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Happy New Year. Happy New Year Poems Happy New Year

IN New Year we believe in fairy tales.
Happiness and magic to you!
The holiday will be New Year's
Full of games and mischief.

Miracle of New Year's Eve
Every day it gets closer to us.
Happy upcoming fun
We send you congratulations!

And clearly the chimes
They will ring 12 times during the night.
All the troubles and misfortunes
They will leave in the coming years!

Happy New Year to you, happy coming year,
Everyone is welcome to come and see us soon.
I wish you great happiness,
May all misfortunes and bad weather disappear.
Be successful, be successful,
Super cool, tender, tasty!

It's white on the street,
Which means the holiday is coming soon,
I congratulate you on it,
Happy New Year!

I wish you a Happy New Year
Brought many accomplishments
You didn’t know worries, anxieties,
And only great happiness.

A short

The chimes will strike 12 soon,
Big changes await us in the new year.
May he bring you a lot of luck,
Good luck, love and impressions.

Remember, you dreamed of moving mountains,
Were there tons of plans?
What I mean is that very soon
New Year is coming to us again!

Congratulations! He's just around the corner
We will greet you with fireworks,
I wish you to cope with your affairs,
To celebrate with a light heart!

Let him still have time to please
More than once the passing year,
Let hope into the soul of the good fairy,
Expectations for the best will flutter.

Our New Year is on its way...
Who can tell what awaits us?
What does this meeting promise us?
Warmed by anticipation?...

How will we spend it?
What will we find this year?
Will we meet Santa Claus?
And parting words from the forecast?

We'll find out everything soon,
In the meantime, congratulations to you
With this fabulous phenomenon
New Year's performance!

Congratulations on the most important thing
The holiday is just around the corner,
Happy New Year - so nice
And beloved children.

Let prosperity enter the house,
Health will follow.
Happiness will come to every home,
And luck will run in.

To an angel in the New Year
Covered me with my hand from trouble,
And all the sorrows are bypassed
They flowed away from you like a river.

May it become the brightest
And it will save you from hassle -
Having prepared gifts for everyone,
New Year is coming!

Let him only bring joy,
Laughter, fun, kindness,
Will answer all questions
And love and beauty!

By leaps and bounds
The New Year is coming our way!
We all keep an eye on the clock:
The pendulum will strike midnight!

Let everyone this night
He will sincerely believe in miracles,
Just make a wish:
Here it is, knocking on the door!

So let this holiday
Will bring a lot of good
So that in everything in this world
Life was happy!

Winters have a cold start
There was a quiet knock on the door.
And finally the new year
He will soon come to us for a holiday.

So let's wish it, friends
Good luck peace and goodness.
May your dear face be healthy
It quickly entered your body.

To be a happy wave
You are all completely overwhelmed.
So that the currency rushes into the house
And my heart began to beat with love.

It so happens that corporate parties, school and student evenings dedicated to the New Year take place earlier than December 31st. This is specifically so that people can spend the holiday itself at home or on a trip, but with their family. Of course, the day itself, December 31st, is often a working day, so housewives have to ask for time off or hurry up to get everything done.

Therefore, most congratulations on the upcoming New Year are given for the future. The time you receive them does not affect the content. Key words retain value.

Happy New Year greetings to relatives

Congratulations sister,

Happy upcoming holiday, I also wish you -

Happiness, success and love at the same time!

Hardworking like Cinderella, rest sometimes and call me!

Beauty, please those around you with warmth,

Give a charming smile.

May your soul always be light,

And the sadness will remain forever forgotten.

Dear sister, you always support,

If there’s trouble, you’re nearby, and sometimes we fight.

I wish you good luck, preserve your beauty and youth,

Don’t hold a grudge, let it go!

Dear Parents! It must have been an important event for you when I appeared. You were worried, of course you were worried, because life was changing dramatically. The family has grown, there are new worries and pleasant excitement. The years have flown by, you have proven to everyone, and most importantly to yourself, how caring you can be!

It seemed that the children had grown up and it was time to relax, enjoy our successes, and support us from afar. But you continue to worry, each time worrying even more than us. This is probably what parental love is like, when the desire to see a child happy is above all else.

Our dears! Congratulations on the upcoming year and I want to say thank you today. For the time we lived together, for a wonderful and unforgettable childhood filled with impressions. You are real wizards, because you were able to give us a fairy tale that continues to this day. I wish you health, great patience, luck, inspiration, and happiness. Thank you for the life guidelines you set along the way. This keeps us on the right track!

You are a true artist, you always have your head in the clouds,

Let everything succeed for you, don’t stay on the beans.

The work is going well, and there is a close circle of friends.

Let relatives gather around more often.

Let everything be fine at home too,

My wife warmly welcomes me with delicious borscht.

Children are happy with their success at school,

And you – think about where else to go on vacation.

May there always be enough money.

The time has come to buy a new car.

Change the decor at home, buy a fur coat for your wife,

What else can you buy, think for yourself.

I still wish you good health,

Smile more often positive people like fate.

For posterity, pave a wide road,

And enjoy every day that comes a little!

Be happy - rejoice in everything that fate brings,

Be generous - shower your loved ones with warmth and your friends with care.

Be yourself and let the years fly by

Be loved - and love selflessly.

Be successful - your career is built and your work goes well,

Be a father - the house will be filled with the stomping and laughter of children.

Be sociable - let your friends always be nearby,

Be healthy - and amaze your descendants with longevity!

Congratulations for friends

True friends are people who are able to rejoice together, support a person in trouble and give anything without regret. Unfortunately, there are only a few of them; each one is worth appreciating. Therefore, it is imperative to congratulate everyone on the upcoming New Year! Wish them good health and meet more often, of course.

I want to congratulate everyone on the upcoming holiday today,

May you always have resounding success in everything!

Collect your problems in a bag, tighten them tightly,

And send him to quieter places.

Open your doors wider, friends,

Let love in, with it prosperity and abundance!

Let there be more good days,

And the authorities will be more merciful, not stricter.

We are all real professionals,

So let our salaries be big and worthwhile!

I wish you all good health, live long,

And you bring home a lot of money!

Happy New Year, dear friend,

Do you consider this form of congratulations outdated?


I will say lovingly and wish you happiness.

You are worthy of all known earthly blessings, dear,

Let earthly love not leave you.

Let the problems go away with the cold weather,

And you will greet spring renewed and filled with charm.

Don't get ahead of yourself, enjoy the moment

Remain yourself, let wealth wash to your shore!

The languid, fleeting spring will pass,

Keep its charge and magic for a year.

The years will fly by, time is truly inexorable.

Just don’t be afraid of his power, be undaunted.

Preserve the beauty of your soul for centuries,

Shine with colorful lights like a Christmas tree.

Let the house be filled with the laughter of children,

And you live happily, don’t get sick!

How I want to raise a glass now,

And wish you all the best!

Dear friends, my buddies,

It's so good that our paths crossed.

We have gone through a lot, we have accumulated experience behind us,

And there is a lot of pre-New Year troubles ahead.

However, we will gather to celebrate more than once,

To drink red and talk without embellishment!

I thank fate tirelessly,

For loyal and desired friends.

Let's save our relationship

And we will surprise our descendants more than once!

I will close the doors forever -

For the bad: bad thoughts, nightmares and fads,

Our friendship, unity and common memories,

Friends, I want to wish you the opposite -

Be happy, successful, positive always!

So that good luck, happiness, and success await everyone.

And ours remained the same: one for all!

Congratulations to your other half

People in love sometimes forget about the world around them; the main thing for them is that their loved one remains close. Therefore, they are the first to express congratulations on the upcoming year to their couple. Take a ready-made text or write your own? Now you can buy postcards of any theme: “To my beloved,” “Dear mother-in-law,” “Dear mother-in-law.” There will be ready-made texts inside. But it's better to compose New Year's greetings independently, having studied several examples. This approach will only increase the value of the message.

Darling, the New Year is rapidly approaching us,

I don’t know what surprises it will bring us.

Pleasant pre-holiday chores await you,

The main thing is not to spend all your time worrying.

Look around - everything is going well now,

Relatives are nearby, work is going well, everything is fine with us.

For love, for warmth, for parents and friends to us.

I want to see you every day

Absorb your entire appearance.

Let your beautiful, happy eyes shine.

They impress with their warmth and kindness.

Darling, a magical New Year is coming. I can’t help but remember how I waited for this as a child.

Happy New Year to the man.

holiday. It seemed that he fulfilled all wishes, because he carried gifts there good wizard- Father Frost. The atmosphere itself is still filled with charm. You see? The streets are already shining with colorful lights. Let it be cold, winter gives no respite.

All the same, my soul is warm and joyful. Let's wish one thing for both of us? Stay together always! Any problem, even a big trouble, will be overcome if we meet it together. It doesn't matter what surprises fate has in store for us. Let's keep our strong feelings forever!

I miss you now, my love,

I miss your wonderful eyes.

Everyone around is getting ready to send off,

At the same time, for the arrival of the New Year.

I want to do one thing,

Will go down into the underground metro.

Get into the right carriage and fly to you!

So that we can celebrate the New Year together.

Let's make a wish at the same time.

Remain united always, without separation.

And if you have to say goodbye again.

Leave a piece of your soul and half of yours!

We must not forget our comrades with whom we meet every day at work!

Promise to always be here

Promise - to love, care and dream.

Promise me to stay young, even though the years pass,

And after death he will return as a blue bird.

I always ask little from fate,

So as not to fall to the bottom in life.

At the same time, preserve and strengthen our love.

I give my word - I will stay with you,

I give you my word - I will protect you from harm with myself.

I know you will wish us happiness,

So that bad weather can pass us by.

The New Year is approaching us,

What other surprises will he bring?

Let's meet him together, open the door,

And we wish you to live a year without losses.


My dear, the New Year is approaching,

What gift should I give you?

I wish you love, beauty,

May the Sun always shine on you,

And the Moon will be your guiding star at night.

Let what you wish come true,

And let those you meet be kind.

Friends always remain true

And our love will grow stronger, may the years strengthen it.

Just keep me warm,

And impress with a beautiful outfit at the holiday.

Congratulations to colleagues

We must not forget our comrades with whom we meet every day at work! Sometimes the routine seems endless, who will encourage, at the same time give advice or help clear out the rubble? Of course, colleagues! It’s worth celebrating the coming New Year with them at the corporate party, and at the same time wishing them happiness and other blessings!

Be patient a little longer, gentlemen!

The New Year is in a hurry, hurrying here.

As luck would have it, our roads are snowy,

It’s cold, the main thing for Santa Claus is not to get cold feet.

Is your child expecting congratulations from Santa Claus?


We decorated the office well,

It became so light, beautiful, festive!

The smell of spruce lingers in the rooms,

And the beautiful Christmas tree is already standing in the corner.

We are ready - money has been set aside for a corporate event,

The day has been chosen, the time has been set - just get ready.

Let's sing New Year's songs together,

And we’ll call Santa Claus that way!

New Year is still approaching

And I want to congratulate everyone now.

Raise a glass, albeit imaginary for now,

And to say - be happy, colleagues, always.

Let the advent of next year, 2019,

The weather is always good in the office.

Let the boss praise him more often, and at the same time decide

Give out bonuses to all of us early.

I want to celebrate the winter holidays,

Just like I dreamed of - going to the sea with my family.

Forget at least for a while about the harsh winter,

And always be on top of your game at work!

Life is harsh, every year we are frightened by shocks,

Prices are rising – for food, housing and communal services and equipment.

What other concerns might there be?

Come on, colleagues, we will withstand the blows of fate together,

Even if the Earth shakes and the sky splits a meteorite,

We will remain the same – friendly and strong.

At the same time, don’t forget to organize a corporate party!

The New Year is coming anyway, it’s inevitable.

Winter holidays pass quickly and unnoticed.

Then harsh everyday life awaits us, work until it stops,

So let your loved ones be your support.

I still wish everyone good health,

A successful career and more salaries.

And the management should praise him more often and at the same time support him!

Bottom line

Who should be the first to congratulate on the upcoming holiday - New Year? Of course, parents, convey your greetings to them, and at the same time wish them happiness.

Congratulate your other half by adding some nice gift to your wishes. Don’t forget the company of friends, be sure to colleagues, and tell your boss a few kind words. Yes, the New Year is such a holiday, it unites everyone!

On the eve of the New Year, I would like to express my warm feelings and sincere wishes in a beautiful and succinct form. Unique and bright congratulations in prose and poetry on the upcoming 2017 are perfect for this. There is an option for colleagues, family and friends. Send in advance cool congratulations to a friend, tender to a beloved and laconic to a boss.

Classic congratulations

The long-awaited and magical New Year's evening is already very close. May the holiday and the whole coming year live up to your hopes. I wish you successful achievement of your goals, like-minded people on your career path and mutual understanding with your loved ones. With coming!

Happy New Year 2017! I wish you positivity, good luck in any endeavor, good health and personal happiness.

New Year is a holiday that comes from childhood. I would like to wish you a wonderful meeting of the Year of the Rooster. And throughout his 12 months, your life was filled with happiness and serenity, your thoughts were filled with productive ideas, and your home was filled with comfort.

Rooster congratulations

With coming! May the Rooster peck all the seeds of discord in your life in 2017. His Fire will not leave even an ember of problems. And all achievements will be worthy of the Red Book for their uniqueness.

Happy new year 2017. Let the clink of glasses, chimes and festive toasts, like the crowing of a rooster, will herald the dawn of the new year and the sun of success will rise. And all beginnings are easy, like the flight of a bird.

Congratulations on the coming year of the Red Rooster. May good luck, happiness and success follow you like faithful chickens every day.

Congratulations on the upcoming year. I wish you that in the new year all the days will be unique, like rooster feathers. Every morning I wanted to greet the sun with a joyful song. And the wallet was full, like a diligent hen’s nest.

Business congratulations

Happy New Year of the Rooster, guys. Thank you for the pleasant atmosphere and professionalism. It was a fruitful and positive year. I wish you fresh ideas, pleasure from everyday work and personal happiness.

It's nice to sum up the past year. I would like to wish you success in 2017 and no difficulties in raising the bar of professionalism. Let the positive dynamics of profit and status of your company remain.

Cool congratulations

Happy 2017 Year of the Rooster! Keep your beak in the wind and your spurs always sharp. Good luck and achievements!

Honey, I want to wish you success in advance in the coming Year of the Rooster. You are the cutest chicken in the world. Every day of our relationship is a golden egg as a gift from you.

There is a sign that in order for everything to go well in the coming year, in December you need to get rid of everything unnecessary. Of course, everything will be great! Just throw problems, worries and bad luck out of your life this year. With coming!

I would like to wish you a loyal and beautiful Rooster for 2017. And you, as a decent hen, will help many wonderful ideas come into this world. Happiness and prosperity! With coming!

Congratulations in verse

The Fiery Rooster will soon announce the beginning of the year,
I want to wish you to forget your troubles.
Let him give only brightness and positivity every day,
And luck and wealth will follow you.

Congratulations on the Red Year of the Fire Rooster,
Let problems and sorrows fly to smithereens.
Full of happiness in 2017,
In anticipation, I wish you a succession of successes.

Woman Friend Beloved Beloved Parents Dad Mom Colleagues Happy New Year

A merry New Year is rushing towards us with a light tread,
Holds the hand of luck and leads us to success,
He has stored up a lot of goods, so there is enough for everyone,
And may he reward the talented and brave ones doubly.

I wish with all my soul that the year will be happy,
To correct all the mistakes and solve all the problems,
So that happiness smiles every day, every hour,
Let love inspire you and lead you to victories!

The ball will swing on the lush Christmas tree,
And “Bom-Bim-Bom” the clock will strike.
The wild fun will begin
New Year will burst into your home!

Seeing off the passing year,
Thank you for everything good.
Forward with invigorating hope
And look with bright joy!

New year, I know it will be accurate,
He will arrive at 12 sharp.
Let him become very pleasant,
He will bestow you with new success!

Let comfort be added to life,
Love will only blossom more beautifully.
And in the glare of bright fireworks
The soul will sing with happiness!

On the eve of the New Year, I wish you to get rid of everything outdated and unnecessary. Get it out of your head bad thoughts to give room to brilliant ideas. Drive out ailments from your body, opening the way to health and longevity. Clear the space of negativity to prepare space for happiness and love! With coming!

Congratulations on the upcoming
From the bottom of my heart I want now
Let everything you dream about
It will be up to you.

Let your ideas come true,
Let the money stick to your hands,
The start of the chimes will be announced
Long-awaited miracles!

Both in the house and in the soul - light and clean,
After all, the holiday is just around the corner!
So let it be under the tree, bright and fluffy,
Everyone will find gifts for themselves!

Counting down the minutes until midnight,
Put on your most festive outfit
Let loud fireworks go up,
And the champagne corks will fly off!

I wish you to be happy
Everything else is just nonsense
Let all the dreams that you harbored within yourself
The race will begin to come true!

On the eve of the New Year, I wish that your heart is filled with joyful hopes, that you have enough strength, health, and inspiration to solve all problems and leave problems in the outgoing year, may the New Year rush to you with the wind of change, with new happiness and optimism, with wonderful surprises, great mood and unforgettable pleasant moments!

Happy New Year
I love you today with all my heart!
May it be simply amazing
And it brings joy every hour!

May everything in life work out for you!
Like children, believe in miracles!
And let it never end
You all have a color streak!

Approaching magical holiday,
Lights beckon us,
We are waiting for miracles, various surprises,
Sincere and warm phrases.

May the coming year, New
Your plans will come true,
Will give you faith, a healthy spirit,
Vigor and strength will be strengthened.

May he come rushing with good luck,
With the wind of good changes,
With a new goal and task,
Laziness and sadness will be taken in return.

Let it fill you with love,
With the joyful shine of the eyes,
All wishes will be fulfilled,
Let happiness cover you!

Happy New Year! As soon as he crosses the threshold of our house, everything will be completely new. I wish you new happiness, new money in the new year, new luck and new successful projects! Let only your family, loved ones and friends remain old in the new year!

Winter has decorated its home,
I hung garlands in it,
Covered the floor with a carpet of snow,
Fluffed the feather bed.

After all, the New Year is in a hurry to visit,
Happiness flies by his side,
And you will meet him soon,
Open your soul for happiness.

Alina Ogonyok

New Year is a long-awaited and favorite holiday for most families. It is always shrouded in magic, a fairy tale. To please your loved ones on this wonderful holiday, you should choose warm, pleasant and beautiful congratulations Happy New Year.

It doesn’t matter at all whether Happy New Year greetings will be written in poetry or prose. The main thing is to make them sincere, warm, sincere. New Year is a holiday that both adults and children look forward to equally, so congratulations can be prepared for all generations of the family. It will be a pleasure for the kids, their parents, and grandparents to receive it. By the way, it is important to congratulate not only family members, but also neighbors, work colleagues and even just random passers-by. The New Year sometimes brings together complete strangers and brings everyone back to childhood.

To effectively congratulate your loved ones on the New Year and Christmas, you can not only write a wish text for them, but also give them gifts. It’s worth noting right away that on a magical holiday, expensive, luxurious gifts will not be very appropriate. It is better to choose sets of sweets and other treats, Christmas tree decorations, lights for room decoration, chocolate figurines, and various products with the symbol of the year for your loved ones. Such gifts will delight people of any age and social status, regardless of their tastes and preferences.

I wish you this New Year

Less sadness and worries,

More happiness and goodness,

Smiles, tenderness, warmth!

May your friends be true

And a very friendly family,

So that every day is successful,

And so that you have enough strength for everything!

Well, let's also have a New Year

Will bring more money

Health, peace and love,

So that there is no winter in your heart!

Happy New Year! And I would like to wish everyone that in the coming year the same miracle that we all dream about will happen to us. And let everyone have their own, but it is certainly the most necessary and most important. I wish that we are all alive and healthy, that we do what brings us pleasure. I wish you to reach new heights and self-realization. I also want to wish you more joyful moments that will turn into pleasant memories, and meetings with loyal friends and beloved family members.

May a miracle happen in the New Year -

Lights will light up in the soul

And you won't have a whole year

No grief, no melancholy.

Let the Christmas tree with a bright star

Will bring good luck to your home,

Love and good health.

May you have a fabulously lucky year.

When the chimes strike, make a wish

Your cherished dreams

And quickly let me into your house

A year of joy and kindness.

This year has been difficult, there have been many problems, failures, setbacks. So let there be more victories in the New Year. May it be filled with joy, smiles and laughter. I wish everyone that any desire comes true, that all their goals are achieved. Most importantly, may each of us be happy in the New Year. After all, happiness includes health, love, and success. Be happy! Happy New Year!

How to congratulate loved ones on the upcoming holiday in prose

Happy New Year greetings in prose are quite easy to write yourself. To do this, you don’t need to be a great writer or even have impeccable literacy. It is enough to have the desire to please loved ones.

You should start with a pleasant, beautiful address to your family, and then list the wishes that are relevant to them. You can wish the youngest family members the toys of your dreams, success in kindergarten or school, and for everyone else - real sincere happiness, good good health, fulfillment of all desires and only worthy, pleasant people in the circle.

Wishes can be anything. Sometimes - in the most unexpected ways. It all depends on the relationship of the congratulator with loved ones and on many other factors.

If the congratulation is written in your own words, it is best to place it on a postcard or a beautifully designed piece of paper. This is worth doing not only so as not to forget the prepared text. You can give the card to your family, and they can keep it and re-read it from time to time, remembering the pleasant moments of the holiday.

Happy New Year! I wish that next year brings us as many joys as there are days in the year, and that every day gives us a smile and a piece of goodness. Let everything we planned come true: everything we wanted to start will begin, and everything we wanted to finish will end. May we all become happier, kinder and more attentive to the people around us next year, and may the world open new doors for us!

Happy New Year! May this year bring us only the best. May good luck, success and luck accompany us. I wish everyone good health, true happiness and Have a good mood. May we always be surrounded by loved ones. And everything that is wished for when the chimes strike will definitely come true.

May this New Year be for you fabulous journey where will they meet good people, interesting events will occur that will leave unforgettable impressions. May your dreams come true, may luck be on your side, may health and success settle in your home. I wish that money flows to you like a river, there is a sea of ​​love, and an ocean of happiness!

Touching New Year's poems

Write wishes to New Year's holidays in poetry it’s always a little more complicated. Such texts usually require at least minimal literary talent from the congratulator. But for help, you can turn to special services that independently select rhymes, synonyms, and also check errors. In this case, the task of the congratulator will be somewhat easier.

Another option is to use a ready-made congratulation that meets all the parameters, changing it slightly. For example, you can add the name at the beginning of the text loved one, to which the wish is addressed.

The main thing is not to choose options among the most popular ones on the Internet. Otherwise, during the holiday, the same congratulations may be heard from different family members.

I wish you peace and goodness,

Love, warmth!

May this New Year

Will bring success and joy!

May the New Year open its doors

Into the world of magic, care, faith.

And all good things will begin!

May luck smile on you!

May the New Year bring good things,

And the door to a fairy tale will open,

And he will certainly bring

Take all the best with you.

I wish you all this year

Live in love and happiness,

Not to know sadness and worries

And other bad weather.

The clock will strike twelve times,

And a miracle will suddenly happen!

May everyone's dreams come true,

Joy will knock on the house.

May the New Year bring you joy,

Warmth of hearts, love of relatives.

May every day be sweet for you.

Fewer cold, angry days.

I wish you a lot of happiness,

Let life play with colors.

Fun, joy, enthusiasm!

Let everyday life become fairy tales.

Let luck not give up,

Let kindness surround you

May the New Year not offend you

And he will always be generous to you.

New Year is a magical holiday,

A day of miracles and celebration.

We wish you in your home

The cup is always full!

It's time for fairy tales

May there be a mountain of miracles,

We wish you a lot of happiness,

Light, peace and goodness!

On a magical night at the Christmas tree

Let's make a wish, as always,

So that everyone is healthy

And loved forever!

Short wishes in your own words

Universal short wishes in their own words today many people have Christmas tree decorations. This congratulation looks very original and unusual.

This can be done either independently, using a marker and glitter, or with the help of professionals. Various gift making studios will create a custom balloon from scratch and print the customer's chosen lines on it.

Interestingly, you can also place photographs of your loved ones on Christmas tree balls. A set will be a wonderful gift New Year's decorations, supplemented by the personal wishes of the congratulator and a common beautiful photo of the whole family.

Short wishes in your own words are perfect for wishing your child a Happy New Year. Small texts will be easier for the baby to listen to and understand, especially if the child is under 5 years old. It is advisable to make congratulations for children fun and interesting. For example, on the theme of popular fairy tales or cartoons. To wish the boy to be strong, like Superman or Spider-Man, and to wish the girl to be beautiful and tender, like the princess from her favorite cartoon.

Happy New Year! Let the coming year bring only good events, bright moments in life, happiness, fulfillment of all hopes and goals.

Happy New Year! May only joy, health and good luck await you this year! Let it be a year of fulfillment of desires and implementation of all plans! May this year give everyone as much as possible happy days and happy meetings!

Happy New Year! I wish you with all my heart bright moments in life, only pleasant impressions, great prosperity in the home, harmony in the family, luck in all matters and, of course, pure and sincere love!

Cool congratulations in honor of the year of the yellow earthen pig

2019 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. You can associate your congratulations and even gifts with this symbol. For example, you can prepare a thematic text, as well as cool souvenirs with a picture of a pig. It is believed that it is precisely such gifts for the New Year that will bring happiness and good luck to a person.

Gifts with wishes can even be made with your own hands. For example, decorate ordinary plain cups or plates in an original way, make a flower vase, various textiles, photo frames, beautiful panels on the wall, decorate a ready-made clock, etc. On each gift it is worth placing the symbol of the coming year - a pig.

To make New Year's greetings to your friends memorable for a long time and to lift your spirits on the holiday, you can turn your performance into a cool scene. A themed costume - the symbol of the year, Santa Claus or Snow Maiden - is perfect for this purpose.

Of course, it’s easier to read one common wish to everyone. But personal ones sound much more original and pleasant. Let the character in the scene, one by one, take out postcards from a bag or chest with pleasant words written on them for everyone present. Wishes can be supplemented with small pleasant gifts.

A fairy tale will knock on the door,

Snow will fall to the ground,

The miracle will finally happen

And the New Year will come.

Let him be kind, warm,

Let the light of happiness sparkle,

Let there be many ups in it,

Lots of joy and victories!

Laughter, love, success, luck

Let Santa Claus give

A bag of dollars to boot,

And a bouquet of hundreds of roses!

Let the holiday bring joy,

Joy to days and sweetness to dreams,

Hello, warmth, luck!

Happy New Year! Good luck to you!

The time has come when everyone can

Dream about new plans,

Think about something carefully

Make a wish for everything under the tree.

I am glad to congratulate you on the New Year!

And late this evening

Let Santa Claus pass you by

Gives you happiness and warmth.

A herd of deer will come running to you

They will bring gifts.

Rivers of goodness and delight to you,

Let comfort reign in your place.

Happiness, joy and fun

May the New Year bring you!

And good luck under the Christmas tree

It will bring you more.

Let him put it under the pillow

Pounds of warmth and kindness,

And he’ll quietly hide it in his palm

A dream come true.

Out of love and inspiration

Let him weave a simple wreath

And it will tie up quietly

A knot is lucky for you.

For colleagues and boss

If a person spends a lot of time throughout the year with his colleagues and superiors, they should also be pleased pleasant congratulations Happy holiday. It happens that there is absolutely no time to prepare for the celebration. Then it will be enough to give your colleagues a small New Year's souvenir and say a few nice words. For example: “I wish you nothing but the best, brightest, most beautiful things in the coming year!”

For the boss, you can prepare a general congratulations from all employees. If there are no decorations in the office, then a small Christmas tree with balls and lights would be an excellent gift. It will probably be used every year in the future.

If some of the recipient's colleagues remain at work on the holiday, you can leave a small box of treats for them in a secret place.

The location of the gift will be promptly communicated right at midnight when exchanging wishes over the phone.

Happy New Year, colleagues. I wish you great awards and merits, confident aspirations and victories, promising ideas and deeds, bold decisions and actions, successful starts and successful days. May this year be fruitful for all of you in terms of work and happy in terms of life.

Colleagues, Happy New Year of the Pig. I would like to wish you to always find a way out of any situation, to achieve success and recognition of your talent with every task. May the coming year bring a lot of opportunities, ideas and success, may every day be a day of professionalism and significant achievement.

You lead our team

And you govern us wisely.

Happy New Year!

Let him please you with income,

Bright success, prosperity,

May everyone's wishes come true,

So that at work and in the family

You were always in charge.

We wish you very strong nerves,

The ideas are always great.

May the coming New Year

It will only bring you happiness.

Happy New Year! You are an example for every subordinate, you are truly a wonderful person. I want to wish you patience, high achievements, wisdom, good spirits, strength, satisfaction and stability. May prosperity reign in your family. Happy holiday!

The New Year can safely be called a holiday of good mood. On this day everyone, young and old, has fun. Of course, you can’t do without beautiful wishes and congratulations for your loved ones. These can be poems or prose lines. Their genre is also completely unimportant. The main thing is that every word comes from the heart of the congratulator.