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Rules for home peeling. What is facial peeling, who needs it and to solve what problems? Is peeling necessary?

- a popular procedure in cosmetology. It helps remove dead cells from the surface of the skin, significantly improving its condition. It provides high quality exfoliation.

When asked whether it is worth doing facial peeling, experts give an unequivocal positive answer, however, there are a number of situations when the procedure is contraindicated. It is very important to choose the method of influence.

Let's find out whether peeling helps solve skin problems and how often you can do it.

Action of the procedure

The main essence of the procedure is to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. Cells on this surface can remain viable for up to 30 days, after which they die.

They need to be eliminated on time, otherwise they will provoke clogging of pores.

This can lead to dermatological diseases, nutritional deficiencies and early aging. To prevent these consequences, it is worth doing peeling.

They have a powerful effect, but you can cleanse the skin using products designed for this.

After removing the top layer of dead cells, the skin immediately becomes soft and smooth.

The procedure helps remove pigmentation, helps even out complexion, smooth out wrinkles, and eliminate age-related changes, so if there are no contraindications, you can consider having it done.


Facial peels are indicated in the following cases:

  • problematic skin, acne and their consequences;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • aging of the epidermis, deterioration of tone, elasticity;
  • some types are used to prepare for other cosmetic procedures.

The effect of peelings and how they are carried out:

Selection rules

There are many types of exfoliation, and to understand which would be better suited You better consult a cosmetologist.

  • According to the method of influence, it can be mechanical, chemical, ultrasonic, enzymatic, laser, there is also mesopeeling, peeling with fruit acids.
  • By depth of influence Cleansing can be superficial, medium or deep.

Let's take a closer look at who is suitable for certain types of exfoliation:

  • Mechanical peeling. It is usually carried out with a device that sprays abrasive particles. This promotes cleansing, elasticity, and helps eliminate scars. He can get rid of age-related changes- the face will become more elastic, wrinkles will disappear.
  • It involves the influence of various chemicals that cause the correct reaction in the layers of the epidermis.

    Suitable for brightening the face, eliminating wrinkles, scars, rejuvenating.

  • . This procedure is popular because it gives quick results without causing injury. Suitable for almost everyone, helps eliminate imperfections, evens out tone.
  • involves the use of mandelic, malic, grape or lactic acid. The procedure is quick, painless, helps eliminate unevenness, moisturizes and synthesizes collagen and elastin in skin cells.
  • It is considered light and gentle, it is intended to solve simple skin problems. It is carried out with enzymes - enzymatic substances that have a beneficial effect on local immunity, improve blood circulation and increase the elasticity of the integument.
  • Mesopeeling. Involves the use of one percent glycolic acid. It is very popular because it has almost no contraindications and can be performed at any time of the year. After the procedure there is no redness or peeling left.
  • . In this type, the laser beam enters the skin cells and stimulates collagen synthesis. This technique helps eliminate dark circles, smooth out wrinkles, gives the face a healthy look.
  • Indicated for young skin to solve its current problems.

    It helps eliminate fine wrinkles. During the procedure, the effect is aimed at the upper layers of the epidermis. It can be carried out using mechanical, enzymatic and fruit-acid methods.

  • helps whiten and moisturize the face, smoothes scars, wrinkles, and rejuvenates. The procedure requires serious rehabilitation over several weeks, so cosmetologists recommend combining it with a vacation. This type of impact includes.
  • Acts on the deep layers of the dermis, allowing you to achieve rejuvenation results that can be compared with plastic surgery. The effect lasts for almost several years.

    It can be carried out using hardware or chemical methods, only under the supervision of a specialist, usually under general anesthesia. This cleansing is recommended for aging skin.

Only superficial exfoliation can be done at home. Usually, preparations containing acids are used for this.

About the types, purpose, benefits and harms of peelings in this video:


The frequency of use will be determined by the condition of the skin.

Gentle, they are usually carried out once a week with a break of several days. It may take from 2 to 8 sessions.

The frequency of use of home peeling products depends on the skin type: for oily skin - 1-2 times a week, for combination and normal skin - once a week, and for dry or sensitive skin - once every 14 days.

How often to exfoliate:

Contraindications, precautions

For all types of exfoliation, the following contraindications exist:

  • exacerbation of acne;
  • intolerance to the drugs used;
  • herpes at the acute stage;
  • inflammatory processes, neoplasms;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • Peels are undesirable for cardiovascular diseases and mental disorders.

In the salon, the doctor will help you choose the appropriate procedure, which will depend on your skin type, existing problems and health status.

If you exfoliate at home, be sure to check for allergies on the components of the composition used.

After exfoliation, you also need to follow the recommendations.

Their specific list will depend on the type of impact, but regardless of this for some time you will need to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation.

Therefore, it is better not to do peeling procedures in the summer, when the sun is very active.

Within 24 hours (or more depending on the type of exposure) you will need to abstain from cosmetics and try not to touch your face with your hands.

- an excellent procedure that improves the condition of the skin, rejuvenates it, and removes imperfections. If you have no contraindications, you can think about having it.

Despite the fact that many women trust exfoliation and highly value facial peeling, only experienced beauty salon clients know what this procedure actually does and how harmful it can be for the skin. The debate about the irreplaceability of peelings and the fact that professional cleaning can cause discomfort, as well as even more aesthetic problems, is still relevant. They are based on the dual nature of exfoliation. After all, on the one hand, peelings actually erase defects and signs of age from the face, and on the other hand, they injure the skin, making it thinner and drier.

What does chemical and physical exfoliation provide?

The benefits of peelings are confirmed and undeniable, they talk about it everywhere: in advertisements, cosmetology clinics, beauty salons, on women's forums and review sites. The Internet space is replete with photographs and stories about magical transformations thanks to expensive cosmetic procedures or proven home techniques. Whatever the exfoliation, its mechanism does not depend on the location of the procedure and the type of peeling agent. Any peeling involves deep liberation of the facial skin from the dense layer of keratinized epidermis.

You may be puzzled by the question: why exfoliate dead scales with peeling, because mechanical scrubbing with natural abrasives also removes old cells and impurities without risk to the skin.

The “crust” of the stratum corneum becomes thicker every day: every day billions of new cells replace the old ones and push them to the surface. The skin cannot shed the dense keratosis “mask” on its own, and scrubbing with ground coffee beans, cane sugar or ground fruit seeds removes only part of it, leaving microscopic scratches. Over time, the growing epidermal “crust” slows down the natural regeneration of cells, preventing them from “breathing” and saturating with beneficial microelements from creams, serums and masks. As a result, the complexion becomes dull, wrinkles deepen, and inflammation and pimples form at the site of ingrown hairs.

Peeling procedures help not only to disrupt, but also to completely remove excess cells of the old epidermis from the face.

The skin perceives physical destruction or chemical “dissolution” of its top layer as a signal to action: the dermis awakens to restoration and doubles the formation of collagen and elastin threads. "Fibers of Youth", being the main building material skin framework, help smooth out wrinkles and tubercles after acne and comedones. Stimulation of internal circulation gives the face freshness, matteness and blush. Peeling polishes away former aesthetic defects: scars and scars, pigmentation and freckles, spider veins and rosacea, oily skin and acne.

Differences between “physics” and “chemistry” in peelings

Depending on the type of peeling, professional facial cleansing is performed using various techniques and peeling agents.

Mechanical exfoliation involves exfoliation of dead skin flakes using scrubbing preparations for peeling or hardware. The first include special cosmetic compositions containing coral chips, coffee beans, crushed fruit seeds. The hardware mechanical techniques used are ultrasound, cryotherapy (exposure to the skin liquid nitrogen), dermabrasion (sanding of the stratum corneum with a cosmetic cutter) or brushing (renewal of the epidermis with continuously rotating brushes).

Chemical exfoliation involves treatment skin acid solutions in a special medical concentration (from 15 to 35%) or enzymes. Acidic compounds in contact with the skin cause provoked chemical burn obsolete epidermal cells and their subsequent detachment. When rejected, old cells reveal young and perfect skin, devoid of former aesthetic defects. Enzymatic peels contain enzymes that “absorb” the dead keratin layer. Enzyme peeling is a soft and natural method: enzymes are not rejected by the body because they are always present in it. But by the age of 35, the production of these enzymes is not enough to remove old cells.

Chemical peels are multifunctional cosmetological techniques. In one acid exfoliation procedure, a woman can get rid of a variety of appearance flaws, from the effects of acne to old scars or burns. However, chemical peels require careful handling and professional execution.

Hardware exfoliation includes laser resurfacing, gas-liquid peeling and microcrystalline dermabrasion. In all cases, skin rejuvenation and cleansing is performed in a salon using expensive cosmetology equipment. Laser skin resurfacing is carried out with a neodymium laser with different lengths waves. The laser beam “cuts off” old skin, stimulating accelerated regeneration. With microdermabrasion, dead epidermis is removed using diamond-coated brushes, and with gas-liquid peeling, with a stream of saline solution enriched with oxygen molecules. Hardware exfoliation is considered an expensive pleasure, but at the same time it has a long-lasting and noticeable effect after the first procedure.

The depth of the effect of a peeling product or hardware technique on the skin ultimately determines *whether facial peels are beneficial. Peeling* can be superficial, medium and deep.

Possibility of peelings of different depths

The effectiveness of peelings and the benefits of the procedures directly depend on the depth of penetration of the peeling “agent” into the skin. These can be acid or enzyme compositions for exfoliation, scrubs or hardware rejuvenation. The deeper the peeling agent touches the layers of the skin, the more problems at the same time can be solved with the help of such exfoliation.

Superficial peelings against “teenage” complexes

Superficial exfoliation is considered mild cosmetic procedure, aimed mainly at light exfoliation of the top layer. Microelements or abrasives of gentle peelings affect only 0.06 mm of the thickness of the keratinized epidermis. This effect is sufficient for gentle renewal of the skin without the risk of side effects. Most often, cosmetologists recommend superficial peelings to girls under 25 years of age as the main assistant in the fight against oily skin, “blackheads” and acne.

Superficial peelings help cope with such aesthetic imperfections as:

  • light pigmentation after prolonged exposure to the sun or tanning in a solarium;
  • a network of shallow expression wrinkles;
  • dull complexion;
  • increased skin greasiness;
  • acne and acne;
  • enlarged and clogged pores.

Medium peels: ageless face

In order to determine what is useful medium peeling, it is necessary to clarify that this technique allows the cosmetologist to influence 0.45 mm of the thickness of the skin. The active ingredients of peeling preparations, ultrasound and light waves affect the epidermal cells and the upper layer of the dermis (papillary). In addition to aesthetic problems, with the help of median exfoliation you can also forget about age-related changes in appearance. Medium action peels are prescribed to young ladies after 30-35 as a way to eliminate such shortcomings as:

  • age wrinkles;
  • density and burgundy of facial skin after suffering from dermatological diseases;
  • dark pigment spots;
  • rosacea and rosacea;
  • drooping of facial tissues (age-related changes in its contours);
  • sagging skin.

Medium peels using acid solutions and hardware manipulations are considered the “gold standard” of rejuvenation. The effect of such procedures is noticeable after 2-3 sessions. But cosmetologists allow women to use the capabilities of intermediate methods only after 30 years.

Deep peelings as an alternative to plastic surgery

Experts call deep facial peels an alternative to surgical lifting and construction of a subcutaneous frame made of gold threads. These techniques are characterized by pain and a large list of contraindications, because as a result of the procedures, peeling compounds destroy 0.6 mm of skin thickness. That is, the entire horny epidremis, as well as the papilla and reticular layer of the dermis. Deep peels are carried out only under local anesthesia and are strictly prohibited for women under 45-50 years of age. Thanks to such serious updates, deep exfoliation allows you to get rid of defects such as:

  • deep folds of age wrinkles;
  • loss of skin tone and elasticity, ptosis of soft tissues of the face;
  • dark hyperpigmentation;
  • scars left as a result of injuries and acne;
  • grayish, yellowish complexion.

The following facts will be undeniable arguments in favor of superficial and medium peels:

  • peelings polish off the keratinized epidermis, which interferes with breathing, regeneration and nutrition of the skin;
  • exfoliation courses help brighten the complexion and improve skin microrelief;
  • as a result of peelings, many aesthetic defects disappear: facial and age wrinkles, inflammatory rashes, comedones, brown spots, scars and cicatrices;
  • exfoliation creates the effect of visual rejuvenation: after peeling sessions, a woman can “reset” at least five years.

“Fly in the ointment” or the danger of peelings

Despite the wonderful properties of peelings, many people forget, and some cosmetologists simply ignore the information that any exfoliation (especially medium or deep) causes severe injuries to the skin. An artificially caused acid burn of the first degree of severity or mechanical “removal” of the upper layer of the epidermis is a colossal stress for the dermis, causing it serious stress. By activating cell division in the deep basal layer, the skin wastes its resources. The true picture of what happens to the skin as a result of peelings can only be observed under a microscope. The scale of destruction and subsequent cell regeneration make us seriously think about the “benefits” of peelings.

  • Regular exfoliation thins the skin, causing it to become dry and increased sensitivity to cold, ultraviolet radiation, wind and some cosmetics;
  • Constantly “provoking” cells to artificially divide reduces their lifespan. Peelings ahead of schedule waste resources on genetically determined maximum cell renewal;
  • Frequent peeling, on the contrary, leads to early aging;
  • concentrated acid compositions of chemical peels cause severe swelling, erythema and deep pigmentation;
  • frequent or incorrectly performed acid peels can provoke the appearance of rosacea (vascular network) and the formation of dense scar tissue at the site of exposure to the composition.

Facial peelings, as the main tool for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin, have approximately the same number of pros and cons. Even professional cosmetologists do not have a definite answer to the question about the unambiguous benefits or exceptional harm of exfoliation for facial skin. Therefore, the “golden mean” would be the decision to leave peelings that suit you as a regular maintenance skin care and observe moderation in their use.

Facial peeling is the removal of dead cells from the top layer of skin, resulting in:

  • pores are cleaned;
  • the process of saturating cells with nutrients is stimulated by improving blood flow;
  • the mechanisms of their intensive regeneration are launched;
  • wrinkles become less pronounced;
  • complexion is more fresh and even.

Some types of peeling can not only effectively cleanse the skin, improve it appearance, but also cure, solve many problems (see before and after photos).

It fights pigment spots, acne caused by increased oily skin, blackheads, premature aging, redness, etc.

When is the best time to do a facial peel?

As for home peelings, this procedure can be carried out all year round. However, there are some limitations, depending on the method of exposure to the epidermis. For example, peeling with fruit acids should be avoided in the summer.

In other cases The best time for this procedure is evening, since after such a thorough cleansing of the facial skin it is not recommended to leave the house. The most favorable moment for peeling is on Friday evening, before the weekend, when two free days follow and you can stay at home so as not to expose the facial epidermis to external natural factors and cosmetics.

The maximum effect of well-cleansed skin is achieved if peeling is carried out after a bath or shower, since under the influence of hot water and steam, the pores of the skin open, are washed and become most susceptible to external caring influences.

Facial peeling is best done after a bath or shower.

The best time The period for peeling in the salon is from October to April. Due to the fact that from autumn to spring there is minimal sun activity, the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin of the face are not so intense. Favorable factors also include the absence of heat at this time.

Thus, salon cleansing procedures can be carried out over a fairly long period of time. This allows you to achieve a long-lasting positive effect and maintain excellent skin condition all year round.

Each season may have its own specific skin care procedures, aimed at solving not only any current problems, but also those that have arisen as a result of unfavorable seasonal factors.

For example, in the fall it is necessary to improve the skin after the summer, when, due to the hot, aggressive sun, signs of its withering appear:

  • pigmentation due to exposure to sunlight;
  • fine wrinkles as a result of photoaging.

After summer, peeling helps fight wrinkles and pigmentation caused by UV rays

The onset of spring is accompanied by such problems as:

  • avitaminosis;
  • dull complexion;
  • the occurrence of microcracks.

In winter, when solar activity is the least, low temperatures, precipitation and strong winds become unfavorable factors, resulting in a lack of moisture, flaking, and a feeling of tightness of the skin.

However, if the skin is properly and timely cared for throughout the year, it will withstand any changes in weather conditions, and its condition will not worsen.

Types of facial peeling in cosmetology

All types of peeling are classified according to two main parameters - the depth of the effect on the skin and the way in which this effect occurs.

Human skin is a complex formation that consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat (hypodermis). The epidermis, in turn, is divided into 5, and the dermis into 2 layers.

Thus, Based on the first parameter, there are three types of peeling(see before and after photos below):

  • Superficial peeling, which affects only the upper layers of the skin. With its help, dead cells are cleansed, it helps fight acne and blackheads and is most suitable for young skin.
  • Medium peeling– this is a more serious effect on the entire epidermis and is carried out when it is necessary to eliminate wrinkles or prepare the skin surface for plastic surgery.
  • Deep peeling should only be performed under anesthesia. In essence, this is an operation that results in the elimination of rather deep wrinkles, and the skin becomes more youthful and smooth.

Important to remember! Any, and especially more serious and profound effects on the skin of the face must be carried out with the participation or under the supervision of an experienced cosmetologist who, being a specialist, will be able to give competent recommendations on how and in what cases to carry out such procedures.

For skin injuries

When carrying out manipulations to rejuvenate the skin, when the upper dead layer of cells is completely removed in order to start the regeneration process, one must keep in mind that such a procedure injures the surface of the face.

Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to choosing the method of exposure to the skin, weighing the pros and cons and familiarizing yourself with the possible consequences.

Mechanical facial peeling

Mechanical peeling is carried out as a result of exposure to the facial skin using various attachments and natural abrasives. During the procedure, the damaged top or even two layers of skin are removed. Thus, small, shallow wrinkles, unevenness, and defects are eliminated along with them.

Mandelic acid is used for almond peeling.

Mechanical peeling can be carried out by the most different ways. The most popular salon procedures are:

  • Almond peeling, which is carried out using mandelic acid. It delicately penetrates the upper layers of the epidermis and promotes its good, gentle cleansing. Applicable to any skin type, does not depend on the season (can also be done in summer), and does not injure the surface.

Almond peeling is done in salons; depending on the condition of the skin, it is recommended to carry out from 5 to 10 sessions.

You can buy mandelic acid in pharmacies, and products based on it in the form of lotions and creams are sold in cosmetic stores.

Coral peeling allows you to cleanse your skin using crushed coral particles.
  • Coral peeling, the essence of which is that a composition containing highly crushed coral and beneficial herbs is applied to the face.

To achieve a visible result, at least four sessions are required, as a result of which the skin becomes soft and smooth. The product does not cause significant damage to the skin, and due to the fact that it contains sea ​​salt And essential oils, it acts as an antiseptic.

  • Diamond peeling among other methods of mechanical cleansing of the epidermis, it is the most gentle and painless, but at the same time one of the most effective. The secret of its excellent results is that the cleaning substance is microscopically small, so it cleanses dead cells very well without damaging the skin.

This type of peeling is carried out using special attachments. A noticeable result appears after several sessions - the skin becomes fresher and smoother.

All types of mechanical facial peeling lead to skin renewal and rejuvenation(see before and after photos), but this is far from the only way to cleanse your face.

Hardware peeling

Hardware peeling also effective method cleansing effect on the skin. It is carried out, as a rule, in the salon using various devices: nozzles, lasers, brushes, ultrasound, etc., and in some cases with the addition of special drugs.

Types of hardware peeling:

  • Gas-liquid facial peeling.

Under the influence of high pressure, a special composition based on salts, abrasives, and vitamins is sprayed onto the surface of the skin. It not only cleanses the skin, but also introduces beneficial substances into its micropores.

  • Ultrasonic facial peeling.

In this case, the skin is exposed to ultrasound, which, through vibrations, frees the skin from old cells. This is one of the most gentle methods of cleansing, which also includes facial massage. One session of an ultrasound procedure costs 2,500 rubles.

Note! Not everyone benefits from ultrasound! In this regard, before undergoing ultrasound therapy, you need to consult a doctor.

  • Laser (carbon) facial peeling.

With this method, a mask is applied to the face in the form of a carbon-based gel, which penetrates the skin cells, drawing out dirt and harmful substances from them. The use of a laser, which heats the composition, allows these processes to be significantly accelerated.

Be careful! Before carrying out the procedure, you must make sure that carbon does not cause allergic reactions, otherwise this type of peeling can lead to dire consequences.

Before laser peeling check if you are allergic to carbon

Acid (chemical) facial peeling at home

Acid or chemical peeling is quite feasible at home: it does not require large expenses, effort, or a significant time frame.

Types of acid peeling:

  • Fruit peeling. When it is carried out, the acids contained in fruits have an active effect on the skin - they are the ones that cleanse the surface of the face. Classic set of fruits: citrus, pineapple, strawberry.

  • Yellow (retinol) peeling faces. A preparation that contains a large amount of vitamin A (retinol) is applied to the face. It also contains phytic, ascorbic and other acids. They have a very gentle effect on the skin, cleansing the surface of the face.
  • Milk peeling. It is carried out using lactic acid, which is found in many natural products: curdled milk, cheese, wine, beer. A lactic acid-based mask is suitable for all skin types and gives a good cleansing and rejuvenating effect.
  • Glycolic peeling for face. It uses glycolic acid, which is sold in any pharmacy. It also gently cleanses the skin, and the degree of impact depends on the concentration, which must be selected individually so as not to overdo it.
  • Calcium chloride for facial peeling. A 5% solution of calcium chloride is used, which is diluted in water and applied to the skin in 3-4 layers using a cotton pad in the evening before bed.

It is important to know! Calcium chloride is only suitable for oily skin. It is also important not to overdo the concentration and make sure that there is no allergy to it.

  • Hilak Forte as a facial peeling. This remedy, used for intestinal disorders, due to the presence of a large number of bacteria and lactic acid, is also used in cosmetology. Its effect is very gentle, despite the fact that hilak cleanses the top layer of skin well.

The undeniable advantage of the above methods of applying acids to the skin over hardware and some mechanical types of facial peeling is that their use is possible not only in a salon, but also at home. What is peeling and how it is done - read above. And photos before and after procedures will help you see changes on your facial skin.

Facial peeling in the salon: advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Only a competent specialist is able to correctly assess the condition of the skin, and therefore prescribe those procedures that will truly lead to skin rejuvenation, as well as give comprehensive, qualified advice on skin care.

The main advantages of salon peeling are the professionalism of the specialist and his use of high-quality products

A good salon uses only high-quality professional care products under the supervision of a specialist. Dignity professional means is that, having active components in high concentrations, they can solve a number of skin problems and even have some therapeutic effects.

On the other hand, thoughtless use of professional products without the recommendations of a cosmetologist will have the opposite and often negative effect. In addition, even an experienced specialist cannot 100% predict the skin’s reaction to a particular procedure, therefore, as a rule, he conducts preliminary tests and warns the client about the possible consequences.

Some procedures, for example, hardware ones, cannot be performed anywhere else other than a salon.

To the disadvantages salon procedures The high cost of cosmetology services can be attributed. Also, the procedures themselves, especially those associated with deep effects, create a stressful situation not only for the skin, but also for the body as a whole, and can cause harm.

In addition, it is not uncommon for a specialist to have an insufficient level of qualifications. As a result, not all salons take into account individual intolerance to drugs, allergic reactions to them and the presence of many other factors.

How much does a facial peeling cost from a cosmetologist?

The cost of the procedure directly depends on the condition of the skin, what problems were identified as a result of examination and diagnosis, what and how many procedures will be needed to solve these problems and put the face in order.

The use of ultrasound will cost 800–1500 rubles, chemical peeling – around 1500–2000 rubles. For mechanical types of peeling you will have to pay from 1000 to 1700 rubles. Overall, the amount for different kinds peeling varies from 700 to 13,000 rubles and above.

For home peeling use special means

How to do facial peeling at home

If the facial skin cleansing procedure is carried out at home yourself, then only two types of peeling can be used: mechanical and chemical (before and after photos are presented below).

For mechanical action, scrubs and gommages are used. The latter are recommended for dry skin. For chemical cleaning, pharmaceutical products or natural-based products (fruit masks) are used.

Before the peeling procedure, the skin is freed from cosmetics with makeup remover products and cleansed with a gel or foam wash that will wash away dirt and sebaceous secretions. The skin is wiped with a cotton pad soaked in toner to soften it after cleansing products.

Then you can begin the peeling procedure, carrying out it in accordance with the recommendations related to the specific composition.

Peeling cream - how it works

This cream acts on the top layer of skin, cleansing it. The peeling cream contains acids (lactic, salicylic, fruit and others), abrasives (sea salt, very small particles of pumice, seeds), as well as emollients - plant extracts, amino acids, collagens.

This entire complex of substances cleanses, softens the skin, makes it soft and velvety.

You will definitely be interested to know what it is: alginate face mask and how it helps.

Peeling roll for the face - what is the secret of its effect?

Peeling roller is another way to effectively clean the surface of the skin with minimal damage to the skin. Such creams act very delicately and are a gel, which, when applied to the skin of the face, rolls off, forming lumps. As a result, dead skin is exfoliated and the pores on the face are cleaned.

It must be remembered that Peeling roller is not suitable for everyone. The ingredients included in its composition can cause skin irritation and inflammatory processes. So you should use it carefully, observing the skin's reaction.

Interesting fact! You don’t have to buy the skating ray, but you can make it at home from baby soap without dyes. Soap foam is applied to the skin, previously lubricated with a 5% solution of calcium chloride, with which a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which pellets are formed and the skin is cleansed.

One of the peeling-roll options is baby soap+ calcium chloride

Peeling scrub: pros and cons

Scrub – quite effective remedy Quickly cleanses the skin due to its abrasive composition. It instantly removes dead cells for smoother skin and stimulates the skin to produce more collagen for firmer skin.

However, scrubs also have their own negative sides. Some cosmetologists argue that it should not be used at all, since in any case the skin receives microtrauma. This in turn leads to inflammation and ultimately to aging.

Other experts are of the opinion that this statement is only true if the scrub is of poor quality or is used too often. Thus, you need to choose scrubs from reputable manufacturers and not overuse them.

Facial scrub is considered quite effective. What is it, how is it done, types of peeling + before and after photos - in this article

How often can you do a facial peel?

As for salon procedures, the frequency of peeling largely depends on its type and depth of penetration. Until the age of 30, you should avoid medium and deep cleansing of the skin.

You should not abuse chemical exposure, remembering that any acid cleanses the skin due to burns, and this is a definite injury. Series similar procedures done no more than once a year. Before and after photos show improvement in the skin even after so many sessions.

Hardware exposure is carried out twice a year. The full course takes a month, during which two sessions are held every week.

Deep peeling is carried out once every few years, since it is comparable to an operation, the effect of which is significant, but it is not worth repeating often.

The frequency of facial peeling depends on skin type

At home, it all depends on your skin type:

  • oily skin: 1–2 times a week;
  • dry skin: once every 2 weeks, or even less, depending on how the skin reacts;
  • mixed skin type: once a week;
  • normal skin: every 3 days.

In any case, you should not be too zealous in cleansing and rejuvenating the skin, as this will lead to the opposite effect: irritation, inflammation, and premature aging.

Facial care after peeling

Any type of peeling, no matter how soft and delicate it is, is stressful for the skin. Therefore, it is extremely important to properly care for it after cleansing procedures. There are some general rules Facial skin care after peeling that you need to follow:

After peeling, it is necessary to moisturize the skin
  • moisturize the skin with moisturizing gels;
  • apply a special cream after peeling;
  • to restore the epidermis, use creams containing omega fatty acids, shea butter, ceramide, etc.;
  • To speed up regeneration, creams based on retinol and bisabol are recommended.

In other words, after peeling, the skin is most vulnerable, and the essence of caring for it is to nourish, moisturize and protect it from infection.

Red face after peeling - what is the reason

This is a normal skin reaction to the external influence of the drug, which is called “erythema”. The degree of brightness of redness also depends on the depth of peeling and skin sensitivity.

The redness should subside within three hours. With deep exposure, the process may drag on for a longer time.

In what cases are cosmetic gloves needed for facial peeling?

These are special gloves made from natural fabric with a rough surface, due to which the top layer of the epidermis is removed. This is one of the most gentle ways to remove dead skin and at the same time a good facial massage.

What is the most effective facial peeling – is there an answer?

Most best peeling face (types of procedures: what they are, how they are done, before and after photos you will find above) - this is the one that is selected based on the following factors:

  • patient's age;
  • skin type;
  • sensitivity and tendency to allergies;
  • the nature of the problem to be solved.

The choice of peeling type depends on the characteristics of the skin and the purposes for which it is used: combating rashes and post-acne, skin elasticity and a fresh complexion, combating wrinkles, pigmentation, oiliness, and more.

We invite you to watch a video about facial peeling – what it is, how it’s done, types of peeling + photos before and after the procedure:

From this video you will learn why facial peeling is needed, and the cosmetologist will give useful tips to carry out this procedure:

We women want to look amazing at any time of the year, in any weather. This is exactly why facial peeling is indispensable. Yes, this is not a cream for you: peeling exfoliates dead cells and literally “grows” new ones in return.

To conduct a session at home, you need to independently prepare everything you need for peeling - and this is not always easy. For complex procedures you need to use professional tools from the arsenal of cosmetologists:

* a) Magnifying lamp; b) Vidal needle; c) Skimmer (Combination spoon); d) Cosmetology loop; e) Vaporizer for steaming.

Facial peeling in a salon, carried out by an experienced cosmetologist, eliminates the risk of amateur experiments, because it involves a professional assessment of facial skin and the choice of an appropriate cleansing method. In each case, the cosmetologist will recommend his own special gels, lotions and creams for restoration and daily care.

Disadvantages of salon methods: full course costs on average from 100 €.

What to ask from a cosmetologist?

  • Cosmetologist is obliged to adequately assess the person’s condition and choose a treatment method.
  • If necessary prescribes tests (for staphylococcus, demodex, allergies).
  • Specialist instructs the client, .

The frequency of sessions depends on the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Surface treatment can be carried out quite often:


Why else divide facial peeling by type, if not so that everyone can choose the appropriate method:

  • By penetration depth;
  • By method of influence;
  • According to seasonality.

To choose suitable option, you need to know everything :)

Types by penetration depth

The skin consists of 3 layers(top layer - epidermis, middle layer - dermis and deep base - hypodermis):

Depending on the depth of penetration, one or another layer is affected.

Home remedies can only act on the epidermis.

For more complex procedures, you should choose salon peeling.

Types by method of exposure

  • Mechanical exfoliation. The easiest way to cleanse your face. It is carried out using various compositions to remove the top layer of skin. Includes: , coral, and other types of mechanical cleaning;
  • Hardware peeling. It is performed using laser devices, various attachments, brushes, ultrasonic waves and other methods. These include: , and other options;
  • Chemical compositions. They give the most effective rejuvenation effect, have the deepest penetration and are suitable for use at home. These include: multi-fruit, and the most easy way cleansing, gommage.


After deciding to visit a salon or spend time at home, it is worth remembering that in addition to positive qualities, peeling also has disadvantages.

Professional line cosmetics contain elements, the thoughtless use of which can harm the epidermis. Even experienced specialists cannot always foresee all the nuances of the body’s individual reaction.

7 disadvantages of the procedure

  1. Prohibited for use by persons under 14 years of age;
  2. There is a danger of burns if the recommendations are not followed;
  3. Possible individual intolerance;
  4. Careful preparation is necessary;
  5. After the peeling procedure, sunbathing is prohibited and increased UV protection is necessary;
  6. It is impossible to carry out deep chemical cleaning at home;
  7. There are many contraindications.

Indications and contraindications

The facial peeling procedure, like any other manipulation of the body and skin, has its own positive sides and disadvantages. When choosing the type of cleaning composition, you need to make sure that the product is safe for health.

Typical indications for exfoliation:

  • Uneven skin color;
  • Excess freckles;
  • Ingrown hairs;
  • Comedones and clogged pores;
  • Dryness and peeling of the epidermis;
  • Hyperkeratosis;
  • Post-acne;
  • Small stretch marks (striae) - fractional photothermolysis also helps;
  • Overactivity of the sebaceous glands;
  • Age-related changes;
  • As an addition to laser or mechanical grinding.

Sometimes cleansing with exfoliation can lead to worsening of the condition or infection.

Contraindications include:

  • Herpes;
  • Fresh tan;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Allergic reactions to the composition of the product;
  • Open damage to the integument;
  • Neoplasms, growths;
  • Viral, bacterial diseases;
  • Recent treatment of cancer with chemical agents;
  • Dark epidermis;
  • Negative reaction to sunlight;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Use of steroid hormones;
  • Courses of retinoid drugs, or vitamin A-containing ones (combined reactions with them cannot be predicted).

Possible complications

Skin peeling is a strong intervention in the natural processes within the body. The peeling effect occurs a few days after the session. Its duration depends on the depth of cleansing (from 2 to 14 days).

What is your favorite peeling? Leave your feedback in the comments.

The skin of both older women and young girls and middle-aged women needs constant care. Moreover, washing, nourishing and moisturizing with creams and masks alone is clearly not enough - an additional, intermediate measure is necessary, for example, such as facial peeling (exfoliation). The procedure involves cleansing the skin by exfoliating dead cells by special means at home or salon. But to understand why this is needed, it’s worth turning to biology.

As you know, human skin is a rather complex organ that performs various physiological and protective functions. That is why it is not a solid (monolithic) tissue, but consists of several layers: epidermis (upper epithelial section, consisting of 5 sublayers), dermis (connective tissue layer) and subcutaneous fatty tissue (hypodermis). Under the influence of time (the biological aging process) and the influence of a variety of negative external factors (exhaust gases, dust, solar energy) the outer layer of the body and face becomes rough and inevitably dies.

However, the cover has such an amazing ability to continuously regenerate. New cells are initially formed in the lower thickness of the epidermis and then slowly rise to the top, replacing the old (keratinized) ones. Due to this process, human skin is not only renewed, but also rejuvenated. In the event of any violation of the natural order, her condition, on the contrary, worsens, and signs of age-related changes appear more rapidly.

The situation is especially aggravated when young cells do not have enough space to come to the surface, since the mechanism for removing dead particles is too long. As a result, the regeneration of the skin membrane is suspended, and the remaining nutrients contribute to the formation of acne, pimples, pustules and other inflammatory elements.

The moment when cells, after dying (normal or accelerated), clog the pores cannot be called pleasant either. Indeed, because of this, the skin’s ability to absorb oxygen from the atmosphere, absorb useful minerals, vitamins, and become saturated with moisture is sharply reduced, which subsequently leads to withering of the outer skin, loss of its tone, elasticity, loss of clarity of the contour and healthy complexion, and the appearance of wrinkles. The keratinized scales of the dermis, blocking the exit to sebum and thereby contributing to the clogging of pores, also form such a cosmetic defect as black and white dots.

Peeling combats all of these problems. It helps the skin quickly recover, cleanse, and renew itself by exfoliating dead particles to a thickness consisting of “newborn” cells.

Why is peeling necessary?

Now, answering the question “why do you need peeling?”, we can say with confidence that peeling is necessary for:

  • eliminating dead particles in order to heal the skin membrane and rejuvenate it (after completion of the session, the production of elastin and collagen is stimulated);
  • normalization of the condition and appearance of the skin (evening out and returning the natural shade, restoring moisture levels, reducing the appearance of age spots and rosacea, giving the face smoothness and velvety);
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • accelerating the mechanism of tissue regeneration;
  • eliminating excess fat on the face;
  • cleaning and narrowing of pores, preventing their clogging (by bacterial waste products, dirt and actual keratinized cells of the epidermis);
  • prevention of inflammation of various types;
  • better penetration and absorption of oxygen and active nutrients contained in care products (creams, gels, masks).

Where and how should exfoliation be performed?

Professional exfoliation is done directly in clinics with a focus on aesthetic medicine or specialized salons. The depth of exfoliation (thickness of the layer removed) in such cases directly depends on the type of peeling used, individual characteristics the client’s body and the severity of the problem.

However, today this procedure can be carried out at home, using self-prepared mixtures or purchased products from cosmetic manufacturers.

Let's consider how often you can perform facial peeling, depending on its type and level of depth of exposure.

1. Physical or hardware exfoliation is the use of laser or ultrasound (in a salon or medical clinic) to clean the skin at different levels (the thickness of the grinding is determined by the number of passes of the device in one place). The procedures need to be done 2 times a week for a month, then to achieve the best effect, the sessions can be resumed after 3-4 months.

2. Chemical peeling face involves exfoliation of the upper layers of the skin for the purpose of its physiological renewal due to specially selected chemical compositions. Specialists in the field of cosmetology determine the number of sessions and the interval between them based on the condition of the skin, but there are still general indicators for a course of treatment:

  • surface grinding (with lactic and fruit acids, peptides, enzymes/enzymes, placenta extract, bodyaga and other components) – 5-10 sessions with breaks of 1.5-2 weeks are enough;
  • medium facial peeling (trichloroacetic acid, retinol) is carried out once a year in a course of 3-4 procedures;
  • deep peeling (phenol) is done no more than once a year, since the drug used is toxic.

3. Mechanical peeling (dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, dermaplaning) is the cleansing of the epidermis using abrasive particles contained in a scrub, gomage, or vacuum. Despite the fact that this method is gentle and safe, cosmetologists recommend the following procedures:

  • for normal and oily skin – 1-2 times a week;
  • for dry and sensitive – no more than 3 times a month.

When is the best time to peel?

Exfoliation, especially if its focus is deep or medium cleansing in the salon, is more appropriate to carry out in cold times, that is, when solar activity is low (ideally: early spring or late autumn). If you ask the question “at what time of day: morning or evening?”, then better evening(but no later than 2 hours before bedtime) so that the skin of the face has time to rest and recover overnight.

The peeling effect will be even more effective after taking a moderately hot bath, when the skin becomes steamed and its pores open. After the exfoliation session you need to apply cosmetic mask, and then use night cream. This care program is considered correct: beneficial substances penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and are better absorbed by the body.