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A holiday of culture, a holiday of traditions, a holiday of the Russian soul. Traditional Pomeranian roe festival on the Terek coast

It brought together about two thousand guests, among whom were representatives of the regional executive authorities. This year the holiday is dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia.

In the center of the village, in a clearing near a well, ten folk groups from Umba, Varzuga, cities of the Murmansk region and the city of Konakovo, Tver region, performed. The heads of the regional committee for culture and art greeted the guests and participants from the stage. Traditionally, numerous master classes were held, including on sculpting a Pomeranian roe and painting Arkhangelsk gingerbread. An ensemble of spoon players from the city of Polyarnye Zori, guests from Karelia - the Chupinsky Yacht Club, as well as cadets of the Marine Corps platoon of the St. Alexis Hermitage from the Yaroslavl Region presented their musical greetings to the guests of the holiday. Masters from the cities of the Murmansk Region and Karelia, residents of the village of Kuzreka took part in the rural fair , where they presented a large selection of folk crafts and souvenirs.

Guests of the holiday tasted Pomeranian treats, learned the secrets of the Pomeranian barn, and took walks to the Silver Spring and the Tree of Wishes. The festival program included a cheerful rural fashion show, an ice show from the “Snow Village” and a garden scarecrow competition.

The main character and central image of the holiday, of course, was the Pomeranian roe. “Roes” - figurines made of rye dough in the form of animals and birds - have long been not only a talisman of the Terek coast, but also a gift as a sign of wishes for prosperity and wealth. Today in Kuzrek everyone was able to choose their own roe, which brings health and good luck and protects the family hearth.

Yakov Sturgeon.

On the Tersky coast, in the village of Kuzreka, Pomeranian Roe Day took place. This year it was held under the auspices of the 90th anniversary of the formation of the Terek region. The program included traditional master classes on sculpting figures from rye dough, which gave the name to the holiday, as well as bright events, interesting guests.
Residents of the Terek land are proud of their history and carefully preserve the memory of their ancestors. This is what attracts guests. The Kozhin fishing family restored an ancient barn. Now it is a unique museum.
Natalya Kozhina (Umba village): “One anchor weighs 70 kilograms and 7 anchors cling to each seine. I decided that this would be interesting to people.”
Artists from Vologda paint pictures. Cadets from Yaroslavl watch how fish splash in the river and the accordion sounds brightly when the soul sings.
In the gluttonous rows - herbal tea and fish soup. Pink salmon looks very appetizing, having opened its juicy, red insides towards the sun and salty sea winds.
Elena Antonyuk: “We salted it ourselves with spices.”
On this day the streets of the village turned into a city of craftsmen. Its motto today is the Year of Ecology in the country.
The creative menu of "Kozuli-2017" includes quite a lot of installations and various crafts not from natural, but from artificial materials. For example, these bottle beauties. In the wild they would rot for hundreds of years, but here they turned into real works of art that will delight the soul and the eye.
The abundance of souvenirs and toys makes your eyes wide open. Most of the works are piecework. Irina Bugatina makes amazing designer and Slavic dolls.
Irina Bugatina (Kovdor): “A return to our native origins. After all, have you noticed how many people go to national costumes, young people began to wear them, because the soul is simply drawn to their native culture.”
Culture is represented by round dances and songs. Not only folklore, but also for every taste. Kirill Vopiyashin sends a rap greeting from neighboring Varzuga: “Hey, you, tourist, walk around the planet, but you won’t find a better place than Varzuga.”
Among the guests is Suomi's envoy Tarmo Kuusamo. Social activist and stove maker. Kuzrek residents hope that he will hold a master class and organize a visit of Finnish groups.
Co-organizer of the holiday Irina Volkova: “Our life is a nesting doll, we take out one, and there is an even more interesting one, so it is not by chance that he is here. If there is a stove, it will be warm, and our hearts are already warmed.”
A new feature in the holiday program were master classes for the wards of social service institutions. A traditional feature is a show from friends from Kirovsk. Ice theater "Mad Saw".
The master creates the main symbol of the holiday - salmon.
She is released into the river, from where she will roll into the sea, give it the warmth of human hands and disappear forever. But a new one will definitely be born - on Roe Day - exactly one year from now.

– these are not only traditional dough figures. The most delicious venue was “Obzhorny Ryad”. Here, guests of the holiday could buy everything - from homemade baked goods to farm products.

Over the course of eight years, the Pomeranian Roe Festival has grown significantly and now about 2 thousand people come to the small village on the Tersky Coast. And tables and tents with souvenirs and food stretch for several hundred meters.

A line immediately formed for milk, cream, yogurt and cottage cheese from the Umbsky State Farm. Here people shop first of all - they know that there is not enough for everyone. After all, the company does not produce dairy products on an industrial scale - there are only 64 cows on the state farm, with an average of 15-20 liters per day per milk yield.

Viktor Sirotin, head of the Umbsky state farm: “We are not normalizing it. This is how the cows were milked, for example, 3.4 or 3.6 liters, then we bottled them and sent them. We milk about 800 liters now, in Umba we milk about 200 liters of milk, 50 liters of yogurt, 80 liters of kefir somewhere, the rest is for processing, for cream, cottage cheese.”

Guests of the holiday taste the products on the spot. They say that such yogurt simply cannot be found in the Murmansk region.

For those who prefer something sweeter, traders offer another local product. It is made from spruce and pine cones, which grow on coniferous trees in the Murmansk region.

Vera Volkova: “You get honey, you get jam, it’s very tasty, very healthy. It strengthens the immune system very well. And my youngest daughter eats it with porridge all winter, she really likes it.”

To avoid it being too cloying, you can eat the pine cone jam with a wicket. No, not wooden. This is a traditional Pomeranian pastry made from rye flour. Unleavened dough is mixed with soda and kefir, potatoes are added - and that’s it. It’s easier to make than pies, says Elena Smirnova.

Elena Smirnova: “The only thing you need to do with your soul. Not just potatoes, but filling potatoes. Maybe add an egg there, more butter, good milk. Spread sour cream on top and put it in the oven.”

What Pomeranian holiday would be complete without fish! Residents of the Tersky region catch it themselves. And they know many cooking methods. And seafood products are offered for every taste.

Dmitry Timchenko: "Smoked fish. Whitefish, pink salmon, perch. We caught Munozero, Eastern Munozero. She's all delicious. The perch is fat and feeds on hazel grouse. The whitefish is delicious, the water on the lake is clean.”

Smoked fish smells so much that not everyone sets a goal to bring all the goodies home. However, they take fish in reserve - both for themselves and for relatives.

For those who do not want to eat dry fish, traditional Pomeranian fish soup. They always prepare a lot of it for the holiday.

The cauldron is 200 liters, inside are 25 kilograms of potatoes and assorted fish - salmon, pink salmon and halibut, 10 kilograms of each type.

Elena Barkova: “It gives taste. Each fish has its own taste and the fish soup turns out very tasty. Team ear. And a bottle of vodka - so that there is no fat, no smell. The fish soup is real, Pomeranian.”

There are many recipes for fish soup, but Pomeranian fish soup cannot be compared to anything else, Kuzreki’s guests unanimously say. There were not enough tables for everyone who wanted to try the fish soup, but this did not cause any inconvenience - people sat comfortably on the lawn.

For those who are afraid to try something new in an unfamiliar place, there is both the familiar barbecue and homemade pastries. It should be noted, with a rich filling. The hospitable Pomors tried to ensure that no one left Kuzreki hungry. And so that next year people will return again - not just to eat, but to remember Pomeranian traditions.