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Funny birthday greetings. Category: Original funny birthday greetings

Of course, all people love to celebrate a birthday, and one of the most enjoyable moments is receiving gifts. Every person at this time feels more significant in this world. Therefore, it is very important to be able to cheer up the birthday person. Funny phrases and funny poems. Any birthday greetings are small signs of attention. This way you can congratulate your close friends, relatives, or even just an acquaintance you like (without the risk of seeming intrusive). Of course, sometimes gags and jokes may be out of place, then they need to be replaced with serious phrases. Unfortunately, there are no specific instructions as to who will like what. In this case, you need to rely only on yourself and your sense of tact. For example, your neighbor’s birthday is coming soon; she should turn 60 years old. In order to choose the right congratulatory tone, take into account your age difference and the proximity of communication. In this case, you can choose the appropriate option.

A holiday greeting can be made original not only by the content itself, but also by the way you present it. You can write it in different fonts on your T-shirt, or you can take huge banners and go out with them under the windows of the hero of the occasion. Good ideas a lot, you just have to use your imagination. Don't forget to also send SMS with congratulations and Best wishes. Don't be shy to be creative - this will help you prove yourself from the best side.

Your congratulations on such a holiday as a birthday must be unique or at least selected with taste, from the cool congratulations and happy birthday cards available in this article. Careful preparation with such an important issue for this event as birthday congratulations is very important not only for the birthday person himself, but first of all for yourself. By saying your chosen birthday greeting, you thereby show your respect for those gathered, and the fact that you were preparing for the holiday speaks of the importance of the birthday person in your life, shows how dear the hero of the occasion is to you.

How exactly to choose a poem from all funny birthday greetings? The answer is obvious; the funny birthday poems you read should resonate in your soul and touch the spiritual strings of your consciousness. If you come across such a birthday greeting, then don’t hesitate and don’t look - your choice will definitely be appreciated by the people around you.
Who can I give it to? cool wish? Of course, first of all - to a friend! Only friends will appreciate humor, will not be offended, and will even “revenge” you in the same way on occasion. But giving funny congratulations to your boss is not recommended. For them, choose something more serious.

Cool congratulations on mobile

Happy Birthday! Guten Tag! - songZhirinovsky gives you a carHappy birthday to you
It's no secret, you're beautiful - songWe are friends, coresantoOh, you newborn baby!

The glasses are clinking, the cake is flying!
Champagne explodes!
My head hurts a little
Our holiday continues!
Hurry to the table, shout a toast!
Let all the dreams come true!
Let the first lines of the verse
Today they will be justified! ©

Cool congratulations

Your ears are burning today!
On your birthday from the heart
We are in a hurry to kick them for you,
Until we sat down to drink and eat.
The older you are, the stronger your ears!
May they have many more years to listen
From kind, loving friends
Confessions, toasts and matches! ©

Everything is possible on your birthday -
Without any “no” or “but”:
Crocodile on a helicopter
With a kilo of popsicle
He will fly in and congratulate you loudly
He will sing on the harmonica:
“Happy Bezday, my good one!”
And he will give you a huge cake! ©

I wish you on your birthday,
Attention your friends!
So that together - to the skating rink, to the theater,
To the cinema, tennis and museum!
So that life would be - well, just super!
There were fairy tales and flowers in it!
And you would be a queen,
Mistress of your own destiny! ©

Holidays are different
Some have ugly
Lots of
Into the sewer.
But we are all chicks and farts,
We relax without boredom,
Happy Birthday to You,
All my friends congratulate me...and so do I! ©

Happy birthday
And according to the list of blessings we wish:
So that you get into the Duma!
To become a new Russian!
Outdid Gates Beale
Celebrated a dacha in the Maldives!
Paris Hilton to fall in love
And she fell at your feet! ©

Happy birthday
And I wish to live a hundred years,
Let your husband cook for you
Dinner, breakfast and lunch.
Cleans and erases
And when the football is on,
The TV turns off
And he takes you to the cinema. ©

Happy Birthday! Still at this hour
Finally I came to congratulate you -
This verse is for you, and in it - about us...
I kept looking for something to fix it.
I would like to have more meetings,
So that every day, cherishing a dream,
Did you remember this warm evening
And one day he won the lottery! ©

I would like to give you money:
They say it's more fashionable and better...
But fate is for you on your birthday
Listen to virtual congratulations.
I would like to give you roses
With aromatic white-pink juice,
I'm just going to be tormented by this question:
Would you accidentally crumble it into the salad?
I would like to give you happiness
Something you can’t easily buy in a store.
Only if you are born too often,
Where will you store it?
So, I’ll just give you some inspiration,
Which significantly increases IQ,
So that there is enough love and patience!
I don’t know what else to give... ©

Happy birthday! Happy Birthday!
This day is coming now!
Cool, cool mood
Let it definitely happen!
To make life seem sweet
But not cloyingly disgusting
Delicious, delicious chocolate
I'll treat you, my love.
To make sweetness work
Every day I captivated you,
And my other concern
I never got tired.
So that there is a lot of jam,
So that guests are often
For something so sweet
Everyone loved him uncontrollably. ©

Our website contains a lot of cool congratulations. You can congratulate your wife, friend, mother-in-law, girlfriend, work colleagues and many others in an original and humorous way. This will be appreciated not only by those to whom you are addressing your congratulations, but also by those around you.

I wish you great health!
So that your chest does not hang like a rag,
For pleasure once a week
Someone should do it for you!
And at dawn in the early morning, when there is no strength to wake up,
So that there is no alarm clock - damn it,
And wild sex woke you up!

To eat and drink,
So that I would like and could,
So that everything and everywhere
It was with whom and it was where!

Let's drink to that three-letter word that men cherish and women value. So let’s drink to “Peace”, and three sips to what you were thinking about...

I wish everyone to love, fall in love,
Get married, have sex.
Then be fruitful, multiply,
And also have sex.
Dedicate yourself to work with ardor,
And then have sex.
Enjoy the blessings of life
And have sex zealously.
Wait for everything I dreamed of,
But still have sex.
And don’t give up on age! –
Getting old, but having sex!
...It’s probably time to wrap things up:
They invited me to have sex.

Our verse to the one in whose honor this holiday is,
Who is the name-bearer, who is the prankster,
Who can do a lot now
After all, this is truly a high point!
It happens once a year for sure,
On which we certainly congratulate you,
Happy birthday, happy birthday to everyone,
Let happiness simply stun you!

Yes, even without drinking a glass, I feel intoxicated! Intoxication with joy, intoxication with your holiday, intoxication with you! Congratulations!

Birthday is cool
It's like the Kama Sutra
For an enthusiastic soul -
It’s so nice, at least dance!

There are the following reasons for drinking:
Funerals, holidays, meetings, farewells,
Christenings, weddings and divorce,
Frost, hunting, New Year,
Recovery, housewarming,
Sadness, repentance, joy,
Success at work, new rank
And just drunkenness for no reason.

Birthday is nice
You are the most important today!
Everyone says this -
My ears burn all day long!

I wish you immodest profits
Huge Swiss bank account
A large dacha outside the city
Good health to boot

Big victories in love affairs
Canaries and Cote d'Azur
All kinds of success in life
And most importantly, reliable friends!

I wish that WOW!
And never OHHO-HO!
A little AH! Well, you can WOW!
To take your breath away.
Of course, to be WOW!!
And so that FU is very little.
So that sometimes WOW!
“WOW!” is not nonsense,
“IT CAN’T BE!” - it’s real,
“FUCK IT!” - even if it’s virtual.
WOW! - so that it surprises more often,
“WELL, EVERYTHING IS KICKED!” was not enough.
And if desired, EGE-GEY!
And to make it come true, come on, pour it!

I wish you to live
Nice and free!
And so that your wallet is there,
Full of money!
I wish you beer oceans,
And they contain rams and shrimps
You would be a better captain
Didn't get out of the round-the-world trip!

Funny and cool congratulations

May you live a beautiful life
I wish you a lot of beer!
In mugs, in jars and in bottles!
A case of beer in the freezer!
And so that you can cope with it,
We are already running to you!

I wish you more rest,
Swim and sunbathe at the sea.
To celebrate this dashing holiday with dignity,
To wake up with a sore head!

But before these, after the banquet
Have a fun night until dawn!
Fabulous days and fun nights,
Good girlfriends and friends to you!

I want to wish everything to be great
A great amount of cash in your wallet
Great colleagues at a great job
Take a five-day break from work on Saturday

Various questions, excellent solutions
You have excellent relationships with your family,
Excellent health, and in your personal life
Let everything be just “excellent” for you!

Cool congratulations and wishes

A basket of success, a bag of luck,
A bag of fun for your birthday,
A healthy backpack for fragile shoulders,
A tight wallet with a wad of bucks - upon meeting!

Where can I get some well-being?
It doesn't happen that way - that's a fact.
But let more be "better"
And there will be less “somehow”.
We wish you on your birthday
Smiles, joyful chores,
Health, happiness and fun
Today Tomorrow, all year round!

Be who you are:
For friends - a good friend,
At home - a loving spouse
And a caring father,
And in bed - well done!

Let the money, huddled in flocks of birds,
flying towards you like a hurricane...
Let them surround, attack and climb
with impudence in your pocket!!!

Funny and funny congratulations

Don't drink water if you can drink wine!
Don't drink wine if you can drink good wine!
Don't drink good wine when you can drink very good wine!
And most importantly, don’t forget to drink to
so that you always have money for what is better!

I wish you were always
Slightly drunk with happiness
And so that your wallet is there
Looks like a suitcase!

Everything is possible on your birthday -
Without any “no” or “but”:
Crocodile on a helicopter
With a kilo of popsicle
He will fly in and congratulate you loudly
He will sing on the harmonica:
“Happy Bezday, my good one!”
And he will give you a huge cake!

Our wishes are brief:
Be healthy, live in abundance.

Funny birthday greetings

We wish you happiness as pure as crystal,
Good luck to the greyhound, like a Roman rebel,
Good health, like an old oak tree,
To be as young as a baby tooth.

So that all good things come true,
To make a lot of money,
And so that instead of lords and servants
An old, faithful friend was always there!

Who's birthday is it here?
Put your ears up!
We will not pull for them -
Just sit and listen.
Be healthy, smart and happy,
Grab your luck by the tail.
Don't let her out of your hands -
Ask for a car, a dacha.
Fortune is a mischievous girl,
He can teach anyone a lesson.
We wish there was enough gunpowder
You can tame Fortune.

One a year - birthday - day
Whether you are in flight, on the fly:
Forget all the rubbish of everyday life,
Making money is a hustle!
Stop. Look up
Everything around is beautiful, like in a dream...
Smile at winter and summer,
Laugh in autumn, spring!
Take it easy, relax
Drive sadness out of the house with a broom...
On this day all your dreams
Let them turn into reality!
And at this best hour in life,
Those in love with you, don’t forget us!!!

Cool birthday greetings

On this day and this year,
Every moment
Let him laugh and sing
Have a nice birthday.
Let your friends not let you down
And fate will not wilt,
And invisible heavy fetters
It won't happen in life.
We wish with all our hearts:
Let everythnig will be alright!

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday soon!
Today, expect gifts from your loved ones and friends!
Today be the brightest, be the happiest,
And enjoy life, don’t forget to laugh!
We love you very much, you are our dear friend!
It’s great happiness that we know each other!

Happy birthday
And according to the list of blessings we wish:
So that you get into the Duma!
To become a new Russian!
Outdid Gates Beale
Celebrated a dacha in the Maldives!
Paris Hilton to fall in love
And she fell at your feet!

Ridiculous birthday greetings to men

Let life be rich
And my head doesn't hurt in the morning.
I hope you don't forget this day
May your soul rejoice,
Let your body dance and tremble joyfully,
Let love flow like a river in your heart.
I wish you happiness and a sea of ​​success,
live peacefully, easily, without grief and haste.
To drown in love, but not to grieve.
Have a good marriage, always have fun.

Love the evil ones - they have less falsehood,
Than in hypocritical good-natured people

Happy birthday! Happy Birthday!
This day is coming now!
Cool, cool mood
Let it definitely happen!
To make life seem sweet
But not cloyingly disgusting
Delicious, delicious chocolate
I'll treat you, my love.
To make sweetness work
Every day I captivated you,
And my other concern
I never got tired.
So that there is a lot of jam,
So that guests are often
For something so sweet
Everyone loved him uncontrollably.

To know everything

Happy birthday,
And we wish you fun
Happy to capture a moment of happiness,
Hold on, don't let go.

Don't dance until you drop,
And don’t drown in love,
Just to know everything in life,
It's not harmful to health.

Be cool

I wish you to live and smile,
Sweet sleep at night,
Well, if you don’t sleep,
Then go for a walk with friends.

I also wish you
From finances I harvest,
Lexus or BMW
To stand in the garage.

Eat caviar with spoons
At the resorts in the morning,
Don't grow old, but get young,
Be cool, don't be lazy!

In Apple pie order

Let everything be “in chocolate”
Let inspiration flow
Wow everyone with your charisma
I wish you on your birthday.

May fortune be with you,
Fart comes for seagulls,
Let success swirl like a tornado,
Let love give impetus.

Wish with a joke

To avoid suffering from stress,
Boredom, nerves, tension,
I want feelings and sex
On your wonderful birthday.

Let your soul swell with happiness,
The body reaches out to love
For life to be successful,
Let passion boil in your blood.

Farewell words of the birthday boy

They came to my birthday party
They brought their girlfriends with them...
All salads and sweets
Eat up without shame!

What about gifts? And the flowers? Forgot to bring it?
Congratulations to the birthday boy? We didn’t have time either!
A lot of rubbish was left in the destroyed apartment:
“Nothing,” I said, “They were guests!”

Like a fish in a pond

Happy birthday, dear friend!
Always love your friends!
Live like a fish on a pond
And I will always come to you!
I will always come to the rescue,
When fate gave a kick.
I will support you with my shoulder
Ruble, care, roll!
I wish you to live forever,
And so that need doesn’t come to you!
And let there be class in fate,
My comrade, we drink to you!

Dollars in pockets

On your birthday I wish you
Eat in restaurants
Dress up in couture
Dollars in pockets.

To have a car, a yacht,
Villa somewhere in Saint-Tropez,
So that luck will certainly happen
In business and love to you.

Prosperity in your wallet

Happy Birthday!
And I wish you happiness right away!
Let him bypass
Woe and misfortune!
Let the jelly river
Your life is flowing!
And how young is the month
Prosperity will be born in your wallet!
House of ten floors
And a car for you in the garage!
And quickly pour us some
Here's to your luck!

Way to success

Let the rings shine on your hands,
And there will be a deposit in the bank.
Fortune will smile on you
So that the path to success is open!

Let it go without any delay
Your dreams come true -
Easy and fast. Happy Birthday!
Good luck, luck and love!

Cabinet with money

I wish that all your dreams and plans
They came true quickly, only giving happiness.
Let your closet and pockets be filled with money,
And the people around you adore you!

Good luck and joy are just your way
Let them walk every day with a smile.
Love will be passionate and endless!
And on your birthday, gifts are waiting!