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A letter to a girl to make her cry. Declaring your love to a girl in your own words

Nowadays you rarely see men who write letters. In fact, a love letter to a girl is very romantic and beautiful. It can be saved to for a long time, constantly re-read and store as a talisman. On a piece of paper it is much easier to express your feelings and choose beautiful words.

It often happens that a couple has to separate for a long time or a short time. This might be joining the army, a business trip, or long-distance love. Many young men have a very difficult time with a breakup and leave their thoughts on paper.

  • In your farewell letter, you can feel free to write your emotions, because the person you are writing to will read it far from you.
  • If you can't come up with beautiful words yourself, perhaps this sample will be useful to you.

Sample love letter to a girl

My dear girlfriend, I wrote this letter from pure heart. It pulsates more and more often and pierces my body with electricity at the thought of you. Every word in it is dedicated to the most beautiful creature in the whole wide world. Smile, because I'm talking about you. Everything that is written here is a stream of my sincere thoughts. Re-read these lines when you are sad and try to cheer yourself up, for my sake. Know that you are worthy of the most beautiful words.

(Lover's name) despite the fact that we broke up quite recently, I am already very much looking forward to the moment when I see you again. Every day, before going to bed, I dream of smelling your body, hugging you and feeling the softness of your hair. You are my ideal, and your every touch is higher than all the most worthy awards for me. I think about you every second. Whenever I eat, I go to the store and do business.

Now I do not live, but simply exist. Only meeting with you can make me happy. Seeing your smile, I can move mountains and swim across the ocean. Your gaze helps me in all my endeavors, and under its influence I become more confident in my abilities. You real woman, desired and loved, people like you are nowhere to be found.

Now, I remember our first meeting with longing, I want to repeat this wonderful moment. For me, everything about you is perfect: your charming eyes, delightful smile, wasp waist. You are natural, just the way you are, and you don’t even have false intonation. I can’t fall asleep for a long time, remembering your charming look and touching touches.

Beautiful words to say goodbye to a girl

(name), I hope that there on the other end (city, country, land) you miss you as much as I miss you. With all my heart I want it to be exactly like this. Meeting you will be the main holiday for me. I wish that distance will only benefit us and will not distance us from each other.

Perhaps, if it had not separated us, I would never have realized how much I needed you. I know that we will definitely be together and live a long and happy life. We will have little children, and we will tell them about how bad it was for us to be apart, and we ourselves will remember these moments with a smile on our faces.

Always remember that there is a person in your life who lives only for you. I love you and I promise you that when we meet, I will do everything for your happiness.

A love letter to a girl is the most beautiful expression of feelings.

Sweet, gentle, beloved,
My joy and sorrow.
You are like a vulnerable rose,
The rain is behind you like a veil.

You are my priceless kitten,
Curled up in your arms.
You are my favorite owl,
You appear to me in my dreams.

I love you, little one.
Spring is not spring without you.
You smile at least a little,
After all, for me you are alone!

You are my beloved woman!
Finding one is better than wealth,
Than the gold that the earth hid,
What is silver and what is the earthly kingdom.
You are the depth of the heart, a spring of water.
Love in your eyes and nobility.
And you leave good traces,
You're on the ground. You know how to fight
And overcome great evil with good,
And you know how to dispel lies with truth.
And I’m not just lucky with you -
You were given to me by God. You believe too.
And we both understand clearly,
That without each other we are incomplete.
And let's sing the song of life together,
And together we will write our own poems.

Do you love me,
And the heart sings
Even from this
Eager to fly.

Do you love me,
And how I love it!
If you want,
I will give life.

Do you love me,
I love you.
You are my happiness,
My dear.

What a joy it is to hug you,
Kiss your tender cheeks!
You are able to understand me
Split my sadness into pieces.

I'm very proud of you, believe me!
I don't look at others, you know
There will be no losses in our lives,
Because you trust me!

You entered my dreams
Into my thoughts and plans.
Like all miracles,
You appeared unexpectedly.

Your lips, eyes,
A flick of the eyelashes and the wrist.
Just an opportunity to see
You are already happiness to me.

I feel completely
I'll give it to you.
How many times to repeat
Why do I love you?

Love comes and goes.
But only in my heart
Only you are alone... Years pass,
And I love you more!

I value your smile
Your eyes are the cutest of all.
I know for sure it's not a mistake
Words of love that I said.

Your hugs are sacred.
You are a bright angel in the flesh.
I'm ready for you from now on
To endure any difficulties.

It's spring in my soul now,
Emotions are bursting with colors.
I'm completely intoxicated by you,
And the heart rejoices festively.

I can’t describe all the feelings I have for you!
You are an inspiration, my happiness.
I want to meet you every day
With you in my arms overnight.

Beautiful appearance,
There is an angel at heart.
Your name is “tenderness”
My scarlet flower.

Among other women, you are my ideal,
I was looking for one like this, I only dreamed about one like this,
I collected your image from dreams and poems...
And then, finally, I met you.

I can't live without you now,
You have become closer and dearer to me than everyone else,
I didn't know it was possible to love like that
One touch instantly makes you tremble.

You are the infinity that intoxicates me,
You are joy, lightness, you are recklessness,
And every day I love you more deeply,
Never think about the past with you again.

Touch and tenderness
Carelessness of the day
And the feelings of light are vast
I give it, dear, for you.

In the power of your lips I burn,
Draws your image along with it,
I dream about meeting every moment,
Drawing your image in my thoughts.

Once again I hasten to admit:
I have never met a more beautiful you.
I'm ready to stay with you forever,
My gentle, sweet ideal.

I sat on the window of the hospital room and waited for the nurse with the IV. Outside the window, despite the beginning of March, the blizzard was raging in full force. A young couple walked along the sidewalk holding hands. “This is love!” I thought. After all, the wind and frost are whistling outside, but they still hold hands... I remembered those evenings that I spent with my girlfriend at home, at that moment when the same elements were raging outside the window.
The nurse ran into the room and started shouting for me to lie down immediately and not sit on the cold windowsill and said that she would come in an hour, she was called to the intensive care unit. I slowly climbed down from the windowsill and lay down in bed. My heart still ached with a dull ache, but it was made to beat by the thought that she was waiting for me and believed that I would pull through and return home. And at this time she was also in the hospital, only in the oncology center, undergoing chemotherapy. Her illness knocked me out of the saddle, which is why I ended up in the hospital after a heart attack. The phone rang and the number of my beloved girl appeared on the screen. I didn’t want her to hear how my voice was trembling from weakness, so that she would understand that it was still quite difficult for me to speak. I didn't pick up the phone. But I went to her page on the Internet and wrote her a letter in which I wanted to tell her the most important thing. I thought what if the doctors couldn’t cope and something would happen to me... and she would never know what she meant to me. And I began to write a letter more like a monologue than a message:


Hello my beloved! You know, very often I don’t have enough time and opportunity to talk to you frankly and express my feelings for you. That's why I decided to write you this letter. My beloved, thank you for being in my life! I love you very much, you are very dear to me! You know, I often remember the life in which you were not there. And I compare that boring period with this happy eternity. After all, love is eternal and has no boundaries, like beauty and ugliness, sinfulness and holiness, loyalty and lies. I understood more clearly what life is, what it means to live and love, and most importantly, to be loved. When you push the dawn to quickly see your bottomless eyes, in which I drown in silent bliss. Do you remember that evening in a cafe you told me that you didn’t need anyone but me and you couldn’t imagine your life without me? So, since then, I remember your words every day. And I fully believe that it was sincere.
Every night I pray to God for only one thing, that he would not take you away from me, that you would be happy, healthy and cheerful. You know, in life it is probably more important that your loved ones feel good, that those loved ones who make up the main part of your life are happy. And I will be happy if everything goes well for you. I want you to know that I will never give up on you for anything in the world until you want it yourself. And on the day when this happens, and God forbid our paths diverge, the largest part of my heart capable of experiencing feelings will die forever. I will remain the same, but only on the outside. I will smile, but it will probably be a more ironic grimace than the cheerful and cheerful smile that you gave me. But these are all just thoughts, I believe to the last that after my return, everything will be as before, and I will do everything possible to make it even better, I promise. I love you, I miss you. Vitya.

And she answered:
(text written by my girlfriend)

Darling, until I met you my life was empty, sad, colorless, you filled it with happiness, joy, a smile... I’m happy that I have you. The one and only. You taught me to live and love... decorated me my life with bright colors... turned my life upside down) I am happy when you are near, even when you are silent, as long as you are nearby. despite the distance between us, I still love you very much and will continue to love you. Everything will be fine with us, even better... I believe in it! During our relationship, you became completely dear to me, as if I’ve known you for a hundred years... thank you for everything... and let’s forget about the troubles, bunny ** if they discuss us, it means we are more interesting than others... now it’s not YOU and ME and we!!! my sunshine, I am always with you in good and bad times... and about our relationship everything will be fine, I know)) I believe! you are my best, my most beloved, affectionate, gentle, pleasant, in general the most!! and there is no one better!! I will wait for you as long as you like, as long as you are happy and enjoy life, not sad, and first for yourself and then for others... my little bunny, I loved you, I love you and I will love you even more...

After two weeks, all the words spoken to each other lost their power. We broke up at the end of March 2011. Lies and constant hiding from me any events with her participation, the participation of her mother in our relationship, lack of independence and lack of understanding of the meaning of the words that she utters played a role. So this short and beautiful story about two people who for a long time believed that they were together forever, who gave up everything in order to be close in one second and became strangers to each other, as if nothing had happened.

People, don’t throw around loud words “LOVE”, “ADOR”, etc. if you are not sure of them... For EVERY WORD we utter has some meaning for the person to whom we say it. Be happy and I sincerely wish you not to encounter a situation like mine and not to be disappointed in your loved one forever...
April 30, 2011.

P.S. We were both discharged home under strict medical supervision and a course of treatment. During this period, we separated. And everyone’s life took its course. I was chasing an incomprehensible happiness, looking for it somewhere around the bend, she lived a quiet peaceful life, was on the mend.

2 years have passed. During this time, we saw each other several times and each time we understood that in everyone’s soul there was a desire to start all over again, with a clean slate. I felt guilty that I left at a time when she needed support so much. She, in turn, felt guilty that she had to put an end to the relationship. She always reassured me, said that she was not angry with me, said that she wanted to grow up, get married and give birth to beautiful, healthy children, so that her husband would have a character similar to me...
On the night of May 29-30, 2013, I learned that Maria Savrova, the girl to whom I wrote this letter, died at the age of 18 from oncology......

At the hour when you are getting ready to sleep, I greet the morning.
But I don’t want to turn off the night light, remembering you...
And now the ocean separates us, but the wings remain...

Dear Stranger! I have shocking news for you. There are only a few days left until you meet the main love of your life. I have something to say that will shock you even more. You don’t have to spend anything to meet your love. Even in time it will take no more than ten minutes. Not only that, but there is something even more shocking. Even if this happens to you, I still owe you a huge, great, fat apology.

Let me explain. I'm not writing a "self-help" book, I'm not engaging in disgusting pandering. I don't do astrology, and I'm not a psychologist. Then why am I writing to you? Because I myself want love. A little more explanation. My name is Denis. I have reached an absurd, stupid, hopeless impasse because I am looking for and really want to meet a special woman whom I want to love, please and respect. Who knows? Maybe you are this woman. I know that you are somewhere far away. But recently I realized that I need to do something very effective to get your attention in order to eliminate all the fools, losers and idiots who stand in our way and prevent us from meeting. I hope the last phrase did not offend you, because it accurately describes the situation in which a single man or woman finds himself. But I digress...

[Beautiful letters are not needed to correspond for months by e-mail with a girl whom you have never met in real life. They are needed in order to win the heart of the one you want to be with, in order to seduce her every day, even when she has become yours. At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy under the supervision of instructors, you will learn to communicate with girls just as beautifully in oral speech as in written speech.]

Letter to a stranger with NLP load [Sergey Ogurtsov]

So, I decided to write... Although it is difficult to write a letter blindly to that Stranger whom I do not know at all, I believe that in this case the prospect of meeting you serves as a sufficient apology for me. I also ask you to excuse me for switching to the “you” address, which I find appropriate to a person I care about. Plus, it's still better for intimate conversation.

While I was thinking about the prospect of meeting each other and thinking about writing this letter, it gave me some thoughts. Can you remember, looking back in time, when you felt good with someone, when you felt an unexpected attraction to a person, when you realized that you both value and cherish the same values. This is truly a rare but satisfying feeling that requires something special. Personally, it’s not at all difficult for me to remember what feelings you experience in such rare moments when you feel your magical connection with another person.

As you read this letter and begin to understand all our similarities, it is possible that you begin to wonder. What if you really met one of those rare people who truly not only understands your feelings, but who appreciates and responds to sensitivity and honesty, who knows not only how to take, but also how to give. If you actually had the chance, can you imagine how you would feel after getting to know him?

While you're pondering these words, I want to ask you: How surprised would you be to realize that you're looking forward to spending some time with me? Maybe you can imagine our meeting, how fun and good we are, how you just begin to get deep pleasure from this. And if you think about it that way, wouldn't it make sense to spend a little time together discovering how many values ​​we have in common?

[NLP loads are very powerful means of influencing people - they act on women with the same effectiveness as logical persuasion on men. At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy, you will learn, under the supervision of instructors, to conduct acquaintances and dates using hypnotic techniques, increasing the effectiveness of your actions many times over.]

It would be great if you could respond by email. In any case, we could plan to have a great time together in one of the quiet places, or maybe just take a walk somewhere together.

Search for Love or my soul [Evgeniy Kirilin]

Where are you, capable of understanding the feelings that overwhelm me, who is not frightened by either the strength of your hands or the wisdom of your eyes?.. I am alive today, I can feel, I can sing with happiness. I have not turned into a shadow walking the streets, afraid of the light, the sun, the night, love and others like me...

So, it's time... Jumping into the car, I rush to ride, and only the rustling of tires and pillars remain behind me. And there comes a moment when feelings overwhelm me, when every nerve is exposed in front of the dome of the sky and eternity, I sing... I shout to the sky about my happiness, about the fact that I know how, can and want to love, sing and live, LIVE - flying , spreading my arms above the ground... I stop, get out of the car and feel the pulse of the Earth with the soles of my feet, with my hair - how the inverted cup of the sky lives, ready at any moment to pour out a waterfall of bliss on me, to give me the breath of life and the secrets of Spring. ..

I'm waiting, I've been waiting all winter, when the sky will fill with the first thunderstorm, when it will give me puddles, a wet wind, throwing handfuls of fresh air and clouds of spray at me. When it gives me the rumble of thunder and the reflection of lightning in my eyes, it will wash away from my soul the dirt of a stuffy winter, a dying and suffocating city. So that, having come to You, I would pick You up in my arms and enchant You with the smell of a thunderstorm, a strong sky and blue eyes so that, gently wrapping your arms around my neck, you play with mine wet hair, gently pressed into my lips, and flew with me to the clear sky, where in its very blue we will spin in a dance, merging with each other with every cell of the body, every part of the soul, every beat of the heart and with every breath of life...

And full of happiness, tenderness and bliss, You will fall asleep on my shoulder, curled up like a kitten, and I, playing with Your hair and admiring You, will protect Your sleep and peace... And when You wake up, I will give You the warmth of my hands, deep the blue of your eyes, the music of your heart, fooling around and feeding each other, floundering in pillows, and kissing, kissing, kissing... dissolving into each other, leaving only the strongest feelings...

Having come out of yet another downfall, due to the fact that everything I didn’t plan for, I succeeded, and everything I planned collapsed and broke into small fragments, I decided to show my soul to the one who would be affected by my words and feelings...

Whirling quietly in the round dance of life, my soul suddenly took off and flew between sun rays, piercing heavy clouds, to the forest, a birch forest, full of spring chirping and joyful games, the first grass and the noise of branches... And after her I rushed out of the apartment, away from the dusty streets and faceless passers-by, deceitful smiles and unnatural laughter, and clouds filled with drops kept gathering above me...

And when I reached the forest, I wrapped my arms around the trees, laughed and rejoiced at their gentle speech in rhythm with the wind. And the rain, strong, long-awaited, filled my heart with spring water of happiness, and, lashing my cheeks, suddenly burned my lips with a tender kiss... And my heart was filled with tenderness so that my eyes lit up and became deep lakes...

And I want to stretch out my arms and pick you up, hug you tenderly, strongly, give you uneven breathing, a gentle touch, those fragile feelings given to me by rain, clear skies and spring forest... But I want to be not only gentle for you. The fire of my soul, like a fast animal, is ready to jump from the tips of my fingers into the hidden depths of Your heart... And carrying You into the sunny fields of wildflowers, I want to give You the subtle smell of flowers, the reflection of the sun in my own eyes, the murmur of a stream, and kisses, gentle kisses, full of happiness, strength and bliss, like purring and a cheerful smile on my lips... Gentle purring, gentle stroking and the depth of your eyes...

I kiss and hug You tenderly, and with timid hope I ask: Do you remember me? Or should I once again warm Your ears with a spring ray, gently whisper various goodies and pleasantries, and with the tassels of my words paint the sky above Your head with a rainbow?..

The subtle melody of my heart beats briskly in my fingers, and I sing for You, and I want to give the bliss of my words, the iridescent bell and the sound of the wind... And like a loving sea, it lulls You, rocking you with the splash of waves chanting Aphrodite, warming you with the warmth of the sea, the sun and hearts. And my eyes, like blue seas, will look at You, not daring to remain silent, not daring to continue, and only my song, like a drop of rain, will bestow a kiss, loving...

[You don’t want to spend your whole life alone exclaiming: “Where are you?” Do you want harmonious happy relationship with the one you want to hug, caress, talk to pleasant words, kiss, love? At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy, you will learn in practice, and not in words, how to build them yourself from the very beginning. Plus, under the supervision of experienced instructors, you will adjust your behavior, remove negative qualities that interfere not only with communication with the fair sex, but with any person in general.]

And picking You up in my arms, feel the tenderness and trust that is hidden in the depths of Your smile, and give You the green meadows of the Strange World, called the Land of Dreams, which will come true, caressing Your legs with green waves, playing with Your hair with the wind of hope. My soul will carry You further, to the most hidden corners of the Strange World, to sing You my songs, to give You my tenderness and affection...

Spring with your face

Hello honey! I haven’t written to you for so long that even my hand has lost the habit of holding a pencil. You probably guessed why you haven’t heard from me for so long. I am allowed to write very rarely. But even those rare letters during the season of night winds cannot be forwarded by you. You know, at this time carrier pigeons cannot cross the Mountains of Hope. Yes, I feel sorry for these birds - after all, they will fly despite any danger. You know how they are trained; a dove is waiting for them behind the mountains. Some, without waiting for the right time, release envoys to certain death. But I can't do that.

As usual, I don’t write anything about my life so that you don’t get upset. It's better this way. Spring is starting soon for me. Her breath can already be felt everywhere. Oddly enough, spring always seems to me with your face. I don’t remember how it happened, but it’s been so long that it’s become a habit... Someday I’ll be released, or I’ll run away from here. I’m already able to cast some spells with which everything around me is stuffed and covered. It’s okay, I feel like, another five years and I’ll break free. We will definitely see you. Love for you helps me find the keys to many spells. Often they simply fall apart when I hold your Name as a scent on my lips. I don’t know about you, but I live only by love for you. Just the knowledge that you exist on earth. Of course, you can imagine where I am. Miracles here will surprise no one. But I know for sure that the main miracle on earth is You. Be happy in your forests of joy and fields of wandering! OK. Write if you can. For some time the path through the mountains is open. Well, I'm finishing. A pigeon can't handle more than a couple of sheets of paper...

Darling! I really want to write you something warm and tender. May this letter warm you, your soul a little. I want my words to make you feel pleasant, good, happy.

Someone believes that everyday bustle is life, real reality, and everything else is worthless illusions, head in the clouds, in a word - nonsense. But you don’t think so, do you? After all, life is, first of all, moments, moments when you experience feelings of joy, delight, excitement, happiness. It's moments like these that make life worth living. Yes, this can be considered something unearthly. But what then are all the experiences and feelings that a person experiences? Moreover, this is not a deception at all, not a ghost, not a mirage that will melt away without a trace. After all, this is reality - my words, phrases addressed specifically to you, my dear. And reality is the sensations that they will cause in your soul. Of course, it’s just a bunch of words that are pronounced just like that, aimlessly, just to take up time - this is ordinary chatter, chatter. But I don’t want to just say a few phrases. I want to evoke good, warm emotions in you with my words. Calm you down if something is bothering you. Instill optimism. Because in reality, life is wonderful. And indeed it is. After all, as children we enjoyed it and were not sad about anything. Why don't we become happier as adults? After all, the world around us has hardly changed. Probably, it’s all about ourselves, about who we are, how we relate to life.

Sometimes you really want to live by emotions alone, without calculating something, without questioning it, but completely trusting not your reason, but your feelings. And who said that you need to live wisely? We must live happily! But there is no happiness without feelings. And the mind rarely gives us a state of happiness. There are so many reasons in the world to consider yourself unhappy all your life, and so, it would seem, not enough to be happy.

Haven't you noticed? I am next to you, my girl, I sat down next to you and silently look, trying to make out the features of your face and watching how you read this letter. I watch how your face, its expression, its gaze change as you read these lines. How would you like to guess whether these words touch your heart, and if so, what do you feel, are you experiencing now? Let it not be me, but my words to touch you tenderly. Feel their warmth, feel it. Let it not leave you for as long as possible, dear.

[Every guy dreams of a girl who, out of love for him, will write letters like this. But, as you know, most often these dreams remain just dreams. Only a professional seducer can live the way movie characters live and make their life just as incredible and interesting. You will learn this at practical trainings of the Dating Academy in real conditions of a metropolis.]

It's nice to know that now we are alone, you and me. Reading these lines, you involuntarily think about me. It may be moments, but now there is no one for you but me. And not only my words, but also my thoughts that they carry, hug you tenderly and affectionately. Are you calm and comfortable in these embraces, my dear? Please forget about the past, don't worry about the future. What was and what will be is not important now. Live in the present, live in these moments. And be happy, my girl. And I, having admired you, quietly and imperceptibly disappear...

Wait and hope [Vera Linkova, Andrey Oleynik]

I've been away for so long
I missed you on the road,
Take away my sorrows
And touch me with your cheek.
I arrived... about a hundred hours away.

Hello my sweety! I finally escaped, albeit temporarily, from the huge whirlpool of daily problems. The room is dark and quiet, only beautiful and slightly sad music argues with the night rain, lightly tapping on the windowsill... I forget about everything and write you a letter... At this moment, nothing and no one can distract me from thinking about you. There is no one else in the entire Universe - only the stars, you and me. I know that we are separated by thousands of kilometers, but when I write to you, I feel like I am whispering these words in your ear... And I know that you hear me...

You can’t even imagine how dear your feelings and your soul are to me... How I want to put into your palm a mysterious envelope with the radiance of a miracle, with the smells of sweet clover flowers, lake mint... I close my eyes, imagining how impatiently you open the envelope, and butterflies fly out of it, mother-of-pearl, lemon... You can’t understand anything, but behind your back a cape of butterflies is already developing, and above your head there is a halo of rustling and pollen... And before you had time to wake up, serene creatures were carried away to on your transparent wings your sadness...

I want to see you so much! But no one knows how soon this will be... The only important thing is that we have the patience to wait for the moment when the heart jumps out of the chest, the lips repeat favorite name, the brain, like a clock, will count down, as if a spaceship is taking off. A ship that will lift us onto a white, soft, fluffy cloud of happiness, where we will chat with our legs hanging down...

Last night I stood on the embankment for a long time. I so wanted you to be near, so that you could see what I see, so that I could hug you, say that I missed you, meet the dawn with you... I closed my eyes, and for a moment it seemed that you were nearby, that I hug you, kiss your hair, I see the reflection of the red waves, the thin path of the last sunlight in your eyes... I looked into the distance, following the setting sun. And I knew that in a couple of hours on the banks of the Neva you would be able to see the same thing. The same sunset, the same sun, to which I just wanted to say: “If you see my beloved, say hello to her from me! Kiss her from me with your red, tender rays of sunset”... I look into the distance and again dial the painfully familiar number, every just hoping that the connection won’t let me down, that I won’t have to call anywhere...

[Can you “overwhelm” a woman with a beautiful speech? In everyday life, can you speak in such a way that everyone around you will listen to you? Do you know how to capture the attention of a company and become its soul? At a party, can you make the entire fair half of the company fall in love with you with just speeches? No? At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy, you will learn to eloquently tell even the most banal things, which is why girls will see you as a wizard who can turn gray everyday life into colorful holidays.]

Darling! Wait and hope! When you get up early in the morning, when you go on the subway, when you are bored, when you return home, when you go to bed in a cold bed, know that I am near. I'm with you! I am always with you!..

Find joy

Our life goes on in this joyful world, as if a mighty river follows the windings of its banks, passes through rapids and dams, where it is fast, where it is slow, where it is deep, where it is shallow, but whatever it is, it opens up to everyone with a generous hand a huge wealth of opportunities to rejoice , to be in joy, to fill your whole life and every step of it with joy. But not everyone sees these shining opportunities. Someone has enough strength to turn away from the purity and happiness of the life happening to him, from the life-giving ocean of joy splashing at his feet and indulge in despondency, sorrow and joylessness with all the determination of a desperate person. Peace be with you, O people, but life never turns away from anyone, and as long as you are alive, an ocean of joy is at your feet. Allow yourself to step into it, wet your feet with sparkling cleanliness, be in childhood for at least a moment - and your life will sparkle with new colors.

But there is no determination. Invisible but strong chains hold a person captured by them and do not allow them to cross the line that has become forbidden. In the eyes of such people, at least a little, but hides, lurks an unspoken dream of a joyful, happy, free life. Free? Aren't we free people? Yes, man is free, and his freedom extends so far that he is free even to choose his slavery.

How strange! What kind of person would refuse to soar on the wings of joy in the pure blueness of the stream of life, from the sunlight of creative work that gives affection and generosity, and go into the cold cave of worries and doubts, sorrows and the unspoken thirst for real life?

Oh, those who, by chance or fate, found themselves in this cave of oblivion, where the trills of a nightingale and children’s laughter can only be heard distantly, where silence conceals hidden rustles! You yourself came here and you can get out of here yourself. Only yourself. You came here because you wanted to escape from the fresh wind of life’s circumstances, which spread the wings of independent actions, arouse courage in the heart and cleanse us of everything artificial and outdated. You can, you can always get out of here as soon as you realize that you don’t need to wait any longer.

The heat of the heart will never fade. Your heart is the best guide. Your courage is the best staff. Your creativity is that wonderful bridge along which a person passes over the abyss of lies and fears, violence and slavery.

A person understands that these abysses are not a place for him, that these chains are unnatural and, sometimes, he is sad for his childhood, “irretrievably gone” in his own words. And he tries to free himself - but he doesn’t know how, and turns his gaze away from them, heavy ones, and almost always tries, at least for a while, to forget about them. He chooses the path of oblivion for himself.

Feeling inner dissatisfaction, he turns to music. Yes, music - life-giving force, but his inner music is no longer audible due to the roar of grievances and the rough rhythms of selfish thoughts breaking into his life, and most importantly, the time of music is passing, and again - life and dissatisfaction with it.

Someone is trying to drown in work. He organizes his time in such a way that there is almost no time left to stop, feel nature and hear, at least from the corner of his ear, the already inaudible whisper of conscience. But the time of testing comes, and the person who finds himself in a hospital bed begins to understand the futility of his attempts to forget about the chains that bind him, about his childhood, the quiet and sad melody of departed joy touching his heart.

Someone... There are various ways of oblivion, but we are not talking about them here, not about them. The path to lost joy is in a completely different direction. Turn your face to your chains and go to the place where they are nailed to the rocks of non-existence by the nails of our own mistakes - this is the path. Is this path difficult? Perhaps, but every step along it is marked with a reward. A step - and a person feels how rust, cracked, falls off from some hidden string of his soul and it sounds, sings, filling his world with new feelings. A step - and a joyful laugh is heard, bursting from the chest - even if it escaped only for a moment - but the person feels: he has returned to him, returned forever. What reward compares to the smallest find on such a path? There is no such award and never has been.

Oh, who has decided to take this path! You have abandoned the main lie in your life. And, although this may not be very pleasant, try to understand - what in life are you afraid of? The boss? Your wife? Your old mother (believe me, there is no place for jokes here, fear very often begins in childhood)? To whom and in what situations do you lie? For yourself? Children? Parents? Who do you depend on? Maybe from your five-year-old child (and this happens in life)? And whom are you subjugating, changing his life and yours, and in what direction?

[Many years have passed since your birth. Many years have passed since my first love. For many years now you have been convincing yourself that in the future, someday there, everything will work out for you. Personal life will improve, confidence will appear, life satisfaction will appear... But from where? At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy under the supervision of experienced instructors, you will learn not to wait for the weather from the sea, but to create the weather in your life yourself.]

He who understands this and renounces lies and fear, violence and slavery in his everyday life, and in his work day, in moments of communication with his neighbor, whose wings are filled with a fresh wind of joy, gains life and freedom.

Our meeting is a reward, we are close again...
From sadness to joy - just a breath away,
From sadness to joy - just a stone's throw away.

You and I are here alone, and no one else. It’s kind of deserted here, but not for you and me. Here we are, our bodies, our thoughts, our feelings, our dreams, our world with color pictures, with a warm moonlit path along the living clear sea, flying among the birds of freedom and happiness. Deepening into this sea, we merge our souls together, without taking our eyes off each other for a millisecond. Our united feeling generates a force that absorbs all misfortunes. With this powerful force, you and I will embark on a true flight to the stars, which do not know how to lie, offend, or kill. Flying through good and pure thorns. To fly as you and I want, and not with this same type of existence on this Earth, otherwise existence will take us into its hands, as it has taken so many. Hungry for a full-blooded life, we finally found each other and sent everyone away from us and our world into an insignificant distance, so that we would stop interfering with the existing flight towards the harmony of happiness and living in this alien world, in which we had the mistake of being born, but having been born, we did not regretting the birth. Having gained this agreement, we will be thrown into true life. Don’t stand on the road from the sky, don’t interfere, don’t interfere with the flight to true life, move away, because we still won’t be able to crush... Together, together, we have acquired the talent to fight, believe and take care of everything that is dear to us and that we love . We will look for real life, and fight for our happiness, for our feelings, for our dreams, for our world.

You and I are here alone, and no one else. There is no place for grief, everyday life, the evil spirits of morality, the filth of spirit. Only me, only you and our world, created on our faith, strength, love. From now on, you and I create our lives the way we want to see them. Holding hands, we will give all control to the Universe and happiness and peace will settle in my soul. The power over me is myself. I choose love and I choose you, I choose myself and what I do. We will throw away all restrictions with you and gain the freedom to be ourselves. Let's give freedom to our thoughts, our actions, our hearts. Our consciousness is pure and free. Our actions are free, we ourselves are free. And we are not afraid, because we are devoted to each other, and devoted to our world. Between us there is trust, faith, and love.

[“You and I are here together” - is this reality or your dreams? How long do you have to live to understand that something worthwhile will not come from nothing? Your personal life will not improve on its own, and if something does happen, it will not be the personal life you dreamed of, it will be a pitiful semblance of it. Perhaps you have stopped believing in success, and are waiting for something to happen... At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy, you will build your personal life exactly the way you would like to see it - and not in theory, but in practice! ]

You and I are here alone, and no one else. Do you feel a drop fall somewhere? No, no, no, these are not my imperishable tears, these are summer sunny rain showering us with the joy of being, because we are together, that we love, fight and win. Only through happiness and love did I see how much space there is on this earth for self-expression and that there is always time for it. Do whatever you want and only what you want and when you want. Our expressions are free and joyful. Don’t stop there, from this happiness create an even happier life. Help this cynical and weak world, it needs you, I really need you. I am with you forever. Only one thing cannot be changed: there is no one like you. It's a pity that you don't exist, because I love you.

Hello princess! [Dmitry Novikov]

It's me again. You know who. And if you don’t know, then you’ll probably guess... So, it’s me... Me again. And again you are in my dreams. And again I am alone with myself, with my thoughts. And again you are in them. And you and I together. And we feel good. I hug you tightly. I believe that sincere hugs should be strong... Just like my feelings... Those bright feelings that I feel for you. I am so pleased that you are with me in my dreams! We do not part with them. And we are not going to! Because we spend the most fabulous and unforgettable moments together. Princess, I want to give you all the unspent love that has accumulated in my heart. I am yours. With your head. And you are with me... In my dreams!

In them, you and I swing on a swing near a huge castle, far from civilization, overlooking the sea, so free and boundless. The sun at sunset makes a gentle ruby ​​path on the water, and the fiery edges of the dark clouds are drawn in the sky like a snake. Around the castle there are gardens of roses of every color for miles. And we look at these most beautiful creations of nature... We swing on a swing and look at the roses. And we feel good. A warm, light sea breeze gently caresses our skin, flutters the folds of our clothes, our hair. We hear the faint rolling of sea waves and the rustling of trees.

I am hugging you too. Tight tight! I am mentally with you always. I will always support you in difficult times. You can count on me. Do you hear? I'm with you. Know that. In the meantime, we are together only in my dreams. But what dreams these are! They are the most fabulous and bright! And all thanks to you. I feel you. It's amazing: even when you are far from me, I feel that you are so close; I feel your breath; the touch of your lips; I hear your angelic voice. I love him so much, my princess! Your image does not leave me for a second. And now... He is with me again! I see your unique Brown eyes. They are bottomless, limitless, like the night, alone with which I am now left. She's burning me. But there is something that saves me, shelters me from the terrible spells of this endless night. It's you, my princess. Even if you are not with me. But the most beautiful thoughts about you give me faith. I believe that we will be together. Just you and me. And no one around.

And me again. And again you. And, as always, we feel good together. I want to make you happy, add a lot of bright colors to your life. After all, love is, first of all, a strong desire for happiness. to a loved one. And you are so close to me! I haven’t known you for long, but even in the short period of our acquaintance, you have become so dear to me. It's like I've known you for a very long time. And even earlier. And even before that... Perhaps we knew each other in past life. In that life, we probably loved each other very much, but by the cruel will of fate we were destined to part. But I'm not going to repeat the mistakes of the past. I do not want to let you go. Especially now that I have found you again. I want to take care of you like a woman. As about the woman whom I love and for whom I am ready to give my life.

[Dreams! Dreams! Dreams... Lines of a desperate poet... People constantly talk about what they lack. If the press is now filled with articles about love (as it has always been) and sex, then this means that this is exactly what people are missing! Whoever is in pain, speaks about it... If you don’t want to be in pain, at the practical trainings of the Dating Academy under the supervision of instructors, you will learn how to create your own relationships - from acquaintance to long-term harmonious relationships full of love and sex. ]

I believe that we will succeed. Together, on the unsinkable ship of love, we will sail on the waves of the ocean of undisclosed passions, and open the doors to the world of unfulfilled desires. Remember me, princess. Know that there is a person in the world for whom your name is not an empty phrase, and who will always treat you with reverence and tenderness. May memories of me visit you every time you hold this piece of paper in your hands. I still believe that I will see you again many times... And I will write you letters in which I can greet you again with the phrase: “Hello, princess! It’s me again!”

Hello, my Angel! [Vladlen Yurievich]

How I wish I could see you as soon as possible! My love, I am burning with impatience, with a violent desire to hug You and sweetly-sweetly kiss Your tender lips, and then take You in my arms and carry You all the way to the bed... (Well, I ruined the whole letter! How am I still- still an egoist - just a little - straight away to the bed, there’s no time to kiss you again. Now we’ll correct ourselves.) ... from a violent desire to hug You and sweetly-sweetly kiss Your tender lips, and then once again gently touch Your lips and lightly suck them , occasionally grabbing with his teeth, pulling a little towards himself, smacking his lips, penetrating inside and touching You with his tongue. Kiss and kiss until you feel dizzy, until it becomes easy, and your body begins to fall somewhere deep, into something pleasant... And only then will I pick you up in my arms and carry you to the bed.

Two maple leaves were spinning in the autumn sky, and even strong autumn winds could not separate them. They jumped from stream to stream together, flying higher and higher. They were having fun and good, and no one in this world could stop these beautiful wedge leaves who suddenly fell in love with each other. After some time, when the gray clouds cleared, the wind stopped spewing out its autumn streams, and sunny silence reigned in the world. The loving couple, tumbling in the air, slowly and calmly began to fall to the ground. They soared with synchronized ease over the entire beautiful and vast earth, enchanting with its autumn splendor, that it was as if they owned the whole space. And very close to the ground, one of the leaves picked up the other and, with extreme care, lowered it onto the golden cover.

I will lull Your neck with wonderful kisses, and then, sinking lower and lower, I will slowly undress You so that You can feel how every part of You is eager to reach me, how your soul is filled with unbearable desire, how everything inside of You will flow like a white river. My arms will embrace You and lift You to the paradise of bliss. I will gently kiss your nipple and with a light movement, like the wing of a butterfly flapping over a forest clearing, I will touch its tip, lick it around and kiss it many times. And I will repeat this a thousand times, and then I will touch the second nipple with my lips, without repeating the movements, and I will torment it with the most magnificent sensation, but only in such a way as not to cause You the slightest pain. I will kiss Your entire body and fulfill all Your deepest desires, and may this last as long as possible. Let it last for hours, days, nights, days, weeks, months, years, decades. Let this last a lifetime, and every time at dawn before the sun is supposed to rise, I will slide between your legs and slowly, slowly enter You, so that You can remember every night of your life with me, and so that You can enjoy every second and every millimeter of my beautiful and magnificent body, every freedom and lightness, a pleasant tender feeling... And when the first ray of the sun breaks through, I will drown in You, in order to be with my Angel always!

[Have you ever dreamed of someone you would say words like that to? Have you ever dreamed of someone with whom sex is the greatest pleasure possible in this world? Have you ever dreamed of the one for which you can move mountains, reach those heights that seem unreal? At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy, you will understand that all these dreams can become a reality - moreover, you will make them a reality under the supervision of experienced instructors.]

You know...

You know, it just happens sometimes. You're always in a hurry to get somewhere, you're in a hurry, you're afraid of being late, you consider yourself a very important person, and still you don't get the most important things done... Perhaps because you still don't know what's most important to you. Maybe you know, only this, this is the most important thing, somehow fickle - at 15 years old it is one thing, at 16 it is different, and at 18 it is completely different from the previous two...

You know, sometimes, when you scribble someone’s name in the sand with a twig, you begin to wonder: will the next wave erase it or not? You leave without turning around and firmly believing that what you wrote is indestructible, and only much later do you become convinced that time erases the stone, and not just the unfaithful sand...

You know, sometimes, watching the lights go out one after another in the house opposite, you painfully want to believe that someone there, in an incomprehensible but already familiar shell of space, is also looking at your window and also measuring the temperature of the window with their forehead. glass...

You know, just walking around the city, every year you begin to peer into faces more and more often, and each time differently. Depth is a sign that the years lived are not empty. You also have a tendency to look for non-shallow waters, but only by making mistakes every time (as it is all at the wrong time), it becomes more and more difficult for you to start new searches, but knowing this, everything will become much easier. This is just a new turn upward.

You know, sometimes you want nothing more than a simple minute of peace and quiet. This is the time for the troops to rest, time to get yourself in order, so that in the morning your enemies will burst with envy, seeing you cheerful and confident.

You know, sometimes it seems that you underestimate your capabilities, and sometimes it’s completely the opposite. Sometimes you look at yard dogs as brothers.

You know, sometimes, when you come home, you feel ashamed because many of your most beautiful deeds were born not inside you, but outside, and if anyone guessed the true motives for what you were doing, you would feel awkward and uncomfortable.

You know, sometimes it’s just spring... and your heart skips a beat with joy and sadness, and you regret that no one knows how good and bad you are...

You know, sometimes you can't sleep, and you envy those who can sleep...

You eat, and sometimes puddles burst with a crystal sound...

You know, sometimes you're just afraid of what you are...

You know, sometimes it's just rain and cold...

You know, sometimes it's just...

You know, sometimes...

[You know, sometimes you can sit your whole life within four walls, live every day like Groundhog Day, moving the same routes, communicating with the same people, being carried away by the same interests... And somewhere nearby there will be that life, which seems to have been created for you, a life in which your dreams are a reality... But you will never know about it... unless... At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy, you will be shocked by how interesting and exciting the life of a seducer can be . How much can there be in her that one could only dream of before - success, women, sex, love...]

There are many life situations. Most of them are in relationships.

A beautiful letter to your beloved girl will help you make peace with your chosen one, write about your feelings and help out in various situations.

Declaration of love to a girl in your own words

You know, everyone tells me that writing letters is an outdated tradition, but I want to express everything that is on my soul. Don’t laugh and don’t judge harshly, I haven’t had to talk about love very often. I may be a little old-fashioned, but I really want you to read these lines and keep them for a long time.

I really want you to just smile, and a bright sparkle to appear in your beautiful eyes. I constantly remember all the meetings I had with you. Especially lately. I remember every moment how I listened very carefully to your voice, smelled your body, looked at your eyes and couldn’t get enough of it.

Your breath made my heart pulse more and more often, dreaming of adjusting to your every breath, to breathe in unison. I was captivated by your figure, everything about it is perfect, every curve. For me, you have always been and will be the most beautiful woman.

Your kisses made me perform feats, and your lips were so tender that I dissolved in moments of bliss. You are my ideal, remember that! I think about you every moment, all my thoughts are filled with you. If you feel sad, then immediately remember that there is a person who loves you madly, will always understand you and is ready to listen. After all, it’s wonderful when someone is waiting for you and wants to see you as soon as possible. You are the most beautiful, desirable and wonderful girl.

A beautiful letter to your beloved girl can be presented not only on paper, but also sent by SMS. There are many message options.

Short declarations of love to a girl

In this cold weather, I want to warm you up as soon as possible. There is nothing more beautiful when we are together. You are my dearest person. I always think about you: before going to bed, at work, at the table. My thoughts are filled only with you.

I imagine you smiling, looking at me and laughing cheerfully. Know that I will never give you up to anyone. I need only you. I love you very much, my princess.

You are the most luxurious woman, there is no one more beautiful than you. Your look kills me on the spot. When I see you, everything in my soul turns upside down. These are the most blissful moments.

Your gaze pierces my every cell. I immediately turn into a shackled person and I can’t say a word, I can’t even move a limb. That’s why I can’t tell you the most important words. I love you, my dear.

My love, your image is always before my eyes. You are mentally present with me everywhere. Your voice is like music, and every song is still stored in my memory. Your eyes are so beautiful and expressive that I want to look at them forever. In this moment I can forget about everything.

It's like looking along the ocean and feeling a slight pleasure. Your every touch makes my skin covered with small goosebumps. I am very happy that such a wonderful girl appeared in my life. Thank you for having me as my dear.