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Traffic rules on the ring road. Learning the rules of driving around the ring

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will focus on driving through equivalent roundabouts. You will learn who has priority when driving through the “ring”, as well as how to act directly at the intersection, which lane and in what case it is better to take.

Please note again that this article is about equivalent intersections, i.e. intersections marked only with sign 4.3 "Roundabout":

If there are priority signs at an intersection, then it is unequal:

Rules for driving through such intersections will be discussed in a separate article.

Selecting a lane after entering a roundabout

First of all, pay attention to the following fact. You can approach the roundabout in any lane. However, this does not mean that on the circle itself you can immediately occupy any lane. Let's look at the rules of the road:

8.6. The turn must be carried out in such a way that when leaving the intersection of roadways the vehicle does not end up on the side of oncoming traffic.

When turning right the vehicle should move as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway.

Upon entry to Roundabout Circulation the driver is making a right turn, so You should enter the far right lane of the intersection. Moreover, it is important not only to get into the right lane, but also to be as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway.

In the picture above, the driver of the orange car is trying to immediately enter the second lane of the roundabout, although there is nothing stopping him from making a legal turn.

Please note that in clause 8.6 the phrase “if possible” is used. Thus, if the driver does not have the opportunity to enter the right lane of the intersection, then he may well enter other lanes, this will not be a violation.

For example, if the right side of the roundabout is completely occupied by parked cars, then it is allowed to go around them when entering the intersection.

If several cars are entering the circle simultaneously in several lanes, then I recommend taking the same lane at the intersection that you occupied before entering. For example, if you are driving in the second lane of the road from the right, then enter the second lane of the intersection. In this case, the trajectories of cars driving in different lanes will not intersect with each other. This maneuver turns out to be the safest.

Priority for passing equivalent intersections

Let's consider the traditional version of intersections marked only with sign 4.3 "Roundabout":

In this case, the ring is an intersection of equivalent roads and the procedure for driving is regulated by clauses 13.11 and 13.11 1 of the traffic rules:

13.11. At the crossroads equivalent roads, except for the case provided for in paragraph 13.11 1 of the Rules, the driver of a trackless vehicle must give way to vehicles approaching from the right. Tram drivers should follow the same rule among themselves.

13.11 1 . When entering an intersection where there is a roundabout and which is marked with sign 4.3, the driver of the vehicle must give way to vehicles moving at such an intersection.

Paragraph 13.11 states that the information relates to equivalent intersections.

Paragraph 13.11 1 emphasizes that vehicles at the intersection have priority. Cars approaching the roundabout must give way.

Note. This paragraph of the rules is valid from November 8, 2017. Previously, the rules for driving roundabouts were different.

Traffic trajectory at a roundabout

The issue of choosing the optimal trajectory at a roundabout deserves special attention. Within the intersection, the driver must move in the selected lane. If he wants to change lanes closer to the center of the intersection, then he must turn on the appropriate turn signal and also give way to passing cars:

8.1. Before starting to move, change lanes, turn (U-turn) and stop, the driver is required to give signals with turn signals in the appropriate direction, and if they are missing or faulty, with his hand.

8.4. When changing lanes, the driver must give way to vehicles moving in the same direction without changing direction. When simultaneously changing lanes of vehicles moving in the same direction, the driver must give way to the vehicle on the right.

The same applies to changing lanes to the outside of the intersection. You should turn on the right turn signal and also give way to passing vehicles.

Based on the above, it can be understood that changing lanes on a roundabout only takes up time. And the optimal trajectory is large radius movement, i.e. in the far right lane. This ensures the fastest possible passage through the intersection in heavy traffic conditions.

Well, in the next article in the series you will learn the rules of travel.

Good luck on the roads!

If before entering an intersection with circular motion If priority signs are not installed, then at such an intersection the rule “interference on the right” applies, i.e. Those driving along the roundabout must give way to those entering the roundabout.

:!: This topic contains comments related to the article

Let's say the road adjoins the circle and the give way sign in front of the circle is not installed. How does a driver on the roundabout need to understand whether there is a yield sign for the adjacent road - i.e. how to understand whether it is necessary to yield to the obstacle on the right or whether the obstacle will yield on its own, looking at the sign visible only to it?

All approaches to the roundabout intersection (marked with sign 4.3) are marked identically. Therefore, there is no need to guess. If there is no sign 4.3, then this is not a roundabout intersection and you need to look at other signs.


What should be the order of driving through an intersection when turning left (intersection of a highway with a secondary one in the form of a roundabout): entered and move in a circle on the right, enters from the highway, i.e. from the main one? What signs are installed before the intersection for those walking along the highway?

Eugene, attach a diagram of the indicated intersection.


It is unclear why signs 2.4 “Give way” were used simultaneously with sign 4.3 “Roundabout” and at the same time given greater priority:

“so that at an intersection you don’t want to let a car approaching from the right pass, because this is not necessary.”

Wouldn't it be more logical to use sign 2.4 "Give Way" in the same way as at all other intersections without a roundabout?

Sign 2.4 “Give way” - so give way!

Sign 2.1 "Main Road" - immediately gives you the right of way!

“A combined scheme cannot be used. That is, in practice, roundabout intersections should not be designed that have a “Give Way” sign at one entrance, but no such sign at the other entrances...”

There are very often combined roundabouts, where at some entrances there is a “give way” sign, and at others there is a “main road” sign! thus, at one intersection, priority will be given to those who are in this moment drives on the circle, and at another intersection - priority will be given to those who enter the circle.

so you have to be very careful and follow the signs at every intersection so as not to get into trouble...

You are certainly right that the intersections you described also occur. And that you need to be careful at the next intersection if there are signs of priority or direction of the main road. You're great, that's right!

But! The article meant precisely the case if, on the circle itself, before the intersections there are no signs. (Maksim, you can focus on this in the article). Here and there above, I tried to explain this in more detail.

Right now the Government is dealing with this issue, and perhaps already in 2017 absolutely for everyone roundabouts - the main road will be a circle.


In my opinion, the number of “combined” roundabouts is greater (or close) to the number of “non-combined” ones...

Road sign 4.3 “Roundabout”

Road signs, which are not so common on the road, sometimes cause difficulties not only for beginners, but also for motorists with quite a lot of driving experience. This kind of hesitation for some drivers can be caused by the “Roundabout” road sign. In small towns, such a sign can be found extremely rarely, but in larger cities you can easily come across this sign. And in order to avoid getting into a difficult or even dangerous situation on the road, every driver simply needs to know how to correctly drive through the “Roundabout” road sign.

Before you begin to study the specifics of the rules for driving on the “Roundabout” sign, you simply need to refresh your knowledge in various areas of traffic rules, and also have a good knowledge of exactly what it looks like and in what places it is installed.
There can be two types of signs in front of the ring:

Where is warning sign 1.7 “Roundabout” installed?

Sign 1.7 “Roundabout intersection” in a triangle can be installed at a distance of 50 to 100 meters before the roundabout within the city limits and 150-300 meters on the highway and outside cities.

Warning sign 1.7 "Roundabout"

New rules for driving roundabouts

On November 8, 2017, adjustments were made to the traffic rules on this issue in order to bring it closer to European standards. Now, according to the amendments, priority has been set for cars already on the ring, thus, car owners just entering the ring will let through all the cars that are already driving along it. Regardless of whether there is a “Give Way” sign in front of the roundabout or not, the innovations require car owners to give way to all vehicles that are already moving around the roundabout.

According to the amendments, priority has been established for cars already on the ring.

Today, the joint installation of “Roundabout” and “Give Way” signs in tandem is simply not relevant, and if you come across such a combination, then most likely they were installed before the innovations were introduced into the legislation and have not yet had time to remove them.

If there is no “Roundabout” sign in front of the roundabout

It is possible that a roundabout intersection is not marked with appropriate road signs. If you find yourself in a situation where a roundabout is carried out without signs, remember that the driver must rely on general rules and move through the intersection according to the rules that govern movement through that particular type of intersection.

How to move around the ring correctly

Movement of cars around the ring

When approaching the roundabout, a motorist can take any lane that is most optimal for subsequent movement, since entering the roundabout from any of the available lanes is not against the rules.
In the case where there is no priority sign or traffic light in front of the intersection, the motorist has the right to enter the roundabout only after giving way to vehicles already on it.
When entering from the main road, the car located on the main road will have priority. And it is possible to enter a ring regulated by a traffic light only when the required traffic signal turns on.
There may be a different number of lanes on the ring, so you need to choose a lane for movement extremely carefully and responsibly. When choosing a lane for driving around the ring, you should start from the specific situation. So, if you need to drive straight along the ring, it is better to use the center or right lane. If you need to turn right, you can do so only from the right lane, unless the lane direction is set. To turn left, it is best to give preference to the leftmost lane.

The ring, in fact, is by default the main road, and the exits from it are secondary. On the above-mentioned section of the road, the rules allow you to advance and stop if necessary (but remember, stopping is only allowed at a distance of 5 meters from the nearest adjacent road).
Leaving a roundabout should be done with extreme caution and caution. The rules strictly require leaving the specified section of the road exclusively from the extreme right lane. Although at large intersections, for example, two lanes (properly marked, of course) may be allocated for exiting to the right. Taking this into account, before the maneuver you should move your car to the appropriate lane in advance, without interfering with other motorists, and only with this condition exit.

Penalties for non-compliance with traffic rules

The main penalty for inattentive and negligent drivers is a fine. The fine for various violations varies from 500 rubles to 5,000. So, if you stop in the wrong place, you will be fined 500 rubles, and if you enter the roundabout under a prohibiting traffic light, neglecting the requirements of the law will cost 1,000 rubles. Repeating the same violations entails more serious consequences, namely a fine bigger size- 5,000 rubles, an alternative to a monetary penalty is deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 4 months to six months, the period of deprivation depends on the specific circumstances of the offense.

Innovations in the rules for driving around roundabouts are aimed at reducing dangerous situations and approaching European standards.

The introduction of innovations to the rules for driving around roundabouts is aimed at reducing dangerous and difficult situations on this difficult section of the road and bringing them closer to European standards. When driving around the ring, a motorist simply needs to monitor as closely as possible not only compliance with the rules, wisely choose a lane for further movement, clearly change lanes, but also adequately assess the overall situation. Thus, knowledge of the main points within this topic will allow you not only to save your money, avoid unwanted meetings with traffic police officers, but also to arrive at your destination calmly and unhindered.

Recently there has been a lot of hype about the so-called “circular traffic”, the whole point is that amendments to the traffic rules were recently adopted and they affected clause 13.11, now new rules have been developed which are described in addendum 13.11(1). My readers and viewers immediately had many questions - “how to move in a circle now”, “who to skip and who not”, “are all the circles now the main ones”, etc. Today I will try in simple words It’s easy to explain what and how, there will definitely be a video version...

Actually, there are not many changes, but I think they are significant and remove a large number of signs (priority), which now there is simply no reason to put. BUT first, let's remember what was regulated and how.

What is a roundabout?

This is a section of the road in which there is an “island” in the middle; the road goes around it in a circle. Cars move along it counterclockwise (in our country, where traffic is on the right).

Entry is regulated by a special sign 4.3 (circular traffic), or other priority signs, markings (if any)

As a rule, such intersections are not subject to regulation, traffic lights are not installed on them, traffic priority is given (since November 8, 2017) to those who move along it (that is, everyone must let them pass).

Turning lights (turn signals) , while overcoming the “circle” is not a prerequisite ( that is, you don’t need to turn it on ), and they should be used only when the driver intends to change lanes from one lane to another, or leave the “ring”.

What happened before (before changes in traffic rules)?

We read paragraph 13.11, everything is described there (I will try to retell it in my own words to better understand):

  • If a roundabout intersection was not regulated in any way, that is, there were no priority signs at the entrance to it, markings, etc., then it was recognized as “EQUAL” and the “rule” was applied to it right hand" You had to let those who entered the circle on the right pass
  • For example, there were priority signs at the entrance to the roundabout - “give way”, “STOP” and others. Thus, you understood that the ring is the main thing and you must let cars that move along it pass

  • Change of main road. Often the main road could enter the ring and go around it either completely or partially. And since the main road is a priority, we allowed cars to pass along it.

As a rule, the roundabout used to be fenced off with “give way” signs (if that was the purpose) and it was still the main thing.

What has changed now (11/8/17)

What does clause 13.11(1), extract from the traffic rules:

When entering an intersection where there is a roundabout and which is marked with sign 4.3, the driver of the vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving along such an intersection.

(clause 13.11(1) introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 26, 2017 N 1300)

Thus, it turns out that now this blue round sign with white arrows (4.3) indicates traffic priority; if you enter a roundabout and this sign is in front of you, then you MUST let everyone who moves along it pass.

Now the “right hand” rule, which I talked about in the first paragraph, no longer applies.

The second point (when such an intersection was fenced with priority - “give way”, “STOP” and others) is now optional! We just set it to “circular traffic” and the driver must yield to those moving in a circle

The third point, about the main road, remains almost unchanged. If the main road enters the ring, then it is the main one by default, and you need to give way to everyone who moves on it. It also happens that these two designations can be located next to each other and, as it were, duplicate each other.

Are all the “rings” now the main ones?

NO, FRIENDS, NOT ALL! It is a mistake that now any “circular movement” is the main one! Only those marked with “4.3” are given priority. If it is not there, then the usual rules described in 13.11 of the Traffic Regulations apply. That is, the “right hand” rule (if there are no signs or markings at all), we take into account priority signs (“give way” and “STOP”), as well as deviations of the main road.

Once again, friends, if there is a sign 4.3 “circular traffic” - then we let through everyone who moves along the ring, if there is NO sign - we are guided by clause 13.11 of the Russian Traffic Regulations

That's all, as you can see, nothing complicated, but it's worth telling about it, now we're watching the video version.

Legislation should be structured in such a way as to exclude the possibility of double interpretation. However, the reality is that when driving through roundabouts (rings), some turn left, others turn right, and others do not use the signs at all.

The purpose of this article is to provide clarity at this time.

If, after reading the article, objections arise, I would like them to be MOTIVATED, with references to paragraphs of the Rules, etc. The statements “I was taught this way in driving school” are incorrect, if only because since 2000, changes to traffic rules have been made to one degree or another 25 (!) times. Moreover, the latest ones were on December 17, 2013.

Back in the 90s, I was also taught completely differently than what is written here.

So, the ring. Although, I am more impressed by the name “roundabout”, because... the term itself contains an indication of section 13 of the traffic rules, which is responsible for driving through intersections. Plus, since we move and change our location, we need to remember section 8 of the Rules.

When driving through an intersection where there is a roundabout, it is necessary to highlight three main points:

1.​ Entering the intersection;

2.​ Driving through an intersection;

3.​ Exit from the intersection.

Entering the intersection

Clause 8.5 of the Rules states that before turning, it is necessary to take the appropriate extreme position, except in cases when turning into an intersection where a roundabout is organized. Thus, we conclude that you can take any lane to enter (taking into account the restrictions imposed by clause 9.4 of the traffic rules).

Which turn signal should be turned on, and is it necessary to use it at all?

Mandatory sign 4.3 says that you are allowed to move ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY in the direction of the arrows on the sign, i.e. COUNTERCLOCK-WISE. Movement “clockwise” forms a side of the administrative offense provided for in Art. 12.15 part 4 – which entails deprivation of a driver’s license.

Thus, when entering an intersection where there is a roundabout, you can only make a RIGHT turn - other trajectories are excluded.

By virtue of clause 8.1 of the traffic rules, the driver is required to give signals in the appropriate direction before turning.

Therefore, despite the fact that when entering, we make exclusively a RIGHT turn (other maneuvers are impossible), we are required to turn on the RIGHT turn signal.

Depending on what type of intersection it is, we apply certain points of the Rules. Namely:

- Regulated intersection - we move based on the signals of the traffic light or traffic controller;

An unregulated intersection of equal roads - vehicles entering have priority rights to traffic relative to vehicles moving along the ring;

An unregulated intersection of unequal roads - we move based on the requirements of priority signs. If there is a sign 2.4 (give way) or 2.5 (driving without stopping is prohibited) before the entrance, then the driver located on the roundabout has PREFERENCE in traffic.

We would like to remind you that the “Give Way” requirement means that the vehicle having the right of way must not change DIRECTION or SPEED. You can often observe drivers driving according to the principle: “I’ve already driven past the sign” and forcing those driving around the roundabout to resort to braking. At a speed of 60 km/h, a car travels 15 meters per second. Take this into account when “falling out” 10 meters before approaching traffic at a much lower speed.

Traffic at the intersection

It is common to see drivers using the LEFT turn signal.

Let's figure out what a turn is. Unfortunately, the traffic rules do not contain a formulation of the concept of “turn”, but given the fact that in Russian Federation The official language is Russian, let us turn to S.I. Ozhegov, who interprets a turn as “the place where one turns” (changes movement). In relation to the Rules, taking into account that roads at intersections intersect, begin, and end, we can conclude that a Turn is an exit onto another road (or adjacent territory).

Considering this, it immediately becomes clear why no one uses the signs on the curves of the road marked with signs 1.11 (dangerous turn) or 1.12 (dangerous turns).

Thus, in a circular motion we have only two possible trajectories of movement:

-​ “In a circle”, in the direction of the arrows on sign 4.3 (circular traffic);

Or leave the ring by making a RIGHT turn.

Therefore, if we are moving through a roundabout without changing lanes, we DO NOT turn on the direction indicators. If you still decide to change lanes, you must turn on the sign for the corresponding direction. And the lane changing maneuver must comply with the requirements of paragraph 8.4 of the traffic rules (when changing lanes, give way to the one who is moving in the same direction without changing the direction of movement. Simultaneous lane changing - give way to the one on the right).

Exit from the roundabout

Leaving the roundabout is carried out according to the general requirements of the maneuvering rules (clauses 8.5, 8.6) - from the extreme RIGHT to the extreme RIGHT, unless signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 (direction of traffic along the lanes) provide for a different order.

Therefore, we turn on the RIGHT turn signal.

In Petrozavodsk, you can often observe accidents involving drivers moving either from the center of the ring or from the middle lane (for example, the ring to Chapaev). It is necessary to understand that in the absence of signs or markings indicating the permitted directions of movement in the lanes for driving STRAIGHT (along the ring), you can use ANY (right or left) lane, while exiting only from the RIGHT lane.

To summarize all of the above:

We enter the roundabout and turn on the RIGHT turn signal.

We move along the ring - no pointer is required.

We move out - turn on the RIGHT sign again.

Not long ago, new rules for driving through a roundabout appeared. But some are still confused and cannot understand who should let whom through. I'll tell you more about this:

“If in front of a roundabout intersection there is a sign 4.3 “roundabout” in combination with a sign 2.4 “give way” or 2.5 “driving without stopping is prohibited”, the driver of a vehicle located at the intersection has priority over vehicles entering such an intersection means. (paragraph introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 10, 2010 N 316)"

It turns out that essentially nothing has changed. The main idea of ​​the changes was to make most of the “rings” the main ones, i.e. Once you let everyone through before leaving for the ring and that’s it - you drive calmly, not yielding to anyone. However, if there is only sign 4.3 in front of the intersection. “roundabout” and there are no priority signs, then, as before, the rules for driving through a regular intersection apply. For example, “obstacle on the right” - drivers driving in a circle are required to yield to those entering the intersection.

If, in addition to the “roundabout” sign, there is a sign 2.4 “give way” or 2.5 “driving without stopping is prohibited” and a sign on which the direction of the main road is drawn, in this case the one driving on the main road has priority.

The following option is also possible: sign 4.3 “roundabout” in combination with sign 2.1 “main road” and a sign indicating the direction of the main road. In this case, there is no need to let anyone through before leaving, and in the future, priority is given to the one driving along the main road.

If there is a traffic light in front of a roundabout intersection, then you need to wait for the permission signal and then drive. In this case, the rules for driving through a regular intersection apply.

Many drivers, when entering a roundabout road, turn on the left turn signal, intending to turn left or drive straight. According to the traffic rules, this is not correct. When entering the roundabout, you must turn on the right turn signal, regardless of where you are going to go. The left turn signal must be turned on after entering the roundabout if you are going to change lanes to the left. When approaching the desired exit, you need to change lanes to the far right lane of the “ring”.

If there are several lanes before entering the roundabout, then when turning right you need to take the far right lane, and when turning left, take the far left. If there are more than three lanes, then when turning left you must take one of the two leftmost lanes. When driving straight, you need to drive along one of the central lanes so as not to make unnecessary lane changes and not interfere with other road users. A U-turn at a roundabout is similar to a left turn.