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Detailed master class on making a baby stroller from cardboard. How to make a toy baby stroller from cardboard (detailed master class) Do-it-yourself paper stroller

Dedicated to himself important point in the life of every woman - the birth of a child. And from it you will learn how to make a touching baby stroller out of paper, which can itself become an elegant symbolic gift, and serve as packaging for small gift on the occasion of long-awaited event.

Master class by Oksana Pasko: baby stroller

I was inspired to create this work by talking to my friend who is expecting a baby. For her, this is such a long-awaited state that she simply shines with joy, so many positive emotions emanate from her! She is so beautiful, gentle, feminine - just a goddess! And so, after meeting her, I wanted to do something directly related to this condition. Combine business with pleasure: something pleasant is for a friend, useful for the site. I practically don’t know how to draw, I found a sketch on the Internet, completed the drawing, combined it - this is how my work turned out.

To work you need:

thick paper (I have a sheet of whatman paper with a density of 200 g/m²);

double-sided color office paper;

breadboard knife;

glue stick;

cutting board.

You will also need templates for cutting (please don’t judge me harshly, I made them myself for the first time):

We print out the templates for the stroller parts on A4 paper and start cutting out the pattern:

We cut out the wheels, then the entire part along the contour.

We cut out the second part in the same way.

We cut out the rectangular base of the stroller and bend it into “teeth” using a ruler.

Then we glue the carved ones together side details stroller and its base, smearing the “teeth” with glue.

This is what you should get:

After this, we cut out two backings for the side parts from double-sided colored paper.

We glue them on the sides inside the stroller.

If desired, we decorate our paper stroller roses made from double-sided colored paper.

Happiness is soft warm palms,
There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa...
What is happiness? There's no easier way to answer:
Everyone who has CHILDREN has HAPPINESS!

All competition entries can be seen in the “Competitions” menu section. Go ahead, get acquainted, share your impressions in the comments.

Our competition is approaching its final and most exciting stage. Tomorrow the acceptance of works will be completed, after which voting will be announced. Apparently, the fight is going to be hot. A lot of works were sent - each more interesting than the other. So both the jury and you, friends, will have to “rack your brains”, determining who should give the palm =) Moreover, over the past few days, a dozen more works have been sent, and some participants have even doubled the number of their master classes!

Personally, I am delighted with this intensity of competitive passions and excitement, although I have a lot more worries these days :) Apparently, I will even have to move the start date of voting (I will announce this later). In any case, the voting time will not be shortened - everyone will have time to express their opinion.

Dear competitors, I ask you to understand that these days some of you have had to wait longer than usual for the publication of your master class. I also ask all subscribers to be patient for the next few days - I will be giving out master classes in batches =)

See you, as usual, at KARTONKINO!

Dedicated to the most important moment in the life of every woman - the birth of a child. And from it you will learn how to make a touching baby stroller out of paper, which can itself become an elegant symbolic present, and serve as packaging for a small gift on the occasion of a long-awaited event.

Master class by Oksana Pasko: baby stroller

I was inspired to create this work by talking to my friend who is expecting a baby. For her, this is such a long-awaited state that she simply shines with joy, so many positive emotions emanate from her! She is so beautiful, gentle, feminine - just a goddess! And so, after meeting her, I wanted to do something directly related to this condition. Combine business with pleasure: something pleasant is for a friend, useful for the site. I practically don’t know how to draw, I found a sketch on the Internet, completed the drawing, combined it - this is how my work turned out.

To work you need:

thick paper (I have a sheet of whatman paper with a density of 200 g/m²);

double-sided colored office paper;

breadboard knife;

glue stick;

cutting board.

You will also need templates for cutting (please don’t judge me harshly, I made them myself for the first time):

We print out the templates for the stroller parts on A4 paper and start cutting out the pattern:

We cut out the wheels, then the entire part along the contour.

We cut out the second part in the same way.

We cut out the rectangular base of the stroller and bend it into “teeth” using a ruler.

Then we glue the carved side parts of the stroller and its base together, smearing the “teeth” with glue.

This is what you should get:

After this, we cut out two backings for the side parts from double-sided colored paper.

We glue them on the sides inside the stroller.

If desired, we decorate our paper stroller roses made from double-sided colored paper.

Happiness is soft warm palms,
There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa...
What is happiness? There's no easier way to answer:
Everyone who has CHILDREN has HAPPINESS!

All competition entries can be seen in the “Competitions” menu section. Go ahead, get acquainted, share your impressions in the comments.

Our competition is approaching its final and most exciting stage. Tomorrow the acceptance of works will be completed, after which voting will be announced. Apparently, the fight is going to be hot. A lot of works were sent - each more interesting than the other. So both the jury and you, friends, will have to “rack your brains”, determining who should give the palm =) Moreover, over the past few days, a dozen more works have been sent, and some participants have even doubled the number of their master classes!

Personally, I am delighted with this intensity of competitive passions and excitement, although I have a lot more worries these days :) Apparently, I will even have to move the start date of voting (I will announce this later). In any case, the voting time will not be shortened - everyone will have time to express their opinion.

Dear competitors, I ask you to understand that these days some of you have had to wait longer than usual for the publication of your master class. I also ask all subscribers to be patient for the next few days - I will be giving out master classes in batches =)

See you, as usual, at KARTONKINO!

When I came up with the idea of ​​making a baby stroller out of cardboard, I naturally went to the Internet for at least an idea, at most ready-made master class. However, nothing I saw matched my idea of ​​what a miniature stroller should look like. They all lacked a bit of realism in my opinion. That's how my first stroller was born


Cardboard or thick paper - 2 sheets of A4. Cotton swab. Universal glue (suitable for paper, fabric and other decorative elements, for example, “liquid nails”). Ribbons, braid, flowers, buttons, in general, any decorative elements.


Scissors. Stationery knife or cutter. Pencil. Ruler. Compass. Hole puncher (if possible, but not required).

First, print out the template; if you don’t have a printer, transfer the template to paper using the dimensions indicated on it. Bold lines outline the cutting lines, thin lines indicate fold and auxiliary lines.

Now we transfer the template to a sheet of cardboard. It is better to first cut out the blanks, and then place them on the worksheet, since sheets can be different sizes. I transferred the template using a non-writing gel pen so that there would be grooves on the cardboard and not pencil marks, as in photo 3. I fit everything on 1 sheet.

Cut with scissors or a stationery knife. This is what you should get (photo 5). Now the elements that lie on the right side of the ruler in photo 5 need to be duplicated, this is necessary in order to strengthen some parts of the structure. You can not duplicate the middle of the stroller handle, but make two identical elements - the handles themselves, as in photo 6. Here the second sheet of cardboard will be used (meaning A4 format).

We glue the elements that lie to the left of the scissors in photo 6. I cut the blanks a little larger than necessary, and trim off the excess after I glue both halves, this makes it more neat.

We assemble the box as shown in photos 8, 9, 10.

If we are going to decorate the inside of the box, we need to do it now.

Let's take it cotton swab, cut to 6 cm and make 2 marks at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edges (photo 13), so that the middle is 5 cm. Cut to the marks in three or four places on each side and open like a flower (photo 14,15 ).

Using a hole punch, we make holes in those elements of the stroller handle that will be on the inside and glue them together as shown in photo 17. If you don’t have a hole punch, you can cut out small squares with a stationery knife. I additionally put decorative flowers on the handle, which I will then use to cover the holes.

In photo 18 the hole is not covered, you can leave it that way. In photo 19 - covered with a flower.

We assemble the hood as shown in photo 20, note that the widest part of the pattern should be on the outside, as in photo 21.

Assembling the upper part of the stroller. First we glue the hood, then the handle at a distance of 3.5 cm from the edge of the box (photo 22), you can immediately decorate it.

Now we assemble the frame. I use paper clips as in photo 25 so as not to hold the surfaces to be glued with my hands. This is very convenient; while some parts are being glued together, you can work on others. In order to glue the side parts of the frame evenly, they can be placed on top of the top or bottom of the frame, as in photo 26. NO NEED TO GLUE TO THE FRAME! Just put it on top to get the desired angle.

While the frame is being glued, we decorate the wheels, then glue the frame to the top of the stroller so that the part of the frame with the hole is at the bottom (in photo 28 it is at the top), we will glue the wheels to it.

We glue the wheels last, because if they are glued a little unevenly, the stroller will be askew, and this way you can quickly fix it. The final touch is to decorate the bottom of the box to cover the frame and the handle attachment points.

Let's do beautiful photo and enjoy the result!

I hope that my master class will be useful to you.



What you will need for work: Textured paper Cardboard Glue Sequins Beads Printer How to do it: Take cardboard, mark equal sides of the card, bend it, cut out textured paper to size, sew sequins with beads in a circle, glue it. I use a glue stick for this textured paper. He's fast

Surely many New Year and we have prepared a lot for Christmas pleasant little things for your family and friends. And if you haven’t had time to buy bags/boxes for them yet, I suggest you make the packaging yourself. Materials: Cardboard or thick paper Glue Tools: Scissors (stationery knife or cutter) Pencil

Nowadays, wooden cubes in stores are not cheap. But kids love to play with them so much) I suggest making your own cubes from cardboard. We will need: Box Ruler Pencil Scissors Scotch tape (or glue) For one cube you need to cut three strips...... I give my measurements, but you need them

Original, unusual, and most importantly - practical gift for newborn and happy parents, which you can make yourself We will need: Diapers (in this case No. 2 - 4-9 kg.) Satin ribbons, sewing ribbons, lace ribbons possible Rattle Dummy Scissors, glue gun or sewing machine

Working time: 2 hours.


  • Cardboard or thick paper – 2 sheets of A4.
  • Cotton swab.
  • Universal glue (suitable for paper, fabric and other decorative elements, for example, “liquid nails”).
  • Ribbons, braid, flowers, buttons, in general, any decorative elements.


  • Scissors.
  • Stationery knife or cutter.
  • Pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Compass.
  • Hole puncher (if possible, but not required).

First, print out the template; if you don’t have a printer, transfer the template to paper using the dimensions indicated on it. Bold lines outline the cutting lines, thin lines indicate fold and auxiliary lines.

Click on photo to enlarge.

Now we transfer the template to a sheet of cardboard. It is better to first cut out the blanks and then place them on the worksheet, since the sheets come in different sizes. I transferred the template using a non-writing gel pen so that there would be grooves on the cardboard and not pencil marks, as in photo 3. I fit everything on 1 sheet.

Cut with scissors or a stationery knife. This is what you should get (photo 5). Now the elements that lie on the right side of the ruler in photo 5 need to be duplicated, this is necessary in order to strengthen some parts of the structure. You can not duplicate the middle of the stroller handle, but make two identical elements - the handles themselves, as in photo 6. Here the second sheet of cardboard will be used (meaning A4 format).

We glue the elements that lie to the left of the scissors in photo 6. I cut the blanks a little larger than necessary, and trim off the excess after I glue both halves, this makes it more neat.

We assemble the box as shown in the following photos.

If we are going to decorate the inside of the box, we need to do it now.

Take a cotton swab, cut it to 6 cm and make 2 marks at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edges (photo 13), so that the middle is 5 cm. Cut to the marks in three or four places on each side and open it like a flower (photo 14,15).

Using a hole punch, we make holes in those elements of the stroller handle that will be on the inside and glue them together as shown in photo 17. If you don’t have a hole punch, you can cut out small squares with a stationery knife. I additionally put decorative flowers on the handle, which I will then use to cover the holes.

In this photo the hole is not covered, you can leave it that way.

Or you can close it with a flower. Like this.

We assemble the hood as shown in the photo, please note that the widest part of the pattern should be on the outside.

Assembling the upper part of the stroller. First we glue the hood, then the handle at a distance of 3.5 cm from the edge of the box (photo 22), you can immediately decorate it.

Now let's assemble the frame. I use paper clips to avoid holding the surfaces to be glued with my hands. This is very convenient; while some parts are being glued together, you can work on others. In order to glue the side parts of the frame evenly, they can be placed on top of the top or bottom of the frame. NO NEED TO GLUE TO THE FRAME! Just put it on top to get the desired angle.

While the frame is being glued, we decorate the wheels, then glue the frame to the top of the stroller so that the part of the frame with the hole is at the bottom (in photo 28 it is at the top), we will glue the wheels to it.

We glue the wheels last, because if they are glued a little unevenly, the stroller will be askew, and this way you can quickly fix it. The final touch is to decorate the bottom of the box to cover the frame and the handle attachment points.

Take a beautiful photo and enjoy the result!
I hope that my master class will be useful to you.

When the idea of ​​making a baby stroller out of cardboard came to my mind, I naturally went to the Internet for at least an idea, and at most a ready-made master class. However, nothing I saw matched my idea of ​​what a miniature stroller should look like. They all lacked a bit of realism in my opinion. That's how my first stroller was born.


  1. Cardboard or thick paper - 2 sheets of A4.
  2. Cotton swab.
  3. Universal glue (suitable for paper, fabric and other decorative elements, for example, “liquid nails”).
  4. Ribbons, braid, flowers, buttons, in general, any decorative elements.


  1. Scissors.
  2. Stationery knife or cutter.
  3. Pencil.
  4. Ruler.
  5. Compass.
  6. Hole puncher (if possible, but not required).

First, print out the template; if you don’t have a printer, transfer the template to paper using the dimensions indicated on it. Bold lines outline the cutting lines, thin lines indicate fold and auxiliary lines.

Now we transfer the template to a sheet of cardboard. It is better to first cut out the blanks and then place them on the worksheet, since the sheets come in different sizes. I transferred the template using a non-writing gel pen so that there would be grooves on the cardboard and not pencil marks, as in photo 3. I fit everything on 1 sheet.

Cut with scissors or a stationery knife. This is what you should get (photo 5). Now the elements that lie on the right side of the ruler in photo 5 need to be duplicated, this is necessary in order to strengthen some parts of the structure. You can not duplicate the middle of the stroller handle, but make two identical elements - the handles themselves, as in photo 6. Here the second sheet of cardboard will be used (meaning A4 format).

We glue the elements that lie to the left of the scissors in photo 6. I cut the blanks a little larger than necessary, and trim off the excess after I glue both halves, this makes it more neat.

We assemble the box as shown in photos 8, 9, 10.

If we are going to decorate the inside of the box, we need to do it now.

Take a cotton swab, cut it to 6 cm and make 2 marks at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edges (photo 13), so that the middle is 5 cm. Cut to the marks in three or four places on each side and open it like a flower (photo 14,15).

Using a hole punch, we make holes in those elements of the stroller handle that will be on the inside and glue them together as shown in photo 17. If you don’t have a hole punch, you can cut out small squares with a stationery knife. I additionally put decorative flowers on the handle, which I will then use to cover the holes.

In photo 18 the hole is not covered, you can leave it that way. In photo 19 - covered with a flower.

We assemble the hood as shown in photo 20, note that the widest part of the pattern should be on the outside, as in photo 21.

Assembling the upper part of the stroller. First we glue the hood, then the handle at a distance of 3.5 cm from the edge of the box (photo 22), you can immediately decorate it.

Now let's assemble the frame. I use paper clips as in photo 25 so as not to hold the surfaces to be glued with my hands. This is very convenient; while some parts are being glued together, you can work on others. In order to glue the side parts of the frame evenly, they can be placed on top of the top or bottom of the frame, as in photo 26. NO NEED TO GLUE TO THE FRAME! Just put it on top to get the desired angle.

While the frame is being glued, we decorate the wheels, then glue the frame to the top of the stroller so that the part of the frame with the hole is at the bottom (in photo 28 it is at the top), we will glue the wheels to it.

We glue the wheels last, because if they are glued a little unevenly, the stroller will be askew, and this way you can quickly fix it. The final touch is to decorate the bottom of the box to cover the frame and the handle attachment points.

Take a beautiful photo and enjoy the result!

I hope that my master class will be useful to you.