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A gift for my husband for the birth of a child. Should I give my husband something at the birth of his son? Gift for a man for the birth of his son

Many husbands think about having a son. In general, childbirth is a process that men cannot understand. It requires a lot of strength and perseverance from a woman. Eventually, the baby is born. We can say that the birth of a son is a holiday and a feat at the same time. And if a man wanted his first-born boy, then for him such an event would be considered the most joyful. Just don’t forget about the woman, the baby’s mother. Many husbands consider it their duty to do this in honor of the birth that took place. But what can you give?

Plush toy

The first option is quite banal. You can give your wife a plush toy for her son’s birthday. But not small, but big. You could say, at full height.

Such a step will demonstrate attention and tenderness, love for the woman. Most often, men give teddy bears for the birth of a son. You can dress him in clothes blue color. Symbolic and nice. But on plush toys ideas don't end. In fact, if a man is thinking about giving birth to a son to his wife, then he should be prepared for the fact that he will have to make the final decision on his own. After all various ideas there are a lot of them in the modern world.


Next universal gift- these are decorations. Almost all girls love them. Therefore, if a man is thinking about giving birth to a child to his wife, he can opt for jewelry. Gold earrings that your wife has long wanted, or a bracelet on your hand - these are the things that will definitely be appreciated.

Sometimes you can offer simple decorations, but symbolic. What to give your wife after childbirth? A good and unusual idea would be to present a ring in the shape of a child’s heel. Both decoration and symbol at the same time. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find such a jewel in stores. Often these rings are made to order. Therefore, it is advisable to worry about preparing the presentation in advance.


Modern world full of ideas that are perfect as a baby shower gift. It doesn't matter whether it's a boy or a girl. The main thing is to please the new mother. What other ideas should husbands pay attention to?

What to give your wife for the birth of her son? For example, a bouquet should be prepared for discharge from the maternity hospital. But not from flowers. And some original one. For example, from soft toys or sweets. The first option is in particular demand.

Such a gift will remain with the woman for a long time. for a long time. The “flowers” ​​will not wither; they will constantly remind you of childbirth and the birth of a long-awaited baby. Therefore, you should not think that bouquets are a banal present. A little creativity - and you will have an unfading bouquet in your hands that can please every representative of the fair sex.


Next on the list of the most successful gifts for the birth of a baby is perfume. This is not the most symbolic, but a very good present. Almost any attentive husband knows exactly what perfume his wife likes. Or at least the ones she dreams of.

When thinking about what to give for the birth of a son, one should not forget about the woman’s desires. The thing is that often even a banal gift, but taking into account the taste preferences of the new mother, can bring a lot of pleasure. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to perfume. If a woman has been wanting some perfume for a long time, now is the time to surprise her with such a gift!


What other ideas should you pay attention to first? Any woman wants to remain beautiful and sexy even after giving birth. Both for myself and for my husband. Therefore, if you want to pleasantly surprise your wife, you can give her a set of underwear. But here there is a possibility of encountering some problems.

The first is choosing a size. The breasts after childbirth are slightly enlarged. And you can miscalculate. For example, buying a bra is too small size. Or, as an option, buy regular underwear, while the “nursing” option is best. Even such products can look beautiful.

Are you wondering what to give your wife for the birth of a child? You can choose a sexy negligee or a nightgown, or both in a set.

Memorable souvenir

The next gift that you can give your wife after childbirth is rather a joke. We are talking about, for example, an Oscar statuette or a medal. Various inscriptions are made on these objects. And then they give it as souvenirs.

You can write something like "Thank you for your son" or " To the best mother for his son." Any inscription that reflects the gratitude of the new father for the heir. A trifle, but pleasant. And it will be remembered for a long time.

However, it is recommended to attach some other useful gift to the medal or figurine. For example, linen or perfume. You can limit yourself to a set of soap self made or a bouquet of flowers. As an option - a set of cosmetics for mothers.


There is another universal technique that will help to congratulate a woman. Not necessarily after childbirth. What to give your wife for the birth of a son or daughter? Some useful item. For example, technology.

A phone or tablet is perfect. If a woman is not too keen on such things, you can give her a regular computer. Or a netbook is a convenient thing for a mother who wants to stay in touch even when she is on maternity leave with a small child.

Most often, husbands give smartphones. Most likely, it won’t be difficult to guess what kind of phone a woman wants. And the dream presented after childbirth will certainly please the new mother.

For home and baby

You can give your wife some useful gift for the birth of a son or daughter that would be used for a newborn. The modern world is teeming with a variety of children's utensils that will help you manage your baby. What should you focus on?

A sling would be a good gift. Or rather, an ergo-backpack. This thing will help the new mother to be mobile from the first months. Going out to the store or doing household chores is now much easier. And it pleases. Although not everyone loves slings and ergo-backpacks. It is recommended to find out the opinion of the mother in labor about these devices.

Next is a radio and video baby monitor. These two miracles of technology will suit almost every woman. And they are even more relevant if the family lives in a large apartment. This will allow you to monitor your newborn without any problems, and then arrive on time when needed. As in the case of a sling, it is recommended to first find out the woman’s own opinion about these “helpers”. Maybe she considers them unnecessary.

The birth of a son can be useful not only for the baby. It’s quite possible to give a woman a food processor, especially if she’s been dreaming about it for a long time. This technique will help you prepare natural purees for your baby during complementary feeding. And when the child grows up, you can use the combine for personal needs.

Another useful one for the baby. True, now its value is being lost. Not everyone is ready to sterilize bottles. Typically, this device works well for those who are not breastfeeding. It is not a fact that after giving birth a woman will transfer her newborn to artificial feeding. Therefore, there is no need to rush with such a unit.

For the baby

What to give for the birth of a son or daughter? You can focus attention not on the woman, but on the baby. And present something useful for the new family member.

Set for a crib with sides - very good gift. Only usually such a gift is given by close relatives. Or parents buy a similar kit in advance.

Kit beautiful clothes For a child this is also a good option. Especially if you don't have a discharge kit yet. Or he is not original. You can prepare a family set of clothes: for mom, dad and baby. Just such an option will be appreciated by a woman.

Toys for children can also be given as gifts. But it is advisable not to get carried away with this. After all, all sorts of squeakers and rattles will not be needed right away. Therefore, it is recommended to hold off on such a gift.


What to give your wife for the birth of a child? Modern and very a useful gift considered a professional photo shoot. After childbirth, when the woman recovers, memorable photographs can be taken. They will definitely please the new mother. A newborn photo session is a gift for the birth of a son or daughter that will not leave anyone indifferent.

And if you additionally give your wife a family set of clothes, you can get original memorable photos. Photos will help preserve fond memories of those moments when the child was very young!


Here is another original and modern gift. It will perfectly complement a photo shoot. The point is that before parents They traced the newborn's arms and legs on paper as a keepsake. To remember how small the child was. Now you can do without it.

Modern technologies suggest making a frame with casts of the arms and legs of newborns. Just such a set can be presented to your wife. And after discharge from the maternity hospital, make impressions. A gift imbued with tenderness and care. Women love such trinkets. They, like a photo shoot, help to capture important points life. Now it’s clear what gift you can give your wife for the birth of a baby? Go for it!

The birth of a child is the most touching and exciting moment in the life of every family. Usually, in honor of this event, new parents arrange a magnificent celebration, accept gifts and congratulations. If one of your relatives or close men, for example, a friend, brother or colleague, has a child, you simply must contribute to the celebration and please the young father with a pleasant gift. Needless to say, a gift in honor of the birth of a child should be not only useful, but also memorable. Are you lost in search of ideas? Don't worry, in our special selection you can find original and practical options gifts for the birth of a child for any man. Go ahead for ideas!

Car seat

If a young father has a car, such a gift will definitely come in handy. With the birth of a child, the daily routine of life changes dramatically: new parents sleep little, rarely eat and spend most of the day at the crib. With a good and safe car seat, they can unwind a little and, for example, go to the store for diapers. Joke. But they will definitely be able to unwind and relax outside the nearest playground.


A colorful canvas indicating the height, weight of the child, the time of day when he was born, and other metric parameters - an original and memorable gift. Such a picture will occupy the most prominent place on the wall for a long time. Approximately until the grown-up child wants to change it to a poster of some musical group.

High quality bottle

Even if young parents are behind them with all their hands and feet breast-feeding, at least one bottle will definitely be useful to them. It will be convenient to give the child water, medicinal decoctions, anti-colic tea, etc. Choose a quality bottle famous brand, then the gift will not be just a trinket, but a significant present.

Air purifier

The delicate infant body will benefit from specially purified and humidified air. Sometimes, problems with snuffling, puffing and other breathing “stuff” are solved by simply installing a purifier. Moreover, this gift will come in handy if the baby is prone to allergies. And it won’t hurt for adults to breathe dust-free and humidified air.

Even if this is a gift for growing up, it is so pleasant and necessary! It will only take about a year before the little squeaking bundle gains the strength to crawl, sit and learn to stand up - at this time your gift will be simply priceless and young parents will remember you kind words, because in such walkers the baby will be able to have fun and walk independently for hours.

Digital photo frame

Just one frame, which replaces entire photo albums, will surely appeal to a father-photographer or simply someone who is madly passionate about their children's first achievements. This gift is guaranteed to decorate the most honorable and inaccessible place for a child.

This gift is ideal for a colleague or close friends. It is always pleasant to receive a medal, and if it reminds you of the touching moment of the birth of a child, it is doubly pleasant.

Standing up to the child for the fifth time during the night, the young father will probably get tangled in his legs from fatigue and lose his balance. Give him a cute, dim night light, decorated in children's style– it will decorate a child’s room and prevent accidental injuries.


As the child grows up, the family archive grows to incredible terabytes. Give the new father a portable hard drive and save him from the problem of full computer memory. By the way, on such a disk it is also convenient to store all sorts of educational cartoons so that you can take them, for example, on the road, to the country or on vacation.

Set for impressions of arms and legs

Such a gift will be able to please young parents into old age. And how amazing it will be to explain to a child that once his arms and legs were as tiny as these casts on the shelf.

Instant camera

If a young dad is a passionate lover of photography and Instagram, then an instant camera will delight him. The opportunity to receive a printed photo in just a minute after clicking the shutter - a unique opportunity to take life-like and vivid photographs.

Developmental mat

Already a couple of months after birth, the child is able to captivate himself by looking at various bright objects and toys hanging above him. Give his dad an educational mat that will provide young parents with about an hour of serene peace and relaxation.

Washing robot vacuum cleaner

In the first months of a child's life, there is never enough time to clean. Make a feasible contribution to the atmosphere of the home of young parents - give them a washing robot vacuum cleaner that independently monitors the cleanliness of the floor and not only sucks up debris, but also carries out wet cleaning. You will be warmly thanked for this gift. And when the child grows up and starts crawling, they will thank you again, and even more.

Ergo backpack

Such a gift will help the new dad turn into a mom for a short time - by wearing the entire structure and placing the baby in it, dad will be able to relieve mom’s hands. The advantage of an ergo backpack over the usual “kangaroos” is that this design is much friendlier to the child’s fragile spine and muscles.


Around 4-6 months after birth, the baby will want to eat something other than milk. It is at this moment that young parents will appreciate your gift. Steamed vegetables turn out tastier than boiled ones, and a device that can cook food and immediately chop it until smooth will save a lot of time, effort and clean dishes.

Rocking chair

Sleepless nights trying to rock a colicky baby to sleep will be much calmer with a special rocking chair. The hands of the new parents will finally rest, and the sad child will sweetly fall asleep to the rhythmic rocking of the chair. By the way, it’s more convenient to feed a child in such a chair, and it won’t hurt to relax after work either. This gift will definitely be appreciated by all family members.


The birth of a child, especially the firstborn, is one of the most significant events in the life of a man and a woman. And after you, dear men, have given yourself a gift in the form of a party with friends on the occasion of the birth of an heir, it’s time to think about his mother.

Giving a gift to your wife for the birth of a child is a difficult question and requires a careful analysis of the character and needs of your chosen one. You only have a few days to make a decision while your family is in the maternity hospital.

To give or not to give?

Indeed, should a husband give his wife a gift on the occasion of the birth of a child? It's hard to say for sure. It all depends on the size of the budget and traditions of a particular family. For some, it is customary to give useful or simply pleasant gifts to a new mother, but for others, a new family member is the best gift in the world that does not require any additions.

Over the past 10-15 years, the number of men who want to thank their beloved for the gift of a baby has been steadily growing. Probably due to people becoming more educated in medical field, and husbands now have a better opportunity to imagine what it’s like for a woman during pregnancy and childbirth.

What to give

In many nations, since ancient times, there has been a tradition of presenting a gift to a woman shortly before the birth of a baby as a talisman against difficult childbirth, evil spirits and the evil eye. In England, for example, it is customary to give an elegant gold ring. In India, a boy was always given a ring with an emerald (a symbol of wisdom, courage and masculine strength), and a girl was always given a ring with a diamond.

What to give your wife for the birth of a child? First of all, you need to start from your budget. If you are not constrained by financial constraints, you can easily give your spouse the choice. But if your wallet is not very thick, think about whether it would be better to get by a modest gift without going into debt? After all, this money will be very useful for your child.

It is important to remember that you are giving a gift for your wife, and you don’t have to worry about what relatives, colleagues, her friends, etc. will say. Whether you gave a diamond ring or a cute figurine in the form of an angel for the birth of a child is your personal matter. family, and you don't have to answer to anyone.

Gifts for the soul

  • Flowers. Beautiful bouquet It can be either the main gift or an addition to it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a bouquet of a thousand roses or wildflowers collected by yourself, the main thing is that you haven’t forgotten about them.
  • Decorations. The most common gifts for the birth of a child are jewelry. There is a wide choice here: a ring with a precious stone, a bracelet, earrings, a gold or silver pendant, where you can insert a photo of the baby or the whole family. The good thing about such a gift is that you can keep it for life, and then pass it on to your daughter when she grows up, or to your daughter-in-law.
  • This is a gift for both soul and body. After all, thanks to a soft, warm fur coat, mommy will be able to walk for a long time with her baby and not risk catching a cold (which is especially important during breastfeeding). There are few women who would refuse such a surprise.
  • Certificate for a beauty salon. Every woman dreams of getting in shape as quickly as possible after long pregnancy and feel attractive again. If you give her the opportunity to relax for at least a couple of hours, for example, in a spa, she will be immensely grateful to you.
  • Perfumes, cosmetics. A bottle of good perfume, a set of your favorite cosmetics, or just a gift certificate for a purchase at your favorite store will certainly make your beloved a little happier.
  • Memory chest. Buy or make a beautiful chest or large box where you will put your baby’s things as keepsakes: a diary, his first vest, his favorite toy, his drawings and awards, school reports. Such a gift will surely touch your wife.
  • Photo album.
  • You can add the brightest moments of your family’s life to it for many years to come. It’s better if it’s an album not with plastic pockets, but with regular cardboard pages - then you can decorate it to your taste, and it will be your family heirloom. Letter of thanks.
  • Write a letter to your loved one, expressing all your feelings for her. Tell us how grateful you are for the birth of an heir. Describe your feelings when your baby came into this world. List the reasons why you love and appreciate her so much, and what you dream about. Tree. It will be very original and touching if you and your wife plant a tree that will grow with your baby. It can be either an ordinary birch tree or indoor plant

(depending on where you live - in a house or apartment).

  • Practical gifts
  • Automobile. Of course, not every young father can afford such a purchase, but if you have decided to make such a serious expenditure, then think carefully about what the car should be like: safe, comfortable, of sufficient size, etc. If you decide not to stop at one child, Then take a minivan right away - everyone will definitely fit in it.
  • The baby will grow quickly, and with the help of a good camera you will be able to capture the best moments of your family's life with high-quality photos. Tablet, smartphone, laptop.
  • For business and mobile mothers, such a gift will be very useful, because you can work or communicate on the Internet while sitting in a comfortable chair or while walking with your baby.
  • Or just a comfortable chair in which a tired mother can sit comfortably with her baby in her arms or watch her favorite movie. Appliances.

Many women will be glad to have a mechanical assistant during such a difficult period for them, when sometimes they don’t even have time to eat. A robot vacuum cleaner, a dishwasher, a multicooker - all this will help make household work easier. During pregnancy and lactation due to changes in hormonal levels women become capricious, suspicious and easily vulnerable. Therefore, before giving a gift in the form of cosmetics, a coupon to a beauty salon or household appliances

If you are not sure about your choice or simply don’t know what gift to give your wife for the birth of a child without offending her, try just asking her. Maybe she has been dreaming about something for a long time, but does not dare to tell you.

Priceless gifts

It often happens that a young family cannot afford to spend money even on inexpensive gifts. Don't despair, because you can simply surround your wife with care and attention. Rest assured, this will not go unnoticed.

  • Attendance at childbirth. Even if you don’t tolerate the sight of blood well or for personal reasons cannot be present at the moment the baby is born, you can be with your wife during the long and difficult prenatal period - hold her hand during painful contractions, help her move around the birthing room and simply offer encouraging words.
  • Prepare the house. Do a general cleaning for the arrival of your wife and child from the maternity hospital, decorate the rooms, equip children's Corner(install a crib and changing table, purchase everything necessary for the baby).
  • Stay close.
  • Take a vacation from work for the first month after the birth of your son or daughter to take care of all the household chores and allow your wife to take care of the baby or just relax during the difficult postpartum period. Do the cleaning, cook dinner, take a walk with your child. Any help you can provide will certainly be appreciated. Pay attention.

Don’t forget that this often unkempt and always tired woman is your beloved wife, the one who gave birth to and is raising your child with her. Don't forget to compliment her, even if her figure is far from ideal.

What not to give

  • It's always difficult to predict what a woman might want on the most significant day of her life, but there are still things that may not be suitable. Too expensive a purchase. If family budget
  • obviously limited, you shouldn’t go into debt for the sake of an expensive gift. Your wife will most likely not like this idea. Shapewear.
  • Yes, shapewear is a necessary thing after childbirth, but not as a gift from a loved one. A woman may perceive such a gift as a hint that it would be nice to lose weight. Give such a gift only if your spouse asks for it. Jewelry at random.
  • Before buying a ring, find out the size of your wife's finger, because it may have changed during pregnancy. If you're not sure she'll like your choice, ask her friend or mom for advice. Otherwise, the expensive purchase will remain in the box. Give your wife a bouquet at the time of discharge, but do not fill the whole house with fragrant buds. The baby may have an allergy, or simply get a headache from intense odors.

In any case, no matter what gift you choose - expensive or cheap, material or not, the main thing is that it is presented with all your heart. You can give your wife anything for the birth of a child, but remember the main thing - the mother of your heir must first of all be happy, and only a material gift is not enough for this.


1. Digital camera
A digital camera can become a wonderful gift new dad. Thanks to this gift, he will be able to personally record every remarkable event in the baby’s life: the first tooth, the first step, the first movements and the first smiles. After all, at this age, children are so interesting and cute, and thanks to photographs, every stage of their little beginning life will be captured.

2. Radio nanny
A radio nanny can be an invaluable gift not only for a woman, but also for a man. Of course, a newborn baby needs its mother more in the first months, and a woman more often has to get up and run to the baby’s crib, but many men also take a big part in this. So he will definitely appreciate such a gift.

3. A set of diapers
A large set of diapers, of course, is a classic, and maybe even banal. But do not underestimate their role and their importance in the life of a young family. The fact is that, be that as it may, you can never have too many diapers. You just need to take into account the fact that children tend to grow, so it is preferable to buy diapers not only of one size.

4. T-shirt with a cool print
Cool and an unusual gift It could be a simple T-shirt, or some other thing with some original print, for example, “New Dad” or “Best Dad.” Yes, of course, this thing will not be useful in the household, but it will definitely lift your spirits. And this is also an important factor in the process of raising a child.

5. Backpack bag for newborns
A cheerful backpack for newborns will be simply an invaluable gift for a man. Of course, most likely, both parents will use it, but the father of the newborn will have more reasons to carry the child, since many men simply do not know how to carry a newborn in their arms or are even afraid.

If a daughter is born

A happy mother of a little daughter, when choosing a gift for her father, should not confuse her fascination with cute pink things with what is truly appropriate a serious gift to my husband in honor of the birth of their common daughter. Although a certain amount of tenderness when choosing a gift will not hurt, after all, the occasion is the birth of a daughter; after all, the gift should be associated with special value, tenderness, fragility and love.

A handprint cast in silver (or thumbs) all family members - mother, father and newborn daughter. Such an ingot will forever, literally speaking, leave a trace and memory of that day, that period when a daughter was born into the family. Also no less touching is a plaster print of a child’s hand or foot, which can be made when the baby is born and framed in a beautiful frame. Every year the husband will notice how his daughter’s leg or arm grows, how small she was and how small she has become.

If expectant mother If she has a lot of free time and doesn’t mind doing handicrafts, it would be nice to make a photo book using the scrapbooking technique or a postcard with a secret, inside of which there will be a general photo or a photo of her daughter. You can also embroider a corner of the blanket with your husband’s initials, your initials and the future baby’s (if the girl’s name has already been thought of in advance).

More options for what to give your husband:

Order a pillow, cup, calendar with family photos or even with a general photograph from the maternity hospital. Such a gift will certainly be kept in the family and will remind you of the most joyful and exciting moment in the life of the family;

Specially order the services of a professional photographer at the time of discharge from the maternity hospital, later (when the photographer’s work is ready) you can show your husband a whole film with him in the leading role, with the baby in his arms;

Tiny booties decorated precious stones, like a souvenir, with the spitting date of the birth of a long-awaited child;

A painting ordered from a real artist (you can simply give the artist a finished photo of the whole family or just your daughter, or wife and daughter; a good artist will paint a painting of any size from the photo);

Buy 3 identical bracelets made of precious metal in advance; you can give such a gift not only to your husband, but at the same time to yourself, and give it to your child when he grows up;

Also on the topic of gifts from precious metals These include valuable coins cast from gold and silver - they can be made to order;
buy a pendant, watch, bracelet and make an engraving: an inscription or even a small portrait;

Order a fireworks display that will be arranged under the windows of the maternity hospital (however, for such a gift you will need the help of friends or relatives).

If a son is born

In fact, if a boy is born in the family, the wife can present her beloved husband with the same gifts as for the birth of a daughter, well, perhaps, except for booties in rhinestones. It’s good when the husband has his own office or corner at work. In this case, a gift suggests itself - an unusual photo frame on the table, a souvenir in the shape of a large male hands, which contains the son’s tiny child’s hand. Also, based on logical thinking, a man never parts with his wallet. You can use the help of your loved ones and prepare a photo of your son for dad’s wallet: insert it into a small compact photo frame and give it to dad in a box. But still, the most best gifts This:

A chain with a small pendant where you can custom stamp your child’s initials and date of birth. A man cannot ignore such a gift and will be happy to wear his wife’s gift, and the meaning of the initials or dates will be clear only to him;

A ring with a sapphire, on which an engraving may also be appropriate;

As a souvenir: a small car;

In any photo studio you can order a photo book with family history: photos from meetings, wedding photographs, common joyful moments, different stages of the wife’s pregnancy, and finally - a tiny man in dad’s hands;

A huge cake with the name of a newborn, and on top of the cake at the time of presenting the gift you can carefully place your sleeping son on a special stand - a great idea for a photo shoot and a very memorable moment for the young father;

Again, returning to the topic of jewelry (because only jewelry is always on a person without the need to remove it, which protects the item from the danger of being lost or forgotten), you can present your husband with a gold pendant in the form of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms - such a pendant will be for her husband for a talisman and, of course, will always remind you of the birth of a child;

Valuable metals with engraving (date of birth, name) in the form of a gold brick: firstly, such a gift has several meanings (a solid brick for laying the foundation of a strong family), and secondly, as capital (if such an ingot is made of gold), which can be kept in the family for a long time, or even passed down by inheritance, as a family heirloom and treasure;

You can give your husband a trip to the future, for example, to a country where he has always dreamed of visiting, and you can go on such a trip in a few months, when the child grows up and can be left with his family;

If your husband loves football, you can give him a new leather one soccer ball with an embossed inscription (just like on a newborn’s tag), this can be done to order, but such a gift will probably always be in the place of honor for the husband, and the ball itself will be more expensive than a ball with the autograph of the best football player in the world;

Among the intangible gifts, the most precious for a man who has just become a father will be the attention of his wife, the opportunity to communicate with her, organize emotions, and share joint joy at a romantic dinner for two.

When a child is born, a couple has practically no time for each other, and a walk with dinner (especially if it can take place in some beautiful place) will bring special intimacy, romance and happiness into the relationship, enhanced a thousand times by the birth of a common child. A man who was not forgotten and was thanked with rest, pleasant emotions, and not scandals and reproaches for not changing the diaper on time, will forever remember the moment of the birth of the baby as the most pleasant event in his life.