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Outdoor games for younger children. Card index of outdoor games for preschool children

Play is the most important component in a child’s development and learning. Among the variety of games, I highlight outdoor games in which all players are necessarily involved in active motor actions. I offer original developments of such games for younger children preschool age.

Game "Bear and Bees"

Goal: activation of the child’s motor activity, presentation of the concept of one-many, the surrounding natural world.

Progress of the game.

Children wear hats with a picture of a bee. The teacher is wearing a bear hat. In the clearing, the flowers are white, daisies, blue cornflowers, yellow dandelions, red roses. There are many bees, but only one bear.

Bees are flying in the forest (children are running)

They flap their wings (children wave their hands)

And they buzz: zhu-zhu-zhu (children stand in circles and buzz)

The bear crawls out of the den and roars ry-ry-ry (the bear teacher comes out)

How tired of you bees are!

Everybody buzz and buzz

Oh, I'll catch you now (the bear teacher catches the bee children, the children run away)

Game "Colorful Lumps"

Goal: activation of the child’s motor activity, repetition and consolidation color range.

Progress of the game.

Every child has mittens different colors: red, yellow, blue, green, white, etc. Teacher in role Snow Queen. Children play with snowballs of their own color.

The kids were walking into the winter forest (the kids were walking)

Put on the mittens (take the mittens and put them on your hands)

Red, yellow, green, blue, etc. (children show mittens one by one)

A snowstorm has arrived. Spun and scattered snowballs (the teacher comes out and spins)

Well, guys, quickly collect the lumps,

But make sure you don’t make a mistake (children collect lumps to match the color of their mittens)

Collect everything exactly!

Pie-pie game

Goal: activation of the child’s motor activity, repetition and consolidation of the concept: big-small.

Progress of the game.

My grandmother baked me this pie (points to herself, bakes the pie with her palms)

Big, big (spreads his arms towards big, big)

We danced, we played

They ran and jumped (children run and jump)

Ah, Seryozha, our friend baked us a pie (they point to Seryozha, bake a pie with their palms)

Small, small (they shrug, very little)

Game "All Together"

Goal: activation of the child’s motor activity, repetition and consolidation geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.

Progress of the game.

Parents and child participate. They have a rope to show the progression from character to character.

This is how I know math. (children show)

Dad, mom, me - this is a triangle (the end of the rope is passed from mom to dad to the child)

And my friend Seryozhka

Dad, mom, sister Alenka and Seryozhka himself ((the end of the rope is passed from mom to dad, sister Alenka and to the child)

Let's join hands together

Mom, dad, me, friend Seryozhka, sister Alenka, mom and dad Seryozhka is a circle (everyone takes turns standing in a circle, passing the rope)

Game "We Have Fun"

Goal: activation of the child’s motor activity, repetition and consolidation of high-low mathematical concepts.

Progress of the game.

A tall and low house was built from cubes.

We're the good guys

We live together and have fun (children run and jump)

Dasha lives in a tall house (children point to the tall house)

Petya lives in a low house (the children point to the low house)

We are naughty guys

We walk, run, eat (children run, jump)

Our school is new

High, high (children point to a tall house)

Kindergarten low, low (children point to the low house)

From my teaching practice, and I have had it for more than 20 years, I am convinced how important it is from the very early age develop fine motor skills hands

Finger games improve memory and develop arm muscles.

Together with the child and parents, I conduct classes aimed at the development of the child. Finger gymnastics We perform together with parents under the guidance of a teacher who corrects the process. Children, together with their parents, sit on cushions laid out on the carpet in the playroom of the kindergarten. The exercises are performed jointly by children and parents. The teacher pronounces the words, and the parents, repeating, help the children perform finger movements. After the children have mastered the movements, the execution occurs in parallel - the child and the parent. Do not put pressure on the child; after short lessons, the child will not only make movements with his fingers, but also repeat the words of the game.

Favorite kindergarten.

Together we go to kindergarten (fingers go)

We sing a song loudly (we put our hands up to our mouths with a straw)

Masha, Marina, Petya, Seryozha and me (we bend our fingers one at a time)

We lead a fun round dance (we interlock our fingers)

Masha, Marina, Petya, Seryozha and me (we bend our fingers one at a time)

We were tired, we went to bed (we put both palms under our cheeks)

Masha, Marina, Petya, Seryozha and me (we bend our fingers one at a time)

We got up and walked again (fingers go)

Masha, Marina, Petya, Seryozha and me (we bend our fingers one at a time)

Hard work.

Fingers have a lot to do (we squeeze and unclench our fingers)

Wash your hands clean (motion: wash your hands)

Eat delicious porridge (cup your palms and bring them to your mouth)

Have fun clapping your hands (clap your hands)

Stomp your feet loudly (stomp your feet)

The fingers are tired, their work is difficult (we stroke the fingers)

It's me.

Our little eyes watch vigilantly (shows eyes)

Our ears are acutely hearing (shows ears)

Our mouth says cheerfully (shows mouth)

Our nose sniffs loudly (shows nose)

It's me (points to himself)


Our fingers are tired (we stroke our fingers)

(We bend our fingers starting with the thumb)

Wearing socks in the morning

They held mom's hand and built a house out of blocks

Painted and sculpted

Oh, I can’t count all the things I have to do (straighten my fingers)

Friendly family.

(As the poem progresses, imitation occurs with hands)

Grandpa chops cabbage

Like this, like this.

Grandma bakes pancakes

Like this, like this.

Dad is building a house

Like this, like this.

Mom washes clothes

Like this, like this.

I'm washing the dishes

Like this, like this.

From birth, a child strives for movement. Children usually strive to satisfy their enormous need for movement through games. For them, playing means, first of all, moving and acting.

Dear Colleagues. We bring to your attention a presentation on the topic: “Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age.”

Problems of education healthy child were and remain relevant in the practice of public family and preschool education. The results of medical examinations show that a significant proportion of children attending preschool institutions, has various health problems, and is lagging behind in physical development.

With the help of outdoor games, the comprehensive development of the child is ensured. With skillful guidance, a variety of movements and actions of children during play effectively influence the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, help strengthen the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, improve overall metabolism, increase the activity of all organs and systems of the human body, stimulate appetite and promote strong health. sleep.

The purpose of outdoor games is to: form the foundations healthy image life, its focus on improving health, physical and mental development, the emotional well-being of each child. This goal is specified in the tasks on the slide:

We work according to the “Childhood” program, we use the methods recommended by it, a card index of outdoor games for children of primary preschool age, etc.

Developmental environment. (physical corner, sports ground, area)

Children 2-3 years old are extremely active. They show their activity in repeatedly repeated movements: they run from one place to another, carrying toys or any objects, climb on and off low benches, sofas, walk and run, carry cars, gurneys, turntables, throw and roll balls, catch up them, etc. Independent motor activity is an important condition for the overall development of a child, therefore in our group, on the playground and in the room, there is a lot of free space, a sufficient number of toys that stimulate the movement of children, and aids necessary for the development of movements.

The classification of outdoor games is presented on the slide.

In the younger groups of kindergarten, plot-based outdoor games are most used, as well as simple games without a plot such as traps and game exercises. Plotless games with elements of competition, relay races, games with objects (kids, skittles, ring throws, serso, etc.) are not yet available to children. Sports games are not played at all at this age. At the same time, when working with children of primary preschool age, play exercises are widely used, occupying an intermediate place between gymnastic exercises and outdoor games.

Particularly popular in our group are story-based games that are based on imitation movements based on the child’s experience. These include games such as: “Sparrows and a Car”, “Sun and Rain”, “Bubble”, “Planes”, “Train”, “Shaggy Dog”, etc.

We conduct plotless games for a larger number of participants and for small groups - “Catch up with me”, “Find your color”, “Take care of the object”, “Don’t be late”, etc. They require greater independence, speed, dexterity of movements, spatial orientation .

We also conduct game exercises, they are methodically organized motor actions, specially selected for the purpose of physical education, the essence of which is to perform specific tasks (“Knock down the pins,” “Hit the goal,” “Along a long winding path,” “Catch up with the ball”) , “Step over the stick”, etc.)

Considering individual characteristics and the capabilities of the kids, we guide their activities. Watching them, we note for ourselves who does not know how to play with this or that toy, who is inactive or, on the contrary, moves too much. Knowing that children are second junior group, love to play alone, we give them this opportunity, but at the same time we try to attract children to play together. When working with children, specially organized outdoor games and exercises that take place under the direct guidance of an adult are very important.

We indirectly guide children's independent play.

Interaction with parents.

The relationship between kindergarten and family - necessary condition successful education of a preschool child.

Forms of work with parents are presented on the slide.

One of the main tasks of interaction between teachers and parents is to promote the strengthening of the spiritual values ​​of the family and family traditions through the organization joint activities teachers of pupils and parents.

Solving this problem requires a high level of trust and awareness on both sides. The most effective form of bringing to the attention of parents information about the child’s life in kindergarten is a conversation at the end of the day. At the same time, parental support in the upbringing and development of a child is largely determined by how the teacher reports on the events of the child’s life in a preschool institution.

By regularly informing parents about even minor achievements of the child, paying attention to their merits, we teach parents to monitor the child’s successes, respond correctly to them, be attentive to the development of their children, and understand their role in this process.

Many children's games imitate the serious activities of adults. Janusz Korczak

Thank you for attention!

Outdoor games for preschool children

On playground stretch the cord at a distance of 3-5 m from the ground. A butterfly is tied to it so that it is above the child’s outstretched arms. The teacher invites the children to jump up and hit their hands. The height of the tied balls is adjusted depending on the height of the children and their capabilities. The teacher makes sure that the children, when jumping, touch the ball with both hands (in order to evenly load the muscles of the shoulder girdle). The teacher makes sure that the children, while jumping, touch objects alternately with their right and left hands.

2. My cheerful, ringing ball.

Children stand in a circle or semicircle. The teacher takes a large ball, hits it with his hand and says the text:

My cheerful, ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Yellow, red, blue,

Can't keep up with you!

Then he puts the ball down and invites the children to jump like a ball.

3. “The gray bunny is sitting”

Goal: To teach children to listen to the poem, understand the content and perform actions in accordance with the content.

Material: bunny masks. Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs, at the teacher’s signal: “Run in a circle” - all children gather in a circle. Children, together with the teacher, recite poems and make movements that illustrate the text.

1. The little gray bunny is sitting and moving his ears.

Like this, like this, he moves his ears

2. It’s cold for the bunny to sit, he needs to warm his paws

Clap, clap, clap, clap, I need to warm my little paws,

3. It’s cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump,

Skok-skok, skok-skok, the bunny needs to jump.

4. Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped... and ran away.

4. “Through the Stream”

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 15-20 cm - this is a stream. IN

indoors, you can place two cords on the floor at the same distance. Several

children are asked to come closer to the stream and jump over it, pushing off

with both legs at once.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher can tell the children that the stream is deep,

The exercise can be performed by 4-5 children at the same time. The distance between the lines is needed

gradually increase to 30-35 cm. The teacher makes sure that the children are stronger

pushed off and landed softly, bending their knees.


We take a disc with a recording of the sounds of nature: birdsong, the sound of rain, sounds

forests. You can create your own collection from individual discs.

For small children to play, the composition should last 5-7 minutes.

For example, in this sequence: sounds of the forest, voices

birds, then the sound of rain and wind, again birds and again rain.

This game is good to play after the end of the performance, when the kids

have been sitting too long and want to move immediately. Since in the play it is usually

participate wild animals, then we can say that main character ran away

to my home, in the forest.

“And there are also birds living in the forest. Show me how they wave their roofs

and run around the room. “Oh, it’s raining! Hide in the house! " Pens

fold it over your head and squat. (Rain is being recorded).

“The rain has stopped, we can fly again” (bird recording). And so we continue,

until the recording ends or you get bored.

Developing rhythm motor activity.

Outdoor games according to traffic rules for children of primary preschool age


Target: Strengthen knowledge about types of transport; develop orientation in space, walking and running in all directions, speed.

Progress of the game:

You can complicate the task and put a wide, long plank on the floor (a bridge, put up obstacles in the form of chairs, boxes, etc. At the signal: “Cars, into the garage!” - everyone tries to quickly occupy their “house.”

Birds and car

Target: Teach rhythmic movements to music; teach to beware of moving cars.

Material: Toy car.

Progress of the game: The "bird" children "fly" around the room, waving their arms like wings, and the adult sings:

The birds have arrived

Small birds.

We flew, we flew,

They flapped their wings.

(Children-"birds" "fly".)

So they flew

They flapped their wings.

They flew onto the path,

The grains were pecked.

(A. Anufrieva)

(Children squat down, tap their finger on the floor - “peck.”)

The teacher picks up a toy car and says or sings:

A car is running down the street

Puffing, hurrying, honking the horn.

Tra-ta-ta, watch out, move aside!

Children-"birds" quickly run away from the car to a designated place.

Running traffic light

Target: Learn to follow traffic lights; develop attentiveness and speed of reaction; develop the ability to play in a team.

Material: flags (red, yellow, green).

Progress of the game: Children follow the leader in all directions. From time to time the presenter raises the flag. If the green flag is raised, the children continue to move behind the leader; if the flag is yellow, they jump in place; if the red flag is raised, everyone must “freeze in place” and not move for 15-20 seconds. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game. The most attentive one wins.


Target: Reinforce knowledge of traffic lights; develop joint work skills; develop mindfulness.

Progress of the game:

Children stand along the wall of the hall in a column in pairs, holding each other's hands. Free hands they take hold of the cord, the ends of which are tied, one child holds on right hand, the other - left. The teacher in one of the corners of the room holds three colored flags: yellow, red and green. When the green flag is raised, the children run - the bus moves. When a yellow or red flag is raised, the children stop and wait. If there are a lot of people who want to play (this means not in class, but in free time while walking, you can arrange a stop where some of the children wait for the bus to arrive. When the bus approaches a stop, it slows down and stops; Some passengers get off the bus, others get on.

for children of primary preschool age,

held in winter period of the year

Stop near the toy

How to play: Toys are placed on the playground at a distance of 2-3 meters. Children run into the loose, avoiding toys. As soon as the signal sounds, everyone must stop near the toy.

A latecomer is told: “Sasha, hurry up, stand by the toy!” You can replace toys with snowballs.

Rule: only one child can stop near one toy.

Directions: Encourage children to run between toys in different directions.

Who is faster

Progress of the game: Children walk in a column. Everyone has a flag in their lowered hand, flags of three colors. The teacher raises 2 flags. The column stops, the children run to the teacher in accordance with the flag and stand on opposite sides.

The teacher marks those who gathered faster. After this, the children return to the common column, which continues to move. The game repeats itself.

Rule: run to the teacher after the column has stopped.

Instructions: the teacher should stand in a place where all children can see.

Drive the sled along the path

Progress of the game: The teacher makes two paths several meters long and divides the children into groups. Each group (two hold the sled by the rope, the third sits in the sled) stands near its path. At a signal, the children pull the sled along the path, trying not to step on its boundaries.

Instructions: make sure that children sitting in the sled do not put their feet down.

Walking around the cubes

How to play: Place cubes (or stick sticks) on the court in a checkerboard pattern. Children with sleds stand in one line on one side of the playground. At a signal, they bend down and rest their hands on the front of the sled.

At the signal “let’s go”, they carry the sled from one end of the site to the other, going around the cubes.

Directions: Remind children to lift their heads and look forward when moving.

Collect toys

Progress of the game: Prepare several snowballs and lay them out on the site at a distance of 50 cm. Tall toys are placed between the clods: skittles, clubs. At a signal, children collect toys, trying to take them so as not to touch the snowball.

The child who touched the lump moves aside.

Rule: when collecting toys, do not run, but walk.

Sleigh train

How to play: Tie three pairs of sleds together to form a sled train. Each child stands so that the rope tying the sled passes between his legs. At the signal “let’s go” the train departs. Children, leaning forward, rest against the sled and push it.

Kids find it interesting when the train passes through a tunnel or gate or avoids obstacles.

Directions: prompt the children to raise their heads and follow the movement all the time.

Ride the doll

Progress of the game: Toys are placed on the playground in a checkerboard pattern. Children with sleds stand at the line at the edge of the playground. Dolls are sitting on a sled.

Children must walk around the site, pulling a sled behind them, avoiding obstacles.

Directions: Remind children to look not only forward, but to make sure that the sled does not touch the toys.

Slip on your skis

How to play: Children stand on skis along the playground facing the middle. The teacher stands in front of the children and shows how to bend one leg and slide forward on it. And then pull up the second leg after the push.

Repeat with the other leg too.

Rule: give way to each other.

Instructions: tilt your torso forward while sliding.

Through the snowballs in a circle

How to play: 6-8 snowballs are laid out in a circle at a distance of 70 cm from each other. There is a sign near one snowball, from here the child begins to jump over the snowballs. When the first child jumps over the third snowball, next child, starts moving from the pointer and tries to catch up with it.

Instructions: The jump is performed on two legs, feet together.

Roll a snowball

Progress of the game: Several paths 1 m wide and 4-5 m long are drawn on the playground. The teacher rolls up several snowballs. The clods are placed at the beginning of the paths. Two children stand next to each one.

At a signal, they begin to roll clods along their path, trying not to go beyond its limits.

Rule: roll clods only when given a signal.

Directions: Push away the clods with both hands together.

Roll the ball under the sled

How to play: Two pairs of sleds are placed one after the other. The child must roll the ball under the sled so that it appears on the other side. At a signal, the child squats, lowers his hands with the ball between his knees and forcefully rolls the ball under the sled.

After this, he waits to see if the ball appears on the other side.

Rule: take turns.

Who will roll the most balls (carry the most cubes)

How to play: A cord is pulled between the uprights at a height of 60 cm. Several wooden balls lie on one side. The child rolls the ball and crawls under the cord to the other side, without touching the ground with his hands, rolls the ball to the pointer, leaves it there and returns.

The next ball is also rolled under the cord. Balls can be replaced with snowballs.

An option with a sled is possible. Then the child carries a cube on a sled

Walk wider

Progress of the game: The distance between the two lines is 3-4 m. You need to quickly reach the opposite line, taking long steps. Instead of taking long steps, you can also move by jumping.

It's cold and windy outside

Progress of the game: Children are randomly placed on the playground. The adult pronounces the text of the poem, the children, together with the adult, illustrate the text with movements.

It's cold and windy outside,

Children are walking in the yard

Junior group

Bird and chicks

An adult invites children to play: “I will be a bird, and you will be my chicks.” An adult draws a circle (lays out a circle from a cord) and says: “That’s how big the bird’s nest is! Come into it!”

Children enter the circle and squat down. The adult gives the signal: “Let’s fly, fly for food.” The chicks jump out of the nest and fly around the entire group, the bird flies with them.

Then she says, “Let’s fly home.” The chicks are flying home.

Attributes: bird mask, cord.

Mice and cat

Children-mice sit in holes - on chairs or on benches. A cat sits in one of the corners of the area (group).

The cat falls asleep, and only then the mice scatter around the group. But then the cat wakes up, meows and starts catching mice. They run into their holes and take their places on chairs.

After all the mice have returned to their holes, the cat walks through the group one more time, and then returns to its place and falls asleep. The game repeats itself.

Attributes: cat hat, bibabo toy.

Find your color

Children receive flags of 3-4 colors: some are green, others are blue, others are yellow - and are grouped in groups of 4-6 people in different corners of the group (area). An adult places a colored flag on a stand.

At the adult’s signal: “Go for a walk,” the children disperse around the group (playground) in groups or alone. At the new signal: “Find your color” - children run to the flag of the corresponding color.

When the children have mastered the game well, the adult invites the children to stop and close their eyes during the “walk.” At this time, the adult rearranges the stands with flags. At the word “home”, children open their eyes, find the flag and run to it.

The adult notes which group gathered faster than others.

Attributes: colored flags, flag stands.

Children stand in pairs, holding each other's hands. With their free hands they hold onto the cord, the ends of which are tied (one child holds with his right hand, the other with his left). An adult holds three colored flags in his hand - yellow, red and green. An adult raises a green flag, and the children run - the tram moves, yellow or red - the children stop and wait for the green color to appear.

Attributes: cord, three flags - green, yellow and red.

Children line up in a column along one side of the playground or along the wall of the group. The first one standing in the column is a steam locomotive, the rest are carriages.

The adult blows the horn and the children begin to move forward (without clutch); at first slowly, then faster and finally start running (when moving slowly, children can pronounce the sound “chu-chu-chu”). “The train is approaching the station,” says the adult. Children gradually slow down and stop. The adult blows the whistle again, and the train moves again.

The adult regulates the pace and duration of the children's movements.

Attributes: locomotive medallion.

Birds in nests

Nests are made at different ends of the group (site). Bird children are placed in nests. At a signal from an adult, the children fly out of the nests.

An adult feeds the birds first on one side or the other side of the site (group): children squat down, hitting their knees with their fingertips (pecking at food). After that, they run around a little more, and then the adult says: “Birds, go to the nests.” The children run and occupy their nests again.

Attributes: nests - hoops, cords.

An adult invites the children to go for a walk.

Along a level path (children walk at a walk)

On a flat path

The “cat” “wakes up” and catches up with the “mice”. Children need to have time to sit on chairs. Birds in nests

Children - “birds” - stand on small elevations (cubes, bars 5-10 cm high) located on one side of the room. The adult says: “The sun is shining outside, all the birds are flying out of their nests, looking for grains.”

“Birds” jump or descend from heights, “fly”, flap their “wings”, squat, “peck” “grains”. At the adult’s signal: “It’s raining!” - the birds fly away to their nests. Pancakes and pancakes

A large hoop is placed in the center of the room (this is a “pancake”), and around there are several small hoops (“pancakes”). Children run around the room, then the adult says: “Damn,” or “Pancakes.” Children need to stand in the appropriate hoop. Throw the toys

If you have a lot of soft toys at home, you can play very fun game. Divide the carpet in the room in half (to mark the border, place a long rope in the middle of the carpet).

Distribute soft toys equally between you and your child. You throw your toys into the child’s territory, and he throws them into yours. Task: throw all the toys onto the other player's square. Day Night

The driver says: “Day,” - everyone runs, “Night,” - they freeze in place. The driver must notice who is moving. Whoever moves becomes the driver. Cars

Each player is assigned a "car".

His “garage” can be a chair or a hoop lying on the floor. The “cars” “drive” around the room, “steer” and try not to crash into each other.

You can complicate the task and place a wide, long plank (bridge) on the floor, place obstacles in the form of chairs, boxes, etc. At the signal: “Cars, into the garage!” - everyone is trying to quickly occupy their “house”. Train

Children stand one after another in a column and place their hands on their shoulders in front standing child. It turns out to be a “train” that slowly moves around the room with the words:

Here is our train coming,

Material from the site

Objectives: to train children in jumping on two legs; develop dexterity and speed of movement.

Children stand in a circle at arm's length, facing the center of the circle. The teacher is in the middle of the circle. In his hands he holds a rod 1-1.5 m long with a mosquito made of paper or cloth tied to a cord.

The teacher circles the cord slightly above the heads of the players - a mosquito flies overhead; the children jump up, trying to catch it with both hands. The one who catches the mosquito says “I caught it!”

Tasks: to train children in running, quickly forming on a signal, and teach them to walk one after another.

Progress of the game Children stand facing the teacher. He picks up the flag and invites you to come closer and look at it. Then he says, “The flag is lowered - the children run away,” and the flag is lowered.

Children run in different directions. After 10-15 seconds, the teacher raises the flag and continues, “The flag is rising - the children are gathering!” Everyone runs up to the teacher. The game is repeated several times and ends with walking.

One of the children with a flag walks ahead.

Kittens and puppies

(crawling and climbing)

Objectives: to develop in children the ability to crawl on all fours and climb gymnastic stairs; act on the teacher's signal.

Children are divided into 2 groups. 1 – kittens, 2 – puppies. The kittens are near the gymnastics wall, the puppies are on the other side of the site. The teacher offers to run lightly and gently.

When the teacher says “puppies”, group 2 of children climbs over the bench, they run on all fours after the kittens and bark. Kittens, meowing, climb onto the gymnastics wall.

(walking and running)

Objectives: to develop the ability to walk and run after each other in small groups, first holding each other, then not holding; teach to start moving and stop at a signal. Progress of the game

Children line up in a column along one side of the playground or along the wall of the room. The first one standing in the column is a “locomotive”, the rest are “cars”.

The teacher blows the whistle and the children begin to move forward (without clutch); at first slowly, then faster and finally they start running (when moving slowly, children can pronounce the sound “chu-chu-chu”). “The train is approaching the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop.

The teacher blows the whistle again, and the train moves again. The teacher regulates the pace and duration of the children's movement. At first, the teacher himself leads the column of children, and then puts a more active child in front

Objectives: exercise the ability to jump on two legs, moving forward, crawl under the legs of chairs, develop dexterity and confidence.

On one side of the room there are chairs arranged in a semicircle, with the seats inside the semicircle. These are rabbit cages. On the opposite side is the watchman's house.

In the middle there is a lawn where the rabbits are allowed to roam. Children (2-3 each) stand behind the chairs; at the direction of the teacher, they squat down - the rabbits sit in cages.

The caretaker approaches the cages and releases the rabbits onto the lawn: one after another, the children crawl under the chair and then jump, moving forward across the entire lawn. At the teacher’s signal “Run to the cages!” the rabbits return to their seats, crawling under the chairs again.

Sunshine and rain

(walking and running)

Objectives: to develop the ability to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other; teach to act on a signal. Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs. The teacher says “Sunny!”

Children walk and run around the hall in different directions. After the owls “Rain!”, they run to their places. The game can be played with musical accompaniment. After the game is well mastered, words can be replaced with sound signals.

Mother hen and chicks


Objectives: to develop in children the ability to crawl under a rope without touching it, to dodge the catcher, to be careful and attentive; teach them to help them.

Children pretend to be “chickens”, and the teacher is a “mother hen”. On one side of the site, a “house” place is fenced with a rope, where the chickens and the hen are placed (the rope is stretched between trees or two posts at a height of 40-50 cm). The hen crawls under the rope and goes in search of food.

After a while she calls the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko-ko.” At this signal, all the chickens crawl under the rope, run to the hen and walk around the area with her. When the teacher says “big bird,” all the chickens run home. The teacher says “big bird” only after all the children have crawled under the rope and run around the playground a little

Aim better

Objectives: practice throwing.

Children stand in a circle, each child has a small ball or bag. In the center of the circle there is a large basket (the distance to the basket is no more than 1.5-2 m); at the teacher’s signal, the children throw objects; then they go to the basket, pick it up, return it to its place and play again.

Directions: 8-10 people at a time. One hand from the shoulder, the other from below.

From bump to bump

Objectives: to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs while moving forward; improve the ability to respond to a signal.

The children stand on one side of the hall. The teacher places hoops on the floor at a distance of 20 cm from one another. At the signal, children move to the other side of the hall through hoops.

Sparrows and car

Objectives: to develop the ability to move in different directions without bumping into each other; improve the ability to respond to a signal, develop orientation in space. How to play: Children sit on chairs on one side of the hall. These are “sparrows” in nests.

On the opposite side is the teacher. It depicts a car. After the teacher says, “The sparrows have flown,” the children rise from their chairs, run around the hall, waving their arms. At the teacher’s signal “Car”, the children run away to their chairs.

After children have mastered the game, sound signals can be used instead of words.

My funny ringing ball

Tasks: practice jumping on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken.

Children sit on chairs on one side of the room or area. The teacher stands in front of them at some distance and performs exercises with the ball; he shows the children how easily and high the ball jumps if you hit it with your hand, and at the same time he says:

My cheerful ringing ball,

Red, Yellow, Blue,

Then the teacher invites the children to jump at the same time as the ball, and when finished says “I’ll catch up now.” The kids stop jumping and run away from the teacher, who pretends to catch them.


Objectives: to develop the ability to move in different directions without bumping into each other; teach to act on a signal. Progress of the game: Before the game it is necessary to show all the game movements. Children stand on one side of the playground.

The teacher says, “We are ready to fly. Start the engines! Children make rotational movements with their arms in front of their chest.

After the signal “Let's fly!” spread their arms to the sides and run around the hall. At the signal “Landing!” The players go to their side of the court.

Walk - don't fall

Objectives: develop the ability to walk and run in a limited area while maintaining balance.

The teacher draws two straight or zigzag lines on the ground (at a distance of 15-20 cm from one another) 4-5 meters long. Children must run along the path without tripping.

More details on the website

By pebbles, by pebbles...

In the pit - bang!

Children walk, following the words, over pebbles, over pebbles,” jumping on two legs, moving forward slightly, to the words “into the hole - bang!” squat down. “We got out of the hole,” says the teacher, and the children rise. The game repeats itself.

In order to prolong one or another type of movement of children, the teacher can repeat each line of the poem more times. At first, the teacher himself leads the column. Then he steps aside and watches how the children coordinate their movements of the verse

Outdoor game "Sparrows and the cat."

Children stand along the walls of the room on large cubes (height 15-20 cm) or benches. These are sparrows on the roof or in nests.

A cat sits to the side, the role of which is played by a child. “The sparrows have flown,” says the teacher. children jump off the bench, move their arms to the sides - sparrows flap their wings - and run scattered throughout the room. The cat wakes up, says “meow-meow” and runs after the sparrows.

They should quickly fly to their nests, taking their places. The cat takes the caught sparrows to his house (children miss one repetition of the game). The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Outdoor game “Bird and chicks”.

“I will be a bird, and you will be my chicks,” says the teacher, drawing a large circle (you can make a circle from a cord). “That’s how big the bird’s nest is! Come into it!” Children enter the circle and squat down. “Let’s fly, fly, little chicks, look for grains,” says the teacher.

The chicks jump out of the nest and fly all over the room, the mother bird flies with them. At the signal “let’s fly, little chicks, go home,” the children run in a circle. The game is repeated several times.

Outdoor game "Rabbits".

Arcs (or hoops) are placed on one side of the site. On the opposite side, a caretaker's chair is placed, and the teacher sits on the chair. Between the house and the rabbit cages is a meadow.

4-5 children form into circles. “The rabbits are sitting in cages,” says the teacher, and the kids squat down. The watchman approaches the cages and releases the rabbits: “Take a walk, eat some grass.”

Rabbits crawl through the hoop (under the arc), run, and jump. “Run into the cages,” says the watchman. The rabbits run away, each returns to their cage, again crawling through the hoop (arc). Then the watchman releases the rabbits again, and the game repeats.

Outdoor game "Frogs".

In the middle of the playground or hall, the teacher lays out a thick cord in the shape of a circle. children stand behind a circle. The teacher says:

"Here is a frog along the path

Kva-kva, kva-kva-kva!

He jumps with his legs stretched out."

Children, turning one after another, jump on two legs, moving forward in a circle. At the end of the quatrain, the teacher claps his hands - scares the frogs; the kids jump over the line and squat down; the frogs jump into the swamp. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Outdoor game "Find your color."

The children are holding handkerchiefs of three colors (green, yellow, red). In three corners of the room there are colored flags on stands. At the signal “go for a walk,” the children disperse around the playground; at the signal “find your color,” they run to the flag of the corresponding color.

Outdoor game “Birds in Nests”

At different ends of the hall, 3-4 nests are made from large diameter hoops or building material. Bird children are placed in nests. At the teacher’s signal, they fly out of the nests - step over the obstacle and scatter throughout the entire area.

The teacher feeds the birds on one side or the other: the children squat down, tapping their fingertips on their knees, and peck at the grains. Then they run again and, at the signal “birds, to the nests,” the children run into the nests, stepping over obstacles.

All the birds occupy their nests. the game is repeated 4-5 times. When repeating the game, you can invite children to jump out of the circle on two legs. When conducting this game, it is important that the teacher, without reducing running time, skillfully alternates physical activity and rest for children.

Outdoor game “Catch a mosquito”

The players stand in a circle, at arm's length, facing the center.

The teacher is in the middle of the circle. He holds in his hands a rod (1-1.5 m long) with a cardboard “mosquito” tied to a cord (0.5 m long). The teacher circles the rod (circles the mosquito) slightly above the heads of the players.

When a mosquito flies overhead, children jump, trying to catch it. The one who catches the mosquito says: “I caught it.” Then the teacher draws a circle with the rod again.

You can catch a mosquito only with both hands and jumping on two legs.

The game lasts 4-5 minutes.

Outdoor game "Rabbits" (option).

Arcs (height 50 cm) are placed on one side of the playground, and children are located in small groups near each of them. “The rabbits are sitting in cages,” says the teacher, and the children squat down. The teacher, acting as a guard, approaches the cages one by one and releases the rabbits.

They crawl under the arches, run and jump all over the site. Suddenly the teacher says: Run home!” The rabbits run to their cages and crawl under the arches again. The game is repeated several times.

Outdoor game “We stomp our feet”

The players stand in a circle at such a distance so as not to interfere with each other. The teacher slowly reads the poem, the children act according to its content.

"We stomp our feet,


My funny ringing ball (jumping)

Goal: To teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken.

Description: Children sit on chairs on one side of the room or playground. The teacher stands in front of them at some distance and performs exercises with the ball; he shows the children how easily and high the ball jumps if you hit it with your hand, and at the same time he says:

My cheerful ringing ball,

Red, Yellow, Blue,

Can't keep up with you! (S. Marshak)

Then the teacher calls 2-3 children, invites them to jump at the same time with the ball and repeats the exercise, accompanying it with words. Having finished, he says: “I’ll catch up now!” The kids stop jumping and run away from the teacher, who pretends to catch them.

Birds in nests (running)

Goal: To teach children to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other; teach them to quickly act on the teacher’s signal and help each other.

Description: Children sit on chairs placed in the corners of the room. These are nests. At the teacher’s signal, all the birds fly to the middle of the room, scatter in different directions, crouch down, looking for food, fly again, waving their arms and wings. At the teacher’s signal, “Birds, go to their nests!” the children return to their places.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher makes sure that the bird children act on a signal, fly away from the nest as far as possible and return only to their nest. For nests, you can use large hoops placed on the floor, and on the site these can be circles drawn on the ground, in which children squat. The teacher teaches children to be attentive while running, to give way to those running towards them so as not to collide; teaches children to jump out of nests (hoops).

Tram (running)

Goal: To teach children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize colors and change movements according to them.

Description: 3-4 pairs of children stand in a column, holding each other's hands. With their free hands they hold on to the cord, the ends of which are tied, that is, some children hold on to the cord with their right hand, others with their left. This is a tram.

The teacher stands in one of the corners of the room, holding three flags in his hands: yellow, green, red. He explains to the children that the tram moves when the signal is green, when it is yellow it slows down, and when it is red it stops.

The teacher raises the green flag - and the tram moves: children run along the edges of the hall (playground). If the teacher raises a yellow or red flag, the tram slows down and stops. Instructions for carrying out. If there are many children in the group, you can make two trams.

The plot of the game can be more developed: during stops, some passengers get off the tram, others get on, lifting the cord. The teacher introduces children to the rules of the street. He makes sure that all players are attentive, do not miss stops, monitor the change of flags and change movements.

Sparrows and the cat (running)

Goal: To teach children to jump gently, bending their knees, to run without touching each other, to dodge the catcher, to quickly run away, to find their place; teach children to be careful when taking up space and not to push their friends.

Description: Children stand on low benches or cubes (10-12 cm high) placed on the floor on one side of the playground or room. These are sparrows on the roof.

On the other side, away from the children, there is a cat, sleeping. “The sparrows fly out onto the road,” says the teacher, and the children jump off the benches and blocks and scatter in different directions. The cat wakes up, stretches, says “meow-meow” and runs to catch the little sparrows hiding on the roof. The cat takes the caught sparrows to his house.

Instructions for carrying out: Benches and cubes should be placed away from each other so that children can stand and jump comfortably without interfering with each other. The teacher makes sure that when children jump off they land softly and shows how to do this. At first, when the teacher acts as a cat, the cat does not catch the sparrows, but only scares them, pretending to catch them. When a child is chosen to play the role of a cat, he can catch children

Rabbits (jumping)

Goal: To teach children to jump on two legs, moving forward, to crawl under the legs of chairs, to develop dexterity and confidence.

Description: On one side of the room, chairs are arranged in a semicircle, with the seats inside the semicircle. These are rabbit cages. On the opposite side is the watchman's house. In the middle there is a lawn where the rabbits are allowed to roam.

Children (2-3 each) stand behind the chairs; at the direction of the teacher, they squat down - the rabbits sit in cages. The caretaker approaches the cages and releases the rabbits onto the lawn: one after another, the children crawl under the chair and then jump, moving forward across the entire lawn. At the teacher’s signal “Run to the cages!” the rabbits return to their seats, crawling under the chairs again.

Hen and chicks (crawling)

Goal: To teach children to crawl under the rope without touching it, to dodge the catcher, to be careful and attentive; teach them to help them.

Description: Children pretending to be chickens, together with a hen, are behind a rope stretched between chairs at a height of 35-40 cm. This is their home. A large bird sits on the opposite side of the platform or room.

The hen leaves the house and goes in search of food, she calls the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko-ko.” At her call, the chickens crawl under the rope, run to the hen and walk with her, looking for food. At the signal “Big Bird!” the chickens quickly run away.

Instructions for carrying out: The role of the hen is initially performed by the teacher, and then children can be assigned to this role, first at their request, and then as directed by the teacher. When the chickens return to the house after running away from a large bird, the teacher can raise the rope higher so that the children do not touch it.

Taxi (running)

Goal: To teach children to move together, to balance their movements with each other, to change the direction of movements, and to be attentive to their play partners.

Description: Children stand inside a large hoop (1m in diameter), hold it in their lowered hands: one at one side of the rim, the other at the opposite side, one after the other. The first child is a taxi driver, the second is a passenger. Children run around the playground or along the path.

After a while they change roles.

Instructions for carrying out: 2-3 pairs of children can play at the same time, and if the space allows, then more. When children learn to run in one direction, the teacher can give the task to move in different directions and make stops.

You can mark the stop location with a flag or a taxi rank sign. At the stop, passengers change, one gets out of the taxi, the other gets in.

Hares and wolf (jumping)

Goal: To teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text. Learn to navigate in space, find your place (bush, tree).

Description:Children-hares are hiding behind bushes and trees. There is a wolf behind a bush to the side. Hares run out into the clearing, jump, nibble grass, and frolic.

At the teacher’s signal: “The wolf is coming!” - hares run away and hide behind bushes, under trees. The wolf is trying to catch up with them.

You can use small text in the game:

The bunnies are jumping: hop, hop, hop, onto the green meadow.

Listen carefully, Is there a wolf coming?

Children perform the actions described in the poem. With the end of the text, a wolf appears and begins to catch hares.

Instructions for carrying out: The child playing the role of a wolf should be away from the bushes where the children are hiding. At first, the role of the wolf is played by the teacher, but he is in no hurry to catch the hares, giving the children the opportunity to run away and hide. Then you can invite children to play the role of a wolf if they wish.

Shaggy Dog (running)

One child pretends to be a dog, he lies down on the grass, puts his head on his arms outstretched forward. Several children, together with the teacher, quietly go to the dog and at the same time recite the following poems:

With his nose buried in his paws, he lies quietly and quietly, either dozing or sleeping. Let's go up to him, wake him up and see what happens.

The “dog” jumps up, starts barking and runs after the children, they run away and hide

Corydalis hen (running)

The teacher portrays a chicken, the children pretend to be chickens. One child sits on a bench, away from the other children. This is a cat dozing in the sun. The mother hen goes out for a walk with the chicks.

The teacher says: A crested hen came out, with yellow chicks.


1 “Find the flag”

Children sit on chairs in different places of the room (playground). At the teacher’s signal, the children close their eyes, and in the meantime the teacher hides the flags (according to the number of children). “It’s time to look for the flag,” says the teacher, the children open their eyes and go look for the flags. The one who finds the flag sits down in his place. When all the children have found the flags, they walk along the sides of the playground, holding the flag in their hand. The one who first found the flag goes ahead of the column. At the signal “Get to your places!” the children sit on chairs and the game begins again. The teacher must ensure that the children take one flag. It’s good to play this game in a clearing in the forest: you can hide flags in the grass, in the bushes, behind the trees. Find your house
Children sit along one side of the playground or room. At the teacher’s signal “Let’s go for a walk,” the children disperse around the playground (room) in groups or alone, wherever they want. When the teacher says “home,” everyone runs back and takes up any free space.


Objectives: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice running in different directions.

Description: Children - “mice” are sitting in holes (on chairs along the wall). In one of the corners of the playground sits a “cat” - a teacher. The cat falls asleep and the mice scatter around the room. The cat wakes up, meows, and begins to catch mice, which run into their holes and take their places. When all the mice return to their holes, the cat walks through the hall again, then returns to its place and falls asleep.


1. The teacher makes sure that all children run out of their holes.

2. The teacher can use a cat toy in the game.

Options: Mice jump over a stream, overcome obstacles, walk along a bridge.

Literary word: The cat couldn’t find any mice and went to his room to sleep,

As soon as the cat falls asleep, all the mice run out!


Objectives: To develop determination in children, to practice running and dodging.

Description: A circle is drawn on the ground (diameter - 7 m) or a cord is placed, the ends of which are tied. The teacher chooses one player to stand in the center of the circle. It's a cat. The rest of the children, the birds, are outside the circle. The cat is sleeping. Birds fly into a circle for grains. The cat wakes up, sees the birds and catches them. All the birds are in a hurry to fly out of the circle, the one who was touched by the cat while he was in the circle is considered caught and goes to the middle of the circle. When the cat catches 2-3 birds, the teacher chooses a new cat. The previously caught birds join the players.


1. The cat only catches birds in a circle.

2. The cat can only touch the birds, but not grab them.

Options: Birds fly onto the gymnastics wall; the second cat is introduced, the cat crawls under the collar, arch.


Objectives: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, to practice running in different directions and crawling.

Description: Children pretend to be chickens, and the teacher pretends to be a hen. On one side of the site there is a fenced area - a house where the chickens and the hen are located (a rope is stretched between the posts at a height of 50 cm from the floor). A “big bird” is placed on the side, to the side. The hen crawls under the rope and goes in search of food. She calls the chickens - “ko-ko-ko”. At a signal, all the chickens crawl under the rope, run to the hen and walk with her around the floor. The teacher says “big bird”, all the chickens run home.


1. At the call of the hen, all the chickens run out of the house, crawling under the rope.

2. At the “big bird” signal, the chickens must return home

Options: Chickens climb onto a perch - a bench, 2 cords are pulled at a distance from each other, the role of the hen is entrusted to the children themselves.

Objectives: To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to train children in jumping (bouncing in place).

Description: The players stand in a circle, at arm's length, facing the center. The teacher is in the middle of the circle. He holds in his hands a rod 1-1.2 meters long with a cardboard mosquito tied to a cord. The length of the cord is 50 cm. The teacher circles the rod and “circles the mosquito”, slightly higher than the heads of the players. When a mosquito flies overhead, the child jumps, trying to catch it. The one who grabs the mosquito says “I caught it!” Then the teacher draws a circle with the rod again.


1. You can only catch a mosquito with both hands and jumping on two legs.

2. You need to catch a mosquito without leaving your spot.


Objectives: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal (according to the word of the teacher), observation, intelligence (choose the ball that is more convenient to take). Train children to run in a certain direction.

Description: Children sit on chairs along the wall. At a distance of 3-4 steps from the seated people, a line is drawn, beyond which, as directed by the teacher, 5-6 children stand with their backs to the seated people. The teacher stands next to them. In his hands he has a box with small balls, corresponding to the number of children standing. “One, two, three – run!” - says the teacher and throws all the balls from the box forward. Standing children run after the balls, each catches up with one of the balls, runs with it to the teacher and puts it in a box. Then the children sit down in their places, and another group stands behind the line. The game ends when all the children run after the ball.


1. You can only run after the ball after the word “run”.

2. Only one ball needs to be lifted and placed in the box.


Objectives: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice climbing and running.

Description: Children - mice sit in holes, on benches. On the opposite side of the platform there is a rope stretched at a height of 50 cm. This is a storage room. A cat, the teacher, sits to the side of the players. The cat falls asleep, the mice run into the pantry. Penetrating into it, they bend down so as not to touch the rope. There they sit down and seem to be gnawing on crackers or other foods. The cat wakes up, meows and runs after the mice. The mice run into their holes. Returning to the place, the cat falls asleep and the game resumes.


1. Mice can only run into the pantry when the cat falls asleep.

2. Mice can return to their holes only after the cat wakes up and meows.

Options: The mice crawl under the arc, running into the holes, and a second cat is introduced.


Objectives: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice running in different directions and jumping.

Description: The boundaries of the site are marked with flags. At one end of the site there are sparrows on the benches. At the other end there is a place for a car - a garage. The car is a teacher. “The sparrows are flying out of the nest!” - says the teacher, and the children begin to run in different directions, raising their arms to the sides. A car appears. The sparrows get scared and fly away to their nests. The car returns to the garage.


1. You cannot run outside the boundaries of the site

2. Fly out of the nest only upon a signal from the teacher.

3. Return to the nests when a car appears.

Options: For children pretending to be cars in the game, give them a steering wheel or flags. Sparrows can be placed in nests - circles.


Objectives: To develop in children the ability to jump rhythmically, in accordance with the text of the poem, and to perform movements on a signal. Practice running and jumping on 2 legs.

Description: Children sit on chairs placed in different places in the room. The teacher is in the center. He takes a large ball and begins to hit it with his hand on the ground, saying: “My cheerful, ringing ball...”. The teacher calls the children to him and invites them to jump like balls. Children jump at the same pace. The teacher puts the ball down and repeats the poem, moving his hand as if he were hitting the ball, and the children jump. Having finished the poem, the teacher says: “I’ll catch up!” The children run away.


1. You can only run away after the words: “I’ll catch up!”

Options: The teacher imitates hitting the movement of the ball, showing the children (they are balls, then they roll, run in different directions).


Objectives: To develop observation, attention, and activity in children.

Description: Children sit in a semicircle on chairs; a screen is placed in front of them at a distance of several steps. The teacher calls someone by name, and he goes behind the screen to agree on what animal or bird the child will portray. Behind the screen you can hear the mooing of a cow, the barking of a dog, etc. The teacher invites one of the children to guess who is screaming.


1. Only the child whom the teacher points to can guess the animals or birds.

Artistic word: What a beautiful house.

Who lives in the house?

Knock-knock, who lives in the house?


Objectives: To develop children's powers of observation and self-control (do not open their eyes until the signal “it’s time”).

Description: Children sit on chairs, at the teacher’s word, the children stand up and turn to face the wall, the teacher hides the flags according to the number of children. "It's time!" - says the teacher. The children turn to face him and go looking for flags. The one who finds the flag sits down in his place. When all checkboxes are found. Children walk along the playground. Holding a flag in your hand. The one who first found the flag goes ahead of the column. At the signal “Get to your places!” children sit on chairs and the game begins again.


1. You can turn to face the teacher only after the word “it’s time!”

Options: Use a bell instead of verbal instructions. Whoever finds the flag first hides it. In the summer they hide the flag in the bushes, behind the trees.

12 "RUN TO ME"

Objectives: Teach children to act on a signal. Practice walking and running in a straight direction.

Description: Children sit on chairs placed against one of the walls of the room. The teacher moves to the opposite wall and says “run to me!” Children run to the teacher. The teacher greets them warmly. Then he goes to the other side of the site and says “run to me!” To the teacher’s words “Run home!” children sit on chairs and relax.


1. Run to the teacher only after the words “Run to me!”

2. Children run to the chairs and sit down only after the words “Run home!”

Options: Children can sit in any chair at first and then find their own seat. Bring in the bell. Call, signal “Run!”


Objectives: To develop in children the ability to move rhythmically, coordinate movements with words, and find their place. Practice walking, jumping, squatting, running.

Description: Children are sitting on chairs, the teacher invites them to go for a walk. They get up, group freely or form a column. The teacher says “along the level path, our feet walk, one-two, one-two, over pebbles, over pebbles, into a hole - bang.” When the words “On a level path...” are said, the children walk at a pace. “On the pebbles” they jump on two legs, moving slightly forward. “Thump into the pit” - they squat down. They got out of the hole and the children got up. After 2-3 repetitions, the teacher says “our legs are tired along the level path, this is our home - that’s where we live.”


Movements must correspond to the text.

Get up from your haunches after the words “We got out of the hole.”

Run home only after the words “that’s where we live.”

14 "BUNNY"

Objectives: To develop in children the ability to coordinate movement with words. Practice running. In hopping on two legs, finding your place. Promote speech development.

Description: On one side of the site the places of the hares are marked. Everyone falls into place. At the teacher’s signal “Run in a circle!” all the children gather in a circle, and one of the hares, whom the teacher appoints, stands in the middle. Children with a teacher recite poems and perform movements to the text:

The little white bunny sits and wiggles his ears, - the children stand in a circle,

That's it, that's how he moves his ears! – move their hands, raising them to the head.

It's cold for the bunny to sit, we need to warm his little paws,

Clap-clap, clap-clap, you need to warm your little paws - they clap their hands.

It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump

Skok-skok, skok-skok, the bunny needs to jump - they jump on two legs in place.

Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped and galloped away! – the teacher claps his hands, the children run away to their homes.


Objectives: To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with words, to move rhythmically. Exercise children in squatting and forming in a circle, in running in different directions.

Description: Children stand closely in a circle, holding hands. Together with the teacher they say: “Blow up your bubble! Blow up big! Stay like this and don’t burst.” By reciting poems, children gradually expand the circle. When the teacher says, “The bubble has burst,” all the children lower their hands and say in unison, “Pop!” and squat down. The teacher offers to inflate a new bubble: the children stand up, form a small circle again, and the game resumes.


Say in unison “Clap!” and squat down only after the words “The bubble burst.”

Variations: Perform swinging movements with your arms, first a small ball, then a large one - wide swings of your arms. After the words “Don’t burst!” The teacher says, “The bubbles are flying!” The children run away wherever they want.


Objectives: To develop children's attention and ability to distinguish colors. Learn to act on a visual signal. Practice running and walking.

Description: Children receive flags of two colors - some red, others blue. The teacher stands on one side of the playground and holds a blue flag in one hand and a red flag in the other. Children with blue flags are grouped near blue, with red ones - near red. Then the teacher invites the children to take a walk. Children walk and run around the playground. The teacher goes to the other side and says: “One, two, three - run here quickly!” He stretches his arms to the sides, the children run to the teacher and group themselves near the flag of the corresponding color. When all the children have gathered, he suggests waving the flags.


You can disperse around the playground only when the teacher says, “Go for a walk!”

You can gather around the teacher only after the words “One, two, three - run here quickly!”


Objectives: To develop in children the ability to perform movements at the teacher’s signal, to find their place on the playground. Practice walking and running.

Description: Children sit on chairs along the room, this is their “home”. The teacher looks out the window and says “What good weather, go for a walk!” Children get up and walk in any direction. “It’s raining, run home!” - says the teacher. Children run to the chairs and take their places. The teacher says “Drip – drip – drip!” Gradually the rain subsides and the teacher says, “Go for a walk. Rain stopped!".


1. Children leave home at the signal “Go for a walk!”

2. They run home when the signal “it’s raining!”

Options: Children first take any chair, then only their own. Instead of a house, build a portable canopy to hide from the rain. During the walk they can pick “mushrooms and berries”. Walking can be replaced by dancing.

18 "TRAIN"

Objectives: To develop in children the ability to perform movements according to a sound signal, to consolidate the skill of forming a column. Practice walking and running after each other.

Description: Children line up in a column along one side of the playground. The first is a steam locomotive, the rest are carriages. The teacher blows the whistle, the children begin to move forward (without clutch). First slowly, then faster, gradually starting to run, saying “Choo-chu-chu!” “The train is approaching the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop. The teacher blows the whistle again, and train movement resumes.


1. You can move only after the beep, i.e. at the teacher's signal.

Options: Enter a stop. Children run out into the clearing. They collect “mushrooms and berries” and dance.


Objectives: To develop in children the ability to fit in space and move in a group without touching each other. Act on a signal, practice deep jumps, standing long jumps, and fast running.

Description: Children along the walls: on benches, on large cubes or in hoops. These are sparrows on the roof or in nests. A cat, the teacher, sits at a distance. “The sparrows have flown!” - says the teacher. Sparrows jump from the roof, spreading their wings - arms to the sides. They run scattered all over the room. "The cat is sleeping." He wakes up, says “meow - meow!”, runs to catch up with the sparrows, who are hiding, taking their places. The cat takes the caught sparrows to her house.


1. The sparrows jump off at the teacher’s signal “Sparrows, fly!”

2. The sparrows return to their places. When a cat says “Meow!”

Options: Introduce a second cat. Sparrows peck the grains.


Objectives: To develop in children the ability to perform movements at the teacher’s signal, to move in a group without pushing. Train children to run in a straight direction.

Description: Children sit on chairs on one side of the playground. “Catch up with me!” - the teacher suggests and runs to the opposite side of the playground. Children run after the teacher, trying to catch him. Then the teacher says “catch up with me!” and runs in the opposite direction. The children catch up with him again. After two times, the children sit on chairs and rest, then continue the game.


1. Run after the teacher only after the signal “Catch up with me!”

Options: Add soft toy and catch up with her. Run away from the toy.


Objectives: To develop in children visual memory, attention.

Description: Children sit on chairs, on the floor, in one line. The teacher places three to five objects in the center of the circle and asks them to remember them. Then the players stand up and turn their backs to the center or to the wall and close their eyes. The teacher hides one object lying in the center of the circle and says “Look.” Children open their eyes, turn to face the cent and remember which object is missing. The teacher approaches the children and each of them tells him in his ear what is hidden. When the majority of players give the correct answer, the teacher loudly names the hidden object. After this, the game resumes.


When the teacher hides the object, the players turn their backs and close their eyes

At the signal “Look!”, the players open their eyes and again turn to face the center of the circle.

Options: Consolidate knowledge of primary colors, take cubes or flags. Call one player. Remove 2 items at a time.


Objectives: To develop in children the ability to perform movements at the teacher’s signal, remember their place, and practice running in different directions without touching each other.

Description: Children are divided into 3-4 groups of 5-6 people, each group has its own house - a nest. Children pretend to be chicks. Each group has a mother bird. According to the teacher’s words “Let’s fly!” - chicks fly out of the nest. They fly around the house, waving their arms - their wings. Mother birds fly away to get food. According to the teacher’s words “Home!” - mother birds return and call their chicks home. In the nest, the chicks sit in a circle and the mother bird feeds them imaginary worms.


Birds and chicks fly out when the teacher says “Let’s fly!”

The chicks return home at the call of the mother bird.

Mother birds return home at the teacher’s word “Home!”

Options: Invite the birds to fly to higher ground. Each bird has its own color of the house - nest. You can change houses.


Objectives: To develop children's attention, the ability to distinguish colors, and act on a signal. Exercise in running, walking.

Description: Children receive flags of 3-4 colors and are grouped in groups of 4-6 people in different corners of the room, in each corner the teacher places a colored flag on a stand. At the teacher’s signal “Go for a walk!” the children disperse around the playground. To the words “Find your color!” - children gather near the flag of the corresponding color. The teacher notes which group gathered faster.


1. You can leave the houses when the teacher signals “Go for a walk!”

2. Run and gather near the flag of the corresponding color only after the words “Find your color!”

Options: Offer to close your eyes and rearrange the flags in the corners of the room.


Objectives: To develop in children the ability to distinguish the colors of a traffic light and act on a visual signal. Practice running and walking in a column. Familiarize yourself with traffic rules.

Description: Children stand along the wall in a column in pairs, holding each other's hands, with their free hands holding on to a cord, the ends of which are tied. The teacher is in one of the corners of the room, holding three colored flags (red, yellow, green). Raises the green flag - the children run (the trolleybus moves). Having reached the teacher, the children look to see if the color of the flag has changed. If it’s green, the movement continues, yellow or red, the children stop and wait for green to appear.


You can only run to the green flag.

When yellow or red appears, the column stops.

Options: Arrange a stop where children sit and wait for the trolleybus to arrive. When the trolleybus approaches a stop, it slows down, some passengers get off, others get on.

25 "Bunnies and the wolf."

Inventory and benefits:wolf mask.

Progress of the game: children stand in a circle. The driver is chosen - a wolf. He sits in the center of the circle. The house is indicated. The instructor reads a poem, the children perform the movements:

“The bunnies are jumping on the lawn. Jumping in place on 2 legs. Suddenly a shadow flashed in the forest - the bunnies hid behind a stump. To squat. We stood up on our toes. We stood on our toes and lowered ourselves. Come on, bunny, look around: Turn right. Isn’t Turn Left sitting behind a bush? Scary wolf with a big tail." The “wolf” gets up, howls and catches the children.The children are running home. The wolf catches them.

Directions: act on the signal, and when the game is repeated, change the driver.

26 "Hamsters."

Inventory and benefits:hoops are 1 less than the number of children.

How to play: the hoops are laid out in a circle, one less for the number of children. Children are hamsters, running around in circles. At the command “Get into the cage!” Children stand in hoops one by one. At the last repetition of the game, another hoop is placed, unnoticed by the children, so that there is enough for all the children.

Directions: act on a signal. The child who did not have enough hoop takes part again when the game is repeated.

Complication : 1.Running in all directions. 2.Crawling on all fours.

27 “Find your house.”

Inventory and benefits:medals with the image of a doctor, driver, postman or seller according to the number of children, 4 stands with large pictures with the image of a doctor, driver, postman and seller.

Progress of the game: children are given 1 medal with the image of a doctor, driver, postman or salesman. On the stands there are large pictures (these are houses) depicting a doctor, a driver, a postman and a salesman. Children run around in all directions (walk all over the hall). At the signal “Find your house!” The children each run to a large picture, the same as on their medal. Directions:act on a signal; run without bumping into each other. Complication : 1. As you repeat the game, the big pictures change places.

28 "Pilots".

Inventory and benefits:flags of 2-3 colors: yellow, green or blue.

Progress of the game: children - pilots stand one after another in a designated place - the airfield. The instructor shows a yellow flag - the children “start their engines”, shows a green flag - the children raise their straight arms to the sides and run after each other in a circle and return to the airfield.

Directions: act on a signal; run after each other, do not overtake.

Complication : 1. Running “snake”, scattered. 2.Enter 1 more checkbox.

29 "Shaggy Dog".

Equipment and aids: dog mask.

Progress of the game: children stand in a line behind the line - house. The driver is chosen - a dog. He sits on the other side of the group. The instructor reads a poem, the children go to the dog:

“Here lies a shaggy dog, with his nose buried in his paws. Quietly, quietly he lies, either dozing or sleeping. Let's go to him and wake him up. And we'll see if something happens."

Children wake up the dog. The dog wakes up and barks. The children are running home. The dog catches them.

Directions: act on a signal.

30 “We stomp our feet.”

Inventory and benefits:

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle at a distance from each other. The instructor recites the poem slowly, with pauses, giving the children the opportunity to perform the movements in accordance with the text.

“We stomp our feet - stomp, stomp, stomp! We clap our hands - clap, clap, clap! We nod our heads, We raise our hands, We lower our hands, We shake our hands (children hold hands). And we run around, And we run around.” After a while, the instructor says “Stop!” Everyone stops.

Directions: act on a signal; keep the circle straight; replacing running with circling (And we spin around – 2 times).

31 “We are autumn leaves.”

Inventory and benefits:2 leaves for each child.

Progress of the game: children stand scattered. Each person has two leaves: one in one hand, the other in the other. The instructor reads a poem, and the children perform movements corresponding to the text. “We are autumn leaves, we sit on the branches (children squat). The wind blew and they flew (we blew on the leaves, imitating the wind, and stood up). We flew, we flew (slow circling in one direction) and sat quietly on the ground (children squat). The wind came running again (we blow on the leaves, imitating the wind) And the leaves all lifted (stood up) He turned them over, twisted them (slowly circling in the other direction) And lowered them to the ground” (squatted down).

Directions: replacing circling with running in all directions.

32 "On the green grass..."

Equipment and aids: dog mask.

Progress of the game: the “nest” of crows is marked. A “dog” is selected, which sits opposite the “nest”. The instructor reads a poem, the children perform jumps on 2 legs moving forward.

On the green grass Jumping on 2 legs with advancement Crows are jumping, cawing: forward. “Kar, kar, kar!” Then the dog came running, the teacher said, and the crow scattered everyone: “Woof, woof, woof.” "Doggy" says

After the words “Woof, woof, woof,” the children run to the “nest,” and the “dog” catches them. Whoever the “dog” touches, she takes away to her place.

Directions: act on a signal.

33 "The Dog and the Sparrows"

Target. Teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Jump jump
Jump hop.
The sparrow is jumping and jumping
Calls small children
Chiv, chiv, chiv
Throw crumbs to the sparrow
I'll sing you a song
(imitate the movements of a sparrow: jumping on two legs, waving your arms.)
Suddenly the dog came running,
Scared the sparrows away.

34 "Birds in the Nest"

Target. The game trains memory, attention, develops speed of movements and spatial orientation.

Draw several circles on the ground - these are nests.
- At a signal, all the birds fly out of their nests, scatter in all directions, crouch, peck food, fly again, flapping their arms and wings. The adult says the words:
Here the birds were flying, small birds.
Everyone was flying, everyone was flying - flapping their wings.
They sat down on the path and ate some grains.
Kluk-kluk-kluk-kluk, how I love grains.
Let's clean the feathers to make them cleaner.
Like this, like this, so that they are cleaner!
We jump on branches to make the children stronger.
Jump-jump, jump-jump, we jump along the branches.

At one end of the playground there is a “trap” teacher, at the other there are children. Children approach the trap by jumping on two legs to the sentence pronounced by the teacher:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end:

There's a mouse living there

He'll bite your tail off.

At the end of the words, the children run away to their places, and the trap catches them.

36 "Frogs"
In the middle of the site, draw a large circle or place a thick cord in the shape of a circle. A group of children is located along the edge of the circle, the rest sit on chairs placed on one side of the area. Together with the children sitting on chairs, the teacher says the following verses:

Here are the frogs along the path

They jump with their legs stretched out,

Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva,

They jump with their legs stretched out.

Children standing in a circle jump up, pretending to be “frogs.” At the end of the poem, children sitting on chairs clap their hands (scare the frogs); frogs jump in the “swamp” - jump over the line - and quietly squat down.

As the game repeats, the roles change.

Rules: stop the ball with your hands, without allowing your feet to touch; Do not delay for a long time, try to immediately roll it back to someone else.

Card index of outdoor games.

Mainur Nikolaevna Litvin
Outdoor games for preschool children

Outdoor games for preschool children

On the playground, a cord will be stretched at a distance of 3-5 m from the ground. A butterfly is tied to it so that it is above the child’s outstretched arms. The teacher invites the children to jump up and hit their hands. The height of the tied balls is adjustable depending on height children and their capabilities. The teacher makes sure that the children, while jumping, touch the ball with both hands (in order to evenly load the muscles of the shoulder girdle). The teacher makes sure that the children, while jumping, touch objects alternately with their right and left hands.

2. My cheerful, ringing ball.

Children stand in a circle or semicircle. The teacher takes a large ball, hits it with his hand and says text:

My cheerful, ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Yellow, red, blue,

Can't keep up with you!

Then he puts the ball down and invites the children to jump like a ball.

3. "The gray bunny is sitting"

Target: Accustom children listen to the poem, understand the content and perform actions in accordance with the content.

Material: the masks will become rabbits. Move games: Children sit on chairs, on signal teacher: "Run in a Circle"- all the children gather in a circle. Children, together with the teacher, recite poems and make movements that illustrate the text.

1. The little gray bunny is sitting and moving his ears.

Like this, like this, he moves his ears

2. It’s cold for the bunny to sit, he needs to warm his paws

Clap, clap, clap, clap, I need to warm my little paws,

3. It’s cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump,

Skok-skok, skok-skok, the bunny needs to jump.

4. Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped... and ran away.

4. "Through the Stream"

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 15-20 cm - this is a stream. IN

indoors, you can place two cords on the floor at the same distance. Several

children are asked to come closer to the stream and jump over it, pushing off

with both legs at once.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher can tell the children that the stream is deep,

The exercise can be performed by 4-5 people at the same time children. The distance between the lines is needed

gradually increase to 30-35 cm. The teacher makes sure that the children are stronger

pushed off and landed softly, bending their knees.


Take a disc with recorded sounds nature: birdsong, sound of rain, sounds

forests. You can create your own collection from individual discs.

For small children games the composition should last 5-7 minutes.

For example, in this sequence: sounds of the forest, voices

birds, then the sound of rain and wind, again birds and again rain.

This game is good to play after the end of the performance, when the kids

have been sitting too long and want to move immediately. Since in the play it is usually

wild animals are involved, then we can say that the main character ran away

to my home, in the forest.

“And there are also birds living in the forest. Show me how they wave their roofs

and run around the room. “Oh, it’s raining! Hide in the house!” Pens

fold it over your head and squat. (Rain recording in progress).

“The rain has stopped, we can fly again” (bird recording). And so we continue,

until the recording ends or you get bored.

We develop rhythm and motor activity.

Outdoor games for preschool children

Friendly guys

Goals: to cultivate friendly feelings and friendly relationships in children; teach to listen carefully to the teacher and carry out the actions he suggests; strengthen the skill of calling each other by name; develop Creative skills and motor skills.

The teacher invites the children to play and carefully watch what he says. And then he turns to the children:

Tanya, Tanechka, friend,

Come quickly to the round dance,

Dancing backwater! Children perform dance movements to the music.

Sasha, Sashenka, friend,

Join us quickly!

Let's take each other's hands,

Let's all run in a circle!

Lena, Lenochka, friend,

Join us quickly!

Try not to yawn

And catch the ball faster! The teacher throws the ball to Helen, then to the other children.

What happens and what doesn't happen

Goals: develop cognitive processes and volitional qualities in children; consolidate children's knowledge about the world around them; work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech; stimulate thought processes; develop speed of reaction.

Equipment: ball.

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle and the one to whom he throws the ball must tell something about the object that will be named.

The snow is cold, white, fluffy...

The sun is hot, bright...

Milk is tasty, white, healthy...

Kolobok is round, ruddy, cheerful...

Pencil - red, green, blue...

Rain - heavy, wet, cold...

The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

Subject and action

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of objects; contribute to the enrichment and expansion of children's vocabulary; improve speech, thinking, memory.

Equipment: ball.

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle. He himself stands in the middle of the circle and, throwing the ball to the child, names a noun, and the child must name the action in response.

Fish - swims

Boy - walks (jumps, runs)

Airplane - flies

Cat - sleeping (scratching, meowing)

Duck - swims

Bear - walks (roars)

Magpie - screams

A stream is running, etc.


Target: develop a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements.

Children sit or stand in a circle. Together with the teacher they begin to stomp to the counting rhyme:

Top-top, who's coming,

Clap-clap, what's going on?

Top top, here we go.

Clap-clap, we're carrying it. - What?

Children take turns saying what they “carried,” and using their fingers in the air, like a pencil, they draw what they “carried.” This game can and should be played at different speeds - at different paces. It develops not only a sense of rhythm, but also spatial imagination and coordination of movements.

Stork and frogs


A playing field is drawn on the ground or on the asphalt - a large lake with bays, capes, and islands. "Frogs" are sitting in the lake. They cannot jump onto land. A “stork” is running around the lake. He is not allowed to go into the water, but he can jump from island to island. At the same time, the stork tries to catch the frog. Each frog caught leaves the game. The latter becomes the new stork.

Thread - needle

Target: develop dexterity and coordination of movements.

According to the counting rhyme, they choose the driver - the “needle”. Several people join him at will - a “thread”. The rest are randomly placed on the site, standing one at a time. The players who make up the “thread” and “needle” join hands, forming a chain. There is a “needle” ahead.

The “needle” runs between those standing, making the most unexpected turns, zigzags, and the “thread” must exactly repeat its path.

Pass it on

Goals: develop a willingness to share with each other; develop fine motor skills of the hands.

You wrap the gift in several layers of paper. Each layer is secured with adhesive tape, fixing the paper in two or three places. Invite the children to take turns unfolding these layers one by one. The unfolding takes place to musical accompaniment. When the music stops, the child must pass the “thinner” bundle to the kid next door. Each time the music is interrupted more and more often, and the children have difficulty passing the package to each other, but compliance with the rules is strictly necessary. To prevent children from feeling left out, give each of them a small souvenir at the end of the game.


Goals: develop coordination of movements; to form a friendly attitude of children towards each other.

Children stand in a circle. These are the “sellers”. Hands are held behind the back, in the hands small items different colors - red, orange, green, blue, yellow, purple, etc. You can use cubes, balls or pre-prepared cardboard mugs. There is a child in the center of the circle. He is a buyer. The children all pronounce words together, to which the child buyer turns around himself, extending his hand forward, like an arrow.

Vanya, Vanya, spin around,

Show yourself to all the guys

And which one is dearer to you,

Tell us quickly! Stop!

The child stops at the last word.

- Anything for the soul? All products are good!

Leading. I want fruit! (or vegetable, berry, flower)

Now the child who “took the order” must offer a fruit whose color matches the toy hidden behind his back.

Salesman(holds out a yellow cube). You're wearing a pear.

Classics relay

Goals: develop dexterity, coordination of movements.

Equipment: hoops (13 pcs.), swivel stand.

If you like to jump,

If you have the strength,

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Over hummocks and bridge.

Guys, we invite you

Jump into hopscotch now!

There are hoops on the ground (floor), alternating in a chain: one-two, one-two, etc. It is necessary to perform jumps: where there is one hoop, jump on one leg, where there are two hoops, jump with legs apart, then run around the turntable, return to your team in the same way and pass the baton to the next player.

Relay race “Snowball on a shovel”

Goals: develop dexterity, coordination of movements.

Equipment: children's shoulder blades; swivel stand (this can be a snowman or any snowy figure).

The first player has a child's shovel in his hand, with a small ball of snow on it. At the signal, you need to run to the turning post, holding the lump on the snowball, run around it and return to your team, passing the shovel with the snowball to the next player.

If a player loses a snowball or drops a shovel, he returns to his team, puts a new lump on the shovel and completes his task all over again.


Goals: develop dexterity, coordination of movements.

Equipment: each team has a stick and puck; rotating racks (pins or snowballs).

The first player has a stick and a puck. At the signal, he begins to drive the puck with his stick in a snake between the posts to the turning post, goes around it and returns to his team in the same way, passing the stick and puck to the next player.


Goals: develop attention, coordination of movements.

Equipment: a cord of sufficient length, three multi-colored flags (yellow, red, green), a bell (tied to the end of the cord).

Children are arranged in pairs. With their free hands they hold on to the cord (its ends are tied). This is a tram. The teacher stands with colored flags rattling. He explains that you have to move when the signal is green, and stop when it is red and yellow. The teacher raises the green flag - the tram is moving, the children are running around the room. Having reached the teacher (traffic light), the children look to see if the color has changed. If the color is still green, then the tram continues to move; if the red or yellow flag is raised, the kids stop and wait for the green one to appear so that they can move again.

During the game, children are introduced to the rules of the street. If there are a small number of participants, you can place them not in pairs, but in one column. The plot of the game can be expanded by making a stop along the way. Passengers sit and wait for the tram. Approaching the stop, the tram slows down and stops. Some passengers get out, others get in. To get on or off the tram, children lift a cord with a bell attached to the end. The last child standing (the conductor) rings the bell and the tram starts moving.

Guide a friend through the maze

Goals: develop spatial orientation, coordination of movements, balance; consolidate in speech words denoting spatial orientation.

From the players, one rescuer, instructor and victim are selected. It is important to provide every child with the opportunity to be a lifeguard and instructor.

The rest of the children are placed in groups, simulating various obstacles: dips in the road, rubble, collapses, etc.

The “rescuer” is blindfolded. He must complete the route without encountering obstacles and get to the final goal - the “victim”, obeying the commands of the “instructor”.

The “instructor” gives him instructions: “Two steps forward. One step left. Turn right. No, to the left." When the “rescuer” reaches the final point of the route, the “victim” gives a command in a voice: “You are at the goal.” This means the game is over.

New “instructor”, “rescuer”, “victim” are selected and “obstacles” are placed differently in the playing space.


Goals: develop attention, dexterity, speed of reaction.

Equipment: jumping ropes or ropes according to the number of children, ribbon.

All participants in the game are divided into threes, each three has a coachman and two horses. During the game, the driver gives various commands, the horses carry them out, and the coachman controls and carefully watches whether the horses perform all the movements accurately.

The horses walk at a walk, gallop in a circle, turn left, right, etc.

To the words “Find your coachman!” the horses find it as quickly as possible.

When the game is repeated in each trio, the coachman changes.

Horses must definitely follow all commands. The coachman whose horses make a mistake receives a fine - a blue ribbon is tied to his reins.

The most difficult role in this game is that of the driver, who comes up with various movements for the horses. Therefore, when the game is played for the first time, the teacher plays the role of driver. At the end of the game, so that the triplets get together, you can give a new task: “Coachman, find your horses!”

The game ends as soon as the three players play the role of coachman. At the end of the game, the top three are awarded.

Salka on one leg

Goals: develop attention, speed of reaction, coordination of movements, dexterity.

Equipment: a small bright scarf.

The children disperse around the playground, close their eyes, everyone’s hands are behind their backs. The leader walks among them and quietly gives a handkerchief to one of the players. To the command “One, two, three - look!” children open their eyes. Standing still, they carefully look at each other. A child with a scarf suddenly raises it above his head and says: “I’m a tag!”

Participants in the game, jumping on one leg, try to get away from the tag. The one whom the tag touched with his hand goes to lead. The child takes the handkerchief, raises it above his head and says: “I’m a tag!” The game repeats itself.

If children are tired, they can jump on their right or left leg. When the tags are changed, the players can stand on two legs. Salka also jumps, like everyone else who plays, on one leg.


Goals: develop reaction speed, dexterity, coordination of movements.

Equipment: bright small handkerchief.

All participants in the game stand in a circle. The driver with a handkerchief follows the circle, puts the handkerchief on the shoulder of one of the players and quickly runs around the circle, and the one who was given the handkerchief takes it in his hands and runs after the driver. Both of them try to take an empty place in the circle.

If the player with the handkerchief catches up with the driver and is able to put the handkerchief on his shoulder before the goth takes a free place in the circle, he again becomes the driver, and the player who gave the handkerchief takes the free place.

If the runner is the first to stand in the circle, then the player with the scarf will remain leading. He walks in a circle, puts a handkerchief on someone’s shoulder and the game continues.

During the game, children should not run across the circle. While running, you are not allowed to touch children standing in a circle with your hands. Standing players should not delay running players. The players should not turn around while the driver is choosing who to put the handkerchief to.

The more children take part in this game, the wider the circle will be, which means that more effort must be made to take up an empty seat. Children in a circle stand one step apart from each other.

Ball up!

Goals: develop reaction speed, coordination of movements, dexterity.

Equipment: bright ball.

Children stand in a circle, the driver goes to the middle and throws the ball with the words “Ball up!” At this time, the players must run as far as possible from the center of the circle. The driver catches the ball and, having caught it, shouts: “Stop!” Everyone must stop, and the driver, without leaving his place, throws the ball at the one who is closest to him. The one who is hit becomes the driver. If the driver misses, then he drives again and the game starts again.

The driver throws the ball as high as possible and only after the words “Ball up!” is he allowed to catch the ball with one bounce from the ground. If one of the players continued to move after the words “Stop!”, he must take three steps towards the driver. When running away from him, children should not hide behind buildings and trees.

The guys stand in a circle close to each other. It is better to outline the place of the driver in the center of the circle with a small circle. Children in the game must be very attentive and quickly respond to commands.


Target: consolidate knowledge about autumn.

Equipment: autumn leaves.

The beginning of the game is looking at autumn leaves. Each child finds a leaf, shows it and names which leaf, from which tree, what color.

The teacher talks about how when the wind blows, the leaves fly slowly and swirl because they are light. When the wind dies down, they slowly fall to the ground.

Sunny bunny

Goals: consolidate the concepts of “up”, “down”, “to the side”.

Equipment: small mirror.

The teacher holds a small mirror in his hands and tells the children that a sunbeam has come to visit them. He jumps in different directions: up, down, sideways... Offers to play with him.

Where will you find what?

Goals: consolidate the ability to group objects according to their purpose.

Equipment: objects or pictures depicting dishes, furniture, clothing, etc.

The teacher places items throughout the playground, such as a clothes locker, a toy box, a tool box, etc. and offers to put all scattered objects (pictures) back in their places.

When all the things are laid out, check if they are correct; if not, then everyone should think together about how to do it.