was not easy,
But you are next to me, my soul,
My wife – only I love her more!
That wedding is called Pink for a reason,
I will kiss your sweet lips!
My wife, forgive me,
After all, there was everything along the path of life...
Let's leave all our worries behind
You're a trick from me, my love, don't expect it!
I'll drain my glass to the bottom for you!
You, my wife, are like air; I need only one!

From my wife

Pink wedding!
I want to say a toast:
10 years have flown by
And we got married!
I'll be drunk
But not from wine,
And from the eyes of my husband!
You're the only one I need!
Happiness fills
Warms the heart
And the soul sings!
What else awaits us?..
There will be worries
On the road of life,
Maybe there will be tears
It's not easy to build a family...
But there's a reward for everything
What I'm so happy about:
My husband is my support
You are faithful to your wife!

I congratulate you, my love!
I'll drain my glass for you!
In my toast to you, my dear husband,
I'll ask you about one thing now:
Let there be no secrets between us,
There will be no secrets! After all, husband and wife
We came with you to the Pink Wedding,
We endured a lot together!
For you, my husband, I raise,
This crystal glass is full!
I love you even more
Than on your wedding day, I want you to know!

From parents

My dear daughter and my beloved son-in-law!
You are an ideal couple, what can I say... Neither give nor take...
Living 10 years is not enough, but, on the other hand,
This is the very beginning of the life of husband and wife!
I congratulate you on your Tin wedding from the bottom of my heart!
I say a toast, beloved son-in-law, drain your glass!
For me over these years you have become just like a son,
And I wish you to be able to achieve all your goals!
Well, you, my daughter, take care of the family hearth!
I wish you all your life to live together in harmony and love!

High, high in the sky
God has made a marriage between you!
Take care of your children, family,
So that the enemy does not destroy it!
May the Lord keep away the envious
Will protect you! We wish you,
So that there is no room in the house
Evil deeds, offensive words!
You came to Pink's wedding,
There was everything along the way
Weaved the lace of our lives,
Keep weaving them...
This toast today is in your honor,
We wish you, son and daughter,
So that love reigns in the family,
And the Lord could always help!

Statuses for the 10th anniversary of the Pink (tin) wedding

1. May you have enough wisdom, having lived together 10 years before the Pink Wedding, to remain with rose-colored glasses.
2. No better than that the man who 10 years ago made me the most beloved woman on planet Earth! Happy Pink Wedding to us!
3. Those who have not reached the Tin Wedding do not know all the delights of a long family life.
4. Today is a Pink Wedding, today is a pink dawn, there is no one more precious to you in this life!
5. Today another step has been taken in married life together - goodbye Earthenware wedding! Hello Tin!
6. 10 years have passed since we got married! We are waiting for gifts made of tin or all sorts of beautiful pink amenities!
7. Pink wedding - the beginning of the journey! How much longer, husband, should we go together?
8. Loving your wife for 10 years and coming together to the Tin wedding - this is a real man’s act!
9. Having reached the 10th anniversary of family life, you understand that without love, understanding and patience this path cannot be overcome!..
10. Like 10 years ago, I’m drowning in your eyes!.. Ah, Pink Wedding, I’m going to the bottom!..

One comment on “ Congratulations on your 10th wedding anniversary

    Well, just wonderful SMS congratulations on the 10th anniversary. We chose this verse
    SMS to you on your anniversary with congratulations:
    Husband, don’t let your wife be sad today without a bouquet!
    Well, wife, now pour your husband a glass,
    And for the Pink Wedding, kiss your lips quickly!
    Be happy and healthy
    10 years is so COOL!

That's the date - 10 years
There is both rest and maternity leave.
This period is no longer short,
A lot has happened to you.
You got used to it, got used to it,
And the bed creaked.
You took off your rose-colored glasses,
And they cursed out of boredom.
Still a happy marriage
Love each other after all.
We wish you not to be sad,
Let go of all grievances.
Be happy with each other
And don't know the word boredom.

Today the marriage is 10 years old,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Ten times a decade
I wish you a happy life.

I wish you to grumble with joy,
And quarrel only for fun,
Calling each other “bunny”
And spoil your nerves little by little.

Let love help you
overcome, achieve, fulfill,
And the day that ten years ago
Connected you, forever remember.

With a tin medal for your love, happy 10th anniversary of your married life. Let the tin melt, and let your married couple be famous for their tenderness, passion, beauty and generosity of feelings. I wish you to always be together and easily cope with any problem, I wish you to dream with joy and always hit the mark!

Ten years have flown by,
How did you end up at the registry office?
In front of the whole honest crowd
They became husband and wife.

I wish you a friendly life
And love, like necessary air,
Many more years to live
And cherish each other!

10 years hand in hand,
Your names are husband and wife,
Today is the family's anniversary,
Tag it quickly!

After all, living in harmony is a science,
And in joy together, and in boredom,
And when you want to kill!
It's hard work to love!

Ten years is your anniversary,
Your bright round date!
Let the feelings become stronger
Be happy, be rich,
And, of course, full of health!
May your wishes come true!
Your couple from the side -
Role model!

Tin wedding,
I have been working for 10 years.
Metal, softer than tin,
Not in the whole world.

We wish you like tin,
Bend, don't break,
From love passion
Hearts will melt.

Clean the tin
So that it shines
Silver and gold
So that it becomes better over the years.

Congratulations on your wedding,
Tin, not simple!
Let happiness sit on your neck,
And there is peace in the soul.

Let the income come knocking
Shamelessly at your door,
And let the victories come,
And success in any field!

So that a million beautiful roses
My husband brought one for you.
And in return you gave him
Love and passion. She was so nice.

So that any of your quarrels
They ended violently, but not with conversation.
Congratulations on your tin wedding day.
May your love never fade away!

Happy anniversary
Not ordinary - tin!
Let the adrenaline rush
Your marriage is passionate and desirable.

Let love shine bright
And beautiful as lilac,
For each other - like gifts
Be every new day!

Happy anniversary!
10 years - this is the period:
Let happiness embrace you,
Dragging through success.

To pure carefree joy,
To fulfill a dream,
Will mark you with prosperity,
Will give an armful of kindness.

Prosperity will give
And a whole load of good luck,
So that your bright couple
It was a wonderful life!

10 years - you are one family,
Legal husband and wife,
You are one, you cannot be divided,
You simply complement each other.
Today is the wedding anniversary, congratulations,
We wish you good luck, joy, goodness,
May your lucky star shine on you

Today is the day of your celebration,
And, having sipped the intoxicating drinking cup,
Accept my sincere congratulations our,
May luck always smile on you.
Congratulations on your pink wedding,
We wish you a sweet life with all our hearts,
Let the golden fish fulfill your wishes,
Live, flying with happiness on wings.

A pink bouquet is blooming,
Your wedding is 10 years old today,
All the friends gathered at the table,
We drink to the dregs to your family.
Live in love and harmony,
May only happiness accompany you,
Always be faithful to each other
May fate reward you fully.

To the pink wedding with all my heart,
We wish the young people vigor and strength,
And so that age does not rush,
And so that there is comfort in the house.
Today is your holiday, congratulations,
We wish you a long life and happiness,
Let desires and possibilities coincide,
May only joy and luck greet you.

10 years old, gold rings,
And the certificate bears a strong seal,
Again today you are young,
I would like to wish you good luck.
So that the melody of love sounds,
Let the two of you not be bored,
So that happiness never leaves you,
Let the house be full of thickets.

Happy tenth wedding anniversary,
We are glad to congratulate you,
Live in joy, love and harmony,
Let the weather be beautiful with your family.
Congratulations on your pink wedding,
We wish you a beautiful life,
Your marriage, and your feelings, without a doubt,
There must always be no marriage.

We give you a bouquet of roses from our hearts,
We admire your family, and it’s no secret,
We wish you good luck, joy, goodness,
May the whole district envy you.
Today is your 10th wedding anniversary,
We wish you to live together to be 100 years old,
We wish you beautiful happiness,
Let all bad weather fly by.

10 year wedding anniversary,
Today you joyfully celebrate
And from family and friends,
Congratulations are accepted.
May luck smile on you
Let there be a nice mood to boot,
May your destiny be magical
Always complement each other.

There were rainbows, of course
Stars, thunderstorms and frost,
And today is a heartfelt day,
Festival of young scarlet roses.
Ten years have passed as if in a song,
Congratulations with all our hearts
And we wish only together
May you live in great joy.

By calculation or at random
Find love, create a family -
What an important task!
I will praise you today!
After all, you decided it a long time ago,
Ten years have passed today.
Since then we have not forgotten at all,
What a vow of fidelity!

Ten years is no longer a joke,
Ten years is already serious.
Both soul and mind
I am captivated by marvelous roses.
A rose is not even a plant
Rose is a symbol of beauty.
There are pink dreams,
There is pink jam:
The sweet taste of the soul's hopes,
Sweet taste literally.
In general, roses are good
And worthy of admiration
No matter how you turn them:
In general and in its details...
It's no coincidence that they
And they gave the wedding a name!

After 10 years, haven’t you gotten tired of each other?
So quickly share the secret,
So that everyone around you can be happy
To be constantly - both in winter and in summer.
And on this anniversary, of course,
You only want the best,
Obey each other unquestioningly,
Love and respect endlessly!

In 10 years the bride
Again with roses in my hands,
And there's not enough room for a wedding,
And the scope of the soul is wide.
Congratulations, dears,
And we wish with all our hearts
Beautiful feelings
Like for the first time,
Life is bright and big!

Love is doubly exciting
When it lasts for a long time:
Husband kisses his wife's hand,
And she beams with joy.
It's so cool to look at you:
Hugs, caresses - how sweet!
After all, ten years of singing a duet
Not everyone can do it!