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Prom dresses for full: choose the best styles (46 photos). Beautiful dresses for obese girls at the prom: interesting ideas and recommendations Dress for obese women at the prom buy

Dress - one of the favorite women's clothing at all times. Every year there are more and more styles and styles of it, which significantly complicates the choice. In order to choose the perfect dress for yourself, it is not enough to have taste and style, you also need to know the sea of \u200b\u200bsubtleties, which are usually only experienced by professionals in their field.

Before you go to the store, you need to decide on the goals and approximate look of the dress. The purpose of the purchase can be a trip to the library, for everyday wear, a co-op or even a wedding. In this sense, four types of dresses are distinguished:

  1. Everyday dress. From the name alone, it becomes clear that such an outfit will be worn daily. Casual outfits are great for going to the movies with friends, shopping, or just walking. They do not attract special attention, do not differ in an abundance of rhinestones, sparkles and sequins, they do not have a defiant appearance. Such a dress can be described in a few words: modest, light, comfortable.
  2. Cocktail Dresses... These outfits are designed to be worn to co-ops, holidays or parties. There are extravagant patterns and cutouts here. The cocktail outfit emphasizes the femininity and sophistication of its owner.
  3. Evening dresses... Particularly frilly outfits for special evenings. Beautiful dresses for special occasions they differ in length, material, cut. They are often made from chiffon, satin, silk or velvet. Currently, lace and guipure dresses are in trend. You should not save on such an outfit, because at a gala evening it should emphasize all the advantages and charms.
  4. Dress for different occasions. These clothes are suitable for parties, daily wear, office. It is not recommended to wear it every day.

Dress length

An important feature when choosing a dress is its length. By this parameter, all dresses can be divided into three types:

  1. Maxi ( Long Dresses). Ideal for special occasions and beach walks. For other purposes dress to the floor will not be convenient. It is important to know that long dresses look bad on undersized girls.
  2. Midi (Medium Dresses). There is controversy about this length. Such a dress must be chosen with extreme care, as it can ruin the figures and reduce growth. The best option for medium-length dresses is slightly above or below the knee.
  3. Mini (Short dresses). Favorite length for young girls and not only. Perfect for parties, walks and everyday wear. However, having put on such a dress, all possible flaws and imperfections of the legs will immediately become visible. Short and full legs are unlikely to look beautiful in such clothes. In addition to figure flaws, respectful social status will become an obstacle to wearing a mini dress, because if you are in a serious position, then this outfit can cause condemnation of subordinates.

Dress style

It is the style that determines: will the dress fit a certain figure, will it accentuate the plus and hide the flaws? It makes no sense to acquire an outfit that exposes all the defects of the figure for everyone to see. There are several types of styles that must be included in your wardrobe. Here are the most relevant styles:

  1. Sheath dress... Optimal fit for everyday wear. Differs in elegance, femininity, rigor and at the same time does not attract attention. And if it is decorated with an extraordinary pattern, then it is suitable for going to various parties.
  2. Empire style. A true example of femininity and beauty, perfectly emphasizes the charms of the female breast. fashionable dresses in the "Empire" style can be of different lengths and are perfect for almost every figure. In order to emphasize the waist, it is recommended to choose a dress with a waist.
  3. Dressing gown. A casual outfit that is comfortable to wear and versatile. Suitable for going to the cinema, library, bowling. Often they prefer to wear such clothes at home, instead of a dressing gown.
  4. Cut-off dress. Combines the bottom in the form of a strict skirt, the top in the form of a shirt. It is similar in style to the case and is also suitable for everyday wear. The cut-off dress beautifully emphasizes the waist and highlights all the charms of the figure.
  5. Dress shirt... This comfortable and light dress has a loose fit. The outfit is designed for daily wear. Pairs well with jeans and lasins.
  6. Black dress. Every woman knows about this dress, and almost everyone has it in their wardrobe for a special occasion. The little black dress adds sophistication and elegance to the look. It should not be flashy and full of decorations. Main features: length slightly below or above the knee and a fitted cut.

Types of cut dresses

This outfit is also chosen depending on the cut:

  • Slim fit. Clothes of this cut are suitable for women with lush hips and a proportional physique.
  • Cut-off fit. Corrects the figure in the abdomen, emphasizes the waistline, bust and hips.
  • Straight fit. Hides major body defects.
  • One-piece fit. Suitable for a good figure, does not hide flaws.

Choice of dress fabric

When choosing a dress, the fabric from which it is sewn also plays an important role. All fabrics are usually divided according to the seasons. In summer, cotton, chiffon, linen, guipure are relevant. In warm times, it is also relevant knitted dress... In autumn, they wear clothes made of polyester, knitwear, wool. In winter, dresses made of mohair or flannel are suitable. In spring, knitwear and silk are recommended.

The color scheme of the dress

Everyone knows that color can, both emphasize the plus and flaws of the figure, can distinguish from the crowd, and can create an inconspicuous image. Experts select the color of the dress for the type of person.

  1. Summer girl. He has green, gray or brown eyes, light brown hair and snow-white skin. The colors of clothes are ideal for them: pink, blue, gray and green. Not recommended to wear red dress.
  2. Autumn girl. The owner of dark gray, dark green eyes with dark curls and dark skin. Orange, brown and olive shades are best suited. It is not recommended to purchase a light-colored dress.
  3. Winter girl. Has pink skin, dark hair and eyes. Best colors: blue, cyan, purple.
  4. Girl spring. She has fair skin, blue or green eyes and white hair. Recommended shades: warm, light, bed. Cold colors don't go.

In the process of choosing a dress, you first need to decide on the purpose of wearing it. Next, choose a style and cut for your figure, respectively. Choose fabrics and colors last.

Preparing for prom is always exciting for young people and their parents. The festive evening symbolizes a conditional boundary between youth and an independent adult life. In terms of importance, this event is one of the most important in the fate of people. Therefore, it is very important that the prom dress for the girl is thoughtful and successful. This question is of particular relevance for ladies with a full figure. Don't buy the first model they like in the store for them. It is better to study fashion trends in advance and heed the advice of experienced stylists.

Full-figure prom dresses: what to choose? Photo

A biased analysis of your own figure will help you decide on the style of the outfit. With the help of a mirror, you need to carefully examine yourself, determine your strengths and weaknesses. Stylists recommend that girls of non-standard build pay attention to several styles of dresses.

  • Empire style / Greek - The model with a high waist is perfect for those with curvy hips and a rounded belly. A cropped, form-fitting bodice favorably emphasizes the firm bust. If the chest is very small, then this flaw can be easily hidden behind a fluffy bow, thick gathers or ruffles. Immediately from the chest, the skirt smoothly diverges downward, almost without touching the body. Therefore, all unsympathetic folds and bulges will be reliably hidden from prying eyes.

  • A princess - Formal dress of the classic model with a corset bodice and a flared floor-length skirt. The model pulls up the upper part of the body well, beautifully contouring the youthful silhouette. Heavy thighs and plump legs are securely covered by a fluffy hem.

  • Dress shirt - One of the varieties of tunic with buttons below the knee or ankle length. This is a non-standard version of the prom dress, which is better suited for grade 9. The outfit looks bold and gentle at the same time. The dress, fastened with buttons to the very bottom, can be worn by the girl for walks and parties in the future.

  • Mermaid - Luxurious silhouette cut for a gala evening. The dress closely fits the chest, waist and hips, extending from the knee line. The model is considered conditionally acceptable for young ladies of extraordinary forms. If a girl has moderate fullness, she has elastic high breasts and a well-defined waist, then in the style of a mermaid she will look just amazing. True, there is one condition for this: the skirt should start not from the knee line, but from the middle of the thigh. In this luxurious dress, the young beauty looks feminine and adult, so the outfit is recommended for girls who graduated from grade 11.

  • Cocktail Dress - Cropped models of a fitted silhouette or loose fitting, with a high waistline. Overweight girls should not excessively bare their legs, even if they are very beautiful. If before that the girl was not used to wearing short clothes, then she may not feel very insecure. It is better to stop at a length that slightly opens the knees. An uneven edge or an asymmetrical hem looks unusually impressive on a full figure.

Trying on various outfits, do not forget that at the festive ball you will have to constantly move, dance, perform on stage, walk on the street, meeting the dawn. Therefore, a prom dress for a full girl should be not only elegant, but also as comfortable as possible.

The most uncomfortable dress looks like a mermaid. It limits the range of motion, requiring restrained behavior. But the absolute compensation for the inconvenience is a chic look, which looks much more advantageous against the background of simple dresses.

Ribbons that are tied on Greek dresses help to make the figure more slender. The soft knot is placed at the back, the long parts of the belt gradually descend to the very bottom.

When deciding on the shape of the neckline, you need to strive for it to highlight the beautiful chest as much as possible. The neckline should not be too deep and frank. A modest V-shaped neckline is well suited for a girl with full breasts. It visually conceals fullness and makes the figure slim.

For girls with a figure similar to, you can safely bare one or both shoulders. To feel confident at the prom, it is better to choose a dress with wide strong straps. Slim, thin shoulder straps accentuate the bulk of the shoulders and create an uncomfortable cut into the skin. The open top balances out heavy thighs well, especially if you decorate your neck with a string of pearls.

A dress with an American armhole, which tears off the shoulders high, looks unusually beautiful and fashionable. This cut visually smoothes out the excess fullness of the upper body. The American armhole is not recommended for girls with a figure in the form. In this dress, wide shoulders will seem even more massive. For such girls, it is better to choose a cut from a bodice with drapery or one bare shoulder. A light, airy skirt with an ombre effect will well balance the figure and stretch the silhouette.

A dress made of lace or guipure always visually increases the volume. Therefore, on dresses made of such fabrics, small local accents are made to create a contrast. An elegant belt, a narrow strap, decorative elements on the chest or hips are well suited for these purposes.

The figure of a girl with a protruding tummy and folds at the waist is called. To divert attention from these shortcomings and achieve an hourglass effect, you can use a wide peplum belt. This element shifts the focus to the waistline, giving the impression of lightness and grace.

To look slimmer and taller, a plump girl should pay attention to a dress decorated with a vertical print in the form of stripes or ornaments. Patterns from embroidery, sequins, beads, stones also look beautiful.

Colors and textures of prom dresses

Fashion stylists strongly recommend that all girls strive to create graduation dresses in a minimalist style. An evening dress for a festive evening should become a real adornment for a young graduate, emphasizing her youth and freshness.

Today, at the prom, shiny fabrics, fluffy skirts with crinolines, an abundance of flounces, ruffles and other pretentious decor elements are not very appropriate. You should not choose a revealing neckline, deep cuts, too bare back. Common features of a decent prom dress are laconicism combined with sophistication, Greek style, straight or trapezoidal silhouettes. Lace translucent inserts and multi-layered elements are an excellent decoration for clothes,

The color palette of fabrics is characterized by a wide variety of shades. The most popular are white, gray, turquoise, burgundy colors, as well as the whole range of pastel shades.

As for the choice of materials, you should pay attention to light flowing fabrics and lace. If a girl wants to decorate her dress with a print, then it is better to do this using graphic elements. Plant and animal images have now faded into the background.

A graduation party is a memorable day in the life of any schoolgirl or student. From this day on, a new life begins, so any girl wants to look incredibly beautiful. And that is why it is so important to choose the perfect dress that will create the whole image.

Prom dresses

On such a solemn evening, the outfit should not be casual. Its length and color do matter. These characteristics undoubtedly need to be taken into account when choosing, especially starting from the height, type of figure and color type of the girl.

Prom dresses should look chic. They can be decorated with stones, rhinestones, beads. They can also have a corset, fluffy skirt or train. In addition, asymmetrical or layered cut is appropriate in such outfits.

The luxury of the dress is emphasized not only by its decorative design, but also by the materials and the cut itself, especially since on the prom evening you can afford open legs or a seductive neckline.

Prom dresses styles

Now designers offer a huge variety of evening dresses. And even if prom dresses are not universal, you can feel like a star walking on the red carpet in them. Therefore, it is so important to choose your own among this variety of styles, the very dress that will perfectly fit the figure and show it in the best light.

Long Prom Dresses

Long prom dresses, like no others, have a solemn look. Correctly selected cut will stretch the silhouette and hide figure flaws.

Floor-length outfits can be absolutely any - straight or fitted cut, A-line, as well as lush. Models equipped with long tight-fitting or loose sleeves, as well as corsets and lace look especially beautiful.

By the way, it is with a long hem that you can afford open shoulders or a deep neckline. And if you want to focus on the legs, then you need to choose closed models with cutouts on the skirt.

Among the short dresses, you can find no less beautiful elegant models that are suitable for graduation.

The length of short prom dresses can start with a seductive mini and end with a trendy midi length. It is the last length that is especially popular now, but it is extremely capricious, since it will not suit girls of short stature.

The most impressive are short prom dresses with puffy skirts, bell or tulip skirts. There are also interesting models in the style of baby-dollars, as well as models with layered tulle skirts, in which the graduate will look like a ballerina.

Prom dresses with a train

A luxurious train is not just an elongated hem, it is a sign of the solemnity of an outfit. Recently, young girls want just such prom dresses, and this is not surprising, because in such an outfit hardly anyone will go unnoticed. And even if this option is not practical, there are not many moments in life when you can put on a dress with a train. In addition, now there are models with a detachable train.

The silhouettes of dresses with a train can be straight, fluffy or fitted with a slightly flared skirt, while models with a high waist visually increase their height and also lengthen their legs. The most romantic and delicate models look like chiffon or silk.

Greek style prom dresses

Graduation dresses in the Greek style are always relevant. They will suit girls of any height and shape. The high waist and flowing skirt will accentuate the chest and hide excess sentiment at the waist and hips.

Most often, Greek models are sewn from chiffon, due to which the skirt lies in soft, uniform folds. The bodice can be decorated with various stones, crystals, beads or embroidery. Also, emphasis can be placed on a beautifully decorated belt. And the models in pastel shades look the most gentle.

Despite the fact that new models of dresses are constantly appearing, the lush is out of fashion. Tall girls can afford both long and short styles. But short girls should not be upset either, because with a properly selected fluffy skirt, growth will not visually decrease.

So that the image does not look massive, it is better to choose outfits with a light tulle skirt and a neat corset. Also, to feel comfortable all evening, you should carefully select a petticoat with rings, they should not be too heavy.

Prom evening dress

An evening prom dress is definitely a win-win option. The length of such a model can be any, but its main difference is the rich finish, beautiful colors, and an unusual cut.

Especially fashionable are models with long sleeves, asymmetric cut, lace, chiffon inserts. Long prom dresses can have a deep slit on the skirt as well as a seductive neckline. And among the short models, the most festive look options with a fluffy skirt that keeps its shape well, as well as equipped with a peplum or a beautiful decorated belt.

Cocktail prom dress

A cocktail dress is perfect for those who cannot decide between a long and short cut. Its length reaches just below the knee, but shorter lengths are now allowed.

How to distinguish a cocktail dress? It looks like a shortened evening dress, and may also have a less saturated decorative finish, but still does not look somehow boring and not elegant.

And if earlier one specific model with spaghetti straps was considered a cocktail dress, now you can find many interesting styles. These can be straight, fitted models, models with a voluminous skirt, with various types of necklines and sleeves. Cocktail dresses made of lace or with lace inserts look especially beautiful, which will add solemnity to the image.

Mermaid Prom Dress

This style will suit girls with a slender feminine figure. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the dress has a fitted cut, and a flared skirt begins from the level just above the knees. Thus, this style resembles a mythical mermaid.

Most often, in such models, the emphasis is on one thing. For example, a top decorated with various decorative elements will be complemented by a simple, slightly flared skirt. Conversely, a layered skirt is usually paired with a plain top. In addition, these outfits often do not have sleeves or are sewn on one shoulder.

How to choose a prom dress?

When choosing a prom dress, you should rely on your taste, and also take into account all the solemnity of the evening. As a rule, girls prefer especially luxurious dresses for school prom, in which they will look like princesses. For university graduates, female students choose more evening and more modest options.

Body shape and height are important factors to consider when choosing a dress. For example, any length is suitable for tall girls, and knee-length is suitable for short ones. You should also pay attention to the figure, namely the extra centimeters. They can be easily hidden by shifting the emphasis on merits, thereby diverting attention from the disadvantages.

The color of the outfit must be selected based on your color type. Girls with a bright appearance will suit bright and saturated colors, and pale-faced ones - light pastel shades. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the color has different shades and tones. And only during the fitting will it become clear which shade can be suitable.

Do not forget that besides the "princess" look, there are many more interesting and stylish outfits. For example, royal, as in the collection from Saiid Kobeisy.

The time has already passed when overweight girls could not find an outfit for themselves. Now there are many models of prom dresses that curvy graduates can afford.

The most suitable are models with a floor length. First, they hide the legs, and secondly, they stretch the figure. It is also important to avoid dresses that are too loose, so they will not hide flaws, but only increase the already lush volumes. Therefore, the dress should fit the figure. In the case of too large hips, the emphasis is on the chest, and the skirt should flow freely down the legs. The waist can be highlighted with a beautifully decorated belt.

The most unique cuts that suit all body types are the A-line and the Greek (Empire) style. They hide the tummy and hips, and also lengthen the silhouette, thereby visually reducing the figure.

Red Prom Dresses

The red dress will attract attention anyway. It can be long evening or short naughty, have an asymmetrical cut, and the most relevant model is a midi-length bodycon dress. In addition, the red color of the outfit does not require a lot of accessories, since the image will turn out bright without it.

It is important to remember that red can visually enlarge the figure, so it is better for slender girls. Dark-skinned brunettes look most impressive in a red dress, but a correctly selected shade will also emphasize pale skin, as well as light or red hair.

Black prom dresses

Black is a classic. The classic option is a little black dress that is perfect for prom. But the most attractive is a black long dress of a fitted cut or models made of delicate lace.

The versatility of color allows you to wear it to any color type. Black suits dark and pale, but blondes can look very pale.

Blue prom dresses

Blue is a noble color. Moreover, it is now at the peak of popularity, especially its rich variation. Long, flowing prom dresses in blue made of thick or light fabric look quite expensive, but short and lush models look no less interesting.

Blue is not a universal color. It is extremely difficult for pale-faced blondes to choose a shade of blue, but if you make bright makeup and find your color, then a good result is possible. Dark-skinned girls look spectacular in blue models, and blue-eyed ones will highlight their eyes even more.

A white prom outfit is a good solution if the style is not lush. Otherwise, in this color, you can pass for a bride. Therefore, it is better to choose short models with neat, not colorful decoration.

White is a basic color, but still not for everyone. It looks best on tanned skin and a slender body. The latter is more of a stereotype, but still it is much more difficult to choose a white dress than a black one. To do this, you need to avoid too voluminous styles and shiny fabrics.

White can have several shades - milk, cream, cream, pearl. And among them you can choose a beautiful prom dress, in which there is hardly anyone else.

Green prom dresses

Green has many variations - herbal, salad, emerald, mint, olive, aquamarine. Therefore, it is quite possible to choose an outfit of this color. It is important to remember that girls with a cold color type need to choose cold green, and vice versa. Also, the more contrasting the appearance, the more saturated and darker green should be. But for pale-faced graduates, light green shades are suitable.

Long, green prom dresses with a narrow top and a flowing skirt from the waistline, as well as cocktail models in rich shades, look most successful.

Graduation Accessories

Accessories should be selected after purchasing the outfit. It should be handbag and decoration, and together with the outfit, you should get a single image.

Among the bags, preference should be given clutches... They do not have to be the same color as the shoes, but this option will be successful in any case. Small inconspicuous handbags with a minimum of decorative trim are suitable for the rich and bright color of the outfit. For a simple model, you can pick up a rather bright and shiny clutch.

As for the jewelry, here you need to consider not only the neckline on the dress, but also its style. With a bright multi-layered style, the decorations should be almost invisible. But a modest model can be supplemented with massive necklaces, earrings or multi-layered bracelets. It is important that harmony reigns in the image, so it is better not to get carried away with a lot of accessories, and stay at a minimum.

For every graduate, this day is special, which means that you need to think over the outfit, accessories, shoes, hairstyle, makeup in advance, and not forget about yourself. You can remind yourself of all the points that must be prepared with the heroine in the video below.

Choosing a prom dress for a fat girl often becomes a huge problem, in which complexes, an incorrect assessment of one's own appearance and, let's be honest, an extremely meager selection of plus size evening dresses in stores play an important role.

However, there is hope: the dress can be sewn (or bought on the Internet, which, of course, is difficult and inconvenient), to figure out the appearance, but the complexes ... And what about the complexes? They are as much a part of a plump girl - cute, shy, or funny - just like her extra pounds. Therefore, either you need to fight them, or it's time to learn to accept yourself as you are.

Graduation evening, by the way, is a good milestone, after which you can start a new life - with a new self.

And you need to start a new life in the perfect dress!

A chubby girl should remember that her best friends (besides diamonds, of course) are simplicity, posture and the right size.

Never choose a dress for "losing weight" and "pulling in your stomach", buy corrective underwear only with the dress and try on the dress exclusively in the underwear in which you are going to go to prom.

Long prom dresses for overweight girls - photo 2015

Traditionally, overweight girls prefer long dresses, especially for festive events, for example, the same prom. Of course, this has a purely pragmatic side: a long dress not only hides not the most beautiful parts of the body (for example, knees), but also conceals, "wraps around" the overall outline of the figure, visually making the lines more correct, rounded, diverting attention from the "stocks" and folds at the waist, back, hips. In addition, a floor-length dress stretches the figure and allows you to play with heels - this will visually take away up to ten kilograms of excess.

Bright colours

Even if the figure does not fit into modern model standards, this does not mean that there is no place in life for something bright and positive! Let your prom dress become this fun spot on harsh everyday life. Moreover, blue, deep red and many of their shades do not fill up at all, but quite the opposite.

Pastel shades

Pale pink, mint, blue, yellow, lavender - there are many pastel shades, the main thing is to choose the perfect one. No need to be upset, they say, green doesn't suit me ... Maybe you just didn't find your shade?

Nude shades (the same nude)

Nude is nude: fashionable, stylish and sophisticated. Suitable for everyone, regardless of age, religion and complexion.

Tip: Match a nude shade to match your skin tone.

Bright shades are bright, but, admittedly, black looks simply grandiose on gorgeous girls.

The range can be diluted with either bright or contrasting accessories, or shining inserts on the dress, or jewelry.

White not only for the wedding

Anyone who assures that white is not suitable for full girls, is either impenetrably stupid, or openly hates women. The style of the dress may not fit, and what does this have to do with the magnificent and indescribably beautiful white?

With prints, patterns and in general

One of the trends of summer 2015 is prints. The most fashionable, of course, are floral, but abstract ones, and even a strip, and small embroidery - sequins, rhinestones, ribbons, are quite suitable.


Short Prom Dresses 2015

Very often, overweight girls have beautiful, strong legs, which are not a sin to show, especially on such an occasion as prom. However, it is worth remembering that a short dress is suitable for a full girl only if she can boast, if not tall, then at least slightly higher than average. Short dresses for prom are contraindicated for undersized "donuts".

Lace dresses for fat girls for prom 2015

Lace, no doubt, is a very controversial material, especially for overweight girls, but, in the end, this does not mean anything - you need to choose the right cut, texture, density.

Remember Monica Bellucci in chic lace from Dolce & Gabbana? Why are you worse?

Corsage prom dresses

A bodice or corset is a great choice for girls with a too rich waist. Plus a wide and fluffy skirt, a little shining decor and the image of a modern Cinderella is ready.

Off Shoulder Prom Dresses

Many overweight girls look amazing in dresses with bare shoulders, in this matter they will give odds to all skinny and slender women with protruding bones and unaesthetic depressions.

Many young girls and women of the older age category, with curvaceous forms, prefer sullen outfits, gloomy clothes. Since they believe that full evening womanfashionable styles do not go and, in general, curvy shapes are unattractive. This judgment is erroneous and has no right to exist. Complexes on this soil develop very quickly and often. These unfounded stereotypes make them underestimate themselves, not see their own beauty. Any woman is good and beautiful, the main thing is to be able to choose the right outfit, it is beneficial to present yourself in it.

What outfits are suitable for curvy women?

Not so long ago, well-known fashion designers and brand manufacturers specialized in creating certain sizes of evening dresses. Now everything has changed dramatically and any girl whose size does not correspond to skinny models can replenish her wardrobe with stylish, fashionable outfits of any style, print color and length. The main thing here is to understand which style the fashionista likes more and how well the evening dress will look on her figure.

Sheath dress

A dress of this style looks equally good on both a slender girl and a more magnificent figure. Do not assume that plump people should not pay attention to this option. The style is considered universal - able to emphasize all the advantages of the figure, hide its flaws. Overweight fashionistas just need to take a closer look at the choice of color, namely dark, choose a vertical print - it visually conceals the fullness. Well suited for creating a business look or evening. A jacket sewn in a classic style and shoes with heels will be a good addition.

Empire style

The Greek style takes a special place in the variety of styles for obese women. When choosing it for yourself, you need to pay attention to the fabrics and decor, especially on the chest line. Such a drapery, as in the photo, conceals excess volume on the tummy and hips, making the girl slimmer and more attractive.

New look

Among the styles that are acceptable for full ones, this cut is also included. A fluffy, slightly elongated skirt below the knee looks good, emphasizing the waistline, making the silhouette more elongated. This image as a whole looks more feminine and romantic. Therefore, pay attention to the new look cut style in monochromatic design, small or vertical prints, laces.

With smell

This style is considered a win-win for any type of figure. The dress will highlight the waist, visually "pull in" the big belly. In the chest area, it will form a seductive neckline, making the figure slimmer and more seductive.

A properly chosen style of dress for obese women is attractiveness, slimness, femininity, sexuality. But not all fashionistas can make this right choice. The notion that overweight people should rather wear baggy outfits to hide their flaws still exists.

Such clothes, in fact, make the silhouette heavy, obese. It is in the baggy dress that the corpulent ones show all the figure flaws.

What cut of dresses should women with a big belly choose?

Most overweight women have a protruding belly, and this is considered their main problem. To veil this shortcoming as much as possible, you need to choose your outfits wisely. It can be a feminine style of a dress with one of the distracting nuances:

  • asymmetrical cut;
  • light drapery;
  • high waistline;
  • skirt flared to the bottom, starting from the chest line;
  • deep neckline;
  • the presence of pockets;
  • the presence of flat decorative ornaments on the outfit;
  • open shoulders;
  • sleeve in ¾.

If you put on slimming underwear under the dress, then the figure looks even slimmer, the belly and flaws will not be visible at all.

What styles of dresses shouldn't fat women of fashion wear?

Worst selection of chubby women, dresses:

  • with complex asymmetrical drapery;
  • with multilayer tiers;
  • with ruffles, flounces of different sizes;
  • baggy cut;
  • with a frill or a voluminous collar.

Asymmetrical draperies and multi-tiered drapes are detrimental to the overall impression. Voluminous collars and flounces make the growth of short young ladies even lower. Large sleeves, excessive guipure visually increase the silhouette of the figure.

What prints, colors and patterns can be worn by thick women, and which are not recommended?

These nuances also play a significant role in choosing a style:

  • Dense beauties need to pay attention to solid color outfits. It is better that they do not have any bright details.
  • As for the color, they are better in harmony on a dense figure: brown with all its shades, black, green, blue, burgundy. Strongly not recommended: pink, beige and white.
  • Stylists do not advise paying attention to too bright outfits - they optically expand the silhouette.
  • Vertical print in the form of stripes on the sheath-type dress on the sides draws out the figure.
  • Fuzzy print, with blurred borders, small and vertically located - the most successful choice for fashionistas with a curvy figure.
  • It is strongly not recommended to pay attention to any print or pattern and stripes that are located horizontally.
  • A dress with polka dots, with a clear pattern, ornaments with bright stains, leopard print and sequins will not only not hide figure flaws, but will also add a couple of extra pounds to you.

Rules for choosing the style of evening dresses for corpulent women

There is probably no perfect figure without a single flaw in nature. They are inherent in both slender silhouettes and lush ones. Adhering to certain selection rules, it will not be difficult for girls with a magnificent appearance to choose a successful option:

  • The size. There is no need to buy a dress one size smaller or 2 sizes larger. This will not solve the problem, but, on the contrary, will aggravate the situation. You always need to choose your size of the model that suits you.
  • Style. The cut should be such that it can hide problem areas. It is preferable to choose a style without frills, with a non-detachable skirt.
  • Length. If your legs are beautiful, then it is optimal to purchase midi dresses (about one palm above the knee line).
  • Cut. It is not recommended to pay attention to dresses with a tapered bottom.
  • The cloth. It must match the style, that is, keep its shape - be dense, but not thick, matte, you can pay attention to textured fabrics.

Fitting is best done on regular underwear, and not on corrective ones. When trying on, move a little, making sure that the style is comfortable to wear.

How to choose a full-bodied style according to your body type

There are several types of figure that are known not only to stylists with fashion designers, but also to most women.


For this silhouette, it is advisable to buy a dress with an open chest line. Soft, flowing fabrics are the best option. Color print with stretch. A dark bottom with a light top will look very good.

Active decor on the bodice in the form of embroidery, stasis, large flowers, lace will look perfect on women with this type of figure. The gaze in this case will be attracted to the upper part, that is, to the chest.

As for the silhouette of the cut, then long dresses (to the floor), shortened (above the knee line), medium (below the knee line) will look good here. To emphasize the waistline, you can use a tight-fitting bodice with a flared skirt to the bottom or a soft hip-waist drop if the fabric is silk. The floor-length train is also good for this task.

Tailors often cut dresses for a triangular shape along the side. Falling down with heavy phalanges, the style perfectly indicates the dignity of the figure, hiding the flaws.

It will do a good job of highlighting the merits of a figure on a board of two layers. Where the lower one is satin, the upper one is made of lace, which is of a cardinally contrasting color. A dress with a light stretch or a uniquely refined coupon will look very good. Where the top is dark, the bottom is solid, contrasting in color or with a multi-colored print.


It is always easier for women with this type of figure to choose outfits, both full and thin. The silhouette that suits them best is straight, dense fabric (for example, dense types of silk, matte with shine), knee-length. You can choose any length if you want.

You can decorate the bottom of the dress and the top: embroidery, sequins, rhinestones, glass beads and other decorative elements. These two catchy lines will divert attention to themselves, making the middle part and the waistline thinner. Long dresses to the floor with wide straps, cut along the side, from heavy silk, look very good on this type of figure. This option makes fashionistas with curvaceous forms not only thinner, but also more in height.

As for the color segment, girls with a rectangular silhouette can choose both monochromatic and patterned outfits. Your figure in this case is considered almost perfect.

An Apple

The style of evening dresses for full-bodied women with an apple-shaped figure should be, according to stylists, straight, two-layer, flared to the bottom. Sheath-type dresses and outfits with a deep V-neck look ideal on "apples". In this case, it performs a double function - it beautifully opens the chest line, visually lengthens the neck.

A monochromatic dress looks good on an apple, with a vertical corset seam on the bodice, a flared skirt starting from the high waistline (under the bust). The length of the outfit can be any. In such a dress, a full-bodied fashionista will be presented in a winning light - the chest is highlighted, the belly is concealed. A decorative flower on the shoulder or shoulder will surely draw attention to your person, only from the best side.


Women with this figure need to emphasize the waistline to look attractive. Soft fabrics with draperies, monochromatic prints along the entire outfit or only in the lower part will help to achieve the desired goal. Owners of magnificent forms and an hourglass figure silhouette will be matched by naiads with a protruding wide skirt, trapezoidal shape and a tight bodice. The length can be very different - there are no limits in terms of choice, nor any other restrictions. The cut can also be different: with and without sleeves, a neckline such as a deep neckline, and the smallest, round collar, triangular.

A gorgeous woman is a woman who is confident in herself, smartly dressed. Such a woman will always feel like a queen, be it a ball or a gala event.

What fabrics to give preference to full-bodied girls?

When ordering a dress or buying a finished product, it is important to know which type of fabric is best suited to your figure.

Noble silk with a matte surface

Outfits made of noble silk with a matte surface look attractive. The fabric is considered expensive, but the look and feel with such a dress is worth it. As an option and alternative, fabrics with artificial fibers can be used. They cost less, are characterized by high rates of practicality, dense, practically do not wrinkle.


Satin fabrics - natural silk with artificial additives have a smooth surface. Ideal for sewing evening dresses. You can create a variety of styles from it, from a strict cut to stylish models with a train.


Thin but dense type of fabric. Perfectly holds its shape in general, folds and draperies in particular. She also makes stylish, fashionable and very beautiful models of dresses for full-bodied women of fashion. The surface can be flat or compressed, monochromatic or two-color with overflow.


It is considered a heavy and tough fabric with intricate patterns or prints on the surface. This is explained by the fact that metal lurex is woven into fabrics during production. But evening dresses are made from it. Moreover, the result often exceeds expectations.


Sheer thick fabric. It is also considered light and tough. It is often used in the decoration of evening dresses for women. A material is obtained from synthetically produced fibers. May have a noble soft or matte sheen.


Very fine fabric with artificial weave, imitating unique patterns. Looks mesmerizing on evening dresses for all types of figures. Often, as an additional decor, embroidery with bugles, sequins or beads is applied over it. Can be decorated with rhinestones, stones or pearls.


This fabric is associated with luxury and chic. Velor dresses always look festive, even solemn, original and stylish. The fabric requires a complex cut. Even in the most modest, seemingly, sheath dress, a full-bodied fashionista will always look great. Full girls should not choose pastel colors, nondescript shades, too large print - these are the only limitations.

Good choice in terms of colors: lilac, black, brown, emerald, blue, burgundy and dark red.

Evening dress styles for all occasions

For each specific case, you need to choose your own style of outfit. And the appearance of a woman, her confidence, her image - the image as a whole depends on how successful this choice will be.

Long outfits for girls with curvaceous shapes

Long elegant evening dresses for full-bodied ladies are excellent and one of the most ideal options. Especially if such outfits are made from flowing, soft types of fabric. In such a dress, any woman looks mysterious, attractive, bewitching and feminine.

Mid-length evening dresses

For full-bodied women of fashion for special occasions, bright models of dresses made of lace, chiffon, silk - any expensive types of fabrics are just right. Emphasize, if the type of figure allows, the waist line with a belt, open the neckline. After all, these are the most profitable zones for you. Choose shoes with heels.

Simple styles of dresses for chubby girls

For everyday wear, you can sew outfits for women of fashion with curvaceous shapes from viscose, poplin, knitwear. Synthetics can also be used if they are of good quality. Here you just need to remember one simple truth - you will be assessed in general, and low-quality cheap textiles will make your image vulgar. Use a minimum of small details and expensive shoes - then your image will always be winning.

Business style in clothes for overweight

Today, business style for a woman is not a case as it used to be. A modern business woman, if there is no dress code in your company, can choose any style she likes. The main thing is that it looks stylish, solid and appropriate to the position. Good, as a business, dresses made of lace, chiffon, dense knitwear. Thin knitwear is out of the question here. Small draperies around the breasts are a good opportunity to hide excess fat. The length of a dress for a business woman is up to knee level, it can be slightly higher or lower. Shades are monochromatic, muted, by no means bright.

Leisure and beach styles

What is better to wear outdoors or on the beach to look dignified, not hiding too much of your shape? You can safely choose models from chiffon and knitwear. If you want to protect your body not only from prying eyes, but also from the sun, an ankle-length dress is your faithful assistant in this. A hat with a wide brim will add mystery and consummation to you. The torn hem will hide the fullness of the legs, if any. Wide shoulder straps in a sundress - arms and shoulders too plump.

Simple beach style dresses for fat girls