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Care for extended nails with gel: the secrets of the masters. Caring for extended nails at home Proper care for extended nails

Our nails are an extension of our skin. Of course, they are denser and harder, and are not as susceptible to various aggressive external factors as, say, the skin of the face or hands. But at the same time, the problem with the health of nails is quite common today. , be thin, brittle, brittle, and even have an unpleasant tint.

Achievements of cosmetology do not stand in one place. Extended nails today are a solution to several problems in one fell swoop. You get a neat manicure, beautiful, long, well-groomed nails. And it doesn't need a daily update!

Of course, artificial nails will not cause such problems as their own. But in order to preserve the original beauty of extended nails for a longer period (more than 7-10 days), artificial nails also need to be cared for.

The essence care for extended nails- knowledge and implementation of several simple rules that will help maintain the accuracy of the manicure.

Caring for extended nails at home.

  • Rule 1. Remember to be careful.

Of course, artificial nails are several times stronger than natural ones. But this does not mean at all that they can be gnawed, or habitually tapped on the table at a moment of deep thought.

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With constant mechanical stress, the nail can crack, or even break completely, which threatens with unplanned correction. In addition, if you handle it carelessly, you can injure your own nail, which will turn out to be very painful.

To avoid this, you should avoid sudden hand movements. Especially in the first days after nail extension, avoid extreme temperature changes (eg hot and cold water). You should also be careful when visiting the pool and sauna.

  • Rule 2. Correction of nails at home.

Professional nail correction is usually carried out every three weeks. But during this time, there is often a desire to correct the shape of the free edge of the nail.

For this, in no case should you use scissors or nippers. Metal files for home nail correction are also not suitable. To correct nails, you can use a 100 to 100 ambrasivity file. Gel nails can be easily corrected with such a file.

  • Rule 3. Manicure at home.

If at home you decide to wipe off the varnish and apply a new one, you must use products that do not contain acetone to remove varnish from extended nails. Acetone tends to soften artificial materials, which leads to unwanted brittleness and susceptibility to mechanical damage to the nail.

Home manicure varnish should be of high quality. The applied varnish layer cannot be thick. Otherwise, the breathing of your own nail will be disrupted.

Nail polish should also be free of harmful chemicals that destroy the artificial nail material. And of course, any varnish chosen should have a normal shelf life. It is advisable that the composition of the varnish you have chosen includes gel or acrylic.

  • Rule 4. Timely correction.

V care for extended nails timely professional correction is also important. Your the wizard will determine the individual correction frequency.

During the correction, the master will strengthen the regrown nail, correct the shape of the artificial material. If you wish, during the correction, you can change the shape of the nail or their "color".

  • Rule 5. Cuticle care.

And the last thing - even with extended nails, do not forget about the full-fledged one. For this, fortified oils or gels recommended by your personal care professional may be suitable.

As you can see, proper care of extended nails is not difficult at all. The main thing is to handle your nails carefully, and do not forget that they also need, albeit basic, but your care and attention.

Any girl dreams of having perfect long nails. And today the dream can be easily realized with the help of gel nail extension. But in order for the claws to always look great, you need to know the rules. Gel nail care:

Rules for the care of extended nails

Immediately after building

Extension nails are treated in the first 24 hours. During the day after the procedure, hands must not be wet. And also it is forbidden to visit baths and saunas. The fact is that the marigolds have not yet grown stronger and are extremely susceptible to damage.

The first few days, you should not strongly trump your nails, for example, knock them on the table. Indeed, at first, a manicure can be easily broken. Do not worry, you do not have to constantly monitor your hands, but 2-3 days after the procedure, you should still be careful.

Gel manicure and water

Water and chemicals are detrimental to gel manicure. Therefore, you need to make it a rule to do housework exclusively with protective gloves.

If you took hand baths before extending your nails, unfortunately, you will have to give up these procedures. But this is not a problem either, because a caring procedure can be easily replaced with a fortified lotion or cream.

Important! Gel nails do not tolerate acetone, so you should choose nail polish removers with this feature in mind.

Manicure correction

Over time, the nails will need adjustments in length and shape. You can of course use the salon services. But since a native nail tends to grow quickly, it is better to learn how to put gel nails in order on their own.

Ask the master how to properly care for extended nails, ask for help in choosing manicure accessories. After all, a tool for caring for your own nails: metal files, nippers, scissors, are completely unsuitable for gel manicure. Basically, all you need to keep the artificial claws in order is a special file and polishers.

Gel nails are very durable, but this is not at all a reason to test it. Be careful and remember that the artificial nail is not glued, but literally soldered into the native nail plate.

Remove cuticles in time. To soften rough skin, it is not prohibited to use emollient essential oils. Also, oil the area around the nail to avoid burrs. If the cuticle grows back too quickly, you can use agents that slow down its growth.

Use only high quality varnishes designed specifically for extended nails. And also when buying a varnish, pay attention to the expiration date of the product. Expired goods can seriously harm your manicure.

It is necessary to visit the nail salon every 3 weeks. The fact is that during this period of time, the native nail grows quite strongly. The manicure begins to look unaesthetic and, moreover, becomes quite vulnerable. The master will fill the voids with material, and the manicure will again look well-groomed and beautiful.

Forget about hardware manicure. After it, artificial nails become unnecessarily brittle and weak.

If suddenly the nail is damaged or broken off, you should not try to reanimate it yourself. In this case, you only need to contact a specialist. In salon conditions, extended nails are removed using special solutions, and the whole procedure takes no more than an hour. By doing this on your own, you can severely damage the native nail plate, to the point that medical intervention may be required. Therefore, it is better not to risk it and go to a professional for help.

Coloring gel nails at home

When painting gel nails, you just need to use a base for varnish. The fact is that the gel tends to stain. And in order not to get the effect of dirty nails later, be sure to use a neutral base under the varnish.

To prevent the artificial nail from beginning to resemble a "bird's claw", do not abuse frequent staining. There is no need to replace the varnish every day; this can cause the artificial nail to curl up. On gel nails, the varnish lasts long enough, so one painting a week will be enough.

What cannot be avoided?

No matter how beautiful the extended marigolds look, they will have to be removed at a certain time. The gel nails are removed once every two years, after which the nail plate is allowed to rest for 3 months.

After the elimination of artificial claws, procedures are carried out to restore and rehabilitate the nail plate. Your specialist will advise you on special oils, healing gels and creams.

It might seem like caring for gel nails is a bit tricky. Although in fact, for beautiful nails to serve you for a long time, it is enough to be neat and correct in time.

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Caring for extended nails with gel is necessary, because this is the only way to keep the manicure in perfect condition for a long time. Artificial nails are very different from natural ones, therefore, it is necessary to maintain their beauty in other ways. Caring for such nails begins with following the recommendations of the masters even before the extension procedure.

With the development of the nail industry, many women have had the opportunity to make dreams of long, healthy and beautiful nails a reality. Gel build-up solved problems such as fragility and slow growth of the nail plate. This unique procedure gives the fair sex a stylish manicure with a long-lasting effect.

Advantages of gel build-up

Gel nail extension is the most advanced technology in the world of manicure. This technique is absolutely safe and has won many female fans in a short time. The reason for this popularity is easy to understand if you familiarize yourself with the advantages of this procedure:

Preparatory care before the procedure

Before the procedure for modeling nails with gel, you must visit a nail master to ensure that your nails are properly cared for. 3 days before the extension, it is required to process the nails using a classic or European manicure. The nails need to be shaped and the excess cuticle removed. Then the artificial nails will look neat and well-groomed.

If you are going to visit a nail extension specialist soon, stop using oils and greasy creams on your hands. The nail plate abundantly absorbs oil-containing agents, as well as oily textures. This will prevent the artificial nail from adhering firmly to the natural one. For the same reason, you should avoid oil manicure, paraffin therapy and other "sealing" procedures.

Artificial nail care

Artificial nail care begins immediately after the end of the procedure. Within the first 24 hours, the preparations used for building up complete the polymerization process. That is why the first day is the most important. At this time, the nails must be carefully protected, moisture and mechanical damage must be avoided. When the polymerization is over, the material will become much more durable and will not be as susceptible to external influences.

Acetone is the most harmful for extended nails. It leads to the destruction of the structure of the artificial nail plate, therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use products containing this component in the composition. If desired, you can remove nail polish with a liquid without acetone.

Forget about using scissors. It is possible to correct the shape and length of the artificial nail only with a file. The grown nails are much denser than natural ones, therefore the harm from scissors is more noticeable. This tool leads to mechanical damage to the nails and the appearance of cracks, which can provoke brittleness.

To keep your nails in top condition, you need to regularly clean out the dirt that accumulates under your long nails. To do this, it is absolutely impossible to use toothpicks and other unsuitable items. They can easily cause damage and provoke detachment of the extended nail from the natural one. This can lead to infection. Use only soft brushes, soap and water to clean your nails.

Supportive care

Some time after manicure and building, you can meet with such an unpleasant phenomenon as regrowth of the cuticle. The manicure no longer looks so neat and tidy, and if you start this process, the nails will look sloppy. This problem is not difficult to solve. Regularly apply cuticle oils and creams that slow down cuticle growth.

Don't forget about timely correction. When a natural nail grows back, it is necessary to fill the formed empty area with material. The time period from the extension procedure to the correction is always individual. It is determined by the growth rate of the natural nail plate. On average, correction is required after 3-4 weeks.

It often happens that her nails, which Mother Nature has endowed us with, do not cause much delight, the reasons can be very different - too brittle, which do not grow to the required length, the shape of the nail plate or some other reason does not suit. Fortunately, now all this can be easily corrected, one of the ways out of this folded position is with extended nails. Here you can give free rein to your imagination - any shape you like, any length - whatever you want. And if you often change your image and wardrobe clothes, then in this case it is quite difficult to guess which manicure is suitable in this or that case, and it is the French manicure that is intended to solve this dilemma. Beauty salon "Mango", and in particular professional manicurists will perform french in the best way, and this discreet, but at the same time elegant and very popular manicure in our country will look perfect.

In order for your new nails to always look fresh and natural, it is necessary to take proper care of them and this, of course, applies not only to timely correction by a specialist, but also to other effective methods. We will talk about what kind of care is needed for certain nails, what varnishes to choose and what means to remove it. Similar articles

How to properly care for extended nails? BASIC CARE RULES


One of the main rules for caring for nails, no matter gel or acrylic, is caution and safety, namely, frequent stress on nails, sudden movements and so on should be avoided, of course, extended nails are much stronger than our natural ones, but you still need to be more careful. After all, this effect has a detrimental effect on the plate itself, the nail cracks and at the most inopportune moment can lead to serious injuries to the healthy nail. The same applies to a sharp temperature drop, especially in the first days after building. For example, visiting the pool or bath is contraindicated on these days. Hands should be washed with warm water and it is better to avoid contact with aggressive detergents; it is recommended to use gloves during cleaning, because they will not only protect your nails, but also the skin of your hands.


Professional correction of extended nails must be carried out at least 1 time in 20 days, however, it should be borne in mind that before this time the free edge of the nail is often erased in some way and it must be corrected, this procedure is carried out using a file, and a special one. In this case, it is contraindicated to use sharp objects for edged manicure, as well as metal nail files. An abrasive file 100 * 100 is perfect.


To begin with, it should be noted that the varnish should be washed with special nail polish removers, which are designed specifically for extended nails that do not contain acetone, since it is acetone that is able to soften the nail, which becomes brittle. After the varnish is removed, you need to choose a high-quality new coating. After you have chosen a shade, you should carefully apply a thin even layer, a thick layer is unacceptable, as it interferes with the breathing of your own nail.


So, now let's talk about caring for the cuticle. Of course, if you have it growing rapidly, then you need to use special means that slow down growth. To soften it and thereby improve its appearance, you need to use special emollient oils that can be enriched with vitamins. In addition, these funds have a beneficial effect on the growth of your own nail, as they are rubbed into the base of the nail. The frequency of rubbing in - several times a week, as a rule with the help of massage movements - light massage improves the blood supply to the nails.


Of course, the professional correction of extended nails, done on time, is very important, here the master updates the shape of the nail plate, and if you wish, you can immediately change it, the nail itself at the base is corrected, whether it be acrylic or gel, and the nails are varnished or designed in a designer way. ...

A woman's hands are her calling card. Manicure must be flawless, nails well-groomed and neat. Today, one of the most popular ways to make marigolds beautiful is to build them up. But extended nails require special care.

Specialist recommendations for the care of extended nails

The longevity and beauty of extended nails depends on caring for them. From time to time you need to visit a manicurist, but you can also take care of your nails at home.

  1. Avoid contrasting hot and cold water. With such a sharp change in temperature, the structure of the material becomes more fragile, which leads to cracks or breakage of the nail. It is also better to refuse from a long stay in the pool or bath, as the nail is steaming and becomes very fragile. It may take several days to recover, during which it is not recommended to expose the marigolds to stress and physical tests.
  2. Use only high quality gel or acrylic nail polish. At the same time, keep an eye on their expiration date. And remove the old layer of varnish with a product without acetone, otherwise the structure of the nail will soften and become very sensitive to damage, it will lose its strength properties.
  3. Do not tap your nails on a hard surface in the first few days after building up - this can lead to the appearance of small cracks, and subsequently to nail breakage.
  4. Use rubber gloves when cleaning and washing dishes. This will help protect the extended nails from the negative effects of chemicals.
  5. Carefully select procedures for the skin of the hands and nails, since not all are suitable for extended nails. For example, baths with salt or lemon juice destroy the structure of an artificial nail, and the steaming procedure itself has a negative effect on the gel. Therefore, it is better to give preference to nourishing oils and special creams for the skin of the hands and cuticles, which are applied several times a week. Attention! If you notice that the cuticle has started to grow too quickly, be sure to use a means to slow down its growth.
  6. Once every three weeks, there is a need for nail correction at the manicurist - covering the overgrown part of the nail, removing the cuticle, possibly correcting the shape of the nail, repainting, and so on. But even at home it sometimes becomes necessary to correct the shape of the nail. This cannot be done with metal manicure accessories, it is better to use a file with an abrasive coating 100 to 100, special grinders for artificial nails.
  7. When cooking, use a grater and knife with care so as not to cut off a piece of the nail.
  8. Forget about manicure machines while wearing artificial nails, this can lead to irreparable damage and unplanned correction in the salon.
  9. When peeling a nail, you cannot try to fix this problem at home on your own, as there is a risk of damaging the nail plate, because the material is very firmly "soldered" to the native nail. You must immediately contact a nail modeling master.
  10. Before painting your nails, remember to apply a layer of a special product to protect the gel from painting. Also, do not repaint your nails every day, this will ruin the appearance of artificial nails.
  11. Take special care of the cuticle: it needs to be nourished and moisturized with oils, and when it grows back, it must be carefully removed with a remover.

Nail strengthening procedure

Since the baths are contraindicated for artificial nails, and the handles need nutrition and strengthening, purchase fortified hand creams and lotions, herbal oil products that are applied to the cuticle. It is necessary to apply the funds on dry, clean skin of the hands with massage movements, after which you can put on special gloves for a while. Remember to clean your nails regularly with an orange stick.

Remember! Artificial nails are not glued to relatives, but practically became their continuation. Therefore, you need to treat them like relatives - not subject to stress, physical tests. Indeed, when applying the material during the extension procedure, the native nail plate is sanded, which makes it thinner, so any damage to the artificial nail can damage the native one. Of course, the grown ones are much stronger than the real ones, but they are not eternal either, they require careful attitude and proper care. And if you follow all the rules, then your manicure will retain its impeccable look for a long time.

Video: how to care for extended nails