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Correct reading technique. Speed ​​reading technique for adults and children

The technique of fast reading with a high level of memorization is the only way to master millions of gigabytes of information around. If you are a curious person and want to get to know the whole world, we recommend starting classes without delay. It will take 2-3 months to complete the course, during which you will train your memory, attention and observation skills.

What books are worth studying for quick reading?

To understand the cuisine of quick reading, a few articles are not enough. We recommend turning to books: this is a source of concentrated information, written in chronological order.

Purchase or download:

  • "The art of reading. How to Understand Books" Thomas Foster. Read before you start speed reading. Using the example of classic works, the author teaches to understand the meaning between the lines and perceive information from a different angle. “Memories, symbols, parallels—that’s what separates the professional reader from the amateur,” says Foster. Adopting a different model of reading books will help you better remember information, which will now be based on associative thinking and connected to experiences.
  • “Speed ​​reading in practice. How to read quickly and remember what you read well” Pavel Palagin. The book was recognized by millions of book lovers and received good reviews. The methods are simple and understandable, allowing you to master the technique of fast reading in a few weeks. The author harshly criticizes slow readers, thereby motivating them to quickly finish studying the issue. At seminars, Palagin does not hesitate to advise reading only 25% of the book and discarding the rest as unnecessary. This statement fuels the interest of the public, seeking to refute the words of the author.
  • "The Development of Memory" by Harry Lorraine. An ideal book for training your memory and imagination. After reading, you will begin to better perceive information, remember dates and large numbers, and playfully continue the storyline of any story.

How to develop attention span for fast reading

The already mentioned Pavel Palagin said: “If there is main secret efficiency, then this is concentration.” Indeed, without it you will not be able to read quickly. The point is the types of human attention, which we wrote about in detail. It is necessary to have strong voluntary attention in order to keep your eyes on the book, be drawn into it and not be distracted by extraneous noises. Let's give some exercises:

  • Take a blank sheet of paper and a pencil: without lifting the lead from the paper, draw a line in arbitrary directions. Keep an eye on her. As soon as your attention shifts to something else, start again. Do the exercise, gradually increasing the time daily. The ideal result is 5 minutes.
  • Sit on a chair. Raise your hands to chest level and connect index fingers. Separate them 2-3 mm from each other and twist clockwise. The circumscribed circle should be small. For 7 minutes, watch your fingertips without looking away. If your gaze jumps, start the exercise over again.
  • We suggest you master the exercise “Concentration on a point” using a video example. Follow everything the commentator says and you will get the effect after the first workout.

We have already given tips on quick reading in this article. Let’s add to what has been said and offer a few more life hacks:

  • You can read quickly only in two positions: sitting or standing with a straight back. In these cases, concentration is at its limit, you absorb information better. If you are reading while sitting on a chair and feel like you are falling asleep, get up for 15–20 minutes;
  • before you sit down to read a book, let the energy into you: dance for 3-4 minutes, do finger gymnastics or get busy
  • Before reading, smile at the book you are about to pick up. Despite how stupid it sounds, the book will “smile” back at you. At the psychological level, the technique helps to tune in to the positive. In this state, any information is perceived easier and remembered faster;
  • take Glycine D3: it saturates the brain with oxygen. This enhances attention and allows you to concentrate better;
  • The advice is suitable for non-fiction: open the conclusions for the chapter and carefully analyze them. Slowly and thoughtfully. Then read the entire chapter. You will be able to repeat the material you have covered and remember it better. Thanks to the known facts, your reading speed will increase - you will glide through new material, catching what you already know out of the corner of your eye.

Finally, I would like to say in the words of John Witherspoon, an American actor: “Never read a book just because you started reading it.” Look for your “literature” and dedicate it free time. This way the quality of knowledge and level of skills will increase significantly. Have a good day!

Working with memory is the last and very important element for speed reading skills. Many people watched the film Rain Man, directed by Barry Levinson, starring Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman. Dustin Hoffman's character, Raymond, who suffers from autism, has phenomenal memory. The most interesting thing is that this hero has a real prototype - Kim Peak. He could read two pages of a book at the same time and remembered almost all the information he read word for word. This example, like many similar ones, proves that the abilities of the human brain are truly great. Despite the fact that Kim Peak has a gift that is unusual for the vast majority of people, he was not born with the ability to read 2 book spreads at the same time and remember all the facts. He still had to learn something, and some developmental disabilities helped him concentrate on the skill of reading quickly and memorizing information.

Developing memory through speed reading is essentially a necessary skill because if you read quickly and are unable to retain information, the process is pointless. There are many paid courses available to help you develop good memory for what you read, but on our website you can find some free exercises and tips for improving your memory when reading quickly.

In fact, memory work during fast reading can be divided into 2 stages:

  • Retention of what you read- short-term memorization of read information, which allows you to remember the learned information only for a short time. The development of short-term memory is partly related to the techniques and exercises that are proposed in the lessons on maintaining attention when reading and managing information.
  • Long-term memory of read material. It often happens that after reading you remember perfectly what you just read. However, through certain time For example, the next day you may no longer remember much of what you learned yesterday. To avoid this, there are special repetition techniques.

1. Keeping what you read in your attention

In the lesson on training attention, it was already noted that if you read interesting book, most likely, what you read will be easier to remember than if you read a textbook that is boring for you. It would seem a banal truth, but it is worth paying attention to several properties that contribute to better assimilation of an interesting text:

Emotionality. An interesting text evokes emotions in you, which always help you remember better. A person remembers the most vivid (emotional) moments for the rest of his life. The emotions evoked by the text also help to remember its meaning or specific facts, even verbatim.

Visualization. If a book interests you, then while reading you become immersed in the meaning of what you read. This immersion is characterized by the fact that the body tries to reproduce the text in visual images, attracting other senses to perception as well. Thus, an interesting text is visualized, acquires a sound (which is not very good for quick reading), and you can associate it with certain kinetic, gustatory and olfactory reactions of your body. A text that is reproduced by various senses is remembered better, since it has more sensory associations, and, therefore, more factors that will help you remember it at the right moment.

So, to better memorize a text, you can use the same techniques as for training attention when reading. In addition, we have developed a special exercise to train you to memorize specific words and phrases in the text. In this exercise, you need to read the text carefully and try to remember the numbers, words, etc. used. After that, some of them will be removed and you will have to find the places where the words used to be and write them in.

In addition, the previous lesson contains exercises to improve the perception and understanding of the text read, which will also help increase the effectiveness of its short-term memorization.

2. Long-term memorization

Research conducted by scientists shows that long-term memorization of a text occurs not so much through its comprehension and visualization, but through repeated repetition. Moreover, what is most important is not the number of repetitions (retellings or memory sessions) of what was read, but the correct intervals between them.

Back in the 19th century, a German scientist, experimental psychologist, Hermann Ebbinghaus revealed the so-called “ forgetting curve" or " Ebbinghaus curve”, which shows how the process of forgetting information occurs:

According to modern experts, there are 2 popular modes of rational repetition of studied material.

1. If you have two days to remember what you read, it is better to repeat the material as follows:

  • second repetition - 20 minutes after the first repetition;
  • third repetition - 8 hours after the second;
  • the fourth repetition - 24 hours after the third.

2. If your time is not limited and you want to remember information very quickly for a long time, then the following sessions of repeating information are considered optimal:

  • first repetition - immediately after finishing reading;
  • second repetition - 20-30 minutes after the first repetition;
  • third repetition - 1 day after the second;
  • fourth repetition - 2-3 weeks after the third;
  • fifth repetition - 2-3 months after the fourth repetition.

In the lives of each of us there have been situations when it was necessary to study certain material within a short period of time. The best solution such a problem is to master. Moreover, it can be successfully applied not only for scientific, but also for fiction. At the same time, the technique of fast reading with a high level of memorization is especially relevant and significant for any person. How to achieve the desired effect? To do this, you need to learn 7 basic rules for fast reading. What are they?

Reading without regression

Often a person studying the material he needs makes return movements with his eyes. This is regression, the purpose of which is to repeat lines already read. This is the most common drawback that leads to slow learning of the material.

Unbeknownst to themselves, many readers scan the text twice. It does not matter whether it is easy to understand or not. Regression is carried out to be sure, resulting in a sharp decrease in reading speed.

However, there are returns that are considered valid. A person makes these eye movements when a new thought appears. They, in contrast to regression, are called reception. Such repetitions are completely justified, as they allow you to comprehend what has already been read as deeply as possible. Methods for quickly memorizing text do not recommend such return movements. Repeated reading is possible only after the text has been completely completed.

Remember that refusal of receptions and regressions is very important. He is able to double and triple the quality of his understanding.

Reading without articulations

Sometimes, when studying material silently, a person makes involuntary movements with his tongue, lips and elements of the larynx. This is articulation. Its intensity is directly dependent on the complexity of the text and the development of reading skills. Moreover, articulation is observed in everyone, even in people who read quickly. This is confirmed by special measurements and x-rays of pharyngeal modulations made during the process of studying the text silently.

The technique of fast reading with a high level of memorization eliminates the internal pronunciation of words. This is due to the fact that articulation is an important obstacle to quickly learning the material. These should be excluded if the technique of speed reading is mastered. Exercises for speed reading should be aimed at eliminating the pronunciation defect and depend on its type. So, if articulation is a mechanical movement of the tongue, lips, muttering, etc., then it is necessary to exercise constant control over this process. How? Put something in your mouth or hold your tongue firmly with your teeth. Pain will be the most noticeable inhibitory factor.

It will be more difficult to eradicate the pronunciation of words in the speech center of the brain. The main method for this is to knock out a wedge with a wedge. It takes advantage of the fact that the speech and motor control centers are located next to each other. It is recommended to record a non-musical rhythm (metronome) produced at different frequencies and their combinations. This is the sound you should read to.

Integral algorithm

For people studying large amounts of information, fast reading techniques with a high level of memorization are extremely important. required material. How to achieve this? It is necessary to develop an integral algorithm for memorizing when reading. After all, many simply do not think about how they should study the text. As a result, they read extremely slowly. The speed and reading technique that is used when studying the material depends on the goals and objectives set by the reader. A person must develop appropriate programs, as well as flexibly and skillfully use them at the right time. This will largely determine his speed reading ability.

Vertical eye movement

This is the fourth rule of the technique for quickly mastering material. It involves the perception of more than ordinary reading, a section of text. Expanding the field of view can significantly increase the efficiency of assimilation of material. A fast reader is able to perceive more than just 2-3 words during one fixation of his gaze. It captures the meaning of an entire line, sentence or even paragraph.

Perceiving text in phrases is a fast reading technique with a high level of memorization. Why is this happening? The fact is that, looking at large fragments of text, a person creates for himself visual and figurative representations of the presented material. They are a clear explanation of the meaning of what is read. With this technique, the eyes move vertically, in a direction from above the center of the text.

Isolation of the dominant

What accompanies the most effective perception of the material? First of all, it must be understood. This means nothing more than establishing logical connections between objects using the knowledge a person already has.

Speed ​​reading and understanding of text is a problem that psychologists have been successfully studying for quite a long time. Sometimes the material we perceive is not at all complex. In this case, his understanding goes hand in hand with his perception. A person immediately remembers the knowledge he has previously acquired and connects it with the phrases he is reading. However, the text may be unfamiliar and difficult. In this case, its comprehension is a complex and lengthy process. How to speed it up? To do this, you should be careful while reading, and also have a considerable amount of knowledge, being able to apply it in a given situation. You will also need to use some techniques. One of them is to highlight the main semantic points of the text. What is its meaning? To increase the perception of the text, it is divided into two parts, producing a semantic grouping. At the same time, a dominant is highlighted, deepening the understanding of the material and contributing to its more effective memorization. This also helps develop speed reading memory.

In this case, fast reading becomes possible when the text is perceived in the form of short and at the same time significant logical formulas. Each of these structural units has a basic concept that is associated with a certain image. Reading the entire text represents the creation of a single logical chain of ideas. This is the essence of the method of identifying key semantic points.

Another technique can be used to comprehend the material. It is called anticipation, or anticipation. This is a semantic guess, which is a psychological process of orientation towards the future, which is within the framework of the foreseen. Anticipation is based on knowledge of the logic of developing events, as well as analysis of existing signs of a phenomenon and assimilation of its results. This technique of speed reading is possible in the presence of a hidden reaction of expectation, when the reader is tuned to certain actions that arise during the course of the text. At the same time, a person’s thinking should work very productively, comprehending the idea of ​​content and identifying the main intention of the author. Thus, anticipation when speed reading is the formation of a kind of instinct for stereotypical phrases and the accumulation of an extensive vocabulary of text cliches. It is also a prerequisite for the development of automatic semantic processing of the material being studied.

Development of attention and memory

Speed ​​reading and memorization require a selective focus of consciousness on performing specific work. This function is attention. Often people are not capable of self-organization. That is why they are not able to control their attention when reading. Thus, a person who slowly perceives the material he needs, often switches his attention to all sorts of foreign objects and thoughts. This leads to loss of interest in the text and misunderstanding of its meaning. Anyone who reads quickly can control their attention.

One of the components of effective mental work is the ability to concentrate on the issue at hand. The best way to train this ability is to mentally read words backwards. This can be done anywhere, for example, during a trip to public transport. Any word must be represented in the form of letters and read backwards. For example, “water” means “hell”. First, you can take words consisting of four letters, and then select them longer. This exercise is great for training attention.

Compliance with mandatory norms

The seventh rule of quick reading involves daily reading of two newspapers, one popular science or scientific and technical magazine, as well as a book volume of 50-100 pages. Why is it important? The fact is that in order to master the technique of fast reading, it is necessary to make a complex impact on various aspects of an individual’s mental activity.

This leads to the implementation of a program of technical re-equipment of the brain, which rebuilds consciousness and breaks existing stereotypes of thinking.

Help in mastering speed reading

You can learn how to quickly and effectively perceive the material on your own. Various book publications are offered to help those wishing to master speed reading techniques. Their authors describe a method for effectively perceiving and memorizing material. Here you can also familiarize yourself with exercises for mastering speed reading.

You can study the basic rules of high-speed perception of material in specially organized group classes and trainings. This training option is the most effective.

Fast Reading Pace

Anyone who has mastered the technique of high-speed text perception processes information at different speeds, choosing it depending on the type of literature. Thus, news and newspapers are read with speed, allowing one to grasp their meaning. Fiction requires a special speed that involves imagination. Scientific publications require not only speed, but also careful processing of the material.

The Importance of Speed ​​Reading

Why does a person need to master the technique of quickly perceiving text? This is needed for:

Unlocking his inner potential;

Exercise control over your knowledge and skills;

Processing a large amount of information;

Speed ​​reading is a fast reading technique, an acquired ability that increases speed by 3-20 times the average (which is 180-200 words per minute). With its help, you can speed up the perception of text information and master the process of memorizing what you read.

There are many programs that can be used to improve your reading level, speed up the memorization process, and expand your memory cells. All training lessons of such programs are aimed at human development spiritually and, of course, intellectually.
Oleg Andreev is a famous author, he offers training according to his programs, which he composes himself.

  • Learning to increase reading speed. Some were able to increase it by 20 times, but the average achievement is an increase of 5 times.
  • Training provides better and faster perception of text information.
  • Development of memory and, of course, attention.
  • The opportunity to develop your own intuition, which will not be superfluous in everyday life.
  • Opportunity to develop or improve Creative skills.
  • Complete physical recovery of the body.
  • Learning affects a person's spiritual growth.

To know, feel, and implement all these points, you need to go through and study 7 basic laws on which the speed reading technique is based. It is these laws that form the basis of all methods. The program “How to increase reading speed?” requires time, attention and, of course, the desire of a person, without which implementation and achievement of a positive result are impossible.

Oleg Andreev, in turn, identifies 7 programs, each of which is aimed at working on oneself and developing one’s intellectual abilities and spirituality.

Quick Reading Rules

  • No regression.

Regressions are eye movements that the reader involuntarily makes. Accessible formulation is a re-reading of the text. This happens for several reasons:

  • the first is a complex text that requires increased attention and, accordingly, repeated reading;
  • the second reason is rethinking what you read.

Regressions are a kind of habit that slow down your speed reading technique. To get rid of regressions, you just need to practice. The essence of the training is that the text must be read with the highest possible level of attention and concentration.

For best results, you need to get rid of all extraneous thoughts and distractions. In addition, one reading is effective for memory. The memorization process works instantly, and repeated reading or sharpening on one word can confuse the main meaning.

  • No articulation.

Articulation is the reader’s facial expressions, which accompanies familiarization with textual information on a subconscious level. Articulation accompanies reading both aloud and silently. Many people believe that reading to themselves speeds up the process, but this is a mistaken opinion.

This phenomenon has its own classification:

  • accompanying the text with mechanical movements;
  • speaking directly in the speech center is a much deeper and less controlled level.

The principle of operation is based on reading accompanied by a certain sound (we exclude music). It is necessary to use sound recordings with faster and slightly slower rhythms, which should be included when reading and at the same time tapping to the rhythm. Andreev devotes an entire program to mastering this process; in this teaching, his opinion is radically different from the lessons of foreign teachers.

  • Integral reading algorithm.

The essence of this rule is based on optimization and highlighting the main meaning that the text carries. Only a special program can teach semantic perception of a text; it is impossible to learn and master this rule through self-study.

  • Vertical eye movement.

Easy to say, but much more difficult to apply. This rule allows the reader to save himself from unnecessary eye movements, which are spent moving from one line to another. This is how an ordinary person reads, due to the small field of view. Vertical eye movement is based on the movement of the eyes from top to bottom, but strictly through the center of the page. This method allows you to read a phrase as a whole, rather than individual words.

  • Isolation of the dominant.

This technique allows you to highlight the most basic semantic meaning of the text and cut off secondary information. This method has 2 principles:

  • identification and highlighting of central semantic points;
  • intuitive comprehension of the text.

In his book, Andreev clearly explains this process.

  • Development of memory and attention.

Attention, concentration and memory are the guides with the help of which it is possible to achieve high results in speed reading in practice.

The technique of fast speed reading allows you to master attention, this is vicious circle: without attention you cannot read quickly, but by reading quickly, you reach the highest level of attention and memory development.

An indispensable assistant in improving memory and attention is exercises with words, mentally reading them in reverse. Regular training gives results. It’s worth starting with simple and short words and make it more difficult for yourself every day.

  • Mandatory daily minimum.

The development of fast reading requires special psychological costs and efforts from a person. Having set out on the path of knowledge of this program, you need to read several magazines, articles, newspapers and at least 50-100 pages of a book a day.

Oleg Andreev in his teachings gives preference to points: 1,2,3,4,6 and calls them not rules, but interference, which in one way or another slow down the reading technique and reduce the level of memorization. But with all this, Mr. Andreev proposes to study the volume readable text, which will provide a solid time budget over time.

The program that the author Andreev sets out offers a kind of speed reading simulator, which will be entered into the table. The table called “Analysis of reading volume”, which clearly demonstrates speed reading in practice, allows you to increase the tendency of your development, improve the processes of memorization and expand memory cells.

Table "Analysis of reading volume"

The table should clearly display the amount of text that is read during the day. At the same time, it is broken down separately by day and style of material read (textbooks, manuals, dictionaries, newspapers, magazines, etc.). Criteria: volume of text and time spent on this text.

Measurable units: the text must be counted in pieces, regarding the style of the material, and the characters themselves in each style, the daily time spent on reading must be recorded in minutes, and the weekly result must be displayed in hours. A table is a kind of personal incentive, where a person, seeing the result of the previous day, tries to overcome it. Andreev claims that a week is enough to see the result and set the pace of your development.

Teaching this technique allows you to develop five of the five types of reading. It is worth knowing that a person who has not studied speed reading has only two.

Reading types:

  • Concentrated reading, it is used when studying a narrowly specialized text (legal, medical, technical, etc.). This is an excellent training for memory development.
  • Reading is leisurely, it is typical for fiction.
  • Advance reading or preliminary reading - with its help they determine the essence of what is being read.
  • A quick scan is used to get an idea of ​​the content.
  • Fast reading itself is speed reading.

Speed ​​reading exercises

  • Read the text in the standard way, from top to bottom and in reverse order. This is the first training for memory and attention.
  • The second lesson trains attention. Learning is about finding one word that another person points to. Absolutely any text is suitable for this exercise, be it tutorial or a novel.
  • The speed reading technique and fluency reading program allows you to develop logical thinking. Literary texts are suitable for this exercise. Learning is about reading through a line or sentence. Such lessons are unacceptable for reading business documentation; it requires careful and concentrated reading of every word. This method displays the results in an indicative table that Andreev offers in training. The training is aimed at accelerating reading, and at developing memory and improving the retention of read information.
  • Accelerated page viewing (20 seconds per page). During this time, you need to identify the main words that carry the main meaning and, flipping through the pages, compose a text that does not lose its general meaning. Such lessons are suitable for those who have already completed about half of the training and have basic memorization skills.
  • Read books at the same rhythm without slowing down and without stopping, do not re-read the same sentence several times.
  • Having mastered the previous point, complicate the task; for the following lessons, you need to cover the read text with a sheet of paper, maintaining speed.
  • Acceleration occurs if you move the finger of your left hand across the page at a distance of 2–3 cm from the text being read.

These exercises will allow you to achieve results in speed reading and increase the level of memorization of information.

There are situations when it is necessary to use speed reading skills, for example, schoolchildren and students when preparing for exams, people whose professional activities involve processing information, even in everyday life such skills are also useful.

Therefore, knowing what the speed reading technique means and how to use it correctly to develop reading skills is useful for everyone. But the skill of speed reading will be in vain if what you read is quickly forgotten, and to prevent this from happening, you need good memory.

Basic techniques for working with text

Experts who teach speed reading define this skill as the ability to read at 2 to 10 times normal speed. Thus, a trained reader can read 100 pages in one bus ride, unlike a person who does not have these skills. Scientific evidence proves that when voluminous material is urgently perceived, intense brain activity occurs. At the same time, memory works in an enhanced mode, consciousness concentrates on information, which is why reading is carried out easily and quickly.

To learn speed reading, you need a technique that will increase the speed of information perception based on memorization. At the same time, teachers first of all teach how to properly engage with the text. For this purpose, a classification of methods of working on material has been developed: in-depth, quick, panoramic, selective reading, viewing, scanning.

Depending on the content and purpose of the text, each method performs a specific task. For example, in-depth reading scientific literature is mastered, text is analyzed, and conclusions are formulated.

To master a large volume of fiction, quick reading is suitable, which implies a high reading speed with understanding of what is read.

Solution to the same problem - panoramic reading when the eyes cover a large fragment of text. At the same time, peripheral vision comes into play, in which the gaze moves vertically along the center of the page, and not horizontally along the line.

Selective reading used when working out individual parts material: chapters, sections, paragraphs and sentences.

Reading-viewing is used when selecting literature by specialists and students - while studying the abstract, preface, table of contents.

Read-scan aimed at searching necessary information, for example, in the form of dates, surnames and first names. For this purpose, pages are flipped; the norm is one page per second. A person is naturally ready for speed reading even without techniques; the main thing is to have motivation, and technology will help him with this.

Techniques for teaching speed reading

There is a technique, following the algorithm of which everyone will achieve high results when reading at speed:

  1. During quick familiarization, the text is studied in its entirety, without stopping or re-reading incomprehensible passages, since the meaning of the content is grasped automatically. Memory works by helping to reproduce existing knowledge.
  2. One of the techniques that increases reading speed is highlighting key words in each fragment. In this case, it is not at all necessary to read the fragment to the end; to perceive the material, you can select key words in order to remember them using a mnemonic technique called building associations based on images.
  3. When starting speed reading, concentrate and immerse yourself in the content of the text, otherwise it will not give any results.

Trainers working with speed reading techniques give preference to vertical reading and reading with articulation suppression, which effectively develops reading skills and simultaneous memorization of text.

Articulation suppression technique is aimed at inhibiting the process of mentally pronouncing words, which significantly increases the speed of reading text. During normal reading, internal speech activity occurs - the brain, in addition to visual information, also processes speech information, while the load increases and the speed decreases.

Techniques have been developed aimed at suppressing articulation; for example, while working with text, trainers suggest beating the beat. Today, a metronome is increasingly used for this purpose. Practice shows that after working twenty hours in this way, you can achieve a certain result.

During vertical reading peripheral vision develops, which allows you to cover a large amount of text; to make it easier, you can draw a line in the center of the page and read, focusing your gaze on it. It is better to start this exercise with Schulze tables or texts in a narrow format, for example, with a column in a magazine, then gradually practice the skill, moving to wider formats. As a result of this exercise, reading speed increases and memory of the meaning of what is read improves. When a person takes in a large fragment with his gaze, he figuratively imagines what the text is about.

Mnemonics in speed reading

Mnemonics are used in most modern speed reading and memory development courses. In addition, speed reading and memory development through associations are closely interrelated. For example, a person has learned to read quickly, covers a large amount of information, and in order for the skill of speed reading (a higher stage of speed reading) to be useful and for what is read to be retained in memory for a long time, mnemonic techniques are necessary.

Today, mnemonics has become a more advanced method, both theoretically and technically, making it possible to memorize any precise information.

The first step to remembering what you read is to quickly read or turn the pages of a book. For this purpose, you can limit yourself to looking at the annotations, chapter summaries, drawings or diagrams, and studying the table of contents, which helps to create an image of the book and create an initial impression of the text.

If questions arise during the first reading, it is better to write them down in order to answer them in further work with the content. This is another mnemonic technique - the interaction of sensations, which helps to better remember information.

Then comes the speed reading of the text in any way that suits him best. The main thing is to highlight key words to remember. The next time you view the information, you only need to look at them, and the text will be easily remembered, and then figuratively reproduced.

The problem of fast reading is relevant in modern society, when every day we have to perceive, remember and process a large amount of information, so developed reading skills and a good memory will make this process much more effective.

Author of the article: Sazonov Mikhail