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Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day. Congratulations to civil aviation workers Congratulations on Aviation Day in prose

Thanks to you, we fly under the clouds,
And we admire the earth from above,
Guys, we are proud of you
Civil aviation is an honor and praise.
We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday,
Let all your cherished dreams come true,
We wish you good luck, joy, luck,
Wisdom and good mood.

All heights are subject to civil aviation,
And you don’t care about any distances,
It's like you're sailing on an airship,
Moreover, you overtake all the birds.
Please accept my sincere congratulations,
We wish you good luck, success, inspiration,
May the takeoff be smooth and beautiful,
And the landing is soft and happy.

You raise the silvery colossus high,
You deliver us to any part of the world,
You guarantee us complete safety,
Civil aviation is honored and praised.
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
We just don’t know what we would do without you,
Always be happy in everything
Let your home be a full cup.

You fly above the clouds
You know the air route by heart,
In the sky we are always comfortable and calm,
You provide the romance of flights in full.
IN professional holiday please accept congratulations,
We wish you good luck, endurance, patience,
May God always give you an easy landing,
Let your family always wait impatiently at home.

Congratulations to brave pilots and beautiful flight attendants,
We wish you great happiness in life,
May all your plans come true without fail.
In your personal life, let everything be excellent.
Have safe flights, success and goodness,
To make today better than yesterday,
Let every day turn into a holiday,
May the bird of happiness fly often.

Praise and honor to all civil aviation workers,
Your merits, of course, cannot be counted,
You provide us with safe flights,
We wish you joy, good luck and success in everything.
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
We wish you good health and prosperity,
Let flying bring you inspiration.
And personal life is just pleasure.

Today is civil aviation day, congratulations.
We wish you a long and happy life.
In everything, success to you, joy, goodness,
May fate reward you fully.
May you always be lucky in everything,
Let your home be a full cup,
Let hope, faith and love not leave you,
May the Lord protect you from troubles.

Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day! This is a holiday of kind, wise, valiant and brave people who know how to never give up. Civil aviation is simply irreplaceable, because regularly thousands, millions of people rush to get from one point of the planet to another, and it is you who help them get to their goal. With all my heart I want to wish you health, family happiness, cheerful interesting life, patience and many bright moments! Let everything be just wonderful, and let every flight go without a hitch! I wish you to visit all countries of the world, enjoy authority and respect among your colleagues, be able to win and strive for the best!

Today is the day of those who, daily conquering the sky, pave the way for all other people along this blue endless bridge. We wish you only summer weather, only a clear corridor. Let your personal life be as bright as on the summer's day.

The heavens are so close, we fly as softly as we sail... And all thanks to the engineers who created aviation, as well as its workers, who know literally everything about it! Happy Civil Aviation Day! May each of your flights be characterized by success, and may long and short air distances be easily overcome!

For dreamers - the road to heaven! Carry cargo, travelers... The main thing is to fly and that everything goes well! Please accept my congratulations on Civil Aviation Day and wishes that the air route be correct, communications with the ground regular, and landing weightless!

The skies are as transparent as glass, but even there there are boundaries and roads, many rules, without which one cannot rise into the air on a silver wing! On Civil Aviation Day, I want to tell you a small compliment that you know all this like no one else, and also that the uniform suits you very well... Please accept my congratulations and best wishes!

Civil Aviation Day is not just a holiday. This is a holiday for those who are associated with the most interesting transport - airplanes. What a miracle it is to watch a beautiful steel silver bird gain altitude, and how nice it is to watch the clouds from the airplane window... A real miracle! And I congratulate you, as a person directly involved in aviation, on your professional holiday! I want to wish you smooth takeoffs and soft landings. I want to wish you to always enjoy your very necessary and madly interesting work! I would like to wish you that all your dreams come true as easily as a plane takes off from the ground! Happy holiday to you! Happy Civil Aviation Day!

Happy Civil Aviation Day! Why do we need bird wings when we have airplanes? Let's fly above the clouds! Even if air traffic entangles the entire globe on invisible roads, you know exactly where to head and believe in a successful flight, and I wish you good aviation accompaniment and great luck!

Today is the holiday of those in the sky - Civil Aviation Day. Every worker in this industry is a true professional, it cannot be otherwise. Thank you for allowing people to fly. Because we feel comfortable and calm in the sky. Your job is not only the romance of flying, but also a huge responsibility. Clear skies, summer weather and all sorts of blessings!

A man's dream has come true! You can fly like a bird and even with greater comfort, curled up at the window and listening to the peaceful noise of the engines... On Civil Aviation Day, I congratulate you, thanking you for your excellent work, thanks to which we can fly under the very clouds, I wish you all the best!

Today, our dear high-flying eagles, is your day! Congratulations on Air Force Day. We wish you to grow stronger every day. Overcome all difficulties and obstacles on your way only with a smile on your face. And at the same time, never look back, go only forward, confidently and proudly! After all, you are doing a great job. We wish you unwavering health and a hundred years of life. And so that everything at home with your family and friends is as good as it is with you! After all, you are our pride, the pride of the country and people! Our defenders and support! We are proud of you! May everything go well in your life. ©


The whole country, including us, would like to congratulate you on Air Force Day! Thank you for protecting us both in heaven and on earth! We want to tell you that without you, our country would have collapsed! Without you, our heroes, we would not have achieved what we have now! You are the real heroes of our time! May everything go well in your life! After all, you deserve the most beautiful life in every sense of the word. You are the legends that your grandchildren will tell with pride and admiration in decades to come! Don't look for happiness, it will find you on its own. May only your Guardian Angels always be with you! ©


You, our hero. We hasten to congratulate you on Air Force Day today. We want to tell you that you have chosen not just a profession, you have chosen the life of a courageous hero and brave man! You easily conquer women's hearts, tame powerful cars, achieve good results and ensure prosperity in the house! In the family circle you always remain warm, kind and loving person! Know that you are always loved, many are proud and admired of you! So let your professional holiday bring you strength, courage, patience and bravery on this day! After all, to overcome such a profession means to have a strong core and a strong heart! Happy holiday. ©


On Air Force Day, I simply cannot help but congratulate you. I can’t help but wish you the most beautiful things. The brightest and most wonderful. I probably can’t even imagine how much energy your work takes from you! How brave you have to be to work in such a profession for so long! Well, all we can do is admire you! Life may be harsh at times, but be strong. And quickly discover a reliable path for yourself. Learn not to survive, but to live, always go forward, always be friends with luck and try to catch your bird of happiness! Good health to you! Always achieve your goals and move forward confidently! ©


Once, a wise man told me that the military profession takes away from a person not only his strength and nerves, but also his dream! Because you are making someone else's dream come true. Brother, I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday, Air Force Day. And I wish you, first of all, good health so that it will last until your great-grandchildren! A dream, your dream that you will make come true! Good luck, so that she will always be by your side and give a hand in difficulties. Perseverance, achieve everything you set your mind to, no matter what gets in the way. And of course, happiness, because without it life is not very good! Happy holiday! ©


On Air Force Day, I am happy to offer my congratulations to a wonderful man who has been in this profession for many years and has given a lot to it. I wish your life to be as bright as a clear sunny day, full as a glass of champagne, cloudless as the sky over the desert. And let the lights of hope always shine in the windows of your friends and family, like the stars in the night sky. Be healthy, happy and lucky! And then everything in life will turn out exactly the way you want it! After all, you need to think not only about others, but also at least a little about yourself! ©


Today, when the whole country celebrates Air Force Day, I would like to congratulate you as brightly as possible! After all, you’ve been in this profession for a long time, you know a lot about heaven. You learned to be calm where others would have already died of fear. You have learned to live in a way that others could not! So you deserve the most generous congratulations. May life generously reward you for your exploits! After all, you are the brave man that many people talk about! May God grant you to live to so many years that it would be impossible to count them! God bless you with excellent health! May God give you always plenty to eat and drink! Always love your wife. After all, yours is golden! And may God always protect you! ©

Congratulations on Air Force Day: SMS | In verse

Since the time of the brave Icarus, many young children have dreamed of flying and the sky. But only the bravest guys become the pride of the country's air force. We must always remember that the air force is the honor, pride and valor of our army. On our website you will find beautiful Happy Air Force Day. It will certainly contain not only words of gratitude for the clear sky, but also sincere admiration for the courage and bravery of the heroes. Wish the guys good, heroic health, only training flights, no falls, more joy and smiles on the faces of loved ones. These simple words are very important, because in the life of a defender there is little room for celebration and romance. So, on this special holiday for him, let us be especially gentle and affectionate with our defenders.

Choose the best and most suitable option and please your loved ones and acquaintances, give them positive emotions and happiness. Wherever the air force soldier is on this holiday, at home, at work, at the helm, he should receive congratulations. Do it verbally, write a letter, send a postcard or SMS. There are many ways and they are all equally good, because your sincerity is important. Beautiful prose can melt the heart of even a seasoned warrior. The main thing is that the lines are filled with sincerity and deep respect. Let the soldiers know that we appreciate their work, their vigilance and courage, that without them our life would not be so carefree and calm. Honor and praise to the courageous warriors and our defenders!

Prose Happy Air Force Day

Happy Air Force Day! We wish you, our courageous defenders, calm cloudless skies and a light tailwind! Let the wings of your planes boldly cut through the air, taking you to new heights. Let the helm obey your hands with ease, allowing you to hone old maneuvers and conquer new ones. We wish you to always be in control of the situation: both on board and in your personal life!

Today we proudly celebrate the day of the heavenly defenders of Russia, the Day of the Air Force! The strongest and most courageous, we are confident that as long as you protect the sky of our Motherland, we can fall asleep without anxiety. Thank you for your loyalty to service and courage! We sincerely wish you health, luck, true true friends, loving and devoted wives, and, of course, cloudless, peaceful skies!

Brave conquerors of heavenly space, our defenders and pride, we congratulate you on your professional holiday! For us, you are the standard of courage and pride of the Air Force! Low bow to you for peaceful sky and safety! We wish you earthly happiness, success and many easy flights! Let your life be cloudless and exciting, like every flight made on a clear day! Happy Air Force Day!

On this blessed holiday, with great feeling we give all the defenders of the safe sky above our heads human gratitude and low bow! May your life and service be illuminated with joyful achievements and may luck always be true! We are proud of your courage and valor, may there always be a place in your heart for future victories in the sky and in your personal life. We honor you today, our heroes!

Please accept our warmest congratulations on Air Force Day! You are the pride and glory of a great country, the guardians of the peaceful sky above our heads. You are the “aerobatics” of our army! We never tire of admiring your courage and wish you never know wars and sorrows. Let the sky greet you only with a gentle, cloudless blue, and all flights invariably end with a soft landing!

For more than 100 years, our country has been proud of its air force. We wish them success in the difficult task of protecting the skies over our large country, as well as beyond its borders. Your daily heroism is our pride!

On this holiday, we congratulate the defenders of the homeland who guard the country's air borders. Air Fleet Day Russia - holiday with a 103-year history. It was on this day, August 12, 1912, that Emperor Nicholas II ordered the creation of the first aviation fleet, which later became known as the Russian Air Force. To this day, the Air Force plays one of the main roles in protecting the peace and quiet sky above the heads of its fellow citizens.

My dear pilot, congratulations, because today is your holiday! I wish you many more years to fly, peace and quiet for people. You are our pride and protection, our glorious fighters. Continue to protect the open spaces of our country. I wish you not to grow old for a long time, to remain healthy and vigorous, so that you can be cheerful, mischievous, and most importantly: peace and quiet! We can sleep peacefully as long as there are guys like this in the Air Force!

Good day! Today, December 7, is the professional holiday of people in love with the blue sky: crew commanders, aircraft drivers, signalmen, mechanics, tankers, duty officers, dispatchers and many, the stable functioning of the economy is unthinkable for the lives of millions of people.

Only by air transport is it possible to cover enormous distances in the shortest possible time. International Civil Aviation Day has been celebrated for twenty years and anyone can travel from one country to another, as it is fast, comfortable and safe.

If your family or friends work in civil aviation, do not forget to congratulate them with poems, SMS or words of respect in prose using our website.

Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day in verse

Congratulations, friends,
Happy Civil Aviation Day.
And even though I didn’t write the words,
But this is what I needed.

After all, I hasten to congratulate you,
And wish you blue skies.
May it be easy for you to fly,
And there will be sweet bliss in life.

Well, that's probably all I've said,
I'll add something else,
a couple for you kind words I still gave
On this day, December 7th.

On Civil Aviation Day I will say,
Congratulations to everyone who flies in the sky.
I will hasten to wish them happiness,
Let life be easy for them.

Let the clouds seem closer to them,
Let their flight pass without any incidents.
Let the sky love them more,
Well, let the earth wait, cherish, cherish.

May their loved ones love them from the heart,
Let them never know grief in life.
May their flight not disappoint them,
Well, isn't it better wishes are there?

The site Find out more helped me,
Collect good words.
Otherwise, I probably couldn’t do it myself,
And I'm tired of collecting the same things.

Today I congratulated all my friends,
Poems for relatives and just pilots.
Find out more whispers to me: don’t be shy,
And I read a verse from there at the big table.

I congratulated everyone on Aviation Day easily,
This holiday is so good!
So, if you are suddenly far from Pushkin,
You will find congratulations on this site.

We congratulate the pilots today,
And all those who tied fate with heaven.
The day of civil aviation has come
And I wrote lines of wishes.

I wish them everything, more
May the sky always be kind.
So that trouble doesn't touch you anymore,
A good star was shining along the way.

Let today's moment be magical,
May your holiday be remembered forever.
So that the sky is only endless,
And the joy is nearby, which every person craves.

The modern rhythm of life without “iron birds” is unthinkable,
Each of your flights is always meaningful,
Aviator - moving only forward,
May you always be lucky in everything.
Russian pilots, never lose heart,
We wish that heights were the stimulus of life,
I wish you good health, joy, goodness,
All the best, family warmth.

Civil aviation of Russia - honor and praise,
We always wish you peaceful victories,
Let your work bring you inspiration,
And, of course, a worthy reward.
We congratulate you on this holiday from the bottom of our hearts,
May all your dreams certainly come true,
All the best to you, joy, good luck,
And a wonderful mood to boot.

Russian Aviation Day,
A holiday of kind, courageous people,
Your flights are comfortable and beautiful,
Are you a fan of supersonic speeds?
On your professional holiday, please accept congratulations,
Always live in happiness and joy,
We wish you success in everything,
So that all obstacles don’t matter.

You confidently conquer the skies,
And look at the earth from above,
The stimulus of life for you is height,
You are worthy only of admiration.
Congratulations on Russian Civil Aviation Day,
We wish you long and happy years,
We wish you easy takeoffs and soft landings,
Let reliable friends surround you.

Beautiful silver bird
It rushes through the air easily and quickly,
Steel car, you control it easily,
You conquer the sky with courage.
Today is Russian Aviation Day, congratulations,
We wish you joy, good luck, patience,
Let your every day turn into a holiday,
We wish all your dreams to come true.

SMS congratulations on Civil Aviation Day

Aviators of the country
We proudly congratulate you!
We wish you happiness, blue skies,
And also health and miracles in life!

Why be sad - today is your holiday,
You are the captain of heaven, not of earth!
Don't let the heights scare you, friend.
And you will never need a “life preserver”!

Under blue skies
My dear, you are always circling!
Happy Aviator Day, I congratulate you
And on earth I am always waiting for you!

Spreading its wings, the plane rose up,
You are at the helm, boldly pressing the buttons.
You are cheerful and brave in the sky every day,
Don’t give in to panic and weather tricks!

Pilots are like birds
They tear the sky with their wings!
We are proud of you -
In heaven you are brave!

WITH International Day civil aviation, we congratulate those who bravely fly airplanes and provide fast and safe communications with different points of the Earth! We wish you to always remain devoted to your favorite work, cope with any difficulties and be “at your best”!

WITH International holiday civil aviation
Congratulations to aviators of any qualification!
We wish you peace and comfort in a clear, bright sky,
So that the best lot befalls you from a generous fate,
So that love and inspiration always inspire,
So that your loved ones on earth are waiting for you all!

Congratulations to the pilots, dispatchers and all service personnel on their professional holiday - International Civil Aviation Day! We thank you all for your qualified work and wish you happiness, success, career ups and victories!

International Day has arrived
Civil aviation!
We give the pilots a salute,
Like compensation

We will dedicate toasts
To the valiant heroes!
May their glorious plane
Will soar into the sky again,

Let the runway
Beckons with lights,
And from grief may the Lord
Protects you!

Congratulations to pilots, flight attendants, technical staff and everyone who takes part in the continuous operation of air communications on International Civil Aviation Day! May the runway always lead you to success and return you safely home to your family and friends!

Cool congratulations on Civil Aviation Day in verse and prose

Happy Civil Aviation Day!
Acacia trees bloom for you in spring
And fireworks go off,
Minutes sparkle with smiles!

Let the young flight attendants
You are surrounded like princesses
And your flight will be smooth,
The soul sings with joy!

Let the sky beckon with beauty,
There will be no rain or snow in it,
But only the bright light of the sun
Prophesies you for decades!

Happy Civil Aviation Day!
Happy calendar day!
Let the situation not happen
When the Earth does not accept you!

Let the flights be smooth,
And let the heavens not be naughty,
And let the planes be in good order
Flying from point A to point B!

Aviator is great!
This is heaven, happiness, light,
Life rediscovered!
This is the wind roaring in response!
This day is Aviation Day
I will only say good things:
Joy, good luck, brothers, to you,
Let everything be within your reach!

Who knows firsthand,
What is an airplane?
The heart skips a beat,
The heart asks to fly!

We cordially congratulate you,
We give tender words!
And we sincerely wish you,
Lots of happiness and goodness!

That's why aviation -
What flies high!
That's why airliners -
To float across the sky.
That's why they are pilots -
Draw strokes across the sky.
That's why flight attendants
So that in the blue sky
They served us
And they were pleasing to the eye.
And let the applause thunder
In honor of our aviation!

An aviator is always moving only forward, only upward, to new heights and achievements! Anyone who has ever risen into the sky and flown over the earth does not want to come down! This is the peculiarity of aviation, its stronghold and everyday work. Therefore, I wish you never to fall – neither in spirit nor in heart! Love your job and devote yourself completely to it! But at the same time - and appreciate the land that gave us the platform to take off, and where our family and friends live! When going up, don’t forget about the roots and that below you are always waiting! Successful starts and equally successful landings! May your homes always be warm and your faces glow with smiles!

Congratulations to flight attendants on Civil Aviation Day

Let you not turn the helm,
Let you not conquer heights -
A lot depends on you, my friend:
Who gives shortcuts to passengers?
Who dreams of peace while flying?
You think, guess; in the meantime,
I hope it’s possible for me, the flight attendant,
Shall I congratulate you on Civil Aviation Day?

In flight you are no less than the pilots,
Keep an eye on our safety!
And our comfort is always your job!
You don’t rest or sleep the entire flight.

You will enter the salon smiling beautifully,
Adjust the belt according to the instructions,
Today passengers congratulate
Happy Aviation Day to you, my friend!

Spend every day flying
You fly in the sky above the birds.
In such a responsible job
You warmly greet hundreds of faces.
So let you in your personal life
You'll definitely be lucky.
Let the flight fly perfectly
Your white-winged plane.

May you still be in flight today,
And there’s no time to celebrate yet.
The pilots will report from the cockpit,
That Civil Aviation Day has arrived!

The passengers will all congratulate you,
They will say grateful words!
After all, your merits cannot be diminished -
You are always happy to help!

Congratulations to the pilot on Civil Aviation Day

There is a silver airliner in the sky again.

Happy Civil Aviation Day, hurray!

Be the pilot rich and happy,

The rest of life is tinsel.

The car rushes along the runway,

So it is for you in life - all the paths are straight.

And we wish you Civil Aviation Day

Celebrate joyfully, in Russian, for three.

Fly with Aeroflot planes.

It’s a great slogan, and it’s been familiar since childhood.

We congratulate you on Civil Aviation Day

Those who are without heaven are like without a spark in their heart.

Civil Aviation Day is a holiday of true men.

I hasten to congratulate you, son of the blue sky.

I wish everyone luck to take care of their flight,

Happiness in the most personal sense and in the heights of the profession.

Civil aviation pilot - how proud the title sounds.

I congratulate you on your beautiful profession day from the bottom of my heart.

I wish you prospects and growth, calm takeoffs and landings,

Let heaven be the main goal, and let the earthly world be loved and sweet.

You conquer the sky by flying,
Sons of civil aviation!
I wish on holiday that with your plane
You were pride and honor for the country!

Today is Civil Aviation Day
And today there are toasts and words in your honor!
You are the pride of our entire civilization!
You are the standard of great skill!

Happy Civil Aviation Day
Please accept it today in poetic form!
Fly only easily, without shock,
Be proud of both your profession and your uniform!

You, like birds, soar in the sky,
Taking us to corners of the world!
On Aviation Day, please accept words of love!
May your everyday life be easy!

In the vastness of the sky you always feel like you’re at home,
The plane is like a real friend to you!
The profession is loved and familiar!
Happy Civil Aviation Day to you, friend!

I am incredibly happy to congratulate you today
And wish for the best with all your heart!
I’m writing an SMS to you and here it is
I would like to congratulate the entire air fleet!

Happy Civil Aviation Day
I wish you a clear and peaceful sky!
May good luck await you during landing, takeoff,
Always feel at home on the plane!

Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day in prose

There is nothing better than flying on an airplane. Just imagine: what seemed unthinkable a couple of centuries ago is the most common thing for us. Today, everyone can buy tickets to any corner of the globe. And for this opportunity we should thank the brave pilots, wonderful flight attendants, brilliant designers and attentive air traffic controllers!

Aviation is not just about sending planes into the sky. This is a huge complex in which every worker is important: from the designer, in whose head the design of a new aircraft is born, to the airport worker who services the large iron birds. Today is Civil Aviation Day, and we are pleased to congratulate all air workers on this holiday. Happiness to you and blue skies above your head!

Today is Civil Aviation Day! Few people in our time have not flown on airplanes. We are all, in one way or another, connected with these beautiful iron birds. Today we congratulate all pilots, flight attendants, air traffic controllers and aviation workers on their professional holiday! We wish you clear skies, wide wings and long landing strips! Thank you for giving us heaven!

What could be more wonderful than going on a trip or just a vacation on a big plane? In just a few hours you can cover a huge distance! And these are not miracles of magic or science fiction, this is our present. We thank science and the brave aviation workers for fast and safe flights, for the parcels and letters that they deliver to us!

When you were a child, did you also dream of becoming a pilot of a huge plane? Today is a holiday for all those who were able to conquer the high blue sky. These brave people give us all the joy of flight and the opportunity to quickly move around the world! Today we celebrate Civil Aviation Day. And we say a huge thank you to all the winged conquerors of the sky! I wish them health and great success in their work!

Congratulations on the International Civil Aviation Day and I sincerely wish you brave and high flights in complete safety and absolute comfort, I wish that every take-off is successful and the landing is successful, so that the soul never ceases to love the sky and always enjoys conquering the airspace. I wish you a peaceful sky, good health and happiness of immense proportions, like the expanses of heaven.

Today is the holiday of those in the sky. Today is Civil Aviation Day. Every worker in this industry is a true professional, it cannot be otherwise. Thank you for allowing people to fly. Because we feel comfortable and calm in the sky. Your job is not only the romance of flying, but also a huge responsibility. Clear skies, summer weather and all sorts of blessings!

Congratulations on International Civil Aviation Day. May there always be clear skies, serviceable steel birds, flying weather, excellent experience, satisfied passengers, successful take-offs, safe landings, happy Days and all life in general.

On International Civil Aviation Day, I would like to sincerely wish you high safety at work, brave flights and successful landings, high goals and inevitable success in achieving them, soft clouds of happiness and good luck.

Congratulations to colleagues on Civil Aviation Day in prose

Flying up is no longer a problem. But doing it smoothly and then landing softly is the work of real professionals. Only such professionals are worthy of flying a passenger aircraft.
Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day. May your flights continue to be as smooth and successful.

May you not protect the skies of our homeland from attacks by enemy aircraft. But your work is no less important. Only you are capable of lifting so many unprepared people into the sky and making their flight safe and enjoyable.
Continue to remain professionals in your field. We congratulate you all on the holiday, Happy Civil Aviation Day!

Nowadays, flying under the clouds is available to everyone. You don't need to be a bird or a professional pilot to do this. All you have to do is board the plane and trust the civil aviation pilots. And they, in turn, will make your flight unforgettable and enjoyable.
On this Civil Aviation Day, we congratulate all employees on their professional holiday and thank you for making the dreams of flying accessible to every person on earth.

Happy Civil Aviation Day to employees in your own words

The sky is unusual world, unfamiliar to airplane passengers. It seems that the open spaces allow you to fly limitlessly and uncontrollably. But that's not true.
Only the work of a well-coordinated team of civil aviation employees can understand the intricacies of these spaces. Only together, doing your complex and difficult work, can you ensure a safe flight for unsuspecting passengers.
On Civil Aviation Day, I would like to congratulate all employees and wish you to remain professionals in your field.

Today is a professional holiday for those who make the life of humanity easier and more convenient. Cargo is now delivered to short time. And the journey from city to city, which takes a day, will now take just an hour. And all this thanks to the work of civil aviation employees. We would like to express our gratitude to you on behalf of all humanity for your irreplaceable work and congratulate you on this international holiday!