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A panel with sunflowers made from salt dough: a DIY children's craft. Craft for the autumn exhibition in elementary school For a panel with sunflowers made from salt dough you will need

Natalia Karpenko

Master class on making a model of a Cossack farmstead for a mini-corner"Cossack courtyard"

Master– the class is designed for an audience of parents and teachers of children of senior preschool and primary school age.

Purpose master class: making crafts on a Cossack theme.

Target: development creativity in children.


Develop imagination, spatial thinking, fine motor skills hands,

Develop aesthetic taste

To develop the ability to apply previously acquired skills in working with natural and waste materials,

Cultivate love and respect for native land, Cossack life, Russian traditions Cossacks.

For registration mini-we made a table corner layout one of the options Cossack courtyard.

To do this, we took thick cardboard measuring approximately 40x40 cm, and using PVA glue, we covered it first with newspapers and then with yellow felt, so that later the finished layout on the one hand it did not slip on a smooth surface, and on the other hand it could be easily and firmly glued to it mini scenery.

Next we made a hut made of thick cardboard, covered the walls with PVA glue, then sprinkled it with semolina and after drying, covered it again with PVA glue, thus simulating a “mud”. The roof, base and bench are cardboard covered with burlap, the pipe is a cardboard cylinder covered with twine. Well made from a cardboard cylinder covered with coffee beans, a pencil covered with twine, and a recycled part of an old wooden construction set, two buckets with the harvest made from cut out cells of egg trays, covered with twine. The harvest in buckets was imitated using multi-colored beads. Bucket for well made From a plastic bottle for dispensing medicinal syrup, lined with twine, we made holes on the sides using an awl heated on a fire, through which we threaded a wire, which served as an imitation of the handle of a bucket. Sunflowers can be made from colored paper, cardboard, fabric.

Fence subvrya made of toothpicks glued to a sheet of thin paralon, which in turn is glued to the base layout.

Next, all components are glued to the base. Imitation of two garden beds - regular black long tea with pieces of lemon zest. The firewood in the backyard is pieces of branches, the grass is dry moss glued with PVA glue, the path is Pistachio nut shells. This is what we ended up with.

And what about a hut without windows and doors? This is cardboard covered with burlap and trimmed with toothpicks.

Good luck to you, dear colleagues and parents, in your work!

Traditional Ukrainian handmade dolls

The ethnic culture of the Ukrainian people is an inexhaustible source of ideas for creating stylish and memorable crafts or souvenirs. Symbolism and ancient Slavic magic still live in every Ukrainian craft, which is why the main centuries-old tradition is to make such crafts with your own hands. Traditional toys in Ukrainian folk style, made with one’s own hand, will become original and a useful gift friends, colleagues, family and friends.

What is the secret of crafts

Ukrainian crafts have their own secret. It lies in the fact that such toys are made with your own hands, and each has the power of a talisman. Ukrainian culture has been formed over many centuries. Today, the people have a valuable heritage, including many extraordinary traditions, rituals, ceremonies and types of folk art. All this is embodied in souvenirs, with which guests of the country are happy to take away a piece of the extraordinary soul of the Ukrainian people.

The Ukrainian amulet is a rather complex but harmonious composition

You can make toys yourself, but it is important to remember the following features:


When creating toys and amulets in the Ukrainian style, it is important to fill each of them with elements of Ukrainian flavor in order to highlight the folk theme of the craft.

There are several rules for creating a Ukrainian souvenir:

Floral patterns are very popular in Ukraine.

In souvenir shops you can always buy ready-made souvenirs in the Ukrainian folk style, but handmade crafts are always exclusive, sincere and original.

A homemade amulet stores the warmth of the master

Motanka doll

The Ukrainian Motanka doll is not only an exclusive and original souvenir, but also a powerful ancient amulet. Making it yourself is not at all difficult and even a child can do it. The process of making such a doll in the Ukrainian style is based on the principle of winding, hence the name of the craft.

To make such a talisman, you will need threads (colored natural ones), pieces of fabric (white linen and colored ones), cotton wool, ribbons and other accessories at the request of the craftswoman. The algorithm for creating a toy is as follows:

  1. We form a head from a piece of white fabric. We put cotton wool (threads, fabric) inside the fabric and wrap it with red threads. Using thread or tape, we wrap a sacred cross around the doll’s face.
  2. We form a skirt (dress, sundress) from colored fabric, collecting the fabric and wrapping it with threads, without cutting them in any case.
  3. We wrap threads around the body from the neck to the waist; you can attach an apron.


The Ukrainian amulet doll must be made without the use of scissors or needles; the fabric and threads are torn by hand.

  1. For the hands, the fabric is folded like an accordion and wrapped with thread. The arms are tied to the body with threads crosswise.
  2. If desired, you can make hair for the doll from floss, braid it (tie it with threads to the neck).
  3. The head can be decorated with a scarf or ribbon.

Making a simple motanka doll

Making a motanka doll “Bereginya”

Making an Easter motanka doll

Making a motanka doll “Desire”

Such handmade toys are not only a reflection of Ukrainian folk art, but will also help protect a person and his family from evil, filth and envious people.

Ukrainian broom-amulet

A Ukrainian souvenir in the form of a small, lavishly decorated broom can become a family amulet. Most often, such crafts can be found where the whole family gathers. It symbolizes prosperity and family well-being. The main rule that must be followed when creating souvenirs in the traditional Ukrainian style is to work with soul, send a message of happiness and good wishes craftswomen.

Creating a craft in the Ukrainian folk style in the form of a broom-amulet is as easy as shelling pears. You will need:

  • a new ordinary broom or straw;
  • glue (glue gun);
  • accessories (patterned ribbons with ornaments in the Ukrainian style);
  • dried flowers, salt, grain (everything your imagination allows).

The work is performed in the following order:

  1. Make a small broom out of straw and wrap the handle tightly with red ribbon or thread.
  2. Apply a patterned ribbon in Ukrainian style to the edge of the broom and secure with glue.
  3. Pour a little salt into a prepared small canvas bag and attach it to the broom with glue. Salt symbolizes wealth and prosperity in the home.
  4. Next, from seeds, grains or cereals, you can lay out the most different patterns. For example, beans represent new life, millet protects from the evil eye, poppy seeds fulfill cherished desires, baked goods (bagels) are material goods, nuts or acorns are wisdom and a clear mind.

Making a broom amulet

Ukrainian souvenir brooms, made by hand, symbolize the removal of any garbage and any energy waste from the family home.

The content of such a craft depends entirely on the imagination of the craftswoman. Depending on how such souvenirs are decorated, the essence of the amulet made by yourself is laid down.

All toys in the traditional style of the Ukrainian people, made independently - this is a wonderful and sincere gift anyone who wants to get acquainted with the peculiarities of culture and traditions. Uniqueness, originality of crafts in ethnic style lies in the wisdom of centuries-old Ukrainian heritage.

Maria Ganina

Kuban". The group has selected material to help children consolidate

signs of autumn. Teachers, together with children and parents, formalized

Exhibitions crafts from natural material "Hello, autumn".

Conversations and excursions to the autumn park were held with the children. The children were drawing

golden autumn, gifts Kuban, learned poetry.

With the arrival of autumn Kuban nature is simply overflowing with all sorts of

interesting things. These are a variety of colored leaves, and round,

smooth, shiny chestnuts different sizes, dark caramel acorns

colors, curly cones, as well as nuts, legume seeds, various vegetables,

berries and fruits that little creators happily turn into

beautiful autumn crafts for kindergarten. The children and their parents performed various crafts This is what happened from natural materials

Publications on the topic:

Every Sunday at noon in Krasnodar, in Ekaterininsky Square, a ceremony begins called “The Hour of Glory of Kuban” with the participation of Kubansky.

In kindergarten we never get bored. Our whole day is planned in advance, and sometimes we don’t even have enough time to redo everything we’ve planned.

Calendar spring has already come into its own. In the south, spring begins much earlier than in other regions of Russia. At the end of February and c.

Notes on the surrounding world in the preparatory group using ICT “We live in Kuban...” Goal: Creating conditions for the formation of spiritual values ​​in preschoolers, interest in studying the culture of their ancestors, and love for their native land.

Goal: to continue to introduce children to folk games, songs, and nicknames. To arouse children's interest in folklore. Practical use.

Methodological material “We live in Kuban” The methodological material can be used in educational activities older children preschool age upon familiarization with.

Crafts on the theme “Vegetable garden on the window” The comprehensive development and education of children is carried out using various means and methods. One of.

Parents of children attending preschool, is aware that every holiday is necessarily accompanied by children's crafts for kindergarten. Maybe to some this task will seem like a waste of time. But for most it is still entertaining and creative process, as well as the opportunity to spend time with your child with interest.

It is important to keep in stock according to the season. natural materials and then any task for the production of work will not be taken by surprise.

Reserves of natural material

When traveling to the sea, you can collect small stones and shells. When walking in nature, stock up on beautiful leaves, pine cones and twigs. You can plant decorative pumpkins in your summer cottage - this is a good raw material for products that can be stored for a long time.

You can store the leaves in a book. It is better to keep the cones in the oven and pour boiling water over them, thereby destroying all the bugs. Cardboards from toilet paper or paper towels, it’s also better not to throw away, and save plastic bottles with caps. Make room for these items by placing everything neatly in a box.

Crafts for kindergarten– this is something that the child must prepare with his own hands. The degree of difficulty is determined based on the age category.

With skillful direction, the child will be able to create an applique, a drawing, or mold a plasticine product on his own. Using natural materials in the form of leaves and cones.

The do-it-yourself craft ideas for kindergarten below will tell you how best to use non-standard tools, for example, pasta or plastic dishes.

Plastic bottles can already be classified as standard materials; the possibilities for working with them are endless. Use matches, napkins, and sushi chopsticks, they are all great tools.

Products in the autumn version can be executed as compositions or as independent works. Perky hedgehogs, old forest men or alien creatures in a flying saucer - all this can be done with children's hands using raw materials given by nature.

Winter style products

In winter we have associations New Year's holidays, and also don’t forget about Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

On February 23, military-themed products will be relevant. Can be made Greeting Cards. Excellent products are made from fabric, but parents must take part in the creation, as cutting is necessary.

The body is made of fabric, and the corners at the bottom should be stitched, this is necessary for stability. Next, fill the bag with padding polyester and tighten the thread.

All that remains is to create the face. The nose can be made from a beige bead. You can use ready-made eyes or create an applique. Embroider the eyelashes and make antennae from threads tied into a bun. Add tone with blush or lipstick.

We make the hands from fleece or cloth and glue them on. As an option, attach one handle to the cap. The ideas are endless, you can complement the work with shoulder straps.

Works in autumn style

Products in autumn style stand out due to the fact that materials given by nature are used for production. Leaves, cones and acorns of these raw materials are in abundance in the fall, which is perfect for crafts for a kindergarten plot.

As a rule, in autumn period organize work competitions. The child can create the applique on his own with a little help from his parents.

For products made from vegetables and fruits, a knife is used, so work must be carried out strictly under supervision. Paints are often used in kindergartens. But you can also replace them with material, for example, autumn leaves will serve as stamps for creating a forest.


You can tell the kids how much their help is needed for the birds and make a feeder together.

This not only promotes creativity, but also fosters a sense of caring for animals.

In winter, the death rate of birds is very high, because due to frost it is difficult for them to survive, so care will be taken when creating the feeder.

For the feeder you need: wood, a box and plastic bottles. Wooden feeders are distinguished by their durability. But not everyone can handle this material. Cardboard is easy to use, but it will not stand up in wet weather.

In this case, the cardboard feeder can be periodically updated, and the baby will like its decoration. Plastic is the most unpretentious material. Easy to work with and will withstand rain. The work uses a breadboard knife, so the process is carried out under the guidance of adults.


Street layouts

You can create situations that convey the meaning of reality; such a game will help you master traffic on the road and study signs. Street markings can be painted on cardboard and houses can be built from boxes. Decorate the cityscape with greenery and, most importantly, make road signs and traffic lights.

Road signs can be printed from the Internet. A stand for the sign can be made from a plastic bottle cap and a sushi stick, and fastened with plasticine.

Houses can be easily created from cardboard boxes or glued together from cardboard and painted on the facade. Trees are created from cardboard or natural materials.

If you finely chop green threads and sprinkle them on cardboard, previously coated with glue, you will get grass. It is easy to create soil using grain glued to the surface.


One side has a background color, and the other has three traffic light colors. Glue a thread between the halves and the circle is easily glued so that you can rotate it to the hole on one side or the other.

Craft from bottles

Wall panels, plot compositions and toys can be made in various techniques. It's very easy to make crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten.

You can make a baby penguin. This will require two plastic bottles, with the bottom cut to the required size. And the part is placed one inside the other. For convenience, several cuts can be made in the inner part.

With help acrylic paints color the toy. We make a pompom from threads to decorate the hat.

The scarf is made from braid or fleece; it will successfully hide the junction of the bottles. To keep the scarf stable, you can place it on glue or double-sided tape. For the wings and paws, colored paper is used.

Photos of crafts for kindergarten