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Short congratulations on Tatyana's Day. Tatyana's day short congratulations to Tatyana

Every year on January 25 we celebrate two holidays - Student's Day and Tatyana's Day. What is the relationship between these two dates? The history of the holiday goes back centuries, to Ancient Rome. Tatyana was born into a wealthy family and received a Christian upbringing, devoting her life to helping the disadvantaged and sick from childhood. However, in those pagan times, cruel morals reigned - Christians were persecuted and put to death for their beliefs and the spread of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Tatiana was once captured and, appearing before the Roman ruler, was accused of witchcraft. The girl was subjected to severe torture, during which she did not stop praying to God and asking Him for forgiveness to her tormentors. The ruler never managed to force Tatyana to renounce the Christian faith, and he put the persistent girl to death, cutting off her head. Over time, for her righteous lifestyle and martyrdom for the faith, Tatyana was canonized. Since then, every year on January 25, all Orthodox Christians commemorate the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana of Rome. By a happy coincidence, the opening of the university in St. Petersburg happened on the same date - on the basis of the order of the Great Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. So Tatyana's day became a holiday for students. In the old days, Moscow students ordered solemn prayers in churches and commemorated the holy martyr in prayers. Today is Tatiana Day in Russia official holiday and is celebrated truly on a student scale. Not only students and teachers, but also all Tatyanas receive beautiful congratulations on Tatyana’s Day - after all, this is their name day! We have put together a wonderful “collection” of congratulations on Tatiana’s Day: in poetry and prose, funny, short SMS. A colorful card with congratulations on Tatyana’s Day will be an excellent gift and sign of attention. May this fun youth holiday bring you a lot of positive emotions and impressions!

Short funny congratulations on Tatiana’s Day January 25, 2017 - with cheerful wishes to students

Since ancient times, students have been happy to have any excuse to have fun, and even more so on Tatiana’s Day! People usually carefully prepare for this significant day, because January 25th is the time for even the most “exemplary” students fun entertainment and festivities. Divided into groups, students wander the evening streets - “scare” passers-by with loud laughter, sing songs and drink alcoholic drinks. The traditional gathering place for Moscow students on Tatiana's Day is Nikitsky and Tverskoy boulevards, as well as capital squares. In ancient times, on Tatyana’s Day, such mass student celebrations were treated with touching understanding - often the police themselves ensured the “delivery” of the heroes of the occasion who had too much alcohol to their homes. Today students of all educational institutions exchange cheerful congratulations on Tatiana's day, with wishes of good luck in your studies and personal life, true friends and all the best. On our pages you will find the coolest short congratulations on Tatyana's Day, which can also be dedicated to Tanya's acquaintances - relatives, friends, work colleagues.

May Tatyana's Day bring you

A big round dance with love and luck,

Smiles from friends and love from enemies,

So that everyone in the family is happy and healthy.

On this wonderful January day,
Tatiana celebrates the holiday,
And I’m not too lazy to congratulate them
And wish them much happiness!
Smiles, true friends,
Be happy with everything in life,
Keep warmth in the chest of a lover
And to be loved by him alone.

With all my heart I want to wish you, Tanya, on your Angel Day that your dreams will definitely come true. Never be discouraged and approach life as positively as you know how.

A selection of short SMS congratulations on Tatyana’s Day - original congratulatory poems for Tatyana on January 25

On the eve of Tatyana's Day, many begin to “urgently” remember all Tan’s acquaintances, reviewing the contacts in their phone - don’t forget to congratulate everyone! After all, on January 25, Tatyana celebrates her Angel Day, which means you need to have time to prepare beautiful my sincere congratulations- for mothers, grandmothers, girlfriends and work colleagues. Translated from ancient Greek, the name Tatyana means “organizer”, “founder”. Indeed, the bearer of this name often has leadership qualities, is extremely energetic and persistent in achieving goals. An excellent leader and manager, Tatyana can achieve success in any career field because she loves and knows how to work with people. In honor of all Tatianas, we have prepared the most beautiful short sms-congratulations on January 25th – all you have to do is choose suitable options. Our selection of congratulations on Tatyana’s Day contains poems that can be sent as an SMS to a friend Tatyana. Happy Angel Day to you, dear Tanya!

Happy Tatyana's Day, dear sister,
Since childhood I remember your ringing voice,
I'm even a little jealous
That there is such a holiday for all Tanya!

Congratulations to you, Tanyusha,
After all, your holiday has come today,
I think you're the best
I raise a glass to you.
I wish you strong love,
And as pure as the snow outside the window,
Let the smile on your cheeks shine,
And luck will rush to your home.

For Tatyana I write lines of congratulations

And I wish her a wonderful mood today.

I wish you to smile and give laughter to all your friends.

Beautiful congratulations on Tatyana’s day - with words of good wishes to Tatyana on her name day

Tatiana's Day traditionally comes in the middle of winter, on January 25th. However, the most warm congratulations, capable of melting snow and ice - such words carry a particle of goodness and light. After all, this particular day is dedicated to the holy Great Martyr Tatiana, who accepted death for the Christian faith many centuries ago. Therefore, all birthday girls can be prepared beautiful congratulations and say it on Tatyana’s day in person. Alternatively, you can congratulate your beloved mother Tanya or colleague Tanyusha by phone, conveying your most best regards. If your boss’s name is Tatyana, it would be appropriate to say congratulations on behalf of the entire work team or arrange a beautiful greeting card. We are sure that birthday girls will appreciate such signs of attention on their Angel Day.

On a bright, quiet and winter day
I'll open the lock on the house,
To zealously congratulate Tatyana’s day...
Did you guess it? Of course, Tatyana!

You are sweet and beautiful, lovely,
And your walk is so wonderful!
You are all perfect, without a flaw -
I adore Tatiana!

Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyusha,
Stay the best
Don't be sad and don't be bored.

IN winter holiday, on Tatiana's day
Everyone is drunk with love for you.
Only he's not drunk yet
Who hasn't heard about Tatyana.

Happy Tatyana's Day!
Let all failures be forgotten.
May success come in everything,
So that any problems can be solved.

Happiness will come, health will come.
Fulfillment of cherished desires
Let him bring it to you quickly
Wonderful holiday Tatyana!

Tatyana’s Day January 25 – touching congratulations in prose for women and girls

Every year, Tatyana's Day ends the series of New Year and Christmas holidays and is an additional reason to have fun with friends. Therefore, by January 25, it is customary to prepare beautiful congratulatory speeches in prose or touching poems. Of course, it is best to congratulate Tatyana’s birthday in your own words, putting the warmest feelings into the wishes. However, not everyone is able to beautifully express their thoughts and put them into suitable words. In connection with the upcoming holiday, we have prepared the most touching congratulations Happy Tatyana's Day in prose for women and girls with this beautiful name. Undoubtedly, such a congratulation on Tatiana’s Day will evoke a lot of pleasant emotions and provide a festive mood.

There would be more kindness, happiness, warmth, smiles, love, beauty in the world if there were more wonderful, sweet and gentle people like you, Tanyusha. Happy holiday, happy name day!

Charming Tatiana! Congratulations on winter magical holiday- on your name day! It is truly wonderful that you were called by this beautiful Russian name. It suits you so well. After all, you are femininity and tenderness, modesty and charm, kindness and spirituality! God bless you all! Happy name day, Tanechka!

Dear aunt, how lucky you are that you have such a noble and beautiful name Tatiana. With this name you can seduce men’s hearts without any problems, just like you do. Remain as attractive and charming as you are. Happy holiday!

Good congratulations on Tatiana's day in verse - to a friend, sister, colleague

Tatyana's Day has always been considered one of the most revered events, and also the main holiday of Russian students. It is known that Tatyana’s day is “divided” academic year into two parts, marking the onset of the long-awaited winter holidays after intense study. So, on January 25, students organize parties, fun competitions, skiing and general festivities. Especially on such a day, students named Tanya are “lucky”, since they receive “double” congratulations from relatives and friends. However, other Tatianas also do not have to complain about the lack of attention - on Tatiana’s Day it is customary to congratulate all owners of this beautiful and ancient name. Here you will find the kindest congratulations in verse that can be dedicated on Tatiana’s day best friend, sister or work colleague.

So, your name is Tatyana.

You are so beautiful and desirable

You are so beautiful and kind

And you are always full of happiness.

On Tatiana's day I wish you

Good luck, joy, warmth.

And so that the light of a sweet smile

Bringing a little goodness to everyone.

Always in a good mood

I wish you to be.

Look at the world with an open heart

And appreciate all your friends.

Tanya, Tanechka, Tatyana,
Your bright day has come.
I wish you happiness
On this clear winter day.

Let your eyes shine
From secret tender words,
Let your love not melt,
Let love be eternal.

Today Tanya is not too lazy to get up,
After all, it’s Tatiana’s day for her,
Willingly choose an outfit,
Do your hair, make-up.

Meet, Tatyana, all the guests,
Accept gifts quickly!
It’s not for nothing that January is in love with you,
Tatyana's day is the law of winter.

Beautiful greeting cards for Tatiana's Day

As on any other holiday, on Tatiana’s day it’s nice to receive from loved one touching sign attention - a greeting card with wishes in poetry or prose. Our collection contains the most beautiful cards and pictures of Tatyana's Day, which will be an excellent gift for a mother, friend, or colleague with the amazing name Tanya. Send such a colorful postcard on January 25 by mail or email - Tatyana will definitely be delighted and pleasantly surprised!

Which congratulations to choose for Tatiana’s Day? Here are beautiful congratulations on Tatiana's day in verse and prose - funny and touching, short SMS, in bright postcards and pictures. Choose best congratulations for Tatyana on January 25, with the most good wishes– and make the birthday girl happy!

On Tatiana's day we wish all Tatianas
Love and joy, health, inspiration,
Good friends, fulfillment of hopes
And God's blessings to all!

Our dear Tatiana,
Can't find a flaw in you!
You're still desirable
And, as before, good!

Coincided Student's Day
And Tanya's name day.
Gone in one moment
Horse meat cutlets.

Be on Tatiana's day
Cheerful, blush,
Both loved and desired,
And not too drunk!

Tanya is a laughing stock!
Tanya are true friends!
Tani - Stuffed Toys,
After a friendly party.
We congratulate Tanya,
We invite you to have a drink with us!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day,
And I wish you to be successful.
To get wish,
Don't be afraid of anything!

Happy Tatyana Day!
And I wish you many years,
Be cheerful like students
Live a carefree life without troubles!

Well, Tatyana, celebrate!
Conquer the men closest to you!
Today is your day,
I wish you vigor and strength!

I congratulate you with all my heart
On Tatiana's day I wish you happiness!
Let love be nearby
Let there be a lot of passion in life!

Tatyana’s day is your personal holiday,
Let everything be great in life!
Not only is this day lucky,
And every day luck awaits!

Tatyana, the holiday is the best
Today I came in your honor!
May you remain a beautiful lady
And set the table for us!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day
Let the best only remain in him,
May your dreams come true soon,
And the bad things in life will be forgotten faster!

Let the frost not be a hindrance to us on this day,
On Tatiana’s day, I will congratulate you, my soul.
And I’ll say this seriously, without laughing,
Tatyana, you are damn good!

All the Tanechkas, Tatyanas, Tanyas, all the silent ones, the rattles, all the plump and thin ones, all the young and old ones, all the fair ones, the black ones, the very red ones, all the modest, smart and shameless ones, the very and not so beautiful ones, all those who are not yet got married and everyone who got married early, congratulations to everyone on TATYANA'S DAY!!!

Let's be happy and drunk on the day of the beautiful Tatyana May Tatyana be happy, May they conquer men’s hearts with their beauty and wonderful figure, May they receive recognition of love!

Congratulations to all Tanya, all the beautiful merry girls! On this day, let the angels give you only flowers! Happiness, joy, love!!!

Tatyana's Day, Tatyana's feast Today the whole world is celebrating!!!

Our dear Tatiana! Health, prosperity and love to you! May every day bring happiness and good luck!

Tatyana’s day... And, oddly enough, Whoever is not too lazy calls Tatyana... I seem drunk from the effort: Well, there’s a lot going on around Tatyana...

Be proud, dear Tanya! It’s not at all by chance, no, in his novel Tatyana glorified the genius Pushkin throughout the whole world!

Today is a holiday without deception, my dear Tatyana!

In cold winter times, like a ray of sunshine in spring, Tatyana’s Day will warm the soul, There is no kinder and better holiday!

Happy holiday to you, Tatyana! Let all plans be realized, May they not know adversity, may they not know grievances, May they walk in step with success!

I’m drunk today in your honor - I want to congratulate all Tatiana! And from the bottom of my heart I wish you always, girls, to prosper!

The earth was white and white, there was a snowstorm, Tatyana's day, Tatyana's day

Happy holiday to all students!!! Happy name day to all Tatiana!!!

Be proud, dear Tanya! It’s not at all by chance, no, in his novel Tatyana made the genius Pushkin famous throughout the world.

Student's Day is a holiday of knowledge, a holiday of all youth. Hey students! Get ready and let's celebrate soon!

For the letter T only the heart beats, for the letter A only the blood boils, for the letter N only the heart aches, for the letter I the soul hurts!

Saint Tatiana lives, brethren! Into the arms of the session - be brave! May your teacher be like a lion who licked her feet!

It's frost and snow outside, but it's summer in my heart. Together we will celebrate Student's Day tomorrow! We will congratulate Tanya and give gifts. Sing, walk and relax - such are the rules!

I know one girl, her name is Tatyana. Graceful and smart, like a heroine from a novel, yes, yes, well, I can’t talk without compliments, because today is Tatyana’s day, aka Students’ Day!

Wonderful name - Tatyana! If you, friends, are not lazy, celebrate the victory of knowledge on Tatiana’s day!

The valiant student rejoices, they would like to make everything worse... But I have a different accent: Congratulations to Tatyanochka!..

On January 25, in the winter cold, every student is young. Even if this “student” is already 52 years old.

May Tatyana's day give all students a lot Have a good mood, warmth and smiles. Happy holiday!!!

Saint Tatiana, a martyr for the faith, is the patroness of all quitters, martyrs and martyresses from science, ignoramuses, bullies and young drunken revelers - Slavic loafers throughout the CIS.

Tatyana, you inspire us to study, and work, and allow us to have fun, and protect us from harm. Accept, Tatyana, our respect, be our patroness, bless us in our studies and illuminate the educational path.

Tatyana's Day is a wonderful holiday, let the shadow of sadness go away! And January, the prankster, gives us frost and sun on this day!

Tatyana's Day is a holiday for students, it brings joy and positivity. The prankster student is in a hurry to go for a walk, temporarily forgetting about the couples.

Tatyana's Day - how cute it is, a mischievous holiday for students. The frosty air is ticklish, and the girls' laughter is pouring.

Tatyana's Day is a holiday of youth, a holiday of all those who keep in their souls the fire of creativity, the thirst for knowledge, search and discovery.

Tatyana's day is a good occasion, and not only for Tatyana. Even if it is still cold outside, the student is resourceful - he will be drunk!!!

Tatiana's Day is International Students' Day!!! Happy holiday to you, martyrs of science!!!

You, Tanya, don’t lose your temper, spring is coming. Accept gifts and congratulations. Winter will fly by like a bullet to your temple. Happy Tatyana's Day, happiness and luck!

T.A.N.E.Ch.K.A Demanding Afigenskaya Tender Unique Charming Beautiful Angelically beautiful

Considering the striking coincidence of two major holidays - St. Tatiana's Day and Student's Day in one day - January 25, as they say, God himself ordered these two holidays to be combined and celebrated.

Praise be to the student fraternity! From year to year, from century to century. On Tatiana's Day, thousands of people rush to gather for the holiday.

Congratulations to all Tatyanas, daughters, grandmothers and mothers! May happiness smile on you, May the sun light your path in life! Be joyful, welcome... Congratulations to you, Tatyana!

Tatyanka's are the best!!! Or are there those who disagree?

Congratulations to all Tanya! I wish you joy and love!

Hello, beautiful Tatyana! Your day has come, what do you wish? How should I call you? You are good! Well, it's just amazing! Sweet, natural, beautiful... Happy Holidays!!!

For the letter T only the heart beats, for the letter A only the blood boils, for the letter N only the mind lives, for the letter I the soul boils!

(collected from the internet)

For a fun mood, verbally or send SMS!

Oh, Tatyana! Eh, Tatyana!
Joyful, smart, fresh.
And with its beauty,
It will drive all men crazy.

Tanya, dear! Happy holiday to you!
We wish you happiness and joy,
So that your eyes shine and never lose heart.
Well, we, your friends,
We promise without deception, we will be together forever.
We will be in joyful moments and stormy adventures.
In general, we are always happy to congratulate you on Tatyana’s Day,
AND short poems, send by mobile!

I wish Tatyana to always have good luck.
And with it: an apartment, a fur coat, a dacha.
And gold coins!
Glamorous wardrobe from Dolci and Gabanna.
Let the aroma intoxicate you from Paco Rabano.
Respectable men rich in moderation.
No, not for show-off, for a bitch friend.
Let everyone know. Tatyana can do anything.
You are always the queen!
And cleverly and skillfully, you drive everyone crazy.
You can separate both the president and the sucker.
On breeches, and on furs.
This is Tanyusha - alone!

What holiday is there in January?
Well, answer me quickly!
No no not again New Year.
And not carols, sowing songs.
And Tatyana’s day comes to us,
Snow brings us joy.
We want to collect a bouquet of the warmest words.
Let it never leave: hope, faith and love.
Prosper in your career and shine in society.
And never forget, Tatiana’s day is one of the best!

Tanyusha, wait for miracles. So that Santa Claus climbs into the chimney.
Well, the Snow Maiden, even if it’s in the snow, won’t find any traces of grandpa.
And there will be happiness and love in the house, before the onset of new cold weather.
And when another January comes, quickly let grandpa go.
After all, the prince is galloping there on a horse and saying: “Tanyusha is no dearer to me.”
He’s ready to climb into the pipe too. But what to do if there are no places?!

We'll wake up early in the morning.
Congratulate all Tatiana around.
After all, there are none nicer or more beautiful.
And we have no kinder friends.
They are slim and cheerful.
And graceful and sweet.
Still smart, of course.
The men look after Tanya.
And they don’t hide the fact that these ladies are the beginning of many troubles.
Oh no, not storms and snow, they are capable of summoning.
They will take one look and bewitch you. They will drive you crazy with any behavior.
And there is not a day of peace. With such beauty!

Congratulations on Student's Day on Tatyana's Day

Guarded by Tatiana Saint

All students, good people,

Let any misfortune pass you by

And you just go forward.

Let the profession be good

There is a lot of useful knowledge in everything,

And let love be the best

Let laughter flow like a cheerful stream.

Happy Student's Day, I congratulate you,

Be happy and cheerful

Let them light up for you in the distance

Beautiful bonfire accompanied by a guitar.

Have fun and sing, student,

While there is such a moment,

Tatyana's day is coming,

Mischievous people are walking.

The party will be hot

On January 25, students all over Russia celebrate Tatyana's Day. And although initially this holiday was a church holiday, and was named after the Great Martyr Tatiana of Rome, gradually Tatiana’s Day became the main holiday for students. The second name of Tatyana's day is Student's Day. On this day, students send to each other, as well as to Tatyana’s acquaintances, short, funny and cool congratulations in poetry and SMS.

On January 25, students all over Russia traditionally celebrate Tatyana’s Day or, in other words, Student’s Day. Initially, Tatiana's Day had nothing to do with students, and was associated with the memory of the Great Martyr Tatiana of Rome, a Christian who died for her faith at the end of the 2nd century in Rome. It was on Tatiana’s day, in 1755, that Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the founding of the country’s first Moscow University, and January 25, according to the new style, began to be considered the Foundation Day of Moscow University, and then, with the advent of other educational institutions in Russia, it became a common holiday for all students , magnificently celebrated as Student's Day. The already well-known Tatiana of Rome became the patroness of all students.

IN Soviet time Tatyana's Day was banned, as was everything related to faith; instead, another holiday was established - the Day of Proletarian Students. Tatiana Day returned to Russia only in 1992, and in 2005 the president signed a decree establishing the official celebration of Russian Student Day on January 25. On this day they arrange for students holiday events, celebrations and concerts. And the students themselves congratulate their classmates, as well as girls with the rare name Tatyana, with cheerful and funny SMS in poetry and prose.

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day, postcards in verse, short and funny SMS:

Tatyana's day is a big date,

And the holiday goes here and there;

We were once students

So let's go back to those years!

We will remember sweet moments

When the spirit is full of joy;

We were greedy for learning -

Science stone was like fluff.

Today we have teaching again

He will come and check us again;

But it will be harsh on those

Who will not hear his voice.

Today is St. Tatiana's day,

It's a beautiful day, so

If you're drunk with a sensible thought,

Then everything will be decided according to the mind.

For the letter T, only the heart beats,

For the letter A, only blood boils,

For the letter N, only the heart aches,

For the letter I, my soul hurts!

When winter has passed the middle,

Casts a gray shadow on spring,

We remember the student intercessor

And we celebrate Tatiana's day.

Students rejoice on the twenty-fifth,

Tatyana's name day will be celebrated,

And put your candles in the temple

They will definitely come to Saint Tatiana.

Me for my Tatyana on this day

I ask for kindness and indulgence -

No wonder the sky sends her

Tatyana's second birthday!

Wishes on Tatiana's Day

Wonderful name - Tatyana!

If you, friends, are not lazy,

Celebrate the victory of knowledge

Exactly on Tatyana’s day!

Those who weren’t students are destined to understand,

Like a crowd walking on Tatyana’s holiday,

How to ask for concessions in your studies

To bring gifts to the protector on holiday.

Yelling from the balcony “freebies come”

Sometimes it’s not easy, no matter how you look at it.

You persistently gnaw at the edges of science,

And you will, naturally, be irresistible.

Give sleepless nights to books,

Look through your dictionaries more often,

Keep your notebooks clean and in order,

Mine pure knowledge ore for yourself.

Let the session pass easily,

And the couple moves quickly.

Let the exam succeed

When a student is waiting for a freebie.

Let the teacher forget

What does it mean to be strict?

Let the student try

Sometimes you should learn something!

Tatyana's day is a students' holiday,

He brings joy and positivity.

The student-prankster is in a hurry to walk

I temporarily forgot about the couples.

After all, youth alone is given,

And I want to do everything in it.

Let everyone smile on holiday

And he will continue to rejoice.