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Happy birthday greetings to a female colleague in prose, in your own words. Happy birthday greetings to a female colleague in prose in your own words Happy birthday to a colleague in beautiful prose

A work colleague is celebrating his birthday soon. For good congratulations you need a good mood, a nice gift and of course congratulatory words which you can find on our website. This category contains best regards in prose to an employee on his name day.

It has already become a tradition to congratulate the entire friendly team on each of our employees on their birthday. And so, today on your birthday, our dear colleague, we congratulate you on your day. And we want to say: The realization that you have become another year older is both frightening and pleasing at the same time. After all, on every birthday you repeat your deepest desire, and you become even closer to it. We wish you that all your family and friends are proud of you, that your friends will always be there. We wish you to love, love life, love home, love everyone who is nearby, love even the breath of air that gives us to live, love and your life will be filled with meaning. We also wish you to feel happiness in every person dear to you, in every minute you live, and in your heart. Let there be a holiday in your life every day, let there be joy, fun, loud laughter. Believe in yourself, in your success, in your victory.

Congratulations on your birthday, our beloved colleague! Working with you is a pleasure! And I can do any task! Thank you for being on our team! On this significant day, we wish you to always be at your best: to be the most beautiful, the most beloved, in a word, the very best!

On this wonderful day, I wish you, my most wonderful colleague in the world, endless happiness, bright miracles and bright magic. May all your friends never betray you, and may your loved ones believe in your exclusivity. On your birthday, each of us always rushes to help, support and make you believe in miracles.

You are the soul of our team, a great friend and a sweet person! Communication with you brings us joy and wonderful mood! Happy Birthday to you!

Colleague, let every day be joyful
and happy! An infectious smile appears on the face more often, small joys and big holidays in life bring pleasure again!

On this day and hour I wish you to be yourself beautiful girl in this world. I wish that all your troubles, problems and worries turn into smoke, which will be carried away by the wind of change. You are the most stylish and graceful girl in our company. May all your grandiose plans certainly come true, and may you, dear colleague, receive a rapid promotion.

Dear colleague! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you all the best, good health, a long and happy life,
good luck in all your undertakings and fulfillment of all your deepest desires! May you always be surrounded by only friendly people, and may this
congratulations will lift your spirits and make you smile joyfully! After all, smiles are the only currency that you don’t need to save!

We spend a significant part of our lives at work, and our mental comfort and creative spirit greatly depend on who we work side by side with. I was lucky with my colleague - the working day goes by so quickly that sometimes you go home almost with regret. Happy birthday,
never change, and if you change, then only for the better!

May this wonderful birthday bring fulfillment of your cherished desires, and may all your intended goals come noticeably closer and be defeated by a well-aimed hit from a professional. Let the golden steps of your career not be steep and tough, but on the contrary, let them submit to a quick and courageous ascent to the very top! May the wonderful splendor of the bright colors of life always fill the daily palette with freshness, and may fleeting clouds boldly disperse the lightning rods of your family and friends.
In your pursuit of the joy of success and prosperity, do not forget about your friends, because the most valuable thing a person has are enduring values ​​that cannot be bought: sincerity, love, compassion and support. Be happy, loved and cheerful - happy birthday!

It’s nice to know that there is a competent coordinator nearby, an expert in his field and a sensitive person - our leader! Our entire team respects you very much for putting your heart and soul into the business! May your favorite profession always occupy a special place in your life! Happy birthday, our beloved leader!

I sincerely congratulate my dear colleague, beautiful woman Happy birth day! I wish you unusually strong faith and hope so that you can always overcome all the circumstances of life with your head held high. Much happiness and love to you! May your husband always love you and carry you in his arms, may your children respect, care for and protect you.

You know that not only on your birthday, but on any other day, I wish you only pure heart and very sincerely all the most beautiful and cheerful!!!
Love, bright, unforgettable meetings, true friends, festive mood, fulfillment of cherished desires and creative achievements!
Happy birthday!

Our friendly team sends you greetings on this wonderful birthday! We wish you to remain the same restless, energetic and cheerful girl. Like a sunny bunny, you cheer our home both on fine days and on cloudy days. Do not allow sadness and despair to settle in your heart, because we are always nearby, ready to support you in grief and joy and in any endeavors and adventures. Live, bloom, enjoy life!
Your colleagues.

Please accept, our dear colleague, Happy Birthday from the entire team, who respects you immensely and loves your beautiful and radiant smile! Always be as responsive and kind, sweet and wonderful, young and happy as we see you every day!

Happy birthday to a great colleague, good friend and the responsible employee. You are unusually smart, beautiful and hardworking. You combine many qualities and bloom like a woman. I wish you to always remain as beautiful and talented and find your happiness in life.

On your birthday, my wonderful colleague, I wish you to go to work with incredible pleasure, because they will be waiting for you there best friends. I wish that passionate love and bright fatherhood, kindness and warmth, luck and inspiration take root in your home. Our entire team loves and appreciates you very much, because you are skillful, dexterous and resourceful. Happy holiday! ©

I wish you inspiration on your birthday, I wish you luck and, of course, inspiration. May everyone’s cherished dreams, dreams and sweetest dreams come true on this wonderful day. I wish you, my dear colleague, that you never lose heart, that you find solutions to the most difficult production problems. Let new stars light up in the sky only for you. ©

I congratulate a wonderful colleague, a charming girl, on her birthday today in the world. I wish you the most fabulous, bright and fulfilling life. May you have everything you want. May your dreams come true today and may your day be truly fabulous. I wish you never to lose heart and never give up. ©

Happy birthday, colleague! You are a charming girl and a hardworking employee. I wish you enthusiasm, talent, success, joy, Great love. May you always be surrounded by loved ones. Let there be warmth in your heart. I wish you not to be sad and not to experience difficulties. May life be bright and wonderful. ©

My colleague! I congratulate you on this joyful and happy holiday– Happy birthday! On this day, I sincerely wish you excellent health, financial well-being, and the fulfillment of your most cherished desires! May dizzying success and rapid career growth await you ahead! ©

My dear colleague! With all my heart I want to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - your birthday! Let a smiling mood, fun, joy, a feeling of universal love and attention accompany you not only today, but also on all the other days of your life! Wish you all the best! ©

I wish you, my dear and most beautiful colleague in this world, that you never overwork. I wish your career to be simply dizzying, but that you never go over other people’s heads. On your birthday, I wish you to smile more often at strangers, sharing pieces of your own soul with them. May all your deepest wishes come true. ©

On this day and hour, I wish you to be the most beautiful girl in this world. I wish that all your troubles, problems and worries turn into smoke, which will be carried away by the wind of change. You are the most stylish and graceful girl in our company. May all your grandiose plans certainly come true, and may you, dear colleague, receive a rapid promotion. ©

Wonderful and beautiful woman, I congratulate my dear colleague with all my heart on her birth! I wish you the most fabulous life, happy moments. Let there be no grief and problems. I wish you to have a lot of fun this holiday. May your birthday be remembered for a long time and leave many unforgettable memories. ©

I congratulate my amazing colleague on the birth of her and wish her a lot of goodness and attention. May you receive many flowers on this day. I wish you never to be sad. Let life be extraordinary. I wish you to enjoy life every day. Let everything be fine, and let your work give you joy. ©

At work, the principle of team play and harmony among employees is extremely important. Holidays allow you to relieve tension in relationships. An informal atmosphere and mutual gifts encourage rapprochement and mutual understanding. That's why smart administrators and forward-thinking managers hold regular corporate events. And after corporate events (or together with them) come colleagues’ birthdays. Happy Birthday greetings to a colleague in prose can resolve an emerging interpersonal conflict. And this will benefit the entire team. People, with the help of mutual wishes and congratulations in prose or poetry, get to know each other better. Congratulating the next birthday boy/girl at a corporate party is as easy as shelling pears when you use the capabilities of congratulation sites. Like this resource, for example.

Happy Birthday. We wish you to come to work with joy and go home with satisfaction. Let your professional activity bring pleasure, well-being, provide opportunities and guarantee decent remuneration. Health to you and your family, good luck, career growth and respect in the team. Happy holiday!

Happy birthday! We wish you a vibrant joy of life, optimism, energy, persistence in moving towards success, and respect from others. We wish that dreams always become reality, troubles quickly melt away, and every day is especially good!

Happy birthday, my dear and respected colleague. I wish you success in business and prosperity in your activities, interesting ideas and personal good, great happiness and good health, bright luck and goodness along the way.

Dear colleague! We are glad to congratulate you on your birthday. We wish you great professional success and further creative growth. We express our gratitude to you for your fighting spirit and ability to cooperate as a team. It’s always easy and pleasant to communicate with you on professional topics; you know how to encourage and help with practical advice. We wish you to achieve all your goals. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to a wonderful colleague and a magnificent woman. I would like to wish you bright light in life and joyful holidays of the soul, success in all your affairs and ideas, charming beauty and incredible kindness of heart, great successes and achievements, good health and a wonderful mood.

Happy birsday, my dear. May you be surrounded only by your favorite things, favorite people, favorite activities and favorite foods. Let your career grow along with your income, let your vacation be rich and interesting, let your family make you happy, and let your colleagues respect and appreciate you. Be healthy, loved and happy. Congratulations!

Today our team congratulates our colleague and simply wonderful woman Happy birthday! We wish you success in work and happiness in your personal life, may your beauty delight us every day, and may your achievements not cause envy among colleagues, but only stimulate them to the same heights. Let your career path be without obstacles and without falls. Let the bright sun always shine in your personal life, and let the rains pass without thunder and lightning, after which fragrant flowers always bloom. Let only kind and sympathetic people meet along the way, ready to help in difficult times, and let only true and true friends be there. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to my dear colleague. I would like to sincerely wish you feminine charm and unquenchable beauty, bright happiness and extraordinary luck, wonderful moments of life and good emotions, high income and incredible success in your activities.

Dear colleague, please accept these congratulations in prose on the occasion of your birthday. I know we didn't always get along. What to do - professional rivalry and even hostility often arise in work collectives. But this does not negate professional respect. We may not have warm feelings for each other, but that doesn't mean I don't respect you as a professional. You are an excellent specialist and a hard worker. That is why you are worthy competition for me and many of our other employees. Professional ethics makes me wish you further success and progress in your work.

Dear colleague, our team sincerely congratulates you on your birthday and sends our best wishes my sincere congratulations. In this prose, we would like to highlight you as a leader with exceptional organizational and management skills. We wish you to continue to hone them. You managed to optimize the work of our department in such a way that not only financial and economic indicators improved, but also a friendly atmosphere within the team. You, dear colleague, are an example of that very effective manager about whom so much is being talked about now. But in this case, an effective manager has been proven in practice, not in words. We hope to continue to work successfully with you in the future.

Colleague, let me wish you career growth and the most profitable tenders on your birthday. Let the title of a highly qualified specialist always remain with you. Let mastering new knowledge and areas be easy and quick, and let creative inspiration and work pressure never leave you. Let bosses' anger and crisis layoffs always pass you by. Finally, may you never be disappointed in work that is actually very necessary, interesting and necessary for society. This congratulation in prose is given to you by your colleague.

Given prosaic congratulations I dedicate to my colleague for his birthday. I would like to express my gratitude for the fruitful and long-term cooperation. In biology there is a concept of mutually beneficial coexistence of organisms - symbiosis. My dear colleague and I also developed something of a symbiosis. Thanks to me, my partner received a substantial bonus and invaluable work experience, and I would never have made the jump up the career ladder without him. Therefore, I say a big thank you and express the hope that we will have the opportunity to work hand in hand again.

On his birthday, I would like to convey congratulations in prose to my good colleague. More likely not even a congratulation, but a parting word. Friend, you are a valuable personnel and a real pro in our business. But you lack discipline. I know too much discipline kills creative process. But its complete absence kills work productivity. Discipline is like a spice. There is no need to overdo it. But without it, the dish is not a dish. Sometimes you need to be systematic in your actions. This optimizes the work process. I hope by your next birthday we will all be congratulating you as employee of the year in our office.

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For the majority of people, main holiday in the year is your own birthday. On this wonderful day, laudatory speeches await the hero of the occasion, festive table and many nice gifts. In addition to his relatives, his colleagues often congratulate him. They say beautiful, pleasant phrases from the bottom of their hearts, both in poetry and in prose. A wish in prose will allow you to express all your sympathy to the birthday person with whom you work together. It’s good if the speech is prepared in advance and there is no need to blush and think about choosing your words. Moreover, not everyone is endowed with innate eloquence.

Of course, you can get together as a team and make a solemn toast that will help convey all the words of gratitude that a person deserves. At the same time, each employee knows the hero of the occasion from a certain point of view. Therefore, you can include all your wishes in the text, and based on them, create a general birthday greetings to a colleague. But there is another convenient option - this is to turn to our website for help. Here you will find suitable congratulatory texts. It is possible to select an employee who often visits sites with congratulations. And he will probably find several options and bring them to public discussion. Today the World Wide Web has a huge selection for all kinds of holidays. True, there are many of the same type or known to everyone. Although you can find original interesting works. Congratulatory lines, whether found on the Internet or composed independently, will definitely leave a warm memory in the soul of the birthday person if the lines of address are imbued with sincerity and warmth.

Prose to a colleague

Being true to your work is a great gift. After all, in order to be realized in your field, it is very important to devote yourself to your profession. Dear colleague, I want life to bring you joy and give you strength, so that you are inspired every day and reach the desired heights! Let Fortune lead you in worthy paths, and let love be sincere and understanding. Happy birthday! And be happy!

When asked why I love my job, I always answer without thinking. For the warm and friendly team that has become my second family. And if we are all a big family, then you, my dear, are my closest relative! You bring rays of warmth and give us all your smile every day. Therefore, everyday work is a real holiday for each of us! Be as bright and radiant!

Today in our department big celebration– Birthday of a beloved colleague. Therefore, we would like to wish you great success in your work and personal life. So that every working day is very productive, and you enjoy the respect of your superiors. And all your weekends and vacations passed as a holiday, because your work brought a stable income.

Dear colleague, we want to wish you on your birthday to have huge monetary savings that you got thanks to your piercing mind. Let our service bring not only financial well-being, but also moral satisfaction and not interfere at all family life. And in addition, a bag of Siberian health and happy moments.

Now, with a smile on my face, I congratulate you on a joyful and delightful day. Happy birthday. I wish that your life is saturated creative ideas, and in the end there was always a fabulous success. Let your path be filled with colorful colors, and let the people surrounding your space always be able to lend their shoulder in the shortest difficult moments. Be happy every second!

We are faithful to our common calling, which is the meaning of life and provides spiritual and material benefits. I want, colleague, that on the Day of your coming into this world, the rain of happiness will fall, so that the Guardian lends his strong shoulder, strength multiplies, and love inspires the best! Let there be many good miracles, achievements, wonderful people and stunning impressions in life!

Dear colleague, happy birthday. We would like to wish you to enjoy your work, may all the money you earn be spent wisely, may your bank account be replenished every month. Enjoy every day you live. Appreciate today, don't remember the past. Always be surrounded by your loved ones. Do not know the bitterness of defeat. Let your health and strength boil, and your enthusiasm not diminish.

On your birthday, we are happy to remember the good things you have done for the benefit of the team. Please accept our sincere wishes for health and constant desire for professional success. Let our valuable cooperation last as long as possible and bring significant results.

Happy birthday, colleague! I wish you to be surrounded only by good people, positive people. Let peace and understanding reign at work, and comfort and family grace in the home. You - a real man, and you have best qualities a true gentleman. Keep these qualities in yourself and always be true to your goals and beliefs!

Dear colleague! We want to wish you a happy birthday and thank you for your excellent teamwork, support and understanding. Working with you is comfortable and pleasant, so let your everyday work bring you satisfaction in your work and the realization of everything you have planned. You are an inexhaustible source of energy and love of life, we wish you good health and new ideas.

Congratulations on wonderful day, light and happy holiday- Happy birthday! May luck smile on you today, may all your wishes come true, may your family and friends warm you with their warmth and love. I wish you health, luck, vigor and many reasons to feel like a happy person.

May your working days always be successful, may all your money be honestly earned, but at the same time, may it be enough. And let work, under no circumstances, interfere with your personal life, and let this very life be harmonious, but let it be fraught with many pleasant surprises and happy events.

Beautiful birthday greetings to a colleague

Colleague, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you never get tired, always look forward with hope for the best, never regret the past, meet every day with a large supply of strength and confidence, every time achieve any goal and never lose your high status in society.

Happy birthday, colleague. From the bottom of my heart I wish you successful activities and easy work, interesting ideas and inexhaustible enthusiasm, optimistic mood and confident strength, good luck and high prosperity, bright happiness in life and undoubted love.

Dear my colleague! With a pure soul and an open heart, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you success in your work and career growth, creative thinking, inspiration and development. So that competition is only clean, open and fair. I wish you, my friend, that there will always be only a pleasant, friendly atmosphere in the team, that all your grandiose plans will come true, and that your ambitions will be justified. I wish you new achievements, good colleagues and true friends, as well as good health, success in all endeavors and creative potential.

From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you, colleague, on your birthday. I would like to wish you limitless opportunities in life and undoubted success in your work. Let every day bring a lot of impressions, pleasant surprises and pleasures. Let every goal be achieved easier and faster every time.

On this day and hour, I wish you to be the most beautiful girl in this world. I wish that all your troubles, problems and worries turn into smoke, which will be carried away by the wind of change. You are the most stylish and graceful girl in our company. May all your grandiose plans certainly come true, and may you, dear colleague, receive a rapid promotion.

Dear colleague! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you all the best, good health, a long and happy life, good luck in all your endeavors and the fulfillment of all your deepest desires! May you always be surrounded by only friendly people, and may this congratulation lift your spirits and make you smile joyfully! After all, smiles are the only currency that you don’t need to save!

Happy birthday! I wish every day to be like a holiday. Happy days, joyful moments and successful occasions. I wish you bright victories, success in work and family well-being.

Happy birthday, colleague. May you succeed in even the most difficult and impossible things, may successful plans ripen in your head, may life provide opportunities for the fulfillment of cherished dreams, may bright love always live in your heart, may there always be holiday and joy for your soul.

Happy birthday to our colleague! We wish that stability in life leads to harmony and growth. May prosperity and wealth be your companions. Health, joy, development, smiles, pleasant surprises and complete order in your affairs!

Happy birthday greetings to a colleague in prose

Happy birthday, colleague. On this joyful and bright day, I wish you successful deeds and successful undertakings, right decisions and great ideas, good luck and brilliant prospects, high achievements and excellent wealth, prosperity in life and eternal happiness.

Happy birthday to a faithful colleague and professional ally! I wish you good health and patience... towards our boss. Let your working days bring not only salaries, bonuses and vacation pay, but also a positive mood and positive emotions. So that going to work feels like a holiday!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday to a wonderful colleague and good comrade! I wish you never to lose heart, to achieve great heights, to achieve all your goals without noticing any obstacles on your way. So that everyday work is spent only in pleasure and, of course, a decent salary.

Colleague, happy birthday to you! We wish that all your dreams come true, both at home and at work. Let the team make you happy, let your superiors respect you, let your salary grow and your career take off. Good health, success in any endeavor, joy, smiles, kindness and great mood!

When there are people like you in the team, then success always accompanies you in everything. Because you are a person with a big soul and a remarkable mind, as well as a kind and warm heart! We congratulate you on your birthday and wish that youth and enthusiasm never leave you, that mobility and vigor will be your eternal companions! Let work be an everyday and favorite holiday for you, and may your family and friends who love you and appreciate you be waiting for you at home! May your prosperity grow, may your mood always remain wonderful, and may beauty and wisdom complement your wonderful portrait for many decades to come!

Happy Birthday! I wish you professional success and achievement of your goals. fulfillment of dreams, career growth! Let life turn out as planned, but with many pleasant surprises and adventures!

Colleague, happy birthday! I wish that: life runs without looking back with comfortable steps; more fresh, appetizing thoughts were born in my head; the people around were glowing with living happiness. Let every day bring newness, teach wisdom, and give opportunities. Love, beauty, harmony, stability, reliability, trust.

Colleague, happy birthday! Let your dreams come true, your opportunities multiply, all your affairs go well and have enough strength and energy for new achievements! Good, powerful health, positive mood, self-confidence and success! Let the career ladder turn into a career elevator! May there be peace and prosperity in your home. Happiness and all the best!

Happy birthday! As the best colleague, I wish you great success today! I don’t wish for new horizons, because as the horizon gets closer, it moves away, and therefore I only wish for those heights that can and should be conquered for self-improvement, personal growth and, without a doubt, a decent salary!

Happy Birthday! May success and prosperity accompany you both at work and in your family. I wish you successful implementation of all your good undertakings, and also - to remain the same professional in your field and just a wonderful person!

Heartfelt birthday greetings to a colleague in prose

Dear colleague! We are glad to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you great professional success and further creative growth. We express our gratitude to you for your fighting spirit and ability to cooperate as a team. It’s always easy and pleasant to communicate with you on professional topics; you know how to encourage and help with practical advice. We wish you to achieve all your goals. Happy birthday!

Today I go to work with joy - because it’s my colleague’s birthday! This is not only a wonderful excuse to get together as a friendly team, but also good case tell you everything that's on my mind! But I only think good things about you - after all, working with you side by side is a real pleasure! I wish you more interesting events - both in life and at work. Let every visit to your boss end with praise and salary increases! Good luck and happiness to you!

Congratulations, my dear colleague! On your birthday, I would like to wish good luck in everything, prosperity, harmony and love to your family and yourself. May all your undertakings be crowned with success, and may new ideas boil in your head! Let the path up the career ladder not be difficult and thorny, but easy and interesting. Enjoy every day what you do so well!

What can I wish you today? Well, of course, health, health and once again health! In our difficult task, we can’t go anywhere without him. But also take with you a supply of good luck and a sunny mood on the new date where you started your journey today! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to you! We wish every working day to be very pleasant, eventful and bring great success! Let your career grow by leaps and bounds! Inspiration to you for new achievements and labor feats! In your personal life, let there be love, mutual understanding and warmth! Have a great holiday on the shores of the azure sea, beauty and happiness in you and the world around you!