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Why Natalia Vodianova and Justin Portman broke up: revelations on social networks and new details. Foreign husbands in the life of Natalia Vodianova Natalya Vodianova divorces her husband

Justin Portman refuses to sign papers and communicate with supermodel lawyers

Justin Portman refuses to sign papers and communicate with supermodel lawyers

Natalia VODIANOVA and Lord Edward's son Henry BERKLEY Justin PORTMAN broke up three years ago. For the past year and a half, the model has been dating the French millionaire Antoine ARNO, the couple is even thinking about joint children (), but Natalya has not yet filed for her divorce. It was rumored that the whole thing was in the marriage contract that the spouses entered into, but the other day the model gave a frank interview in which she denied this information.

According to the supermodel, her husband is so painfully experiencing their breakup that he does not even want to communicate with her lawyers on the topic of divorce.

I don't want to hurt him again, pull him. And what can I do? Justin does not want to communicate with my lawyers, each of their attempts to make contact with him ends in nothing, she told the magazine "7 days" . - Divorce, of course, will take place. It's inevitable. But - in the future, not now.

The couple separated after nine years of marriage. The reasons for their discord in the press were not officially announced. The couple has three children: 10-year-old Lucas, 6-year-old Neva and 5-year-old Victor. It was rumored that spouses do not get divorced so as not to injure children. Allegedly, Natalya and Justin entered into a marriage contract, according to which the children, after the separation of their parents, remain to live with their father, and since they are used to spending more time with their mother, the move can be a serious injury for them.

There is no prenuptial agreement between Justin and me! No, it wasn't! - the supermodel denied such reports. - I don't know why, but we managed without it.

According to Vodianova, after their break Portman chose to leave the UK:

He himself now lives not in England, but in Uruguay, in the resort town of Punta del Este - Justin always liked it there, we have a big ranch there, - says Natalya, - But it would be strange to teach children in Uruguay, and therefore even there was no such question: where to live. Of course with me! In any case, I am very grateful to Justin for the fact that he did not obstruct me in this matter.

By the way, Natalia recently admitted that she wants to have another child from her current lover. Chosen Vodyanova - son Bernard Arnault, one of the richest people of the planet, which owns the French concern LVMH, a manufacturer of luxury goods under trademarks Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Guerlain, Kenzo, elite Moët & Chandon champagne, Hennessy cognac and many other famous products. According to Forbes, Arno Sr. is worth $21.5 billion. His son is the CEO of Berluti, a men's shoes and luxury leather accessories. For his sake, Natalia agreed to leave England and move to Paris with her children:

In England, we lived in a country house, and here - an apartment in the city, so our life has changed a lot. Of course, I was a little worried about the fact that the children would have to study in almost unfamiliar French. But, fortunately, a good school was found in Paris. Children of diplomats and top managers of international companies study at this school.

Their parents also constantly move from place to place - in a word, children from families with situations similar to ours. And so my eldest son Lucas came out of class and said: “Mom, can you imagine, there are three Japanese, three Russians, two Danes and three Englishmen in my class!”. Neve found an excellent ballet school "Stanlowa", with "Russian roots" ... They rented a beautiful apartment overlooking the Eiffel Tower, in an old Ottoman-style house. I just have tears welling up from what kind of view opens from the window. True, the apartment is not as big as a house, I didn’t even immediately figure out how to accommodate all of us in it. But in the end we figured out - there is enough space for everyone. Now we’ll find a country house, plant birch trees, build a bathhouse, and life will get better!

The entire world press wrote about the divorce of top model Natalia Vodianova and Lord Justin Portman. And as a fait accompli. Natalya herself never gave an interview on this subject, without confirming or refuting the information. She made an exception only for Komsomolskaya Pravda. Natalia for the first time decided to tell some details of her private life, closed from prying eyes. We talked in Moscow, where the top model arrived on business of her Naked Heart charity foundation.

"I am not indifferent to the fate of sick children"

In Russia, Natalia presented a book about an orphan boy "Give me a chance". I had to wait half a day for the presentation to end, for all the business meetings to be over, to talk to Natasha about life. In front of my eyes, Natalya spent all this time on her feet, without even eating! And the beauty was accompanied by a handsome man, the French billionaire Antoine Arnault (director of the Berluti shoe manufacturer, son of Bernard Arnault, owner of the LVMH concern, a manufacturer of luxury goods under the brands Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Kenzo, Hennessy, etc.). In every free minute they hugged and could not tear themselves away from each other.

- Natasha, I watched how you hold a presentation of the book "Give me a chance", and I realized that for you children are the meaning of life?

Yes, you understood correctly. Thank you for noticing.

- And I thought that a model is a woman for whom a career overshadows everything else.

No, my career has been a tool for me to do what I do now. In general, my career has never been the most important thing for me. I gave birth to a child at the very beginning of my career, at the age of 20!

- And then two more. And you take everyone with you!

Now they are on vacation, so they are with me. But when they study, I can't pick them up from school, it's even illegal.

- How do you educate them?

It always seemed to me that educating is a big word, not entirely positive. I give my children direction, I try to be a bank for the stream that they are. This is a light stream, the lightest streams of water. You need to give them parameters, certain rules that help - these are tools for life, for communication. But I can't call myself a strict mom. In some ways I am firm, but I always try to explain why I want them to do this and not otherwise. I try to teach them and show them with examples how it works, in better side for them.

- The fact that you take children to orphanages, to sick children, can become a serious stress for them!

Stress is sometimes very good, like a bee sting is useful, nettle is useful for physical health. I show my children how good it is to do good.

"Children stay with me"

- Natalya, there are persistent rumors that you broke up with your husband, Lord Portman ... Is it true that you had a terribly quarrel with him at the moment of your acquaintance?

Yes. We had a not very romantic acquaintance ... And now we really broke up.

- Remembering that acquaintance, you said the following phrase: "It seemed to me that he was a ladies' man." Is your feeling confirmed?

No, absolutely not. My husband is not a womanizer. And we broke up not because of this. I was very young then, and over the past 10 years I have developed as a person. In many ways, we have not found a common language... Now we are trying very hard to complete everything in a civilized manner. The most important thing for us is our children, so everything goes pretty smoothly.

- So you're still married? All the media reported that you were officially divorced.

Not officially yet. But we don't live together. There are some difficulties with divorce ... But not financial ones - my husband and I had a marriage contract.

- The most difficult thing in a divorce is children when they need to be divided.

In this matter, my husband and I find mutual language. Children are the most important thing, for my children my husband will always be right, he will be the best dad.

- That is, the children will live with you?

The children live with me. This is their reality, they know that they have a dad, they see a dad, they know in advance when they will see him. They are all quite satisfied.

- Do you have your own house or palace in England?

Castle?! (Laughs.) No mansions, very little house like from a postcard: an old mill of the 16th century on the river. He is an hour and a half drive from London, in the countryside.

- Your husband is a lord. During life together Do you have aristocratic manners?

It's not that I didn't have them ... We understood each other, and education is the first thing people look at. My husband creative person, he knows a lot, like a walking encyclopedia. It was terribly interesting with him ... He is always cheerful, always the soul of the company, an interesting, bright person.

- Today Antoine Arnault is with you. Is it possible that he will become your companion for life?

Certainly! I would not introduce my children to a person with whom I am not serious. I hope this love will last a lifetime. We love each other very much! And my kids really like it. I think it's everyone's dream normal person- find a partner with whom you will share your whole life. I will do my best to keep the love, the relationship with the one I love. But it's not always up to me...

- What is his merit?

He is wonderful in everything, although we have a very young relationship, I am in the stage of rose-colored glasses.

- Doesn't it bother him that you have three children?

He accepted it and I respect him for it. I think it's very noble of a man. Although my kids are great!

- They say that the French are the most sophisticated men. It's true?

Yes, they are wonderful men! Although so far I have not met people like Antoine.

- Is it because of the new love that you look so happy?

There are many reasons for happiness. I have wonderful healthy children, I am an independent woman, my career continues. I feel safe, and this is the most important thing for a person.

"A husband-lord was prophesied to me"

- There is a story that some poor seer predicted your future many years ago. It's true?

I was selling fruits then, and one old man asked me for a cherry - just like that. I saw that he was not an evil person, not an alcoholic ... He asked me to give him a hand - first me, then my girlfriends. And he said that I would marry a lord, one of my girlfriends - a plumber, the second - I don’t remember, but he also predicted something unsweetened. Of all of them, I was the poorest, from the most dysfunctional family, my friends supported me. The parents of one of them - Eli Prikazchikova - sometimes fed me, gave me clothes to wear ... Therefore, we didn’t really believe the elder’s prediction, we just laughed. But recently we met with friends, remembered that case: everyone's predictions came true!

- Do you agree that your life is similar to the story of Cinderella?

You know, how I used to work selling fruits, and now, only it happens differently ...

- What is your biggest fee?

Better not to talk about it.

- Why? Will they envy?

That's not the point... You know, I give all of myself to people. Everyone who knows me wants to always have money pouring in on me so that I can continue what I'm doing. I think this desire is more than the envy of people who do not know me.

- Natalia, and in conclusion, a few words for the readers of "KP"!

I want to wish everyone the light and try to find it in every day, pay attention to it, remember the bright, beautiful, going to bed. And remember that every day something happens in our life, for which it is worth living and for which it is worth waking up again. If you fall asleep with this feeling, waking up is much easier!

Thanks to Yulia Puzyreva for her help in preparing this interview.

Natalia Vodianova, in an interview with a Porter magazine journalist, named the reason for her divorce from her first husband, Justin Portman. About this writes the publication "Russian dialogue".

The famous Russian model Natalia Vodianova and Justin Portman divorced in 2011. The couple have been married for 10 years and have three children. It was customary to remain silent about the reasons for the divorce, however, in 2015, an English aristocrat unexpectedly laid bare his soul on a social network, telling the incredible truth, and after some time Natalya also spoke.

Earlier, Portman said: Natalya was ashamed of him for the reason that he did not fit into her high life, full of glamour. The Lord felt this, which greatly depressed him, and tried to find solace in alcohol.

In addition, Justin hinted that Vodianova was cheating on him, although they both did everything possible to prevent the destruction of the family, because otherwise the children would suffer.

Not so long ago, Natalya herself told her version. According to her, in her marriage to Portman, she was a mother hen. As a result, all responsibilities fell on the shoulders of Vodianova, and Justin moved away from the family.

According to Vodianova, Justin was a wonderful father, but he was not one of those who loves to mess around with children and spend time with them. free time. Natalia took on all the responsibilities of caring for the children and, in the end, became just a "mother-hen". Such a split could not last forever. Spouses eventually began to move away from each other, as they had different interests. The moment came when the couple realized that it could not be like this anymore, and then they decided to leave.

The celebrity also admitted that she loves all five children, but she is often strict with them. This is especially true in matters of nutrition. The model does not allow children to eat harmful foods. And one of the sons, 10-year-old Lucas, Vodianova completely “put” on a diet, since the boy was overweight.

Now the supermodel lives with the French billionaire Antoine Arnault, the couple has two common children.

The model also explained why she was in no hurry to register a relationship with Antoine. Natalia already feels happy, so the formality in the form of a stamp in her passport is definitely not required.

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The ex-husband of Natalia Vodianova, Justin Portman, albeit belatedly (4 years have passed since their divorce), on his Facebook page, told why he broke up with the Russian top model. Later, he regretted what he said and hurried to delete his revelations, but foreign tabloid journalists managed to find out about the news.

The fairy tale crashed about life

From the outside, it seemed that Natalia and Justin were just the perfect couple who are raising three common children. The couple were kind to each other and were truly happy.

The couple officially divorced in 2011, but the idyll in their relationship ended long before that date. Portman said that they had not lived together since 2009, and his beloved first spoke to him about breaking up in 2006.

Cause of all problems

The British aristocrat specified that his addiction to alcohol and psychological problems destroyed their family. It seemed to him that the super-successful beautiful wife was embarrassed by him, he really began to consider himself unworthy of her. The Lord drowned out his pain with alcohol and realized too late that it was time to fight for love.

Justin went to a rehabilitation center and underwent a course of treatment. It would seem that a white streak should come in their life, but the day before the discharge, Vodianova told him that she was leaving him.

The revelations did not end there, Portman wrote in his post that he had every reason to believe that his ex-wife had cuckolded him with some famous director.

He did not demand a divorce, since he is an adherent of traditional values, and Natalya was also ready to save the union for the sake of the children.

Still in love?

Apparently, the 46-year-old aristocrat still cannot forget his wife. Vodianova, having married the millionaire Antoine Arnault, blossomed like a flower, but Portman still cannot establish his personal life.

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Heated discussions

Justin's close friends, having learned about his revelations, were perplexed, he is not only not prone to scandals, but is always reserved in communication.

Natalya has not yet commented on the ex-husband's story, but, no doubt, she was shocked. She never spoke badly about her former chosen one and, speaking about him in an interview, called him a very good person.