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Happy birthday card for daughter Nadya. Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

A daughter is a great reward for a mother,
Mom’s happiness, a ray of sunshine, joy.
My daughter is celebrating her birthday -
So we send congratulations to mom too.

We wish you both happiness,
Your dear eyes never know tears,
Only good luck to you, only warmth!
Life will be joyful and bright.

It's your daughter's birthday
The whole family is happy today,
Accept, mother, congratulations,
Happy birthday to your daughter!

I wish you both happiness and health
From my heart I want to wish,
To add joy to them with love,
To live and not know sorrows!

On this day you found incredible happiness, heaven gave you a priceless gift. A girl who made this world a little happier with her beauty. I wish you a happy birthday to a piece of your heart and soul, happy birthday to your daughter. Most importantly, I want to wish her happiness. Simple, bright, huge, feminine happiness. And if she is happy, then you will be happy too.

Do you see, mommy, how much your daughter has grown up?
There is so much joy and warmth in her.
The most beloved daughter in the world,
Only children can be loved like this!

Happy birthday to my daughter,
I wish you immeasurable happiness,
Warmth, love, prosperity,
May life only get better!

So that you understand each other,
Kissed and hugged more often
And appreciated every moment.
Warm, pleasant communication!

Congratulations, dear,
Happy birthday to your daughter.
Let her live without knowing grief,
Gives joy to his mother!

Let her loud laughter be a reward
It is heard in the house every day,
Well, you should always be by her side,
Be a support for your daughter!

Congratulations on the birthday girl,
With your beloved daughter,
With your clever beauty -
The one that we all really like.

Let success only make you happy,
Never loses heart
Will be the most beloved
Let it be protected by God!

Today is your daughter's birthday,
But the holiday is yours, it’s worth recognizing
You put so much effort and patience,
A wonderful daughter to raise your own!

Let your daughter be a sweet beauty,
Brings only light into the world and creates only good.
People always and everywhere said:
“Oh, how lucky you are with your daughter!”

Happy birthday daughter,
Congratulations mommy
Days and nights flew by,
My daughter grew up nice.

And the “princess” grew up,
Wonderful, beautiful.
Let your daughter be
The happiest.

Let your dreams come true
And laughter rings bells.
Congratulations mommy
Happy birthday daughter.

On my daughter's birthday
Congratulations to mom,
Because this day is
Your happiest.

We wish that fate
Protected you
To grief and troubles
Your daughter didn't know.

To joy and love
We lived in your house
So that with my daughter always
You were happy.

Friend, assistant, mother's joy -
A lovely daughter, a dear angel...
Mom's favorite glorious child
Born on this bright day.

We wish you, girls, a lot of luck,
Flowers and smiles, miracles and victories.
Always be in a cheerful mood,
Taking care of your beauty is the main secret.

Family happiness, comfort, health,
Cheerful moments and sparkle in the eyes.
Fill your world with immeasurable love,
Bathe in the brightest rays of goodness.

Today is a joyful day,
Festive, cheerful -
Daughter's birthday!
Let him grow healthy
May it be successful
The happiest
And, of course, to mommy
The most beautiful.
May all your dreams come true
She's got it soon
There will be many devotees
Sincere friends.

Congratulations format:

Each of us always looks forward to our birthday. And it doesn’t matter at all how old the birthday boy is. Realizing the significance of the holiday, the relatives and friends of the hero of the occasion want to give him the sea on this day positive emotions and as many pleasant surprises as possible. For parents whose daughter will soon have a birthday, the birthday of their beloved baby is a particularly important holiday. That is why they prepare for such an important celebration in advance. In addition to a large gift, parents always look for beautiful cards, contents and appearance which will be a pleasant surprise for my daughter.

Congratulations in verse and prose:

Which card should you choose for your daughter depending on her age? Each age has its own interests and preferences. That is why parents, before choosing a congratulatory picture, should pay a lot of attention to the topic of choosing a congratulation. If the baby is only a year old, a postcard with characters from her favorite cartoons is suitable for her. Of course, a one-year-old child watches very few cartoons. Therefore, it is important to choose a postcard with images of characters well known to the little one. Since very little girls like bright sparkling pictures, you should choose a card that can bright colors attract the birthday girl and interest her. For such a young age, postcards with bows, butterflies, caterpillars, balls, rattles and soap bubbles are also suitable. It would be good if the picture shows the number “1”, which will highlight the number of years the birthday girl has turned. For a 2, 3, 4 year old daughter, dad and mom can choose beautiful cards with images of soft toys, a sandbox, balls, and soap bubbles. Cartoon characters will pleasantly please girls of this age with their presence on a postcard. Congratulations for this age are usually laconic, but they are always filled with deep meaning. The congratulatory text can be presented in the form of a verse, or it can be offered in the form of beautiful prose. If it is important for a mother to develop a sense of humor in her child, you can give her daughter cool picture With unusual congratulations or with an inscription of a humorous nature. But an older girl can understand a funny joke. Therefore, it is better to choose a congratulation in a humorous form for a daughter who is already going to school. For a schoolgirl Today we offer many postcards of different themes. A congratulatory image can, in a humorous form, touch on the relationship between a student and a teacher, and the relationship between classmates. Since in school age girls play a huge number of games, they can be depicted in pictures. Congratulations with images of loved ones will also be pleasant for a birthday girl of this age. cartoon characters. If it is important for a mother that her child does well in school, you can find a card whose wishes focus specifically on academic success. For a teenage girl who plays sports or, for example, loves to skateboard, you can choose a postcard that matches her hobbies. You can also choose a neutral picture for this age, the congratulations of which will praise positive traits birthday girls. At all adult daughter You can give a card on the topic of her professional duties or on the topic of family relationships. If trust has been developed in the relationship between daughter and mother, and the two women are accustomed to keeping secrets like friends, it makes sense to choose a serious life wish. An adult birthday girl will definitely appreciate such a sign of attention. Where can I download a free congratulation for my daughter? Connoisseurs of beautiful postcards and original congratulations More and more people are choosing our site. And there are several reasons for this: - we offer a wide range of postcards for a diverse target audience; - from us you can quickly download a postcard of any format; - from us you can download a postcard for your PC, for WhatsApp, for the social network VKontakte. - the assortment of our database is periodically updated, so users can always find many interesting thematic pictures with us. Congratulate your daughter on her birthday with warm words and beautiful congratulations, downloaded on our resource!

A daughter's birthday is a holiday, first of all, for parents. The appearance of a baby divides the whole life into “before” and “after”, so for mom and dad this day marks not so much the arrival of a new person in our world, but the beginning of a new stage in their life.

It is especially pleasant to congratulate the parents of a newborn baby - a tiny pink lump. Of course, the baby is not yet able to accept congratulations, but her family will be pleased to receive a cute electronic picture with a touching inscription.

If a new mom and dad appreciate humor, they will love funny poems and funny cards. With the help of such congratulations you can update your feed in social network so that friends can share the happiness of their parents.

What are the main themes of such visual congratulations dedicated to the birth of a girl? Of course they're funny Stuffed Toys, photographs of cute babies in pink suits or simply touching pictures of babies. As a rule, each picture is accompanied by a simple but memorable quatrain - a wonderful combination when you want to congratulate your parents without overdoing it.

New parents do not always have the opportunity to receive guests: after the birth of a child there is practically no time, chaos can reign in the house, and after the birth of a baby, mothers prefer to spend some time alone with their miracle. But you need to congratulate the family on the birth of a new little person!

It's good that we live in a time when it is absolutely not necessary to meet people in person to tell them nice words and express your joy. Now all this can be done remotely. You can choose such a gift for the parents of a newborn for free, all you need is to download beautiful poems or a cute drawing and send it happy family.

Time will pass, the baby will grow up, but for her mom and dad she will remain a touching baby. And the postcard they receive will be a wonderful reminder of that wonderful time when their daughter so needed care and attention.

Here you can download free pictures to congratulate your daughter on her birthday with inscriptions and wishes. Congratulate your daughter with a beautiful card!

Happy birthday to my daughter! Picture for mom

Happy birthday to your daughter!

Happy birthday daughter! Congratulations, dear daughter, on this bright and festive day. You live and bloom as a flower, warm everyone with your scarlet fire! May life be lived without mistakes, may joy be your companion, only a sea of ​​love and smiles, an ocean of kindness and warmth!

A year has passed again, you have become a year older, but now you are having a wonderful time. You have become an adult and everything is under your control, only youth has left your yard, and in its place has come the time of growing up, the time of hope, success and love. Hold fate by the tail, it is your creation, catch the ray of luck, live, love, create!

Happy birthday dear daughter!

Happy daughter's birthday - image for mom. Today is the happiest day - you became a mother today! We congratulate you with admiration on the birth of your daughter!

Sweet congratulations on the kitten

Dear daughter, happy birthday!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter (to parents)

Happy birthday image, dear daughter! Mischievous character, sweet features, my daughter - you are the most beautiful of all. Today I congratulate you on your birthday. And I wish your cherished dream to come true. Stay the same, with a kind sweet soul and love, I wish, every new spring. May your laughter be carefree, and your happiness last forever!