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Congratulations to dad on Forgiveness Sunday. SMS for Forgiveness Sunday: short texts Congratulations for Forgiveness Sunday short for dad

Sunday, February 22 is not only the last day of Maslenitsa, but also Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, you should sincerely ask for forgiveness from family and friends for the grievances caused, and also forgive the person with all your heart. How to correctly ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday, congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday, SMS “Forgive me” and poems “I ask for forgiveness” read in our material.

On Sunday, February 22, not only the last day of Maslenitsa is celebrated, but also Forgiveness Sunday. Today is the last day when fasting believers can afford dairy products and products with animal fats. At midnight on the night of Sunday, February 23, begins Lent, which lasts 7 weeks, until Easter, and symbolizes the 40 days that Jesus Christ fasted in the desert.

Lent begins on Clean Monday, and this means that believers must enter the fast with a pure soul and pure thoughts. Forgiveness Sunday is a beautiful and important Russian custom; on this day it is customary to ask for forgiveness from loved ones, parents, husband, wife, children.

It is important not only to sincerely ask for forgiveness from everyone you may have inadvertently offended, but also to with a pure heart forgive those who ask for forgiveness from you, forget everything bad thoughts and be completely cleansed mentally. “For if you forgive people their sins, then our Heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive people their sins, then your Father will not forgive you your sins” (Matthew 6:14-15),” it says in the Gospel. On Forgiveness Sunday, relatives and friends are told: “I forgive all sinners, forgive me, a sinner!” Also on this day it is customary to go to the cemetery, leave pancakes on the graves, and worship the ashes of relatives.

How to properly ask for forgiveness:

In the age of information technology, we often prefer SMS asking for forgiveness to live communication. If possible, it is best to ask for forgiveness from loved ones in person, face to face.

Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday, short and funny sms, SMS “Forgive me” and poems “I beg your pardon:

On Forgiveness Sunday we ask each other to forgive,

I wish you to live the whole year without insults, quarrels, and bitter sorrows,

I wish life to be without worries, flow calmly and smoothly,

On this holiday I wish you joy, comfort, forgiveness, goodness!

On Forgiveness Sunday

I ask you to forgive me from the bottom of my heart,

Forget all empty quarrels

And forget stupid quarrels.

I wish you forgiveness

There was nothing to ask for

To want in life

Only forgive and love.

This Sunday

I am sorry

For insults, for reproaches,

For your tear-stained cheeks,

Darling, I'll get better

I'll deal with my shortcomings!

To ask for an apology -

Don't carry bricks in bags,

But for some it's difficult

Impossible for some!

Go ahead and apologize

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!

On Forgiveness Sunday,

When joy is the same for everyone!

I ask you for forgiveness

For big and small sins!

I ask you today

May you sincerely forgive me.

Honey I love you

And I want you to forget about the bad things

Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

I ask my parents for forgiveness

And with every step a blessing!

I'm sorry that when I was born,

Caused a lot of troublesome troubles!

Forgive me for confessing my sins to you,

Otherwise I won’t be able to live!

I ask for forgiveness today

From the best on earth,

My beloved mother

Forgive me my dear

For all the grievances and sorrows

Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

Video: channel Photos from open sources

The custom of asking for forgiveness on the last day of Maslenitsa - Forgiveness Sunday - originated a very long time ago.

This tradition is directly related to the beginning of strict church fasting. It was considered important to ask forgiveness from all relatives and friends, friends and acquaintances, in order to prepare the soul for the onset of Lent.

On Forgiveness Sunday, people set tables, invited and visited, participated in active games and winter fun. It was important to “release” all your energy so that you could then spend 40 days in peace and repentance.

On this day, asking for forgiveness, people expressed to each other the most necessary and good wishes.
We offer you many congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday, and you find what you need and say it at your sacred hour.

To mom

In prose

Dear mommy! Please forgive me for the insults that I may have caused you, voluntarily or unwittingly. Please forgive me for unsaid words and unfinished actions. I want you to know that I love you very much and wish you nothing but the best. Be healthy, cheerful, cheerful, may the sun shine brightly above your head during the day and the stars at night, illuminating all your roads. Let the smile never leave your face, dear. Happy Feast of Forgiveness Resurrection!

My dear, beloved mother! I hasten to ask you for forgiveness for all my sins. I know you always forgive me because you love me. I try not to upset you, but only to please you, but, unfortunately, I don’t always succeed. Don’t be offended by me, dear, and forgive me again! I wish you health and long life.

Darling! Dear Mom! On this frosty sunny day, I ask you to forgive me for everything that could upset you! Your daughter did not always live up to your expectations, don’t be angry with her. She was often mischievous and did not listen to you. Forgive her today, and she will definitely improve, because she loves you very much!

To mom in verse

Mom, dear, forgive me!
Release all my sorrows to the sky,
On this Sunday I want to say,
That I will soon pay for your tears,
And I will answer for everything before God,
If only you would forgive me, my mother!

Forgiveness Sunday has arrived
I hurry to meet my mother,
As soon as I see her, I’ll say quietly in her ear:
“You are mine, dear mother, forgive me for the disappointments,
And let all my sins far away from you!
Be healthy, dear,
Be sweet and gentle
And forget all the insults, dear, forever!

To dad

In prose

My dear dad! Today I want to ask you for forgiveness for everything that could upset you. Sometimes we are in a hurry, rushing somewhere, not noticing how we offend our loved ones with wrong actions, and hurt our loved ones with rude words! Don't hold a grudge against your daughter. Today I bow my head and ask you for forgiveness for everything!

My dear father! Forgive me, your daughter. Maybe I don't pay enough attention to you. Maybe I argue with you a lot and defend my position. Maybe I just don’t say enough affectionate and kind words to you. Don't hold grudges against me. Forgive me for all my voluntary and involuntary ugly actions. I love you and will try not to upset you ever again.

To Dad in Poems

I called my dad today
And she asked her daughter to forgive her.
My dear dad is very wise,
He will not carry evil within himself.

Daddy, darling, congratulations,
Happy Forgiveness Sunday to you!
And I sincerely wish you,
Let your mood be great.
Let all the sorrows and fears
They will fly away and not return.
Always live your life on a grand scale,
And be able to smile at problems.
And further! I ask you to forgive me,
Don't blame me for my mistakes and shortcomings.
You know I love you!
And I always armor myself for everything!

To my husband

In prose

My dear! On this Forgiveness Sunday, I ask you to forgive me! I know that I am not always kind to you, I often raise my voice and, probably, I do something wrong. Don't be offended by me, and forgive your girl, she will try to never upset you again!

My dear! Today is an unusual day, because now I will say what you have always wanted to hear. You often reproach me for being wrong, not listening to you, doing things against you and not admitting my guilt. You say that I don’t know how to ask for forgiveness, and I’m not grateful. So, today I fully admit my guilt and want to ask for forgiveness for myself, for my words, for my actions and thoughts. I really value our relationship and cherish our love faithfully. I want to always be with you and don’t try to upset you over trifles. Don't be angry with me and forgive me for everything!

To my husband in verse

My dear dear man is such a man
There is definitely no reason for sadness
On Sunday I ask you to forgive me
And treat you to champagne in honor of forgiveness.

Darling, I'm sorry
For all my past sins.
I advise you to forget about everything sad,
And live a new, clean, bright life!


In prose

My dear wife. I kneel before you and ask you to forgive me. No, don’t think that I did something and caused trouble! I never even thought about it. But there are moments when I could unwittingly offend you. Forgive me, and let's also love each other as we have done for (number of years) years.

My dear (name). On Forgiveness Day, it is customary to ask for forgiveness from all your family and friends. You are my dearest and close person. I feel good and cozy with you. I appreciate all your efforts and care for me. I feel your love and answer you the same. We rarely swear and quarrel and this is very good. This gives me strength for work and all my additional activities. I never intentionally wanted to anger or upset you, not to mention resentment and revenge, and you know it, my love. But still, maybe a word came out of my mouth or I did some action that offended or upset you. This is all involuntary and reluctant. Forgive me, forgive me and forgive me again!

To my wife in verses

Darling, I may have offended you!
And I ask her to forgive me for that.
I promise not to do this again
And always love her alone!

I ask and beg my wife
Forgive me for my actions and words,
Try, my dear,
Let go of tears and sorrows!


In prose

I apologize to you, my beloved granny, for everything at once! Be healthy, cheerful and cheerful and always greet your grandchildren with the same enthusiasm!

Grandma, dear! On this Forgiveness Sunday, I ask you to forgive me for my infrequent visits to you, for my infrequent good words to your address. I'll fix it, because I love you!

In poems to grandma

Holidays are knocking on my door,
I want to open up to my grandmother.
Forgive me, my dear,
That I'm not with you often,
That I rarely bring gifts,
I'm just constantly in the park.
I promise: I will improve,
Come visit your house more often!

Dear grandmother, please forgive me!
And treat me to pancakes with jam!


In prose

Dear grandpa! I ask you to forgive me on this forgiven day and I want to add that you are my most “global” grandfather!

When I was (was) little (little) you, grandpa always told different stories about good and evil, about strength and weakness, about courage and cowardice. You taught us kindness, lightness and honesty. You said that you should always admit your mistakes, miscalculations and mistakes. You said that you should not offend people and ask for forgiveness at the slightest offense. So, I never tried to offend you, but today I want to thank you for your presence in my life as an example to follow and ask for forgiveness for all my involuntary offenses. I know you will forgive me on this forgiven day and, like in childhood, you will shake my hand!

To Grandfather in Poems

On holiday, I urgently need to visit my grandfather,
And ask my family to forgive me for everything.
Be healthy, grandfather, for many more years,
I send you Sunday fiery greetings!

Dear grandpa! Dear and dear,
You are so handsome, brave, mischievous.
This Sunday, forgive me!
I will tell you again: “I love you!”


In prose

My dear boy! Forgive your godfather ( godmother) for all his (her) sins. I am responsible for your life before the Lord God and I pray for you: for your right steps, your well-being. Don't be angry with me if I did (did) something wrong. You and I are connected by the highest Divine thread and therefore everything should be fine!

My dear godson! On the day of Forgiveness Resurrection, I ask you to forgive me for all my actions or inactions that resulted in disappointment on your part. Forgive me for those prayers that for some reason “did not reach the Almighty.” I will continue to pray for you and be responsible for your spiritual life. Don't be angry with me and forgive me again!

In verse to the godson

I ask my godson for forgiveness,
On this Forgiveness Sunday.
I only wish him well,
Sending your prayers!

Resurrection has come
It brought faith to people.
I apologize for everything!
Come for a treat!


In prose

My dear goddaughter! It's time to ask you for forgiveness. I ask you to forgive me for the fact that in the turmoil and whirlwind of our lives, I probably don’t pray enough for you! You are my smart girl, and God grant you only all the best!

Let me ask you for forgiveness once again, my dear. I am responsible before God for your spiritual life. Maybe somewhere I didn’t finish watching something, didn’t finish it, didn’t finish it. I'm sorry!

Goddaughter in verse

Forgive me for all my prayers
That maybe they didn’t reach God,
I always ask God:
“Only the best for the goddaughter, let’s go!”

Forgive me and I forgive you,
My good and sweetheart,
I honestly, honestly promise you
That I will pray for you!


In prose

My dear (name). On this day we are with you again. It's great. After all, there is no holiday when we are separated. We are always there. I love you all, but maybe someday I offended or offended you in some way? I ask you to forgive me and forgive me on this forgiven Sunday!

Please forgive me, my friends! Free my soul from torment! I value our friendship so much! On this Forgiven Day, I ask you to forgive me for everything, for everything!

My dear friend, I know that you always forgive me all my shortcomings. Forgive me today on this Sunday of Request!

Friend, forgive me and I forgive you for everything! Let all our grievances dissolve like sugar in a cup of coffee, and strengthen our friendship even stronger!

To a friend in verse

Please, my friends,
Forgive me for everything:
For a rude word,
For my intolerable temper,
Forgive my sins before God,
I admit that I was often wrong!

I apologize to my friends
So that life becomes more fun.
I congratulate you on Forgiveness Day
And I forgive you all for everything!
Sunday is a wonderful day!
You, my friend, get up quickly!
And forgive me for everything!

Forgive me, dear friend,
For everything that happened to us in life.
We will forgive our friends
Strengthen friendship more!

To a friend

In prose

Dear friend, I ask you to forgive me for all my involuntary actions that could have offended and offended you.

On this Sunday holiday, I want you to forgive me, because your forgiveness is very important to me, my dear, beloved friend!

In verse

Please forgive me, friend!
After all, we are with you in the rain and blizzard.
We are together - water will not spill,
May the friendship live on for many years to come!

Forgive me, singing girlfriend
And let go of all sorrows,
We are always interested together
We are always on the same path with you!

Work colleague (male)

In prose

(Name), you and I spend a lot of time together every weekday. You and I, shoulder to shoulder, solve important work issues. Perhaps I accidentally offended you or said something unpleasant to you! Please forgive me and clear my soul and head of disturbing thoughts!

Dear (name, patronymic)! This Sunday, let me ask you for forgiveness for all my ridiculous actions and incorrectly spoken words addressed to you. I value our working relationship and don't want to upset you any further. Sorry!

In verse to a colleague

On the day of forgiveness, I ask for forgiveness!
This “cleansing” is important to me
I'm ready to be better, cleaner,
So please forgive me!

My beloved colleague!
I ask you to forgive me!
On this holy Sunday,
Forget the offensive words!

And in conclusion, we would like to add that you need to ask for forgiveness when congratulating you on Forgiveness Resurrection - last day Maslenitsa.
Better in the morning and at good mood. It doesn’t matter with what feeling you say the words of forgiveness (love, respect, humor, etc.), the main thing is that they are sincere and come from the heart.
A reciprocal warm feeling to all those asking! And sincere forgiveness!

SMS congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday

To my sister
I will bow to the ground in bow,
Congratulating you joyfully,
And quietly in unison with my heart
I will say: “Forgive me, sister!”

Sadness will fly away like a white dove,
After all, the sun laughs, the distance beckons again,
The heart rejoices in the warmth of spring
And it knocks louder than everyone else, waiting for spring!
Forgive me, dear, for my sadness,
Don't hold a grudge - I love you!

Grandma, forgive me for everything:
Today is Forgiveness Sunday.
Forget all the grievances and let go of sadness,
Only in this non-random moment.

Today I congratulate you, grandma,
Happy Forgiveness Sunday from the bottom of my heart.
Forgive me, dear, you love all insults,
After all, we value you very, very much!

My dear parents,
For my tricks, will you forgive me?
I sincerely ask for forgiveness,
On this bright Sunday.

Mom and Dad, forgive me
That I have deserved the belt many times...
I await your indulgence,
On the resurrection I am forgiven.

To dad
Father, Happy Forgiveness Sunday!
Forgive me for everything I'm guilty of.
Let's put all disputes into oblivion,
Which I will be incredibly happy about!

Dad, dear, you are the best,
Forgive your daughter, accept her into your arms!
Happy Forgiveness Sunday, my dear,
I just want to wish you happiness.

To my beloved
Darling, today I ask for forgiveness for everything,
For rudeness, for insults, for bad behavior.
I hope that this Sunday is forgiven,
It will help you forget all the offensive moments!

Forgiveness Sunday steps on the threshold,
I have something to apologize to you, my love,
Forgive everything that you couldn’t forget before,
And I will love you with double strength!

To mom
On this day I love you, dear mother,
I generously ask you to forgive me for that,
That I always rush through life quickly and stubbornly,
And I forget to call you every day.

Of all the mistakes I've ever made,
You helped me get out with dignity.
Forgive me, dear mother! irrevocably
Years pass, but it’s always calm with you.

Forgive me for everything, beloved brother,
Today is Forgiveness Sunday,
In many ways I am guilty before you,
And I sincerely apologize now!

Please, my brother, I forgive you from my heart,
On Forgiveness Sunday!
Sorry for everything, my brother, forgive me for everything,
Ask everyone for forgiveness too!

The world is happy in honor of such a day
In the murmur of spring!
Friends, forgive me
Forgiveness Sunday!

Let me seem embarrassed
But I’m glad to tell you all:
Happy Forgiveness Sunday!
May everyone forgive me!

On our website: ,

I want to tell you, daddy,
That I am guilty of many things before you.
Forgive me for everything, please, I ask.
Especially because I can be rude.

I'm sorry that sometimes I don't listen to you
And sometimes I make the wrong decisions.
Believe me, I'm angry at myself for this.
Happy Forgiven Sunday, Dad.

Daddy, forgive me. I wish that on Forgiveness Sunday all my rude words that I once said to you and all my insults towards you will be forgotten and forgiven by you. My dear, may there always be complete mutual understanding between us. You will always be the most best dad, a worthy example of kindness, courage, strength and confidence, and I want to wish you the strongest strength, health, good luck and family well-being.

The best daddy in the world,
I ask you for forgiveness
So that grievances fly by like bullets,
Without leaving a mark on the heart!

Behavior is not sugar, I know
I often say stupid things
But I always understand you
And I love you madly with all my heart!

Forgive me, daddy,
And may everyone forgive you,
Let grievances be like bullets
They will fly by loudly.

Let it reign in your soul
Understanding and peace
And the Lord with his right hand
Protects anyone from harm!

Please forgive me, father,
For all the worries and worries.
May all sorrows come to an end
Today, this Sunday.

Let them surround you, dad
Love, luck, joy and warmth.
Let grievances not torment your soul,
And everything will be just fine.

On Forgiveness Sunday I tell you
I hasten to say: “My daddy, I’m sorry!”
Sometimes fate was cloudy,
Dad, let go of all grudges,

Please don't be offended by me
I love you dearly, daddy,
Let the melody of forgiveness ring,
Fill your good soul!

Dear daddy! I want to ask you for forgiveness for all those moments when you could not be proud of me. For my mistakes, and for the fact that perhaps you were ashamed of me. I want all these moments to be erased from our lives and not take up a place in your heart. Let there never be disappointment and grief in him, but only love, happiness and peace. Forgive me for everything, dear! Happy Forgiveness Sunday.

Daddy, please forgive me! May Forgiveness Sunday give you patience and wisdom to understand me once again! I love you very much and I want everything to be fine with us!

Dad, Happy Forgiveness Sunday
I hasten to congratulate you,
I am blessed on this day
I'll ask everyone's forgiveness.

Forgive me for everything that happened
I'm sorry for not being there,
And time has already forgotten everything,
And let go of the grudges.

Sorry for the unnecessary words,
Disobedience and various reproaches,
After all, life is so wrong about this,
For giving us vices.

Beloved dad, my dear,
You are the kindest and dearest.
And on this holiday I hasten to announce,
Why am I turning to you to ask for forgiveness?

Forgive me for the insults and for all the quarrels,
For everything that has gone wrong over the years.
Know that I love you very much
And there is never any offense towards you!