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Why did not raise your pension in May. From May 1, the mole will be equal to the sum of the living wage of the able-bodied population

Starting May 1 of the current year, a new law comes into force, within the framework of which the minimum wage will increase to the cost of living in the Russian Federation. The issue was discussed last year, but was adopted only this year. The government planned the start of the law from the beginning of January 2019.

In connection with the improvement of the economic situation in Russia, the Russian authorities decided to raise the minimum wage from May of this year. For these purposes, 62 billion rubles are needed.

More than 3 million citizens will be able to receive an increase in their wages. More than half of them work in the public sector. Next up is a discussion of raising pension benefits.

At the end of 2017, it became known that this year the Russian government will index the pension in three stages. The first increase was in January this year. Previously, this was carried out on February 1. Early indexing was due to lower than expected inflation last year.

Since April 1 of this year, pension payments have been increased for many categories of beneficiaries. Among them there are people with disabilities, orphans, as well as pensioners. The next indexation will be held in August this year.

Many media have been talking about the increase in retirement since May 2018. At this time, the government will raise the minimum wage to a living wage. In this regard, there will be a recalculation of pensions and, accordingly, an increase in payments to pensioners.

Due to the fact that the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is in a state of collapse, in May this year there will be no significant increase in pension payments.

This situation will not affect working retirees. At present, there are about 10 million citizens in Russia.

Indexing of pensions in the current year

Pensioners who receive pension payments for work experience have already received indexation of payments in January this year. Those elderly people who have a social pension were indexed in April this year. From August 1, indexation of pension payments to working pensioners will be held by increasing the length of service.

According to experts, in Russia there will be an increase in pensions no earlier than 2020. Now the country's Pension Fund is in crisis. Because of this, it is impossible to increase payments to pensioners to a large extent. This year there will be no lump sum payments, as happened earlier.

From May 1, some categories of pensioners will increase their pension

The Government of the Russian Federation adopted Decree No. 313 of March 22, 2018 on increasing the minimum wage. The level of increase is 7.3%. This indicator will be used in calculating supplements to pensioners.

This increase will not be received by all people of retirement age. These include only members of the flight crews of civil aviation, as well as workers in the coal industry. Funds for additional payments for pensions will be taken from additional insurance contributions of enterprises of the coal industry and aviation of the Russian Federation.

Pensioners are interested in the issue of raising pensions from May 1, 2018, the amount of increase in pension provision and the procedure for payments. Unfortunately, pension growth is not expected in May, since in August pension amounts will be recalculated for employed elderly Russians. Recalculation will occur due to the next cancellation of indexing.

This year, only two pension increases are planned: insurance (labor) pensions increased in February, and indexation of social pension provision is planned in April 2018. The total amount that a pensioner will receive directly depends on the salary and the money transferred to the Pension Fund of the country.

Pension increase in 2018

Although it is not planned to increase the pension from May 1, 2018, pensioners will wait for an increase in social pension provision in April. How much the sum of payments will rise, employees of the Pension Fund said. Last year, there was an indexation of 1.5% for employed and unemployed Russians who went on a well-deserved rest.

The authorities said that this year there will be an increase in pension amounts by 1.2%, a bit later it was said about an increase of 4.1%. According to the latest news, social pensions will rise by 2.9%.

After the August increase, the average pension will be a little more than 9 thousand (255 rubles will be added). Deputy Chairman of the Board of the PF RF Alexander Kurtin noted that in the next reporting periods there will be an increase in pensions by 3.9% and 3.5%.

About the recalculation of pensions

Working older people can rely on recalculation. Previously, it was held in August, now some sources talk about the recounting procedure, which will be held in April. Perhaps this is due to the refusal of employed pensioners to increase insurance amounts in February.

Elderly people who worked last year will receive an increased pension due to an unapproved recalculation. It is still unknown how much pension provision will increase; last year the increase was by 3 pension points (about two hundred rubles).

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets said that the government is seeking to increase pensions. The planned amount of pension coverage is about 25,000 rubles. Golodets noted that an appropriate strategy has been developed, according to which it will be possible to reach 2.5 living wages. It is worth striving for such pension payments.

The government increased its disability pension from May 1, 2018.

  It is known that the next indexation of pensions will occur on May 1, 2018, or rather, pensions for people with disabilities, that category of people who have no other sources of income besides it. This category of pensioners is less protected.
To whom and by how much will pensions be raised from May 1, 2018
  From May 1, 2018, the government should increase the minimum wage and bring its size to the minimum cost of living, that is, to 11,163 rubles, now it is 9,489 rubles. For ordinary “ordinary” pensioners receiving a retirement pension, an increase in the subsistence level will have virtually no effect on the pension, except for those receiving minimal social security. Their retirement pension is calculated on the basis of their individual retirement coefficient, length of service, as well as the presence of disability and dependents.
  May pension increase - this increase is due to the government’s decision to raise the minimum wage from May 1, which will now be 11,163 rubles. Therefore, payments of those citizens who receive a pension less than the minimum wage will be equal to this size. So some retirees will feel the increase in their pension from May 1, 2018.

  The size of the social pension will also increase for children with disabilities and people with disabilities from childhood of group I. Since April 1, it amounted to 13.17 thousand rubles. In addition, children with disabilities are entitled to a one-time cash payment in the amount of 2,397.59 rubles, and 5.5 thousand rubles will be paid to their parents.
  Starting in 2018, special payments to people with disabilities will be indexed by 3.2%, and pensions will increase by 4.1%.
The government also plans to increase pension for disabled people and social assistance for children with disabilities.
  A law was introduced into the State Duma on the standard of financial costs per month in the form of provision of medicines, medical devices and special medical nutrition products. In 2017, it amounted to 807 rubles, in 2018 it will increase to 832.2 rubles.
  In 2018, the first stage of the development of the Accessible Environment program will end, aimed at improving the standard of living of people with disabilities. Last year, 48 billion rubles were allocated for it, and this year the amount will grow by another 5 billion rubles. As for benefits that can be replaced with monthly cash payments, disabled people of group I and disabled people of group II should receive prescription drugs for free.
  A social pension is granted to disabled citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation and not eligible for an insurance pension. A social disability pension is granted to people with disabilities of groups 1, 2 and 3, including people with disabilities from childhood, children with disabilities.
  The survivor's social pension is established for children under the age of 18 years, as well as older than this age. Full-time students are entitled to it until they graduate from educational institutions, but not longer than before they reach the age of 23 years, who have lost one or both parents, children of a deceased single mother.
  Since 2018, a social pension, in addition to disabled people, is also set for children whose both parents are unknown
  An old-age social pension is granted to citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 65 (for men) and 60 years (for women), as well as to foreign citizens and stateless persons who have been resident in the Russian Federation for at least 15 years and have reached the specified age.
  The fact of paid work does not affect the payment of a social pension, with the exception of a social pension granted to citizens who have reached the age of 65 and 60 years (respectively for men and women).

The traditional procedure for indexing pensions will be changed in Russia - now they will increase annually from January 1, rates higher than inflation  (i.e. faster than rising prices for consumer goods and services). Now, the Government’s guide in indexing will be an increase in the average size of pensions 1000 rubles annually. Since in 2018 the average pension in Russia is 14414 rubles, this increase from January 1 will result from indexation at 7.05%  (for comparison: inflation in 2019 is forecasted at 4%).

The indexation of pensions from January 1, 2019 by 7.05% will provide an increase in the average pension in Russia by 1000 rubles. Due to this, the annual income of an average Russian pensioner

However, unfortunately, one thousand rubles to retire in 2019 - this increase will affect only non-working pensioners. Since 2016, the indexation of pension payments has been suspended for working citizens, and the Government does not intend to change this approach in the coming years.

And what is the increase in the retirement age?

The need to increase the income of Russian pensioners at a rate faster than the inflation rate was provided for by the new “May Decree” of Vladimir Putin dated 05/07/2018 No. 204. However, due to a decrease in the number of working citizens paying, and an increase in the number of pensioners in Russia in the coming years, a situation will arise when raise pensions will not work at all  and their size in real terms will begin to decline.

The government sees a solution to this problem. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev initially designated the main goal of this reform increase in income of pensioners. The government promises to direct all the money saved from the sale to increase pensions and support the Russian pension system. The relevant law No. 350-FZ has already been adopted by the State Duma; the President signed it on October 3, 2018.

It is worth noting that the planned increase in the amount of pension from 2019 annually by 1000 rubles will be possible only with an increase in the retirement period up to 65 years for men and 60 years for women.

The Government did not support maintaining the retirement age at 55/60 years, since more conservative options in the current economic conditions will not allow solving the tasks facing the pension system. Such an increase is dictated by the following factors:

  • Due to demographic waves, the number of able-bodied people in Russia is rapidly decreasing, while the number of disabled people is increasing. This will continue for several decades, and as a result, each working Russian will have one senior citizen. Under such conditions, a joint pension system cannot exist.
  • There are no resources for additional financing of the Pension Fund from the state. the budget. The government does not intend to deviate from the insurance principle of the functioning of the pension system, in which pensions for current pensioners are paid from compulsory insurance contributions collected from the working population.
  • In the current conditions, insurance premiums paid by working citizens to the pension insurance system (OPS) cannot fully provide payments to current pensioners, moreover they do not allow paying pensions in an increased amount. And increasing the tax burden on employers will only have the opposite effect.

For these reasons, the authorities decided for the Russians to “hold off” part of the population for some time, thereby reducing the number of pensioners and increasing the number of working citizens. All additional income that the Pension Fund will receive as a result of such a reform is planned to be directed to increase payments to current retireesto.

Who will increase the pension by 1000 rubles - to all pensioners or not?

An increase in the pension by 1000 rubles, as noted earlier, will be made as a result of indexation by 7.05% from January 1, 2019. Since for working pensioners since January 2016, such an increase in payments will not affect them - they will continue to receive a fixed pension without indexation.

Thus, the planned increase from 01.01.2019 will be carried out only non-working pensioners. However, this is not all. It is worth noting that:

  • Surcharge will not be made in a fixed amount (per 1 thousand), but as a percentage increase  from a pension already paid to a citizen (in 2019 this average increase corresponds to an indexation of 7.05%). Therefore, for every senior citizen the size of the increase will be individual.
  • In fact, to get an increase of exactly 1000 rubles. only those pensioners whose pension equal to the national average  (in 2018 it is 14414 rubles). If the size of the citizen's pension is now less than 14414 rubles, then the size of the increase for him will be less than 1 thousand.  And vice versa: if the pension is more than the average, then from 2019 it will be increased by more than 1 thousand.

For reference

For working pensioners, all the indexation missed over the years of work (including an increased “by 1000 rubles” from 2019) will be taken into account in determining the final amount of the pension payment. And during the period of their employment, payments for them increase only after the annual one.

Is it true that the pension supplement will be 1,000 every month?

For the first time, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova spoke in detail about changing the usual procedure for indexing pensions since 2019. At a meeting of the Russian Tripartite Labor Relations Commission on June 16, she announced that the average pension increase in 2019 would be 1000 per month, or 12000 rubles in annual terms.

This statement was not entirely clear to Russian pensioners, many of whom did not understand - it will be made pension increase of 1000 rubles per year or per month?

In fact, an increase of 12,000 rubles per year voiced by Tatyana Golikova means that this amount will increase total annual income  the average unemployed pensioner. Due to the fact that the size of his pension from January 1 will be 1000 rubles. morethan in the same period last year, for the whole of 2019 the Russian will receive additional income of 12 thousand rubles.  But all this is given in relation to the average pension in Russia (14414 rubles).

Technically proposed by the Government, the process of increasing pensions annually by 1000/12000 rubles will be carried out according to the following scheme:

  • From January 1, 2019  pension payments will be indexed by 7.05%, which will provide an increase in pension by an average of 1000 rubles. A non-working pensioner will receive such an increased amount of payments before the next indexation (i.e. throughout 2019, since such indexation will be carried out once a year).
  • From January 1, 2020  similarly, pensions will be raised in a similar way, which will provide an additional supplement of an average of 1000 rubles, which will be paid before the end of the year. Approximately indexation for this will be carried out in the amount of 6.6%.

This indexing scheme will continue. and in the following years. Concrete ones have already been published, but the Government is not going to stop there - pensions are planned to be indexed annually at a fixed rate at least until 2024 inclusive. According to the plans of the Government, this will allow increasing the average size of pensions over 6 years from 14 to 20 thousand rubles.

How will a pension grow during a pension reform?

According to the current pension legislation, until 2019, pensions in Russia were increased as follows:

  1. From February 1  depending on the level of inflation index and (, etc.).
  2. Happy April, 1  depending on changes in the subsistence minimum of a pensioner and.

According to the old rules, in 2019 the pension would be indexed about 4%  (since the Central Bank forecasts the actual inflation for 2018 will be approximately this value). Those. in relation to the average pension (14.4 thousand rubles), inflation indexation would give an increase an average of 570 rubles  (which is almost 2 times less than what the Government has been offering since 2019 - to increase pensions annually by an average of 1000 rubles).

For this the usual indexing chart has been adjusted  so that from January 1 and throughout 2019, pensions to current pensioners were paid in an increased amount - by 1000 rubles. A document containing all the proposed changes was adopted in parallel with the law on raising the retirement age.

The government suggests indexing pensions at a given pace in the future. Based on the fact that the new “May Decree” of Vladimir Putin is planned for the period until 2024, plans have already been announced to bring the average size of pensions up to 20 thousand rubles by 2024.

According to the law on the PFR budget for 2019-2021, the increase in pensions in Russia over the next 3 years will occur at the following rates (higher than inflation):

Remarkablethat in 2018 insurance pensions also - by 3.7% with actual inflation for 2017 in the amount of 2.5%. This is due to the fact that inflation was forecasted at a higher rate, therefore, in the budget of the FIU was originally provided  amount for indexing in an increased amount. For this, an additional law No. 420-FZ of December 28, 2017 was adopted.

The table above shows that the new indexation scheme for pension payments will allow:

  • Index pension payments by an amount almost double the value provided for by the old rules (twice the inflation rate of last year).
  • From 2019, to ensure an increase in the average pension by 1 thousand, which will provide an additional increase in the average annual income of a pensioner by 12 thousand rubles.
  • At this rate, pensions will increase over several years.

The only negative - you have to pay for it.

Also, do not forget that the growth of pensions in real terms is defined as the difference between the percentage of planned indexation and inflation. And, as can be seen from the table, this difference will be maximum only in 2019, and in subsequent years it will noticeably decrease.

Those. real growth of pensions from year to year will slow down, since the real purchasing power of this “1000 rubles supplement” will decrease annually. The real increase in pensions in 2019 minus inflation will be 2.85%, that is, about 410 rubles., and this will be the maximum increase in the coming years.

Recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved and signed a bill to raise the minimum wage to a living wage, so many pensioners are wondering if this will affect their pension payments. Should we expect an increase in pensions, from which date how much they can be indexed, everyone needs to know.

Despite the fact that starting May 1, the category of working citizens will begin to receive wages taking into account the increase in the minimum wage, pensions for non-working citizens will not be indexed. This is due to the fact that the planned increase in social payments has already taken place in February this year, 2018 and in April. The next indexation should now be expected no earlier than August.

Moreover, after the upcoming recalculation, the total amount received by the pensioner will directly depend on the size of the salary and the money transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that last year, the indexation of payments to Russians who went on a well-deserved rest was 1.5%. This year, an increase of 1.2% was expected, after which there was information about an increase of 4.1%. But the latest news does not please pensioners at all, as some sources report a 2.9% increase. Thus, after the summer recalculation, the pension will be more by 255 rubles and its size will be approximately 9 thousand.

The minimum wage can and will only affect the amount of pensions granted under another pension law, where pensions are awarded on the basis of average earnings, length of service and category of recipient of such pensions, these are, first of all, officials / civil servants /, as well as military, participants of the Great Patriotic War wars affected by technological disasters. For “ordinary” budget employees, an increase in the minimum wage will not bring either an increase in salaries or pensions, unless, if they received a pension or a salary below the minimum subsistence level, then they will be brought to the established minimum wage level from May 1, 2018.

Analysts very coldly met these actions of the authorities, where again the officials are on a “horse”, whose pensions are not bad anyway, and all this will not, in their opinion, reduce poverty in the country, the Rosregistr website writes. They don’t say for some reason, and that the same income tax of 13% is taken from the minimum wage as from other salaries in excess of the minimum wage. It turns out that if the minimum wage is set on 11163 rubles from May 1, 2018, and 13% is deducted from the minimum wage, the employee will receive only 9772 rubles, which again will not be one hundred percent of the minimum cost of living, but only 87 percent! There are proposals from deputies and other officials to introduce a tax on retirement.

Problems of pensioners, lack of funds is always an urgent and painful problem of the authorities, the government.

It is known that the next indexation of pensions to pensioners will be on April 1, 2018, as usual in April, social pensions will be raised, or rather, pensions for people with disabilities, the same category of people who have no other sources of income besides pension. This category of pensioners is less protected.

At the same time, the next increase in pensions will take place in 2018 also from May 1. This increase is connected with the government’s decision to raise the minimum wage from May 1, which will be 11,163 rubles. Therefore, pensions of those citizens who receive a pension less than the minimum wage will be equated to this size. So some retirees will feel the increase in their pension from May 1, 2018.

The planned increase in social pensions took place in April 2018, and it seemed that the next increase should be expected for a long time.

From May 1, 2018 by decision of the government, the living wage will be increased to 11,163 rubles, in connection with this the minimum pensions will also change, it should not be lower than the minimum wage, therefore, pensioners who received pensions in the amount of less than 11,163 rubles, the pension will be raised to the minimum wage from using special surcharges.

Unfortunately, this increase will not affect working pensioners.

The nearest pension indexation will be on April 1. The next one will be in a month, although before that it was planned to be held only by 2019.

In the first trimester of this year, the minimum wage is 9.489 rubles.

Since the first of 2018, the minimum wage will be the same as the cost of living of able-bodied citizens, which means 11.163 rubles.

After these changes, the minimum wage will be “consistent with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation”. After increasing income, the number of pension points will also creep up.

However, those pensioners who are forced to continue to work will remain without recalculation, indexing them will bypass. I hope that they will be remembered at least by the end of the year.

Raising pensions is always looking forward, because few people have enough to pay for this.

Not so long ago there was an April increase. And from May 1, 2018, the cost of living is increasing from 9489 rubles to 11163 rubles. Consequently, the size of pensions will be increased in proportion to the minimum wage.

Back in January of this year, three-time indexation of pensions was announced, which is planned for phased implementation. The first stage, for pensioners receiving an insurance pension, was held in January 2018 (this is usually carried out from February 1). An earlier payment of pensions to those who receive it in the insurance option became possible due to the fact that the inflation rate in 2017 amounted to a lower amount as a percentage, and the pension could be indexed without waiting for the results of the State Statistics Service.

On April 1, the indexation of social pensions began for quite a few categories of pensioners, disabled people, orphans, representatives of the peoples of the Far North and some others. The third stage of indexation will begin in August this year.