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Natural stone floors. Stone floors: a beautiful design solution

They have many advantages that set them apart from other floor coverings.

They have high fire resistance, strength, wear resistance, and, accordingly, long term services. These floors are easy to maintain, they are easy to wash and clean. In addition, floors covered with natural stone perfectly keep the room cool in the summer, although in winter this property becomes rather a disadvantage, but the “Warm Floor” system will easily solve this problem. Both igneous and sedimentary rocks are used to cover floors. The wear resistance of such a coating largely depends on the chosen material. Different types of stones have different strengths; very often beautiful stones have low wear resistance, so when choosing a material you should take into account not only its aesthetic properties, but also its operational durability.

Marble (from the Greek mramaros - sparkling stone) has been used for many centuries to decorate various rooms. Due to its low hardness, marble is remarkably polished and shiny. Floors made from this stone are distinguished by their impressive service life, durability, and resistance to climate change. But at the same time, marble is a rather soft and absorbent material. Since this stone is a sedimentary rock, it is not resistant to various acids and thermal damage. It should be protected from spills of hot liquids and abrasive particles. Marble floors may change color under prolonged exposure to moisture. But this material is still often used to cover floors in bathrooms, because due to its porosity it is absolutely non-slip. Granite floors.

Granite is a very wear-resistant and durable material; in rooms with high operational load it can last 150 years. This material is used to cover floors both in residential buildings and in public places. In terms of strength, granite can only be rivaled by diamond. Granite is highly water resistant, so it is often used to cover floors in the bathroom, kitchen, and hallway. There is a large selection of shades of this stone, so you can use it not only to lay out single-color coatings, but also to create entire artistic compositions.

Travertine is a rather interesting stone, its structure is similar to a large number of cells, they can be compared to a honeycomb. Due to this cellularity, travertine is very similar to wood materials. The lighter the shade of the flooring made of this stone, the greater the effect of resembling wood is achieved. However, this unique feature also dictates the disadvantages of the material. Large cells increase in size as they are used. Therefore, travertine floors should be periodically sanded and noticeable holes sealed. At proper care This coating, unique in its texture, will last for many years.

Sandstone comes in a variety of shades and natural patterns. Sandstone flooring is often used in antique-style interiors. The biggest disadvantage of this material is the appearance of plaque; to avoid this, such floor coverings are periodically treated with wax.

Our specialists know how to competently select the type of stone to match the operating conditions, features and purpose of the room. And also correctly combine it with the most suitable type surface treatment.

  • Granite floor. It has incomparable wear resistance and strength. It is easy to maintain and does not require frequent polishing, even if it is placed in a room with a lot of visitor traffic. Easily withstands temperature changes, suitable for halls and the inside of entrance areas.
  • Made of marble. It is more capricious in care, but at the same time it has incomparable sophistication, elegance and aesthetics. Suitable for living rooms, halls. Possessing bactericidal properties, it is ideal for baths, toilets, kitchens and dining rooms.
  • Made from travertine. When properly processed, the stone is durable and resistant to abrasion. A color card with a wide range of beige shades helps him make the room light, soft and cozy.
  • Made from onyx. This solution is less common. Mainly when implementing modern and unusual projects with floor lighting.

Methods for finishing the surface of a stone floor

At UniZaro you can order any type of stone floor treatment. We suggest paying special attention to our proprietary technologies, including:

  • “skin-like” texture;
  • “warm surface” without heating;
  • applying abrasion-resistant gold, silver, bronze gold leaf;
  • durable polishing with special impregnations that increase wear resistance;
  • 3D carving that allows you to create waves in separate areas gender;
  • velvety surface like sea pebbles.

In addition, we are proficient in all traditional surface finishing techniques: polishing, honing, antique aging, sanding, etc.

Prices for stone floors

UniZaro specialists will help you calculate how much a turnkey stone floor project will cost. The price is calculated individually based on:

  • selected material;
  • room area;
  • complexity of the drawing;
  • surface treatment technologies;
  • other circumstances.

The price of the material starts from 5,000 rubles. per m2 and can reach 20-30,000 rubles. Delivery, surface treatment, installation and other operations are paid separately. You can get more accurate information from our managers.

3 reasons to order natural stone floors from UniZaro

80% of clients who see our natural stone floors no longer go to look at the work of other companies. Another 10% return to us after the first two or three views of other people's products. Why? It's simple.

We have 20 years of development behind us. Note, not just work, but development. We have mastered advanced technologies from all over the world and created a portfolio of our own unique developments. Even leading companies in Europe and the USA will not offer you this!

We work with natural stone not as designers. More like artists with a work of art. Applied, but art.

Quality is the basis of our work, but we go further. Today we cannot improve our production process because we have the most advanced equipment that mankind has ever invented. But at the same time, we are still moving forward and offering finds with a twist - something that has not yet existed in the world before us. Our clients receive unique solutions that exist in a single copy and are created exclusively for them.

When choosing stone tiles for the floor, you need to be guided not only by personal preferences and stylistic features of the interior, but also by the operational features of the room. For exit areas (hallways and halls), the best option would be polished or matte granite. It is resistant to mechanical damage and other negative influences. Sand and other particles of pollution brought in from the street will not be too noticeable on the granite surface.

In terms of performance characteristics, granite floors are also well suited for kitchen areas. This stone is resistant (unlike marble) to food acids, strong detergents. Granite does not absorb coloring liquids and is easily cleaned of dirt. In wet rooms (bathtub, swimming pool) it is not advisable to use stone with a polished surface. To decorate the bedroom and living room, you can use any type of stone tiles that match the stylistic and color schemes of the interior.


Stone is one of the most unique creations of mother nature. Its incredible strength, durability and dazzling beauty of patterns allows us to use it today with almost no restrictions, both in the interior and in construction. Any design project using natural stone looks aesthetically pleasing, presentable and noble.

There is a huge selection of different breeds on the construction market. Each rock has its own characteristics and its own soul, which fills the space of our home, making it as comfortable and exclusive as possible.

Flooring with natural stone is a very important part in home renovation. Here it is necessary to take into account both the parameters of the room and its intended purpose. For example, for rooms with high traffic, you need to opt for natural stone with good wear resistance and strength. If the room is intended for festive events, then you can play with patterns and ornaments, since the color range of natural resources is very rich. Since the stone itself is cold, for small rooms, such as a kitchen, it is advisable to select a material with warm colors, and you can back it up with a “warm floor” system, then your feet will certainly be very comfortable and warm.

The most popular rocks for floor finishing are: marble, granite, travertine, slate, sandstone. Let's look at each type of floor stone separately and in great detail, so as to avoid making mistakes in making the right choice in the future.

Marble is a natural stone for flooring

IN Ancient Greece marble was called the “shining” stone. The most outstanding monuments of ancient architecture, such as the Temple of Zeus and the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, were built from this dazzlingly stunning gift of nature.

Marble is truly incredibly luxurious, thanks to its unique color and numerous positive quality properties that are inherent in it. The variegated color of natural stone is especially good. The incredible combination and mysterious interweaving of veins create a new and unique pattern every time.

This natural resource:

  • very resistant to any climatic changes,
  • lasting,
  • wear-resistant,
  • has a low water absorption coefficient,
  • due to its plasticity, it is easy to polish and grind,
  • Possessing porosity, it is able to breathe, creating a favorable indoor environment,
  • environmentally friendly material.

In ancient times, marble floors could be found in castles, courtyards, and in the homes of very rich people. Yes, it's expensive material, but it's really worth it. This element of grandeur and luxury will emphasize your good taste and solidity, and fill the room with an atmosphere of solemnity and reliability.

But, like any other material, this natural stone for the floor requires special attention to care for it. In order to save longer appearance marble floors, it must be subjected to additional treatment with a special solution that contains calcium. Thanks to this solution, it appears protective layer on the stone, which resists staining from accidental stains such as wine or ketchup.

Natural stone for flooring – granite

Granite is an igneous rock that plays an important role in the structure of the earth's crust. Geologists call this natural stone “the calling card of the Earth.”

Today, granite is very popular in construction and as a decorative element. And rightfully deserves the name “ business card» anyone who decided to make a choice in his favor. Granite has established itself as the most durable among natural stones. It is abrasion-resistant, durable, low waterproof, frost-resistant, and an environmentally friendly material. This natural stone is ideal for flooring in rooms with high humidity: swimming pools, baths, saunas.

The color of granite is so rich in color schemes that it helps to hold your gaze without taking your eyes off. These are the most varied shades of gray, green, red, with a lilac-pink tint.

Thanks to these qualities, granite allows designers to easily experiment, combining with different shades and creating new masterpieces.

A granite floor will highlight your image and reward you with centuries of service.

Travertine - antique stone floor

Travertine is a special natural resource created by nature. It is also called limestone tuff. This rock is formed through the process of precipitation of calcium carbonate from hot or cold carbon dioxide springs. In its structure, this material is characterized by a porous structure. The density of the stone ranges on average from 1400 to 1800 kg per cubic meter. The color scheme is mainly light, warm shades, from beige to light brown. This natural material There are also darker colors. For example, in Iran you can find red travertine.

Natural stone travertine has long occupied its niche in the construction industry. Thus, with light yellow Roman travertine, extracted from the Sabini Mountains, one of the greatest and grandiose structures was built - the Colosseum, which has stood for more than two thousand years.

Today, this natural resource is increasingly and more readily used as a decorative material for interior finishing work.

The main qualities that this stone has are environmental friendliness, strength, moisture resistance and resistance to temperature changes, as well as to various mechanical influences.

Please note that when choosing this natural stone for the floor, you don’t have to worry that its surface will quickly wear off, since this natural material is resistant to abrasion and can withstand heavy loads.

Why should you choose travertine after exploring other types of flooring stones? The answer is simple. This stone is beautiful, warm and very easy to care for. A stone floor made from this beautiful material will fill your room with harmony and perfection.

Slate - a gift from nature

Slate is a stone with a unique layered texture and unusual design, formed as a result of sedimentation of silt to the bottom of the sea under water pressure. In the old days, these exfoliated plates were used to cover windows in houses.

There are two types of slate:

  • Crystal.
  • Clayey.

Crystalline slate is found mainly dark shades gray, black, dark green. Clay shale is warmer in color with a reddish tone.

This natural material has a number of positive properties:

  • UV resistant
  • frost-resistant
  • durable
  • high rates of heat and sound insulation
  • low moisture absorption
  • not slippery
  • wear-resistant

Currently, this natural resource finds itself in interior and exterior decoration. They decorate walls, fireplaces, and this natural stone is also used for flooring.

Using this natural stone for the floor, the surface takes on a noble and unusual appearance. It goes well with parquet and laminate, which in turn gives designers the opportunity to create a unique interior.

Natural stone for flooring – sandstone

Sandstone is the golden mean between granite and limestone. This sedimentary rock is very durable, does not absorb moisture, withstands temperature changes well, and is practically indestructible.

The color palette of natural stone includes all the colors of the rainbow, from white to black.

Sandstone has proven itself well as a finishing element. This natural stone for the floor is amazing if the interior is decorated in an antique style. Although it is much easier to work with than other types of stones, it is strong competitor and is not inferior to others in beauty and technical qualities.

With the right daily care, a floor made of natural sandstone stone will last you for decades.

In BC and today, the stone has always been popular, causing positive emotions and was associated with luxury, prosperity, nobility. It is beautiful even without decorations, because it is the only one of its kind and you will not find another identical stone. They are all different, but they have one thing in common at all times - the tradition of creating art. Whatever stone you choose for the floor, it will always be an exclusive masterpiece created by nature and man.

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