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Posters for February 23. The main men's holiday is already on the doorstep

The time has come to think about how to make a poster for February 23rd for your defenders, how to congratulate them, and how to tell them how much you appreciate the fact that they have become real men.

Since it's not a birthday or New Year, which are neutral holidays for everyone, when it is customary to give something simple, useful or simply sweet and touching, and a holiday filled with a special meaning, then it is worth thinking about a special gift.

Most importantly, do not forget a simple rule - a gift should bring joy and be remembered for a long time. for a long time. It should be truly unexpected and pleasant.

Of course, congratulatory posters on February 23 can be such a gift. Can you imagine how nice it is to wake up in the morning and see it painted on the wall above your bed? congratulation poster or a whole banner!

Such a gift can be ordered at any workshop that does large format printing. You can come up with a small congratulatory slogan or a huge text with a story about how happy you are that He is not only the defender of the fatherland, but also your true and most beloved protector and your knight.

You can draw a creative and original wall newspaper even without art education - if only you had the desire to create! Today we will clearly demonstrate that you can create a real masterpiece using the format using the most simple techniques and materials. Making a wall newspaper for February 23 is easier than it might seem at first glance, and with our help you can make an exemplary congratulatory poster.

Creative approach

On the Internet you can find a frightening variety of tips and recommendations on how to design a wall newspaper for February 23, but they are all similar to each other and unoriginal. Do you want to do something bright, unusual, that no one has ever done before? Then you will have to learn to think outside the box.
The simplest option is a “live” wall newspaper. Create special blank areas on the surface and set a theme in the title. For example, “What is peace for you, and what is war?” It is necessary to place several pens or markers near the poster so that everyone can write their opinion on the issue in the appropriate areas. In this simple way, the wall newspaper will be drawn and filled in almost without your participation!

Atypical materials

To create wall newspapers, as a rule, they use paper, paints, magazine clippings, etc. Boring, ordinary and uninteresting, isn't it? Therefore, you need to start from materials that are not usually used for these purposes. How about using a stretched soldier's overcoat bought at a flea market instead of a Whatman paper base? You can pin scraps of congratulations to it with decorative safety pins. Congratulations can be written on artificially aged pieces of fabric, burlap or tea-dyed handkerchiefs. We bet that no one has ever seen such a wall newspaper on February 23!


You can use real carnations to decorate your wall newspaper for February 23rd. It is this flower that is traditionally considered a symbol of victory, courage and courage. Pin it with pins, glue it with super glue or sew it to thick paper.

Helpful advice: you should not fix entire bouquets in one place, because the base may not withstand the load and tear.

Toy tanks, armored vehicles, machine guns and plastic soldiers can also be great original decoration for a themed greeting poster.

Use real barbed wire to decorate your wall newspaper for February 23, and you can immediately create the right atmosphere from the first glance at the work.

Materials and tools

If you want to work with paints, then you need to take into account that military themes require the use of a certain palette. These are mainly “cool” colors: green, blue and brown. Red and orange can only be used for contrast (blood, fire, explosions, shooting).
The saturation of shades also plays a role. For “juicy” full-fledged colors it is better to use gouache or acrylic paints. Of course, you can also achieve brightness with watercolors, but if you don’t know how to work in this complex technique, it’s better not to risk it.

To fill large spaces with one color, it is better not to use pencils or felt-tip pens, since in this case it will be extremely difficult to achieve uniform shade. It’s easier to “fill” everything with paint using a wide flat brush.

Helpful tip: If you sketch your drawings in pencil first, be sure to erase the guide lines before coloring. Otherwise, the drawing will look sloppy.

Drawing a wall newspaper for February 23rd with your own hands is a simple matter. The main task is to become imbued with this topic yourself and encourage others to feel the same. Don't be afraid to experiment, and then even the most ridiculous ideas can resonate with the public!

Example of wall newspaper design

Making a postcard for February 23

So that girls do not feel deprived on this “men’s” day, entrust them with a responsible mission - to make a greeting card for every boy.

Give the children blank postcards - a cardboard sheet folded in half. Show how to cut out wavy stripes (sea), a circle (sun), a steamboat and body parts for a sailor man from multi-colored paper. From the cut out parts, assemble a composition on the title part of the postcard.

You can paste a sheet of paper with a congratulatory poem on one of the inside sides. And here is a version of the postcard that the children decorated with paper flowers:

It is difficult for preschoolers to concentrate on completing a specific task for more than 10–15 minutes, so try to think through the process of creating holiday wall newspaper down to the smallest detail. Try to make sure that the intense work entertains the children and does not bore them.

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A brief excursion into history

To get children interested in something, you need to fill the work ahead of them with meaning. Therefore, before you give the kids glue and scissors, tell them why the wall newspaper is needed and in honor of what event it is being created. Children are a special category of listeners. They enthusiastically, like dry grass, catch a spark interesting ideas. All that is required of you is to convey to the children in a simple and accessible form that they need to honor and remember their great-grandfathers, who bravely defended their native lands from the enemy. Be sure to tell me how important it is: to grow up to be a brave, honest and courageous person, so that if necessary, you can stand up for your Fatherland.

Let's get to the fun stuff

The newspaper can be designed in a traditional style (in the form of a poster on a large sheet of paper) or you can come up with something unusual (for example, a newspaper-book, a poster in the shape of a tank, etc.). To captivate the children creative process, think in advance what you will draw on paper, and do not forget to ask the kids what each of them would like to draw.

Example of wall newspaper design

Make sure in advance that you have photographs (preferably portraits) of the boys in the group at your disposal. Prepare a large Whatman paper, scissors, glue, gouache or watercolor, colored pencils, finger paints, glitter. Invite your students to also participate in the preparatory process: let each of them bring from home a small cut-out picture on a military theme.

Let's get to work. Place whatman paper on the table and gather the children around. Let each of them smear their palm with paint of their favorite color and leave their print on the edge of the poster. As a result, your wall newspaper will have a “multi-finger” cheerful frame. At the top of the poster, draw large bright letters - the inscription “Happy February 23!”

Using a simple pencil, lightly mark the locations for the photos on the poster. Now future defenders must glue their photographs onto paper; the girls can help them with this by decorating each photograph with a painted frame. Sign each photo. Just below there may be humorous congratulatory lines in which you advise the boys to eat porridge, obey their parents and never offend girls. Under the text, kids can paste thematic pictures that they prepared at home. However, they can also be replaced with drawings: show the children how to draw stars or a soldier. Offer yours original ideas, for example, draw a tank that shoots flowers and butterflies!

Irina Galizina

Dear colleagues!

Approaching 23 February- a holiday for everyone men: dads, grandfathers, brothers. We congratulate them on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Together with the children of my group, we always prepare small gifts with our own hands. But ours boys- future defenders of Russia. I wanted to prepare some surprise for them too. I made a festive one wall newspaper:


3. Scissors

4. Pictures of soldiers

5. Poems about everyone boy

First you need to print the templates soldiers:

Then you need photos boys to turn them into military:

I found poems about names in advance boys, slightly altered them for each child, printed them on colored paper and cut them out.

And the title poem was This:

Every our boy once upon a time

He will become a valiant soldier.

He will be courageous, brave,

Agile, strong and skillful.

And we hope that then there will never be wars!

Pictures for decoration wall newspapers on the topic"23 February"I chose children's:

That's all you need, now you need to stick it in order on whatman paper.

Wall newspaper is ready:

But this is not the only gift for our boys. We are with the girls they made airplanes for them, and we will also prepare sports entertainment. We hope that the boys will be happy.

Thank you for your attention!

Very soon Defender of the Fatherland Day, and for this reason the entire female half is extremely puzzled: how to congratulate men on February 23. It just so happened in our country that this day is holiday for all men, despite their age and attitude towards the army.

How to congratulate your loved one on February 23?

You can congratulate a man on February 23 in a romantic style. For example, early on a holiday morning you may wake up long before your beloved defender of the Fatherland, serve breakfast in bed, cook romantic dinner with his favorite dish and give a gift. It all depends on your imagination and capabilities.

And if you have a growing generation in your family, then can be presented in the form of collective holiday congratulations , acting out a small scene.

What can you give to men on February 23?

Let's talk a little about what give to men on February 23. After all, they also love to receive gifts, and therefore we recommend that you treat this issue with the utmost care and attention.

Everyone can surprise with gifts, related to hunting and fishing, such as camping barbecue kits, picnic accessories (thermos and mugs). A gift for him on Defender of the Fatherland Day maybe a souvenir weapon - they really love it. Also can serve as a gift beautiful carved chess or backgammon.

Knowing your capabilities, can be given as a gift on February 23 and more useful things such as mobile phones, cufflinks, watches and so on. It would be appropriate to gift an item from his favorite collection.

When choosing gifts clothes or accessories, it is very important to understand: the older a person gets, the more prone to classic style. For example, men especially appreciate belts, elegant wrist watch with a strap made of genuine leather. Such gifts should not contain anything superfluous, and the details should exactly match tastes and individual preferences.

If you think what to give to classmates on February 23 or classmates, in this case as a present There may be original pens, flash cards and other items that may be required for study.

If you are planning congratulate your work colleagues corporately, we recommend organizing interesting scenario holiday with competitions, and as prizes: small poems on postcards, original souvenirs. It is also known that “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Show your own culinary skills, and men will appreciate you!

Congratulations on February 23 to men at work

Traditionally on this day women congratulations to all men, regardless of whether they defended their Fatherland or served in the army. That's why before the holiday the fair sex is really concerned about how congratulate men on February 23, their family and relatives, friends and colleagues. Particular difficulties arise in how organize this holiday for colleagues. In the office We celebrate this holiday like this so as not to offend anyone, but at the same time not to spend so much, because it is necessary buy gifts also to the husband, father, brother, son, etc., to combine these conditions, you can congratulate men on February 23 in every possible way.

Congratulations to colleagues on February 23: budget option

In most cases, a budget option organizing a holiday is congratulations from colleagues cards with congratulations on February 23 in pictures and poems. In addition to standard phrases There may also be short, funny poems personally composed, addressed to each colleague individually. If you don't have a talent for poetry, then find something suitable on the Internet. Select ready congratulations with photos or images and create personalized Greeting Cards.

Congratulations on February 23 in pictures:

Alternative, more cost effective option for congratulating men on February 23 there may be postcards on which you can list the names of all your colleagues, as well as their best quality and words of congratulations.

When the team is on good terms, congratulations to colleagues on February 23 can be humorous. Photos of male colleagues can be processed in Photoshop in a variety of ways and made on one poster. This gift can be placed in such a way as to attract the attention of others, then everyone’s mood for the whole day is simply guaranteed! Just don’t get too carried away with banter - remember: after all, soon March 8th.

Options for congratulating men on February 23

If your finances allow give gifts to all male colleagues, then you can use the following tips. The choice of gifts is varied and depends only on your imagination and finances.

For example, gifts for colleagues can be lighters, perfumes, sets of accessories for mobile phones and computers. A valuable gift can also serve gift Certificate at an auto parts or office equipment store. Your colleagues will probably appreciate it tickets to all entertainment events such as a boxing tournament, football match or hockey.

Collective congratulations to men on February 23

Option #1. Collective gift can be creative or even a little racy. In offices distinguished by their free policy, it has become fashionable to order strippers as congratulations to men on Defender of the Fatherland Day(just not during work).

Option #2. If it is customary for your team to celebrate all events at one table, then, if possible, try to secretly organize the delivery of ready-made dishes to the office, or let everyone bring their own signature homemade dish. Decorate the place where will you be celebrate February 23, balloons, posters with congratulations.

Under each napkin on the table, hide a surprise for your colleagues: these could be lottery tickets or a small personal card.

  • 1. — holiday screensaver for your computer;
  • 2. – festive wall newspaper;
  • 3. - meat pies, caviar, pancakes, chopped vegetables;
  • 4. - gifts.

Of course, everything depends on budgetary opportunities and relationships between colleagues in the team. Can original congratulations to men on February 23, even if you are the only woman among men's team. On the eve of the holiday stay in your office and wait for your colleagues to leave, then put images with this theme on their computer work screensavers.

Make a wall newspaper with your own hands, on it place photographs of men from your team with words of congratulations in verse, you can also print photos on a printer, attach them to Whatman paper, and write by hand Poems of congratulations to men on February 23.

One of the most important events counts laid festive table. The main thing is not to confuse anything: leave the cakes and sweets for March 8, let men better give them to you. The best option for the strong half of humanity will meat dishes: prepare homemade delicious meat pies, buy a jar of caviar and bake pancakes for them, cut vegetables. It will be perfect gift for men. If possible, put alcohol on the table so you don't have to worry about who will have to run to the store later.

Present- This important element congratulations to men on February 23. So if you don’t know your colleagues very well, in order to give everyone personalized gifts, then just give preference to gifts that suitable for most men. These could be hats, towels, T-shirts with original inscriptions . You can also purchase a bottle of cognac or other alcoholic drink and attach to them a photograph of the celebrants, listing best qualities colleagues at each. If there are few women in the team, you can limit yourself festive table – colleagues will appreciate your attention and efforts.

If there are informal relationships in the team, then you can arrange funny competitions, sing patriotic songs for colleagues. You can even act out a skit in front of men have a parade: get together as a group of women and change into elements military uniform and vests. Men will undoubtedly appreciate your efforts and will mutually please you on March 8th.

Gifts for February 23rd for men photo